• Published 17th Jan 2017
  • 1,430 Views, 33 Comments

The Adventures of The Dash - Silver Inkwell

When Rainbow Dash is hit by a lightning bolt her whole entire life starts to change as she has to become the hero that the city needs and deserves, she has to become 'The Dash'.

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Becoming the Hero

Meanwhile back at STORM Labs…

“It’s been very quiet, too quiet,” Soarin said looking at the monitors as if they could explode at any moment with activity or something else different instead.

“Soarin, enough of your references already, please,” Spitfire said.

“What? Come on, you know that they’re totally awesome and cool and amazing just like the new nickname that I have for this guy, the Weather Wizard.”

“Seriously? Is that the best name that you can really come up with now?”

“Yes, it is, and don’t mock it because it’s a perfectly suited name for him.”

“Enough of giving him nicknames, we need to find him, and we need to do it very fast before someone else gets hurt on our watch!” Lightning Dust said.

“Alright, calm down,” Soarin said looking at the monitors, “There’s still no sign of anything out of the ordinary or weird, nothing is unusual or odd or strange, it’s almost like he knows that he is being followed or tracked right now.”

“That’s not possible, he couldn’t know that,” Lightning Dust said.

“No, he can’t, but maybe he suspects it instead, I don’t know but he sure isn’t ready or willing to show his face just yet, and -oh wait what’s this now?” he said looking at the monitors more closely now, “It seems that we do have something very big at his old farm house, a very big bad disturbance indeed.”

“Do you hear that Rainbow Dash? He’s at the old farm house right now.”

“Yeah I heard that,” she said as she suddenly ran out, “Lead me there.”

Meanwhile at the farm…

“So this is our last stop for the night, right partner?” his new partner Edward said with a slight smile on his face as he finished off a drink.

“Yeah Edward, this is where Clint used to hid out at, and this is also where my last partner died, but I highly doubt we’ll find anything so don’t expect the best or worst, but be warned, if this is where we can find him then this guy is very dangerous, I heard that he might have something that we don’t and can’t ever fully really understand, so don’t be stupid or cocky in there, just be smart, keep your head down low, and we’ll all be just fine in there, alright, okay?”

“Yeah sure thing,” Edward said with his hand near the holster as he got out of the car, “But by the way, what did happen to your last partner exactly?”

“We came in, he was here with his brother, and they got the gain on him.”

“Oh, I see,” Edward said as they slowly approached the barn door and then entered it also very slowly, and to their great surprise and shock they saw that Clint was there standing in the middle of the room completely still now.

“Don’t move!” Harrison said instantly, “This is the police, so put your hands up in the air very slowly and turn around taking no sudden movements.”

Clint did so but when he had fully turned around he still had that hood over his head, but it didn’t conceal his face as he slowly smiled.

“I would advise that you put down your guns,” he said, “That is unless you want someone to die, and in that case that would be so very sad.”

“No one is going to die tonight,” Harrison said slowly approaching Clint.

“Oh I think that she would argue that,” Clint said raising just one finger to the roof where there was an unconscious form of Principal Celestia hanging there.

“What have you done with her?” Harrison asked looking up with some fear.

“Me? Oh nothing too much, I just made sure that she was tied up very securely before you decided to come, and as a bonus I have bombs on her that will explode within five minutes unless I remotely reset it
before every five minutes is up, or if you don’t let me go up and reset it now I could always just push the little tiny red button that will blow her up now,” he said smiling as he revealed a remote in his hand that he had kept hidden from them before now.

“Oh really? And what do you want in exchange for her safety then?”

“Nothing too much, just the chance and opportunity to be with you so I can finally kill you, so what do you say, want to trade place with her or not?”

“I don’t make deals with criminals,” Harrison said, “Especially you.”

“Well that’s too bad, because I have another ace in my sleeve.”

And with that said suddenly a storm was starting within the farm house.

“What’s happening? What are you doing?” Harrison shouted very loudly.

“Oh nothing too much, I’m just using my new godly powers to destroy you.”

And with that said suddenly the farm house was torn apart as a tornado suddenly formed, but luckily enough for them Harrison, Edward, and Celestia were all safe from it, and they also found out that the bomb was just a bluff, but what he had here, whatever his new powers were, they were not a bluff.

They were very real, and the bluff was just a distraction for the real end game.

And that’s just about where Rainbow Dash enters our story as she suddenly came to the location of the farm house, or rather where it used to be and saw that a police officer was leaning over Celestia trying to wake her up now.

“Harrison? Is that you?” Celestia said as she lifted her head very slowly.

“Yes, it is, but please don’t ask any questions about what you see or what’s going on because quite honestly
I don’t have a clue or idea about this either.”

And with that said Celestia looked up and saw the chaos and carnage.

“Oh dear,” she said, “I’m glad that you said that because I sure do have a lot of questions about what’s going on, but I’ll just be quiet instead and watch.”

And with that said she watched as she saw a yellow blur, and then her only thought was this: Oh my gosh, Rainbow Dash’s story could actually be really true, and I have never believed in her as I should have, I just wish that I could change that now, but I can’t, oh Rainbow Dash, I just wish I could tell you how sorry I am right now, but don’t worry, you’ll hear it very soon enough.

And with that the scene continued onwards now. “So I see that you’re back for more now,” Clint said within the tornado, “But guess what? You can’t stop me! I have the powers of a god and what do you have?
Nothing! That’s what!”

“I don’t have nothing,” Rainbow Dash said and then into her headset she silently said, “Guys, tell me how to beat him because honestly I have nothing on him right now, I mean he’s in a freaking tornado for crying
out loud.”

“Uh well if you can cut off the source of his wind, oh my gosh that sounded really bad like that,” Soarin said, “Uh what I meant to say was this, you have to run around really fast and make sure that air can’t get in or out, you basically have to create a mini vacuum, but to do that you’re going to have to go faster than you can go, faster than what we even think is plausibly safe for you.”

“How fast do I need to go exactly?” Rainbow Dash said.

“Mach 1, the speed of sound basically,” Spitfire said.

“Wow, that is totally crazy, and also amazing and awesome,” she said.

“I told you so,” Soarin said making a gesture with his arms to emphasize the whole entire point. “But if it’s the only way to defeat him I’ll try to do my best then,” she said. “No, you can’t you could die,” Spitfire said with fear.

“If I have to sacrifice myself for the city then I will, but I won’t let him hurt anyone else, that’s what I have to do because I’m the heron now.”

And with that said she turned to Clint Mason with much determination.

“Really, what do you have on me then?” he said.

“My friends and my speed,” she said as she quickly darted around the base of the tornado trying to cut it off, but she still wasn’t fast enough yet.

“Rainbow Dash you’re barely making 400, you need to go faster.”

“I’m trying to!” she said back to Soarin, but then suddenly she was struck with lightning from the storm as
Clint laughed very maniacally and crazily too.

“Your speed can’t defeat me, nothing ever can!” he said.

Suddenly the voice of Lightning Dust came over, “Rainbow Dash, you need to focus, think about something that you want, something that you really want to fight for, think about how much you want to save your family, your father, your mother, and then pretend that’s him, you can do it Rainbow Dash because I believe in you, so do this, do it and show that you can be a hero, do this and show that you can change, do this to change the future, don’t let the past or your fears hold you back you just have to run away now Rainbow Dash, run.”

And with that said Rainbow Dash focused her mind and then started to run again, and as she ran she could tell that she was indeed going faster now.

“400, 450, 500, 550 600, 650, 700,” Soarin said looking at the monitors, “Yes, you’re doing it Rainbow Dash, keep going, you can do it, I believe in you girl!”

And with that said Rainbow Dash went even faster and soon broke the sound barrier.

“She did it! She just broke through the sound barrier! I knew that she could!”

Clint tried to maintain control and throw lightning at her, but she was going too fast now and soon enough she eventually managed to cut off the tornado and wind.

But the result of her effort and energy left her weak on the ground, but so was he.

Yet he still managed to get up and groan, “You think that a little speed can stop me?” he said, “Your little tricks won’t stop me, nothing and no one ever can or will.”

And with that said he started trying to use his powers again, but it was at that moment that the sound of a gunshot could be heard and then they all turned to see that Harrison West was standing there and he was the one that held the gun.

“Not if I can help it at all,” he said, “And that’s what you get for trying to blow away the city with all of your big huge crazy powers, may you now rot in peace.”

“Harrison? What have you done?” Celestia said slightly shocked at him now.

“What they taught me to do at the academy, he was a dangerous villain who had powers that I quite frankly don’t understand, or any of the rest of us either.”

“But we do,” Rainbow Dash said getting up from the ground and walking over to them, “We can help you capture these humans, metas, that’s what we’re calling them now, well we can help you catch them and study them to fully really understand them.

But we can’t do that if you keep on shooting them and killing them beforehand, or at least that’s what Lightning Dust is shouting for me to tell you, and I happen to agree.

Criminals may deserve to die just because of one action or mistake, but I know that the law says we have to protect people, and that includes from themselves too.”

“Wait, that voice, it sounds very familiar,” Celestia said standing up, “Rainbow Dash? Is that you? It can’t be right? Surely I must me dreaming or something like that.”

“It’s not a dream,” Rainbow Dash said pulling off her mask, “It’s very real.”

“Rainbow Dash! We’re going to need to talk once you come back,” Lightning said.

“I can’t believe this, you managed to stop that criminal, you managed to run that fast, I can’t actually believe that this is happening,” Celestia said trying to calm down.

“You better believe it because it’s actually happening,” Rainbow Dash said, “But what really happened here, what really happens with me, that need to stay a secret, okay?”

“Sure thing Rainbow Dash,” Celestia said still dazed at what had just happened.

“How do I know that you’re not just another criminal trying to trick me?” Harrison said to her holding his gun up. “You can’t, but you can talk to Lightning Dust if you have any doubts, besides, I think that I have a job lined up with you guys now.”

And with that said she smiled and said, “would you like to give you a lift home?”

“No, I’ll be fine on my own, besides, this is a crime scene now, I have to stay.”

“Actually I wouldn’t mind if you can take me to someone who can explain all of this,” Celestia said, “Just make sure to be gentle with me on the way there, okay?”

“Sure thing,” she said picking her up somewhat easily (it was due to the effect that her muscles had also grown stringer and constantly regenerated as Soarin and Spitfire tried to explain to her, but all she got was that she was just stronger and faster now).

And with that said she turned back to Harrison and said, “Sorry, I’ve got to run.”

And then with that said she dashed off and away leaving Harrison West behind.

“What was all that about?” his partner said looking around at the crime scene.

“I have no idea, but I fully intend to find out very soon enough.”

And with that said they went back to doing their jobs.

It didn’t take very long for Rainbow Dash to carry Celestia to the labs, but when she finally got there her shirt started to catch on fire and Spitfire quickly had to toss it in the nearest trash bin as Soarin merely just watched the scene before him.

“I am sure glad that I never go topless,” Celestia said hugging a towel very closely to her chest. “Man, I didn’t know that you looked so damn hot princess,” Soarin said.

Celestia groaned at that nickname, why did people keep calling that just because she had won school princess every year in high school and college dances as well too?

“Please don’t call me that,” she said, “I really don’t like that nickname anymore.”

“Well you’re just going to have to live with it just like my weak legs,” Lightning said approaching her, “And I assume that you must be Rainbow Dash’s very lovely and very adopted mother, am I correct or is my information somehow wrong now?”

“You’re correct,” Celestia said looking very closely and carefully at her, “So then, I assume that you must be this scientist called Lightning Dust then?”

“I am,” she said, “And if you will let me I will now explain how Rainbow Dash can do what she can, why she has her powers and her speed, it shouldn’t take too long since her entire atomic and molecular and chemical structures were changed by the wave of energy coming off of the night of the particle accelerator accident so very long ago.”

“So that’s why she has this new power of speed? Because of the accident.”

“Yes, just like how I have this cane,” she said, “I hope that you can understand this, and I hope that you can come to realize that despite whatever Rainbow Dash might do here that she will never be in real true danger with us supporting her back now.”

“Yeah, I think I do a little bit, but I don’t like it, she tried to be a hero out there today.”

“And that’s exactly what I am and want to be,” Rainbow Dash said, “And you can’t stop me, because if I have these powers and don’t use them to help others than I’m just as bad as the criminals that the police fight every day on the streets.”

“Fine then,” Celestia said taking a very deep long sigh after a long moment of silence where she just glared at her very angrily, “Be that way then, be a hero Dash.”

“Hmm… Dash, I really like that nickname,” she mused to herself now.

“Yeah, we definitely need a superhero name for you, and one that isn’t the Flash or the red blur or the scarlet speedster,” Soarin said when he heard her speak.

“Did you just make up all those names right now?” Spitfire said.

“Yes, yes I did, but I think that ‘The Dash’ can work out well enough, right?”

“I guess so,” Lightning Dust said, “After all, who would ever suspect a hero using their last name in their hero nickname? I mean that’s just stupid or crazy or both instead.”

“Yeah well don’t expect me to support you guys in whatever you do,” Celestia said, “Because the only person I will support is Rainbow Dash, but if she says that you’re good enough for her then I guess that you’re good enough with me, for now that is.”

“Very good then, I expect us to be in contact very shortly,” Lightning said.

And with that said Celestia nodded and then said, “I’m leaving now,” as she promptly left. “Well, that went far better than I expected,” Lightning said, “You didn’t die and you managed to reveal your secret identity to only two people, but I would highly advise that in the future you do not share your secret identity with anyone, even your friends and family, but if you do wish to then please consider all the consequences that may come if they know, both good and bad, that is all I have to say for now.”

And with that said Lightning Dust left the room and then Rainbow had an idea.

“You know, I think there might be one more person that I can talk to and reveal my identity,” she said smiling as she started to walk out of the room then.

“And who would that be exactly?” Soarin said as she entered the elevator.

“Can’t say, if I did he would have to put an arrow in your heart,” she said.

And with that said she left and went back to Crystal City again.

“Is that why you really came out here, just to talk? Because I don’t think you would run all this way just to have a short little chat between the two of us,” the strange mysterious hooded figure said, and she knew that it was a man, and despite his odd and unusual aura and disguise, she still knew him.

“Yes, sort of I guess, look, I just didn’t want to talk about what happened to me,” Rainbow Dash said trying to explain herself now, “You see?”

“Yeah, I mean who wouldn’t want to just talk about something that made them into an incredible hero with superpowers that’s totally amazing and awesome?”

“Look,” she said, “How do you do it? I mean being a hero and all?”

“Simple, take it one day at a time and live like today could be the day that you die, and also the lying can get hard, but it’s needed to protect the ones that we love most, besides, being a hero isn’t so bad when you always remind yourself of who and what you are fighting for, so never forget that Rainbow Dash.”

“I won’t Shining Armor,” she said smiling, “Thanks a lot for your words.”

“Anytime,” he said walking over to the edge, “And if you ever need anything don’t hesitate to call because we’re friends, oh a d by the way I also have some more advise for you, get a name, and always wear a mask,” and with that said he jumped off the building as he pulled out his bow and arrow and glided on down to the ground. And with that said Rainbow Dash smiled and then decided to run back home, after all, she had friends to talk with and people to save.

On her way back she saw someone getting mugged and she quickly stooped them, and later on the woman who was attacked would later say that the blur she saw dashed in and stopped the man and then he was gone, and those were her exact words, dashed in, saved her, and then dashed back out again.

Author's Note:

Next Chapter: Promotion

Where a new character enters.

So (please) stay tuned for more!