• Published 12th Jul 2017
  • 20,501 Views, 1,023 Comments

Dawn - Anachronon

Redemption had to be earned, Sunset Shimmer knew that. But how could everything go so wrong? Who was this "Anon-a-Miss"? Nobody believed her, all abandoned her. What would be left for her? A certain draconequus was witness and decided to intervene.

  • ...

Chapter 2 - Chaotic Help

Not many customers were in Sugarcube Corner at the moment, so it was easy for her to find the five friends, who were sitting with clearly unhappy but curious expressions at a bigger table, waiting.

"OK Sunset. This is your big chance. You will convince the girls that you are innocent, they will believe you and after a lot of group hugs and apologies you can finally begin to rebuild your friendship with them, again," the teenager encouraged herself and hoped it would work out for them.

She only opened the door, when Rainbow Dash already spotted her, and announced with tangible with disdain, "Look girls. Sunshit Shimmer is here."

"Rainbow Dash! Language!" Rarity reprimanded her friend with a frown.

Sunset winced at the accusation. No matter how much she tried to ignore it, every insult, especially by the ones she once saw as her best friends, stung, "H-hey girls. I'm glad you all agreed to meet me here." She hoped this little opening would break the ice.

"Cut it, snake. Ya called us, because ya wanted to tell us somethin' important. Are ya finally confessin'?" Applejack asked in a hostile tone.

"How many times do I have to beg before you see reason and understand that I'm not Anon-a-Miss? Why would I even do that? I love having you girls around me! I see you as my best friends, my family! You were the best thing that ever happened to me since I came to this world. Why should I endanger everything, after all we went through? Don't you remember the Battle of the Bands? We worked all together to defeat them with the help of Princess Twilight. I'm not a bully anymore, I became a better person. Please, give me a chance! That's all I ask for," Sunset pleaded openly, shaking.

This heartfelt little speech surely made them understand. Yes, they- "BE QUIET! STOP LYING TO US!" Fluttershy of all people screamed in utter sadness and disappointment.

"You are nothing more than a secret-stealing big ol' meanie!" Pinkie Pie supported with slightly flattened hair.

"Family doesn't stab ya in the back! When Ah even think about it that Ah wanted to invite ya over them holidays to Sweet Apple Acres. Ya make me sick!" Applejack lectured furiously.

"But I-"

"Seriously, Sunset Shimmer. Do you have no shame? You tell us here a fabricated story of how much we would mean to you and at the same time you are posting on MyStable other students' greatest secrets. Do you have any idea how many friendships you have ruined? The whole school is in utter chaos because of your vile actions. Clubs are falling apart!"

But Rarity wasn't done yet, "Secrets exist for a reason! Sometimes we humans do things in our life we are not proud of and regret them afterwards, but atonement won't turn back time. We know when the wrong people hear about our mistakes, no matter how close to us, it would just cause much more harm than good for everyone involved because of their... delicate nature. They are parts of our past and sometimes buried there to be forgotten one day. No more than a remaining memory and certainly nothing to make public knowledge."

She stood up and closed the distance between her and Sunset's face. "But here you are, spilling others' secrets, no matter how damaging they might be for everybody and destroying relationships as you desire. And all that for what, hm? Do you want to show us how superior you are? How much you had us in your hands?" the fashionista added her own words in disgust.

"I didn't do it! Why can't you see that someone has framed me?!" Sunset couldn't believe it. Why couldn't they see?!

Rainbow laughed mockingly, "Oh yeah? And how could this Anon-a-Miss know about Rarity and Applejack in the first place? Applejack's nickname was only known by her family and us six. The same can be said about the old outfits Rares made. Secondly, you told us yourself about all the dirt you collected on others from your time as Queen Bee. The same stuff that was posted, by the way, now in some mysterious way stolen from your cell phone. Answer us these holes of logic, you genius. Or even better, just admit that it was you all along! Stop wasting our time with your bullshit excuses!" Rainbow Dash was in Daring Do mode and connected the dots in her head to bring the lying girl to her knees.

"Rainbow Dash! Volume and language! You know the rules," Mrs. Cake scolded warningly from the counter.

"I don't know! It happened during the slumber parties and when Rarity and Applejack told us their stories and there was only us and-" At last the penny dropped for Sunset Shimmer. "Of course! I don't know how or why they did it, but it could only have been Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle!"

"WHAT?!" Rarity and Applejack shouted, livid as rarely before in their life because of these preposterous allegations. Mrs. Cake glared at them.

"They have to be! Well, somehow. I'm not sure about Apple Bloom, if I'm being honest, but Sweetie Belle surely had the opportunity to get her hands on my phone when nobody looked. We just have to confront the girls and find out the truth." Once more, Sunset was on the ground in pain. She should have seen it coming. Her stomach agreed with vigor.

"How DARE ya?" Applejack asked in a low, but sharp voice, "Ya have the guts to blame our sisters, our KIN, for yer sins? Ah can't believe ya! Get out. Ah don't want to see yer disgustin' face no more!"

"Blaming innocent little girls? Accusing them of committing something this awful? How could you? You are the worst and meanest person I ever met." Fluttershy couldn't look at Sunset and lowered her head.

Pinkie kept quiet and averted her eyes as well. She felt ashamed for befriending such an awful meanie in the first place. And Rarity looked down at her like Sunset Shimmer was worth less than dirt.

The former student of the sun felt her tears falling again. "Y-you didn't mean it like that, d-do you? Please! I just thought it made sense! I'm sorry-"

The chromatic athlete had enough and groaned loudly. "Shut up! After the Fall Formal I always stood up for you, we ALL did! I kept the other students from bullying you, was there for you. And how do you repay me? By lying to my face! You don't know a thing about loyalty, Shimmer. Just go away and leave us alone. We don't need someone like you in our lives. We are better off without you. Heck, the entire human world is better off without you, She-Demon."

"Dash!" Fluttershy scolded her childhood friend for the last sentence.

She knew that Sunset Shimmer stabbed them in the back, but there was no reason in her opinion to go so low. Rainbow rolled her eyes in annoyance.

Sunset managed to stand up again, feeling shattered. Truly everybody outcasted her at one point in the girl's life. Was everything Princess Twilight told her about the ‘Magic of Friendship’ nothing more than a lie?

"I-I see." was everything she muttered slowly and left Sugarcube Corner without another word to spare.

"Do you think we did the right thing?" Pinkie Pie asked into the round with now completely flat hair. Even her skin looked a few shades darker.

"Ah'm sure. It wasn't pretty, but this gal played us like fiddles. Ah still can't believe her... accusin' ma' little sis like that," Applejack replied sourly.

"I know how you feel Darling. Sweetie Belle may have the tendency to go overboard with her antics, but she would never do something uncouth like that. She knows better than spreading others' secrets," Rarity commented with a nodding head. Still slightly irritated.

Rainbow Dash was quiet, for a change of pace, and attempted to glare a hole into the table, frowning.

Fluttershy looked out of the window in the direction where Sunset disappeared. A blizzard was announcing its presence at the horizon. The animal lover had a very bad feeling about this.

In his long, long existence, Discord had rarely felt like he felt right then. Normally he wouldn't care less for most things which weren't somehow related to his best friend Fluttershy. But this time was different. He saw everything. Witnessed how this whole drama started with ‘Anon-a-Miss’ until the moment Sunset Shimmer left the human version of Sugarcube Corner.

The Spirit of Chaos didn't only see, but he heard everything as well.

Discord was furious for the first time in many centuries. He would never understand how these humans weren't able to see through this fake account. How obvious it was that clearly someone tried to frame the poor girl. And clearly succeeded.

And all this suffering. The pain. That wasn't funny at all. No, the God of Chaos had to fight the strong urge to go over to Earth to show these humans what an angry god was capable of. But Discord promised Celestia that he would never go there.

Mankind wasn't ready to know that their little world, explainable with rules of physics and other scientific concepts, was nothing in the grand scheme of things. Humans were blind to the truth, their world just one of many in the multiverse. What would they do when their little bubble of rules burst in contact with reality?

Most importantly, he had another promise to keep. Discord remembered this day. How couldn't he? It was the first time in his life that Sunflank asked him for a personal favor. A favor he couldn't refuse, because without her he wouldn't be free from his stony prison right now. Without her, he wouldn't have become friends with Fluttershy.

"You called, Tia?" Discord asked playfully. Why would she call him into her private chamber? Normally this alicorn only summoned him into the throne room like an obedient little subject. Of course, he would never say that out loud. The only difference was... well, no witnesses to whatever business she called him for. No guards. Was it something serious? Tirekish serious?

It looked to him like Celestia was deep in thought before she finally managed to acknowledge him. How rude! "Oh, Discord! Yes, I called you here today, because I have something very important to discuss with you."

"About how serious are we talking about? Tirek serious? Sombra serious? Chrysi serious? Or do you need to lose weight? I know most Ponies think I can do whatever I want, but there are things even I can't undo. The last option is beyond my powers, I fear." Discord snickered.

Princess Celestia blushed in response before she narrowed her eyes ever so slightly. Not many beings managed to create cracks in her mask. Much to her dismay, the Spirit of Chaos counted to them, "Cut it out, Discord. I didn't call you for my flanks, but because I need a... personal favor."

His jaw dropped literally to the ground, "Wait, wait, wait. YOU want to ask ME for a personal favor?" Discord laughed uproariously. He calmed down enough after a minute to continue the conversation, "Well played, I didn't expect such a convincing joke. For a moment I really thought-"

"It's NOT a joke! I really am requesting your aid in a, well, sensitive matter. It is very personal, you might say," the Princess of the Sun admitted with a heavy sigh.

"First you had my interest, but now you gained my attention. OK Tia, because you freed me and gave me the chance of befriending dear Fluttershy I shall grant you my help this one time. Say it and use your free wish wisely," Discord ordered in an unusually serious tone.

Celestia collected her thoughts one last time, "As you surely know by now, Princess Twilight ventured into another world to secure and return the stolen Element of Magic. She succeeded in her task and brought it back to Equestria. A world similar to ours, I might add. Tell me first, what do you know about the incident?"

Discord rolled his eyes in boredom but decided to humor her. He wanted to check the mirror for himself anyway after Fluttershy told him this morning about everything Starbutt reported to her friends, "I know that Purple Smart's Element was stolen by a unicorn when you were all in the Crystal Empire. Her name is Sunset Shimmer, and she was your former student before you took Twilight Sparkle under your wings."

He couldn't contain himself and just had to tease her about it, "I wasn't so blind and deaf to the world around me as you might have thought. No, I saw many interesting things from my little prison. So I witnessed it as well when you brought a little unicorn foal to the palace many years ago. You took her in as your personal student.”

The God of Chaos disappeared and reappeared behind Celestia, put a arm around her neck and continued speaking in a reflective manner, "But one day she grew... well... quite ambitious. It was hilarious to watch. Then she disappeared from one day to the next. I wasn't sure if you just imprisoned her or sent her to the moon so that your sister had a roomie. And let me guess, you want to give me a completely predictable and unnecessary speech how I should stay away from the human world because of balance and all these other boring concepts you value so much?"

The temperature in the room was rising. Discord knew he shouldn't have said it like that, but it wasn't like Celestia could truly harm him anyway. He was the manifestation of chaos itself after all, a fundamental force of the universe. It would take greater powers than her to do that.

Using the breathing exercises the princess once taught Cadence, who in extension taught Twilight, she calmed down again and glared at the smugly grinning master of chaos, "Now that I think about it, I haven't read a friendship letter from Fluttershy in quite some time. I’m sure there are many things she’d like to tell me about you, don’t you think? Should I write to her? I personally believe that is a wonderful idea." Now it was Celestia's turn to grin smugly in a challenging manner.

The draconequus' eye twitched, "Touché. Now, what do you want me to do?"

Her smile was gone instantly, and the emotions she showed rarely were displayed on the princess' face, regret and sadness, "It's concerning that you confirmed my suspicions on the topic of your awareness as a statue. But we will have to talk about this matter another time.”

She inhaled deeply, "That world's inhabitants are known as humans. But there is something you might not know, their world is nearly magicless. Or at least I never discovered any magic on it, in other words, no matter how powerful somepony is, in the moment you are a human there is no way to access your power any longer. When Star Swirl the Bearded tested the mirror he had created for the first time, he came back immediately and warned me from ever going there myself. He said that everypony who went through the mirror would be transformed into a bipedal being to fit into the world.”

She walked up and down in front of the interested draconequus.

"Now, Sunset Shimmer, one of my two greatest regrets. Like it happened with Luna, I was blinded by my emotions and desires. And I will only warn you this one time, never tell Twilight about it, she would get the wrong impression. Originally I expected Sunset to become the bearer of the Element of Magic by guiding her along the path of discovering the Magic of Friendship."

Discord mock-yawned. "I'm already bored."

Celestia spared him a silent glare before she continued, "It was a plan I had in mind for my old student from the moment I rescued her in Manehatten. All alone, but incredibly powerful at the mere age of seven. Her potential was bigger than the potential of any other personal student I ever had before, I could feel it. I saw that this little filly was destined for greatness. So I adopted her and made Sunset my personal pupil. But sadly she grew arrogant, too ambitious. She saw it more and more as her right to ascend into alicornhood. No matter what I tried, she wouldn't listen to me. Sunset wouldn't understand that the title of a ruler was nothing you had a right on, but something that had to be earned through hard work and compassion in your heart.”

The draconequus snapped his fingers and giant alicorn wings came to existence on his back, “Hail princess Discord!” The monarch wasn’t amused in the slightest as shown by her deadpan glare. “Tough crowd…”

"My biggest mistake was to show her Star Swirl's mirror. Before he disappeared, he told me that it was connected to the human world, but could be used in theory to view other alternative worlds of Equestria as well. Sometimes it can even show you the future, or at least one of many, showing you what you COULD become. A possibility of how your life might turn out.”

Concern and slight fear made itself known in her voice, "It happened to me when I looked a few centuries ago into the mirror and saw for myself how I would fight Luna in the Everfree Forest where the ruins of our old castle are standing now. The difference in that world was that Luna wasn't Nightmare Moon there, but it was me who transformed into a corrupted version of herself. I became Daybreaker."

Celestia shook her head in regret, "I fear Sunset looked into the mirror and saw herself as an alicorn; a potential path her future could have taken. Where she truly earned her wings. But she misinterpreted what she saw and believed the mirror showed her true destiny, not just a possibility.”

The Princess of the Sun looked pleadingly at the draconequus. "I failed her Discord. I feared she could be consumed by darkness because of her growing ambition and lust for recognition, like it happened to my sister. So I pushed her away from me, hoping that she may find friends on her own, accepting other ponies as her equals. Forcing her onto the path of discovering the Magic of Friendship, something that can't be forced, but I was too arrogant to see it. I was so focused on pushing Sunset into the role as the Bearer of Magic that I lost sight of her own feelings, her needs. I wanted her to be somepony who could bring me back my little sister and only told her what I deemed necessary. I... I should have been much more open with my Little Sun. I should have been there for her. But I didn't and I regret this foolish mistake to this very day.”

“Don’t be mad Tia. At least you fail in great proportions. Even if everypony is miserable,” he smiled as he placed a paw on her shoulder, “I will always laugh at you.”

Celestia had to stop herself from groaning loudly, he really made it difficult for her. Then a sad smile graced her features, "The first thing I asked her was if Sunset Shimmer was alright when Twilight returned from the mirror world. I know that the Elements don't always do what you might expect. As the banishment of my own sister was proof of that. I rarely felt so relieved when she told me that Sunset wasn't banished to the moon of the human world or turned into a stone statue by the Elements of Harmony. No offense," Celestia added with a wink.

Discord raised an eyebrow and chuckled dryly, "None taken."

Her voice took a much more business-like note, "Now to my request: Discord, would you please watch over Sunset in my stead? She is a unicorn in a world bereft of magic. And from what Twilight, and especially Star Swirl from his short visits, told me, humans aren't as forgiving as my subjects. I fear that this world could threaten her, something I can't allow. Please, promise me to watch over her as long as she decides to live there. I know that most rules don't apply to you and I'm sure you are able to enter other dimensions on your own without the need of a magic mirror. Observe what happens over there and inform me when you think Sunset's very life is in danger."

A warning glint filled her eyes, "But don't go there on your own, no matter how curious you are. Twilight informed me that her Element brought a lot of Equestrian magic into this world and that she is worried what could happen to this usually magicless dimension when it gets filled with the potent powers of Equus. And I concur. Do you agree to these terms?" Celestia hoped that the God of Chaos had enough foresight to contain himself from doing something stupid.

"I think I can agree to these conditions. I mean I get to see an entirely new world!" Discord laughed and stood suddenly a few moments later saluting in front of the princess in the armor of her Royal Guard, a doublet above it. Upon the doublet was written: ‘Never praise the sun. It's a trap!’ She had absolutely no idea what that meant. But before she could ask the God of Chaos exclaimed loudly, "It shall be done, Sunflank!"

Celestia wasn't sure anymore if asking the God of Chaos for a favor was such a good idea.

Normally he wouldn't check what others did in their privacy. He was a jester, not a creep after all, and had standards. But Discord had a promise to keep and so he glimpsed shortly what she did when the girl managed to escape the other students' thirst for revenge.

What he saw wasn't amusing in the slightest. Sunset Shimmer cried her eyes out every time she returned to her poor living conditions. At first, it wasn't so bad, because she believed in a better tomorrow, but after her closest friends abandoned her as well it got a lot worse.

He manipulated his rift a little here and there to change the angle and saw it in her face when Sunset left Sugarcube Corner, sheer despair. A face of somebody who lost the will to go on. No, that wouldn't do! Celestia had to be informed about her former student's dangerous mental state, she might try to harm herself.

Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria and Raiser of the Sun, nearly fell asleep. Her guards in the throne room weren't fairing better.

The unicorn noble in front of her went on and on about his bill. His name was Tight Deluxe, his fur was amaranth-colored, while his mane and tail white. On his flank he displayed a golden pocket watch with golden hands set upon an ivory watchface.

Why couldn't she be more like Luna? But noooo, she had to be the friendly one. Her sister would simply use her Royal Canterlot Voice and dismiss him with the help of her vocal chords to end this farce.

"As you can surely see, Princess, my bill would bring humongous advantages for our great nation. What are your thoughts?" Tight Deluxe finished his nearly half an hour long monologue in a snobbish voice.

"You really don't want to know," Celestia thought sarcastically.

With a practiced smile of patience and benevolence, that she used exclusively for the most difficult of ponies, the Princess of the Sun answered, "First I would like to thank you for this very detailed and well thought out bill. It seems that you put a lot of time and thoughts into it. But there are a few things I would like to discuss with you. We should start with-"

Discord appeared out of nowhere and said gravely, "Tia, we have an emergency!"

Normally she would be thankful for any problem that saved her from such stressful discussions, but that sounded anything but good, "I understand."

She looked at the noble in front of her with an apologetic smile, "You have to excuse me, Lord Deluxe, but it seems a very important matter has come up that I must attend to at once. My seneschal will schedule you for the start of the next court, then we shall continue this. Or you could go to see my sister at her Night Court, if you wish for a more prompt decision. It is your choice." Tight Deluxe grumbled to himself, visibly displeased. "GUARDS! Please send everypony home. Tell them that the Day Court is concluded for today because of an urgent matter that needs my immediate attention."

The guards saluted in silent acknowledgment.

Celestia illuminated her horn, teleporting Discord and herself into her private study, "What happened?" she asked grimly.

He wore suddenly a pillow armor and a pot on his horns, "You should know that the humans came up with a very interesting, but in my opinion quite important, idiom which pretty much says: 'Don't shoot the messenger'. Then I have to ask, is your little student somehow not available at the moment? There are A LOT of letters she didn't answer from this magical journal you gave her to communicate with Sunflank Junior."

The Alicorn of the Sun could only blink in confusion. And again, "I'm certain you know that by now, but you make absolutely no sense, Discord. When you are talking about Twilight, she and her friends have their hooves full with the upcoming Hearth's Warming Eve Pageant. Luna and I have nothing to do with its preparations this year, it will be all their doing. Twilight won't return to Ponyville until late in the evening." Celestia felt great worry, "Why? Did something happen that I should be made aware of? Is it Sunset?"

"We have no time for twenty questions! Every second could count! I will simply copy my memories into yours. Brace yourself!" Discord warned urgently.

He put his lion paw on Celestia's head for a few seconds. Her eyes glowed in a bright white light. When the draconequus was finished, he let go of the now wobbly mare and took a few steps back.

Celestia shook her head violently. Chaos Magic always felt somehow wrong in her opinion. The mad god’s memories invaded her mind and brought her up to date about the Anon-a-Miss incident, from the very beginning of it to the moment Discord left to inform her about Sunset Shimmer.

Many emotions switched places on the normally very controlled alicorn's face. Worry, joy, pride, fear, disappointment, shock, horror and lastly fury. Indeed, an unholy anger filled Celestia. How dared they make Sunset suffer!?

Discord gulped nervously when he felt how the temperature was rising around him, more and more. The Spirit of Chaos knew that Celestia couldn't harm him permanently, but seeing such fury made him worried for his well-being, still. Suddenly he felt magic grasp his throat mercilessly and he was forced to look into two miniature suns. It was like facing wrath incarnate.

"YOU WILL TAKE US TO THE MIRROR IN TWILIGHT'S CASTLE THIS INSTANT!! NOW!" Celestia demanded in her Royal Canterlot Voice.

If Discord was impressed by the power of her voice, he was doing his best to hide it. Polishing the knuckles of his right hand with a cloth that had appeared from nowhere, “Why, have you forgotten the way?”

The glare he received was enough to make him flinch. Though as he moved to snap his fingers, Luna suddenly appeared. Having felt that her big sister was gathering dangerous amounts of her power quickly, she had teleported into her sibling's room. Dressed in her battle armor and ready for combat, "DEAREST SISTER! WE HAVE ARRIVED TO AID THEE IN BATTLE! WHERE IS THE FIEND?!" the Alicorn of the Moon inquired in a booming volume. She glared with white glowing orbs, reminding on moonlight, at Discord.

The God of Disharmony was never this good before at imitating his best friend, "Eep!"

Author's Note:

Edited version uploaded: 03/11/18
Proofreader: Javarod (Thanks like always :yay:)

Greetings my avid readers! :twilightsmile:

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Yeah I know, two chapters at one day. At the beginning I wrote all in one go and looked for a fitting cut to split it in two chapters. :twilightsheepish:

Thank you very much for reading and stay tuned! :moustache: