• Published 16th Jul 2012
  • 4,769 Views, 54 Comments

On Harmonious Wings - DarthSylar12

What do you get when Fluttershy meets everyones favorite giant moth, awesomeness that what For Grant

  • ...

Meeting Mosura(Mothra)

Disclaimer: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic is property of Hasbro, Godzilla and associated materials are property of Toho. Ideas and themes are inspired by the works of KaijuSamurai http://kaijusamurai.deviantart.com/

Later that night, Twilight Sparkle began to stagger her way back to her library after Pinkie’s impromptu “Welcome to Refugee-Ville Applelossans!” party. As she carefully made her way back to her tree shaped home, two thoughts played in her mind. One why was Apple Family Cider so darn tasty without any alcohol and two where had her number one assistant been. Surely he would have come to check on her and Rainbow at the hospital. And he never turns down an invitation to a Pinkie Pie party, even if Rarity turns down his every offer to dance. He must’ve been up all night. Or probably eating his weight in ice cream…again. She thought as she opened the door to her home to find a shocking sight.

From floor to ceiling the walls of the Library were bare. Every book, every scroll, every tome of forgotten lore was gone. Not only were the written works were gone. The wood pony bust in the center of the library and many other pieces of art or knickknacks she collected were also missing. Normally the purple pony would immediately panic and fret over the obvious ransacking of her home. But last year had revealed something about her number one assistant that answered this mystery quickly, no Sherlockian style hat or bubble pipe required.

She softly crept up the stairs to her bed room and opened the door a crack, releasing the deluge of assorted objects that had been pilfered from the home and stacked inside. Not stacked, hoarded. Spike was a dragon, a baby dragon but a dragon never the less. Last year he had experienced his first growth spurt which resulted in his innate need to hoard objects first displayed itself. Many apologies and a couple thousand bits in property damage later, Twilight learned that Spike’s heart though strong enough to resist the urge, would always hold that instinct to gather items and eventually grow out of control. Naturally took the same action she takes with all problems…she planned on how to prevent it.

Softly whistling, as not to awaken the sleeping drake draped upon the debris that was once their bedroom, she summoned her nocturnal assistant Owlowiscious and began to write a note. Securing it with a piece of string to her pet owl she opened the near by window.

“Alright I need you to get this to the Princess immediately!” She said pointing out into the pitch black night.

“Who.” Her pet cooed.

“Ugh. You know who you_” She halted herself before she once again got trapped in a pointless argument with her pet and let him take wing with her plea for help.

Fluttershy awoke with a start the next morning. Her mane disheveled and her head pounding. She quickly got out of bed and straitened the sheets. Feeling a kind of tingling sensation on her wings she attempted to stretch them only find they stuck, probably from the bandages the doctor gave her after releasing her for day. Her head pulsed again. For some reason she couldn’t remember going to bed that night. All she remembered was coming home, checking on her animal friends and then waking up. She quickly got about her morning routine, brushing her mane, brushing her coat and finally brushing her teeth. She always made certain to follow proper procedure in dental hygiene after a particularly scary speech given to her by Colgate…she wasn’t even the town dentist but possessed an innate and freaky knowledge of teeth and the many diseases that may befall them without proper care. She looked at herself in the mirror as she swished around the mouthwash, 30 seconds of pain is bacteria’s bane as Colgate lectured, and noticed that where her head was aching was a small bump dead center on her forehead. She must have hit the ground harder then she thought after the storm.

She bowed her head to spit out the caustic liquid, but as she looked a back in the mirror she noticed that she had an unexpected guest. Attacked the back of her head was a large brownish caterpillar the size of a small dog with a giant, gentle blue eyes. She froze for a moment and in an instant it came back to her. The breeze, the song, the forest, the butterflies, the egg, hatching. She immediately felt calm as she pried the creature from her mane and gently set it on the floor. She then bandaged her bump on her head, making sure to hide behind her long mane and went down stairs to feed her animals and her new friend.

Dispensing food to the various animals in her cottage would look chaotic to any outsider but Flutteshy had done it so many times that it seemed second nature. First set out the feed bags for the animals to come one at a time and take their share while she prepared Angel is more complex dish. She also set aside a large dish for the caterpillar.

“Now eat up little one. You’ve just been born and need to build up your strength.” She said turning around to continue with her task. Only to be interrupted a few minutes later by a tapping at her side. Looking down she saw the caterpillar, balancing the large bowl on its head, looking at her with its eyes as if pleading for more food. “Well, um, I that was a big dish, but I guess I could give some more.” Despite not having any teeth she could have sworn it smiled.” This would scene would repeat itself for about an hour. She’d set out feed for the animals and the caterpillar would sidle up to her and beg for more which she would oblige. After the feeding she took a brief rest, but was constantly pestered by the extremely hungry larva. She did her best to ignore it to the point where it abandoned pleading and just took to crawling all over the yellow pegasus in hopes of gaining her attention. Eventually she grew annoyed and picked up the small little creature.

“Oh what am I going to do with you, uh, um.” She realized she had not yet learned the little one’s name. All animals have a name and as part of her talent she can find it just with a glance. “Mosura?” Mosura nodded in approval. “Well, Mosura lets take you out for a little bit, maybe that will help with your need for attention.” She said as she walked out the door with her petite passenger.

Fluttershy let herself into the library home of Twilight Sparkle, seeing as the opening hours had begun. She found Twilight in the midst of re-shelving a large amount of books. She sat in silence, not wishing to disturb the unicorn while in such great state of concentration…which lead to Twilight like being very surprised to find the yellow pony sitting behind her silently causing her to teleport in fright.

“Fluttershy! You need to announce yourself. This is the third time you snuck up on me!”

“Oh, um sorry Twilight. I just wanted to come and see you and then I saw you were working so I just waited silently. I didn’t mean to startle you.” She said followed by a squeak.

“It’s alright Fluttershy. Just a little…tired from last night. What do you need to talk about?” Fluttershy then turned to her side to show off her little companion…which caused Twilight to scream and teleport farther away. “Fluttershy! What in Equestria is that thing?”

“Oh well that’s what I’m here to find out. I found her in the_”


“Um, yes. Say hello Mosura.” The larva just stared blankly at the purple unicorn. “

I thought we could look in that book you brought to the butterfly migration to see what species she is. If that isn’t a problem that is?”

“It’s no problem Fluttershy…just stand back a little” She answered levitating her copy of The Large Book of Lepidopterans. She began to frantically look through the tome for the identity of creature that had made itself at home on her friend’s back which was ultimately futile.

“Now this is odd. This is the most complete and up to date guide to Lepidopterans and there is no mention of ‘her’.” Twilight said causing Fluttershy to look at the ground dejectedly. Skimming over another page Twilight said. “It may not have any on ‘her’ species but based on color and body same I can safely say ‘she’ is a moth larva, but it says nothing about one growing this big. Where did you say you found ‘her’?”

“In the Everfree Forest. She was still in an egg and when I found her it hatched.” The timid pegasus answered. Twilight began to stroke an invisible beard as she thought about it.

“Well if it comes from the forest, then maybe Zecora know about it. She’s supposed to drop by the hospital this afternoon.” Fluttershy nodded along answered the unstated question.

“I was just about to go and see Pinkie before heading over to the hospital; you ‘two’ want to join me?” Fluttershy just nodded and the pair left the library.

The walk to Sugarcube Corner was very quiet for two reasons. First, Twilight was scared or Mosura and two Fluttershy had a question to ask but didn’t want to pry into Twilight’s life and tried to conceal her concern from the unicorn…didn’t work.

“Fluttershy if you have a question for me feel free to ask.”

“Oh, well, I didn’t want to pry. I was just wondering where Spike was this morning.”

“Spike! He’s in Canterlot on royal business he’ll be gone a month or so. Hey look we’re here!” she said dashing into the open door.

As the pair entered Sugarcube Corner and heard a great commotion coming from the kitchen. The sounds of shattered plates, falling utensils and grunts caused the two ponies to rush into what was going on.

Entering they found their fried Pinkie Pie and her employers, Mr. and Mrs. Cake, swatting at winged creature in the air and on ground with rolling pins, rolled up news papers and clothes hangers. Noticing their guests, Pinkie dropped her weapon to speak.

“Guys I need your help these pesky Dorats are eating all the pastries and we could really us some Uni-care and Peg-assistance right_” She said before being cut off by a Dorat crashing into her face. Dorats were small furry rodent like creatures from the Everfree Forrest with brown fur, wings, no arms and voracious appetites.

Twilight used her telekinesis to grab a several long spools of salt water taffy and began to tie up the critters only for them to quickly eat through their binds.

“Fluttershy do something!” Pinkie Pie shouted trying to get the pests literally out of her mane.

In an instant Mosura released a torrent of thick silk that shot forward and began to wrap around the Dorats tangling them until they were all trapped inside of a cocooned. They tried in vain to chew through the webbing but only found their teeth stuck in the sticky substance. The whole room let out a collective sigh of relief now that the pest had been packed away.

“Whoa thanks ‘wormy’ we really need that.” Pinkie Pie said excited that not only were the Dorats beaten but she saw a really cool animal in action.

“Um yes thanks Fluttershy.” Mrs. Cake said keeping an eye on the insect to make sure it didn’t crawl on any of cooking services. “Miss Twilight you think can get rid of these things.” Nodding Twilight focused energy on the creatures with a teleport spell…that only ended up leaving a burn mark on the kitchen floor around the still corralled critters.

“Huh. I don’t understand. I’ve master teleporting small items and creatures already why won’t it work.” Twilight baffled by her inability to case any spell on the creature. In all her time studying she’d never encountered something that was naturally resilient to magic.

“That super weird-o Twilight. They also snuck up on me. On! Me! No leg twitch, triple eye roll followed by sneeze to tell me that pests were in the house. Flutters why didn’t you your million mile stare to make em leave?”

“Well it um doesn’t work on them.” The room was stunned into silence. Never in a million years could any pony imagine that there a was creature that could resist Fluttershy’s natural affinity for animals.

“That is just uncanny, but at least, what in the hoof. Where did they go?” Twilight said as she looked to see where there once was cocoon was now empty space.

“Well goodbye and good riddance by no good Dorats. Now let’s gets going on this good day to give good will to our friend…that good with everypony.” Pinkie Pie said as she bounced out the door followed by Fluttershy, Twilight and Mosura.

The pair made their way into the hospital to the closed door their friend’s room . Opening her they heard their friend laughing her flank off .

“And the father says ‘The Aristocrats!’” Rainbow said as she once more erupted into laughter rolling on her bed. They turned to look at Stiff, whose eyes had become wide with horror. After laughing for a good couple minutes Rainbow finally acknowledged that her friends were in the room.

“Oh hai guys! You just missed really good joke. Won’t you agree Stiff?” She asked while Stiff desperately attempted to reach the nurse call button, his bandages preventing him.

“Well were glad to see you’re in good spirits Dash.” Twilight said, confused about what joke could possibly be so funny.

“Better than good. I just got a call from Firefly while at that conference in Cloudsdale. You’re looking at the new Co-Captain of the Ponyville Weather Patrol.” She said puffing out her chest with pride.

“Congratulations Dash, you know what this calls for…a trip to the little filly’s room, but after that I have a party to plan.” She said as she bolted out of the room. Rainbow giggled at her friend’s tiny bladder when she noticed a brown blob curled on top of Flutteshy’s head.

“Hey Shy! I think you should get a refund from Rarity. That hat looks awful.”

“Oh, um Rainbow, she’s not a hat.” Fluttershy said as Mosura opened her bright blue eyes and stared at Rainbow…who immediately back up against the head of the bed in order to avoid the creature.

“Fluttershy what in the hay are doing with huge bug on your head?”

“Mosura isn’t bug, she’s an insect. A baby moth to be precise. Well as precise as we could find.”

“I don’t care. Just get that keep that creepy crawler Mothra away from.”



“Greeting friends, is my hoof needed to amends.” Zecora said as she sidled into the room unnoticed.

“Doesn’t look like it Zecora.” Twilight said as she read Rainbow’s chart. “It looks she be released tomorrow.” A loud sigh of relief was heard coming from Stiff but wasn’t acknowledged by any of the others. “But we would like to have you look at this larva specimen Fluttershy found in the Everfree Forrest.” She added pointing at Mosura who was still perched on Fluttershy’s head. Zecora examined the creature from tail to bright blue eyes.

“I’m sorry to say I have no answer to your mystery. This creature is a new sight to me. Where was that you found your ‘crown’ perhaps there your answers may be found”

“I’m not exactly sure where I found her egg but it was where the butterflies were meeting after the migration.”

“I’ve seen their flight many times; there roost Lepidopterans of many kinds. I’ll investigate matter when I leave. To hear your well Rainbow makes me relieved. Based on size I’d say her appetite you should beware, until I return I you farewell.” She said as she exited the room.

As she left, Applejack and Breaburn entered the room.

“Well howdy ya’ll how are ya doing!” Applejack said.

“We’re fine, thanks AJ!” Rainbow responded.

“Oh my, miss Shy that’s a peculiar looking hat your have there can I have a gander at it.” Braeburn said reaching out for the brown lump on Fluttershy’s head, causing it stir and stare at Breaburn who froze in terror and began to shake.

“Cuz are you okay.” Applejack said reaching out to touch his shoulder which spooked him making him flee down the hall shouting.


Everpony was confused save for AJ and Twilight who rembered what Breaburn described the ‘Destroyer’ as… “A giant caterpillar”…larva as it maybe.

Four Chapter in and I hope I’m keeping ya’ll entertained. Please review and give any criticism. Thanks for keeping with me on this adventure.