• Published 16th Aug 2017
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The Rock in the Gulch - Tatsurou

Maud is raised by Church and Blue Team, in Blood Gulch and beyond.

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Parallels, pt 1

Captain Flowers cringed as he examined what was left of Church's gun hand. "Eeyikes..." he murmured. "You really did a number on yourself here. What the heck caused this?"

"I punched the Red guy," Church replied, his voice a whimper of pain. "Hard."

"Why didn't you at least use your armored hand-"

"I did!" Church insisted, holding up the armored gauntlet, still dripping blood.

"...and the pain of punching armor didn't stop you why?" Flowers coached gently.

"I thought he'd kidnapped Maud!" Church offered defensively. "I wasn't thinking straight."

"Well, you've certainly taken to being 'Dad' rather quickly," Flowers observed jokingly. In a mumble only for his own ears, he added, "Almost too quickly..."

"Not rock?" Maud asked curiously.

Flowers blinked as he processed that, only to realize that Maud had somehow come up with a nickname for him. "Well, this is beyond my medical training," he observed softly. "I can give you some major painkillers, and in the meantime I'll get command to send out a medical professional post haste to treat you...even if he ends up doing so by cutting the arm off and replacing it with a robotic one."

"That actually sounds kinda awesome..." Church grunted in pain. "If nothing else, it won't break next time I have to punch a Red...oh god my knuckles..."

Flowers injected the neural inhibitors into Church's arm, blocking the pain signals and releasing a relaxing euphoric sensation in his mind. "You just sit tight with your little lady while I make the call, okay? I've got Tucker on watch with instructions not to disturb you, on pain of me giving the filly a stepping stool." Church managed a laugh at that as Maud clambered onto his chest.

Leaving the two to it, Flowers stepped into a private, sound-proofed room in Blue Base, sealing the doors as he opened communications. "Captain Flowers to Command, come in VIC."

"Oh Captain my Captain, this is Vic!" Vic responded immediately. "What can I do for you, boss?"

"I need a medic," Flowers responded immediately. "Someone who specializes entirely in treating injuries. Come up with whatever explanation works to get him here today or tomorrow and not get shot by the Reds. We want to keep the stalemate after all."

"Yes-Cerritos!" Vic responded eagerly. "Got just the guy, though he's further down the list than first. Okay to skip ahead?"

"Do those ahead of him have medical training?" Flowers asked coldly.

"Well, one might, but you specified 'he'," Vic replied readily. "You didn't go and get sexist on me, did you?"

"Well no-" Flowers began, only to cut himself off. "...are you talking about Agent Texas?"

"Well aren't you the clever captain clog?" Vic answered energetically. "That's exactly who I mean!"

"Send the other guy. What's his name?"

"Medical Officer Frank DuFrense," Vic responded immediately. "Bit of a mouthful, but he should be able to help with whatever medical issue you need. How urgent is the need?"

"Private Church has a badly crushed hand and wrist, possibly extending into his arm," Flowers replied.

"The arm you needed replacement armor for?" Vic deduced. "Eeyowch! That is not going to look good on your record. Lemme see here...oh! Wyoming's got something long term going on the same planet you're on. I can have your medic there tomorrow!"

"That's...comforting," Flowers allowed, not at all certain that having Wyoming anywhere near Church was comforting...though Gamma was a different story. "While I've got you in a cooperative mood...put me through to the Counselor."

"Whoa!" Vic yelped out in shock. "You sure about that? I thought we were keeping things on the down low!"

"I don't have much to say," Flowers responded. "Just...two questions."

"Alrighty then, you're the boss," Vic replied nervously. "Patching you through."

The line went silent for a time. When the static cleared, a cultured, urbane voice that seemed to naturally pitch itself to put unaware listeners at ease - and thus put anyone aware on guard - spoke up. "What can I do for you, Agent Florida?"

"In regards to my primary assignment here in Blood Gulch, I need confirmation on certain hypothesized facts," Flowers responded carefully, doing his best to coach everything in non-specifics. "Specifically regarding something that happened recently...the reason for requesting a medic be delivered ASAP."

There was silence for a time, disturbed only by a few electronic beeps. The Counselor was plainly looking up the files. "I see. Exactly how will this information assist?"

"Before being assigned this mission, I was...fully briefed regarding my primary objective," Flowers answered, deliberately not mentioning 'Alpha', or any other fragments. "Or at least, as fully briefed as I could be with available information."

"You believe the information to be incomplete?" Counselor asked, surprise adding a pleasing tinge to his voice.

"I have a theory," Flowers responded simply. "I believe speaking said theory would be contrary to my primary mission, but confirmation of said theory is paramount."

"I trust your judgement, Agent Florida," Counselor responded warmly. "I will answer what I can, but that is not much."

"Can you confirm or deny two assumptions?" Flowers asked.

"...that I can do," Counselor confirmed.

"The Director's marital status: Widower. Parental Status: Estranged. Both occurring prior to the aspect of the Project that led to Alpha."

The Counselor was dead silent for a long time. "You believe there may be an additional fragment unaccounted for within the original?" he deduced in amazement. "One connected to parenting instincts?"

"I take that as a confirmation," Flowers deduced firmly, neither confirming nor denying the inquiry.

The Counselor remained silent for a time. "You have not reported the cause of these inquiries through proper channels."

"Nor do I intend to."

"...your primary mission remains unchanged," the Counselor concluded. "Continue to exercise your best judgement in regard to said mission, and any information. Short of imminent failure of the mission, however...do not circumvent the Command communications again."

"Understood, sir," Flowers confirmed as the communication was cut. He hadn't expected the Counselor to support him, but the answers confirmed what he needed to know. Multiple theories were confirmed now.

He'd wondered why the only thing he'd been warned about regarding the Church/Jimmy situation was that they didn't know what would happen to Church if Jimmy died. They already seemed to know what would happen in just about any other situation. Plainly, the procedure wasn't untested...

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