• Published 17th Jan 2017
  • 1,435 Views, 33 Comments

The Adventures of The Dash - Silver Inkwell

When Rainbow Dash is hit by a lightning bolt her whole entire life starts to change as she has to become the hero that the city needs and deserves, she has to become 'The Dash'.

  • ...

Speed, Science, Friends, and a New Hero

Part Two

Six Weeks Later…

“Rainbow Dash there’s a fire just southwest of you.”

“Well just guide me through,” she said running in that direction.

“Woah! Rainbow Dash you’ve gone way too far!” Soarin said.

“How far did I overshoot?” Rainbow Dash said.

“Three blocks, you need to go back right now.”

“Fine then,” she said running back to the house and then rushing in she saved every person in there and
got them all safely outside on the sidewalk.

“What the-?” the firefighter said when they arrived.

But Rainbow Dash was already gone by the time that they got there.

And it was just then at that moment that Spitfire came in.

“Are you talking to Rainbow Dash?” she said putting her stuff down now.

“What? Me? Who? No,” Soarin said trying to act very casually now.

“You know, Rainbow Dash, fastest girl alive?” she said gesturing with her hands very dramatically now as she gazed deeply into his eyes now.

“Doesn’t ring a bell,” Soarin said trying to shut off and mute the lines now.

“Soarin? What’s going on? What’s the situation?”

Spitfire looked at Soarin with a glare that could kill.

“Uh huh,” she said, “Well tell her to come back to us now, okay?”

“Yeah,” Soarin said, “Spitfire says that you should come back.”

“Alright, fine then,” Rainbow Dash said starting to go back but then she suddenly felt very dizzy for a moment but then quickly went over to the labs. “Rainbow Dash, what do you think you are doing?” Spitfire said, “You’re not supposed to play the hero, you’re just supposed to help us catch and find other meta humans.”

“Look, if I can help other people with my powers I will,” she said.

“What Spitfire meant to say is that you have an impossible power and much unexplored potential within your cells, and of course I believe in the impossible just like all who used to work here, and you have to be safe to explore that potential impossible things and stuff, and we can’t do that if you’re running around trying to pretend you’re a hero, but trust me you’re not, you’re just a girl that was struck with lightning,
that’s it and all,” Lightning Dust said.

“How do you always come in at the right moment to interrupt us?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about Miss Dash," she said now.

“What’s up with you and calling people Miss and Mister?”

“I respect every person for what they believe and choose, that’s why.”

“Oh, well that explains a lot then,” she said casually now then.

“It does, now then I would advise that you keep your heroic activities to a low until we can figure out how to expand and explore your full potential.”

“Fine then, I’ll try to be safe,” Rainbow Dash said, “And calm down.”

“Calm down? I lost my reputation, my name, my power, my respect, and have almost lost this whole entire
lab, and I will not lose you Miss Dash.”

And with that said Lightning Dust went off by herself very angrily.

“She seems a little bit upset, but that’s perfectly understandable.,” she said taking off her suit and changing into a more appropriate uniform instead.

“We’ve all had our pain in the past before, things we fear,” Spitfire said.

“Speaking of the past why don’t you smile at all ever?” she said.

“Ever since my fiancé Frosty Blaze died I don’t really have a reason to smile,” she said, “He died on the night of the particle accelerator explosion, he died saving everyone, and he wasn’t supposed to be there that night, he was only there for me, that’s it and all,” she said turning her head trying to hide the tears away from Rainbow Dash, but she couldn’t quite do it well enough.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I wish that I could help,” she said.

“It’s fine, it’s just that we were so close,” she said, and with that she put her head on the desk and cried, “Just give her some time, she’ll be back to normal in no time at all,” Soarin said smiling as he patted Rainbow Dash on the back very lightly, “Now then, do you have somewhere to be right now?”

“Yes I do actually, I have to be with my friends right now,” she said.

“Yeah, right, well I’m going on over to Simon Hunter’s science award thing, want to come along? I mean I
know it’s not your thing, but still…” he said.

“No, I think that I should go talk to someone else right now,” she said.

“Very well then, fine, suit yourself, but just in case either of us gets in trouble let’s stay in touch with our phones, shall we?” he said pulling his out.

“Are you sure this isn’t just a very cheap way to get a hot girl’s number?” she said smiling as she wrote down her number and exchanged it for his.

“No, of course not, why would I ever do such a thing?” he said blushing now.

“Relax, I’m just joking, I know that you mean well,” she said very lightly.

“Right,” he said, “Well then, I’m off now, see you later then I guess.”

And with that said they both left and Rainbow Dash decided to go home to talk to Luna, but when she did she just so happened to walk in on them as she was kissing Edward. “Whoa there, calm down the heat in this room,” she said putting her stuff down and not even concerned about what they were doing now, but that was her natural charm and personality of course.

Suddenly the two of them turned to Rainbow Dash with slight blushes in their faces, “Rainbow Dash, I’m sorry for not telling you this earlier, but me and Eddie, well we’ve been dating here for quite some time
now,” she said.

“How long exactly?” Rainbow Dash said not phased at all.

“About a month or two before you woke up, and it’s actually a funny story of how we met, I was mugged one day and my purse was stolen and he just happened to be there to save the day and be my hero, and
then he asked me out on a date and it’s been going quite well ever since then.”

“Well I’m happy for you two,” Rainbow Dash said putting her gear down.

“Really? You’re not mad at me?” Luna said slightly surprised and shocked.

“Look, you have been a really good listener of me so if you want to try to explain then go ahead, if not I’ll totally and completely understand, but I think that Edward here is a really nice guy, if you like him then that’s fine with me. But I don’t think that your sister would approve of this relationship.”

“Yeah, she doesn’t like it when things get complicated or when I try to hide things behind her back, the last time that I did that we didn’t speak or see each other again for ten years,” Luna said, “But thanks for the support anyways.”

And with that said Luna smiled as Rainbow Dash slowly unpacked her stuff and things, “Hey, do you know where my friends are right now exactly?”

“Yes I do actually, I had a feeling you would want to know and I looked them up, I believe that Applejack is working on Sweet Apple Acres Farm with her family, Rarity is trying fashion out in some smaller towns like before moving on to Boston and Manhattan, Fluttershy is working out at the animal shelter and also I heard that she’s a therapist or something for some crazy locked up person, Pinkie Pie, well she’s still in town being herself, and as for your other friend Twilight Sparkle, she’s working out at Mercury Labs.”

“And who would you recommend that I see first?” she said very curiously now.

“Whoever you want to see first most of course,” Luna said smiling now.

“Well yes, of course, how could I miss something that obvious?”

And with that said suddenly her phone rang which meant Soarin.

“Sorry, I have to run,” Rainbow Dash said quickly darting out of the house, going over to the labs, putting on her suit, and then following his words.

And very soon enough she arrived at the science center (because Soarin also texted her the directions which was very convenient and easy for her).

She quickly saw that there seemed to be nothing wrong and changed back into normal clothes and went over to Soarin, “What’s wrong here exactly?”

“Nothing yet, but I just had this feeling, this sense, this vibe that something is going to happen here, and it’s not going to be good, oh, and there’s also the free buffet, I thought that you might want to go check that out,” he said.

“Soarin, this is no time for practical pranks, you need to be serious about this,” she said looking at the goofy grin that was still on his cute little tiny face.

“Well this is a famous scientist so anything could happen here,” he said.

“Fine, I’ll stay for now, but only because you asked me to,” she said angrily.

And with that said she went around the crowd until she saw a very familiar face that was one of her best, oldest and closest friends. “Sunset Shimmer? Can that really be you?” she said slowly approaching the girl cautiously.

“Rainbow Dash! Oh my gosh it’s so nice to finally see you again!” the girl said reaching over to Rainbow Dash and then quickly hugged her in a very tight embrace, “Where have you been because girl do we really need to talk.”

“Yeah, that’s the same exact thought I had,” Rainbow Dash said, “I mean where have you been and what are you doing here exactly? You’re not exactly a science type from what I recall about you when we were in high school.”

“Those were the good times,” Sunset said sighing deeply and heavily, “But guess what, I’m a journalist now, well small and part time, but it’s a start at least, anyhow I’m here because I haven’t got any leads on my ‘major’ story and this seemed just right enough for me although I do think that I will need a dictionary to look up some of his bigger words that he’ll use I guess.”

“Very funny, but what’s the deal with this guy anyways? I mean he isn’t some crazy person trying to change the world with new ways and forms of energy?”

“Nah, he’s just into trying to change the world by muscular cell regeneration, basically that’s a really fancy way of saying he makes bioengineered body parts and stuff like that, but honestly I really don’t understand anything here.”

“Yeah, tell me about it,” Rainbow Dash said thinking about her own current situation, “Hey, Sunset, you mentioned a ‘major’ story, what was that all about anyways exactly because you went off into a tangential rant then.”

“Oh, well I’ working on this case about this red or yellow blur that’s in town now, no one’s ever seen it or them, but they say that it has saved many people, in fact I think I just got a lead today with a fire station that’s very close.”

“Oh really?” Rainbow Dash said knowing that it was herself being talked about right now, and now what she really needed was a way to get out of this talk.

“How very interesting and curious, but my advice is to stop chasing a dream.”

“What?” Sunset said very shocked and surprised at her reaction now then, “You’re always the one that says you should pursue your dreams no matter what happens, and this isn’t like you, so what’s up with you exactly?”

“Nothing, I just don’t think someone should pursue a dream that will fail in the end eventually, it seems kind of pointless, stupid and crazy too.”

“Wow, I expected more from the girl who has believed in the impossible her whole entire life, but I guess that I was wrong, you really have changed.”

And with that said Sunset Shimmer went off and away leaving her alone now.

“You have no idea just how much I have changed,” she said.

And with that said she went around the party until something very unexpected finally happened, the party was robbed. Six robbers that wore entirely black came in and raise dup their guns simultaneously and then said something.

“Well look what we have here, a whole entire crowd full of people wearing their finest jewelry, it’s almost like you knew that we were coming to rob you.”

And with that said one man went around with a very large big wide bad collecting people’s valuables and
Rainbow Dash just put in her best watch that was the last gift that her dad ever gave to her. “No Rainbow Dash, not that,” Sunset said as she watched helplessly as she deposited it in the bag.

She looked over at Sunset and gave a look that said she knew what she was doing, and so she couldn’t help a very slight faint smile. And then that was when Soarin finally managed to come over to them very slowly now.

“Dash, it would be a really good time to do you know what,” he said.

“No, not yet, not right now, not in front of all these people,” she said.

But that was when something started to go wrong of course.

A policeman came in and spotted the robbers and then pulled out his gun and shouted, “DROP YOUR WEAPONS RIGHT NOW!”

But they didn’t of course, instead they raised the guns and shot together at once simultaneously, and that was when Rainbow went in very quickly to save him. And once she had she turned back to the robbers who were now getting away. And with that she ran (but normally this time) to keep up with them, but never got too close, and when she was away from the crowd she tried to run after them, but as she tried to do so she suddenly fell down to the ground as her head started to go dizzy and then the world turned upside down.

When she finally woke up she was being prodded by Sunset Shimmer.

“Rainbow Dash? What were you thinking by rushing out here?” she said.

“Uh, Well I wanted to get the license plate numbers of course,” she said.

“Well what happened to you exactly?” Sunset said very anxiously now.

“Uh, well I fainted,” she said struggling to come up with an excuse.

Sunset glared at her sensing that this was a lie but did not press any further.

“Alright, fine then, if you say so,” she said as Rainbow regained herself now.

And with that said she suddenly saw Soarin coming over towards her now.

“Hey there, uh I need you to come back to the lab right now, and sorry Sunset, but we’re just going to borrow Rainbow for a short little while, okay then?”

“Alright, fine then,” she said, “I have a report to do anyways right now.”

And with that said she left them in a great rush and hurry now.

“Wow, she sure is hot,” Soarin said smiling, but then he frowned, “Wait,” he said, “Would that be a very bad
pun since her name is Sunset?”

“Yes, yes it is,” Rainbow Dash said groaning at the unintentional pun now.

And with that said Soarin decided to drive her over to the labs for her own safety and protection of course.

And when they finally did get there, well Lightning Dust just seemed very angry and upset at Rainbow Dash now.

“Miss Dash, your recent behavior is both reckless and stupid, you go into building pretending to be a hero, which you aren’t by the way, and you also have hidden the fact that you have had some problems according to Soarin.

And in science we do not ever hid secrets from one another, no matter what.

Do you understand what I am saying, Rainbow Dash?”

“Yes, she said, and I’m sorry, I just thought my dizzy spells were nothing.”

“Well they aren’t, they could be anything from a problem with your cells or even a stroke or cardiac arrest,”
Spitfire said, “We have no idea what’s really truly happening with your body, so this could literally be anything at all now.”

“Do you really think that my problem can be dangerous?” she said.

“Murphy’s law says that we will always have to assume the worst can and will happen, so we aren’t taking any risks because we don’t ever do that in science.

Now then, I do believe that my team has something to help you out in your current predicament and situation, or at least how to figure it out instead.”

And with that said they left to go into a room with a simple treadmill and lots of pillows and boxes behind it. “Really, a home treadmill?” she said glancing at the poor thing that should honestly be put out if its own misery now.

“This is no ordinary regular treadmill, we have had this one designed to match your speeds, and just before you ask we did have a lot of time over these last six weeks, and the time while you were in a coma still of course too.”

“Oh, thanks, I’m glad you said that, I really was wondering,” she said now.

And with that said she stepped onto the treadmill as they talked to her while looking through a very safe glass wall. “Now then, just take it slowly, we’ll monitor all that’s happening in your body from right here,”
Spitfire said now.

And with that said she started to run and as she did they talked.

“Her heart rate looks normal for what her speed is, her breathing is good, there’s no sign of anything wrong with her heart or lungs at all,” Soarin said.

“Wait, look here at the sugar levels,” Spitfire said pointing at the screen.

“Yes, of course, glucose, how could we have missed this very important factor?” Lightning Dust said scolding herself, “Rainbow Dash, we found out the problem as to why you keep having fainting spells, it’s because of your low-,”

But Lightning Dust couldn’t finish as Rainbow Dash suddenly crashed into the boxes, “Yeah, accidents like that,” Soarin said as she finished her sentence.

“-blood sugar,” Lightning Dust said as she crashed into the boxes now.

And with that said they had to get Rainbow Dash to a bed very quickly now.

“You took quite the hit in there,” Spitfire said as she leaned over her bed.

“I’m just glad that you could still walk upright after that,” Soarin said.

“Yeah, thanks, but what were you saying was wrong with me again?”

“It’s your blood sugar levels, they’re way too low and as a result you’re using up more energy than you can or should ever handle at one time. But thankfully I think that I can come up with something for that,” Soarin said now.

“And what would that be exactly?” she said still groaning and also tired now.

“Candy bars of course, but with just the right amount of sugar to fit your new needs,” he said, “And I will now get to work on that right away.”

And with that said he went off to do his work and job now.

“He seems funny,” she said, “But you’re not ever that way, why?”

“I was never really that funny, ever, and ever since Frosty Blaze died, well there’s not only little occasion to smile, but also to laugh as well too.”

“Well I’m very sorry for your loss and if I brought up back any bad memories.”

“No, it’s fine, I really should learn to face my fears and the past, but he wasn’t just my friend or my best one, he was also going to be my husband too…”

“Wow, that is one of the saddest stories and things that I have ever heard.”

“Thanks for your sympathy and compassion, but I don’t really need to hear it from you or others, I’m fine just on my own,” she said leaving now.

“Why is it that everyone I seem to meet has a tragic past?” she said not really expecting and answer from Lightning Dust, but to her surprise she did answer.

“Well maybe the reason is something that you can’t see why yet exactly, but we all have a tragic sad point in our lives some point, but it is up to us to make the future better and greater instead, that is our true goal and quest now.”

And with that said Lightning Dust left her alone to thin now.

And that was when she finally got the phone call from Celestia.

She picked up her phone and answered, “Hey there Celestia, what’s up?”

“What’s up? Well I just heard from the labs that you had some kind of accident and tried to be a hero, and while I appreciate the effort just as Lightning Dust we cannot risk your safety or life, you mean too much to both of us now.”

“Well guess what, I’m not a little girl anymore, I’m an adult now.”

“I know, and that’s what I am afraid of most, you can make your own choices and that means greater power, but with great power comes great responsibility too, and if you don’t use your powers correctly then they’ll be gone eventually.”

“Look, you’re just going to have to accept the fact that I am a hero now.”

“I know, but unless your speed makes you bulletproof then I’ll always worry about your safety, and speaking of your powers can it do that?”

“Make me bulletproof? I don’t think so,” she said smiling now.

“Well then don’t do anything stupid, and be safe, okay?” she said now.

“Alright, fine then, I’ll try to do my best, okay?”

“Alright, fine, I’ll accept that, but you’re going to have to start lying better and coming up with better excuses other than ‘I fainted’,” she said.

“Did Soarin tell you about that?” she said.

“Yes, and he told me to tell you the whole entire excuse thing, and that I should probably remind you not to tell any of your friends right now either.”

“I know, I won’t tell them, I just wish that I could tell them,” she said.

"Well you can't, you made a promise to me and I expect you to keep it now, and if you do lie then you're liable to be struck by lightning again."

“I know, but you have to be strong and protect the ones that you love most, and sometimes being strong is the hardest thing that you can ever do in life.”

“Well then, thanks Celestia, you’ve really inspired me, love you,” she said.

“I love you too Rainbow Dash, and make sure to always stay safe now.”

And with that said Celestia hung up and left her alone to think now.

Very soon enough however she would be back in action again.

“Rainbow, we got a robbery at downtown,” Soarin said.

“Alright, where exactly, she said trying to stand up now.

But Soarin laughed and smiled when she fell down then.

“Hey take it easy,” he said, “You need calories and I just might have the thing,” he said handing her a candy bar, “Now then don’t eat the whole entire thing right now since it is experimental and I don’t know if it will
work or not.”

And with that said she slowly took a few big bites out of it then.

“Well I guess that will work out for now,” he said, “Now then, go be the hero save the day by running, and make sure to always stay safe now.”

And with that said she smiled, said “I will,” and then ran off very quickly.

“Well at least she always knows how to make an entrance and exit,” he said to himself after he left picking up some loose papers that flew around now.

Meanwhile Rainbow Dash was running downtown while Soarin guided her.

“Take a left, right, left again, and there, you should be good,” he said.

“What is this place anyways?” she said entering the factory.

“Just a small tiny little branch off of… Hunter Industries,” he said.

“Don’t tell me, he’s that science guy back at the party?” she said.

“Yeah, the one and same, and I think that we might have found our connection to this criminal, now then if you can just get their mask off then we’ll know who they are and we might finally know why they’re after Simon.”

And with that said Rainbow Dash finally spotted the criminal.

“Hey there, I’ve got to go, I see the criminal right now.”

And with that said she went to the criminal and quickly pulled off his mask.

“Well then,” he said, “Hello to the new hero of the city now.”

“Who are you and what do you want here exactly?” she said.

“Me? I just want revenge against Mr. Hunter for my family, and if you’re going to try to stop me by standing in my way then I just guess that I will have to stop you, and don’t take this personally, it’s merely just business now.”

“How are you going to stop me by yourself?” she said smiling right now.

“Oh, I’m not alone, I have friends here with me now that are all myself now.”

And with that said suddenly she saw that he could multiply himself into two, then three, then four, five, six, and then even some more as well too.

And with that they suddenly converged on Rainbow Dash cornering her.

Rainbow Dash didn’t have time to be confused about this whole entire thing or question anything at all as they did converge very fast upon her right now.

There were too many of them and no matter what she did she couldn’t defeat him or them, ugh, it was just so hard with singular plural tenses now.

And with that she had to quickly retreat away before she got hurt any worse.

“Any suggestions for me on how to defeat him yet?” she said very angrily now.

“No, but I do have an idea of how we can lure him out,” he said.

“And how can we do that exactly if you must elaborate now?”

“Well if we use Simon Hunter as bait then we can catch him finally.”

“Well that sounds like a very good crazy stupid dumb idea, but I support it, but how are we ever going to
get Simon to agree to these terms now?”

“We don’t,” he said smiling now, “We will just have to trick him to it instead now, and please don’t argue with me, we don’t have any time to do that now.”

“And how will we do that exactly? Card tricks and magic bunnies?”

“Well I don’t know about either of those, but I am pretty sure that the social networks will have all the information you or I could ever need.”

And with that said she smiled and then went back to the labs.

But as she did she suddenly had a memory of the past.

“Celestia, why can’t I go see my mother?” she said.

“I already told you, it would look bad, I don’t care what you think about your mother, but others will care, and that will reflect upon me of course.”

“My mom isn’t a killer! She would never kill my dad! It was the blur instead!”

“Look, I already told you and so has everyone else that what you saw back there isn’t possible, you’re just a scared little girl who needs a home and a new loving mother to take care of you, and that’s going to be my job from now on.”


But she didn’t see her mom that day of course, but eventually she did.

“Mom, I’m so glad to see you, I’ve tried so hard just to get the chance to talk to you, they wouldn’t let me see you and now Celestia is taking care of me.”

“Well that’s very good I guess, she can be the mother you never had.”

“Well I hate her, she wouldn’t let me see you.”

“Rainbow Dash, never say that you hate family, that’s very rude and not very nice, and no matter what you can’t hold hate against others forever.”

“Why are you in here mom? I know that you didn’t kill dad, but they don’t seem to believe me, but I know what I saw, and I’m sticking with it too.”

“Rainbow Dash, sometimes something seems impossible and in reality it isn’t, at one time people believed that a round earth was impossible. But saying that something is impossible is saying that you’re not ready to believe in it yet.

And no matter what you try to do you can never make people get ready or try to embrace the impossible, for they will only accept it with time and patience.

Now then I want you to be a good girl while I’m gone, okay?”

That means you listen to Celestia like she was me and you will love her and respect her in the very same way, and treat her like me as well.”

“I’ll try mommy, but I don’t know if I can,” she said crying now.

“Well just try, that’s all that really matters right now.”

And with that said her mother was taken away by the guards and taken back to her cell while Celestia came to pick up Rainbow Dash, eventually that was.

Rainbow Dash shuddered at the thought and memory now.

That had not been a very good time for her, and it still wasn’t either yet.

And she also supposed that it never might be if things didn’t change either.

She didn’t like that memory, and she wished that it was different instead, but she also couldn’t change the past either, no matter how much she wanted to.

But right now she had to focus and be the hero and get back to the labs.

And so she did and she waited very silently for something to come up now.

And eventually something did at the Hunter Scientific Institute Center.

And with that she raced off to the labs to meet the criminal.

“Well hello there, Mr. Black,” she said smiling as she saw him now.

“Well, you know who I am now, but you don’t know my real story yet either.”

“Well then why don’t you tell us and then put down the gun?” she said.

“He killed my wife,” he said pointing the gun at Simon, “That’s my story, or at least that’s all the important parts and stuff that you need to know for now.”

“Wow, I guess that this has really taken the toll on you then,” she said trying to get closer to him now but without him trying to attack her instead now.

“The medical bills just kept piling up, and I couldn’t afford them, so now I’m taking what’s his and I am just reusing it over again for some more stuff and things too. But guess what, you and your speed won’t stop me.”

And with that said he split up into many versions of himself.

Rainbow Dash smiled for she knew what she had to do there now exactly.

She quickly darted around to face each copy of the man because she was trying to find the prime original one. And it took quite a while but she eventually managed to finally find him and then knock him out. Black lay on the floor in great pain, but he was still awake, “What are you going to do now, hero?”

“Make sure that they put you in a place that they’ll never find,” she said.

“You’ll have to kill me first before I ever give up my quest and goal on revenge, and I know that you heroes never kill anyone no matter what they did.”

And with that said he tried to slowly stand up, but she was there to stop him

Unfortunately however she was not there to stop him from pulling out his gun and then shooting himself in the head. “Guys, we’ve lost black,” she said.

“Wow, that’s two villains who are now dead, and two nicknames, I would have called him the Multi-man because he can clone himself,” Soarin said now.

“He had a name Soarin, just like every person that we face and meet, they still deserve our respect because they believed that they were doing the right thing.”

And with that said Rainbow Dash looked at Simon Hunter and then said, “Sorry, but I have to run now,” and then she left very quickly.

“Wow, fascinating,” he said to himself once she was gone.

When Rainbow Dash went back to the labs she was greeted with a surprise.

“Rainbow Dash, I have said before in the past that you shouldn’t be a hero because you put your life in danger, but after some very deep consideration and thought I have decided to let you continue with my permission so long as you never hold anything back from us again and also listen to us.”

“Wow, this is very unexpected, what changed your mind exactly?”

“Let’s just say that I am very anxious to move forward in the future.”

And with that said Lightning Dust smiled very deviously as Rainbow Dash let out a great cheer of joy and delight and went over to Sugarcube Corner to celebrate with her friends. When she was there she saw Sunset there too.

“Hey there Sunny,” she said using a very old nickname, “What are you doing here exactly? Surely there’s no big lead for any of your stories, right?”

“Nah, this used to be the place where I worked out, but now it just helps me think instead, but who are they exactly, new friends?” she said.

“Sort of, they’re helping me figure out this whole entire lightning thing back at the labs and I have to run tests and all sorts of stuff and things like that too,” she said very casually trying to be normal for once, but of course she wasn’t, and that day that she was would be the day that she wasn’t a hero.

“Oh, so they’re scientific friends then?” Sunset said.

“Well I guess you could call them that,” she said sensing a trap.

“Well then, I just hope that they don’t ‘study’ your body too closely and get in any of your holes if you know what I mean,” Sunset said smiling now.

“Oh you little tease,” Rainbow Dash said laughing loudly right now then.

And with that said they talked and enjoyed themselves and eventually they both left, but on her way back she had yet another flashback now.

“Rainbow Dash, I want you to meet someone very special,” Celestia said as she showed her the very new girl, “This is Sunset Shimmer, she’s going to be staying with us for a while, she’s going to be like your new sister so I want you to be kind and nice to her, she’s an orphan and has no parents so she can relate to you and I thought that maybe I could ease your pain if you had someone to talk to if you can’t ever to me or my sister, so just be nice and kind to her, okay?”

“I don’t want a new sister, I want my mother,” Rainbow Dash said.

“I know, and she does too, but we can’t all have what we want and wish.”

“Yeah, we can’t just like I wish that I didn’t have to live with you anymore!”

And with that said she darted upstairs very quickly and slammed the door.

“Forgive Rainbow Dash, she just recently lost one of her parents,”

“Oh, I forgive her, I used to act like that too sometimes, but maybe I should go talk to her to help her out?” Sunset said with a very bright smile on her face.

“No, not yet, wait until she’s calmed down enough, then go talk with her.”

And with that said she did and when she went into her room she instantly hugged Rainbow Dash, “Look, you’re not alone in this, you have me.”

And with that said Rainbow Dash could not refrain from crying and then they talked, got over their issues, smiled, and then she left once they were both good.

That had been one of the few good moments of her life, getting a new sister.

And another was having all of her friends there, even Celestia as well too.

And with that she suddenly heard that there was an emergency now and then dashed off with a smile on her face, because now not only was she the fastest girl alive, but now she was also starting to finally become a hero too.

Meanwhile at Hunter Industries Simon was marveling at the wonder that he had seen earlier at his desk when Lightning Dust slowly crept in.

“Well hello there, old friend, it’s very nice to see you again,” he said with a smile on his face oblivious to the grim demeanor that she wore right now.

“I don’t think that we were ever friends, only partners in science,” she said.

“Don’t be ridiculous, we can still be friends, for example today I saw the impossible happen when someone save my life, and I want you to be a part of it. I mean imagine the possibilities, it could redefine what it means to be human, I mean our speed would be increased and distance and time wouldn’t matter that much anymore, so what do you say, are you in or out instead?”

“I’m out because what you saw belongs to me,” she said putting her cane down now. “What the-,” Simon tried to say to no avail as she continued speaking onwards now. “And what you saw, she’s called The Dash, or at least she will be someday, and I cannot allow you to harm her safety or life by putting her in any kind of danger or peril with your tiny little experiments, and please don’t take your death personally, because trust me when I say that it’s not.”

And with that said she quickly vibrated her hand and reached inside his chest and then crushed his heart,
and then slowly he gasped his last and then died.

And with that said she smiled, cleaned up after herself, and then she dragged him away to a secure safe location so that he wouldn’t be found very easily.

And with that she left to go back to the labs to play her role right now.