• Published 12th Jul 2017
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Dawn - Anachronon

Redemption had to be earned, Sunset Shimmer knew that. But how could everything go so wrong? Who was this "Anon-a-Miss"? Nobody believed her, all abandoned her. What would be left for her? A certain draconequus was witness and decided to intervene.

  • ...

Chapter 10 - Sunset's Decision

It was early in the morning, the sun barely greeted a new day and a calming tranquility lay over Canterlot Castle.

Sunset Shimmer stirred sleepily from the invading rays of sunshine. She just had the most wonderful dream, where she woke up in her private room from her time before she had abandoned everything she knew, especially her mentor, Princess Celestia. But the best part of this dream was the heartfelt reunion they had. Like in the old days where they could have had moments as mother and daughter, far away from the curious public eye.

"I wish that dream could be re-" the unicorn's pillow had just moved, and it was soft. Sunset opened her eyes, and got a face full of white alicorn fur, paired with a white-feathered blanket in form of the immortal ruler's right wing.

It wasn't a dream! She felt like tearing up again, "And here I thought everything only happened in my imagination," Sunset thought happily and snuggled a little with her mother.

Maybe she was already a grown mare, but she couldn't care less about her already damaged reputation right now.

Celestia woke up as well from her daughter's movements and small cuddle attack. Yawning, she looked down at her little Pony in pure motherly love, "My Little Sun, I see you are awake."

The alabaster mare nuzzled the amber unicorn's neck.

Her former student pouted in embarrassment, "What did I once say about this nickname?"

The monarch's grin was playfully confused, "Hm? I think there was something, but after such a long time I can’t seem to remember any important details. Besides, what are you going to do about it, order me to stop?"

Sunset had nothing, but it wasn't important anyway. She put her head onto the Sun Princess' barrel. "By royal decree I hereby declare that we are allowed to sleep in today," she mumbled tiredly.

Princess Celestia laughed lightly, "Oh believe me, I tried. But Raven would kick me out of my bed if I burdened her with more work just because I want to sleep a little longer. My faithful assistant did that once."

That got the smaller pony's attention, "And you didn't toss Raven into a dungeon? Or banished her? Or banished her to the place she was imprisoned?"

The alicorn rolled her eyes, "Why do my subjects always think that I would do something like that? Was I ever anything else than benevolent to them?"

Sunset considered her words, "Well, you are old, like ancient old. An Equestria without you is practically unthinkable. Then there is the fact that you are an immortal and very powerful alicorn who can raise and lower the sun itself like it is the most mundane task. And the history books in the Royal Library contain many legends about an everlasting wrath you unleashed upon your enemies in the past."

Celestia groaned in annoyance at being reminded of her youth, "Once. I did that just one single time. I swear, I was a young inexperienced mare and thought in much more archaic ways as a fresh ruler. My first response to one of the gryphon noble’s planned invasion of Baltimare was to declare war on their country as a whole. Luna and I shattered their army with ours and that was the only time we did something like that. You act too rash one time and the historians will never let you live that down."

The amber coated unicorn giggled, "Face it mom. You will always be the intimidating big bad ruler who smites ponies where they stand should they anger you. You had a bad idea, acted on it and now you will have to live with its consequences."

Suddenly Equestria's ruler had a twinkle in her eyes that gave Sunset a bad feeling, "Is the pot calling the kettle here? I am certain there was once an ambitious young mare, with an ego as big as Mount Everhoof, who thought she could overthrow me with a transformed and mind controlled teenager army of bipedal beings." The sarcasm in her voice was so subtle that most would have thought that Celestia was serious, "But I'm certain those colts and fillies would have conquered the capital like a storm eventually, that is after they finally learned to walk on four legs without stumbling of course, or after you gave them a short introduction in how to use the naturally given magic of their new pony tribe, or any other race of Equus they would have turned into."

Sunset's cheeks turned the color of her mane, "I-I don't want to talk about it! I was drunk on power and didn't have a clear head at that time, OK?!"

The alicorn chuckled at the smaller mare's expense and sighed afterwards to speak about more serious topics, "All joking aside, Sunset. There are certain things we have to talk about. Some will involve the other princesses as well, but first of all-" She hugged the surprised unicorn with all the love she could muster, "-I said it yesterday and I say it again, I'm eternally sorry that I didn't act like the mother you wanted. No, the mother you deserved. This grave misunderstanding shall change from this day on, please forgive me."

Sunset remembered it well, she literally cried herself to sleep. May this embarrassing event never leave the castle, or so she hoped.

She lowered her head in shame, "I-it wasn't your fault. Yes, I always wanted your attention, that you would see me as your equal, as your d-daughter. You adopted me after I lost everything as a little filly and I thought the only way to earn your love was to prove myself as somepony worthy of princesshood." She sighed heavily, "We both know how I ended up. Now I see that my methods were just stupid and acts of a spoiled brat."

The ancient ruler's expression was painted in sadness, "We are both at fault. The more you grew up the more I established a professional student-teacher relationship, because it was an old pattern I always followed through with every of my students. Despite the fact that you were in a much more special position than every pony before you. A grave mistake I realized much too late."

Her daughter didn't know what to say and simply laid her head between Celestia's forelegs.

The solar princess continued with more calmness in her voice, "After Luna was released from the Nightmare my dear sister claimed herself responsible night after night for what happened, as you do right now. But you know what my Little Sun?" Sunset shook her head, feeling fuzzy inside at being the target of such a kind and warm smile, "Our past is not today. It doesn't have to define us, but the lessons we learn from it shape our present and guide the changes we want to bring the future."

Celestia embraced Sunset with her huge wings, "I don't say that you were innocent of your actions, because in the long history of Equestria you are only one of many ponies who fell victim to their own talents and pride, and I fear you won't be the last. You thought you deserved to be an alicorn, but refused to learn that it wasn't something I could give you like some kind of birthday gift."

Sunset lowered her ears in regret, "Yeah, I see that now. I should have used my abilities for more than feeding my own ego."

The ancient ruler smiled brightly, "And this newly gained attitude of yours is proof that you truly learned from your past mistakes. I'm so proud on you and what you accomplished in such a short time. Twilight told me everything about her second visit of the mirror world and how you played an important role in defeating the sirens." A thousand-yard stare filled the monarch's eyes after she said the last sentence.

"Mom?" Sunset asked worriedly.

Her daughter's voice pulled Princess Celestia back to reality, she blushed. A rare event the ancient alicorn only allowed to happen in her most private moments, "Forgive me. The sirens are just one of many errors of judgement Star Swirl and I made and that you and Twilight had to fight them reminded me of this fact. We believed this other world could be used as a prison for every being for whom a place like Tartarus might not enough to hold them."

The amber mare raised an eyebrow, this topic held her mind for quite some time, "And why is that? I think a dimension literally serving as a prison is a much better idea instead of using the human world as Equestria's dumpster for very dangerous threats," she stated bluntly.

The royal mask returned in full force, "I couldn't. Sirens and Windigos both feed upon hatred and negative energy. Imprisoning them in Tartarus, a dimension filled to the brim with potent magic and the vilest of creatures, would have been like Elysium for them. They would have become too strong to be contained, even for Cerberus, and nopony could have stopped them." She shook her head in resignation, "No, the world behind the mirror was the only solution without turning to... permanent measures. And I was sure it was the best option at that time."

"How come? I mean from what I gathered the Dazzlings could survive all these centuries without a problem thanks to their gems," Sunset added thoughtfully. Then her eyes softened, "And it is only us, mom. You don't need to hold up your mask as the great, all-knowing, untouchable ruler of ponykind when we are alone."

Celestia sighed in slight annoyance, "Sorry, old habits die hard, especially for somepony as old as me. But to answer your question, Star Swirl invented the mirror and went through it to test it out." A fond smile graced the ruler's features, "He was always fascinated by the concept of other worlds, a scholar by heart."

"He must have been a great stallion. I wish I could have met him," the unicorn said kindly.

The princess nodded fondly in agreement, "Indeed. After his return he explained to me that the inhabitants of this world were strange beings unknown to us, but highly intelligent with a culture of their own. And most of all, the mirror changed everypony who crossed over into one of them and that there was no magic to be used, a crippling experience for every magic user. Many years later I verified his findings for myself and hoped that every magical threat could be contained in the future without any source of power they could draw upon to cause any more harm. But it seems this world wasn't as void of magic as we both thought, otherwise the Windigos would have ceased to exist completely and the sirens' gems wouldn't have worked their dark magic."

Sunset was silent for a few seconds to think about what she was told and said jokingly, "At least those are the two only threats you banished to Earth, right?"

Celestia's eyes widened a little. She didn't answer.

Her daughter took a spot in front of the unmoving monarch, pronouncing every following word, "Am - I - right?"

Sweat started to appear on the infallible alicorn's forehead.

"Mom... what did you do?" The unicorn's tone was flatter than human Rainbow Dash's chest.

The Princess of the Sun gulped nervously, "There was this one situation 560 years ago with a necromancer and I didn't know what else to do with somepony like her who wouldn't see reason. You see, I was without the Elements of Harmony to that time and I hoped that she would learn to respect life in a world bare of magic-"


Luna snapped her head in the direction of the room her sibling and her new niece were in. In this very moment she held court as long as Celestia was indisposed. Her eyes were filled with purpose.

But Raven Star, who helped the lunar monarch in these daring times, noticed the serious expression of her second princess, "Your Highness, is something wrong?"

Luna snorted, "Neigh! My Luna Sense is tingling." There could not be any better explanation in the dream walker's head.

The black unicorn mare raised an eyebrow, high, "Beg your pardon? I don't think I understand."

"I can sense if my sister has as the new slang goes, 'bucked up'. After many centuries of living with her I developed a connection no younger sister should have... so much blackmail material."

Now both eyebrows reached orbit.

The alicorn groaned in boredom, "You are no fun Raven Star. Fine, I admit that I heard a loud voice from the direction of Sunset Shimmer's chambers."

The mare accepted the answer without a question. She knew about Sunset Shimmer and the delicate nature of her relationship with Princess Celestia. It was part of her job to stop rumors from spreading and containing them. And the rumor mill concerning a certain 'heavily injured long lost student' worked scrupulously these days.

Nosy ponies and foreign dignitaries would have a field day if the ones behind the gossip declared Sunset to be Celestia’s 'hidden daughter'. Maybe it wasn't truly a lie, but such things would make the work for Equestria's government much harder.

And in extension, hers.

Harmony Castle, named after its origin, stood in all its glory in the outskirts of Ponyville. The current three inhabitants had a long overdue discussion, in the opinion of a certain dragon and a pink alicorn.

Princess Twilight Sparkle was not a happy bibliophile, in fact, she was near a mental breakdown.

"Come on Twilight, I'm sure Sunset is fine. Princess Celestia is with her. She couldn't be in better hooves," Spike said confidently.

"Spike is right. Remember the breathing technique I taught you, that will calm you down. And please, you really need to sleep," Cadence reminded gently.

The frazzled mare looked ready to fall asleep where she stood. Her mane would give Rarity an aneurysm, not to mention the bloodshot eyes which spoke for a clear lack of rest.

Twilight Sparkle glanced at her former babysitter and tried to follow the instructions, "It doesn't work!" She lowered her ears at the shocked eyes because of her raised voice, "I'm sorry. I really appreciate your concerns Cadence, but what about my BBBFF? I thought you already returned to the Crystal Empire, won't the crystal ponies miss you?"

The crystal princess in question rolled her eyes, "Oh, I wish. You wouldn't believe how independant most of the citizens of the empire are in comparison to Canterlot's nobility. It is rare that I have something to do that needs more than my presence." She narrowed her eyes slightly at her ladybug, "And don't think I will abandon you after how you’ve acted since your return from the mirror world. Besides, Shiny is fine, but nice try."

The purple mare blushed.

Spike raised an eyebrow at that, "Really? I always thought politics aren't his thing, no offense."

"None taken. While he is quite capable of protecting the empire, I know the finer points of politics isn't something he is fond of. I hope my husband is fine..." Cadence commented with a bit of worry in her voice.

Was he alright without her? She was sure that Shining Armor missed her dearly.

Meanwhile in the Crystal Empire...

"Follow me, brothers and sisters! We shall achieve victory and punish the vile trolls for taking the mine!"

The ten other guards around him cheered in unison.

Shining Armor rolled the dice, revealing a ten.

Brave Spear, the Dungeon Master of Ogres and Oubliettes, saw the number and looked up what would happen next. They played the 'stallion version', so Shining called it, where more violence and stronger enemies awaited the adventurers. Much better challenges than the Evil Squizard.

That censored version was for foals anyway.

"Your Highness, your plan succeeded. The surprise attack caught the trolls off-guard and the mine was cleared with only a few casualties," Brave informed everyone at the table.

"We shall mourn the dead at a later time. Another victory on our campaign against the Troll Empire!" the armor wearing prin-paladin exclaimed in joy.

It were times like these when he could be the hero and was able to show his true skills. It was balm for his stallion pride that at least in a fantasy world he would be the pillar of justice and courage. The glory was his!

But there was no time to think about such things right now, he had an empire to stop and a legacy to create.

"Should I introduce her to our friends? NO! What was I thinking!? She just suffered a great betrayal by the ones she thought of as her best friends! Who, I might add, look exactly like them! How insensitive of me!" Twilight shouted her ideas out to help her traumatized friend.

"Calm down. You read the letter the princess sent you, Sunset was awake for a short time yesterday. I'm sure she will be fine the next time she wakes up," Spike assured her optimistically.

The youngest monarch's eye twitched and she looked in regret at her faithful assistant, "How can I calm down when I failed her so miserably?! I'm supposed to be the Princess of Friendship for Celestia's Sake! I never thought about what Sunset might have needed the most from HER perspective! I just enjoyed myself at the Fall Formal, told the counterparts of the girls to show her the Magic of Friendship without giving her a second glance and left in a hurry!"

The Alicorn of Love nuzzled her sister-in-law affectionately, "Twily, don't beat yourself up about the past. You couldn't have known that Sunset Shimmer would meet so much resentment."

Twilight refused to listen, her voice took a somber tone, "I had a lot of time to think about my own role in all of this in these last three days and I can't believe how much I neglected her. Princess Celestia has stayed at Sunset's side ever since our return, leaving Princess Luna to handle the nobles 'problems'. Somepony I consider one of my best friends was in a coma and everything is MY fault! I should have asked her if she wanted to return to Equestria with us, instead I left her behind. I'm a terrible friend!"

She would lie to herself if she said that the once prized student of the Alicorn of the Sun didn't feel a little jealous of the amber unicorn. Twilight always scolded herself in the past for such thoughts, but in the end her happiness for the two outweighed her negative feelings by a long shot.

Now Spike hugged his unofficial big sister as well, "I think you are too hard on yourself. Yeah, you kind of left her in the human world behind. I mean, wow, a unicorn without her horn? For years being forced to live in some magicless alien body? Even after everything that happened? That must have been pretty terrible for her. Like clipping a pegasus' wings off or taking away an earth pony's ability to use his hooves-"

Twilight winced at every turn he counted another point, it made her feel even more terrible. She never had to think about this crippling experience of not being able to use magic, because she could always return home after a short time. And it helped that there was, on both occasions, a major problem that needed solving giving her something to occupy her mind.

The crystal princess frowned strongly at the dragon, "Not helping."

Spike laughed sheepishly, just now noticing the glare he received and what he said, "Sorry... but if it comforts you, being a dog isn't as pleasant as you might think. I always had the urge to mark my territory... or to hump the other Rarity's leg..." He whispered in the end quietly to himself.

"What did you say? I didn't understand the last part," the Alicorn of Love inquired curiously.

The baby dragon moved his hands in a panicked manner, "Nothing!"

The pink pretty pony princess was suspicious and narrowed her eyes.

Twilight lowered her ears, not listening to their banter. Her mind raced around and searched for a way to work through the current events, "Spike has a point though. I simply thought that the girls of the mirror world would be exactly like our friends here without even considering the differences like their age, upbringing and personalities. The human culture is much less... harmonic than ours, nor as forgiving as we are accustomed to it from Equestrian standards. I never thought about what that could mean for her." She growled to herself, her anger with the student body of CHS, especially the five human teenagers she trusted with her friend, returned in full force. "I was so sure that they would forgive her, if given enough time. Especially after the Battle of the Bands. I guess I was wrong."

Spike came out of a near closet, wearing a full-body pillow armor, just in case his next idea caused an incident with the tired, but stubbornly awake mare in question, "Perhaps you could visit Princess Celestia and Sunset to see how they are doing? I'm sure they don't mind and it beats sulking around like you did for the last three days."

The alicorn's eyes widened in realization and joy, "SPIKE! That's a brilliant idea! I should visit them immediately!"

A bright flash blinded the pink mare and the ferocious dragon.

Cadence blinked in surprise, "Did she just teleport from Ponyville to Canterlot despite her tiredness? I'm not as skilled in magic as Twilight or Sunset, but I'm certain that was reckless and dangerous."

The young assistant could only nod his head in response.

Both wondered what Twilight's state of mind meant for her aim.

"What do you mean you banished a necromancer to earth?! Who does something like that?!" Sunset demanded to know in disbelief.

Princess Celestia coughed slightly, her voice neutral, "There is no reason to shout, my faithful student. You make the guards outside nervous."

The way she was addressed caught the amber unicorn off-guard. If the situation wouldn't be so dire she would have teared up after hearing those three words again after such a long time.

The alabaster alicorn continued, "I assure you that we will talk about the human world and everything it entails in due time. With the other princesses."

Sunset could only sigh in response, "Fine... but don't think you are off the hook! And-" She averted her eyes and her voice grew softer, "-were you serious with what you said? Am I still your student after everything I did to you? After I abandoned you and your teachings?"

Celestia considered asking what 'off the hook' meant, but she had a good idea, "I never planned to kick you out, nor releasing you as my personal student. I just wanted to give you some time for yourself and planned to send you to Ponyville after you calmed down, when the time was right. You were, and still are, my precious Little Sun, my prized pupil."

The two mares shared a heartfelt hug, when suddenly another thought entered the smaller one's sharp mind, "Wait a minute. Ponyville? Does that mean you expected from ME to pursue the path of becoming the Princess of Friendship before you took Twilight under your wing?"

The princess stared off into space once again, putting her thoughts together. “Those many years ago when I refused to make you an alicorn was not a matter of what I wanted, but what was in my power. Harmony knows how one is chosen for ascension, but I had known that it might happen to you if you used the Elements, much as it happened for myself and my sister. My plan was..:”

The door opened and Princess Luna entered, interrupting Celestia’s tale, "Dearest sister, we have returned! We took a break to ensure that thou are-" She saw the very much not sleeping Sunset, teleported herself on the now protesting bed and hugged the overwhelmed unicorn like a disguised Pinkie Pie, with bone-crushing affection, "Niece! Thou have awaken from thine slumber!"

The smaller pony's problem of lacking fresh air became apparent, "N-need t-... to breath!"

"Oh! O-of course," Luna said with reddened cheeks and let go.

Sunset coughed a little, "Please don't do that again. And why do you talk like that? I'm certain you spoke like everypony else in the modern tongue the last time we saw each other. So why suddenly the archaic dialect?"

Celestia developed a very friendly smile, "Yes, dear sister. I always wondered why a certain pony always seems to think I wouldn't know that she speaks like that solely to annoy me."

The Princess of the Night sighed in defeat, "At least I had my fun as long as it lasted."

Her older sibling giggled at that, "I guess I can tell you now that I always knew that you learned the modern language in quite a short time. You were not as quiet as you thought when talking with our subjects in the past."

Luna snorted in indignation, "Ms. Fluttershy's lessons worked quite well, thank you very much."

"Flu-Fluttershy?" Sunset inquired in a sad tone.

The white alicorn put a wing on the smaller mare's shoulders, her voice calming, "Don't worry. The Bearers of the Elements of Harmony are a welcoming bunch. Don't let your bad experiences because of the Anon-a-Miss incident ruin your chances of finding new friends."

Sunset Shimmer was shocked, "How do you know about Anon-a-Miss?!"

And so Celestia and Luna told Sunset everything they knew, from Discord's involvement since the very beginning to the present. No detail remained unmentioned, not even the meeting of everybody personally involved in Principal Celestia's office, nor the end of Balthanel, the Frozen King.

"Wow..." Even that word was the understatement of the century, no words would do her feelings justice in the moment.

Many emotions reigned over her face during the explanations. How should she feel? Happy that her mother and Twilight came through the portal to help her? Touched that Cadence and her aunt wanted to come as well, had they not been needed to keep Equestria's citizens calm? Shocked that the Spirit of Chaos himself saved her life with his intervention? Terrified from what Celestia did to Canterlot Park? Or perhaps surprised that the girls really wanted to be forgiven?

But she couldn't understand at all why Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo created Anon-a-Miss for such petty reasons. It was never her intention to 'steal' the girls' siblings.

In the end hot fury came out on top, mostly because of the students of CHS, "I can't believe them! Those bucking hypocrites! They fed Anon-a-Miss with material and KNEW they were responsible if the informations should become public knowledge! And they STILL had the audacity to accuse ME of being a monster?! A cold-hearted she-demon?!"

The sisters shared a concerned look, "I know it is a lot to take in my Little Sun." Celestia kissed her daughter gently on the forehead. "Let us get something to eat. You haven’t had a decent meal in days. And there are haycakes with my name on it."

The lunar monarch snorted in amusement, "Your sweet tooth is unbelievable."

Sunset shook her head and couldn't stop herself from smiling, despite her current turmoil of feelings. Some things would never change. On another note, homemade haycakes would surely hit the spot.

The siblings made their way to the door whereas the fiery maned unicorn tried to move her weakened legs to leave the bed, when suddenly a brilliant lavender flash appeared above her, followed by a screaming and flailing Princess of Friendship.

"Ponyfeathers..." the mare in the wrong place mumbled to herself, before another alicorn landed on top of her.

They were caught in a compromising position. Twilight Sparkle noticed it immediately and put Big Mac's red fur to shame, jumping to the side, "I'm so sorry! I didn't know where I would end up, I mean, I KNEW where I wanted to appear, but not in somepony's room. Please forgive-" She looked up to face the unfortunate victim, just to see a blushing and bewildered Sunset Shimmer.

Most importantly, she was awake.

Tears filled the youngest princess' eyes like fountains, "S-Sunset, y-you are awake... YOU ARE AWAKE! OH MY GOSH!" She tackled her friend into the bed, soaking the bewildered mare's chest, "I'M SO SORRY! I should have been there for you! I will never let you down again, I swear!"

"I missed you, too, Twilight. Thank you for believing in me," the unicorn replied with equally wet eyes.

The immortal sun diarch didn't know what to think about the awkward situation beforehand, but decided now to look at the duo with an happy expression.

Princess Luna in the meantime said the first thing that came to her mind, sounding completely serious when facing Celestia. Only the older alicorn saw the wink, "I'm not sure what to think about that, sister. Lord Night and Lady Velvet's descendants seem to have a thing for my nieces. First Prince Shining Armor proposed to Cadence out of nowhere and now your ex-student just teleported herself into Sunset's bed." Her voice raised on volume, "We sense a pattern!"

Celestia decided to tease the duo as well, instead of scolding her sister, much to the purple princess' misfortune, "Indeed sister. It seems Princess Twilight had secret desires for my daughter all along. Something she never shared with us before."

Twilight did a Fluttershy worthy sound and stumbled over her words, "I-I don't feel like that at all! I swear!" She looked worriedly at Sunset, "Not that you aren't attractive of course, hehe. In fact you are one of the best looking Unicorn mares I ever saw-"

The pony in question made the third strike, a smug grin graced her features, "Thanks for the compliment, I didn't know you swung that way and I'm not sure what to say to be honest, but be assured you are not hard on the eyes either."

The alicorn's fur had an unhealthy shade of red now.

The family trio laughed wholeheartedly.

"Calm down Twilight," Sunset said between chuckles, "You are really making it too easy."

The Princess of Friendship's eyes widened, "Ohhhh... that was a joke! Obviously it was! And I here thought you would be serious, silly me!" She looked around nervously, "I am rambling again, aren’t I?"

Three heads nodded.

The balcony served once more as Philomena's entrance, the phoenix took a seat on Sunset's shoulders and cawed happily.

Sunset smiled at her foalhood friend, "Phila, you are back! I hope you enjoyed the morning sun?"

"Like always. You wouldn't believe how dull it can be when you have rarely anything else to do here. And I can only prank the staff so much without getting in trouble with Celestia." Philomena replied though nopony except the only unicorn in the room understood her.

Sunset Shimmer rolled her eyes, "You are a phoenix. What did you expect?"

The proud bird answered in one word, "Entertainment." She glanced behind her friend, "You should be careful, this strange purple pony looks at you like a crazy mare, again."

The amber mare barely turned around and two big orbs of scientific wonder ogled her like a rare specimen, "Did you just speak with a phoenix?!"

The amount of uncensored glee was frightening.

"Yes?" Sunset answered unsurely.

That wasn't enough, "But only Fluttershy can understand animals thanks to her special talent! And she said it once herself that she has only a rudimentary understanding of their language, and has to rely mostly on reading their gestures. How can you do that!?"

Sunset didn't really know what to say, her voice clueless, "I-I don't know. I could talk with Phila since the day I hatched her. I'm certain I can't speak with any other animals like that, or at least I haven’t met any I could so far."

Celestia cleared her throat to get Twilight's attention, "We believe Sunset is bestowed with the great gift of understanding the phoenix language thanks to her connection to the element of fire and her being the one who hatched Philomena's egg. That is all we can guess." Her eyes showed pity for the unhappy looking mare, "Don't worry too much about it. Not every mystery of magic or life can be answered with a satisfying result my once faithful student."

"But-but-but... SO MANY QUESTIONS!" came the immediate desperate response.

The door opened a second time and an unhappy looking Raven Star stepped into the room. She glared at Luna, "There you are Your Highness! Your break is nearly over and we have still many ponies to handle!" After her rant the black unicorn remembered the other problem she wanted to adress, "For some reason a very pushy Princess Cadence is asking around about the whereabouts of Princess Tw-" She saw the missing alicorn, "Nevermind."

The secretary of Princess Celestia left the room with a huff and shortly afterwards an angry Mi Amore Cadenza, with a twitching and pale baby dragon on her back, stomped purposefully in front of her sister-in-law and poked with her hoof into Twilight's chest, "What were you thinking?! I feared you teleported yourself into a building!"

Spike groaned, "I will never fly with you again Cadence..." He held his stomach in pain and got a glance of his surroundings, "Did we miss something?"

Twilight felt like being scolded again in magic kindergarden, "I thought it was a good idea?" she offered quietly.

The pink alicorn rubbed her temples in frustration, "I love you to bits Twily, but-"


The Princess of Love turned her head to see a certain former bully from her teenager years, "S-Sunset?!"

"I-it's good to see you. So I heard you rule your own empire?" the amber mare started awkwardly. "Stop stammering like a filly! You are a better pony now! Mom and Twilight forgave you, you just have to apologize to Cadence and hope she does as well!"

She hoped her self-motivation would work.

"Y-yeah, the Crystal Ponies are... nice." Cadence replied in the same tone. "Come on Cadie! This isn't the mare who bullied you in the past anymore! She needs your support!"

Twilight Sparkle's former foalsitter felt very upset about the whole ordeal with the human world and wanted to help her, maybe... future-friend? Still, actually facing the unicorn was another thing entirely.

Nopony knew what else to say until Celestia broke the uncomfortable silence, "I didn't expect all princesses to be here without an official summoning, but this is perfect. There are a few things I have to share with you, but-" The ancient mare looked with concern, and if Sunset saw it right, fear at her Little Sun, "-what do you want to do now? Before we can decide for a common course of action we need to know how your own standing is concerning the mirror world. You are the greatest victim of the last two weeks and it is your decision alone how to proceed. Be assured I will follow and respect your decision, no matter what it will be."

Cadence and Luna agreed silently with a movement of their heads.

That was the moment Sunset feared the most since her awakening. Would her opinion be accepted? "I... well, that is a tough order. Auntie Luna and mom told me about what happened, everything." The Princess of Friendship was the target of her concern, "Twilight, I'm eternally grateful for what you did for me, seriously, I am. You and the girls saved me from a very dark place when you stopped me. Hay, you even forgave me after I pretty much attempted to k-kill you. I-I hope you won't think I'm somehow ungrateful for what you-"

The book-loving alicorn winced at hearing the ugly word, but gave nonetheless a smile of acceptance and understanding, "You don't need to justify yourself. After everything what happened I have to agree with Prin-" a polite cough was heard, "-Celestia that it has to be your own decision in the end. And I have to admit that the whole Anon-a-Miss incident goes beyond one of my usual friendship lessons." She sighed, "I should have been more involved, instead I consigned you to be cared for by the others to learn about friendship simply based on the fact who the girls were."

Sunset lowered her head before facing everypony once more, tears built up in her eyes, "Honestly? I hated the time after the Fall Formal. Not for how cold the students and teachers acted around me, I deserved it after years of lying, blackmailing and threatening. No, what annoyed me the most were the Rainbooms themselves."

The princesses and the dragon were surprised by this revelation. Spike voiced his opinion this time, "Why? I had the impression they really wanted to befriend you."

The unicorn laughed dryly, "Exactly. I just couldn't believe them, you know? I mean I targeted them for years and made their school lives pretty much a living Tartarus whenever I felt like it. I even destroyed their friendship, because it suited my plans. And what happened after all that? After everything I did to them? They straight up told me that I was forgiven." She snorted angrily, "I was convinced that this had to be a cruel joke just to spite me. What normal person forgives his tormenter after years of abasement? No, I told myself that they only helped me as a favor for you, Twilight."

"What changed?" the purple pony inquired softly and put a wing around Sunset's back.

Sunset chuckled, "I did. They just wouldn't give up, but what held me back for the longest time was the fact that Applejack and Rainbow Dash were never tired of reminding me of my past mistakes again and again. Rarity did it as well, but not so much. Only Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were silent in that regard. After many weeks of ignoring them I finally gave it a try. And I liked it. My first slumber-party." A tiny smile was visible on her lips.

"Oh! I remember MY first slumber-party! It was with Applejack and Rarity and after solving a few problems it was a great night!" Twilight exclaimed fondly.

"Yeah, because you weren't the one who had to clean up the mess of leaves, branches and mud the next morning," Spike added with a deadpan expression. His caretaker blushed in embarrassment.

"You thought that you found something very important and for the first time life took a turn for the better," Luna analyzed empathically.

Sunset sniffled, "Yes, friendship. I'm no expert in it, but even I know that such a bond can only work out if build upon trust. It felt like a hunt and I was the prey when Anon-a-Miss posted the first secrets. Suddenly everything I did for them, the Battle for the Bands, the charity events I took a part in, it all didn't matter anymore. I was the one behind the name and no matter what I said or how much I pleaded my case, I was already guilty in their eyes."

"But at least those five stayed at your side at the beginning," Celestia stated stoically.

The amber unicorn nodded, "I could live with it, you know? I thought as long as the girls believed me I could easily manage. But then one day they jumped on the bandwagon and declared me guilty as well. I-it hurt so much and still does. A part of me always hoped that everything was only a horrible nightmare and that I would wake up, free of Anon-a-Miss and all the accusations."

Cadence ignored her earlier emotions and put her own wing on the now crying mare in compassion. "A-and now I ask myself ever since, was our friendship just a necessary deed they had to do out of obligation? H-how can we be friends if it only needed a badly made account that practically screamed framing to rip us apart? They cast me out of the group and no amount of begging helped me. It was like they waited for an opportunity to kick me out, the moment when I would slip."

"Shh... everything will be fine. You will see, no matter how dark the times are, there will always be a new dawn," Celestia promised.

The usually very confident protégé was only a crying mess by now, "I-I don't know if I can ever truly forgive them. I-I just know that the friendship we had can never exist in this form again, too much damage was done. I don't want to cast them out of my life, not if they are truly sorry for what they did. But it will take a lot of time and patience. From all sides."

Twilight was proud of Sunset and asked the most important questions, her cheeks already wet from her own tears, "So you want to give them a second chance despite everything what happened? But do you really want to return to the human world?"

A longing could be seen, Sunset Shimmer decided and her heart was filled with determination, "I will give them a second chance, just not now. I can't face them without possibly doing something I would regret. Maybe one day. But no, I finally understood that Equestria is my real home." She looked hopefully into her mother's eyes, "If you will have me, I would love to live here once more with you. As a pony, as your student and as your daughter."

Cadence and Twilight left the bed and not even a moment later Sunset found herself swept up in the hooves of the alabaster alicorn. Luna watched the scene in front of her in joy.

Aside from the day her little sister returned, this was the greatest day in Princess Celestia's immortal life. "Nothing would make me happier, my Little Sun."

Author's Note:

Edited version uploaded: 11/15/17
Proofreader: Javarod

Greetings my avid readers! :twilightsmile:

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

First of all, I'm REALLY sorry that I didn't post a chapter for so long! The thing is I rediscovered the PS4 for myself in the last two to three months. Especially games like "Bloodborn" and "Horizon: Zero Dawn" did it to me and I "invested" all my freetime in these games instead of writing.

But I really missed it to work on my stories and I would never abandon them when I could help it. Hopefully you aren't too angry on me. And the best news are of course that I plan to update more frequently in the future again.

Thank you very much for reading and stay tuned! :moustache: