• Published 16th Jul 2012
  • 4,768 Views, 54 Comments

On Harmonious Wings - DarthSylar12

What do you get when Fluttershy meets everyones favorite giant moth, awesomeness that what For Grant

  • ...

Butterfly Migration

Disclaimer: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic is property of Hasbro, Godzilla and associated materials are property of Toho. Ideas and themes are inspired by the works of KaijuSamurai http://kaijusamurai.deviantart.com/

The moonlight softly filtered in, along with a gentle breeze, through the open window. The sound of the buzzing mosquitoes and chirping crickets had aroused her from her restless slumber, the result of her curiosity that had risen from the mysterious fragment of parchment she had found deep in the Canterlot Archive’s Vault. The mare shakily walked over to her desk and held the fragile, ancient parchment towards the moonlight which illuminated it for her to read. The text was ancient, the rest of the text lost to history, and written in a very rare early form of Ancient Equestrian. Being a learned scholar she continued to peruse the document until she had fully translated it. She then hastily wrote down her translation, reading it aloud to herself in order to commit it to memory.

-And the earth at last settled into a peaceful state. Her twin guardians rested after their terrible battle against the Destroyer and allowed the world to heal at her own pace.

In this time of peace rose a new race of ponies. Ponies, which flew swifter than the breeze and wielded magic beyond anyone’s wildest dreams. In time, as they became more powerful, they crafted a great civilization and helped to heal the earth’s deep wounds.

For a time they made peace with the land and their civilization spread over the mountains, across the seas and scraped the very heavens. And as their nation grew, so to did their arrogance.

Their most powerful mages cast a spell that bent nature to their whims. The sun rose by their will, the seas bowed below them, the mountains split open to let them pass and the weather drifted at their command. The natural balance was upset and the earth called to her guardians to put the ponies back in their place.

The Black Guardian, angered by the ponies’ arrogance, tore apart their grand cities and burned them to the ground. His sister, the Light Guardian then sought to teach the ponies the errors of their ways. Together they were meant to restore the balance and remove the pony’s destructive influence.

But the Black Guardian was driven by an overzealous rage and sought to severely punish the ponies for their crimes. He thusly cursed many of the ponies, turning them into twisted, dark abominations devoid of their great powers and forced them to feed off others just to survive. The Light Guardian was outraged by her brother’s cruelty and sheltered the few unchanged ponies from her brother’s wrath.

She then rose to battle her destructive brother and two did warred for many years, ravaging the world they were created to protect. The Black Guardian was eventually defeated and trapped beneath the earth. The Light Guardian, her energy expended, drifted into a soft everlasting sleep.

Grateful to their savior, the surviving ponies used their magic to become a gentle breeze that would spread The Light Guardian’s message of peace across the earth and await her eventual return to the world of ponies as their prophetess and protector.

Though trapped beneath the earth, the Black Guardian will one day return, should any beings breach their union with the earth and awaken his terrible anger. Unreadable

Though separated by this terrible conflict. The twin Guardians are destined to reunite in harmony and defend the earth from the return of_

“She placed her quill down after finishing her translation. This mysterious text held many riddles, the most important being the location of her missing parents and legacy they left behind. As she looked off into the star filled night and placed her worn pith helmet, she resolved to piece together the puzzle of her parents’ last adventure…

"Daring Do and The Monarch of the Maze”

Rainbow Dash closed the book and gave it a tight hug.

“This is going to be the most awesome Daring Do yet!” She said. “Finally were going to find out what happened to her parents and what all the clues have been leading us too.” She yawned loudly as she looked outside her window to see the sun cresting over the horizon. Her tired eyes betrayed how much she regretted waiting in line at midnight for the release of the latest installment in her favorite book series. “I should probably grab some shut eye. *yawn* Tell the weather patrol I’m taking sick leave…again. Then spend the rest of the day reading, before somepony spoils it for me.”

She gently placed her book on her nightstand and tucked herself under the cloud covers…only for them to be flung off by a canary colored Pegasus.

“Rainbow, Wake up! It’s time for the butterfly migration!” Fluttershy shouted with enthusiasm. She grabbed Rainbow by the forelegs and dragged her drowsy friend out of the cloud house knocking the book from the night stand.

The book had a simple blue binding with a detailed cover image showing the series’ heroine standing before a trio of mazes shaped like large butterflies.

The sun begins to crest over the horizon as the night princess returns control over the sky to her older sister. In these early morning hours when most normal ponies would be sleeping, four ponies, and one exhausted dragon, who wouldn't fit that characterization await the start of the annual butterfly migration.

“When is it going to start? I’m excited! Are you excited! I’m so totally excited! I mean the annual butterfly migration! The Butterfly migration! The one that happens annually. It’s like a birthday for them. That would be amazing if it were their birthdays. Then they’d have a cool road trip and a birthday. OH! I have party hats and cake ready in case it is their birthday(s)…alright I had those ready anyways but I never forget my birthday trombone. ” Pinkie Pie said as she blew a long note with her trombone that appeared sponaneously in her hooves. Which caused Twilight, Spike and a completely bored Rainbow Dash to stare at her. “For those extra special birthday emergencies.” She added with a wide smile.

“Shh!” Fluttershy said softly, not looking away from her binoculars. “Um, sorry Pinkie. But the butterflies should be here at any moment and the slightest of disturbances could throw them off course.” Pinkie Pie answered by miming herself zipping her lip, placing a lock on it and throwing away the key…strangely accompanied with the appropriate sound effects.

“Why exactly am I here Fluttershy. I got the new Daring Do book and need to finish.” Rainbow Dash said dramatically throwing herself at Fluttershy’s hooves. “Just let me go and I’ll try and get you out of weather duty next month.”

“But Rainbow, I went to that Wonderbolts air show with you last week.” She said pulling out a picture featuring an excited and cheering Rainbow, while Fluttershy was cowering behind her large popcorn and soda. “And I would really, really appreciate if you watch the migration with me this year.” She said her eyes having a small hint of tears entering her eyes while curling her lips into a pout. Rainbow did her best to resist but ultimately relented, giving a sigh and looking through her binoculars.

Beside them, their purple unicorn companion constantly shuffles her attention from a large book of astronomy, a telescope and her pair of binoculars, all while she hurriedly takes note and mumbles to herself.

“The axis can be decreased by seventy five degrees and then-“

“Shhh!” Fluttershy said

“Oh sorry Fluttershy. Just a few more minutes and then I’ll be quite.” Twilight said sheepishly.

“You said than an hour ago egg head.” Rainbow said as Twilight ignored her and continued to look at the now rising sun with her telescope. “You know if you keep looking at that your burn your eyes out.”

“Oh no that would be just awful. Good thing I have an eye patch but what she loses both eyes. You can’t wear two eye patches, that’d be ridiculous. It be funny, but ridiculous. I once wore to eye patches for Nightmare Night when I was a pirate filly. I also had four peglegs, four hooks, four parrots_”


“Sorry girls. The princess has given me a very important task.” Twilgiht stated while Rainbow mimicked her in an exaggerated manner. “In honor of the second year since Princess Luna returned, Celestia wishes to mark it with an event. The Eclipse. The moon shall briefly pass in front of the sun briefly darkening the sky. But sense such an event is so unheard of, unicorn scholars, such as myself, have been tasked with studying the course the sun and moon will follow as well as the status of the other celestial bodies. We want to determine if there will be any kind of disruption such asteroids or if this event will have any adverse effect on unicorn magic. It all just so new and fascinating and_” She finished only see Fluttershy silently staring her down, her hoof pressed her mouth. A nervous sweat suddenly appeared on Twilight’s brow. “But I’ve got a week before I need to report back to the Princess and there are plenty of other unicorns across Equestria working on the same task. So Spike pack up this stuff and get out my copy of The Large Book of Lepidopterans.”

From out of small pile of books and papers emerges the small purple dragon holding the tome upon his back.

“Here you are Twi. I’ll take the rest of your stuff back to the pile.” He said as he returned into resting atop the pile of books and other items from their Library home.

“Twi why’d you make him bring all that stuff from the Library.” Rainbow said.

“I didn’t.” she said quietly with a single thought on her mind, Did Spike look taller?

“Oh! They’re here! They’re here! Get ready everypony!” Fluttershy shouted. Instinctively everpony trained their eyes onto to the sky as they felt a gentle breeze wash over them and saw the multi colored wings of the butterflies.

Traveling in a in a several mile long train, the air above the group was completely filled with butterflies of various species. The display of so many colors at once was nearly overwhelming for the group who could only express their emotions in one phrase.


For more than four hours the group was mesmerized by the dancing, swirling mass of insects that made their way into the Everfree Forrest while being pampered by a very cool breeze.

“Hey ShyShy! Have you ever followed them into the forest to see what they’re doing?” Pinkie said as she looked through her binoculars despite them being reversed. Flutteshy’s face was enveloped in a scarlet blush as she answered her pink friend.

“Well um. No I haven’t . Because most of the time that other animals migrate is so that they may…um…Mate!” she said as she sunk down with a barely audible squeak. “And they deserve their privacy.

“Eww!” said Rainbow making a face at receiving far too much information.

“Aww Yeaaaah good thing I brought my cameras.” Pinkie said as she stood up with several cameras hanging around her neck as she caught a few pictures of the now completely red Fluttershy.

“Those are some Papilio machaon. And that’s a Lycaeides melissa samuelis.” Twilight said as she mentally check off each species from a list of known migratory species. But something soon confused the unicorn as she noticed a few species not known to participate in the migration. Then she found something completely shocking. “And that is, no that can’t be right. Glaucopsyche xerces has been extinct for years. And yet there it is.” She said pointing out the discovery as well as the entry in her book detailing the insect.

“Yeah Fluttershy there are whole ton more Butterflies that weren’t here last year.”

“Your right Rainbow. There are so many more than before and several more species, some I’ve never even seen before. They must be pretty rare. ” Her face trapped in a mix of supreme joy and excitement.

“Some of theme that are more than just rare, but some of these species shouldn’t even be able to be seen outside of a museum sample. I have some friends in the Canterlot Archives who would give their left hoof to find a single specimen. Let alone a full living community of them.”

“Whoo this calls for a celebration!” Pinkie Pie said as she blew on a noise maker.

As the migration progressed Fluttershy quickly became lost in her thoughts as she watched the spectacular show. She heard in her mind a soft noise come over the breeze. It was slow in tempo with a beat she couldn’t quite place it was like a song was being carried with the butterflies as they made their journey into the forest. She closed her eyes and began to softly hum along with the unknown song and soon became carried away by song and beating of tiny wings. The breeze felt wonderful on her canary colored coat. Not hot but warm, not cold or cool, to put it simply it felt right. Until suddenly she felt the winds change for the worst. And the soft song she heard became eclipsed by shouts from her friends.

“Fluttershy! Fluttershy! Snap out of it!” Her eyes shot open to find that she had somehow come to the entrance of the Everfree Forest. She looked behind her to find that there were only a few butterflies, straggling behind her, left in the migration. Looking up at the sky Fluttershy became frozen in fear. The sky had darken completely as she caught sight of a lightning bolt striking of in the horizon and the rumble of distant thunder began to echo in her mind.

“Fluttershy!” Rainbow said as she gripped her friend. “Something’s gone wrong. There was no rain scheduled for today and that looks like more than some small cloud. We’ve got to get back to Ponyville and fast.” She then took to the sky whilst the others began to run back to the town.

Fluttershy stood in front of the forest entrance as the last few butterflies made their way into the dark woods. Fluttershy briefly heard the song once more, before being started into the sky by a close lightning bolt. She quickly flew in pursuit of her rainbow colored friend and away from those ominous woods.

One Month Prior:

At a small observatory just outside of Trottingham, the unicorn astrologist Event Horizon continues his task of monitoring the heavens in search on anything that may disrupt the planned eclipse.

“Event Horizon’s log. 1st of June 1002 A.H. Found no anomalies in the Horse Head nebula. Beginning search of the along the Draco constellation.” He halts using his writing and uses his magic to recalibrate his telescope so it may in the proper position. As he passed the telescope over his eyes flew open, astonished by what he had witnessed.

“Log entry continued. Two large pieces space debris, probably asteroids, found entering the Milky Way.” He briefly paused as he calculated the course of the objects. “Projected course of the objects appears to take them close to Mars. I’ll have to check in on them later. Event Horizon, out.

Well that’s chapter one. I hope you stay with me through this epic adventure. Please Read and Review, every bit helps me improve the story so don’t hesitate. Thanks for reading.