• Published 16th Aug 2017
  • 16,016 Views, 3,892 Comments

The Rock in the Gulch - Tatsurou

Maud is raised by Church and Blue Team, in Blood Gulch and beyond.

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Round 3

It wasn't long before the week had run its course, and once again the Reds and Blues were in battle over who would keep Maud for the next week. Sarge had made the decision that since the previous week's strategy had been so successful, it would be repeated. Captain Flowers had determined that working from a sniper's position with this group was less than effective, especially when using the training bullets, and had decided he would join his men in the field in seeking the flag.

Maud was rather put out at the idea she'd be shuttling back and forth so frequently now that she realized how short a week felt when she was having fun. She decided she would bring it up after this fight.

Tucker made his way purposely through the canyon, seeking his target. At the moment, he wasn't thinking about team victory or Maud or even Red vs Blue. He was thinking about getting even. He was hunting Grif.

It didn't take long for him to find his target, and as soon as he spotted the orange armor he charged. Grif caught sight of him and immediately opened fire, but Tucker ducked low and ran under the bullets, closing the distance before Grif could correct his aim. He threw a hard punch, but Grif blocked with his forearm and countered with a foot sweep that Tucker leapt over. As Tucker landed, he swayed back and forth to dodge Grif's blows. While the mining had made Grif's physical strikes exceptionally powerful and somehow given him good reflexes, his strikes were still rather slow. Ducking under the assault, Tucker was able to deliver a three hit combination to Grif's belly, though he had to stagger back as that left him open to an elbow to the top of the head.

Grif staggered back, gasping for breath. "You...really stepped up...your game..." he managed to gasp out.

"You humiliated me last time," Tucker snarled out. "I don't care if she's not dating material, I'm not letting anyone else make me look pathetic in front of a girl!"

"Yeah, only you get to do that," Grif taunted before turning side-on to dodge the charge.

Anticipating the move, Tucker spun right in front of Grif and lashed out with a high kick, sending him tumbling back across the ground. "I'm going to enjoy this," he growled eagerly as he stalked forward.

Grif flexed his abdomen and launched himself feet first into the air before flipping to land on his feet. "Huh," he murmured as he raised his arms defensively. "You know...I think I am too."

Flowers raised his head, using his helmet cam to zoom in on the battle between Tucker and Grif. "Huh. Now that's some motivation," he murmured as he watched the fight. "They're actually not half bad. Got good potential, too. Hmm...I think I'll see what else Tucker is capable of. Hope Sarge does the same with Grif. I haven't seen a fight this entertaining in a long time. Not quite at the level of those, but impressive..."

"Uh...are you going to shoot me, or just keep me pinned down here?" Simmons groaned from beneath Flowers, where he was held with one arm twisted up behind his back and the muzzle of Flowers' gun at the back of his head. "And where did you learn to fight hand-to-hand like that? None of those moves were covered in basic training!"

"I think I'll just keep you pinned while I watch the fight," Flowers allowed. "Why not zoom in with your helmet cam, too? It's not so far away you'd need a sniper scope to see."

Simmons struggled to lift his head until he caught sight of the fight. "...wow," he murmured in shock. "Grif's...pretty good."

"Where'd he get the energy to go from fat, lazy slob to incredible soldier?" Flowers wondered curiously.

"By eating three entire ration deliveries all on his own, I'd guess," Simmons observed. "Three days in a row. Sarge finally sent a requisition that the rations be divided into 'Grif's Gluttony' and 'Normal People', and has been going off on Grif about how much he eats ever since."

"Well, if eating that much somehow makes him this effective, I'd say let him eat," Flowers allowed before pulling the trigger, putting Simmons armor into lockdown...but making sure he could still watch the fight. "Now, let's see how Church is dealing with Sarge..."

At that moment, Church came skidding over, already in armor lockdown as Sarge stomped over. "He made the mistake of stopping to watch the fight without getting me pinned down first!" Sarge declared firmly as he watched the fight.

"It seems Grif is...surprisingly effective," Flowers murmured as he moved to stand next to Sarge, deciding to talk leader to leader as he watched the fight.

"I always knew he had it in him," Sarge declared quietly, making sure Simmons couldn't hear.

"...really?" Flowers asked in surprise.

"Why do you think I was so harsh on every single one of his bad habits and acted like it was unnatural that he could be good?" Sarge countered happily. "I knew that eventually he'd find something that made him want to succeed and excel, and the more I harped on him for his performance, the better he'd get! When he becomes such an effective soldier that he can take down whole armies single handed, when he can infiltrate any installation, when he can practically snuff out stars with his bare hands..."

Flowers shivered. It sounded like he was trying to turn Grif into a Freelancer. "Then you'll tell him good job?" Flowers asked curiously.

"Are you kidding?" Sarge declared in surprise. "That's when I'll tell him he's almost good enough! I wanna see what he'd become when he passes that! Grif is a pathetic, miserable, waste of space excuse for a soldier...so I'm going to shape and mold him until he's...Super Grif..."

Flowers thought about that for a time. "How about a gentleman's wager here, then?" he suggested.

"Oh?" Sarge asked curiously.

"That fight over there is quite impressive," Flowers allowed. "So let's wager the end of this match on that fight, shall we? We'll even be allowed to shout encouragement to our soldiers."

"Hmm..." Sarge hummed thoughtfully. "If Grif wins, I get to claim credit with my encouragement. If he loses, I get to blame him for costing us the match again, and I can even tell him I only made the wager because he seemed to be trying to prove himself. I like it!" He turned towards the match. "Grif!" he shouted into the comm. "This match now depends on the fight between you and that Blue! So if you win, I'll special order whatever treat you want through Command, as much as you can eat!"

Grif tensed up as he caught the incoming blow and turned to stare at Sarge. "All...all I can eat? Sarge, I never thought I'd hear you say anything so beautiful!" Spinning, he slammed his elbow into Tucker's gut, sending him skidding back several feet.

"Tucker," Flowers said calmly through the comms. "Did you know there's a planet near to where we're based populated entirely by...Amazons?"

Tucker tensed up. "A...Amazons?" he gasped in shock.

"Yes," Flowers agreed. "A world filled with scantily clad warrior women who would just love to meet a soldier like you. If you win this fight, I'll give you a five day pass to go visit it."

"Five days..." Tucker murmured in awe. "With...Amazons..."

"Don't take your eyes off-" Grif started to shout as he charged, only to get shoulder-checked by a suddenly surging Tucker.

"You're not taking my nookie away just so you can have a cookie!" Tucker roared out as he blocked several more of Grif's blows before kicking Grif right in the nuts.

"Oh...hurts so good..." Grif managed to gasp out.

"Bow!" Tucker snapped out as he struck the pudenal nerve on Grif's left thigh. "Chicka!" He struck the same nerve on the right. "Bow!" An open palm strike to Grif's throat, making him choke. He then pulled his gun and aimed it point blank. "Wow!" Grif rocked back, his helmet covered in the training paint. He then stared down at his fallen opponent. "...Bitch!"

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