• Published 12th Mar 2017
  • 9,010 Views, 1,391 Comments

Yes, My Lady - Tatsurou

Scootaloo must step into her inheritance, protecting Equestria from devious criminals and dark conspiracies alike, all while staying close to her friends. Thankfully, she's got the help of one devil of a butler.

  • ...

Chapter 7

The following morning, Sebastian gave the trio a lift back to Ponyville after a rather filling breakfast. "Ah gotta get back t' the farm!" Apple Bloom spoke up quickly. "Gotta get ready for school today!"

"I need to get my school things, too!" Sweetie Belle agreed, moving to rush off. "See you at school, Scoot!"

Scootaloo waved to her friends, then turned back to Sebastian. She was unsurprised to discover that the rather expensive sky chariot was already nowhere in sight, or to discover that Sebastian had removed his bow tie and donned horn-rimmed glasses, making him look more stern than submissive. "You sure you can handle your end of things?" she asked firmly.

"But of course," Sebastian replied. "A Wingshadow butler who can't do this much isn't worth his salt."

"But you aren't acting as a butler for now," Scootaloo pointed out.

"Indeed," Sebastian confirmed. "I am a butler who is not being a butler. Not many could do this." He smiled softly. "Simply get to school, My Lady. I will take care of my end."

Nodding, Scootaloo raced off to her house in town. Sebastian, meanwhile, made his way to another house in town, pleased it was still so early. With an easy smile, he knocked on the door.

"Yes, who is it?" Cheerilee asked as she opened the door. She let out a surprised gasp as she saw the sharply dressed griffon waiting there. "C-can I help you?"

"It is I who is here to help you, mu-I mean, Miss Cheerilee," he responded immediately. He held out the envelope. "Forgive my momentary slip of the tongue. With the lavish praise my superiors have lauded you with, I find myself surprised to find it going to such a young lady. You are to be commended."

Cheerilee blushed in surprise as she took the envelope. "Your, uh, superiors talk about me?" she asked carefully. "And who might they..." Her eyes widened as he voice trailed off, first on seeing the Lunar Seal on the documents in the envelope, and what was in it besides documents. "Oh...oh my goodness! But...but I can't! My students-"

"And that is why I am here, Miss," Sebastian explained. "Though if I'm any judge, when the stallions where you're going catch sight of such a charming young lady, you're bound to be coming home a Mrs."

Cheerilee giggled and blushed brightly. "You...you really think so?"

"I don't doubt it," Sebastian confirmed. "You go pack. I'll take care of things on this end. I'll just need..."

It wasn't long before Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo made it to the schoolhouse. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were surprised to see Sebastian nowhere in sight, but Scootaloo's grin reassured them. After all, the plan she'd devised with Sebastian had been made after the girls had conked out for the night, so they didn't know about it. Scootaloo doubted she'd be able to tell them about it before class started, especially as she saw a certain headache coming their way as they entered the classroom.

"Well well, Silver Spoon," Diamond Tiara spoke up in a superior, taunting voice. "It looks like we've got the full trio of-"

"Blank Flanks!" the pair of bullies chorused together.

"-here with us," Diamond concluded. "And I thought we were finally rid of one of you."

"Back off, Diamond Tiara," Scootaloo growled, turning to face them. She'd forgotten just how much of a headache this pair was.

Silver Spoon gasped in surprise. "Your eye...?"

Scootaloo frowned. She'd forgotten no one but her friends had seen her eyepatch yet, and no one knew the real reason she wore it now.

Diamond Tiara smirked cruelly. "Well what do you know? Seems it's not just your wings that don't work right for you. Now your eye? What's going to fail next?" Shocked gasps raced through the classroom as Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle moved to stand protectively around Scootaloo.

"So you find disabilities amusing?" a cold voice spoke up from the door. "I'm disappointed."

All eyes turned as Sebastian slowly made his way to the group, glaring down his beak at Diamond Tiara. "I expect this sort of behavior from students in Canterlot or Manehatten, where social maneuvering actually has meaning, but I'd hoped for better in a small, close knit community like this one." He flipped open the file he was holding. "Then again, I really shouldn't be surprised..."

"Just what's that supposed to mean?" Diamond Tiara demanded angrily. "Just who do you think you are?"

"I'm your substitute teacher," Sebastian stated bluntly. "Miss Cheerilee was awarded a vacation from Princess Luna via the Royal Board of Education for her tireless service and excellent performance...though from what I've seen and read, I think most of that is probably from dealing with you without strangling you."

"What?" Diamond demanded in shock as a few foals snickered. "How dare you talk to me that way? Don't you know-"

"You're the spoiled brat daughter of an owner of a business chain and a heinous bitch with delusions of grandeur," Sebastian interrupted as he leaned forward menacingly. "Your mother has forcefully impressed her overweening sense of self importance onto you and used her position on the school board to let you get away with everything. You are a big fish in a very small pond...and I've dealt with sharks. Now take your seat before I do what your father should have done long ago and you're forced to stand in class."

Sebastian's blistering remonstrance left Diamond Tiara completely cowed...for the moment. The pair of bullies moved to their seats as many of the colts and fillies oohed.

Sebastian snapped his gaze to the others. "Take your seats, all of you," he ordered firmly. Every student immediately rushed to their seats as Sebastian moved to behind the teacher's desk. "I will be your substitute teacher until Cheerilee returns from her vacation. My name is Sebastian. No Mr. or Sir, just Sebastian." He wrote his name out on the blackboard. "I have only two rules for students in my class. First, study hard. Second, no bullying. I have no tolerance for children who feel their self-esteem hinges on how many others they can tear down emotionally. And don't think you can simply wait until I'm not looking." He gestured to his crimson, predator eyes. "I miss nothing.

"And I will come down just as hard on anyone rubbing it in Diamond Tiara's face what happened here today," he continued. "Reverse bullying is even worse, in my opinion. As you heard, I report directly to the Royal Board of Education, so any of you who have parents on the School Board, you can forget trying to influence me that way. Study hard, be considerate of each other, and we'll get along just fine. Is that understood?"

"Yes Sebastian," the class chorused, many fidgeting nervously in their seats. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle chimed in a beat behind the others, still completely poleaxed from the revelation.

Sebastian nodded firmly. "Very good." He pulled out the workbook. "Now open your books to page 37. I have a field trip arranged for later this week to the Ponyville Day Spa, and only those who have completed all their assignments on time by then will be allowed to go."

Excitement buzzed through the class as everyone pulled out their books. Scootaloo hid a smile. Sebastian made things almost too easy...

Author's Note:

Thanks to Greenhorn for this comment, which gave me a solution I'd been puzzling my brain for...and providing a way to cover the rest of the exposition and character introduction/interaction I wanted.