• Published 12th Jul 2017
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Dawn - Anachronon

Redemption had to be earned, Sunset Shimmer knew that. But how could everything go so wrong? Who was this "Anon-a-Miss"? Nobody believed her, all abandoned her. What would be left for her? A certain draconequus was witness and decided to intervene.

  • ...

Chapter 9 - Home

"Hopefully I don't regret this," the unicorn thought worriedly. She knew what Twilight meant when she said that she had to forgive herself first, but it never occurred to her that it could be so literal. "I guess I see where you are coming from." Sunset sighed at the questionable look she received, "OK, fine. I believe you."

Now the former student was certain that Demon Shimmer said the truth. For the first time, since she came to be, a soft smile graced the pseudo alicorn's features, a single tear left her right eye, "Finally one again. I hate my current state."

That was the last thing she said before before leaning forward, offering her horn to Sunset. As their horns touched, brilliant gold and orange flames surrounded both ponies, but before Sunset could panic the incarnation's body dissolved into nothingness and the resulting ball of fire shot straight into her chest. There was no pain, only the warm feeling like something important returned to her she didn't even know she lost. The vivid flames disappeared and no pony was cooked in the process.

That was a good sign in Sunset's book.

"Unbelievable! I feel great! Hmm, I don't feel smug, arrogant, prideful or evil again, nor do I have any desire to conquer Equestria. Everything seems fine. But how do I wake up now?" she asked herself seriously after she finished her self-analysis.

After trying to find a way to awake and walking through the foreboding castle for a while sounds of battle came from beyond the room she was in. That didn't sound good at all.

Sunset ran down the different corridors and stairs, always following the noises, until she reached her final destination, the throne room. The only difference was now that the sounds of clashing weapons became silent when she was close to her goal. The brave mare took a deep breath and charged into the room through a white dome of magic that seemed to protect the entrance, horn at the ready.

Just to look horrified at what she found, and whom.

"By mom's big hooves! Who did that?!," she thought deeply disturbed.

The scene in front of her was a massacre. OK, there was no gore in the sense of blood and intensities, but still! A lot of pony-shaped beings that looked like they were made out of ice were distributed on the floor of the destroyed throne room, unmoving and clearly cut in many pieces.

In the center of the room, where the concentration of fallen foes was the highest, stood unwavering a midnight blue alicorn, facing the now wrecked throne itself. She was wearing silvern armor, adorned with runes, around her body and had two masterfully crafted looking void black scimitars floating at her sides. That could only be the one princess she never met personally before.

"P-Princess Luna?" Sunset inquired stunned. It was enough to be heard. She kneeled respectfully, barely able to keep her curiosity at bay.

The Alicorn of the Moon faced the owner of the voice and smiled gracefully, "Rise my subject. You must be Sunset Shimmer, my sister told me a lot about you. It is an honor and joy to finally meet you!"

"W-what happened here?!" Gone was her politeness, this battlefield demanded answers.

"The aftermath of a glorious battle! That was the best form of entertainment I had since over 1000 years! And I must say it was a long journey for me, but I emerged victorious in the end!" Princess Luna replied proudly.

The last sentence didn't make any sense for the unicorn, "What do you mean, Princess?"

"You were touched directly by one of the Spirits of Hatred, were you not?" Sunset affirmed the question, "There is your answer little one. Windigos normally fed upon their victims from the distance or they use their Ice Magic, with darkness interspersed to freeze them alive and absorb the most negative of emotions from up close until solely an empty shell remains. Dead on the inside because of the Dark Magic that ate away on you. But a direct touch will most certainly cause untreated the most disturbing and cruelest fate of what these fiends are capable of."

"What is it?!" The young mare was worried for her life now.

Luna offered a pitying smile, ignoring- or not caring for the demanding tone of the unicorn, "Calm yourself and I shall explain. The direct contact can not only lead to the complete consumption of the soul until nothing is left from your original being, but from the remains of what once was you will a new Windigo arise. The stronger the pony in life who met his or her end the crueler and more powerful will be the reborn spirit, corrupted to the core. I think they felt your raw potential and decided to make you one of them. But don't worry, my sister and I stopped the process. You are safe now."

Sunset wanted to hug the pony in front of her, but then she remembered that this wasn't Princess Celestia and she bowed her head instead in gratitude, "Thank you, Your Highness! Uhm, not that I want to sound ungrateful, but how did they manage to intrude into my dreams in such a strong number? And how long have I been in a coma by now?"

The alicorn thought carefully about her reply, "To answer your second question first, three days. But I do wonder though, how do you know about your body's state?"

The smaller equine's jaw dropped. Already three whole days?! But she didn't believe that saying so closely after she barely survived an encounter with Windigos: ‘I had an interesting talk with my demon half and reunited with her.’ would meet with much positive feedback, "I had a feeling that something was wrong after I lived through the memories of my past as a filly again and suddenly I returned to my real body. That, paired with my knowledge of what happened before I lost conscious, gave me the impression that something bad must have happened to me. But Princess Celestia saved my life."

The lunar alicorn continued, blissfully unaware of her subject's inner conflict that she lied to one of her rulers, "Your answer is remarkable, few are that clear headed in the Dreamscape. And as for your first question, Windigos are restless souls, and a soul is normally bound to a fitting body, not able to exist otherwise in the realm of the living. Was not this knowledge taught to you?"

The mare in question looked ashamed, "Y-yes, I read about their state as cursed undead in books about Dark Magic during my 'self-studies' to learn about the mirror. I'm sure that Princess Celestia told you everything about my crimes."

The Guardian of Dreams looked at Sunset with a deep level of understanding, "You are not the only one who failed my sister. Be assured that she never blamed nor scorned you. But back to the matter at hoof. Windigos are an exception, born by evil and necromancy, as you mentioned, during the Black Age. Even before Discord started his reign of terror. As such they violate the rules of life and death and can, you might say, 'invade' other bodies and infect purer souls with Dark Magic. The corruption took the form of its owner and thought it could get past me to reach your mind if it split itself and attacked from many angles at once."

She gestured to the shattered bodies around them, "This is the result. My sister cast a spell that held the corruption at bay long enough for me to create this place as a last bastion between the dream world and your mind and soul. I fought them for three days."

Luckily for her, as the Princess of the Night she could conserve her powers very well in the dream realm and exhaustion didn't happen unless Luna tried to cast more high level spells.

There was one part in particular that caught the unicorn's attention. Her voice took an unsure note, "Are you sure Your Highness? Mo-Princess Celestia never thought negatively of me? With all due respect, I find that very hard to believe. She had every right to cast me out. I was dangerous and-"

Luna interrupted the other mare with an immediate reply, but not out of anger from being questioned, but amusement that this young pony thought she did something beyond redemption, "Oh? So you doubt me? Do I have to remind you what I tried to do when the Nightmare took over? I gave into my jealously and and wanted to bring Eternal Night. I think the attempt of bringing the end of all life, what would have been the consequence if I had succeeded, and turning one half of the world into a icy tundra, has a higher place in the ranking of: 'bad decisions in life', don’t you think?" Her tone got a tad more somber, "Despite everything I did, my sister forgave me." A mischievous glint in Luna's eyes escaped the usually attentive second pony, "So your worries are unfounded. I'm certain that she forgave her own foal. And if it is only the two or three of us you can call her your mother as much as you want by the way."

Sunset could only stare at the ancient ruler before the message hit its mark, "WHAT?!" She groaned, "I can't believe it! She always told me that this needed to stay a secret between just the two of us! I-"

The unicorn was interrupted for the second time in a row, but now because of an event that made her freeze in shock: A lung-crushing hug. "I can finally embrace my second niece! By royal decree you are hereby forbidden from addressing me by my title as a princess! We are family now and you are the daughter of my sister, as such I shall support and be there for you. No matter if we are related by blood or not." Luna's voice became softer and warmer the more she talked.

Sunset managed to hug back when the pressure eased, gently, "T-thank you Pr-sorry, Luna. I never had any family before except mom. Not that Princess Cadence didn't try at first, but I always thought of her as an intruder in my life." She rolled her eyes at her own behaviour, "I can't believe I acted this stupid."

"Indeed you did my dear niece," came the honest answer without any restriction. "Is there anything else you want to know? You will awake soon, now that the corruption which befell your body is finally destroyed."

"Well, there are things I'm curious about. Mom came to the human world and clearly fought the Windigos. Did you help her? And how did the battle end for the human world?"

The newly returned member of royalty received a much too big smile, "Oh you know, royal duties. I had to protect Equestria in my sister's absence. And it seems my estimations were wrong about your recovery rate. You should be waking up now."

Sunset disappeared from the realm of dreams before she could utter another word and the throne room dissolved instantly, because the dreamer had awoken.

Luna's smile was immediately replaced by a deep frown in the moment she was alone in the Dreamscape, "I will always remember the humiliation..."

Cadence was proud of herself that she could keep her composure. Single snickers were the only sounds that betrayed her iron will. Everything served the goal of being supportive, as long as she didn't look directly at her aunt.

The Spirit of Chaos said that at least one of the 'less boring princesses' should stay in Equestria, just in case. The diarch challenged the draconequus to tell her how he planned to contain her in the castle when she could simply walk through the mirror.

It was a bad idea.

Chained to the floor in front of the portal by thick layers of unbreakable marzipan, since Discord followed Twilight to the human world, was Princess Luna. A huge sign dangled from her neck. In fact her entire fur was a giant mess of wild curls. On it was written in gray paint and supported by evil smileys:

"Beware of the South Equestrian Woonanos Moonbuttus! Do NOT feed it, or you may suffer terrifying consequences in form of archaic speech patterns or shattered ear drums! You have been warned!"

"W-well auntie, I think you look quite... bold," Cadence commented after a long silence.

The answer was a heated glare that could make the sun jealous.

Her vengeance would be sweet and delicious, that, the Princess of the Night swore.

"Uhhg... my head feels like a swarm of parasprites flew through it," Sunset thought dizzily and tried to move her body.

"Oh my gosh! You are awake!" a faintly familiar voice said in shock and happiness.

"Wh-" She had a coughing fit.

"Take this, and slowly. Your throat hasn’t had any fluids in days," the soft and caring mare replied and she felt how a glass of what had to be water was brought to her lips.

Taking large gulps without a second thought Sunset sighed contently and opened her eyes, only to be surprised by who, or more, by what was in front of her. A honest-to-goodness pony. It made sense that she was brought back to Equestria after she had already met Princess Luna, but having it verified was another matter entirely.

And not only some random pony, but a unicorn mare Sunset knew since she was a tiny filly. To think that she was still part of the medical staff brought more old memories to the surface. It seemed Dr. Gentle Soul had aged since the last time Sunset saw her.

The doctor's cutie mark was a forest green sphere of slightly moving energy, surrounded by four small red medical crosses. She had an arylide yellow colored coat and a pale light cornflower blue mane in the form of a ponytail.

Now that she thought about it, Sunset Shimmer never understood how humans got the idea to name a hairstyle 'ponytail'. Did one day a drunk human look in full concentration at the rump of one of Earth's creepy looking ponies and thought: 'Wow! That tail looks like the hair of my girlfriend!'? It made no sense to her.

The older unicorn's lilac eyes focused on her patient, now that Sunset wasn't covered in a blanket she gave a nod of approval. "I see you look healthy enough to move. The medicine and spells worked like a charm. Let me make last check-ups to make sure that your body truly recovered enough."

When the examinations started Sunset noticed immediately that she wasn't in a hospital, what she believed would be the case. No, the current surroundings had a bittersweet touch of their own, "My room. I can't believe that it looks exactly the same since the day I left Canterlot," the mare said somberly.

A few small bookshelves filled with books, big tomes and scrolls, beside a huge study table with many sets of prepared ink, quills and paper gave the room a studious atmosphere. The theme of the room was clearly Sunset's mane. Cushions, a couch, the bed sheets and even the bed itself were colored and decorated in color schemes of red and gold.

Gentle heard the remorseful whisper and smiled in encouragement, "Yes. Princess Celestia declared your room off-limits for everypony the day you disappeared. I can't say how glad I am that you are okay Sunset. I feared the worst after the princess announced that you 'lost your way and decided to take your own path'. I rarely saw her this close to breaking down when she shared the news. I'm sure not one day went by without Princess Celestia lamenting your absence. And I should know, I'm one of a very few ponies who were actually informed about your special connection between each other. Working with the royal head physician had its perks."

Gentle Soul gave her former favourite filly a hug, one the former student gladly returned, "H-how? How can you just forgive me for everything I did to everypony? I was one of the worst and most arrogant pricks in all of Canterlot Castle, maybe Canterlot itself. I don't understand why mom ordered you to be my-"

"Ordered?" Dr. Soul chuckled quietly, "It is true that Princess Celestia wished that the first face you would see after your awakening should be a for you familiar one, so she asked me to do it. I could have declined her request, but I accepted it in a heartbeat. I always saw the real Sunset Shimmer beneath the act, a young mare who yearned for the recognition of her mother and her fellow ponies. A mare who lost herself in her own desires at one point in life, somepony who tried to overplay her own shortcomings with rubbing her 'superiority' into others' faces. Pretty much like every average bully."

"If you knew what crimes I committed you wouldn't say that..." Sunset answered stubbornly.

"That may be the case, but I have no reason to judge you for events of your past. Or are you still having the desire to become an alicorn by any means? Do you see other ponies still as beneath you?" Gentle inquired patiently.

"Of course not! I learned my lesson! Or so I hope. I don't know! I thought I got it, that I proved myself. But it... it didn't end well for me. And I can’t blame the others for rejecting me, I was a terrible pe-pony. I guess I'm just very disappointed that the five girls who I thought of as my best friends in life abandoned me as well."

"Then it is these fillies' loss. Now to a much more important topic." the older Pony’s expression hardened, "Where were you? When I saw you the first time I wasn't sure if you would survive. I never encountered such wounds nor the curse that was put on you. Princess Celestia told me that Windigos were responsible and remained vague at best about your whereabouts. How is that possible? I thought these monsters were a myth or extinct."

Telling other ponies about the human world wasn't the smartest option, a half-truth should do in the younger unicorn's opinion, "I can't say much about the place I met them. I wandered from place to place, far, far away from Equestria and the inhabitants were the strangest beings I ever met. But somehow similar to ponies. Not quite the same, but similar. And I can barely believe it myself. I thought they were gone for good as you did and the next thing I know is that I'm attacked by living myths," Sunset admitted sheepishly. It frustrated her when she was clueless.

"Perhaps somepony brought them there? Or they used this place as a new hunting ground?" Gentle Soul suggested.

"Of course! It's like with the sirens! But who could be that old and still knew about the human world to ban-" Sunset could barely stop herself from facehoofing, "...mom."

"Oh! I completely forgot that I had an order to inform her highness in the moment you awoke. Please make yourself comfortable until the princess arrives."

Not even a few seconds after Gentle Soul left came a knock from the window, but it didn't sound like a hoof. "Strange..." Sunset thought in confusion and turned her head to face the window. A to her familiar looking phoenix wanted to come in.

The unicorn hoped desperately that she wasn’t dreaming right now. "Ph-Phila?! Is that you?!"

But how could she let the phoenix in? She felt too weak to stand up, still. Philomena noticed the mare's expression and face winged, literally. She pointed with her longest primaries at her forehead.

"My forehead?" After her eyes noticed the proud horn on her head Sunset's cheeks darkened in embarrassment, "Right, I'm a unicorn again."

She used her magic to open the window from the distance. The beautiful bird landed on the bed and eyed her with amusement. A few cawing sounds intensified the mare's unnatural cheek color; "Laugh it up! I KNOW I have a horn, I just... daydreamed. No reason to tease me like that, jeeze." Sunset could have sworn that Celestia's pet smirked much more than it should be physically possible with a beak.

A pregnant silence ruled undeniably.

The once self-centered bully and bane of CHS threw herself at her first real friend in life and cried into the bird's chest, "I'm so sorry for everything I did! I missed you so much Phila!"

The proud animal embraced the mare with her wings and 'said' something into Sunset's ears, "How can you say that? I neglected you and our friendship for my own selfish goals. Nothing is fine! I was so blinded by my ego that I completely ignored you. Please, let me have this, I really need it."

The phoenix motioned for the mare to continue.

Sunset looked down in shame, averting her eyes, "I can't even begin to describe how sorry and disgusted I am about what I did. I never took your own feelings into account and tried to solve everything my way. You warned me that I went down a dangerous path, but refused to listen, because I was too prideful and stubborn."

Philomena put a comforting wing around the mare's barrel. "I was so sure of myself and my way of handling things that I never dreamed of the possibility that I even could fail. I snapped at mom when she refused to make me an alicorn. She said that an ascension had to be earned and that it was nothing that could be given for free. I didn't want to hear any of that and focused entirely on my studies to find a way to prove myself as worthy for ascension. I wanted her approval."

She laughed bitterly, "I never thought about the meaning behind her words and let my frustration and anger get the better of me. I shouted at you that I wouldn't need you anymore when you confronted me about my behaviour shortly before I left Equestria."

Sunset looked deeply into Philomena's own sorrowful eyes, "I want us to be best friends again, I want to say how sorry I am and that I was wrong. You always had my back since the first moment we met and I repaid your loyalty with anger and your kindness with distrust. You are very important to me and I want you back in my life. Phila, can you forgive me?"

The regal fire bird gave a single, but firm, nod. Sunset wept into her best friend's chest.

After what felt like an eternity the door opened and a certain white alicorn stepped into the scene, "Sunset?"

"I apologize that I had to cut our last meeting short, but important matters of state needed my immediate attention. I hope you are well this fine morning, Lord Deluxe," Celestia said sincerely sorry.

Perhaps there were a lot of moments when she questioned the intelligence of Canterlot's nobility, but there were ponies who deserved their title and worked hard for Equestria's society. Tight Deluxe, despite his mannerism, counted as one of them.

The chubby noble chuckled in plain good humor, "Of course Your Highness. I understand that you have more important duties than simply listening to the concerns of your subjects. Now, I think you wanted to talk with me about my bill. I believe we-"

The door slammed open and the royal head physician, Gentle Soul, stormed into the throne room and kneeled besides her fellow unicorn. Lord Deluxe was completely baffled, "Princess! SHE is awake."

A blinding flash of golden light later the two mares were nowhere to be seen.

Raven Star, the personal assistant of Princess Celestia, was a unicorn mare with black fur, a long waving silver mane and tail and ocean blue eyes. Her Cutie Mark was an elegant formed white quill with an old looking piece of parchment beneath the quill's tip. The corners of her mouth showed the faintest touch of amusement.

She stood to the princess’ left the whole time and took the sudden disappearance of her ruler with practiced ease. The middle-aged mare walked in all her hard learned professionalism to the side of the shell-shocked noble and levitated her clipboard in front of her. Her voice smooth, but completely neutral, "Lord Deluxe, I assume that you want to make another appointment with Princess Celestia? Lucky for you I have a free slot for you in three months time. Would that be to your satisfaction?" Raven was truly Celestia's personal assistant by heart. “Or I’m sure Princess Luna would have time to speak to you as early as tonight.”

The usually well-trained, stoic and unmoveable guards couldn't help themselves and had to laugh at the Lord's facial expression.

"Sunset?" Princess Celestia said a little shaken.

Would her daughter hate her for having been neglected all these years? What should she do? It was always a dream of her to have Sunset Shimmer back at her side and now where this moment arrived she didn't know what to do. Many scenarios raced through her mind how a meeting between them would look like and most ended with a very angry and reclusive unicorn mare.

The alicorn honestly didn't expect to come upon such a scene in front of her, but appreciated it no less. Her former student and her pet phoenix were hugging each other like in the old times. It was always a secret wish of her that destiny would one day lead these two to each other once more, that their friendship would blossom anew. Words couldn't describe how happy she was for the pair.

The mare in question was frozen at place. There she was, Princess Celestia, Bringer of Dawn, Alicorn of the Sun, immortal ruler of Equestria... her mother.

Her body was on autopilot. Sunset pushed her blanket aside, Philomena gave her space and the still weakened mare nearly stumbled, because her legs weren't used to her weight after three days of rest. They felt like jelly, but Sunset clenched her teeth together and pushed forward, her sheer will overruled the outcry of her protesting flesh.

Then she fell.

"S-Sunset! You have to rest! I can-" Celestia couldn't finish.

"NO! Stay there! I swear to everything that is holy to me, if you are a hallucination of my imagination I will buck Aunt Luna so hard in the face that she will have a headache to next Nightmare Night!"

"She must have met my sister already," the diarch mused and sat down. Watching her Little Sun struggling so hard was tearing at her heart, but she knew the unicorn needed to do this on her own. For herself.

She was in agony, but Sunset couldn't care less. She forced her body to obey and lifted one leg after another, wobbling on them. When the younger of the two ponies was certain that her balance returned she walked slowly, testing her strength. Her speed increased, what started as careful steps became a trot and the trot turned into a sprint.

Before she could fall again Sunset jumped, directly into the loving embrace of her mother.

"She is really here," both thought at the same time in pure bliss.

Celestia held her personal sunshine to her chest, enjoying the tranquility together with her, hoping that this wonderful moment would never end.

Silent sobs broke the silence. Suddenly it was an uncontrollable river of tears that streamed down Sunset's cheeks, she cried and cried and couldn't stop. It was real, everything was real. But most importantly, her mother was real.

Princess Celestia, known for her emotional control, the product of millennia of life experiences, followed her daughter suit. Solely to a lesser degree. She pressed her former student harder to her body, for the irrational fear that her daughter would disappear again if she let go.

Calming words were whispered into the amber mare's ears. Promises of love and family were never this clear before for Sunset Shimmer. All thoughts about Anon-a-Miss and the human world were forgotten, because they didn't matter right now.

After all these years she was finally home.

Author's Note:

Edited version uploaded: 09/12/17
Proofreader: Javarod

Greetings my avid readers! :twilightsmile:

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

You didn't expect three chapters, right? :ajsmug:

And I want to thank Javarod very much at this point for his suggestions and helpful ideas. Thank you! :twilightsmile: Just that you know, a part of Sunset's backstory in chapter 8 was his idea, I simply approved of it. Same for Chrysalis appearance in 7.

And for everybody who didn't notice it, or didn't read it in the blog... if nothing is written at the very top of thee Author's Note concerning an editor, then it's the uncensored "me-version". But I write always at the very top of the box the name of the editor and the date when it was corrected for a final time before I re-copy and save it into the chapter.

Just so that you know now for the future. :twilightsheepish:

Thank you very much for reading and stay tuned! :moustache: