• Published 12th Jul 2017
  • 20,431 Views, 1,023 Comments

Dawn - Anachronon

Redemption had to be earned, Sunset Shimmer knew that. But how could everything go so wrong? Who was this "Anon-a-Miss"? Nobody believed her, all abandoned her. What would be left for her? A certain draconequus was witness and decided to intervene.

  • ...

Chapter 7 - Anon's Fall

Many things could have been said, but nothing would remotely do justice to what Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo felt in this very moment. The desire to be able to hide was never this strong.

Once Princess Twilight Sparkle left the stage the students were split amongst themselves.

There were the those who never believed that Sunset Shimmer was guilty of creating the account in the first place. Many of them weren't sure what to do. On one side they hadn’t actually bullied Sunset, but they never said anything against the way she was treated either. What was the right course of action?

The second group was much too prideful and confident that they did nothing wrong. They punished Sunset Shimmer accordingly, she deserved it for all the years of torment she put them through with her behaviour. If the principals didn't want to punish her, despite the nearly literal proof and metaphorical confession they received after the girl showed her true face during the Fall Formal, then they had to serve justice themselves. Easy as pie.

The third faction was sincerely sorry for how they acted around Sunset. It was just so very alluring to simply blame her than believing in the former bully's innocence. After all her much less flattering actions of the past, despite the finale of the Battle of the Bands, very much outweighed her good deeds by a large margin. Years of blackmail and psychological dominance faced three months of struggle to turn for the better and to learn about friendship.

But all three groups had one thing in common now. They tried to pierce the three freshmen with their blazing glares. Hatred, shock and disgust filled the auditorium.

Diamond Tiara couldn't believe it and was shortly before exploding from anger. How dare these pathetic losers!? "YOU! You will pay for that! You hear me?!" A vein became visible on her neck.

"You little shits!"

"How could you?!"

"Who do you think you are?!"

"I will sue you!"

This was the comment Applejack and Rarity feared the most, while Granny Smith shook her head in great disappointment in her youngest granddaughter.

The older country girl couldn't ignore such a statement and ran in front of her sister, "Now wait just an apple pickin' minute! Ah'm sure we can talk about this, no reason to do somethin' rash!"

"Rash?!" Now that the speaker stood up, the owner of the last sentence was visible. It was High Winds, one of the Wondercolt's midfield players. She pinned the freshmen with her unforgiving eyes. "Do you know how much you damaged my reputation?!" The accused trio didn't seem to recognize her. "Are you kidding me?! You don't even remember what you did?! I can't show myself at this school anymore because of you!"

Her face turned a very unhealthy shade of red. And she had to leave Canterlot High because of these children?!

Loud chuckles and laughter were heard after the students recognized the girl. And not in a good way, her published secret brought her a lot of the unwanted kind of fame.

"Ummm, girls? What was her secret again?" Scootaloo whispered nervously to her two friends.

"Ah don't know, we posted a lot," Apple Bloom admitted equally clueless.

"Stop laughing you bastards!" Spitfire roared in fury, aiding the now sobbing girl besides her.

"Ms. Spitfire!" Principal Celestia admonished gently, "It's admirable to see that you would defend your friend's honor in a heartbeat, but please refrain from using such language in school."

She glanced at the young trio by her side. The principal of Canterlot High didn't know why the students were suddenly so amused, or what these three were talking about, but that didn't matter, it had to be something very embarrassing. Of course the woman knew High Winds, she was one of the students who made it very clear that they wanted to attend another school as soon as possible.

Celestia's tone was very serious, "I can promise you Ms. High Winds that these three were already properly punished by me in the academical sense. They will furthermore have to face consequences depending on the results of the police's investigation. And I won't tolerate any abusive treatment like it happened with Sunset Shimmer. You will all let them be, and whoever tries to hurt them WILL face severe consequences."

The Wondercolt calmed down enough to continue talking, "What do you think of me? I don't want to harm them, but I won't let them escape unpunished either!"

Rarity joined her friend at the front, sweating, "Darling, please! I can assure you that Sweetie Belle and her friends will be given a fitting punishment! I'm quite certain pressing charges won't be necessary."

Applejack and Rarity tried their best to prevent their families from suffering the undeserved consequences.

The Apples earned enough to come over the rounds with their products, especially the apple cider during autumn season. Still, trying to compete on the market was a battle every day. Their pure and natural products brought them a lot of paying customers and patrons, but they had to demand more money than most others for their quality.

They didn't have the newest and fanciest machines to make farming simple, nor did they use a lot of fertilizer and pesticides. This meant that their trees needed more time to grow fruits. It was certainly worth waiting, but not everybody had the patience to wait nor the money to pay.

This meant that Granny Smith had to earn something extra. It was the reason why the matriarch of the family worked as Canterlot High's cook during the week. Since Big Mac had graduated, he delivered their products to the customers before dropping Applejack at school. After that he worked the farm with their father Bright Mac, while Pear Butter, their mother, would drop Granny at the school before going work at their stand in the farmer’s market. When the weekend came around, Applejack would join her brother and father in the orchard.

When it was necessary the siblings’ cousin, Braeburn, would come around to help them with the crop. But it was still hard to accomplish everything in time, even with his additional help

In short, they had their fair share of problems to keep Sweet Apple Acres running and could NOT afford it to pay for any shenanigans or lawsuits.

Rarity and Sweetie Belle's parents worked well paying jobs out of town and were on a lot of business trips. That presented them with the possibility of being able to pay for most inconveniences, but the damage would be done no less. Hondo Flanks and Cookie Crumbles worked both a lot with very demanding, self-centered and spoiled clients, who valued reputation, professionalism and etiquette nearly as much as their own money. The consequences would be disastrous for them if their daughter's role in this Anon-a-Miss scandal became public knowledge beyond Canterlot because of an onslaught of court cases.

It would simply be the Worst. Possible. Thing!

High rolled her eyes in annoyance, "Why should I spare these runts? Besides, I'm by far not the only one who owns these three a social beatdown! I can promise you that we will see each other at court for posting something this humiliating, because my parents won't forgive them for what they did to me any more than I do. I'm positive they will be happy to know who's behind Anon-a-Miss."

"Please reconsider! It's not only our fault!" Sweetie Belle shouted tearfully.

"Yeah! We have proof that many of the posted secrets were sent to us by others!" Scootaloo added defensively.

"That's true! Ask the principals if y'all won't believe us!" Apple Bloom grinned smugly.

Vice-Principal Luna shattered this smile instantly with her own facial expression, "Don't think that will protect you, because it won't." She glanced over the entire crowd, a scowl graced her features, "But what these girls said is true. We found a list with names of everyone involved in this disgusting farce. The ones who played a role in it and sent secrets about others to Anon-a-Miss will face the consequences as well! “

As she said that, a tall lanky woman stepped from the shadows at the back of the stage. With her black skin, teal eyes, and long stringy blue hair, she had blended in for however long she’d been there. The toothy smile on her face as she stepped up to the podium couldn’t be mistaken for friendly, nor could the cold voice she used. “The vice-principal is quite right, those of you who contributed to this crime will be punished accordingly just as these three will. My name is Chrysalis, legal counsel for the district. The board has sent me to investigate this matter,” her smile growing as she looked over at the principal. “I will be investigating the matter and working with Officer Armor on the appropriate punishments. Depending on the nature of the secret, your punishment might not be that bad, but we will be treating this seriously."

Clearly the principals knew her by the looks on their faces. She was well known to all who worked at CHS and their fellow teachers in the neighbourhood. She had a reputation for protecting the school district by any means possible, even going so far as to throw a victim or an innocent administrator under the bus should she deem it necessary.

Chrysalis’ entrance had distracted everyone, causing them to overlook the two other people who had entered the auditorium. An older man with a square jaw, short golden hair, indigo colored eyes, steel blue skin and wearing a cheap grey suit led the way. Following him was a younger man, white skinned and blue haired, dressed in a patrolman’s uniform. Both took the stairs up to stage, the older man said a few words to Chrysalis before moving to the podium, while the patrolman took a position behind and to his right.

“Excuse me,” he said as he tapped on the microphone, causing a screech of feedback. While his face had first signs of wrinkles, his deep voice was commanding and left no room for discussion, “My name is Detective Sharp Mind, and this is Officer Shining Armor. Tomorrow morning, Officer Armor and myself will begin our investigation into this matter, and will determine if crimes have been committed here.”

Focusing shortly on Chrysalis while he continued speaking, “Officer Armor will be working with me, primarily coordinating with you on the investigation. He will be happy to assist you with your investigation as well of course-”

Chrysalis glared at him before replying, her voice laced with venom, “My team is quite capable of handling our investigation, but thank you for the offer.” Her tone and words made it quite clear what she thought of the detective, though her eyes soon roamed hungrily over the younger officer.

“-if the need should arise,” he finished as if he hadn’t been interrupted. “Should any of your parents have any questions regarding our investigation, they can call the station and ask for myself or Officer Armor.” Turning to Chrysalis once more, “Officer Armor will be your point of contact for this investigation,” said the detective, happy to let someone else deal with her this time, “He will call your office in the morning.” Looking at the audience, he nodded his head to the principals, then turned and left the stage, Shining Armor walking alongside him as they departed.

Celestia spoke up after Chrysalis and Sharp Mind were finished, "We were lucky enough to catch them in the act when they were deleting the account for good. If you don't believe us look it up and you will see that Anon-a-Miss doesn't exist anymore."

Lyra Heartstrings was the first to announce her disbelief in the ocean of loud gasps, "Oh my god! The account is really gone!"

"You dirty thieves! You think you could just delete everything and escape unpunished?!" Silver Spoon exclaimed furiously.

Chrysalis smiled, a cold toothy grin, “Perhaps they did, we will take that into consideration for their punishment.“

Now it was Celestia who nearly grinned in victory. Many pairs of eyes found the ground suddenly very attractive, refusing to meet her own because of guilt, realization and fear. They were trapped and they knew it.

"I think that is more than enough proof for now that we have told you the truth. The evidence will be given to the investigators to make sure that it is in capable hands. When they are finished with their investigations, we will pin lists on the blackboard in the school entrance soon after. There you will find the names of all MyStable accounts who sent something to them and the names of the related victim to see who was responsible for giving Anon-a-Miss the chance to publish your secrets in the first place. And don't worry, the secrets that weren't revealed until now won't be published and everything will be deleted in time."

Chrysalis shook her head, “No you will not Tia,” smirking at the woman’s reaction to the nickname. “That is confidential information. During the investigation, my team will interview the students. When the investigation is concluded, we will meet the students individually to discuss the punishment that has been determined by myself and the police. The injured parties will be told who shared their secrets, but not their punishment and will have the right to take legal action as they see fit.”

This last sentence let many breathe much easier, but almost as many nearly stopped, their eyes darting around nervously.

"But that doesn't change anything! It's still a fact that these brats published private informations as Anon-a-Miss, no matter their source! And you have no proof that Sunset Shimmer isn't the one responsible behind all that. She could have forced them to publish the secrets FOR her!" Trixie exclaimed restively.

This time it was Rainbow Dash who had enough from the silver haired stage magician and groaned loudly, throwing her arms in the air to get her point across. "Come ON! Why are you still so hooked up on the idea that Sunset's behind everything?! Look, I get it that she did something awful to you, but after everything that happened? The more you try to convince us that she's Anon-a-Miss the more you sound like an obsessed weirdo who only wants her revenge!"

The teenager laughed mockingly, "Ha! You are nothing more than a hypocrite! Trixie knows that you Rainbooms abandoned Shimmer as well. So spare Trixie your false loyalty! In fact, Trixie is quite sure that you enjoyed her fall as much as she did!"

"How can you say such awful things?! You make me sick! Stop being such a... such a... MEANIE! We know we abandoned her, but at least we understood we were wrong. You are so blinded by your desire to see Sunset suffer that you don't want to see the truth right in front of you! You should be ashamed of yourself! You are nothing more than a big bully!" Fluttershy scolded angrily.

Trixie put a hand dramatically to her forehead, "Oh how your words sting! Face it, you six just helped Shimmer, because Twilight Sparkle asked you to do it. Or what for excuses do you have now to defend her? No wait! Let Trixie guess, she was suddenly so much more approachable? A beacon of tolerance and friendship and how we should all take her as an example for how to be a better human being?" The sarcasm in her voice couldn't be thicker, even if she tried.

A certain pink party planner decided to step up to the front to say something for the first time since the meeting started. Her mood wasn't the best right now, Pinkie's neutral tone and flat hair made that obvious, "What are you talking about? Do you know how long it took me, or any of us, to convince Sunset to socialize? She didn't agree to a party for a month. She didn't make an one-eighty in her personality, in case you think that."

"Oh? Pray tell." The blue skinned stage magician raised an eyebrow.

Pinkie rolled her eyes at Trixie's ongoing tone, "Sunny was always very embarrassed, and thought the exact same thing like you. She was convinced that we only 'put up with her', because Twilight asked for our help. Seriously silly, are you really that much of an idiot?" Jaws dropped, on and beyond the stage. Pinkie Pie NEVER cursed, "I mean, do you really think that her wish to prove herself and to turn for the better completely changed her entire personality and she stopped being herself? You can ask the others, she only really started to do something with us since like two weeks before the Battle of the Bands was announced. But I guess I can't expect much from such a meanie like you."

Meanwhile in another plane of existence sat a well-known God of Chaos in his home and observed the humans of CHS on a screen. He just felt how his jaw returned to his mouth after it literally fell through the floor.

There was just one thing Discord could say after he witnessed this scene, "BUUUURNED!"

The echoes resounded through his dimension.

Trixie was still processing what this normally hyperactive and happy girl just said to her, "T-the nerve! Trixie stands by her point that you have no proof that Shimmer is innocent!" She sounded sincerely insulted. And she would never admit it to anyone, but Pinkie's words stung immensely.

The audience voiced its amusement after everybody recovered from this more than unexpected lecture.

Applejack sighed and shook her head, "Y’all ain't havin' any proof that Sunset IS guilty as well. The gals confessed that they're Anon-a-Miss and y’all are just tryin' to convince ya'self otherwise. We were all terrible to someone who saw us as her best friends and Ah won't make such a mistake a second time. Ah won't shun her again. Sunset's..." the farmer teared up on the inside, but hid it well, "...home. Somewhere y’all can't hurt her no longer and as Twilight said, she won't be returnin’ to us. And Ah can understand it, we don't deserve to be forgiven after everythin' this school did to her."

Spitfire stood up to say her own piece, "That's nice and all cowgirl, but I think we are getting off-topic. I support High Winds here and won't let that slide, either. My secret was published, too, but with the difference that it was only an embarrassing nickname. I know that you and Rarity are trying to prevent your families from suffering an image loss, but it's a matter of principle for me now after your sisters destroyed the life of one of my best pals and made others I care about to laughing stocks. Sorry."

Principal Celestia took the microphone into her hand and looked intensely at her students, her voice forceful, "I implore you to think about your next step very carefully. I can fully understand your motives, but please don't endanger the future of entire families for the errors of a single member."

The soon-to-be former Wondercolt sighed fatefully, "I'm sorry Principal Celestia, but I made up my mind. I can't and I won't let these three escape with only a slap on the wrists and suing them personally won't bring me much because of their young age. No, they have to learn that actions have consequences. Maybe that will teach them that life is not a wish concert where everybody gets a happy ending, no matter the crime."

Chrysalis spoke again, “That is your choice, but I would recommend waiting until the investigation is concluded before taking legal action. Allow me to review their punishments and see to that of the other students involved first.”

High Winds nodded her head in understanding, but she made up her mind. Perhaps someone else gave them the material, but it were these three themselves who posted everything on MyStable without a second thought. It was their own decision.

The fashionista on stage lowered her head in defeat, "I see." She glared hotly at her now cowering younger sister, "I hope you are happy, Sweetie Belle. I can't imagine how mom and dad will react when they hear about the true identity of Anon-a-Miss. You and your friends have truly outdone yourselves this time. Tell me, was it worth it?"

"I-I... that was never a part of the plan," the freshman squeaked pathetically in response.

"Apple Bloom, Ah think ya-" Applejack was interrupted by her own grandmother.

Indeed, Granny Smith stood proudly in front of the siblings in front the stage. Her age didn't stop the matriarch from looking threateningly at the sisters, "Don't think ya're innocent youn' missy, Ah heard what ya said. The both of y'all should be ashamed of yer behaviour. One of ma' granddaughters abandoned a friend in need, a true Apple would never do that. The other was deceitful and has no remorse for her actions. Yer parents will hear of this, poor Pear Butter will be devastated when she learns about what her own children did."

That got the youngest Apple's attention. If there was anything she never wanted to do or even thought about, then it was the chance of disappointing her parents, especially her mother, "P-please Granny! We never thought that it would go this far! We only wanted to pull Sunset Shimmer away from our sisters, nothin' more!"

Applejack could solely hid lower her head in guilt and scolded herself for confessing her own shortcomings in front of Granny Smith of all people.

Scootaloo said the first thing that came to her mind, "We just felt special, because everybody kept sending us secrets! And how could we have known that it would end like that?!"

"You make it clear that you are only children in the very end," Luna muttered softly to herself in a mix of pity, disappointment and anger. Afterwards she replied for everybody to hear, "You should have thought about the consequences before you acted out of jealously."

Most students decided that they wouldn't sue these three, because it seemed like the police and the school would handle the situation. But there were more than enough who wouldn't spare the two families the grief and consequences of court and wanted to talk with their parents about the possibilities.

They demanded justice.

Luna chose the moment to say her last bit, "I think it is clear what will happen." She shared a look with her sister, "We can't describe how greatly disappointed we are in you. Nearly half the student body took part in this witch-hunt from what we heard and you still had the audacity to blame Ms. Shimmer for everything as if you were all innocent. And even if you thought it was her, you had no evidence. No, you just assumed it based on her past. Sunset Shimmer was the only possible culprit in your head and you never gave her a chance to defend herself. I hope the consequences will give you a lesson you will never forget, because your actions nearly cost my sister her job."

"W-what?!" the trio of friends exclaimed in shock. Others followed them suit with widened eyes after hearing this piece of information.

The vice-principal snorted, "What did you expect? That the school board would just sit idly and let such a campaign take its course without taking appropriate steps? That was the biggest case of cyberbullying and betrayal of secrets ever witnessed in all of the Canterlot City School District. They were quite furious that this happened, because the secretary of education was upon them in a blink of an eye. Mrs. Steel Rule demanded immediate consequences.”

Chrysalis leaned in and whispered to her, “You know it could still happen, this could be your school if you want it Principal Luna,” though she made sure it was only heard by them.

Luna glared at her, she’d learned from her past and wasn’t happy to be reminded of it.

"Before I declare this assembly finished, I would like to remind you that it could very well be the case that your actions will have more consequences than you could ever imagine. Think about it," she said as pictures of a destroyed city of Canterlot City flew through Celestia's head.

What if the students’ actions led to Princess Twilight and Sunset Shimmer leaving their world for good? What would happen when the next magical threat raised its ugly head and nobody would come to help? And then there were the Windigos. Were they truly gone? Or were they waiting outside for them, for the moment when they left the school to pounce? So many questions and no answers.

"You are still young and I hope you learned your lessons.” Glaring at the woman between her and her sister, Celestia continued, “I expect the investigations will start shortly. Hopefully you are prepared to face the upcoming days and weeks, because there will be questions to be answered. It will be a rough time for many of you. That is all, please resume your classes and inform your parents about everything we said to you."

Muttering erupted in an instant, outraged calls from the most stubborn students and accusations were tossed around.

Principal Celestia couldn't stop herself from dishing out a last sideswipe for everything her own students put her through, "And Merry Christmas."

Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo didn't hear it. They followed their furious siblings, especially Applejack and Rarity who were talking themselves into a frenzy in this very moment. But they heard no voices, no words, they were busy cursing their past selves.

They caused their families a lot of trouble, destroyed many friendships, ruined lives, the entire school hated them, the trio nearly cost their beloved principal her job, and their parents would soon learn about everything as well.

And worst of all, they will forever be known as the creators of Anon-a-Miss. The greatest mistake and most stupid idea they could have came up with in their entire life.

All that... because they were jealous of Sunset Shimmer.

Before they left through the door backstage the three girls could have sworn that they heard the mocking laugh of Discord in their heads.

Author's Note:

Edited version uploaded: 09/04/17
Proofreader: Javarod

Greetings my avid readers! :twilightsmile:

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

So I did it. Faster than I expected to be honest. :yay: I hope you enjoyed the chapter. And now... ONWARDS! Chapter 8 & 9 are awaiting you my minions!

Thank you very much for reading and stay tuned! :moustache: