• Published 17th Jan 2017
  • 1,435 Views, 33 Comments

The Adventures of The Dash - Silver Inkwell

When Rainbow Dash is hit by a lightning bolt her whole entire life starts to change as she has to become the hero that the city needs and deserves, she has to become 'The Dash'.

  • ...

The Bank Attack

Meanwhile in Canterlot City…

“Lightning? We have some strange reports of a person who can summon a storm, I mean I don’t know if it’s true or not, but it still sounds pretty bad.”

“Can’t the police handle this?” Rainbow Dash said from within the room.

“I don’t know, maybe they can’t handle a meta human like yourself.”

“Meta human?” Rainbow Dash said curiously tilting her head very slightly.

“That’s what we decided to call all the people with powers of course.”

“Wait, are there more like myself out there? And you didn’t bother to tell me? What if I was hurt or actually ran into them, what would happen then?”

“Don’t worry Rainbow, so long as you are with us we will try to keep you safe, but yes we didn’t tell you because we didn’t know where they were or who they were, it was hard to tell who and what might have become one in the accident. After all, it did cover the whole entire city and beyond creating metas that we probably don’t even know yet, but we will find them eventually, but until we can I think that we’re going to need somebody that can deal with them. Someone that actually knows what’s really going on with them and the whole entire world, somebody that can stand up and be a hero, or at least try to be. They can have their own image and represent their own morals and ideas, have their own code, and I think that this person should be you Rainbow Dash.”

“Woah, I’m a bit young to be a superhero don’t you think?” she said.

“Age doesn’t matter, what matters is that you're ready to take responsibility, and I think that you are ready, but only you can decide if you want to do this. But if you do then you will have to live up to your image every single day.”

“Tell me this first, there are people at the bank attack, right?” she said.

“Probably many who need help, many who are very scared right now.”

“Well that settles it then now I think. Because if I have the power to do something amazing and awesome and incredible, something impossible, well if I don’t use it to help other people then it’s on me when the bad things and stuff happens to them, it’s on me if they die or get hurt, alright, fine, I’ll do it.

But if I am going to do this I need something to hide my identity, I don’t want people to know who I really am just yet, I can’t let them know either.”

“Don’t worry,” Soarin said going over to a wall and then pointing at a display stand where a suit stood, “I have just the thing right here, this is a suit made out of a reinforced tri-polymer material, it’s heat and abrasive resistant so it should be able to withstand your high speeds and the heat that you generate. And interestingly enough this was originally developed to help out firefighters with fires, but it wasn’t quite marketable or affordable just yet either of course.”

“Well that’s nice,” Rainbow Dash said zipping around and putting on the suit almost instantly to them, “Alright, I’m finally ready now I guess.”

“Don’t worry,” Soarin said going over to the monitors, “The suit is equipped with sensors so that we can track all of your vitals and stay in touch with you through the communications lines, so don’t worry, we’ll guide you through.”

And with that said Rainbow Dash nodded and then ran outside.

“Okay the meta is at Crystal City Bank so you’ll need to…” Soarin said.

“Don’t worry, I already know the way,” she said zooming around the city, “Trust me, I know Crystal City almost as well I do here, I can handle this thing.”

And with that said she quickly zipped to the bank and saw the meta standing there in the middle of the crowd with lots of money bags besides the man.

“Hey there man, you don’t need to do this,” Rainbow Dash said to him.

“You don’t know what I need to do, but I’ll tell you, I need revenge now.”

“Revenge against who exactly?” Rainbow Dash said getting closer to him now.

“Society, the police, Harrison West and Celestia, I have a very long list.”

“It seems very short to me,” she said trying to get much closer to him now.

“To many I guess that would be so, but that doesn’t matter now, I have what I want here and I don’t need to stay, so goodbye my dear red suited stranger.”

And with that said he shot his arms out and used his powers against her.

“You can’t stop me!” he said as the lightning missed her because of her speed, but the wind didn’t as it launched her back into the wall very hard indeed.

And with that said Rainbow Dash groaned as he used his wind and lighting together to hold her down on the wall, “I will have my revenge,” he said as she slowly went unconscious, but this time she woke up very soon after he left since she had faked it. And then she went around the bank to make sure that everyone was okay and then finally went outside but couldn’t see the man.

“Guys, do you know where he is? I lost him, but at least the bank is safe for now I guess,” Rainbow Dash said out loud waiting for an answer.

“No we don’t, but we do know his name, it’s Clint Mason, a well-known criminal according to the cameras and police records and files,” Soarin said.

“Well does it say anything about an old hideout or a favorite place of his?”

“Yes it does actually, it says here that he was captured at a farm before the accident by one Harrison West, but we can’t be sure that he’s there.”

“Well then make something that can make you sure about that.”

“Oh, I know, if I can track the anomalies in the weather system then I can track him,” Soarin said moving around to look at the monitors while still sitting on his rolling chair, “Okay there’s nothing right now, but I’ll
let you know as soon as I find something, until then we’ll just have to wait, okay, alright?”

“Alright, fine then,” she said, “I’ll come on back until we finally get something.”

And with that said Rainbow Dash decided to go back to the labs then.

Author's Note:

Next Chapter: New Partner/ The Police Station

So (please) stay tuned for more