• Published 16th Aug 2017
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The Rock in the Gulch - Tatsurou

Maud is raised by Church and Blue Team, in Blood Gulch and beyond.

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Parallels, pt 2

Maud sat silently on Church's chest, staring into his faceplate without expression. Even with no emotion on her face, however, Church could feel her worry for him in the way she seemed to vibrate with tension. He knew he needed to distract her, preferably sooner and with something that would last long enough that he'd be too loopy from the pain killers for her to be worried...or for him to notice her worry. "It's gonna be okay, Maud," he assured her hopefully. "I'm going to be just fine. I promise." He started to lift his uninjured hand to stroke her mane, but quickly stopped when he spotted it was still red. "...maybe I should wash before I pet..."

"Her?" Maud asked suddenly.

"Her who?" Church asked in confusion.

"So like her?" Maud clarified. "Her?"

"Oh...ooohhh..." Church groaned as he realized what Maud was talking about. While he didn't really want to talk about her just yet, he did want to keep Maud distracted. "Well...I was talking about Agent Texas. She's...well, she's my ex-girlfriend."

"Ex?" Maud pressed, her tone showing the slightest hints of curiosity.

"Yeah, ex," Church confirmed.

"Why ex?"

"I..." Church hesitated, trying to search his memory...only to find there wasn't much to search through. "I honestly don't know. I had a bit of an accident here not long ago, and it gave me some memory loss. I...slipped on a wet spot on the floor. At least, that's what Captain Flowers tells me."

"Ex?" Maud inquired carefully.

"I...I think the memory loss might go before the incident," Church continued. "I don't remember much before then...but I remember Tex coming to me when I couldn't remember anything and...telling me we used to be together. She told me to get some rest, so I'm pretty sure she still cares about me. She just...doesn't show it well. She's great in combat, but the gentler side of things is...difficult for her."

"Like me?" Maud asked softly.

"A little, yeah," Church confirmed. "You're incredibly - I'd almost say insanely - strong, and have some freaky abilities...but you don't show much emotion." Noticing Maud's eyes start to drop, he pushed himself up slightly with his good arm to stare at her. "That's not a bad thing, though!" he insisted comfortingly. "It's just...different. Like Tex is different."


"Yeah...kind of a nickname," Church explained. "Though I'm pretty sure Agent Texas is a code name..." He lay back, shrugging his shoulders. "I just wish I could remember why we aren't together anymore...why she left me..."

"She left?" Maud asked, a tinge of surprise in her voice.

"...yeah, I'm pretty sure of that," Church confirmed. "I...it's hard to remember but...I remember being upset that she didn't say goodbye. She doesn't like goodbyes, don't know why."

Maud was silent for a time as she turned this over in her mind. Eventually, she shifted to a different point. "Violent?"

"Huh?" Church asked curiously.

"Punch Uncle Tucker," Maud explained. "Punch Red. So like her. Violent?"

Church chuckled softly. "Yeah, Tex can be pretty violent. Like I said, she's a natural on the battlefield. I remember the last time I saw her on the field. I was based...somewhere cold and snowy, not sure of much beyond that just now. I was talking with Private Jimmy and she showed up out of nowhere. Slaughtered the entire unit, even beat Jimmy to death with his own skull!"

Maud's eyes widened in surprise. "You can do that?" she asked in audible awe.

"I can't, but Tex pulled it off," Church replied readily.

"Can I?" Maud asked curiously, looking at her hoof.

"Maybe someday," Church told her, glad to see she'd forgotten about his injured state for the moment. "Anyway, it was her mission to kill the whole unit, I guess...but she didn't hurt me. So I know she still cares. She's a Freelancer, so she does what she's assigned to do without questions or loyalties, and she's efficient and vicious when she does."

"Mom?" Maud asked, a bit of hope in her voice.

Church hesitated. He definitely didn't want to say 'Yes' and have Tex tear into him for it...but he couldn't say 'No' and disappoint Maud, either. "If she ever shows up here, you ask her," he settled on finally. "Just...don't be surprised if she says no. Like I said, she's not much for being touchy-feely."

At that moment, Captain Flowers entered the room leading a man in purple armor holding a strange device that looked like a gun, but one not designed by human hands. On closer inspection, it actually looked like an oddly shaped black magnet with lights at the front end. The man in purple held it at the curve with one hand, his other hand bracing it from beneath. "You're in luck, Private!" Captain Flowers declared happily. "Turns out there was a Medic en route elsewhere within range to be diverted, and Command OKed my request to divert him here."

"Medical Officer Frank DuFrense, reporting for medical duty at Blood Gulch Outposts One and Alpha," the man in purple greeted happily. "I'll just be around treating anyone who gets injured, whichever side and-holy fudge crackers!" This last was in response to Church lifting his injured arm. "How are you still moving that?"

"Painkillers, Doc," Church responded as he felt himself starting to get a little loopy. "Loooots of painkillers."

Frank knelt down, pointing his device at the arm. "Let's see now...eeyikes..." He stared at the device as the front end glowed an odd shade of green. "Looks like compound fractures of every bone in your hand, wrist, and lower arm...twisted muscles and tendons...the only thing keeping all the severed arteries from pouring all your blood out is that they're also crushed further up the arm...and every one of your nails is torn out. What did you do?"

"Punched through a Red's armor bare handed," Church gasped out as the energy from the scanner made his body tense as it reactivated nerves.

"What under the sun would make you try-"

"Not try," Church interrupted proudly. "Succeeded!"

"WHY?" Frank clarified.

"...thought he'd hurt Maud here," Church explained.

"Silly Dad," Maud offered, slight affection audible in her voice as she patted Church's faceplate.

"O...kay then," Frank continued. "Looks like the only option here is to cut the arm off and replace it with a cybernetic one. Luckily, I happen to have one with me, so that shouldn't take more than an hour. In the meantime, I might want to check everyone else over." Turning, he pointed the scanner at Captain Flowers, and it once more glowed green. "Hmm...looks like you're in perfect health, Captain!"

"That's good to hear!" Flowers declared warmly.

"Both green?" Maud asked in confusion.

"But different shades of green!" Frank explained as he pointed the scanner at her. "Different shades of green mean...different...things..." He stared at the end of the scanner, glowing bright pink as it pointed at Maud. "...I have no idea what that means. It's never done that before."

Maud shrugged, losing interest in the device. "Doc?"

"My name's not Doc," Frank pointed out. "It's Medical Officer Frank DuFrense."

Maud held her forelegs out wide, spreading them as Frank spoke his full name and title. She then brought her hoofs together to point to her very small mouth. "Doc," she repeated firmly.

"...she's never going to call me anything other than Doc, is she?" 'Doc' asked ruefully.

"Probably not," Church allowed.

Doc sighed ruefully. "Very well, Doc it is. What can I do for you?"

"Can I borrow your skull?" Maud asked.


"To beat you to death."

Doc stared at her for a time. "I'm...pretty sure it's physically impossible for anyone to do that."

"Mom can."

"Oh..." Church began, wanting desperately to curse at the fact Maud had insisted on thinking of Tex as Mom, but not wanting to curse in front of Maud. Unable to think of any good substitute curse words with the drugs fogging his mind, he eventually settled on the first that came to mind. "...crapbaskets..."

"Oh, you say that too," Doc observed idly.

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