• Published 12th Mar 2017
  • 8,998 Views, 1,391 Comments

Yes, My Lady - Tatsurou

Scootaloo must step into her inheritance, protecting Equestria from devious criminals and dark conspiracies alike, all while staying close to her friends. Thankfully, she's got the help of one devil of a butler.

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Chapter 16

Scootaloo yawned and stretched as she sat up, rubbing her eyes as she glanced around at the walls of her Ponyville home. It was a Saturday, which meant she didn't have anything pressing waiting for her. No lessons back in Canterlot, no school here in Ponyville...nothing to do but hang out with her friends Crusading for her Cutie Mark. A huge grin spread on her face as she thought of all the stories of such antics she could tell Bluebottle and her Mom and Dad-

The sight of the eyepatch laying on her endtable brought the happy thoughts crashing down as reality rushed back into her mind. With it came the unpleasant recollections. The fire, the cellar, the dark ponies, her parents...

Closing her eyes, Scootaloo took several deep breaths as she struggled against her own heart. She wanted to grieve and move on like she was supposed to. She wanted to live the life that was taken from her. She wanted to dream of a happy life with her friends, with Bluebottle, with her parents...but those dreams couldn't be. Her friends were in just as much danger just from being her friends. Bluebottle would charge into the danger to protect her, and wind up like her parents. She would never have peace and a fulfilled life. There was only one thing left for her:


Calming her breathing, she reached over and picked up the eyepatch. Lifting it to her face, she tied it over the eye that held the Mark of Contract, the eye that had been plucked out and restored. With it firmly tied on, her heart settled, and control wrapped around her like a regal mantle. She was the Royal Watchdog. She would ensure that all that poisoned this land was dragged to Tartarus and destroyed. She would hold nothing back...and she would ensure her fate never befell those she cared for. That was her destiny now...a destiny that would never be written upon her flank.

Her morning ritual finished, she managed a soft smile as she hopped out of bed and made her way to the kitchen. Sebastian was already there, sitting at the table and working on lesson plans and grading homework since Cheerilee still wasn't back from vacation. A rather scrumptious looking omelette was at her seat at the table, along with a pile of homework assignments she hadn't completed yet, a stack of papers relating to Wingshadow's public business, and an opened envelope marked with only the Wingshadow crest. "Morning, Sebastian," she greeted warmly as she leapt into her seat, immediately burying her face in her plate as she devoured what was there.

"You have better manners than that, My Lady," Sebastian chided, his voice pained.

"Sunrise has better manners," Scootaloo corrected even as she chewed. "Because Sunrise has to be the perfect little heir. Scootaloo, on the other hoof, can be as messy and crude as she damn well pleases." Swallowing her mouthful, she chugged the orange juice set out for her before deliberately belching.

Sebastian shuddered violently. "My honorable butler ancestors would be turning in their graves at the sight of this if I had them," he murmured in mock despair. Scootaloo's eyes were sharp enough to catch the hint of a smile he tried to hide, however. "If that's the case," he continued as he resumed his aloof attitude, "then Scootaloo has homework to do-"

"Which you know I'm already three grades ahead of from your private tutoring," Scootaloo pointed out blandly. "So it's pretty pointless-"

"I tutored Sunrise," Sebastian interrupted pointedly. "I plainly know nothing of Scootaloo's abilities beyond what school records show."

Scootaloo glowered at Sebastian for a time. "...this is pointless make-work," she pointed out irritably. "I could do it in my sleep."

"Then it should be no trouble whatsoever to do so," Sebastian riposted, plainly enjoying the verbal spar.

Scootaloo turned her gaze back to the homework, grumbling irritably under her breath. "The only challenge of this is holding the damn pen," she groused.

"If you prefer, I will transcribe for you," Sebastian allowed diffidently.

"That'll work," Scootaloo decided firmly as she turned to the envelope. "So who brought us this?"

"Filthy Rich," Sebastian offered with a smile. "Quite the surprise that he's part of the network."

"Of course he's part of the network," Scootaloo countered. "He's a successful middle-class merchant with a chain store outlet in half the cities on the continent and traveling salesmen just about everywhere else. He can go just about anywhere for 'business' and talk to almost anyone, and all his inquiries are fully justifiable as business related. It's the best spy cover ever invented." Pushing her empty plate aside, she tilted the envelope to spill its contents. "So let's see what we have here."

"The information is regarding a cult in operation just outside Equestria's borders, targeting Equestrian citizens and nobles," Sebastian explained. "As I haven't reviewed the file, I don't know any more than that."

Scootaloo pushed through the papers. "Seems to be about the standard cult nonsense. 'Reunite with lost loved ones' and 'eternal life', all that road apples. If I believed in any of that, I'd have never summoned you in the first place and let those people kill me."

"Indeed," Sebastian allowed. "Aside from your personal distaste for cults, I'm not sure why this is of interest. Then again, Filthy Rich's passcode indicated he's deep cover, and he wouldn't have delivered this news personally unless he felt it was important to see to its safety." He rubbed his chin. "I got the impression that if my response had indicated I was anywhere but Wingshadow Inner Circle he'd have simply sent on a request for someone Inner Circle to come to Ponyville to collect the information, or to arrange a meeting with you personally to deliver it."

"And here I see why," Scootaloo murmured softly as she pulled out another sheet. "This cult isn't promising the reunion or eternity in the next life...but this one. And there are eye witness accounts of these 'holy transformations', and talk of those who have thus 'ascended'. It was at most a minor cult with few converts from Equestria...but they've been steadily growing since..."

Sebastian waited a time for Scootaloo to continue. When she did not, he deduced, "Since Twilight's ascension?"

"Yeah..." Scootaloo confirmed. "This cult...seems to be promising to turn ordinary ponies into alicorns...and has apparently delivered. This needs immediate attention..."