• Published 12th Jul 2017
  • 20,432 Views, 1,023 Comments

Dawn - Anachronon

Redemption had to be earned, Sunset Shimmer knew that. But how could everything go so wrong? Who was this "Anon-a-Miss"? Nobody believed her, all abandoned her. What would be left for her? A certain draconequus was witness and decided to intervene.

  • ...

Chapter 12 - Rainbooms meet Draconequus

Her eyes were closed in fear for the whole time, not sure to where Mr. Discord would take her, since the girl was afraid if she was honest. She opened them again and saw something unexpected.

Fluttershy was... a ghost? Or so it looked like if her pale bluely illuminated skin and translucent body were anything to go by. She wanted to scream. And where was the man who took her with him? Did he lie to her in the end?

Fog appeared on the ground and a familiar figure with greenly glowing shackles around his body came to be. He seemed to be a haunted soul as well.

Discord's voice sounded gravely and echoed in the air surrounding them, "I am the spirit of the chaotic past, present and future! Oh Ebenezer Shy, you will have to pay your debts in order to be forgiven for what you did to Sunset Shimmer!" The disguised God of Chaos spoke normal again, a mirthful undertone could be heard, "Do you want to see your tombstone now or later? I can assure you, it is lovely!"

The teenager didn't know what to say after witnessing this scene, "H-huh?"

The mad man chuckled loudly, "Don't worry, we can start soon enough with our quest. There is something I want to see first to rub it in a certain princess' face. She caused quite the ruckus and normally Celestia claims to be so well-behaved." He spread his arms dramatically, "I'm so proud!"

His discordoversion was nice and well, but nothing could replace the satisfaction of admiring chaos in person from up close.

Noticing just now her environment the animal lover blinked in astonishment. An ashen ground and black burned tree stumps were the only things that greeted them. And were those houses in the far distance?

"W-where are we?" Fluttershy inquired unsurely.

"Why, Canterlot Park of course! Or what is left of it. Come," Discord ordered casually. The girl complied, not sure what else to do.

When they reached the top of a hill the unlikely duo could see the extent of the aftermath from the battle. She was always a little curious, never having the chance to check on the damage because of the investigations that started immediately after the storm cleared two days ago.

A lot of different kinds of people were running around the ashen wasteland. Police, military, criminologists, scientists and more studied and discussed the damage while reporters watched and shouted questions from outside the cordoned off park. Fluttershy was certain that she even recognized the most famous face and voice of Canterlot Radio, High Song. Her long azure hair adorned with an amber streak was a dead giveaway.

The Spirit of Chaos teared up and wiped his nose with a brightly coloured polka dotted handkerchief that had appeared from nowhere, "It's beautiful! So much restlessness, worried thoughts about what the future could bring, uncertainty and false conclusions. Searching for the wrong questions, asking the wrong answers. Sunflank truly outdid herself this time. What does the jury say?!"

To their left sat three more Discords at a long table in colorful suits, brilliant orange, dark green and royal blue. They were shuffling through the cards in front of them before raising their chosen number into the air.

All three showed a six.

Original Discord commented slyly, "What can I say? I'm hard to impress and the devil is in the detail. She was always sloppy in her performance when it was important to be creative."

The oldest of the Rainbooms couldn't share the man's joy at all.

Still, there was something that bothered her dearly as she was watching the people around them, "Why don't they see us?"

Discord waved with his hand in a dismissing gesture, "Oh, that is nothing special. Only a little trick that will hide our presence from the humans. On this way we don't need to bother with the authorities during 'Mission Mustard & Ketchup'."

"Mustard and ketchup?" Fluttershy inquired in confusion.

He rolled his eyes in exaggeration, "Oh come on. Isn't it obvious girl? Who do you know with red and yellow hair?"

She felt a little sheepish now.

"I mean take a look at this! We can do whatever we want and they won't notice a thing, we are not even there for them. Observe, my faithful human!" Discord said jokingly and stepped in front of a kneeling scientist who took samples of the scorched earth, before he stuck his own head into the head of the man like it was an illusion. "Looks pretty empty to me. I think we have here a clear case of airheadedness," the draconequus announced from the inside in an analytical tone.

Fluttershy's skin took an ill coloration.

He lowered his head until he was in the stomach region, "Aha! This liver has seen better days, I knew he was hiding something. But no secret will remain if I, Discord, am on the case!"

The girl shook her head from the approaching dizziness, "C-can we go now? I think it is very rude to look into other people's bodies without permission." Then she mumbled to herself, "And gross..."

Discord surrendered in exaggeration. "OK, OK, if you want to spoil my fun-" Suddenly his relaxed and joyful attitude vanished like Apple Cider during Cider Season. A deadly silence befell the atmosphere.

Fluttershy noticed his shift of attitude, "Mr. Discord? Is something wrong?" It scared her how focused he glared to a certain direction south of them. Normally he was always joking, never taking anything seriously.

"Stay here," he ordered, and not even a second later he was gone.

"Oh my gosh! What do I do?!" the student of CHS asked herself panicky.

She knew that he was surely capable of defending himself, but what if he found something bad? Something mean? Maybe something evil?! No, staying at the sidelines and doing nothing led to her losing Sunset Shimmer and the friendship of Princess Twilight. She would be... assertive!

As Coach Iron Will once taught her to be so in sports, but her grades weren't the best to this day regardless. Roseluck still gave her a stink eye every now and then after what happened in dodgeball. Fluttershy felt guilty for the concussion she caused ever since.

Tracking him down wouldn't be too hard, she just had to follow the raising coldness. Hopefully Rainbow Dash's cardio training would pay out.

The dark alleys of Canterlot Downtown District.

It was an unpleasant environment for people without the necessary coin to pass through the area unscathed or enough protection, be it muscle, weapon or otherwise. The CCPD had its hands full with the inhabitants of this part of the town. Illegal deals and prostitution were booming business models here, not that the authorities could prove it.

A howling cold wind, occasional barks of dogs and a dubious looking neighbourhood added to the picture of uneasiness

Icewhisper, once the captain of King Balthanel's forces, stood in such an alley, overfilled trash cans as her only witnesses. Now that her monarch was gone, they had to hunt on their own, without any true leadership. May that wench Celestia die in agony!

Luckily those humans were easy prey. So careless, not knowing that their time had come.

Around her were her newest victims. Quite similar to Diamond Dogs on Equus now that she thought about it, if their looks, especially their skin and eye color as well as their thickly built forearms, were anything to go by, not really fitting for a human. Or their facial proportions for that matter. Moreover it seemed like all of them wore a necklace with a big fake diamond as centerpiece.

The smallest, a dwarf of a boy, with short puffy black hair, wearing a white winter jacket with grey sleeves, brown jeans and grey sport shoes.

Then there was the biggest of them all. Muscled, roughly looking brown colored hair and covered by a green winter jacket with grey sleeves, light blue jeans and black boots.

Their bodies hadn’t moved an inch since everything started.

Icewhisper giggled maliciously. Both dead already after her first attack, how pathetic. They couldn't survive the icy cold and proved themselves as nothing more than mere food, not remotely worthy of the gift. Their souls were trapped in their bodies, waiting to be devoured.

But most interesting was the last of the humans, someone who survived the initial ambush.

He seemed to be their leader and was, much to her delight, still alive, freezing and refusing to die. This young man would make a nice addition to their thinned out ranks. Such a strong will was welcomed. He had spiky steel blue hair and wore clothes consisting of red and white shoes, dark blue jeans and a red jacket with white sleeves.

Rover tried to stand up, looking with hatred at the Windigo in front of him, not knowing what his brothers state was and still clinging to hope. He was trying to hide his fear.

How foolishly brave. His hatred was delicious for the undead.

Speaking of, the corrupted soul was huge in the teenager's opinion, at least two heads taller than Fido. She looked like a malnourished transparent woman made of ice and air, her chest and nether region covered by some kind of cloth. Pits of sky blue energy instead of normal eyes were watching him closely.

It unnerved him greatly, but Rover was always prideful and wouldn't give this thing the satisfaction of cowering in fear.

Icewhisper clapped her hands mockingly, making no sound, "You know your resistance is futile, right mortal? Staring at me like that won't save you." Her voice sounded surprisingly smooth and clear like bells, but had an unnatural echo.

"S-screw you, you walking icicle! What did you do to my brothers?!" he screamed in utter fury.

The sadistic being decided to have some fun, giving him hope now just to take it away in his last moments before turning him was just too tempting, "Your brethren are fine, for now. They are slumbering." She glanced at her fellow soldiers, "Windfang? Graysky? Please enlighten our human that I tell him the truth."

Both slightly smaller Windigos chuckled unnervingly.

"Our captain speaks true," Windfang confirmed in a guttural tone. Greysky nodded his head in support.

The leader of the Diamond Dog Brothers closed his eyes and sighed at ease. His siblings were still alive, but what now? Suddenly the teenager felt something on his lips. He stared in shock and deep disgust at the Windigo captain. She was kissing him! He felt violated, something evil forced itself in his body, Rover could feel it.

Black veins appeared slowly all over his skin and it became incredibly difficult for him to breath. Their lips parted.

Icehwisper laughed in amusement, "What is it, boy? Didn't you like it? I thought dying by a woman's touch was every man's dream! I even gave something to you."

He coughed, "W-what are you talk-"

A loud sound of something heavy crashing into the cold ground filled the air.

They turned their heads and saw something right out of a cartoon, only more brutal. Where formerly the two guards stood were now two burning but undamaged pianos stuck in the ground. Their bodies smashed to pieces.

"What in the Great Blizzard's name?!" Icewhisper exclaimed angrily.

Something wasn't right, normally her kind could easily reform the physical appearance, but they clearly perished. She stepped a little closer to inspect the flames and hissed loudly, "Dragon fire!? How?!"

"Haven't you learned anything when Balthi died? How disappointing..."

Someone grasped her throat with one hand and lifted the shocked Windigo into the air, as if doing such to a damned soul was the simplest of tasks, before Icewhisper could even turn around. This being in human flesh wore the most surreal looking suit she ever saw and a red bow tie that ceased to exist if she didn't put her mind on it.

"I knew I felt something chilly. I was burning to meet you!" Discord said gleefully.

Icewhisper gawked in fear at the man in front of her, knowing instinctively who that entity was, "Bringer of Change! What are you doing here?! Why are you helping those lowly humans? I thought you don't care for the lives of mortals!"

The mad spirit grinned wickedly, "Oh that is a title I haven’t heard in centuries!" His smile widened, "I think you didn't get the memo, you see I altered my approach a little bit. I even helped Sunflank with defeating your king, it was a doozy! But no, I couldn't care less about what happened here. I just don't like you, please don't take it personal. Grogar and I never saw each other eye to eye and I always loved to break his toys. All that doom and gloom is just not funny."

Death was absolute, no second laugh before it was over. Discord had a good reason for never killing his foes, no matter how annoying. It was a simple observation from his side. What was life, if not the purest form of chaos? Being born, growing up, trying to defy fate and causing changes to the world around you, no matter how small. Like a ripple in the wide ocean. Being alive meant causing chaos, like bringing disorder to make the environment your home and domain.

No, the worst he would do was banishing the target of his annoyance to another dimension with creatures never seen before. Just a few weeks ago he found some strange looking plane, thanks to his discordovision, with puppets whose purpose it was to entertain the young. Oh how delightfully irritating they would be for the ponies of Equestria.

His captive grunted in exhaustion, trying to escape futilely. Cute.

Her continued existence was in jeopardy and the Spirit of Hatred knew that, "W-wait! I'm certain we can reach an agreement! Perhaps we could share the humans, mankind creates more than enough chaos on a daily basis to make you unstoppable!"

Just when Captain Icewhisper thought she got him to think about her proposal a hot pain shot through her very being, "W-wha-?!"

She looked down to see a gleaming dagger in her chest. Her body shattered like glass into a million pieces before the Windigo could even utter a sound to curse the God of Chaos for what he did.

Discord spoke neutrally, "Don't ever assume to know what I want." He raised both eyebrows in a thoughtful manner, "Sometimes I don't even know it myself."

And as if he would fall for such an obvious trap! Of course Past Discord would have jumped at the opportunity of ruling an entire planet as its supreme god, ignoring all risks. But it wasn't as easy as most would think in relation to his person. As an embodiment of chaos itself he could absorb its energy from his surroundings, true.

But such power had a side-effect.

He would not only gain unlimited strength by mankind's endless quarrels, but taking in the emotions, connected to the actions that caused new entropy to emerge, to boot. They were part of the full package and a good part of this species caused disharmony in relation to hatred, bloodlust, greed, insanity or other negative feelings.

Never! The Lord of Chaos wouldn't be corrupted like Sombrero. But what could somepony expect by a crystal addict?

Discord found it hard to admit, but a certain butter yellow pegasus had changed his view on chaos, even a small portion was now enough to spice things up for him. And having somepony to laugh with or being appreciated instead of feared were new experiences for him, somehow it felt good.

Well, it was certainly appealing.

A coughing fit interrupted his musings. He turned around and found its source immediately, "Oh, you are alive! And here I thought you had a killer party!" He laughed dryly. "I really have no clue why you humans like black humor so much. It is much too serious to be funny in my humble opinion."

Rover lifted his head up in fear and croaked with a hoarse voice, "W-who are you? What happened with these things?"

The draconequus raised a finger in a lecturing manner, "This, my near dead friend, is a good question, worthy of an answer. We all had a little chat and in the end we came to a shattering conclusion. None of them even said goodbye. Can you believe it?"

Another row of bloody coughs was the answer.

Discord sat down cross-legged besides the leader of the Diamond Dog Brothers, ignoring the snow beneath them, "You are right. I should have insisted on a good last handshake." He glanced in pity at the dying human, his voice took a much more serious note, "I fear there is nothing I can do for you buddy. Your soul is poisoned to the core and I can only end your suffering to make sure that you won't be resurrected as one of them. Do you understand me?"

Rover put his head down in resignation, "W-what is about my brothers? This h-" another cough, "-hussy said they would be fine. Did she say the truth?" He dearly hoped that Fido and Spot would make it.

The God of Chaos knew from the start that the two humans in question were dead as doornails. But he didn't feel like playing around in this situation, making fun wouldn't do it now. This mortal was desperately clinging on his life, solely to get certainty before he would fade.

Should he break into a song? On second thought, he wouldn't even make it through the refrain.

A faint smile was on his face, "Don't you trust me? I'm hurt! But you can rest peacefully." Discord leaned his head closer and spoke in a quiet conspiratorially tone, "Just between us, they will most likely need strong painkillers and a lot of soup against the cold when they wake up."

He received a pained chuckle, "I see... thank you for saving them," was the only sentence Rover uttered before the last shimmer of life vanished from the teenager's eyes.

"Well..." Discord said and stretched himself, popping a few bones in progress, "...time to clean up."

With a snap of his fingers all three corpses were consumed by brilliant white flames until not even ashes remained.

"I should look for Humanshy," he thought purposefully, already asking himself how much the poor dear must be worried.

Another voice stopped him from leaving, "That was very kind of you, Mr. Discord."

Standing in front of him was a very sad, but somehow relieved looking Fluttershy. She was a little out of breath.

The disguised draconequus would be surprised that she caught up to him already, if he, as the Master of Surprises, would be surprised at all. Of course surprising him was much of a stretch, yes. Not even a twitch!

Discord composed himself like the dashing being he was, "Me? Kind? I think you misunderstood there something. I lied to him before I burned the boy's body to nothing. So, how much did you see and how did you find me?" He was relieved that this wasn't pony Fluttershy, she would have fainted, most likely.

Ghostshy held a fist in front of her chest, as if in struggle with herself. "Uhm, I arrived here when you... defeated that W-windigo woman. I just took the direction you were looking at and Downtown is south of the park, traffic or buildings weren't really important thanks to your magic, Mr. Discord."

The mentioned man laughed in a faked haughty tone. "Aha! I helped you without even thinking about it! My genius proceeds me."

"And yes, you lied. But..." She stopped talking, lowering her head.

"Yeeees?" the Spirit of Chaos inquired curiously and gestured with a hand to go on.

"D-doing what you did was the right decision, I think. You gave him hope and let him pass away in peace, letting him believe that his brothers were still alive. You showed him a last act of kindness. A-and I know you didn't have to do that! So, uhm, thank you," Fluttershy smiled shyly.

Discord raised an eyebrow at that, "Oho? I always believed you girls were all about being honest, loyal, yada yada and all this boring stuff?" A smug grin painted his features, "If I ignore what you did to Sunflank Jr. that is."

Fluttershy flinched in shame, "Y-yes. That is kind of a problem where Applejack and I don't always see each other eye to eye when it comes to our supposed-to-be elements. I noticed that Kindness and Honesty don't always follow the same goal. Not that I hate Applejack of course! But sometimes a bold lie is simply the much kinder option than the truth, but Applejack is... too stubborn to accept that." The girl whispered the last part of the sentence, not that the mad god didn't hear it anyway.

He chuckled fondly, "You remind me of your Equestrian counterpart."

"I-I do?" the teenager asked in wonder.

"Of course! Both of you have an unconditional love for animals and are blessed with a strength that isn't necessarily expected." His smile faded, "And both of you know how short life can be because of your chosen path as future veterinarians. Nature is not always kind, in fact it can be very cruel. A fitting role as a Element Bearer of Kindness. I could bet that except you young ladies nobody and nopony would be able to do what needs to be done when facing a gruesome sight from your circle of girl-pals from the get-go." He bowed for an added effect.

Fluttershy blushed furiously, "Oh my. I never saw it that way." Silence. "Uhm, Mr. Discord? What do we do now?"

The God of Disharmony rubbed his hands in glee, "I'm glad you asked my shy companion! We are going on a field trip." His suit was suddenly replaced by a ranger outfit, reminding the young human of Daring Do, "Onwards!"

"Wait!" she exclaimed fastly.

Discord groaned, "What now?"

"W-we have to take the girls with us! They should get a chance to show how sorry they are, too," the timid girl pleaded with big eyes.

The draconequus considered. If he took not one but five humans to Equestria... Discord made up his mind. He couldn't miss THAT opportunity! "You have there a compelling argument. I shall accept your request my dear. Show us the way!"

Even though they left the alley behind after the Windigos were taken care of the God of Chaos could have sworn that the unnatural coldness he felt before never disappeared.

"C-can I open my eyes now?" Fluttershy wanted to know fearfully.

Discord scoffed, playing offended, "I think my aim was as good as it could have been expected, pinpointing specific persons is not so easy in this world, I can assure you. Besides, we only landed in two kitchens, one cellar, two bedrooms and three bathrooms. It could have been worse. Why, did you see something to your liking?" His grin couldn't stretch more in the moment. "You can look now~"

She whimpered. The young student would never get the burnt in images out of her mind. Luckily they were still invisible, but that didn't make it much better in her opinion. She heard and saw things no woman should witness when men firmly believed they were alone, or so she convinced herself.

Their newest location seemed to be promising. Fluttershy never visited many of the different rooms of Rarity's house, but she recognized it as her friend's.

All walls were decorated in two shades of purple with violet roses upon them. The double sized bed with the sleeping mask on the pillow, stitched with three little blue diamonds, a lot of fashion magazines on the night table and the photo frame upon it with all of them in the outfits they wore during the Fall Formal were proof enough for her. Princess Twilight was in it.

Fluttershy frowned in disappointment. They never took any group pictures with Sunset Shimmer, did they?

"Tell me again, why can't we just pick up your friends and go?" the draconequus inquired in boredom.

She played with a strand of her hair, "W-we can't just kidnap them. What would their families think? My parents are visiting with my brother a new art convention for three days in Fillydelphia, so it shouldn't be a problem for me to come with you Mr. Discord, but I'm not sure about the others." He rolled his eyes at her continued politeness.

In Zephyr's words, his muse told him to expand his horizon beyond Canterlot City.

"Oh, come on! You can't do this to me! It's completely unfair!" a familiar high-pitched voice shouted in annoyance.

The door jumped open and Rarity stormed into her room, clearly in a bad mood, followed by an angry looking Sweetie Belle.

The fashionista turned around to face her sibling with barely contained fury, "I will tell you what is unfair young lady! It is unfair to all the students, who never did anything to you, how carelessly you posted their secrets online. It is unfair that you destroyed a lot of lives just for your own selfish desires. It is unfair that you blamed Sunset out of jealousy and made her the victim of a level of abuse that put the aftermath of the Fall Formal to shame!" Her eyes shimmered wetly, "It is unfair that you, my own little sister, took away two wonderful friends from me, who probably don't want to see us ever again. I am at fault as well and will pay for my own shortcomings, but YOU three started it."

Sweetie Belle recoiled as if struck by a hand, "B-but how many times do I have to tell you that I'm sorry?! I never expected that our plan could end like that. Please! You can't just separate us! Can't you convince mom and dad somehow-"

Rarity would have none of it. "A sorry won't turn back time or change what happened! And how do you thing I should approach them Sweetie Belle? Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna suspended you three for at least two months for your own safety! Do you really think the students of CHS will forgive you for what you did? I don't say I like their decision, but our parents are right. You won't be accepted again in Canterlot High and it is most likely the best course of action to send you to another school. This city has more than enough."

Fluttershy remembered. Applejack told her on the phone that the parents of Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom came to an agreement. They should be sent to different schools for the time being. They could still meet each other in private, but no principal would allow all three at his school after hearing about what they did.

"Ahh... trouble in paradise," Discord commented in amusement. The disguised draconequus added slyly, "We should make ourselves known," before he vanished.

A knock came from behind the door.

Sweetie Belle squeaked in shock and jumped forward, hiding behind her sister, "R-Rarity! Did you hear that?! Someone broke in!"

The fashionista was frozen in a state of surprise and fear from the sudden sensation of a hand on her shoulder and turned her head to a degree. One of the her best friends was smiling at her in encouragement, so there had to be a logical explanation, "F-Fluttershy, Darling! Do you mind telling me who is behind my door and... HOW DID YOU COME INTO OUR HOUSE?!"

The now half deaf teenager winced at the jarring tone and high volume, "I'm sorry Rarity, but I think I may have a possibility to apologize to Sunset and Princess Twilight, if you don't mind. Or, uhm, Mr. Discord has."

Rarity furrowed her eyebrows, an unladylike gesture, but necessary when confronting this such an unexpected change of events. The opportunity of finding Sunset Shimmer and the princess to apologize sounded certainly like an appealing offer, but what about her sister? Sweetie Belle would insist to come along.

What would this man, pony, whatever he was, do about her?

Speaking of the devil and he entered, with black sunglasses and a short metal tube in his hand. Discord looked like the fittest specimen of a secret agent.

The youngest of the three girls whispered unsurely, "S-shouldn't we call the police?" Nobody reacted.

It was so bizarre that the two sisters didn't rightly know what to do next. The disguised draconequus stepped with an uncaring frown in front of Sweetie Belle, pushed a button on his tube and a bright violet light blinded the freshman. Swirls replaced her pupils, like it was the case with Nurse Redheart.

He spoke authoritatively, "When we are gone you will think that your sister is on a trip with her friends for an uncertain amount of time and you are fine with it. Where are your parents and when will they come back?"

"They left yesterday again and are trying to negotiate with their clients who are still unsure if they want to cut off any further business because of Anon-a-Miss. Mom and dad should be back in three days," she replied obediently.

"Splendid! See Fluttershy? No pro-uhm, I mean..." Discord cleared his throat and returned to his persona. A second purple flash renewed the effect on Rarity's sibling. "Your answers are sufficient little girl. Remember to eat your chocolate to stay healthy-"

"Excuse me?! I don't care if you saved my life, but you won't put any of your bad ideas in Sweetie Belle's head, you ruffian!" Rarity swore with crossed arms.

A third flash.

"And your vegetables, unburned."

The fashionista put a hand on her forehead, as if she was trying to prevent the mad god's antics from getting to her, "Breath Rarity, you know Pinkie Pie." She glared in annoyance at their potential benefactor, "I will gladly accept this offer, but please don't ever play with my sister's head again, Mr. Discord." An idea came to her mind, "Even though I'm thankful that you solved this issue without causing too much chaos. You have my thanks for your discreteness." A cheeky smile adorned her face.

His expression was a picture of indignation. He looked like he wanted to accuse her that she just committed an affront of the highest level. It was worth it.

Discord recovered quickly and returned the gesture, "But of course! I aim to please." He glanced at Fluttershy, "Where next?"

"Rainbow Dash lives at 69 Cloudsdale Avenue."

The two teenagers vanished, but Discord remained and looked impishly at the hypnotized Sweetie Belle. He blinded her once more, "You are really sorry for Anon-a-Miss and that is why you decided to cook for your sister from now on until the day she snaps. If that happens, my little fellow troublemaker, you will remember to send Rarity my regards. Understood?"

"Yes, Your Greatness," was the immediate answer.

"Good... oh, and vote for Discord!"

Rainbow Dash wasn't a happy camper. She faced her wallpapers of the Wonderbolts, one of the most famous units of the air force and known for their stunt flying.

Would they even take someone as disloyal as her?

She grumbled in mental exhaustion. "AHHH!!! What can I do?! I should be training right now, impressing others with my awesomeness, but no! I just HAD to behave like an idiot and thanks to me Sunset is gone!"

The girl thought briefly of Scootaloo and growled to herself. The last thing she heard was that her 'greatest fan' was grounded for four months, not allowed any longer to play with Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom until the aftermath of Anon-a-Miss was resolved and was forbidden from using her scooter for as long as her parents saw fit.

Not that it mattered to her. Well, not much. Perhaps she should forgive the girl at some point, but not now nor in the near future, the betrayal ran too deep.

This must have been how the eggheads were feeling after what they did. What she did.

Maybe Fluttershy would give her the journal if she asked nicely? For some reason her childhood friend hoarded the book like a treasure and held firmly on it. But she had to do something, anything to make it right again.

Rainbow left her bed and ran a hand through her hair in frustration. Moping was so not cool.

She glanced back to her former position and froze. There on the bed lay her motionless body. The full sized mirror besides her showed a transparent and strangely glowing reflection of her current self.

The most girlish scream escaped her lungs.

A quiet whisper echoed from everywhere, "Rainbow..."

"W-who is there?!" the teenager demanded to know in panic.

"Psst! Behind you," answered the voice, now much clearer.

Rainbow Dash had to look up, only to face a being that seemed to look like the Grim Reaper. If not for the fact that the usually known scythe was replaced by a long cotton candy looking cane that had a skull with a jester's cap on its tip.

The mysterious figure pulled his hood back, revealing himself as this strange man she met in Principal Celestia's office. His smile was much too chipper and kind of disgruntling for her taste.

Discord put a hand on her left shoulder and said in a happy tone like something fantastic just happened, "Congratulations Dashie! You died!"

Her jaw unhinged, "What?! That doesn't make any sense!"

He chuckled in good humor, "Of course your death doesn't make sense! The day I make completely sense is the day I retire and announce Pinkie Pie as my replacement as the God of Chaos! Or goddess in her case."

Now she was truly terrified. The draconequus let a camera appear in his hand and took a picture of her face.

"Mr. Discord! That isn't very nice to scare her like that!" scolded a similarly ghostly looking Fluttershy from the left. A very amused Rarity stood besides her.

"Oh Darling, I didn't know you could be so feminine," she teased mercilessly.

Rainbow gasped in shock, ignoring the fashionista for the time being and teared up a little. "Oh my gosh! Girls! D-don't tell me this guy got you too!"

"Uhm, no. Mr. Discord just wanted to... prank you. We are fine Rainbow," the timid animal lover replied uncomfortably.

Rarity supported their friend, "Fluttershy is right. We may have the chance to apologize to Sunset and Princess Twilight! That is why we came here unannounced. And I want to apologize for our intrusion. Believe me-" she glared hotly at Discord "-I know how surprising this must have been for you."

Fear and shock vanished instantly and untamed fury filled the chromatic teenager's body.

Before she could explode in anger the mad man interrupted her, "Oh look at the time!" He pulled his right sleeve up to his shoulder and revealed at least 15 different watches in various shapes and colors, "It is already quarter past fish!"

A popping sound later and only the empty house remained, nearly empty.

On the other side of the ajar door were Windy Whistles and Bow Hothoof, the parents of Rainbow Dash. Whereas the mother had a plate with sandwiches and milk in her hands, her husband stood beside her with the newest edition of Daring Do and the Stone of Destiny.

It should be a surprise to cheer their daughter up.

"Honey, d-did you see what I did?" asked a very perplex Bow.

"Y-yes." Windy locked eyes with the father of her favourite girl, "Do you know what that means?"

He nodded grimly.

The expressions which would have been normal reactions for normal parents after their only child disappeared into thin air disappeared slowly and were replaced by the creepiest smiles imaginable on both faces. But completely normal for Rainbow Dash's parents if something new happened to their only flesh and blood.

The duo had already a new place in the secret hall of fame, to document Rainbow Dash's 'accomplishments', in mind. They screamed proudly, "1ST VANISHING ACT!"

"Aaaand done! Maud we did it! Your decorations rock!" the hyperactive party planner shouted in excitement.

Maud smiled gently, not that it was visible for not-Pies, "Thank you for your help Pinkie Pie, I appreciate it."

Limestone Pie, or Captain Grumpy, as Pinkie called her older sibling around Christmas and New Year because of her sour attitude, was sitting in her favourite chair. She was polishing Holder's Boulder, the family's heirloom. It was a grey reddish granite stone in the shape of an egg, big as a coconut.

Her opalish gray hair was more short and messy in back, but had a well-combed bang at the front, a contrast to her sisters’ long hair, Maud's smooth and straight, Pinkie's long and curly. She wore her black sleeveless top with a symbol of a lime and two rocks on the front and dark blue shorts.

The cold never bothered the strong-willed, but very impulsive young adult.

"Finally!" Limestone commented in annoyance. "Marble and mom are preparing the tree and father will be late. I have the responsibility as long as he's gone and I'd like to be finished before he returns."

Pinkie rolled her eyes, "Yes, Limey. You are the boss, we know."

Maud was the oldest of the four Pie siblings, but let Limestone call the shots, she didn't mind. As long as her sister's demands were realistic. The woman pulled her pet rock out of her pocket, "What do you think Boulder?"

She listened closely and chuckled dryly. "You don't say. Boulder says that Holder's Boulder is... stuck up."

Limestone groaned, "Tell Boulder he can get over himself and stop behaving like a little pebble." She glanced briefly at the grandfather clock, "Let's see... next item on the list is-"

A giant blue hole in reality opened suddenly in the Pie Family's living-room. Four big and bulky Discords, in full football gear, trotted out of the dimensional disturbance.

Nobody had anything to say, too stunned from witnessing this unexpected event. Even Pinkie Pie.

They shouted the same syllable over the whole time of their short visit at the same time in an overly dramatic way, "HO - HO - HO - HO!" Each grabbed one of Pinkie's legs and arms and held her up above them like a sacrifice, running back into the opening without a care in the world.

The rip closed.

After nearly two minutes of silence Limestone shook her head like a wet dog, "What in the Philosopher's Stone name was THAT?!"

Maud blinked, "I think Pinkie told me about this man. He saved her from the Windigos."

"Are you kidding me?! You really believe Pinkie's tales?! First she had supposedly a showdown with a demon, who was later her friend! Then she and some school students faced off against three women in a boring band contest, who were in reality some banished entities only known from Greek mythology. And NOW she told us a story about cursed ghosts of all things that feed on hatred. It's ridiculous!" the second oldest ranted angrily.

Maud was unmoved in her faith, "I believe her, you should, too. How do you want to explain otherwise that our sister was just kidnaped by four identical looking men who looked like they just escaped an asylum?"

Limestone facepalmed forcefully, "You know what? I don't give a damn! I will call father and tell him that we have to start dinner without Pinks!"

The eldest of the four sisters walked to a window and looked up at the cloudless night sky after her younger sibling left, "Good luck, Pinkie Pie."

Sweet Apple Acres, their last stop. The team stood in front of the Apple's main house

Pinkie Pie laughed wholeheartedly, "Did you see the hilarious looks on their faces?! I will never forget Limey's!"

The party planner imitated her sister's frozen expression of somebody who was one small step away from an aneurysm.

Rainbow Dash was still annoyed about the stunt Discord pulled on her, "I mean who in the hell thinks it would be funny to trick someone into thinking that she died?!"

The disguised God of Chaos looked at his fingernails in disinterest, "My chromatic friend, humour has a wide range of all kind of genres. I have no prejudice when it comes to those things. Admit it, you are just fuming about the fact that I got you good."

"Oh yeah?!" the teenager challenged, closing distance between the two.

A literal halo appeared above Discord's head, "See?" he pointed at a very... unique sight.

A few meters away from them stood a little red skinned mini Discord, with a huge hunch. On the the whole body covering coat were written the words 'Discord's prejudice' in boldly printed letters.

Then it talked, "No! Stop judging me! The eyes, the eyes! You are all ugly, not me!"

A finger snap later the little guy disappeared again, he snorted, "Artists, always so dramatic."

"Can we look for Applejack now? I want to forget what I just saw," Rarity asked sweetly.

Everybody nodded and together they searched for their friend, when they heard a sobbing sound.

"It's fine Appleseed. Ah admit Ah was very disappointed by yer behaviour, but Ah could never be angry on one of ma' children," said a heavenly soft and kind sounding woman.

"I don't think we should intrude. That is Apple Bloom's room and it sounded like her mom," Fluttershy whispered, even though the spell was still intact.

Discord hummed to himself, "Huh, the parents are really alive. A diversity from Equestria, interesting." He switched his attention back to the five girls, "You can look for your friend on your own. The spell will fade when you find her and it is your wish to reveal yourself."

Rainbow raised an eyebrow at his dodging behaviour, "And what about you?"

"Oh you know, research!" came the joyful answer.

The chromatic athlete gagged in disgust, "Bah! Egghead stuff. Let's go girls."

Pinkie Pie cheered and hopped up and down, "Soon we'll get the team together again! Yippie!"

They all left to search for their missing cowgirl, except Fluttershy.

"Can I help you?" he queried much too warmly.

A staring contest between the two occured for nearly 20 seconds.

The girl blinked first, "Uhm, I'm not sure. I heard what you said to yourself and I was just wondering..." Discord held up a hand up to stop her before she could say more.

He teleported and reappeared with a framed picture in his hands, causing a little shriek to emerge from the girl. "You mentioned it yourself, my dear. Honesty and Kindness don't always follow the same goal. I hope your apple farming friend knows tact and when it is wiser to keep the truth hidden about certain matters, in case she meets her counterpart. I fear it would only awake displaced emotions and desires that could never be satisfied, if you know what I mean."

Discord let her have the frame.

The teenager glanced questioningly from the confusing enigma of a man to Apple Bloom's room and back at the picture. Her eyes widened and she gasped, holding her hands in front of her mouth. The frame disappeared before it reached the ground, "I-I will talk with her about it. Thank you for letting us know."

She truly was. Fluttershy felt very sorry for the other Applejack.

After the last Rainboom left the God of Chaos to his devices he decided to take a look and entered the youngest Apple's room, through the wall of course.

The interior was way too plain for his liking. An apple-shaped clock? How predictable. But his focus was now on the woman besides Applejack's little sister.

Pear Butter was in the prime of her beauty. She was half a head taller than Applejack and her brilliant turquoise eyes radiated kindness and motherly love. Her outfit consisted of dark brown cowboy shoes with fringe on the topside, reaching to her upper shins, a perfectly sitting white shirt with sleeves to the elbows and a big black belt that held her light green cloth trousers in place.

Her wavy gamboge colored hair was flowing around her shoulders and a turquoise hair band held a small portion of it at the middle of the back in a similar style to her eldest daughter.

Discord was wondering if her presence could have changed certain outcomes in Equestria. So many possibilities!

Apple Bloom calmed down a little, looking at her mother in regret with tear-filled eyes, "A-Ah never wanted it to end like that! Anon-a-Miss was ma' idea and now the farm is in danger because of me!"

Buttercup, a nickname her husband Bright Mac gave his wife when they were young, stroked her daughter's head to calm her further, "Shh. It's fine, we are just facing hard times, that's all. We will pull through, Ah promise. Don't worry yer little pretty hard about it." She kissed Apple Bloom on the forehead, the youngest Apple giggled with a blush. "Oh? What was that? Ya need more kisses?" More small attacks followed on both cheeks.

Now the freshman laughed in embarassment, "Mom! Stop, Ah'm not a little girl no more!"

Apple Bloom surrendered herself into her mother's warm embrace.

Discord loved nothing more than disharmony and chaos, but even he could appreciate the uncensored affection of a mother to a certain level. It had something innocent even he didn't like to corrupt during his old days. Of course the draconequus did it out of amusement, but it always felt a little wrong to break such a bond.

Pear Butter put some distance between the two with outstretched arms and looked her girl straight in the eyes, "Ma told us about Anon-a-Miss and why ya did it, but Ah never asked with everything that was goin' on lately. Tell me, why didn't ya try to talk with yer sister about it?"

The oldest crusader lowered her head and snorted, "We were so sure that Sunset Shimmer only acted like she wanted to be a better person. Ah wanted ma' sister back, because Applejack spent all her free time with her." The youngest sibling began to stutter a little, "A-and it was clear to me that she only tried to mani-pu"

"Manipulate, Appleseed."

“Yeah, that. Ah thought she only wanted to fool Applejack and her friends to get her revenge for the Fall Formal." When she saw Pear Butter's raised eyebrow the young farmer tried to justify herself, "She was awful mom! Sunset Shimmer was falser than a fox in a hen house, Ah tell yah! For years she only acted nice when she felt like it to get what she wanted and Ah thought Ah needed to do somethin' about her." She sighed in defeat, "That was another reason Ah came up with the idea of Anon-a-Miss."

The mother of three children hummed thoughtfully, "Ah understand ya, believe me. But ya didn't answer ma' question. Why did ya never tell yer sister about how ya feel?"

Apple Bloom was stunned, why indeed? "Ah... Ah never thought about it. It was obvious to me that Sunset Shimmer was a bad person, like she always was in the past Ah guess."

Pear Butter crossed her arms around her daughter's stomach and pulled her closer. "Ma' cute silly girl. Ah think it's time that Ah tell yer a little story about our family. Did ya know that yer grandma and grandpa hated each other before yer father and Ah married?"

"What?! How?! Granny Smith and Gran Grand Pear never argue!" the youngest Apple declared in sheer disbelief.

A heavenly laughter filled the room, "They don't like to be reminded, but it's true! So, how should Ah start?"

Pear Butter and Bright MacIntosh couldn't be happier in their lives. They would finally get married. Nevermind that the young woman was devastated not even a few minutes ago.

A week ago her father Grand Pear was the bearer of horrible news, the Pear Family would move from Canterlot City to Vanhoover. It hit the pair harder than anything. Not that someone knew about their secret romance anyway, thanks to that old feud between the Apples and the Pears.

Their families were rivals to the core, always trying to outsmart the other.

What Pear Butter didn't know was that Bright Mac asked Mayor Mare, an old acquaintance of the two, to meet him the night before the Pear Family moved at the edge of Sweet Apple Acres. He brought the very depressed love of his life with him.

And it was perfect in Pear Butter's opinion. No fancy ceremony, just a secret get together with their closest friends, Burnt Oak and Chiffon Swirl, nowadays known as Mrs. Cake, as their witnesses.

But if she was honest, the young daughter of Grand Pear felt underdressed. Mayor Mare, Burnt Oak, Chiffron, they all wore suits or dresses and looked their best. Only Bright Mac and she were still wearing their working clothes. Of course because the in the dark kept bride didn't know about this surprise, they had no wedding rings at their disposal as well. But it wasn't important as long as they would officially be pronounced husband and wife.

But fate decided to make it harder for them. Granny Smith and Grand Pear found the couple before it could come to their first kiss as a married one.

Both, the patriarch of the Pear Family and the matriarch of the Apple Family, were furious and agreed that such a bond was unacceptable.

It didn't matter to the young lovers. They finished their wedding despite their parents' misgivings on this matter, but the bride's father wouldn't give up so easily...

"Pear Butter, enough of this nonsense, we're movin'! And YOU gotta stick with yer family!" exclaimed an annoyed Grand Pear. This marriage was a bad joke!

He left without another word, sure that his daughter would follow him soon enough.

Pear Butter couldn't leave, her family was now right here as well! Hopefully her father would see reason. "But the Apples are ma' family now, too."

He stared at her in great shock with wide open mouth, Granny Smith reacted the same way.

Bright Mac used this golden opportunity that his mother wasn't prepared to hear such a declaration either and took his rightful position besides Pear Butter as a loving husband to make his father-in-law understand that they were serious. His eyes showed pure determination, never was something more important in his life.

Grand Pear recovered and glared at the pair with narrowed eyes. "Ya can't be serious. Are ya choosin' to be an Apple over bein' a Pear?"

Buttercup teared up in despair, her eyes filled with tears. Would her father truly go this far because of a stupid feud? "Are ya' makin' me choose?"

This sorrowful question hit the patriarch unprepared, he recoiled a little, but not for long. What was this farce?! Didn't his daughter see that she ruined her life with her decision?

He was certain that she would give up on the Apple boy when he remained strong and wouldn't move an inch from his position, "Yes, Ah am."

Tears were now running down the bride's cheeks in streams. So this was it? Her family would fall apart, because her own dad was too stubborn to see how happy Bright Mac made her?

He didn't give her a choice in this case. This man made his decision, and she made her own, "Then yeah, Ah guess Ah am."

Bright Mac put an arm around her in comfort, thanking his wife with all his heart for deciding to stay with him.

Grand Pear snapped in anger, not able to accept defeat, "FINE!"

He turned around, planning to leave Pear Butter behind. She would soon feel the consequences of her actions. An Apple and a Pear? Preposterous!

At first Bright MacIntosh wanted to soothe his love's pain from the loss, but she didn't deserve such a cruel fate. So he ran after his father-in-law after pleading his mother and their friends to take care of Buttercup in his absence.

It was a matter of pride, honor and honesty.

After what felt like an eternity he caught up with the older, but surprisingly agile and fast man, "SIR! WAIT!"

Grand Pear stopped abrupt and fixed the young Apple with hateful eyes, "What do ya want?! Isn't it enough for ya to take ma' only daughter? Do ya have to gloat it about it, too?!"

Bright Mac took his hat and held in front of his chest, as if he was paying his highest respects and put all his heart and conviction into the most important speech of his life, "Ah would never dream of it, sir. Ah swear Ah tell ya the honest truth that Ah never met another woman as amazing as yer beautiful and intelligent daughter and it would be the greatest honor to me if ya would give us yer blessin'. Ah know we should have told y'all about our relationship, but we were afraid of the consequences and that our families wouldn't approve of us.

"We're madly in love with each other, have been for many years by now since we were young. And never even once did Ah have another woman in ma' heart except yer daughter. Ah want to spend the rest of ma' life on Earth with her until the very end and we want to create a wonderful family, children with the blood of Apple and Pear in union." He kneeled in front of an unreadable, but still glaring Grand Pear, "Ah know that both families never liked each other, but please sir, Ah'm beggin' ya, consider yer opinion about us. Don't let this foolish feud get between ya and yer family. Buttercup needs ya, yer daughter needs ya, her father.

"We want for our future children nothin' else than the best, but Ah want them to meet both of their families, not only the Apples. They are as much Pear as Apple and Ah'll be damned if ma' wife has to live from this day on with the knowledge that she chose me, but lost her own father for it. Our children, yer grandchildren, deserve to know about their family history, from both sides. Sir, nothing would make me happier than knowin' that they won't only have a grandmother, but a lovin' grandfather as well. If not for me, then please do it for ya daughter." Bright Mac bowed his head in a pleading manner.

Many feelings switched places in Grand Pear's mind and heart. But to whom should he listen?

His mind and logic dictated him that this relationship was against everything he was taught and knew. Pears and Apples were never anything else than bitter enemies. Family business above all else.

His heart meanwhile had the opinion that it was time to move on from generations of rivalry, that this young man, this Apple, in front of him was the love of his daughter's life and that all his stubbornness wouldn't change her feelings for him.

And he always dreamed about being a grandfather one day. It was an easy decision. How could he have been so blind for all his life?

The pregnant silence between the two men was broken by a fateful sigh and a head shake from Pear Butter's father. He chuckled dryly, "Boy, did ya know that the true reason why the Pears and the Apples hate each other is lost to time? We only know these days that our families were always enemies and that this was enough reason to continue the feud. Once a bad fruit, always a bad fruit."

Bright Mac stood up and denied the question, "No sir. Ma never told me about it, only that Ah should stay away from yer family because of bad history."

For the first time during the evening the patriarch smiled at the groom in approval, "Stop callin' me sir, boy. Ah see now that ma' daughter loves ya more than anythin' else and that ya're as much a part of this family as every Pear. Ah can appreciate someone hardworkin’ and honest. Ya wanted ma' blessin' above all else? Ya can have it." His voice became much more serious again, but a mirthful undertone was noticeable. "But ya gotta promise me somthin' or ya can forget about yer plans with ma' daughter. Understood sonny?"

He gave his outstretched hand.

Bright Mac nodded his head sharply and returned the handshake with force, "Ah promise, whatever it takes."

Now he couldn't grin brighter, even if Grand Pear tried, "Ya will call me 'pa' from now on."

Apple Bloom couldn't believe what she was just told. "And that all really happened?"

Buttercup smiled warmly, "Yes, Appleseed. If not for yer father's bravery and honesty Ah fear y'all wouldn't even know about ma' side of the family until today. Do ya understand what Ah want to tell ya with this story?"

The young girl scratched unsurely her head, "Ah think? Granny and Gran always disliked each other, because this was what they were taught all their lives. That changed when-" Her eyes widened in realization. "-when pa and ya ignored the past. Y'all gave it a try, even if y'all were told otherwise!"

A proud nod, "This Sunset gal' ya didn't like was always known as a nothin' for good liar and a bully, but one day ya sister and her friends stood up to her and showed her another way. We never forget when we are wronged and it's easy to remind the one responsible how bad she was. But much harder is it to move on with yer life and startin' to realize that a person can become better, if ya give it a try."

The freshman wasn't sure if that was possible in the case of Diamond Tiara.

Apple Bloom cried quietly into her mother's chest. "A-Ah can't believe how stupid Ah was! Ah was so focused on what happened in the past that Ah never thought about the chance that Sunset Shimmer could move on." She hugged Pear Butter even stronger in desperation, "Ah'm such a horrible sister! Ah never tried to understand Applejack and always did what made ME feel better!"

Pear Butter gave her daughter a last kiss on the forehead before she left the bed, "How about some apple fritters?" she asked kindly.

The youngest Apple sibling didn't need an invitation. "Ya betcha!"

They left for the kitchen holding hands.

A brief thought about discussing her punishment came to her mind, but in the end the founder of Anon-a-Miss decided against it. She didn't need a second lecture about responsibilities and consequences for your actions. The young girl just hoped that they could hold onto Sweet Apple Acres, even working for the ones she wronged was a possibility to make it easier for her family, maybe it would work.

Hopefully the new school could be a new start for her. It still saddened her that she had to leave CHS, but Apple Bloom understood slowly that they caused too much damage to remain there. A brutal, but necessary life lesson in her case.

If only her big sister could forgive her one day.

Discord was leaning against the wall during the entire conversation, listening to every word. Moving on from the past? A lesson well meant, the difficult part was to really do it. After Tirek he felt it on his own how hard it could be.

He left through the same wall and discovered something hilarious. A sulky Applejack sitting seemingly hiding behind the small drawer besides the door, her eyes glistened, "Let me guess. You heard the last part of the little mother-to-daughter chit chat?"

The cow girl stood up, putting her hands in her pockets and glared mildly at the happy entity. "Eeyup, but that's none of yer business. The others are waitin' downstairs, Ah just came here to make sure that ya didn't try anythin' funny. Ah don't trust ya, no matter what Fluttershy says."

Applejack yelped in pain when her cheek was pinched by the God of Chaos like a grandmother did it with her grandchildren in some movies.

Discord grinned mockingly, "It is adorable how you think that you could stop me, but you are certainly invited to fail."

She rolled her eyes, "The others told me all about this great plan of yours. If it works and we can apologize to Princess Twilight and Sunset, then Ah'm game."

It was time to leave.

On the outskirts of Sweet Apple Acres opened a giant rift made by Chaos Magic. And every Rainboom was ready to go, Fluttershy having left the journal in the Apple household for safe-keeping. Bright Mac and Pear Butter were informed in private about the teenagers' plans and they made it very clear to Discord that he would be held accountable for any dangers their daughter suffered.

Not that he cared about it, but he could admire their bravery.

When asked why they were so accepting of magic both parents confessed that they found their neighbour in his own house, frozen to death. A Windigo was flying above him when it fed. They ran home immediately. Applejack was much more disturbed to hear about it than the rest of the girls, now knowing how near the Spirits of Hatred were.

Only Rarity was very unhappy after she was not allowed to pack more things for their journey. How rude, she only wanted to pack light luggage of perhaps five suitcases!

The part-time diva was not satisfied at all, "But what about all the perils our coiffures will have to face in this unknown world? What when the inhabitants' body products are unhealthy for our tan?! Imagine the consequences!"

Applejack gave the fashionista a deadpan look, "Rares, yer skin's literally white as snow, Ah don't think ya have to worry about yer tan."

Rarity nearly swooned, "Exactly! Imagine what impurities could do to my fabulous appearance! I would be ruined! One of the first humans who ever came to a new world, looking like she never heard the word 'soap' before in her life!"

Eyes were rolled.

Rainbow Dash voiced her own misgivings about the God of Chaos, "Does nobody else think that we shouldn't trust this guy so blindly? Is that portal thingie even safe?"

Pinkie Pie laughed at her chromatic friend, "Oh silly Dashie! We are five young and desperate teenager girls who follow a creepy and loco old man to another world where nobody could hear or help us if he really planned something evil. There is nothing wrong with that!" Her sincerely joyful smile didn't leave her face for a second.

Discord should be insulted by such innuendos, but what was he if not flexible? "She is right, you can trust me. I will take good care of you when we reach my van with tons of sweets and cute little bunnies. And it’s completely harmless, you just won’t end up as ponies like it would happen with Star Swirl’s little creation."

The athlete took two steps from the duo for good measure.

Applejack shook her head, "Who wants to go first?"

To the girls' surprise the volunteer was Fluttershy of all people, "I want to do it, if you don't mind."

Discord clapped his hands enthusiastically, "That's the spirit! Go on my dear, I'm sure you will like your destination."

The animal lover took a deep breath, thinking about their common goal and vanished in a miasma of swirling dark colors.

After a few moments Pinkie Pie wanted to take her turn, "Now me! Now me!"

Then the God of Chaos felt it and teleported the group to the side, barely in time. A lot of ice lances hit their last position.

A Windigo made its appearance, tall, but clothed in ethereal robes, instead of armor like most of his fellow spirits, with glowing magic runes upon them in the old language of Unicordian. The undead sounded male, glaring intensely at Discord, "For Captain Icewhisper!"

The mad spirit didn't make it far before burning chains surrounded him and ended his existence.

Discord snorted a little surprised, "What do we have here? A conjurer! So that was the strangeness I felt in this alley. I didn't think one of them survived the banishment, their kind is even more dependant on magic then the rest of those freezer burns." He laughed smugly, "Problem sol-"

His portal began to create cracks in reality, one of the lances must have hit it. Or so he believed. Chaos Magic is naturally unpredictable and even the smallest of changes, like a Dark Magic filled spell, could do the job. Worse, it suddenly started to suck in its environment.

So chaos plus darkness equaled something like a black hole? Go figure.





The four girls disappeared into the destabilized portal, but he had something more important to do in the moment. Like stopping the entire world from being destroyed.

With all his might Discord forced the Dark Magic out of the portal and stabilized its magical matrices, healing the cracks in progress. It was tiring.

He gulped heavily out of tension. The destination of the portal was set and Humanshy reached it safely, so that was good. And regarding the rest of the humans... where did they end up? They could have landed anywhere now thanks to the alteration of course, from 100 yards south to the Dragonlands.

Much worse, he was using his abilities to prevent reality from breaking apart!

But he was never one to curse personally, no matter how bad his situation was. Dignity and all that. So Discord gave the whistle that had appeared in his left hand, Lieutenant Grumpy, the honor, "SIR! NOW YOU FUCKED UP!"

Author's Note:

Edited version uploaded: 01/14/18
Proofreader: Javarod

Greetings my avid readers! :twilightsmile:

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Yeah, I know, it got a little long, sorry. But I wanted to give a little more background, e.g. why in my EQG universe Grand Pear is a happy part of the family.

The next chapter will take place in Equestria itself. Where is Fluttershy? Where are the others? What will Discord do? And why do I ask those questions?

Finally I wish you all Merry Christmas (even though it's a little late for that) and a happy new year! :pinkiesmile:

Thank you very much for reading and stay tuned! :moustache: