• Published 12th Mar 2017
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Yes, My Lady - Tatsurou

Scootaloo must step into her inheritance, protecting Equestria from devious criminals and dark conspiracies alike, all while staying close to her friends. Thankfully, she's got the help of one devil of a butler.

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Chapter 19

As promised, Scootaloo was immediately guided towards a large natural spring where all members of the church - faithful and Servants - did their bathing in the desert heat. The 'Sisters' who were waiting quickly and deftly stripped Scootaloo of veil, dress, and petticoats, though did not remove the white bandage she wore in place of her eyepatch. It had been Sebastian's suggestion - which she'd agreed with - that a bandage would draw fewer questions or objections when 'undercover' than an eyepatch, and a mention of "doctor's orders" was all it took for everyone to ignore it or work around it. This gave Scootaloo plenty of time to take in the surroundings.

The spring was actually in the exact center of the structure, which had obviously been built up around what had once been merely an oasis. Rather than roofing, the spring remained shaded only by palm trees to maintain the natural feeling of the area, though the entire oasis was now contained by a courtyard. The structure extended outward from there over a wide area which appeared to cover mostly quarters and communal areas. The only other points of note were the large cathedral structure opposite the main entrance and the two soaring towers to either side. What struck Scootaloo as odd was that one tower was pitch black from base to top, while the other was pristine white, the towers being the only parts of the structure any color other than the plain grey stone of the rest of the structure. More than anything she wanted to ask about the purpose and reason behind this, but she had to be 'Citrine', the heartbroken, grief-stricken filly that this order would desperately want to snatch up...which meant she couldn't let herself get excited.

"I was wondering if you might be able to answer some of my questions whilst My Lady undergoes her ablutions?" Sebastian suddenly asked one of the 'sisters' tending her. "While Citrine does not speak much since her ordeal, she prefers that those around her speak. A group of silent people...reminds her of the funeral."

Scootaloo schooled her expression to hide the victorious smirk. She was glad she had that talk with Sebastian about his wits being at her disposal. She was completely confident that he'd be able to put together the details she was curious about based on where she directed her attention.

"But of course," one of the sisters - a pegasus who shared the same coloration as the earth pony who'd guided them to the bath - responded. "I will answer what I may. What is it you wanted to know?"

"The overall design of this place is...curious," Sebastian observed carefully. "For instance, the main structure is of plain grey stone without the slightest bit of ornamentation...almost ostentatious in its simplicity. An...odd design for places of worship, at least amongst those races that normally do worship. I admit I was unaware of any gods ponies prayed to."

"We do not worship any god here," the mare replied. "Our faith is based around the concept of the balance of life and death, the path of the soul. As all souls are fundamentally the same at the deepest level, so too is all in the communal structure the same, so no one is ever higher or lower than anyone else. Those who come here know themselves to be equal."

"Then why are the main cathedral and the two towers different?" Sebastian inquired curiously. "I admit the idea of a faith based around a concept rather than a figure to worship is curious in and of itself, but I presume such inquiries would be better answered by attending the service you mentioned."

The mare nodded with dignity. "True. The cathedral represents the concept of the soul itself. There we strive as a group to grasp the fundamental nature of the soul, and how they are all joined together by nature as a single force greater than any one of us could ever hope to be alone. The grandeur of the structure is to remind us to be humble regarding that concept, to know we are all equal and but parts of a far greater whole.

"As for the towers, that is where our most important rituals take place," the mare continued. "Only those of the faithful who have truly dedicated themselves to the faith, the church, and the hope it represents are privy to what goes on in either tower. The black tower is the Tower of Death, and the white one is the Tower of Life. Their opposite points relative to each other represent the journey of the soul from life to death to life again. Our churches are all built to the same plan, with the courtyard surrounding a local feature that represents life against adversity, such as this oasis in the desert."

"My thanks for assuaging my curiosity," Sebastian offered politely. "And for helping my charge remain comfortable. I hope I did not disturb you with my inquiries."

The mare waved her hoof dismissively. "It is our purpose here to enlighten those who journey to our halls to learn, and to provide comfort for those who come seeking hope in their hour of grief. It is both our honor and our pleasure to do so. But what of you? Surely the heat of the desert has bowed you down as well?"

"A butler of my caliber who can't handle this much isn't worth his salt," Sebastian replied demurely. "Much as you it seems, it is duty, honor, and pleasure for me to endure anything for the good of My Lady."

"Such dedication," the mare murmured thoughtfully. "You may make an estimable brother of our order."

Scootaloo couldn't stop a choke at that thought. Sebastian, a brother of a holy order...

"Are you well?" the mare actively bathing Scootaloo asked her worriedly, lifting her out of the spring.

Sebastian quickly scooped her up. "I am all she has in this world now," he offered softly. "The thought of me leaving her to join the order probably disturbed her. She does not do well alone."

The talkative mare smiled softly. "You are both with us now," she promised gently. "You will never be alone again."

We'll see about that, Scootaloo thought softly.