• Published 17th Jan 2017
  • 1,430 Views, 33 Comments

The Adventures of The Dash - Silver Inkwell

When Rainbow Dash is hit by a lightning bolt her whole entire life starts to change as she has to become the hero that the city needs and deserves, she has to become 'The Dash'.

  • ...

Cold Heart

Part Four

“Rainbow Dash you need to try to focus and concentrate.”

“I am,” she said hitting a ping pong ball back to Soarin as she very quickly went over to Lightning Dust and moved a chess piece, “And I’m doing it quite well.”

“Remind me why we’re doing this again?” Spitfire said.

“Because it’s a game and it’s supposed to be fun,” Rainbow Dash said moving over to the board game. “But it’s not even anatomically correct,” she complained.

“I told you, fun, not correct,” she said going back over to the ping pong table.

“Yes, and we’re testing Rainbow Dash’s ability to focus and concentrate on doing multiple tasks,” Lightning Dust said moving one her pieces now then.

Rainbow Dash quickly came over and moved one of here, “I’m waiting for you to move,” and then she went back to the ping pong table. “Wow, you’re really good at this game,” Soarin said. “I played soccer and we did this while we were waiting, so yeah, I have learned a few skills and tricks with this,” she said smiling now then. “Well that would explain why you’re so good at this,” Soarin said now then.

“Checkmate,” Lightning Dust suddenly said moving one of her pieces.

“Really?” she said with great shock and surprise to see the board now then.

“Yes, really,” she said smiling as she proudly presented the board to her now then, “I guess that you still have a few things to learn if you want to be a hero.”

“Yeah, I guess I do, but just for the record I totally rocked in Ping Pong and the other game,” she said smiling, but as she did there suddenly was an alert.

“We have a robbery on the highway, downtown., go right now,” Soarin said.

Rainbow Dash smiled, “Catch you later then I guess.”

“Yes indeed, because we will need to talk about something very serious.”

And with that said she zipped off, quickly changed into her suit and went away as the buzzer went off in the game for Spitfire. “It’s much harder than it really looks,” she said trying to come up with a reasonable explanation but failing and falling far short of the mark. Rainbow Dash sped towards the location by voice direction and eventually got there just in time to see four men robbing an armored truck. “Well hello there everyone, would you mind kindly to stop what you’re doing right now?” she said very politely before she pulled their masks off.

They started to try running away but before they could she tried to stop them, but then one of the men decided to use an ice gun on her which when she examined the truck she guessed that it had been used before previously then.

Suddenly when the ice beam hit her it felt like the whole entire world was starting to slow down around her, and it gave them just enough time to escape her.

“Rainbow Dash? Is something wrong? Your vitals just dropped,” Soarin said.

But before she could respond she was back at the labs to see them now.

“I wasn’t fast enough,” she said, “I couldn’t catch them, and I should be able to.”

“Rainbow Dash, no one could have ever possibly known that they had an ice gun,” Spitfire said. But Soarin
said nothing as he looked down at the ground with great guilt. “Soarin, is there something that you wish to say to all of us?”

“I did actually, I built an ice gun just in case we needed to stop Rainbow Dash, and it was just a safety measure and precaution, I didn’t know you then like I do now, I mean what if you turned out to be a villain like one of them instead?”

“But I didn’t, did I?” she said very angrily now then. “Please don’t be angry at me, I swear I wouldn’t ever use it against you now and it’s only been missing for a couple days now ever since a janitor came in and then suddenly quit.”

“And you didn’t think to report this missing weapon directly to me first?”

“I thought that I could handle it by finding it first, clearly I was wrong.”

“Indeed, now then I want you to figure a way out that you can track those men that tried to rob the armored truck, and as for you Miss Dash, you can go do whatever you want, I don’t think anything much else that’s new or interesting will happen now, but if something does come up, including crime, then we’ll let you know,” Lightning Dust said gesturing to the doors now then. “Thanks, I think it’s about time that I get to spend some free time with some of my old friends.”

“Yes, indeed, like me perhaps?” a very familiar voice said from the doorway.

“Felix? Is that you?” Rainbow Dash said going over to him and hugging him very tightly, “Man, it’s been like forever since I’ve seen you, where have you been exactly? I mean the Shining Crystal Company can’t keep you that busy, can it?”

“Well sometimes, I mean I do work with the White Knight after all,” he said.

“Wait, you work with the White Knight? Do you know who he is?” Soarin said.

“Let’s just say that I may or may not, but my team is very familiar in setup and design to yours, except that ours deals with slightly more pointy objects instead.”

“Well it sure is nice to see you here, but is there any reason why you’re in town?”

“I just wanted to come on over, drop by and say hello and visit some old friends, anything wrong with that?” he said now then. “No, I just expected some major big huge crisis that only I could help with,” she said now then.

“Not every visit has to involve peril and danger you know,” Felix said with a very slight smile and laugh now then. “Yeah, I guess so, but it sure is nice to see you here,” Rainbow Dash said now then. “Yeah, I’m going to be here for a while.”

“Oh, interesting, does that mean that I can show you the city sights and the nightlife too as well?” Rainbow Dash said almost hopping up and down now then.

“Well I guess so, but trust me, Silver City has plenty of nightlife in it already.”

“Yeah!!! Well then bye you guys, I guess that I’ll see you later on,” she said now then. “Bye Rainbow Dash, make sure to always be safe,” Lightning said now then, and the other said that too, and with that said they both left now then.

“So then, how’s life going with Shining exactly?” Rainbow Dash said now then.

“Very good, I guess it could be better as well as worse too,” he said.

“What a very realistic answer, but tell me this, why come here now?”

“Well I don’t know really, I guess that I just had some free time on my hands, and speaking of free time I hear that you’ve been a hero in your spare time?’

“Well yes, I can do incredible amazing radical awesome things and stuff.”

“So I’ve heard, but you forgot radical,” he said now then, “But can I ask you just a quick question?” he said very nervously now then. “Sure thing,” she said now then. “Do you mind showing me it? Your powers I mean, not something else.”

“Well of course,” she said smiling and then pointing at a random building now then, “You see that tower over there? Just wait and watch,” she said quickly running towards the very top of it, shouting, and then very quickly ran back down again. “Wow, that really was everything that I’ve heard so far,” he said now then. “Here, I took a picture of you, but don’t post that please, you really shouldn’t,” she said now then as her shoes started to smoke. “Rainbow Dash!!! Your shoes are smoking!!!” Felix said now then. Rainbow Dash quickly had to stomp out the flames and stop the smoke. “Yeah that can happen when I collide with the air too fast and cause a lot of friction, which is why I have a suit that helps with that,” she said now then. “Oh, can I see it, please?” Felix said now then. “I’m sure that you’ll get to see it later when I’m fighting crime, but for right now I need to get over to the police department and help them with the crime, but I’ll catch you later, okay then?” she said as she started to jog away.

“Okay then, bye,” Felix said as she darted away to the police station.

“Hey there West,” she said once she finally got there, “What’s up?”

“Oh nothing too much, I mean we did have that armored truck robbery which I would assume you tried to stop but then somehow failed in the process?”

“They had an ice gun with them and there were four of them,” she said now then.

“Well did you spot anything to help us find them at all?” West said now then.

“Yeah, I did, their faces,” she said smiling now then. “Oh, well then here’s a folder with a list of every known criminal within the city,” he said handing her it as she suddenly then started to rapidly flip the pages and pointed to one face.

“There, that’s the one that had the ice gun,” she said now then.

“Leonard Snow, not a very nice guy at all, and you’re right he is a natural leader, he’s lead many groups of people and men, and he won’t stop until he gets what he wants, thanks a lot, I’m sure that this will help,” he said now then.

“Well that kind of figures if he’s on the list of known criminals,” she said now then. “Very funny, now then I’m sure that you have other places to be right now.”

“I don’t actually, because I wanted to talk to you about my mom’s case.”

“Look, I’m doing my best with what I have, but I can’t make any promises, and neither can Celestia, but we’ll do all that we can to free her, okay?”

“Sure thing, I believe you, but my mom has spent the last decade behind a prison cell with only one bed for a crime that she didn’t even ever commit at all.”

“And now we know that, but if we’re going to get her out of there we’re going to need to be careful and move very slow, the jury came back with a verdict of guilty within less time than an hour, but they moved too fast and acted based upon what they knew, so they weren’t exactly foolish, stupid or rash, just ignorant instead, but trust me Rainbow Dash, we will do all that we can to help her out now then, and we won’t ever stop until we find a way to get her out, okay then?”

“Fine, I believe you, thanks, but is there anything new on that yet?”

“Nope, but we did recently just find the body of Simon Hunter.”

“You mean that guy with the science industries? What does that have to do with anything at all exactly?” she said very curiously now then. “We don’t know yet, but we can’t figure out how he died because his heart was crushed and ripped out, but there’s no DNA, tools, weapons, or any surgical instruments at all.”

“Weird, well then good luck on that, I think that I’m going to see my friends now.”

“If you see Eddie make sure to give him a good punch in the face foe him from me,” West said jokingly as he went back to his work as Rainbow Dash left.

Next Rainbow dash decided to go back to Felix who was now at a coffee shop.

“Wow, I never ever knew that Sugarcube Corner had this many good choices of drinks,” he said sipping some fresh made apple cider down now then.

“Yeah, well they are kind of famous for their seasonal cider,” she said now then, “And of course it’s traditional with the farm and all, one of the only few places left that would rather stick with their old traditions than change to the world.”

“Well sometimes you need to stand up against the whole entire world, especially if it’s doing something you know is wrong,” he said now then. “Yeah, I guess that you’re right, but while you’re here do you want to meet my other friends?”

“You mean the ones that have all graduated high school? Nah, I think that I’m fine and good, I mean I did visit Rarity’s for a nice suit, I saw Fluttershy at the animal shelter and boy was eh lovely as ever, and of course I saw AJ, she’s always so hard working and honest, two traits that I really value and appreciate in a girl, and Twilight, well I don’t think I can be a guest at her company even with you just to see her, so yeah, I think that I’m really good on friends, besides, they don’t matter nearly as much as you do, but if you do want to have your friends come over with you then I have found the perfect activity for all of you tonight,” he said handing her a paper flier, “Pop trivia quiz and questions, right up your alley and mine too, although I think you should leave the answers up to me.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right, but yeah, I think I’ll invite a few over because I already have one in mind,” she said now then, “Just give me a moment, I’ll be back in a flash,” and with that said she quickly ran over to Luna’s house.


“So I’ve been meaning to ask you something for a while now,” Eddie said holding up a box, “I know that we’ve been dating for a whole now and with Christmas coming up I just felt like this would be a very good great time for this chance and opportunity,” he said now then with a great big huge wide vast smile on his face now then. “Oh Eddie, it’s wonderful,” Luna said holding up the key.

“Yeah, well I just figured you should have one to the apartment just in case, but if you ever do want to come move over with me then just let me know, okay?”

“Alright, fine then, but be prepared to die just in case my sister finds out,” she said leaning over to kiss him.

And that was when Rainbow Dash suddenly came in. “Bad time?” she said trying to leave now. “No, it’s fine, we’re all friends here,” Luna said very casually now then turning to the door where Rainbow Dash stood, “But what did you want to talk to me about then now exactly?” she said smiling.

“Well I was wondering if you two would like to join me and my friend Felix at an activity tonight, come ready and prepared to answer some pop trivia quiz questions and the attire, I would say casual to semi-formal I guess,” she said now then. “Oh, good, I don’t think that we’ve ever really met your friend Felix before, have we Luna?” Eddie said now then. “I have before, very briefly though, he works over at Silver City, you know the one full of nightlife parties.”

“Oh, well that would explain why I’ve never seen him before, but yeah, sure thing, we would love to go, I mean it’s about time that we met someone new, right?”

“Sure thing, anything for you or Rainbow Dash,” Luna said smiling now then.

“Oh get a room you two,” Rainbow Dash said now then. “But we already are in a room, but I’m very surprised and shocked that you would ever say such a thing, or suggest that,” Eddie said smiling now then. “I’m nineteen years old, trust me, I already know what sex is, I’m an adult now, not a kid anymore,” she said.

“Clearly, but at what point did that ever happen exactly?” Luna said now then.

“I don’t know, but asking about it probably won’t help you find the answer.”

“No, it won’t, well then we’ll be ready at the right time which is-?”

“Six, on the dot, make sure that you’re ready and prepared by then, okay?” Rainbow Dash said smiling now then as she left them suddenly now.

“Alright, fine then,” Luna said with a smile on her face as she left them.

“Now then, where were we exactly?” she said smiling now then too.

“Oh, I can tell you exactly where we left off,” Eddie said smiling now then too.

And with that said they continued to talk as Rainbow Dash made her way back to Felix very quickly now then. “Hey, they’ll be coming tonight, or so they say.”

“Excellent, finally a group activity that I can attend with people that I actually really know in real life,” Felix said making a fist pump in the air now then.

“Wow, you really need to get a life, or a girl instead,” Rainbow Dash said now then. “Says the girl who’s running around the city saving everybody, tell me this, how much time do you have for all of your friends exactly?” he said now then.

“Enough, maybe not as much as I would like, but hey, that’s exactly what life is,” she said with a shrug as she started to walk around randomly now then.

“Well yeah, you could say the exact same about me too,” he said now then.

“Well at least we have each other to talk now, so then what do you want to talk about first exactly?” he said now then. “Well I don’t know exactly, I thought that you would have something for me first,” she said now then. “Well I guess, I mean I’m a nice-looking kind generous guy, right? Yet no matter what I try to do I can’t ever seem to get hooked up with a girl,” he said now then. “And no matter what I try to do I’m always somewhat treated like as if I were a child and not a very young adult instead at the very least, I mean come on, some respect please?”

“Yeah, I guess that you’re right. We’re both people who want more but also know that they probably can’t ever possibly have it, and that is our curse to bear.”

“Yeah, I guess that we have more in common than we thought.”

And with that said they sat in silence and then eventually found a way to leave each other and when the time finally came for the pop trivia quiz they were all there at the right proper time. “Alright guys, if we win this we’ll all get something.”

“Yeah, I don’t think that $100 and a 15% off discount card will do that much for us really, honestly,” Luna said. “Hey, you never really know, besides I hear that you get your morning coffee here all the time,” Eddie said to her now then.

“Yeah, that’s true,” Luna said, “I come here so often that I’ve actually already received several offers for discounts, including ones from the shop owners personally, but come on, we all have our little tiny qwerks and addictions.”

“Well then you would definitely not give an unbiased opinion about their coffee then or how it tastes either instead,” Eddie said with a very slight laugh and smile on his face now then. “Yeah, but I would still give an opinion nonetheless.”

“And for that I both love and respect you,” he said now then as his smile only got bigger and wider now then. “Oh get a room you two,” Felix said very dismissively, “But make sure to do it after the contest quiz because I have to concentrate and focus right now,” he said as the questions started to pour in and he got them all right. Eventually though the other members tried their luck at the game.

“That’s incorrect!!!” the host shouted very loudly at their team now then.

“Eddie, just give up, you’re cute but really terrible and horrible at games,” Luna said to him very softly and kindly now then. “Yeah, okay, fine then, I will, but I was just so certain if the answer that I just had to hid the button on instinct.”

“Yeah, sure thing, let’s start work on getting control of that instinct, okay?”

And with that said the game continued onwards until they eventually finally won.

“YES!!! Who’s the man? I’m the man, why am I the man? Because ain’t no other person got the knowledge and fixing skills like I do,” Felix said with a great big huge wide vast fist pump in the air now then. “Yes, I think that we all clearly get it,” Rainbow Dash said still smiling at her best friend’s crazy silly stupid and very eccentric nature and antics too as well. “Yeah, well I think that it’s time for us to go home now,” Eddie said, “I wouldn’t want to miss sleep for work tomorrow.”

“Yeah, and I’m with him,” Luna said smiling as they left them behind now then.

“So I guess that it’s just us, you and me against the whole entire world.”

“Not just you and me, both your team and my team can work together too.”

“Highly unlikely but I still see that as a possibility in the future maybe if something comes up then I’ll come for you, even if very slowly unlike you do.

But I still will come,” he said now then. “Me too, you can count on that.”

“Yeah, well it’s always very nice to have good friends to back you up.”

“That’s so true, well then goodnight, I’ll be staying at the Grand Oak Hotel in case you need me,” Felix said as he waved her goodbye and then left her all alone now then. “Okay, fine then, bye,” she said as he left her all alone now then.

And with that she eventually decided to go home and get some rest and sleep now then. When the next day eventually finally came she got a phone call from West. “Hey there, what’s up exactly?” she said yawning very loudly now then.

“We got something very strange and suspicious down at a museum where they’re holding a diamond safe and secure, the thing that tipped us off was a tip from one of the heads of security, and he said that it was very highly unusual and strange that someone went through their tour twice until I saw their tapes.”

“And let me guess, it was Snow that was there I would guess?”

“You assume correctly, we think that this might be his next target.”

“Very well then, I’ll be over there in a flash, just give me a moment first.”

The next thing that he knew she was over there in her suit.

“So, do you have any idea when he might try to steal it?” she said.

“No, but he’s already here,” West said pointing to a man that was very close to the diamond. Suddenly he broke the glass and reached in for it, but that was when she went up there to stop him. “Looking for something?” she said quickly grabbing the diamond back. “I highly recommend that you give that back to me otherwise I’m going to have to slow you down,” he said very calmly and slowly.

“No way,” she said. “Fine then, let’s see how well you can cool off and chill out,” he said blasting his gun at her, but she was ready this time. And after he missed he then aimed his gun at West and she had to quickly save him, and then he aimed his gun at other innocents, but in the process one beam did hit her and she wasn’t able to save somebody. “Looks like you’re not fast enough to save everybody in this town,” he said now then, “And you better remember that next time before you try to stop me, now if you’ll excuse me I have a train to catch.”

And with that said he left as he managed to evade all the guards with his gun.

“Guys, I wasn’t able to save somebody today, but that’s not why I’m angry,” she said once she got back to the labs. “I’m angry because you tried to hide something that could have hurt me or others potentially, and that you tried to lie to me about it, I can understand why you would want to build it, but guess what, that man’s death is on me and all of us, we’re all guilty now.”

“Rainbow Dash, we heard what he said to you, surely you can’t believe that, right?” Lightning Dust said now then. “No, he’s right, I’m not fast enough to save everyone, and I need to be both faster and better for the people of this city.”

“Well maybe you should start by letting your friends in and to help you out,” Felix said, “Like me for example, that gun, does it have something we can track it with?” he said now then. “Well yes,” Soarin said now then. “Excellent, now all I need to do is hack into the city’s computers, it shouldn’t take me very long, I am a master expert on this sort of thing,” he said leaning over the keyboard and then typing and then suddenly a minute later he declared that he was in it now then. “Okay then, he said that he was going to catch a train, and according to what the gun reads he’s currently downtown on the L platform and now we’ll have eyes on him with the city cameras,” Felix said smiling at his work now then with great pride. “Well then, thanks a lot,” Rainbow Dash said switching her headset off. “You turned your headset off Dash, how can we talk to you?”

“I don’t really feel like talking right now,” she said back to Soarin as she raced off to the train station. “It’s over Snow, give up and surrender,” she said when she finally eventually got there. “I knew that you would eventually finally find me, and that’s why I told you that I was taking a train, because I know that you can stop me, but not if you’re so busy saving everyone else from danger and peril,” he said taking his gun and then pointing it at the tracks and firing.

“See you later I guess,” he said smiling as he left her all alone now then.


“Guys, we’ve got to do something to help Rainbow Dash,” Felix said now then.

“Wait, I have an idea,” Soarin said with a great big huge wide vast smile on his face now then, and with that they listened and then went to work on it.
Rainbow Dash managed to very quickly finally and eventually save everyone, but by the time that she did she was very tired and then suddenly Snow was there.

“Looks like this is the end of the line for you,” he said smiling at his own tiny little pun. Rainbow Dash groaned, what was it with him and the puns exactly?

But her question would have to wait for later and also would not be answered either because at that moment her friends suddenly arrived to help her out.

“Put down the gun,” Soarin said holding what looked like a weapon of his own, “This is a prototype gun that can put off four times as much as yours can.”

“Your hands are shaking, you’ve never killed anyone before kid, you’re not a killer yet and you don’t have to be either,” Leo said now then. “Hey, there’s a first time for everything,” Soarin said very nervously now then trying to hide his fear.

“Fine then, alright, you win today,” Snow said walking past Soarin and the others. “Hey, put down the diamond,” Soarin said now then. “Don’t push your luck kid,” Snow said as he slowly faded out of both distance and sight too as well. “Hey there, are you okay?” Soarin said going over to Rainbow Dash now then. “Yeah, I’m fine, thanks a lot for the help,” she said now then. “Anytime, although this isn’t even a gun, it’s just the vacuum cleaner with lots of fancy high tech lights on it,” Soarin said smiling now then, “I couldn’t shoot him even if I wanted to, but I figured that he probably wouldn’t call out our bluff.”

“And you were sort of right as you probably hoped, but I think that it’s really about time that I got home and got some rest,” she said now then. “Okay, that’s fine, just let us know if you need anything at all because we’ll always be here for you,” Soarin said smiling as she got up. “Thanks a lot for the offer and help.”

And with that said they all went back to the labs now then. “So do you have any idea where he could be right now?” she said once they got back. “No, he must have pulled the tracking device from the gun, we’re blind right now against him, but I am sure that Captain Cold will come back,” Soarin said smiling now then.

“Is that the new nickname that you just made up for him right now?”

“Yes, it is, and nothing else will work it’s final,” he said smiling now then.

“Yes, whatever, but Miss Dash I think that you did very well today, you may not have stopped the bad guy, but you did your very best to save the people of the city, and at the end of the day that’s all that really matters,” Lightning Dust said now then with a very slight smile on her face. “Thanks, that means a lot to me, now then if you don’t mind I’m going to go get some stuff and things done,” she said walking away. “Yeah, and I’m going home on the train now,” Felix said.

“After what just happened?” Rainbow Dash said. “What? It’s still one of the safest ways to travel, and it’s quite enjoyable,” he said smiling now then as he left.

And with that said they all left to do their own things, stuff and work.

But as they did Rainbow Dash decided to speak to Felix one last final time.

“Glad that you could catch the train,” Felix said when she got on with her suit, “What’s up exactly?” he said now then. “I just wanted to thank you for your help, and to tell you that I know how you feel, you want something that’s impossible.”

“Yeah, I guess so, because I do know which girl I really do want,” he said.

“But you also know that you can probably never have her,” she said.

“Just like you feel about your mom, and I guess what they say is true, opposites do attract,” he said now then. “Yeah, I guess that they do,” she said as she left him now then and then shouted as she raced the train along the tracks.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay, I watched the LEGO: Batman Movie yesterday.

Anyhow please comment down below and stay tuned for more.

Comments ( 6 )

No offense, but do you need an editor or a pre-reader? 'Cause if you do, my door's always open.... (please please please) I'm also an avid fan of the Flash and I really like how you took this concept

Okay then, PM me the correction/suggestions when you're finally done.

I cannot and will not confirm or deny that I may or may not have been partially or in full inspired by that story.

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