• Published 16th Aug 2017
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The Rock in the Gulch - Tatsurou

Maud is raised by Church and Blue Team, in Blood Gulch and beyond.

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Gun Safety

As the Red Team won the match this time, Maud was to spend a week at Red Base as per the agreement. Church wasn't happy about it, but being allowed to actually enter Red Base to check up on Maud and spend time with her smoothed things over somewhat. What little peace of mind he'd managed to gain went right out the window when he saw what was happening. "What are you teaching my daughter?" he screamed out.

Sarge turned to him, taking his eyes off where Maud sat amongst an example of every gun in the Red arsenal. "Gun safety!" he explained firmly. "We've got tons of them lying around, so we need to be sure she knows what to do with them, and by that extension what not to do with them!"

"She's way too young to be holding a gun!" Church argued intensely. "She's just a little kid!"

"She's the same age I was when I held my first gun!" Sarge countered firmly. "She's more than ready to learn which end to point at Grif!"

"That's not-" Church began, only to pause as his brain actually heard the second sentence. "I don't...what?"

"See? Even you don't know which end to point at Grif, or you'd have hit him a lot sooner during the first match!" Sarge then turned back to Maud. "This is the safety," he explained, pointing to the part on his weapon. "Before you shoot Grif, you need to make sure it's set to Off, like so." He demonstrated turning off the safety. "Otherwise, bullets won't come out!" Turning, he pulled the trigger at a distant target, spraying it with bullets. He then switched the safety to On, demonstrating how pulling the trigger only resulted in the gun clicking uselessly. "Do you understand the Safety?"

"Yes," Maud confirmed.

"What is the purpose of the safety?" Sarge quizzed.

"To make sure you don't shoot yourself," Maud replied readily.

"That's a smart girl," Sarge purred happily. "And this is the magazine. It holds the bullets. Without it, you'll only have one bullet in the chamber, which means you only get one shot. You need to be careful with that. Now, watch as I strip this weapon down to parts, and then reassemble. This serves two purposes. The first is to be able to check each part for any flaws, and the second is to be able to disassemble your opponent's weapon so he can't use it against you!" He then proceeded to strip his weapon down, checking each part before reassembling it and firing at the target once more to demonstrate its functionality. He then switched the magazine out for an empty one, popped open the chamber to evacuate the bullet there, and closed it up before handing the empty gun to Maud. "Now you try! Don't worry about speed, that comes with time and practice."

"How is she even supposed to handle-" Church began.

Maud turned and sat on the gun, causing it to disappear into her tail. She then shook her head, causing each of the parts to fall out of her mane one by one. After checking each one over, she laid on the pile before sitting up to reveal the fully assembled gun. "My hoof is too big for the trigger," she pointed out as she pushed it over to Church.

Picking the gun up, Church turned towards the target and fired. Bullets flew out, although none came close to hitting the target. "I...I saw you empty the gun before handing it to her," he told Sarge. "I...I saw it."

"Reassembled guns must fire to test," Maud pointed out logically.

Sarge sniffled. "I'm...I'm so proud!"

"I am far too sober for this," Simmons groaned from where he watched. "I'm a man of science! None of this is physically possible!"

"Simmons, you need to let go of preconceptions!" Sarge ordered firmly. "Plainly, things have begun to happen that aren't supposed to make sense by our traditional mindsets anymore, and you need to accept and embrace them!"

"I can't!" Simmons cried out in despair. "I'm not allowed to drink on duty!"

"Dam straight you're not!" Sarge proclaimed firmly. He leaned in towards Maud. "As in 'straight as a dam'," he explained firmly. Louder to Simmons, he continued, "You have to be Sergeant rank or higher for that privilege, and I don't see you shining on the battlefield like Grif!" He shuddered. "Ugh, that still feels dirty to say."

"I took out the enemy Captain!" Simmons complained.

"Falling on the enemy doesn't count unless you're able to get back up afterwards!" Sarge roared out angrily.

"I'm back!" Grif called as he entered the room holding a gun in one hand and a rock sample in the other. "Thought Maud might be getting hungry, so I brought her a snack."

"Good thinking, ugh, Grif!" Sarge declared with a groan as Grif fed Maud. "Where did you, uh, think of that from?"

"I have a younger sister," Grif explained. "I know how little kids can be. With how exciting things are, I figured she would forget to eat until she was hungry enough to start hitting you with a locker to try and get candy out of you."

"...I am conflicted!" Sarge declared angrily. "On the one hand, part of me wants to see if she could actually make candy appear out of someone by hitting them with a locker, since it makes as much logical sense as everything else that's been happening, like Grif being effective! On the other hand, she'd probably hit me first since I'm in charge, and I don't want her hitting me with a locker!"

"Compromise and tell her Simmons has the candy next time?" Grif suggested.

"Hey!" Simmons complained.

"I know!" Sarge declared. "Next time she starts getting hungry, I'll tell her Grif has the candy! What an excellent idea! Glad I thought of it!"

"...of course, Sarge," Grif replied grumpily. Seeing Maud had finished her snack, he handed her the gun. "I've removed the covers for the finger grips. You should have room to brace your hooves to hold the gun now."

"Are you...sure she's ready to hold a gun?" Church asked Grif worriedly as the orange armored troop stood back up.

"Don't worry," Grif replied readily in a whisper. "The magazine is empty."

"Now remember everything I've taught you about shooting!" Sarge declared firmly to Maud. "Do you remember?"

Maud nodded.

"Good! Now there's one last rule!" He clutched his shotgun tight to his chest. "If you only have one bullet left and you have no way to reload...make absolutely sure you use that bullet...to shoot Grif!"

Maud promptly turned and shot Grif in the nuts.

With a scream of agony, Grif collapsed to the floor clutching at his crotch. "Why did you shoot me?" he wailed out.

"The magazine was empty," Maud pointed out. "I only had the chamber bullet."

"Hah!" Sarge laughed. "Your own fault for not keeping proper track of ammunition!"

"But why there?" Grif cried in pain.

"I can't aim any higher," Maud replied readily.

"Why not my foot?!"

"I'm not supposed to waste ammo on non-debilitating targets."

"She's learned her lessons so well!" Sarge purred proudly.

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