• Published 16th Aug 2017
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The Rock in the Gulch - Tatsurou

Maud is raised by Church and Blue Team, in Blood Gulch and beyond.

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Medical Advisory

"And that should do it!" Doc finished as he pulled back from Church's arm. "Now, I wouldn't go using it to punch anything until the replacement arm armor comes in, but your cybernetic arm is ready to go."

Church lifted the arm, examining it as he stared at the flesh. "Doesn't look or feel any different," he observed idly.

"It shouldn't," Doc explained. "Spec for spec, it's identical to your old arm...except far easier to repair if it breaks again, and unlikely to threaten your life if it gets damaged to that level again. But...try and avoid that? I'm a medical officer, not a mechanic."

"Right," Church allowed, reaching over to pet Maud who was sitting nearby. "Still, you should see the other guy."

"As a matter of fact, I should," Doc agreed as he got to his feet. "I'm providing medical service to both Reds and Blues here, whoever needs it, so as long as 'the other guy' is still breathing, I should see what I can do for him."

"No rush," Church offered jokingly as Doc turned to head across the canyon.

"I go too?" Maud asked curiously.

"Now why would you want to go with Doc?" Captain Flowers inquired curiously.

"Not get shot?" Maud indicated worriedly.

"Well, if you stay here you won't get shot-" Flowers began.

"You're worried the Reds will shoot him because he's coming from our Base?" Church deduced incisively. "Oh, sorry for interrupting sir."

"No, that's very good, Church," Flowers complimented, having seen Maud nod to the deduction. "However, I don't think you need to worry about Doc, Maud. I'm pretty sure the only Red who might shoot first and ask questions later is the one Doc is heading to treat."

"Okay," Maud allowed, cuddling tight to Church's side.

Grif and Simmons stared at the bruised, bleeding, groaning form of Sarge as he lay on the broken door of their base before them. "Uh...what do we do now?" Simmons asked worriedly. "I don't know how to function without orders!"

"Well as I understand it, an absence of orders means we keep doing what we were doing when last we had orders," Grif began logically.

"...wow Grif," Simmons spoke up in surprise. "I'm rather proud of your work ethic. I honestly thought you'd say that being without orders meant you were supposed to stuff your face and take a nap."

"Which is what I was doing when last I had orders," Grif replied logically.

"And pride is gone," Simmons muttered irritably.

"...Medic..." Sarge groaned from the floor.

"I don't suppose you have medical training?" Simmons asked Grif.

"Only mouth to mouth," Grif answered cautiously.

"Come near...my face..." Sarge groaned angrily. "And I...will bite...your eyes out!"

"And I'm pretty sure he doesn't need that," Grif continued quickly. "Pretty sure 'talking' is a good sign they don't need mouth to mouth."

"Well all I know is the Heimlich Maneuver!" Simmons declared worriedly. "I seriously doubt if more compression is any good for him in this state!"

"Well what do you expect me to do?" Grif demanded crossly. "Toss him a Senzu Bean?"

"I've actually got a few of those!" a new voice spoke up, catching their attention.

Doc stepped carefully over the broken door. "Well, the equivalent thereof. Bone regeneraters, cellular accelerators, muscle boosters...nearly as good as a Senzu, if not viable in all situations." He carefully stepped over Sarge. "So who's the corpse, and where's my patient?"

"I still...function..." Sarge managed to gasp out.

"The 'corpse' is your patient," Grif pointed out gruffly.

"Not for long, without my help!" Doc spoke up worriedly as he knelt down beside Sarge. He held out his device, which glowed green. "Let's see...several broken bones, several contusions...yikes! Armor fragments embedded in flesh and bone, and a good amount of blood loss. Church wasn't kidding about doing a number on you."

"...Church?" Sarge gasped out as Doc began pulling out various devices.

"Yeah, I just came from treating him," Doc explained. "Had to replace his arm with a cybernetic one-"

"Can I get one too?" Sarge demanded eagerly, pushing himself up eagerly to look Doc in the eye. "That turns into a chainsaw! No, a shotgun! No...a shotgun with a chainsaw for a bayonet!" Sarge marveled in the mental image for a time before falling to the floor in agony. "Damn my organs..."

"Actually, I'm reading a surprisingly low amount of organ damage," Doc observed. "I should have you back on your feet in a matter of hours. So no cybernetic limb for you, sorry."

"I'll cut off my own arm if it'll get me one!" Sarge declared hotly.

"I'd just reattach it," Doc answered easily. "Besides, I'm fresh out."

"Blasted Blues getting the best of everything," Sarge grumbled as Doc began his treatment. "The cybernetic arm, the pony..."

"Excuse me," Simmons interrupted diffidently. "I don't believe we got your name."

"Yeah Doc, who are you?" Grif demanded.

Doc sighed ruefully. "Medical Officer Frank DuFrense...but you can just call me Doc. That's what the pony calls me, so I know it's going to stick."

"The pony?" Sarge asked insistently. "You work for the pony?"

"I...wouldn't put it that way-" Doc began nervously, a trifle intimidated by Sarge's sudden intensity.

"And you treat Reds and Blues, do you?" Sarge demanded incisively.

"Yes," Doc replied helpfully. "I treat anyone who needs medical attention."

Sarge sank back in thought for a time. Just as Doc finished treating him, Sarge leapt to his feet. "I've got it!"

"Got what, sir?" Simmons asked hopefully.

"I know what we're doing here!" Sarge declared eagerly. "I know what Command is planning! They knew the pony would show up...and she's a brand new Superweapon! This battle between Reds and Blues isn't about control of the canyon, it's about control of the pony! Whoever holds Maud holds the key to victory!"

"She's pretty attached to Private Church," Doc pointed out. "Calls him Dad."

"Then we just need to convince her that Reds are better than Blues!" Sarge declared hotly. "Shouldn't be too hard. Reds are inherently better! Otherwise, why else would the Blues be getting first pick of medical if not to even the playing field? All we need to do is get Maud here for a while without the Blues or her kicking up a fuss!"

"And how are we going to do that?" Grif demanded sourly. "Ask nicely?"

"Never!" Sarge countered angrily. "But that is surprisingly close! Command has provided the solution by sending a medic that will treat both sides! If we're to gain Maud on our side, we have to do it - as much as it pains me to say it - without killing the Blues! Otherwise we'll just have her gunning for anything red like an angry bull with superhuman strength and giant guns!"

"Do you mean to arrange some sort of non-lethal contest between us and our mortal enemies for custody of the pony, sir?" Simmons gasped in shock.

"Precisely, Simmons!" Sarge declared smugly. "However, if I'm to do that, then I need to meet with the Blue leader to...parley." He shuddered at the last word. "The sacrifices I make for the Red cause..."

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