• Published 16th Jul 2012
  • 4,754 Views, 54 Comments

On Harmonious Wings - DarthSylar12

What do you get when Fluttershy meets everyones favorite giant moth, awesomeness that what For Grant

  • ...

Big Trouble in Little Ponyville

Disclaimer: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic is property of Hasbro, Godzilla and associated materials are property of Toho. Ideas and themes are inspired by the works of KaijuSamurai

Event Horizon’s log, date err…it matters not.

My tracking of the asteroids trajectory has gone well. The approximate size of the asteroid measures roughly ten kilometers. Despite its vast size, the other celestial bodies seem to have any pull on it. It’s velocity must be greater than initially calculated. And I assure you the calculations at this observatory are always having at the very least a ninety-five percent certainty. But as always I strive for my standard of perfection, two hundred and ten percent. Even if my colleagues have not shared my enthusiasm. Most of them have left due to exhaustion, the others I relieved of their post due to incompetence in aligning my telescopes. These calculations are over 1000 years old and must be precise.

My research into the star maps created by Star swirl the Bearded has shown that event similar may have occurred during the paleopony pony period. He also referenced several ancient texts that I am having difficulty deciphering. Regardless I feel that…wait what’s that.

Important note. The asteroid’s surface is apparently reflective in nature based on how a scarlet light appears to be shinning from it. Based on some quick calculations I should know when it passes in front of the sun in the next twenty-four hours.

Event Horizon, signing off.

The bright sunlight coming over the Manehatten harbor made Cadance smile. She silently thanked her aunt for creating such a beautiful morning for today. Today, Shinning Armor will return from his tour of duty exterminating Changeling Hives on the borders of Equestria. As she waited for his airship to arrive she pondered on the task she received and how having her husband will make the task easier.

“Everything is gonna be fine. Twilight trusts you. I mean it won’t be anything like what happened last year.” She took a deep calming breath and exhaled. She then heard the sound of a from the air dock, signaling the arrival of her husband’s air ship, The Gotengo.

As she looked upon the vessel, being moored to the dock by teams of pegasi, she couldn’t help but be impressed and also a little confused. The Gotengo was equipped with the most state of the art magical systems, including an automated crew, and bearing an arsenal unmatched by any other nation, though she did question the usefulness of the giant drill that sat at the bow of the massive ship. Beyond that she was proud that her husband, upon taking command of the ship, painted the ship in colors similarly to her own coat and waving the banner of the Crystal Empire along with the traditional flag of Equestria.

“Never before has the color pink been able to bring such great fear to an enemy.” He husband said proudly. She agreed with him until she found the rather unflattering painting herself on the port of the craft.

She waited as the relatively small crew for the vessel made their way down the gang plank. Her mouth turned upward into a smile as she saw her husband, decked out in his dress uniform, standing at the top.

“Cadance!” Shinning Armor said. He ran down the gangplank and embraced his pink alicorn wife. “Oh I missed you babe. How was the train ride?”

“I missed you too Shining. It was fine. How was your tour of duty?” Before he could answer a light blue Pegasus with a dark blue mane wearing a military uniform popped in between the two ponies.

“Oh we had a great time. Didn’t we Shining?”

“Hay yeah.” Shinning replied to their third wheel. He released his wife which caused her to fall to the ground while the two males spoke. “Send a flaming spell grenade down a bug hole,”

“That a whole lotta dead bugs!” The Pegasus said.

“And that’s always a good time.”

“Boosh!” The pair of stallions then hoofbumped while Cadance got back on her hooves.

“Soarin! What did say about that word and me” A strict voice said. The three turned to see a yellow Pegasus with a fiery orange mane in a military uniform and sunglasses standing next to them. Soarin sighed before he deadpanned.

“The ten meter radius around you is a strict no ‘Boosh’ zone…sorry Spits.”

The Spitfire took off her sunglasses and looked at the stallion near her and gave a soft smile before slugging him in the arm.

“At ease Flyboy. You’re lucky I took the time out of my busy schedule to come down here.” She turned to the royal couple and gave a curt bow. “Captain Armor. Princess Cadenza. Good morning.” She continued to talk with stallion about what had occurred over the past month and half. They were both members of the greatest flying team in Equestria, The Wonderbolts. Spitfire was acting captain while Soarin was her co-captain. Despite being in such a stressful and strict job both were capable of turning off the rigid façade and act casual when out of the spotlight. They were the best of friends.

Cadance eyed the two and began to feel a pulse of electricity run down the length of her horn to the base of her wings. A smile crept on her face as she held a hoof to her mouth to stifle a giggle. Shinning looked over to his wife.

“I know that look Cadie. No.” he admonished her.

“But Shinning. Look. Look at them. And they’re on the same flying team and their like best friends.

“And they are friends…only.”

“But with my magic I could_”


“Oh come on Shiny_”




Cadance looked down at the ground and pawed at the pavement defeated.

“So Flyboy. You have enough fun squashing bugs and ready to come back to Cloudsdale with me?”

“Nah. I got a week of shore leave. Tell the other Bolts I’ll be back then.”

“Oh well. I guess I’ll be seeing you Soarin.” She gave the stallion a hug and began to walk away. Cadance continue to plead with Shinning Armor with her eyes. The Pegasus stallion then shouted.


Spitfire turned to see Soarin flying straight towards her. Cadance started giggling like schoolfilly watching a chick flick as she watched Soarin fly passed a dumbstruck Spitfire to a small cart and said.

“Do you have any blueberry?” The vendor nodded his head and handed Soarin a fresh baked blueberry pie.

Spitfire put her sunglasses back on and took off into the sky, leaving a shell-shocked Cadance and an amused Shinning Armor to watch as Soaring devoured his Blueberry pie.

The morning sun just began to break over the horizon of rural Ponyville as Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash awaited the arrival of Firefly for their trip to Cloudsdale.

“Pinkie we’re only going to be gone a few days. Why’d bring all that stuff?” Rainbow asked her earth pony companion who arrived with full saddle bags.

“We’ll last night while I was putting the twins down for the night, I got a wiggle in a left hind leg, a twitch in my right eye, a ache in my right hoof and I sneezed. And you know what that means?” Before Rainbow could even make a smart remark Pinkie Pie continued as if oblivious to the question she had just asked.

“That’s Pinkie Pie sense for beware of bugs. And what bugs do we need to worry about most right now?...The Changelings!” She shouted at Rainbow causing her to fall back on her rump. Rainbow stood back, annoyed by Pinkie’s antics.

“Enough with the Changeling talk Pinkie. We need to focus on what’s really important here. Meeting the Wonderbolts and showing them why I am not only the Best Young Fly but also the Best Weather Captain in Equestria, giving them enough reason to ask my hoof in joining them and making them the greatest flying team for the rest of time!” She said, floating into the air in a needlessly heroic pose.

“I agree with you Rainbow Dash.” Firefly said. Her sudden appearance caused the two mares to jump from fright. “Well I agree with half you statements. You are correct that there is no need for any worry Pinkie Pie. I can assure there are no Changelings in Cloudsdale. So if you’d kindly leave your saddlebags here?”

“Sorry but no sorry sir, ma’am sir, miss Firefly, but when my Pinkie sense is a twitching then I need to be on alert for anything. I even brought lead bell.” She said gripping the large lead covered bell by the handle with her mouth and began to shake it.

Rainbow Dash facehoofed while Firefly covered her ears because the noise caused her great pain. Rainbow held Pinkie’s head in her hoof, causing her whole body to shake rather than the bell. Rainbow then released Pinkie Pie and bucked the bell, hurling into the Ponyville clock tower.

“Wooooo! That was great Rainbow Dash. Your lessons with Applejack really have paid off.” Pinkie Pie said, still shaking her head as if the lead bell was still in her mouth.

Rainbow Dash smiled and stuck a nonchalant pose as she replied.

“Yeah. If only AJ made some progress on the karate lessons I was giving her. I swear she must have four left hooves for how uncoordinated she is on her back legs.”

“Well I hope she improves soon. You never know when a changeling could be found, so we must be ready.”

“Speaking which ladies. I think it’s time that we left.” Firefly said.

“Really but, but no one even came to say goodbye to us Dash.” Pinkie Pie said as tears built in her eyes. The pink mare gripped the blue Pegasus in tight hug as she began to sob. “Rainbow none of our friend came by to see us. What have we done to be shunned like this?”

Just then Fluttershy galloped up next to them following a three foot deep and five feet wide trench in the ground behind the assembled pegasi and overly emotional earth pony.

“Oh. Hi Rainbow. Hi Pinkie.” Fluttershy said as she stopped to take a deep breath before galloping off again. “Bye Rainbow. Bye Pinkie.”

Pinkie dropped Rainbow from her hug and then dried her tears by shaking the drops from her face like dog.

“Thanks Fluttershy. Okay now we can go.”

“About time.” Rainbow said as she limbered up for takeoff, only for Pinkie to leap on to her back.

“Onwards my faithful steed.” Pinkie yelled as she kicked Rainbow’s sides. Rainbow Dash grumbled as she slowly lifted into the sky and followed Firefly.

Twilight grumbled as she trot down the stairs. Her desire to sleep in after a heavy night of studying astronomy had been disturbed a series of quick raps at her doors. The rapping at the library door grew louder with the knocker’s impatience.

“Hold your horseshoes. I’m coming.” She shouted as she made her way to the door. She enveloped the door in a purple glow and pulled the door open to reveal Rarity and Sweetie Belle dressed in incredible fine gowns with a cart full of wrapped gifts.

“Happy Birth- Oh Twilight thanks for getting the door.” Rarity sang only to deadpan the purple mare’s name as they both barged into the Library.

“Um yes. And it’s nice to see you both-Oww!” Twilight holds her hoof after Sweetie Belle runs over it with her loaded cart. “Why are you here?”

“Well its Spikey Wikey’s Birthday.” Rarity replies fiddling with the golden necklace that held a red heart shaped jewel.

“And we’re here to set up for his super duper party.” Sweetie Belle said standing on top of the tower of presents.

“So darling where is the Birthday Dragon?”

Twilight’s eyes darted from side to side as she rubbed her hooves together.

“Um…he’s still in Canterlot.”

“Sending him off on task far way for the day. That’s a positively brilliant move. Now we have more time set up.” Sweetie said bouncing from present to present to get down from the tower. “What time is he coming back? This afternoon, tonight, soon?” She looked at Twilight with her eyes shimmering with excitement.

“Um, he. I’m not sure, when he will get back?” Sweetie’s face twisted into one of confusion. Rarity put her hoof her chin before saying. “I mean he has a lot of work to do with Princess Celestia and he probably won’t be back for his birthday.” Twilight said shuffling her hooves in a very Fluttershy-type response.

“Won’t be back for his birthday? Well, why would you send him away for so long?…unless you’re planning a super special surprise party in Canterlot. If so we need to catch train,

“Um no party in Canterlot. Just no party.” Twilight replied as her carefully constructed lie was dissected by the inquisitive unicorn filly. Meanwhile Rarity quietly assessed the situation as the Sweetie Belle asked another question.

“No Party. But he’s your assistant? Don’t you want to give him a party?”

“Of course I want to give him a party and he will…but he’s busy right now.”

“Well, shouldn’t he get a break? I mean he works all the time.”

“He will get a break, when he has his birthday.”

“But isn’t today is his birthday?”

“No its not. His birthday is when I say it is!”

“Hm, Twilight, are you and Spike in any trouble. You seem quite nervous.” Rarity said after Twilight’s outburst.

“Nervous. I’m not nervous. And we’re fine. Spike and I are fine.” Twilight replied, her voice shrill with anxiety. Rarity raised a hoof to chin and pondered about her friends suspicious actions.

“Well if Spikey won’t be home having his birthday today, then please be sure to inform us when he is. Good day

Twilight.” Rarity said as she turned to the door. Sweetie Belle followed but not before giving Twilight a menacing glare.

Twilight let out a sigh of relief as she closed the door with her magic.

‘That was close. I just have a wait a few more days then hopefully everything will be okay.”

She looked over at a desk holding several photos and levitated one into her hooves. It showed her and Spike celebrating an early birthday with her parents and her BBBFF, Shinning Armor. A tear rolled from her eyes and landed on the picture.

“I hope you are having a happy birthday Spike. I hope to see you soon.”

Meanwhile, just outside of Sweet Apple Acres, Fluttershy continued her search for her little lost larvae. She had followed the ever widening trail from her cottage all across town and now into the orchards just off the Apple Family’s property.

“Oh dear. The tracks stop here.” She said panting having been following her lost larva from her cottage throughout the town of Ponyville. Now under the refreshing shade, the high sun having beat upon the frail Pegasus, of Sweet Apple Acres’ many trees, she found the steadily widening tracks of Mosura had suddenly disappeared. She sat under a nearby tree and leaned against its trunk. In the very calm and serene woods she once more heard the strange song that had been following her since Mosura’s discovery. The tune was over her and enveloped her in a feeling of warmth and calm that made her eyelids grow heavy and she unleashed a barely audible yawn.

“Maybe. I should take a little rest. It’s already noon and I’ve been tracking Mosura since morning.” She yawned again as her head drooped. “Perhaps she’ll come by and see me on her way back.” The small Pegasus fell into a comfortable slumber. Unbeknownst to Fluttershy, Mosura was perched on several high branches in the Apple Trees, that strained under the weight of a now much larger larva as it feasted happily upon the bountiful fruits in the tree tops and grew ever larger.

It was afternoon by time the trio of ponies reached the cloud city of Cloudsdale high above the clouds of Equestria. Rainbow collapsed on to the nearest cloud as Pinkie Pie hopped off her tired friend and continued to hop around freely chattering about things of no consequence. Firefly landed most annoyed.

“And Changelings don’t cast a reflection. Or is that Vamponies? I know Doppelgangers don’t have shadows and

Changelings are kind of like Doppelgangers. Oh my gosh they must not have shadows either. Rainbow we got to keep our eyes peeled. Shadow watchers all the time.” Rainbow merely panted heavily before she replied.

Maybe you should watch your weight Pinkie.” Pinke Pie stood on her hindlegs and pulled at creases in her coat and saw two doughnuts, a cherry and potato chip crumbs fall from the folds.

“Great idea Dashie, Changelings could be hiding anywhere.” She said patting her beleaguered friend on her multi colored mane.

“Well were here. Now let’s meet up with the others.” Firefly as she trotted off to an assemblage of other pegasi.

Pinkie Pie hopped after the mare the sounds of her heavy saddlebags rattling about. Rainbow Dash slowly flapped her wings.

Standing just outside the large weather factory of Cloudsdale, where all manner of climate phenomenon was constructed by the finely trained hooves of ponies who work there with the aid of specially made devices.

The groups of pegasi were dived into groups of two, Weather Managers and one other weather pony. The groups looked up as the eastern sky exploded in fireball that bathed the pristine white clouds in a orange glow. It was followed by the sound of a large sonic boom. Then streaking in and landing in the center of the group. Standing before them, clad in her famous flight suit, was the Captain of the Wonderbolts herself, Spitfire. Rainbow Dash would have hollered in joy but her excitement only allowed her to elicit a high pitched squeal.

“Greetings weather ponies.” Spitfire said. “As you may have heard, all across Equestria there have been a growing amount of uncontrolled weather events. Canterlot has asked that you all inspect the weather facilities in the Weather Factory District. I expect each and every one of you to thoroughly inspect each facility this week. You’ll be staying at the Wonderbolt barracks nearby and we will start in the morning. Any questions?” A pink hoof shot directly in the air. “Yes, you in the back.”

“Um yes Spitfire Ma’am. Do we get to go see how the rainbows are made?” All the pegasi save for Rainbow Dash, she was too mesmerized by the mare in front of her, facehooved.

“In case you didn’t already know, the Rainbow manufacturing plant is strictly off limits and is too be inspected only by the Weather Mangers. The rest of you will be dealing with the other facilities.” The pink pony let out a disappointed sigh before she replied.

“Aww Shucks. And I made up a song and everything.”

“If that does it for the questions then I will see you all bright and early to begin the inspections. Good night everypony.” The firery orange mare then took to sky in a glowing blur that streaked into the main housing of the Wonderbolts. The remaining pegasi made their way to the barracks, while Firefly and the other Weather Managers made their way to the Rainbow Factory, leaving only Pinkie Pie and an awestruck Rainbow standing on the cloud field.

“Can you believe that Rainbow?” Rainbow just continued to stare at the burnt patch of cloud that once held her idol. “No going to see how the Rainbows are made. And I had a whole song prepared and everything.” Rainbow continued to be lost in her thoughts of one day being as awesome as, no more awesome than the mare that had stood before them. “Well let’s get going Dashie, I could use a good night’s sleep and maybe rustle up some chimichangas in the cafeteria.” Pinkie Pie said as she hopped away. Rainbow just stood there.

The sun was setting as the Royal Couple, and Soarin, made their way make to the Manehatten apartment that Princess Cadance maintained whilst her husband was away.

“For the last time Cadance. The answer is no.” Shining said quietly.

“But you agree with me don’t you? They would make a real great couple right.” Cadance said firmly as they trotted down the hallways of the building. Shining didn’t answer, which was answer enough for his wife. “I knew you saw what I saw.

How Spitfire hoped he would sweep her up in his arms-“

“She wished she was his pie?” Shinning retorted wittily. Cadance frowned.

“You know what I mean. So maybe next time we see them I could give them a little nudge.”

“Cadance I thought you didn’t like playing cupid.”

“I don’t but.” She cast her glance back at the blue Pegasus stallion following them who was currently stuffing his face in a pie and chewing quite loudly. “I think he needs a nudge in the right direction.” Again Shining answered by not answering.

As they reached the door, Cadance opened it with her magic. To find that all the furniture was missing.

“Um, Cadance? You didn’t take up interior design while I was gone did you?” Shining said. He turned to his wife to find that she was quite distressed. “What’s wrong dear?”

“Well I was going to tell you but I got sidetracked. You remember Spike, don’t you?” Shining gave her a look that just spoke at how stupid the question he asked her was.

“Of course, he’s Twiley’s assistant. They’ve been joined at hip since she started learning from Celestia. What does he have to do with this?” Shinning asked as his wife began to pace about the empty space, while Soarin continued to devour his pie.

“Well about a week ago, Twilight expressed concern over some his behavior and sent him to the Crystal Empire for me to watch.” She quickly trotted over to the door to the bedroom to find it won’t budge. After a few unsuccessful pulls she focused her magic and pulled the door off of its hinges causing an avalanche of items, ranging from cushions, to cabinets and clarinets, to fall out of the room on top of the pink Alicorn princess.

Princess Cadance popped her head out of the pile of debris and was helped to hooves by her husband. Soarin watch bemusedly, not ceasing his devouring of his pie.

Looking into the bedroom, the ponies not only saw that all the missing items from the Apartment had been squeezed inside but also that there was a large hole in the wall, vaguely in the shape of a large reptile, allowing them to look out at the great city of Manehatten as its lights began to turn on for the night. Soarin finished his pie.

A quiet and peaceful night fell upon Sweet Apple Acres. The family’s matriarch, Granny Smith, youngest member, little Applebloom had settled into bed, while the working hooves of Big Macintosh, Applejack and Braeburn loaded the days harvest into the barns scattered on the property.

“Well, we sure got a big crop in this afternoon. Ain’ that right Big Mac.”


Applejack looked over to her cousin as he pulled the apple cart lacking his normal enthusiasm.

“Cheer up Braeburn. I’m sure the Princess will send some ponies to fix Applelossa and you’ll be able to go back home.”

“Yer right cuz. Just hard is all. Espeically when your friend keeps walking around town with that little monster of her’s.” He said as he pulled his cart into the dark barn.

The barn had few windows to let in the starlight so was pitch black. As Braeburn morosely dragged the cart laden with apples he began to get a strange feeling. He remembered that this barn had been nearly full of loaded apple carts when he last entered earlier in the afternoon but no he stood in the center of it when earlier it was choked off by the bountiful fruit harvest. He unhooked himself from the cart and took a few steps forward before tripping and falling flat on his face. He felt about in the darkness and found the object he had tripped over. It was a plank of wood. He then lifted his head up to see two large blue glowing eyes peering at him from the darkness.

Author's Note:

Author’s Note: Okay guys. I apologize for such a late update but now I feel that I’m on a roll and the updates will keep coming at a steady pace. I hope you enjoyed and please leave a review or any comments that you have. I really appreciate reading them even if I don’t respond to all of them. Thank you and see you in Brighter Days!

Comments ( 15 )

Okay, so Shining Armor is Captain Gordon, Princess Cadance is all for shipping Spitfire and Soarin, Fluttershy's looking for Mosura, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie are visiting the weather factory, Pinkie Pie made a reference to The Rainbow Factory (which I hope you give a Take That to by eventually showing that that's NOT how rainbows are made), Spike's having trouble with a growth spurt, Twilight was just barely able to keep the situation with Spike a secret from Rarity and Sweetie Belle, and Braeburn has just had a completely unexpected encounter with Mothra, which is sure to bring back memories of his previous encounter with Battra.

Oh yeah, and that meteor? That's no meteor, it's King Ghidorah!

Badge time!







I'm kind of curious about when the Elias will show up to explain things to everypony, because now that Braeburn has had another encounter with Mothra, he's going to be very nervous unless he's told that she's a guardian and not a destroyer...

2839181 lol I thought maybe it was space godzilla but crystals on the meteor weren't mentioned so I guess not

2839181 or the meteor might be space godzilla or godzilla himself.

2839448 Besides, this makes it a nice Mythology Gag to Ghidorah the Three-Headed Monster, who practically invented the travel-to-the-next-world-you-plan-to-destroy-in-a-meteor tactic.

Of course, that didn't do him much good against the combined forces of Godzilla, Rodan, and a larva Mothra, and since Spike just had a massive growth spurt and we've been promised that Mothra Leo is also going to appear...he's going to need much more power if he wants to actually be a threat.

2839525 Can't be Godzilla, because there's absolutely no reason he should have been trapped in one.

And as for SpaceGodzilla, if it was him, it would be a giant crystal meteor, but this one seems to be a regular meteor.

2839181 :yay:So glad you like the new chapter and I love the badge, maybe I'll make eagle brony (ha) But yes things are getting intense and the ball has started rolling for the story to really pick up speed and become awesome-tacular. Thanks for the wonderful comments. I hope to have the next chapter out by next week, as I am putting new furniture in a room this week. But rest easy as update will be coming at a faster pace. :eeyup:

2839542 Well, Event Horizon said it had a reflective surface... so, yeah.:applejackunsure:

2874462 So naive. There are four reasons why you're wrong.

First, just because it's reflective doesn't necessarily mean it's a crystal.

Second, Spacegodzilla travels on a large mass of crystals that don't exactly resemble an ordinary meteor. Here's an image to back up this point


Third, if it was him, his body would be quite visible, so Event Horizon would be able to see it and quickly realize that it's not a real meteor.

Finally, his main goal following his defeat in Godzilla Vs SpaceGodzilla would be to get revenge on Godzilla. And since Godzilla isn't on Equestria, your theory is extremely Jossed.

2875075 Well, considering I don't care much about space rocks unless its really important, yeah. I guess naive would work. Also, i have no clue what Spacegodzilla is, so i wouldn't know.:ajbemused: Along with that, Event Horizon is using almost ancient telescopes(its not like he has the Hubble). Soooooooo yeah.:ajsmug:

With all this talk of Energy draining oversized bugs, I'll be disappointed if Megaguirus doesn't put in an appearance. Especially since she's on the cover image.

Okay...am I the only one concerned that the Equestrians are 'exterminating' the changelings?:twilightoops: I mean, that's just...wrong. {And everyone's okay with it?....:rainbowderp:}

Good story otherwise.

This story is great so far, but are you sure it's right for the ponies to be exterminating the changelings?

Um... Hello is the story is dead because i been waiting for 6 years and no update

6 years and no update? This story is definitely dead.

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