• Published 12th Mar 2017
  • 9,009 Views, 1,391 Comments

Yes, My Lady - Tatsurou

Scootaloo must step into her inheritance, protecting Equestria from devious criminals and dark conspiracies alike, all while staying close to her friends. Thankfully, she's got the help of one devil of a butler.

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Chapter 39

Scootaloo kept herself as calm as she could manage as the cocoons were transported into the caves before being hung from the ceiling. Once that was done, she took stock of the situation as she could make it out. Okay, first the pros, she began mentally. We're all in the same chamber, it's a sealed chamber with guards outside, and no one's looking at us at the moment. The tunnels are a shifting maze - literally shifting, I saw one alter its path mid-trip - which should play more to Sebastian's advantage than the Changelings' once he gets here, since he'll have an easier time hiding what he does and thus maintaining his 'just a butler' attitude since now would be a bad time to reveal his true nature. No telling what that would do here.

And now cons, Scootaloo continued her thoughts. Well, there's not wanting to unleash Sebastian's full power just yet, both for what it might reveal with who can see and the fact I know Sebastian needs to eat souls to be at 100%. The more power I make him use, the less he'll have until he eats his next soul. She attempted to shift her position in the cocoon. Con 2, we're completely immobilized, except for my mouth. I can breathe, and probably speak...for now. Well, that doesn't seem so bad. Just need to look around until I can find a reflective surface, remove my eyepatch and... Her eyes widened as she realized a rather prominent difficulty. In order to summon Sebastian from a distance, she needed to be able to expose her Contract marking. If she couldn't move to remove her eyepatch... "Crap baskets," she murmured softly.

"Problem, love?" Bluebottle asked curiously.

"Only that if I can't move my legs, we're screwed," Scootaloo explained irritably. "So unless you can fix that-"

At that moment Bluebottle's entire body flashed, and the cocoon was ripped to shreds around him as it fell apart, even his mane free of so much as a drop of slime. "As you wish," he offered warmly as his horn glowed.

Scootaloo stared as the cocoons fell apart around herself and Blueblood. "But...but Changeling slime and cocoons block other forms of magic!"

"Granny Smith taught me there were two types of magic blocking," Bluebottle explained. "One is area of effect, which absorbs all magic but the form it's powered by. The only defense against that type is having the same type of magic, or destroying the blocking enchantment. The second type involves a specific substance being applied to the body to block magic from manifesting. The best defense for that is to not let it touch your body." His entire body shimmered briefly as he used tiny magic blades to flick away every bit of slime from Scootaloo before moving on to Blueblood. "So she taught me how to maintain a full coat of transparent micro-blades to rest against my entire body as a magic armor that can, at any moment, be turned into a hedgehog-style offensive defense."

"When you reach your majority, you are enrolling in the Front Line Guard," Blueblood spoke up as he straightened his mane. "I don't care what Mother and Father say. A warrior with your natural talent anywhere else would be a tragic waste."

"Not if I tap him first," Scootaloo countered firmly. "Wingshadow could definitely use someone of that skill."

"I am ever at your command, my love," Bluebottle promised happily.

Blueblood chuckled ruefully. "So what is the plan now?" Blueblood asked curiously. "I suppose there is a plan, and we didn't walk into an obvious trap without backup on a lark?"

"More on a griffon," Scootaloo countered playfully, knowing the full measure of the joke would only be known to her. "I need a reflective surface..."

"Will this do?" Blueblood offered, floating an ornate hoof-mirror - what the minotaurs would call a hand mirror - out of his doublet and over to her.

"You carry a mirror with you at all times?" Scootaloo asked in surprise.

"You don't think this flawless mane and face happen naturally, do you?" Blueblood chided playfully.

"They do for Bluebottle," she countered, pointing to where the colt had just shaken himself off, only for his mane to fall naturally into the perfect coiffure that Blueblood worked so hard for.

"Of course they do, the lucky git," Blueblood growled playfully as he reached over to muss his younger brother's mane. He then stared as it returned to its prior state without any effort on the part of Bluebottle.

"Any chance your family's related to Fluttershy?" Scootaloo asked curiously. "Or just him?"

"I shall endeavor to investigate," Blueblood murmured thoughtfully. "Assuming your plan gets us out in one piece."

"You two take positions around me," Scootaloo instructed. "And until backup gets here, keep your backs to me." Once they obeyed, she held the mirror up to see her reflection before removing her eyepatch. Opening her eyes, she saw the contract marking glowing in her reflection. "Sebastian!"

Sebastian's face appeared in the mirror, holding up his claw where his marking glowed. "I am here."

"This is an order," Scootaloo declared firmly. "Come get us, and make Lucretia pay."

"Yes, My Lady."

Sebastian stared out at what was now known to be Lucretia's Hive, plotting his approach. He already had the manor help in position to assist, but it quickly became plain that said assistance would be limited. The tunnels were too narrow for the clockwork golem records-keeper, didn't have enough openings for Gretchen to get a good shot, and Silver Tongue and Flamberge were not suited to the guerrilla combat going into the tunnels would involve. Going in alone also wasn't a good option, as short of unleashing more of his power than Scootaloo had permitted he'd be overwhelmed by sheer numbers. By His Mistress' restriction, he was limited to the bad silver, and that set was much smaller. "This...could be problematic," he murmured thoughtfully.

"Perhaps I can assist, Sebas-chan?"

Sebastian's eyes widened. That voice was much softer than he was used to, and nowhere near as unhinged. Turning, he found his eyes widening at what awaited him. A rather lovely pegasus mare stood there, smiling softly at him. Her green eyes sparkled behind her red glasses, and her red coat matched almost perfectly the shade of the long coat she was wearing. Her crimson mane and tail were combed back, almost slicked, but still breaking into rather fetching spikes. Upon her shapely flank was the mark of a broken film reel. "...Grell?" Sebastian asked in surprise.

"One and the same," the mare purred. "I made it in to see Princess Luna for the spell, and...it's been rather calming." She took a deep breath before letting it out. "Mortals have a hard enough time when a quirk of fate makes their minds and bodies mismatch. For an immortal reaper..." She shook her head. "I cannot excuse my actions in the past, dear Sebas-chan...but I do apologize if I've been unreasonably troublesome to you."

Sebastian looked Grell in the eyes for a time, surprised to see only sincerity. Eventually, he decided that he had more important things to do than to pick a fight here. "As it seems you were female all along even if your body wasn't at the time, plainly you were only behaving as you were supposed to. Isn't it the woman's job in Victorian England to drive men crazy?"

Grell smiled widely, showing her pointed teeth. "I understand you're having some difficulty planning an assault here? Perhaps I can assist?" Reaching into her coat, she pulled out her chainsaw reaper's scythe. Gripping it in both hooves, she clutched the throttle in her teeth and pulled back, setting it to humming.

"Two against thousands isn't that much better than one," Sebastian pointed out, "though the assistance is appreciated."

Grell's smile turned sheepish. "I...may have brought a bit of help."

A metallic clanking slowly approached with a tumbling sound Sebastian had never expected to hear in Equestria. Turning to the source...he grinned widely. "That will do quite nicely."