• Published 12th Mar 2017
  • 9,009 Views, 1,391 Comments

Yes, My Lady - Tatsurou

Scootaloo must step into her inheritance, protecting Equestria from devious criminals and dark conspiracies alike, all while staying close to her friends. Thankfully, she's got the help of one devil of a butler.

  • ...

Chapter 30

As Scootaloo and Sebastian returned to Sweet Apple Acres, Granny Smith met them at the door to the house. "Ye get th' bastard that hurt Filthy?" she asked simply.

Scootaloo nodded softly. "And the bitch pulling his strings," she confirmed, keeping her voice low.

Granny's grip on her cane tightened, the wood shifting just enough that a glint of blessed steel could be seen within before she closed it up again. "She gonna be gettin' up agin?"

"Up, perhaps," Sebastian allowed, staring at the cane a trifle nervously. Ripping the Reaper's Scythe from Grell's grip had been one thing, since the 'ordained mission' of House Wingshadow - since most of Equestria saw Celestia and Luna as gods - granted him protection from sacred forces from other sources so long as he was bound in service to a Wingshadow. A weapon blessed by Celestia specifically against forces of darkness, however, would still cause him great harm...possibly even to his true self. Somehow, he didn't think Granny Smith was kindly disposed towards him. "Out, never," he concluded calmly.

Granny nodded firmly as she relaxed. She then turned to Scootaloo. "And how are ye caught up in all this?" she asked firmly.

"In the shadows I watch," Scootaloo responded simply, using code to identify herself as an undercover member of the actual bloodline.

Granny's eyes widened in shock. "Maker take us, ye poor girl..." Setting her cane aside, she pulled Scootaloo into a warm, comforting, motherly embrace.

Scootaloo accepted the comfort, but she would not allow herself to cry. She'd promised herself that she would shed no tear until the one responsible for what happened to her parents was firmly in the grave, and she intended to keep that promise. Still, the hug was nice.

After a time, Granny pulled back with a soft chuckle. "Yer line always did breed tough," she observed, affectionately mussing her mane. She jerked her head towards Sebastian. "Ye know what he is, right?"

Scootaloo's eyebrow raised. "Do you?" she asked carefully.

"Dealt with his ilk a few times," Granny allowed. "Trick is knowin' just where and when ta strike." She gave Sebastian an appraisin' glance. "If'n he's your servant, make sure he guards th' inside o' his shoulder after a close swipe. One thrust right there before he can recover..." She chuckled wickedly at Sebastian's shocked expression.

"Seed of Death indeed," Scootaloo murmured in awe. "No wonder you're still alive."

Granny let out a wicked cackle as she picked up her cane...which on closer inspection was more a walking staff, as it was perfectly symmetrical. "If'n ya see ol' Suit, tell him he's welcome ta try and take me afore ah'm ready anytime." Flipping the staff over, she pulled the other end up, revealing a blade glowing with dark energy, shaped to counter agents of the divine such as Reapers or angels. "Mebe next time ah'll give him a scar."

Sebastian was not the sort to laugh aloud, but he did grin widely as Granny sheathed the blade once more. "A pity you did not tell me earlier. I could have delivered the message when I returned 'the bastard' to those he was supposed to be working for."

Granny's eyes narrowed. "Red fella?" When she received a confirming nod, she spat a vile oath in a dead language that nearly made Sebastian blush. "Shoulda known when ah saw him skulkin' around...basturd..."

Scootaloo sighed as she let herself relax. "Well, that's dealt with. I suppose that means my official business in Ponyville is concluded..." She glanced up to where her friends were still held in the grip of the sleep spell. "I'll...probably have to say goodbye..."

"Wait a week or so," Granny suggested. "Diamond's gonna need some help adjustin', and knowin' the case about her Pa is closed oughta go a long way. Sides, 'till she's completely settled, yer job ain't done, is it?"

Scootaloo smiled softly and nodded. "In that case, I'll go join them. It's time for bed anyway."

"Next time ye cast spells on me home without permission, I'll tan yer hide. Both o' ye."

Scootaloo chuckled nervously as she quickly raced out of the room.

She slowed down as she approached the room, seeing the door hanging open and the girls all slumped in a heap on a pile of pillows and blankets, snoring away, Diamond's namesake tiara still resting in her curls and glittering in the low light. She smiled to herself at the sight, enjoying looking in on the peaceful, innocent moment.

She felt her heart quail as she realized a stark truth about her situation. This is what she would always be, outside looking in. She could pretend to belong with them, pretend to be as innocent as they...but beneath the surface, her thoughts would always be on her Duty, on the world she had to serve, to protect. She could never truly belong amongst them, no matter how much she - and they - tried. She could only ever be a visitor in their world...and it was unthinkable to even consider bringing them into hers.

Sighing softly to herself, she slipped silently into the pile to join them, only for Diamond Tiara to roll over and get her in a headlock. "Thought you could knock us out and slip off, huh?" she whispered fiercely in her ear.

"Wha?" Scootaloo gasped out in confusion. "How are you still awake?"

"Puh-leaze!" Diamond snapped out, tapping her tiara. "This isn't just fashionable. Daddy got the best protection spells money can buy embedded in every gem and the very shaping of the metal. That was a powerful sleep spell, but it was still just a simple cantrip. The only reason I didn't take off after you is because Granny Smith was still awake. But now I want details!"

Scootaloo struggled to get free. "Diamond, just like I told Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, there are some things I won't say-"

"Buck the secrecy, just tell me it wasn't my fault!"

Scootaloo froze, then slowly turned to face Diamond Tiara, seeing unshed tears in her eyes. "...what?"

"It...it wasn't her, was it?" Diamond pleaded. "Tell me she didn't do that to Daddy to get back control of me because I wasn't listening to her anymore...please..."

Scootaloo looked Diamond straight in the eye...and knew she couldn't lie to her. She pulled Diamond into a comforting hug. "I'm sorry..."

Diamond's eyes quivered...and then she buried her face in Scootaloo's mane, sobbing bitterly.