• Published 12th Mar 2017
  • 9,010 Views, 1,391 Comments

Yes, My Lady - Tatsurou

Scootaloo must step into her inheritance, protecting Equestria from devious criminals and dark conspiracies alike, all while staying close to her friends. Thankfully, she's got the help of one devil of a butler.

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Chapter 32

Scootaloo took a deep breath, turning the situation over in her mind as she tried to figure out how best she could explain to her sweet, lovable, idiotic fiance exactly how bad an idea it was to go around Ponyville challenging the senior citizens to sword fights as a way to find the blade master without giving away the fact that the blade master he was searching for was right up in the house. It wasn't her place to say that anyway. If Granny wanted to give that information, that was up to her.

"What's all that racket?" Granny suddenly called out, stumping up to the group. She then snorted at the sight of Bluebottle. "Who's the colt?" she demanded of Apple Bloom. "How come he's wearin' one a yer capes?"

"This is Bluebottle," Scootaloo spoke up to introduce him. "My...fiance." She saw Granny's eyes flicker in recognition. "He's our first Canterlot member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders...though he's gotten his Cutie Mark now."

Granny nodded firmly. "Magic swords, eh?" she asked as she let her eyes rove over Bluebottle's Cutie Mark and the magic swords he was projecting.

"Verily!" Bluebottle proclaimed dramatically. "And on my elder brother's advice, I am in search of a legendary blade master here in town...and will challenge anyone who might be them to a sword duel, that the one who can defeat me needs must be the master!" Turning to Granny, he dispelled most of the magic swords, leaving only one exceptionally well defined one between himself and the old mare. "And I shall begin with you, if I may! Do you take up my-"

Before anyone could react, Granny lashed out with the tip of her cane, striking the magic sword right at the crosspiece and twisting. The magic weave flexed and unraveled, causing Bluebottle to wince in pain as the spell fed back through his own horn due to the twist Granny had forced into it. "Cutie Mark spells are double edged swords," Granny explained flatly as she once more set her cane on the ground. "Ya get more power in the spell cause ya can put more of yerself into it...but th' feedback of a broken spell shoots straight ta yer core as a result. If'n ya don't learn control and ways ta deal, ya make yerself more vulnerable with every cast."

Bluebottle dispelled the broken weave before taking a few breaths as the fillies watched in awe. Focusing, he once more shaped the magic sword, though it didn't have as much energy in it as before. He was plainly trying to not put as much magic into it as last time. He slowly focused until the sword gave every appearance of solidity, despite being pure magic.

"How come ya gave it a hilt?" Granny asked flatly.

"Swords have hilts!" Bluebottle stated firmly.

"Why?" Granny coached.

"To...give a place to hold it without cutting yourself-"

"Ya gonna hold that sword in yer hoof ta fight me?" Granny asked derisively with a bark of laughter.

Bluebottle blinked in surprise...and then grinned. The sword faded almost completely out of existence, and a seeming flash of light lashed towards Granny.

Granny Smith dismissively blocked the thrust with her hoof, no mark appearing there. "Thrust with a cutlass, yer askin' fer a whuppin'. Good thinkin' with only makin' the cuttin' edge to conserve magic and hide the strike."

Bluebottle stared in shock. "But...the blade-"

"Cutlass' got a curved blade cause it's made for slashin' strikes," Granny stated flatly. "Rapier's got a point cause it's made ta thrust. Epee's wiggle cause they're made to slip past defendin' blades. Broadsword's heavy ta cleave through armor. Every type a sword is purpose made for a specific type o' fightin' style. Use the wrong sword fer the wrong strike, ya leave yerself open." To prove her point, she lashed out and jabbed Bluebottle on the inside of one knee with the tip of her cane, making him briefly fold to the ground. "Ya got magic swords. Magic follows thought. So think."

Bluebottle slowly got to his feet, taking a few breaths to steady himself. He then grinned widely as his horn glowed.

Granny's cane spun in a blur, deflecting a series of slashing cuts before shifting to catch a dozen thrusts with the head. Granny then spun as epee strikes tried to find holes in her defense before hurling her cane. It corkscrewed through the air to strike Bluebottle right at the base of his horn, sending him to the ground as the cane flipped through the air back into Granny's grip. "Swords aren't just fer attackin'," she explained as she watched Bluebottle shake his head, trying to clear it of the daze of the impact. "If ya put everythang into attackin', ya leave yerself wide open for a counter attack. Yer about a century too early fer me ta accept yer challenge..." She glanced at Scootaloo as the pegasus rushed to her fiance's side in concern. "But yer gonna get involved in her business no matter what she says, so it's better ya know what yer doin'. Yer brother comin' ta yer Cute Cenera?"

Bluebottle nodded quickly, though he clutched at the base of his horn as he did so. "Yes! He said he wouldn't miss it for the world, no matter where it is!"

"Then he can talk ta me there about mah fee fer your lessons," Granny stated firmly. "Fer now, ah got an old 'friend' ta meet up with in town." With that, she turned and hobbled off towards town.

As Scootaloo helped Bluebottle recover his senses, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and Sweetie Belle turned towards Apple Bloom. "Your Granny is so cool!" Diamond squeed out, her sentiment echoed by the other two.

"Ah know, right?" Apple Bloom squealed right back. "Where did she learn ta do all that?"

Scootaloo decided not to say anything. If Granny wanted to tell those stories - unlikely - that was up to her.

It didn't take long for Granny to reach the only bar in Ponyville. It was close to the edge of town that bumped up against the Acres, and it always kept a table open for her and anyone she wanted to drink with. She was served a bottle of her farm's own cider while she waited calmly for the one she knew would be here before too long. There was a certain 'understanding' between them.

As she expected, before long the doors swung open to admit a rather unassuming looking stallion. Green coat, yellow-green eyes, neatly combed dark brown mane and tail, rectangular glasses, broken hourglass Cutie Mark, and a sharp suit. He made his way calmly over to Granny's table and sat opposite her.

"Here fer another scar, 'Suit'?" Granny asked flatly, her hoof on the dark tip of her cane.

"Heavens, no," William responded calmly. "I took your point quite well last time. We can collect you when you're good and ready to be collected, and not a second before."

Granny nodded firmly. "Good. Yer a nice enough fella, and ah don't like scarrin' the nice ones. So what brings ya, then? Felt ya enter an' take shape."

William smiled faintly. "Your title is well earned," he murmured idly. He nervously pushed his glasses up his muzzle. "I understand one of my subordinates caused trouble for you and yours recently. I'm here to tender a formal apology over the matter, on behalf of myself, my organization, and my subordinate."

"Why ain't he here himself?" Granny demanded angrily.

William flushed slightly. "We are...still attempting to extract his wings and scythe," he allowed delicately. "The one called Sebastian was...quite thorough. It's difficult to remove that particular scythe while it's running without killing him."

"Why not just kill him, then?" Granny asked coldly. "Ain't he done enough ta deserve that?"

"The organization considers it more of a punishment under the circumstances to keep him alive," William answered with a faint smile. "Besides...the record of the 'battle' and the conversation beforehand raised...a possible explanation for Grell's...instability. Once Grell is healthy and intact, we wish to explore that possibility and see if that might...correct some of the issues."

Granny raised an eyebrow. "And ya came ta me with this why?"

"We were...hoping you'd be willing to act as a go between for us and the Diarchs on this matter," William explained delicately. "They are...unfond of our organization, and...are unlikely to accept a direct request from us for this. But if you were to raise the matter-"

"Or ya could just let Grell get in line," Granny interrupted. "Diarchs don't care who and what ya are if'n yer goin' for reassignment fer psychological reasons. They'll help him become her if he asks politely. What they do wit' her after is a different story, but that'll be her problem."

William considered this for a time, then nodded. "I shall present your suggestion to my superiors. Thank you for your time."

"Like ah said, yer a nice fella," Granny replied airily.

"And you are a fascinating mare," William murmured appreciatively. He sighed softly. "Another hour was provided in my schedule for this meeting. If I'd been assigned your case just a few decades ago..."

Granny smiled widely...and began to change. Her saggy skin slowly became taut. Her musculature filled out a bit as her rickety bones became stronger and more solid. Her white hair unraveled from its tight bun as it slowly turned blonde before weaving itself into twin braids. She smiled with real teeth as - before William's very eyes - she suddenly looked no older than 30(1). "How many decades?" she purred softly.

William stared, his jaw hanging.

"You said you have another hour," Granny purred softly, fluttering her long eyelashes his way. "I can keep this up for two before I'll need to rest. And there's a spare room upstairs here..."

William swallowed convulsively.

(1) This is based off Master Genkai's ability to do similar in the anime Yu Yu Hakusho by temporarily supercharging the cells of her body with her stored reiki, allowing her to look and function as though she were several decades younger for short periods of time. Similar thing here, but with magic.