• Published 16th Jul 2012
  • 4,769 Views, 54 Comments

On Harmonious Wings - DarthSylar12

What do you get when Fluttershy meets everyones favorite giant moth, awesomeness that what For Grant

  • ...

Storm Front

Disclaimer: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic is property of Hasbro, Godzilla and associated materials are property of Toho. Ideas and themes are inspired by the works of KaijuSamurai http://kaijusamurai.deviantart.com/

The town of Ponyville…is threatened by a terrible storm. The unexpected weather pattern crept upon the sleepy little town and was battering the buildings and citizens with torrents of rain and excessive powerful winds. Unicorns and earth ponies began to barricade doors and reinforce windows. Foals hid under stair cases and in closets. While the pegasi began to assemble in order to mobilize against the growing threat. As the group entered the town Twilight let her natural instincts take over as she delegated tasks to her friends.

“Pinkie go to Sugar Cube corner and make sure the Cakes and their foals are okay then go check on Rarity and ask her to meet at the library!”

“Okie Doki Loki” She said with a salute as she bounced into town.

“Spike and I are going to send a letter to the Princess so that she can send some more pegasi.”

“Roger Roger. Me and Fluttershy will get the other pegasi together and try to hold the storm off a long as we can. Come on Shy.” Rainbow said as she began to drag Fluttershy into the darkening skies. The two gradually approached a group of Pegasi being assembled by head of the Weather Patrol, a purple mare with an electric blue mane named Firefly!

“Thunderlane, Starburst, I want you to make a final sweep over the north of the town and make sure everyone is inside. Blossom Forth and Horsepower do what you can to break up any incoming clouds before they bolster the storm!”

“YEAAAAHHH!!!!” Horsepower shouted as he flew off with Blossom Forth.

“Flitter, Cloudchaser go to Sweet Apple Acres and deflect as many lightning strikes as possible. Wild Fire, make sure Ditsy Doo doesn’t do anything…derpy! The rest of you get in the air and try to break up the storm!” she shouted as the other Pegasi of Ponyville as put on their safety goggles and flew off into the sky. Firefly lets out a long sigh before she is joined by two pegasi.

“Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy reporting for duty Firefly sir!”

“Bout time you two got here…and don’t call me sir.”

“Yes sir!” Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash replied in unison.

“Ugh. The others are trying to break holes in the storm. My weather charts say that this is a very unstable weather system and could be broken if find the eye and generate enough wing power to push the storm apart from the inside. I need you and Fluttershy to get through a hole in the clouds and determine where the eye is. Can you do that?”

“You can count on us sir!” Rainbow Dash said with a salute as she dragged Fluttershy higher into the sky, her terrified squeal barely able to be heard over the sound of thunder, leaving Firefly alone in the growing winds.

“And stop calling me sir!”

Meanwhile in the Ponyville library, Twilight frantically finishes letter and throws it to Spike who burns sending it on its way to Princess Celestia.

“Alright Spike, hold down the fort while the girls and I try to keep this storm from getting any worse.”

“Aye Aye!” He said as he back to stack books creating a make shift bunker around himself and their pet owl, Owlowiscious. Twilight went down stairs to meet with her friends.

“For Land sakes, Twilight. How did this here storm just sneak up on us like this?” Applejack asked as she wrung the water out her trademark hat.

“For once I agree with you, Applejack.” Rarity said as she closed her umbrella. “Firefly is usually very good at giving the town heads up when turns for the worse.”

“Your right Rairty. Firefly is very super special awesome telling us when things get dark and stormy.” Pinkie Pie said as she shook the water out of her mane like a dog. “It also beat my Pinkie Sense and that’s usually never wrong. Well almost never wrong. But sometimes it’s wrong in the right ways like when Twilight couldn’t prove if my Pinkie Sense was really and _” The pink pony’s rant was cut off by Twilight’s sound canceling force field spell, not that she realized it.

“This weather is bizarre. Hopefully the Princess will get the letter in time and send some help.” She said as a tell tale jet of emerald flame shot in foreward from her upstairs bed room and extinguished itself into a scroll. She quickly read over the dispatch and turned to her friends with grave news. “This isn’t good. It looks like Ponyville isn’t the only place struck by this weird weather. There are reports of huge storms popping up from Phillydelphia to Dodge Junction. The Wonderbolts have already been deployed to assist local weather teams, but their numbers are too thin to send any here. We’re on our own girls.” She said just, just as the rain outside suddenly turned into hail.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were desperately trying to pry open a hole in the clouds before the heavy hail stones forced them to take cover under a wooden table in the park. All around them they could see that the storm was releasing torrents of rain, a flurry of snow and of course the aforementioned hail stones, couple that with the intense winds and this storm become one of the most dangerous in the town’s history. All these effects could not be explained, not even the by the possibility of a wild storm from the Everfree Forest. There were only two things Rainbow Dash knew for sure. One that this storm is going to get a whole lot worse before it gets any better. And two taking Fluttershy as her wing mate was not the smartest idea. She thought as she looked down at the butter colored pegasus pony curled into a squeaking ball of fear. All seemed lost except for what looked like a sliver of sunlight coming from one of the clouds. This was the chance they were looking for.

“Fluttershy.” Rainbow shouted, to compete with the howling winds of the storm. “Do you see that opening?” All she heard in reply was a soft ‘meep’ which she decided to take as a yes. “Okay on the count of three I need you to pony up and help bust through the cloud bank. Are you okay with this?” Another ‘meep’ was heard as they stood up and prepped their wings. Two pair took off into sky doing their best to avoid the large chunks of hail that were falling at dangerous rate.

As they broke through the cloud bank they felt the harsh wind of storm be washed away by a gentle breeze. Fluttershy who was overcome by fear felt a peace come over her, and a familiar sounding tune sounded in her ears. From her vantage point over the clouds se could see the sun had begun its downward journey as it made way for moon, the many high flying birds circling waiting to return to their nests and their objective, the eye of the storm. They could tell that it was situated just above the marketplace. With their scouting mission complete they drove back into the storm.

They met back with Firefly who had rallied the remaining pegasi for their attempt to save the town.

“Alright everypony. I just talked with Twilight Sparkle and no we are not getting any assistance from Canterlot. We’re on our own but we can handle this. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy have confirmed that the eye of the storm is over the marketplace. All we have to do is use spin counterclockwise to the storm and then we can break it up before_” She stopped interrupted by large lightning strike and the booming thunder that followed. “_It gets any worse.” She and the rest of the pegasi readjusted their protective goggles. “Are you all ready!”

“YES SIR!” They all shouted flying off into the eye of the storm, leaving a frustrated Firefly behind.

“Stop calling me sir!”

Uncharacteristically, the eye of this storm was just as rough as any other part of the storm. The wind echoed as water and ice pummeled the pegasi as they entered into the swirling vortex. The pegasi quickly got into formation and began their counterclockwise maneuver but were met with heavy resistance, as if the storm had a mind of its own. Rainbow Dash, naturally, had taken the lead but even she was having difficulty in the harsh conditions.

“Come on everypony! We just need to go a little bit longer. Whoa!” She said narrowly dodging a huge chunk of hail. It unfortunately knocked five pegasi to the ground taking them out of the rotation. A few more we thrown to the ground by the aggressive tail wind and even more got sucked back out during the rotation. The only remaining pegasi still in the air were Rainbow, Firefly and Fluttershy, who was just barely able to keep herself in formation.

“It’s no use Dash. We tried but this storm is something else. We can’t seem to break it.” Firefly said defeat ringing her voice.

“We’ve got to get to shelter and hope this blows over.”

“No can do, Sir!” Rainbow said. “I’m not letting some dumb rainclouds beat Rainbow ‘Danger’ Dash! You still in this

Fluttershy!” She shouted only getting a meek squeak as any confirmation.”

“Well if you wanna get yourself hurt. Fine by me. But as for me I’m getting in doors. Oh and stop_” she shouted before being hit by a flying tree branch that crashes her through a window of a nearby shop.

With the loss of the leader of the weather team, Rainbow allows her pride to drop and realize just how hopeless the situation was becoming. What they thought was the eye of the storm was more of a developing twister, one big enough to uproot most of the town, and there was no possible way she and her shy friend could power through this. This was the last thought she had before being hit by a large piece of hail, knocking her flat on the ground.

Fluttershy now stood alone at the heart of roaring tornado, normally she would have broken under not only the high pressure winds but the pressure of saving the whole town, yet even since she had risen above the clouds she had felt an immense calming presence. As if under her wings she had gust of wind propelling her through the storm and in her heart a strong ballad that lifted her spirits as she flew faster and harder than she had ever done before.

As she rose she felt the clam rise around as if shielding her from the weather and radiating outwards with each successful pass around the eye of the storm. The faster she flew, the stronger the feeling and the more powerful this breeze became. She felt herself become lost in these feelings as she focused her sight on one point of the storm and forced it to break it apart.

Rainbow Dash fought against her body as it began to fall into unconsciousness. Before blacking out she stared out at her friend and could hardly believe her eyes. There was Fluttershy of all ponies not just flying in easiest the worst storm in Ponyville’s history but dispelling it single handedly. The last sight to grace her vision was an exhausted Fluttershy, hair swaying in a gentle breeze, suspendered and hovering in cloud of sparkles.

One Month Prior.

“Event Horizon’s log. 4th of June 1002 A.H. Tracking the path of the incoming asteroids and no major changes in trajectory. They appear to be rather large but should be colliding with the surface of Mars with a week’s time. Thus proving them to be of no concern to the imminent Eclipse event.

“What does puzzles me most is the velocity at which they are moving. The speed that entered into this solar system implies that whatever launched they had a great deal of force behind it. And as one the foremost astronomers in Equestria and my duties to the Princess fulfilled. I see no reason why not to further the study of the cosmos by pursuing this inquiry. Perhaps consulting the older star charts could help me find the source of these asteroids. Maybe in checking their trajectory. Further calculations are required. Event Horizon, out!”

Well it was a dark and stormy night but it looks like our heroes weathered the storm…crickets…please review and thank you for reading!