• Published 16th Jul 2012
  • 4,754 Views, 54 Comments

On Harmonious Wings - DarthSylar12

What do you get when Fluttershy meets everyones favorite giant moth, awesomeness that what For Grant

  • ...

The Very Hungry Larva

Disclaimer: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic is property of Hasbro, Godzilla and associated materials are property of Toho. Ideas and themes are inspired by the works of KaijuSamurai http://kaijusamurai.deviantart.com/

“This is the Equestria Broadcast Center morning news update. With the first ever eclipse in history less than a week away, many ponies are busily preparing for the momentous event. Meant to symbolize the harmony between Princess Celestia and her sister Princess Luna, the eclipse is by no means dangerous. Despite this assurance, a few noted astronomers have reported large asteroids suddenly changing trajectory and increases in solar radiation corresponding with the planned event. Though coinciding with this event at this time there is seemingly no these extraordinary intergalactical upsets. Only Dr. Event Horizon, head astronomer of Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns has provided explanation. Stating quote ‘It could very well be an optical illusion caused by orbital wobble’. Dr. Event Horizon has been going on tour to go over the research data of several noted scholars studying preparations for the eclipse ending Friday with a visit to Ponyville to speak with Comet Tail, of the Ponyville Observatory, and Twilight Sparkle, personal student of Princess Celestia, Element of Magic, Brother of Captain of the Guard Prince Shinning Armor, Sister-In-Law of Princess Mi Amore-“

Twilight turned off the radio with a flick of her horn as she continued her meticulous cleaning of the library in anticipation of Even Horizon’s arrival. She had long waited meeting one of the most famous graduates of CSFGU since she was a young mare. She had every volume of his History of Princess Celestia and her heavenly bodies, she had mapped out every star, comet, planet and moon he discovered and named. She even had several posters of him. She made a mental note to hide those posters until after his arrival…and to get him to autograph as many things as possible.

As she telekinetically dusted, stacked and cleaned every surface in the library, she couldn’t help but think about how easy this task would be had Spike been there with her. I hint of guilt over her actions a week prior involving her loyal assistant crept into her mind. ‘He couldn’t help himself. It’s just his nature.’

‘But with Proper Nurturing he can be helped. It’s for his own good.’

‘Oh but what if he’s afraid. I should’ve talked to him first.’

‘You remember how he was last time. Completely unreasonable. And dangerous.’

‘I don’t blame him.’

‘But you won’t let that happen again.’

‘I guess if it’s for his own good.’

‘And that of everypony else.’

“Then I made the right decision.”

“Looks like the egghead finally cracked.” A familiar voice said collapsing in a fit of laughter. The sudden intrusion broke Twilight focus causing her magically assisted multitasking to literally fall apart.

“Rainbow. What are you doing here?” she said blushing red as an apple.

“Oh you know. Stretching my wings after being grounded for the past couple of days.” Rainbow said presenting her fully healed wings to the purple unicorn. “I was coming by to see if you wanted to grab a bite at Sugar Cube Corner. Do you normal talk to yourself when no one’s around?” Twilight felt her blush deepen in color.

“I’m just a little flustered. Getting the library ready on my own, preparing my research for my date, getting a room ready for my brother for his visit this week.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa…whoa! Did you just say date?”

“Yes. A study date. With Dr. Event Horizon!” Twilight said beaming with excitement.

“And? He is?” Twilight gasped.

“He is the greatest astronomer in all of Equestria. One of the few who have studied the ancient star logs of Star Swirl the Bearded, master of several astrological schools of Magic and founder of NeighSADA.” Rainbow just looked at the purple unicorn and shrugged her forelegs in confusion. Twilight groaned with frustration before saying “He’s a big shot nerd from Canterlot visiting to look my studies.”

“Oh. That’s cool. The queen heads is looking for a king.” Rainbow replied stifling another fit of giggles.

“Come on lets go. I needed to pick up a dress from Rarity’s anyways.” Twilight said as she left the library.

As the pair arrived at Rarity’s boutique they found the white unicorn fast at work on a beautiful silk gown adorn with all manner of gemstones in a pattern reminiscent of butterfly wings…and that snuggled upon her back was medium sized brownish blob with piercing blue eyes.

“Sweet Celestia! Rarity get that thing off of you!” Rainbow shouted shooting to the top of the building upon seeing the creature nestled in Rarity’s purple mane.

“Oh Rainbow darling. That thing is little Mothra.”

“I know what it is. It’s ‘the destroyer!’” Rarity rolled her eyes before replying to the cyan colored mare hovering in her foyer.

“Serious. You’re fall must have done more head damage than Doctor Stable had expected for you to believe such a thing that this ‘cutie pie’ could destroy a whole town.” She said as she tenderly pet the larva on her back causing it to softly purr. “I mean no offense to our friend’s cousin but I believe that he is mistaken in this accusation. My little Mothy Wathy has been nothing but sweet, kind and gentle. She’s even gets along well with Opalescence. And today she’s given me a spectacular gift.

“Really. What is that Rarity?” Twilight asked as she telekinetically dragged Rainbow from the rafters.

“I’m glad you asked. Mothra, so the girls your special talent.” Rarity knelt down to the grown to allow Mothra to descend from her back. The larva then arched its back as it stared at a large empty roll of fabric. Her blue eyes began to softly glow as she began to shoot pure silk from her mouth onto the roll. Yard after yard of silk came pouring forth in such a short amount of time, the purple and cyan colored mares dropped their jaws while their friend smugly smiled in victory. “So ladies. Are you not impressed? This is the highest quality silk this side of Saddle Arabia and I have an neigh unlimited supply at my hooftips…I mean our friend Fluttershy has an amazing animal companion with an equally amazing ability.” She said quickly keeping her vanity in check.

“Yeah that’s sure, something.” Twilight said equal parts intrigued and creeped out by Mothra’s talent. “Do you have my dress ready?”

“Oh yes. Here it is.” She replied as she grabbed Twilight’s Blue Star Gala Dress. “I don’t know why you wouldn’t just let prepare you a new ensemble for your date.”

“It’s a study date. And this will be fine.”

“Wait. You wear a full gown to a study date?” Rainbow asked as she kept a cautious distance away from Mothra who just stared blankly at her. Twilight blushed heavily.

“So Twilight, dear. Have you seen Spike lately? He’s usually very helpful when I have so many orders to fill.” Rarity asked.

“He’s. He’s out of town.” Twilight said as a light sweat broke across her brow. “He’s in Canterlot helping the Princess with the eclipse and reports and stuff.”

“Oh. Well I understand. Hopefully he’ll be back this weekend for his birthday party.” Pony feathers. Twilight thought realizing that Spike’s birthday was soon and that there would be no way to explain why he isn’t present but to come clean about what she did.

“Yeah. He’ll be back in time.”

“Good I just created this immaculate red silk smoking jacket for him. Sweetie even purchased a new bubble pipe. He’ll be simply the most dapper drake in Equestria.”

“Yeah, yeah. Spike’s pretty cool. Now can we get going to Sugarcube Corner Twi. This thing is really giving me the creeps.” Rainbow interjected as Mothra slowly crawled towards her.

“Your heading to Sugar Cube Corner. Smashing, I was beginning to feel famished. Let’s grab Fluttershy. I’m certain she’ll like to come. She’s in the back giving Sweetie Belle a singing lesson.” The three mares and larva quickly exited through the back of the Boutique to find their pegasus friend outside with a Sweetie Belle surrounded by large collection of butterflies.

“mosura ya mosura

dongan kasakuyan indo muu” Despite both of them being known to have stage fright, they sang loud and proud their song in a tongue unfamiliar to the mares, even Twilight who had learned many languages of ancient Equestria.

“rosuto uiraadoa, hanba hanbamuyan

randa banunradan tounjukanraa” The pair sang in perfect harmony not only with each other but with the butterflies and the gentle breeze that swirled around them. The pair pranced about the multilayered and colored circle of butterflies as the breeze grew stronger and blew their manes about in tune with the song. Quicker than the mares could see, the little larva had appeared at the center of the circle and seemed almost dance along with the song in its own way.

“kasaku yaanmu

mosura ya mosura

mosura ya mosura”- (video link and better translation that what I used) – The air became still as the butterflies quickly departed as the two ponies ended their song, standing quietly and peacefully as if all worry had faded from them and drifted off on the wings of the departing insects.

“Bravo darlings!” Rarity said breaking the serene silence. Sweetie Belle blushed, realizing she had an actual audience. Fluttershy squeaked and tried in vain to hide behind the blushing filly having been startled by the sudden appearance of her friends.

“Um, oh hi girls.” Fluttershy said.

“Fluttershy, darling. You never cease to amaze me. Where did you learn such a marvelous tune?”

“Oh thanks Rarity. You really liked it.” The white unicorn nodded in agreement.

“What language was that in? I’ve heard many different songs from across Equestria, even some folk songs from Zecora’s homeland. But I’ve never heard anything like that.” Fluttershy blushed even harder from the praise she was receiving.

“Oh well I don’t really know where it came from. I just have been hearing it coming on the wind in my dreams.”

“Your dreams? I’ve heard situations where some unicorns learned new spells in their dreams. But a whole song in a different language. That’s just uncanny.” Twilight said before being interrupted by Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah it’s pretty nice. A bit slow for me. But calming.” She said nonchalantly. “Now can we get going to Sugarcube Corner already? I’m starving.”

“I not all that hungry. But Mosura could use from food. She has eaten in a while.”

“Fine mothra can come.” Rainbow said annoyed and continued despite Fluttershy attempting to correct her. “Let’s just get going.” Rainbow said as she jetted off, the three other mares following closely behind.

“And that’s when my Nana Pie went to the Mirror Pool came back with like a hundred of herself and we worked hard into the my momma and papa and my sisters and we harvested all of the rocks in the east field. Of and we had a harvest dance and I made planned, of course. And there were balloons and party hats and streamers; oh there were so many different colors of streamers. Like red, maroon, salmon, chartreuse, almond, coltifornia red wood-“ The pink earth pony was silenced by the intruding hoof of Rainbow Dash.

“Look I’d let ya finish Pinkie but can you bring out the grub and gosh darn it Fluttershy does Mothra really need to eat on table.”

“It’s Mosura. And she just likes to have company when she eats.” Fluttershy said as she gently nuzzled the larva, eliciting a cooing sound, as Pinkie walked into the kitchen to fetch their treats.

“Oh lay off her Rainbow. I had difficulty accepting Mothra at first. But I quickly warmed up to her charms.”

“And her ability to make expensive silk for you.” Rainbow quickly added.

“And her ability to make expensive sil- Ha ha Rainbow.” The mares shared a laugh as Pinkie came back with a tray full of delicious looking cupcakes.

“Finally! My prayers have been answered.” Rainbow said as she grabbed a cupcake and chomped down upon the cupcake only for there to be a harsh sound crunch sound. “Ouch. Rainbow said as she coughed up a small metal cube covered in cupcake crumbs. “Pinkie what hay did you put in these cupcakes.”

“Oh a chunk of iron. To keep changelings away.” Everyone at the table groaned. Ever since the Wedding, Pinkie and most of Equestria became incredibly paranoid. The outcry prompted most of the royal guard to go on a wild goose chase to hunt down any remaining changeling hives. Even though most of the standing army of the changelings and their Queen were probably crushed by the concussive force field generated by Shinning Armor and Cadance’s love, pony’s like Pinkie still held to their paranoia and began using archaic folk remedies at finding out and dispersing changelings. Old mare’s tales such as Changeling’s can’t enter without permission, changelings can’t master personality traits upon transformation and that iron is their weakness. Pinkie had tried to enforce these ‘methods’ throughout Ponyville, despite Twilight’s protests that they are not scientifically proven and there for wrong.

Everypony pushed their cupcakes to the center where Mothra began to devour them all.

“Wow Fluttershy. Is it alright for Mothra to eat that much at once.” Twilight asked.

“Oh this is just a snack for her. She eats way more. She’s fine Twilight.”

“I don’t know Fluttershy. Don’t you remember the last time you had a pet that had a ravenous appetite.” Before Fluttershy could answer there was loud rapping at the door.

“Hello. It’s Firefly. Can I come in to speak with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.”

“Permission granted Sir.” Pinkie said with a salute, despite Rainbow mouthing to her to address her as ma’am.

“Thanks.” Firefly said calmly as she entered Sugarcube Corner and approached the table the mares were sitting at. “Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash. I want to congratulate you for your part in helping stop that wild storm a few days back. I’ve been in main Weather Center in Canterlot and been asked to offer you both new positions in the weather patrol.

“Oh well I’m honored Miss Firefly sir, but I’m not a member of the weather patrol. The honor should go to Rainbow.” Fluttershy said as she pointed to Rainbow, busily facehoofing after her friends continue to step on Firefly’s pet peeve.

“Well then. Rainbow Dash you’ve been promoted to Weather Factory representative of Ponyville.”

“Ah yeah!” Rainbow said as she flew up into the air pumping her hoof in victory. “Wait. What is that again?”

“Do to belief that the weather factory services have been acting irresponsibly in regards to the safety of the ponies of Equestria. Ponies from weather patrols from Manehatten to Applelossa have been asked to inspect the weather factory and answer the ponies concerns.”

“That actually sounds, kinda lame.”

“There’s a 5% pay raise.” Firefly said. Rainbow replied with a bored yawn. “Oh well I’ll just have to tell the Spitfire that you’re not interested.”

“Whoa! Wait! Did you say Spitfire?” Firefly nods yes. “You mean the Spitfire!” Firefly nods yes. “You mean Co-Captain of the Wonderbolts Spitfire!” Firefly nods yes. Rainbow grabbed Firefly in a deep hug causing her back to crack loudly. “Why didn’t you say so earlier?

“I’ll take that as a yes?”

“Of course yes. A thousand times yes. Yes sir!”

“Very good.”

“Wait one minute there” Pinkie said in a serious tone. “First wanna cupcake and two can I come with Dash?” She said changing to a more cheery tone.

“Why do you wanna come along Pinks?”

“You never know what could happen with those changelings about? And besides I love Cloudsdale, the fresh air, blue skies, the clouds; oh love all the clouds. The cumulous, cirrus and-“ Once more Pinkie is silenced by Rainbow’s hoof.

“Um, I’m gonna have to decline on the cupcake. But sure you can come. The more the merrier. See you both at the sky carriages tomorrow 0800 sharp.

“Yes sir, sir” said Pinkie wrestling Rainbow’s hoof from her mouth.

“Well congratulations Dash that’s a pretty big responsibility.”

“Indeed. Three huzzahs for Rainbow.”

“Yeah! And if I can get noticed by Spitfire. Then I’d be one step close to getting in the Wonderbolts.”

“Well come on Dashie we better start packing for our trip. I’ll be sure to bring plenty of iron, bells and garlic.”

“I’ve gotta go too. Applejack is dropping off more food for my animals. Come on now Mosura.” Fluttershy said as she flew off with Mothra under her wings as night began to fall.

“Ya sure ya need all these apples sugarcube.” Applejack said wiping the sweat from her brow. “Ah Big Mac almost threw out his back carrying those two other carts.

“Eeyuup” Big Mac said his usual catch phrase only haggard from his large work load.

“Oh thank you both so very much. I know it’s a lot of apples but Mosura has a very large appetite and I can’t feed her and my other animals with the amount of apples you usually give me.”

“Well alright Shy. Goodnight and please don’t let mah cousin’s rambling get to ya none. Sleep tight.”

“You too. Goodnight Applejack and Big Mac.”


Fluttershy quickly tucked Mosura and Angel into their beds as she herself settled into a good night’s rest.

Her dreams were once more of a hazy maze of trees in the Everfree Forest. She is surrounded by this strong breeze and drawn by this swirling vortex of butterflies and the siren like song that she had sung earlier in the day. Her dream ends just before reaching the center of the butterfly vortex by the sound of a large crunching noise. She quietly descends the stairs to find that all the apples she had received have been eaten. Not only that, but all the food in her kitchen. She sees a large hole in the wall of her kitchen where the window would be. Looking outside she can that her gardens have been ransacked and a large trench in the ground going into the Everfree. In her panic she heads up stairs to check on her pets. She finds angel bunny sleeping softly in his bed, but no Mothra. She feels worry as she walks off into the woods following the mysterious tracks.

Sorry for the long delay and I hope you appreciate this chapter. My unending apologies. Forgive for my sins.