• Published 12th Jul 2017
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Dawn - Anachronon

Redemption had to be earned, Sunset Shimmer knew that. But how could everything go so wrong? Who was this "Anon-a-Miss"? Nobody believed her, all abandoned her. What would be left for her? A certain draconequus was witness and decided to intervene.

  • ...

Chapter 15 - Royal Privileges & Duties

A young royal duo, one an officially crowned alicorn princess, the other the unofficially adopted unicorn daughter of Princess Celestia herself, was walking through the busy streets of Canterlot. The capital of Equestria, center of culture and heartland of politics. Truly, its sights and architecture were a testament of ponykind.

Sunset had to admit that she missed her old home more than she thought. Not really the better part of its citizens though. The amber mare lost count how many ponies bowed their heads in what was at best questionable respect for the Princess of Friendship, but the higher nobles clearly had their difficulties and it felt forced for Sunset.

Some didn’t even acknowledge their presence at all, having held their heads high enough that she entertained the thought if they may have problems with their necks by now.

And every single time it was the same with her friend and savior. Either she returned the gesture with a short nod of her head, discomfort visible on her face, or she tried her best to look unfazed. The lavender mare even seemed to be glad when these snobs ignored her entirely.

Despite her royal status her friend wasn’t above showing her flaws and living out her quirks, instead of creating a false mask of perfection, a very admirable trait most could learn from. But Sunset was sure that the librarian of Canterlot Castle nearly suffered a mental breakdown.

Additionally such attitude can very well end in a disaster or with undesired consequences if faced with the unforgiving battlefield known as politics.

“You know, I love a good book like every other mare. I mean I was, or maybe I still am, I’m not entirely sure, one of Princess Celestia’s personal students. Studying magic is one of my greatest passions, but even I have to ask… was it really necessary to analyze and criticize the flaws of Mrs. Scroll’s system and how she should rearrange the books after topic and alphabet instead of topic and author?” the unicorn inquired, trying to sound as nice as possible.

She nearly called the alabaster alicorn her mom in public. It was annoying to her that she had to keep it a secret in the past, but it had to be done. An adopted urchin wouldn’t have been accepted during her youth. And she didn’t feel like pushing for an official adoption now, since many ponies, especially the nobles, would immediately think that Sunset only desired power and hadn’t changed at all from what was known of her past self.

A female Blueblood, alone the possibility made her cringe.

Now that she thought about it. Humans used something called the Dewey decimal classification for the cataloging of their book stocks, always. Ponies and other races however used whatever arrangement system suited them the most at the moment.


The lavender mare raised an eyebrow, followed by her right front leg in a lecturing manner, “I mentioned the advantages as well and besides, Dusty Scroll and I know each other since the first day I set hooves into the Royal Archives as a filly. She was always happy when we talked with each other and when I gave her pointers on how to improve her system.” Her eyes widened in panic, “Not that her organizing skills are bad of course! It’s just that books deserve our utmost respect and commitment.” Her tone became more and more passionate. “It is the most important task of every civilization to teach its knowledge to the next generations. And a good organized and well equipped library is the foundation!”

It helped of course that she already gained years of experience as a librarian herself, even after becoming a princess. Spike claimed that she would overdo it, but there was nothing wrong with rearranging the entire library every two weeks.

One couldn’t be prepared enough for a book emergency! What if the old system didn’t meet the necessary standards to solve the problem?!

At one point Twilight stopped moving and gave her little speech in a volume that bystanders could listen in without even trying, in the middle of the Canterlot Boulevard. Most didn’t understand their youngest ruler and continued with their lives.

Sunset blushed strongly from embarrassment and smiled sheepishly at the confused citizens who stared at the odd scene in bewilderment and interest. “W-well, look at the time. Do you have a good tip for a nice place to eat? I have to admit that I feel a little hungry.”

Twilight thought about the request and if their schedule could allow it, then her tummy rumbled. Her own cheeks lightened up, “I-I guess there is more than enough time, we kind of rushed through breakfast.”

Sunset’s response was a well-made ‘are you serious?’ expression, “We could have taken more time, but somepony had the opinion that we should hurry so that she may finish her third checklist.”

Her friend coughed falsely, trying to act as if nothing happened. “There is this newly opened restaurant I heard a lot about, the critics were positive at least for the most part. I have never had the opportunity to visit it myself though. I think it is located somewhere in the Culture District.”

“Then let’s go!” the unicorn exclaimed in a much too chipper manner. Being the target of so many gossip material awaiting eyes and ears got on her nerves.

They were ambling in silence until they arrived in the Canterlot Gardens. When they were out of earshot and had left the most crowded part of the city behind Sunset continued in a more serious tone, “Twilight, I think you severely underestimate the consequences your words and actions can have on the average Equestrian.”

The alicorn didn’t understand the issue, “What do you mean? Do you still think my words hurt Mrs. Scroll’s feelings?” She snorted at such a ridiculous thought, “I can positively assure you-”

Sunset groaned at her friend’s thickness, “Let me rephrase it. When you discussed something with her as filly, it was adorable. When you did it as a grown up unicorn and mom’s student, you left a nerdy impression and your opinion was maybe taken into consideration because of your role as a scholar. But now? As a princess and alicorn? Your word can literally be taken as the law itself by most and has the power to decide fates or if a new trend is fashionable. In the moment you spoke against her system Dusty Scroll most likely expected that she will lose her job and be replaced by somepony you thought of as more capable as herself.”

The bluntness of the amber mare left Twilight speechless for a few seconds. It was never a concern of hers at home. “B-but I can talk freely with everypony in Ponyville and nothing changed!” She added in annoyance for only herself to hear, “If I ignore the fact that except my friends everypony calls me ‘princess’ these day," and continued more vocal, “I know about my role as a ruler, but until now I never did anything big like opening a new museum or judging a contest. Mayor Mare makes all the decisions or public appearances to represent Ponyville and I don’t interfere with her work. She makes a very good job and I wouldn’t dream of undermining her authority.”

Her fellow scholar didn’t let her walk away without further questioning, “Oh? Since your ascension, how many things changed in comparison to your time before princesshood? You know, new shops, restaurants, a growing population, things like that.”

Twilight didn’t respond and looked down with a frown, her eyes slightly widened, “S-she is right. I never thought much about the implications…

Ponyville grew from a remote, rustic village to nearly the size of a small town since her ascension. A lot of ponies moved there in the last months. And then there was the growing infrastructure. They got new craftspony shops, four new grocery shops, a fabric store which was like a second home for Rarity, a huge Bowling Alley, bars, even a Hay Burger!

She loved eating there, but now that she truly analyzed the implications? Hay Burger was the most famous fast food restaurant chain in all of Equestria. Fillydelphia, Baltimare, Vanhoover, Canterlot, Manehattan, Las Pegasus, it only opened a new branch in the biggest and most important places… like the home of a princess.

There were even rumours about Farmers Savings and Loan reorganizing as ‘Ponyville National Bank’.

Sunset saw the distraught face and panicked on the inside, she was scolding herself, “Great job Sunset! Can’t you be any more insensitive to your friend’s feelings?!

She looked around, making sure that nopony was watching them, luckily there were only a few ponies in the Park District at this time of day. And not a curious bystander near enough to notice them immediately. Who knew, in the end some overeager citizen might call for the guards, thinking Sunset did something to the Princess of Friendship.

I don’t need this kind of new start! Thank you very much!” she commented sarcastically in her mind.

The Canterlot Gardens were charming in their own way and a favourite spot for couples in love. With marble made brick paths, a lot of rare and common trees all around them, a perfectly trimmed carpet of grass and exotically cut hedges. Of course you couldn’t forget the many fountains decorating the scenery.

But it was winter, so its beauty lay dormant until the next Winter Wrap Up, covered by snow in the moment. Only the paths were cleared of it.

Sunset used her magic to levitate the catatonic alicorn behind a big winter heath with purple flowers. A fitting camouflage for the Princess of Friendship. “I am sorry Twilight.” She drew a circle on the ground with the tip of her right front hoof like a foal who was caught in the act of doing something bad, “I guess I still don’t know how friendship works. I should have considered your feelings before I opened my big mouth, and for that I want to apologize.”

“I-I can’t…” Twilight mumbled with a high pitch.

The older mare nearly missed it. “What do you mean?” she inquired softly. What got her friend so spooked?

“This!” the newest ruler exclaimed emotionally and pointed frustratedly at the pair of wings on her back. “I was always… content with what I had! Studying magic, being a unicorn, having fun with my friends and family, making Princess Celestia proud, it was all that mattered. Now look at me!”

Sunset didn’t know what to say yet, a little stunned by the rant and simply continued to listen.

“I already had enough difficulties with accepting my new title as a ‘dame’, even if only a formality more than anything else. I wanted to become an archmage, like Star Swirl the Bearded and Clover the Clever. A scholar of magic, nothing more! Or a librarian of the greatest knowledge containing archives. Suddenly I found myself in some kind of weird limbo dimension and the next thing I know is that I have wings on my back.” Her eyes took a shine of desperation.

“From what I understood an ascension can happen if somepony does something worthy of becoming an alicorn. Didn’t mom explain to you why you got your wings?” the amber unicorn asked calmly.

Twilight’s mood sank further, “She did. Well, more that she showed me. How I, in her words, earned my wings through everything I did in my life and the friendship lessons I learned. But that is exactly the point I don’t fully understand. I did everything Princess Celestia asked for, because I wanted to prove myself worthy of my position as her personal student. Even learning about the Magic of Friendship was just a project for me. A huge one, one that changed my life, sure, but in the end nothing Equus shattering, just being a good pony.” A small, but sad smile came to her lips, “I admit that I had a lot of fun learning about friendship and all its nuances, but I never expected that it would ultimately lead to me ascending.”

Sunset gave her friend a sly grin to cheer her up, “Don’t worry about it. I think you did well. I mean you managed to talk sense into me. And that alone is worthy of becoming an alicorn.”

The Princess of Friendship couldn’t help herself but laugh at the dramatic undertone of the unicorn when she put a hoof on her shoulder, saying the last part in all seriousness the amber mare could muster.

She sighed lightly, “I just… I don’t mind being a princess, but I wonder why Princess Celestia never asked me if I even wanted to become a ruler. I, well-”

“Felt cheated out of the destiny you wanted to claim for yourself?” Sunset quickly asked with regret in her voice.

A silent nod, not trusting herself to not say something the bookworm would regret later on.

Eyes were rolled, “Yeah, that’s mom for you. Her divination ability can be a real pain in the flank when it goes off. It shows her when a pony she meets has great potential and it triggers her curiosity. She encourages and supports you to work hard for your dreams, to look where it will lead, more or less subtly. But I’m certain that she didn’t want to force you into your present condition like in some grand scheme. Nor was it her doing. Mom only gave you a push, but you made the decisions which led to the result.”

It was in this case literally impossible to disappoint her mother, because what she saw wasn’t set in stone. Sunset once met a young pegasus stallion from the poorer parts of Cloudsdale who had, according to Celestia’s sixth sense at least, a bright future ahead of himself. This pony could become the next and most skilled Wonderbolt Captain in Equestrian history if promoted in the right way.

Then he lost both of his wings because of an encounter with a manticore, the reports claimed that he saved a lost foal from being eaten. From that day on he became one of the best flight instructors for young pegasi and had a keen eye for future talents himself.

Destiny could be cruel.

“H-how can you be so sure? I want to believe in my mentor’s teachings, I really do. But all the evidence and the special assignments I received point to the conclusion-” Her nose was booped, making her cross eyed for a few moments. She glared mildly at the one responsible.

Sunset gave it her best to keep a serious facade, trying not to giggle. “Look Twilight, I’m pretty sure it has nothing to do with all the concepts she tries to teach us when you are forced into such a situation against your will. And I don’t think that whatever higher powers granted you wings would force you either if it didn’t judge you as worthy and ready of its gift. Mom even admitted to me in the past that she has no idea how ascension really works... I was just too stubborn to accept that. Life happens, it only depends on you and your decisions what you make of it.”

Specifically the last sentence was something Sunset read once in a fortune cookie, not that she would ever admit it.

Twilight was still filled with uncertainty and lowered her head, “I guess. I just don’t want to act as if I am better or more important than others.”

This situation reminded her of her first meeting with Trixie when Spike tried to convince her that using your abilities for something good didn’t make you an unlikeable braggart. But wasn’t that different?

She felt her cheeks grabbed by two hooves to face the encouraging expression of Sunset Shimmer, “You said it yourself after the sirens were defeated, we can pull through everything with friends at our side. And I will always see you for who you really are.” Her eyes softened significantly. “The same goes for everypony else close to you.”

Then something happened Sunset didn’t expect, Twilight started to weep and pulled her into a strong hug.

“Err, is everything alright?” the unicorn inquired unsurely. She never had to deal with a situation like this before and didn’t rightly know how to react.

What was wrong this time?

After a minute the alicorn calmed down for the most part. “I-it’s not your fault. You are trying to help me with my insecurities and the only thing I do is to complain like a little filly,” Twilight confessed ashamedly. She gave Sunset a sincere smile of gratitude.

The older mare waved her off, “Don’t sweat it. I did much worse things in my life to be mad about.”

The once power hungry Sunset Shimmer wasted so much time driving people apart, only to satisfy her own ego and to play princess of a high school. She shook her head in self-disgust.

Twilight tried to return the favor with an attempt to cheer her up, “Perhaps, but you are a better pony now. I admit that you were in a... bad place, but it is in the past.”

Sunset answered with a deadpan expression and counted with imaginary fingers on her right hoof, “Let’s see. There is blackmail, terrorization, years of mental abuse to establish myself as the top dog of CHS, attempted regicide during the Fall Formal, enslavement, theft of an important magical artifact which was crucial for the national security of Equestria. Oh, and I tried to overthrow you and the other princesses, so in short treason.” Her eyes glistened with tears. “I really don’t know how you could forgive me this easily. I should rot in the deepest, darkest dungeon for all the crimes I committed. Ponyfeathers, in the human world I wouldn’t see the light of day again for a very long time for all the things I’ve done. I-I was a literal she-demon!”

Occasional nightmares were a constant reminder of the pain she suffered during the transformation process and how Sunset was trapped in her own body, being damned to watch from afar. It felt like she was burning alive in her own form of Tartarus.

She never understood why Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna kept everything a secret. She did enough to earn herself juvenile prison at the very least, if not much more. Even without involving magic.

“I can’t speak for anypony else than myself, but I saw it in your eyes when the Elements purified you. You never wanted things to go that far and seemed lost and terrified after what happened. I knew that you could change your ways for the better,” Twilight replied encouragingly.

It caught Sunset off-guard when her friend started to rub her cheek against hers, followed by body against body. Slowly. She chortled, but returned the gesture nonetheless.

The lavender alicorn didn’t understand the reaction and raised an eyebrow, “Is something the matter?”

“I just thought how touchy and open we ponies are when it comes to body contact or modesty as if it is nothing major. When we do that as humans I can promise you that at least nine of ten will declare us a couple.” Sunset snickered further.

Twilight was surprised by this… and interested, “How come? Don’t they comfort each other as well?”

“Of course they do, but not physically. Anything more than a hug and you can’t blink as fast as rumors about a hidden relationship will spread. I swear, humans are the most prudish and pent up species I ever encountered with all their clothes and rules about ‘being decent’. If you show too much skin it is seen as an unspoken invitation to flirt and oogle. Some people are already in a hormonal overdrive when your midriff is showing.” A small magic joke came to her mind, “And don’t get me started on swimming season, your chest is like a natural mind control spell, depending on the situation,” Sunset informed her while clearly highly amused.

Though she had to admit that her first few beach visits as a more grown teenager during summer went straight over her head. Only later she found out that wearing a bikini was like an unofficial beauty contest where the best looking females showed off what they had. For the whole world to admire, but not to touch.

She wasn’t aware until these days that a well-formed bosom was the master key in human society.

The Princess of Friendship meanwhile proved once more why her love life was duller than the rock farm of Pinkie Pie’s family, “That explains everything! When Flash Sentry once bumped into me in Sugarcube Corner I spilled my drink all over my clothes and he stared at the flesh mounds on my chest like in trance! I didn’t know that they could hypnotize male humans!” She frowned, “But I thought that world didn’t have its own magic?”

Sunset Shimmer heard many things in her young life, but rarely was the phantom pain this strong. The unicorn blinked, and again, “I just… don’t know what to say to your observation.”

Twilight continued her rambling, “I made a lot of notes about humans, but nothing on their sexual behavior or preferred body parts when it comes to intercourse or appeal. In comparison, every tribe has its own erogenous zone. The horn of a unicorn, the wings of a pegasus and the soft underside of an earth pony's hoof. Now only the question remains if human stallions are the only gender with characteristics of a hermaphrodite. However, I’m not certain about the success- and fertility rate when you take the very variable, but not really impressive sizes of their reproductive organs into consideration. I think… Why are you laughing?!” Twilight pouted at the rude behaviour.

Sunset needed time to calm down, her cheeks even hurt a little. How this mare could hold a scientific lecture about such a topic with greatest seriousness would remain a secret. “N-nothing, sorry.” She wiped a last tear from her eye, “But we’ve gotten off topic, the point I wanted to make earlier is that you should consider that your title as royalty has many benefits, but is coupled with at least the equal amount of expectations. Ponies will look up to you and even if you don’t see yourself as important, they do.”

A heavy sigh of mental exhaustion escaped Twilight’s lips, “No pressure, right?”

Her friend gave a playful push, “Nah, it’s much worse.” and smirked at the sheepish expression she received. “There is nothing wrong with acting casual when it’s only your friends and family, but you are a walking beacon of hope for the citizens of Equestria. Just act the part, be convincing. Mom does pretty much the same when the nobles are bugging her during Day Court with new... bills. Smile and be the soothing presence they need. Try to take into consideration what others might assume or expect before you speak.”

The Princess of Friendship rolled with her eyes, “Me? Calming presence? Have you met me? Besides, I feel really uncomfortable about the whole 'special treatment' act as it is. I don't want things for free or much better products than the average citizen just because of my title."

Sunset nodded sympathetically, "I know what you are trying to say, but see it from their perspective. They know that you will protect them in times of great danger, in return they want to thank you in their own way. Take for example the Solar Guard. Mom never leaves the palace without an escort, even though nopony would be mad enough to attack her in the middle of the day. They’re proud of the work they do, they want to protect her, even knowing the danger connected with their job. Or a special spa treatment, great food, your title has its advantages and disadvantages, you just have to deal with both sides."

Twilight had to process what she was told. She wanted nothing else than a change of topic, for now. "You know what? We are alone right now, the perfect chance to practice one more time before we search for the restaurant.”

Sunset didn’t like this smile, this smile was the product of pure evil. “I refuse and you can’t force me.”

Twilight’s lip trembled, “Please~! I showed you how it is done many times into the smallest detail. It needs training to get it right. The timing and our voices have to be in sync for the Ladybug Dance to work!”


The youngest princess lowered her ears.

“Don’t think that will sway me!”

Then her features were filled by the puppy dog eyes in perfection.

“I said n-no!”

Twilight whimpered and let her wings droop.

“OK! OK! Fine, I’ll do it. But be aware that I will smother you in your sleep if you ever tell a soul about it,” Sunset threatened, deadly serious.

Not even a second later the lavender alicorn was back to normal and smiled again. “I will take my chances. But I fear that Cadence will find out anyway, she always knows.”

Sunset groaned, she really fell for it, “Let’s get this over with before I change my mind.”

They did the routine, though the amber mare had clearly difficulties with the speed of her dance partner. At least their voices were mixed together well enough.

Sun-shine! Sun-shine! Ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!~

The blushing unicorn would surely die of embarrassment if somepony ever witnessed her in such an act. “I’m certain that the last shards of my dignity just left the sinking ship...

The Friendship Express, bane of everything masculine, an invention made of sugar and cotton candy. Surely the God of Chaos and Disharmony himself must have sent visions of madness to torment its creator to the point that he caved in and finally constructed it.

Dear passengers! We will arrive at the Crystal Empire in three hours at the latest. Enjoy yourself and sample the empire’s newest product. Crystal Candy, the perfect union of chocolate and ice berries!”

Most ponies listened to the nice female voice and were eager to taste something different, well, the tourists at least.

However, the Princess of Love, Mi Amore de Cadenza, looked out of the window with purpose. Her stare rested on the capital of Equestria, by now only a distant dot.

The undeniable feeling that she just missed something of greatest importance never left until her arrival at home.

“See? That wasn’t so bad for our first time, right? I had a lot of fun,” Twilight complimented slyly.

“I’m glad you liked it, but don’t think I will do that again in a public area. I hope nopony saw us,” Sunset answered with red cheeks.

They left their hideout and did their best not to stumble over any hidden vines.

“You worry too-” a loud coughing sound interrupted the lavender ruler.

They turned their heads and came face to face with an older unicorn couple. Both, the mare and the stallion, looked at them in surprise and disdain. And as if they solely heard the last sentences they spoke.

The mare wore expensive golden earrings, a silver necklace and an old-fashioned dark green dress over her aquamarine colored coat. Her eyes were cerulean and her tail long and well kempt, the mane was reaching to the lower back. Both in a faded yellow. Her posture demanded respect.

Her husband wore a dark brown tuxedo as well as black horse shoes made of cloth, his body as tall as Twilight’s and covered by dark gray fur. The amber eyes were small, but held an intensity nopony could miss. A white side parting mane and a matching tail made the snobbish picture perfect, though the white beard under his chin gave him a more intelligent appearance.

“Why, I never! During my youth we mares could contain ourselves until we were inside our own four walls. It is truly a disaster what has become out of the present generation. Lifting their tails left and right, how shameful!” the older mare complained, her voice clearer and younger than expected.

“My beautiful wife is right. I must say that I’m greatly disappointed by your inexcusable behaviour, Your Highness. I thought that a pony of your status would have more class. Certainly, this mare is an eye catcher, no doubt, and may have desirable traits… for a commoner. But you shouldn’t let such an escort as her near you. Just imagine all the illnesses she must have,” the older stallion added with an unfriendly tone.

“Grayhoof, my dear, let us take our leave. I can’t stand being near this unicorn, I feel like she may open her uncouth mouth at any time and spread her simplicity,” the mare requested arrogantly.

Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer could only look after the departing couple with jaws hanging open, their heads easily rivalling the color of the amber pony's mane.

But the reasons differed, one blushed out of embarrassment and unparalleled shock, whereas the other pondered if Canterlot Park had enough earth beneath the grass to bury two bodies.

“Sister! Did you know that Mage Meadowbrook wrote a book about the possibilities of how the poison of Flash Bees could be used to treat hornrot or the featherflu? ‘Tis most interesting.” A flash of sadness entered Luna’s eyes, “She disappeared at the same time as the other Pillars, like our beloved mentor. I wonder what happened to them.”

The Royal Sisters waited patiently for Sunset and Twilight to leave the library in order to start their own project. At first they feared that the Princess of Friendship would conduct a sleepover in the library. They entered the hidden, restricted section of the Royal Library behind the Star Swirl the Bearded Wing and began a wild search.

Celestia was lucky that her court was much less crowded during this time of year, Raven would inform her when somepony requested an audience or an emergency occured.

But right now was the Princess of the Sun half buried by multiple books, scrolls and tomes. “Lulu, focus! There must be something we missed!”

The younger sibling stroke her chin with a hoof, “For what do we have to look out exactly? It may narrow down our search. You simply informed me that we have to find something that can function as a conduit to trigger my newest niece’s ascension into the rank of an alicorn. I don’t think it is that easy, or did you find out the secret behind the whole process?”

“I don’t and it is frustrating. I just thought it could work out again in this way, like it happened with Twilight,” Celestia replied dryly.

Luna tilted her head. “Well, where did you find the conduits for their ascensions?”

Celestia hit the table with her head before she looked up again to face her sister, “With Cadence I didn’t, she did it on her own, I seeked her out when I felt her ascension. After that, I made a plan for it if happened again, and took on the most promising students. For Twilight, it was here in this library. In one of Star Swirl’s old diaries there was an unfinished spell to find the most powerful magic in the world. I had hoped that we may find another spell that I could send to Sunset to finish it when the time was right. An assignment for my student to complete.”

The lunar monarch wasn’t convinced, “I don’t think that this would have ended in satisfying results.”

“Why not?” the older sister inquired curiously.

“While Cadence was lucky, ascending because of her unfailing love for her fellow ponies, Twilight completed her spell, because she had no other choice. Your former student switched the destinies of her own friends and she had no idea what might happen afterwards. Sunset has a sharp mind and I’m certain she can add up the clues when she receives a mysterious and to this day unknown book, combined with the background knowledge of how ascension worked for Twilight. Next there is the necessity that we must find a spell requiring enough power to activate the process if finished, then it has to fit your daughter’s character and lastly I question the efficiency if she already knows what this is all about,” Luna explained analytically.

Celestia sighed fatefully, “I thought about the same outcome, but I didn’t want to accept it. It is just… Sunset has earned her wings by now. She learned every lesson I tried to teach her with flying colors and took to the role of leadership like my Little Sun was born for it. But Sunset lacked two of the most important qualities a ruler needed, compassion and a heart for the plight of your subjects and others. She learned these lessons and even played a crucial role in defeating the legendary sirens, blessed by the magic of the Elements of Harmony. A feat worthy of an own glass window in the Memorial Hallway.”

Luna put her left wing around the other mare’s back, “Have faith, dear sister. Sunset will find her destiny, one way or another.”

The ancient ruler giggled. “Since when do you give such good advice? I guess I should listen to my sister’s words in this case.”

Her younger sibling nodded sharply and took a pride pose, “Indeed, I am not Luna the Wise and Glorious for nothing,” then ignored her reaction effortlessly. “Was this the sort of humor ponies of this age find amusing? Sometimes I am still not sure.”

The alabaster alicorn facehooved.

“Sunset, I understand your anger. In fact, I feel very peeved, too. But you can’t plan a cloak-and-dagger operation to dispose of them,” Twilight scolded, but had a playful smirk on her lips.

Obviously the amber unicorn wouldn’t really harm anypony, but it was the principle that mattered. And she had to vent her frustrations somehow after being degraded in such a manner, “You are right. The sewers are not a good place to hide the evidence.” She hummed in thought and grinned at the alicorn, “You said that your Fluttershy had a pet bear as a friend, right?”

Now the lavender mare nearly stumbled from shock, “You are unbelievable!”

Sunset’s smirk only grew, “Unbelievably good looking? Yeah, you are right. Maybe I should’ve given them more of a show.” Suddenly her voice was all innocent. “But I really don’t know what you are talking about, I was just checking the available options. Or we could ask Auntie Luna if she can send them to the moon.”

Twilight pressed her muzzle against the one of her friend, “Are you crazy?! Rainbow Dash once joked about it in front of her during the last Nightmare Night and she wasn’t very pleased, to put it mildly.”

Sunset’s inner tattle filly was triggered, “Oh, that I have to hear.”

Her seriousness melted away and the lavender mare had to giggle at the story, “Princess Luna punished Rainbow to a week of the most horrible nightmares.”

The Unicorn raised an eyebrow, highly, “Really? I can’t imagine her doing such a cruel thing.”

“I think it was just her being dramatic, but from what I heard it was really the most horrible weak for Rainbow Dash, or so she claimed. Apparently the princess asked Pinkie Pie for information what Rainbow hated the most and if she knew somepony who would have a good sense of humor. She was referred to Maud,” Twilight elucidated.

Sunset snorted at the thought of a Luna and Maud Pie tag-team, “And then?”

“Well, Princess Luna visited Rainbow Dash every night and changed the dreams with her magic to the very same scene. She was trapped in a colorful land of an of sweets made landscape and singing flowers which played classic music with instruments, strapped to a bed without being able to escape and Maud sat besides her, telling rock jokes or reciting her own rock poetry until dawn.” Twilight grinned ear to ear shamelessly now.

The duo laughed at the mental image.

“I have to admit, that sounds like the perfect punishment if she’s anything like my Rainbow Dash. Are you sure that Nightmare Moon is gone for good?” the amber mare asked between chuckles.

“Yes, but that doesn’t mean she is above a little revenge now and then.” Twilight looked up, “I think we found it.”

The Culture District of Canterlot was a melting pot for ponies and non-ponies alike. And very educational. They saw already a gryphon smithery, a zebra alchemy shop, crystal art made by crystal ponies, a few nightclubs led by thestrali and even a museum about the ancient history of Cathago.

“Ten bits say that this place is owned by a minotaur,” Sunset said jokingly.

Twilight nodded in agreement, “You are right. The obsidian pillars which support the finely polished dark wood roof, the sturdy walls of granite and the with bronze made torches lit archway are a dead giveaway for minotaur architecture.”

Her amber friend simply pointed to the right. A small sign was hanging from two chains, with a picture and a name on it. A face of a minotaur bull with the cockiest of smiles to be precise.

The alicorn’s eye twitched a few times, "Seriously, who would name his restaurant ‘Iron Gut’?!"

Author's Note:

Edited version uploaded: 05/02/18
Proofreader: Javarod

Greetings my avid readers! :twilightsmile:

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Such accusations! :raritycry: Poor Sunset, but at least Twilight suffered as well. You know, misery loves company. Next chapter will follow soon.

Thank you very much for reading and stay tuned! :moustache: