• Published 16th Aug 2017
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The Rock in the Gulch - Tatsurou

Maud is raised by Church and Blue Team, in Blood Gulch and beyond.

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Maud glanced back and forth between her Dad and the Red called Sarge. Sarge seemed to be rolling on the ground still clutching at his heel, the pain not having faded. Her Dad appeared to find this amusing, but also was being kind enough to dispense medical advice, if somewhat mean-spiritedly. At least, she assumed that's what he meant by loudly declaring, "Suck it, Red!" between bouts of laughter. She wondered if the suits they wore were actually flexible enough to allow Sarge to suck on his heel. Somehow she doubted it.

However, she was rapidly growing bored of watching them since nothing was happening. As such, she turned to see what she could work on in regard to her cave. She stepped inside the small indentation into the rock, just out of sight of her Dad and Sarge...

And found herself in Blue Base. That was odd. Closer inspection revealed it was not, in fact, Blue Base. The floor plan had identical dimensions to every room...but it was as though someone had placed a mirror in front of Blue Base and built the reflection to the exact detail, complete with putting it on nearly identical rock. Closer examination suggested it was at the opposite side of the canyon. The three nearby lockers - one overflowing with junk food and other things and barely holding shut, one so spotlessly immaculate it looked like it had just been manufactured, and one simply labeled 'Sarge' - confirmed her suspicions. Somehow, she was in Red Base.

This was worrisome.

Two soldiers, one in red armor the other in orange, walked through the halls of Red Base. "Hey," the one in red spoke up. "You ever wonder why we're here?"

"It's one of life's great mysteries, isn't it?" the orange clad troop responded weightily. "Why are we here? I mean...are we the product of some cosmic coincidence? Some grand plan? The whims of a mad god piecing together a cohesive world from disparate fragments of others? Do we even matter-"

"I meant more immediately," the red soldier interrupted. "Out here in this canyon."

"Oh, right," the orange soldier replied. "Yeah, no idea."

"...what was all that about god and a plan?" the red soldier asked curiously.

"Nothing, never mind," the orange soldier countered swiftly.

"Do you want to talk about it?" the red soldier inquired gently.

"Not really, Simmons," the orange soldier stated flatly. "...I think I'll just grab something out of my locker. As long as Sarge isn't here, I'm taking it easy."

"You realize that just gets us both in trouble, right Grif?" Simmons demanded crossly.

"Pretty sure we're already at the bottom of the bottom as far as being Reds," Grif countered readily. "If there's no way we can go any lower, we should just enjoy what we can at the bottom."

"Alternatively, we could do our best and try to climb back up," Simmons countered intensely.

"Have fun with that," Grif responded jokingly. "I'd say you're already in trouble for the pony that broke your perimeter. Sarge did leave you in charge of perimeter security, after all."

"Pony?" Simmons demanded crossly. "What pony?"


Simmons glanced down and caught sight of Maud staring up at him from the floor. "Grif, there's a talking pony in the base!" he declared excitedly. "How did that happen?"

"You're asking me?" Grif demanded in surprise. "I thought I was making it up to mess with you!"

"How did you get in here?" Simmons demanded angrily.

"I stepped into my cave, and then I was here," Maud replied calmly. "It is very strange."

"You're saying you teleported?" Simmons demanded disdainfully. "I doubt that. The teleporter atop the base is still in the experimental stages, and is barely understood. The very idea of a being with a natural teleportation ability...that just doesn't seem biologically possible!" Turning away, he opened his locker to find Maud staring at him from the top shelf. "WAAUGH!"

"You don't seem biologically possible," Maud murmured softly.

"Was...was that a burn?" Grif asked in surprise. "Did she just burn you?"

"I was speaking to you," Maud responded flatly.

"How did you get up there?" Simmons demanded in shock.

"I don't know," Maud responded flatly. "I don't like it. I want Dad."

Simmons shook his head. "Look, I don't even know what you are, let alone-" He turned away as he spoke, only to catch sight of Maud standing in front of Grif's locker. "Wha?"

"I want Dad," Maud repeated firmly.

"I told you, I don't-" Simmons began.

Maud lashed out with her hind legs, kicking Grif's locker. It flew back, driving through several walls on its upward trajectory before vanishing into the sky. In the distance, a satellite - one of its stabilizing wings torn off - dropped to the ground in a fiery ball of death. "I. Want. Dad."

"...that doesn't seem physically possible..." Simmons whimpered in fear.

"Simmons," Grif began carefully, "as loath as I am to suggest working hard, I think we should drop everything and find her Dad before we learn what else she can do that should be physically impossible...say, to us?"

"I'd say that's a very good idea, Grif," Simmons agreed fearfully. "Now my little pony-"

"Not your little pony!" Maud snapped angrily, stomping her hoof down. A crack raced through the floor to the nearby door, causing it to slowly teeter over and fall flat to the ground.

Framed in the doorway was Church, clutching the bruised and battered body of Sarge, still in his armor. "Alright you Red asps!" he snapped out angrily. "One of you is responsible for making my daughter go missing, so one of you start talking before I start beating the tar out of you using your commander as a bludgeon!"

"She teleported!" Simmons squealed in fear. "Please don't hurt me! She's right here!"

"Dad," Maud spoke up warmly, looking up at Church with the smallest of smiles.

"What 'n Helllllllllll's name is going on here?" Sarge managed to groan out, stretching out the word as he spotted Maud. "Hel being the Norse Goddess of the Dead, and short for Helheim, the Norse Underworld. Not a bad word, and totally alright to swear by if you're of Nordic descent, and you can't prove I'm not at least 5% Nordic!" He then slumped to the ground in a groaning, immobile heap as Church released him.

"Maud, I was so worried about you!" Church spoke up in relief, reaching forward to scoop her up. His unarmored hand was crumpled, dripping blood and the fragments of the bones of his fingers, not that he seemed to notice. His armored hand also dripped blood and bone fragments, but those were plainly someone else's based on the holes in Sarge's armor. "Don't you go running off like that again! Why did you vanish on me like that anyway?"

"I did not know I could," Maud answered flatly, nuzzling into his faceplate.

"Then I guess I'll just have to keep a closer eye on you," Church responded warmly as he turned to walk her back to Blue Base.

Grif and Simmons stayed out of his way. "...Grif?"

"Yeah, Simmons?"

"...did you see his hand?"

"No, and I'm doing my best to keep it that way so I can eat later," Grif insisted firmly.

"But it was so-"

"Not thinking about it!" Grif interrupted.

"How was he not in agony?" Simmons demanded.

"Sheer...nerve..." Sarge managed to gasp out. "A true soldier...can work through...any pain! And no soldier...is as strong...as the angry wolf..."

"OHMYGOD!" Church's shout echoed throughout the canyon. "Why does my hand hurt so much?"

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