• Published 16th Jul 2012
  • 4,754 Views, 54 Comments

On Harmonious Wings - DarthSylar12

What do you get when Fluttershy meets everyones favorite giant moth, awesomeness that what For Grant

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Disclaimer: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic is property of Hasbro, Godzilla and associated materials are property of Toho. Ideas and themes are inspired by the works of KaijuSamurai http://kaijusamurai.deviantart.com/

The bright sunlight from the still open window roused Rainbow Dash from her sleep to find herself in a familiar room.

“Darn it.” She muttered, realizing she was a guest at the Ponyville General Hospital…again. A cursory glance around the room revealed that this one indeed the same room she had been in before…down to her same mysterious full body cast roommate…she calls him Stiff Asa Board.

As she looked around she saw that she and Stiff weren’t alone in the room this time around. Fast asleep in sleeping bags were her friends Twilight, Applejack, Rarity (actually in a fancy looking purple miniature tent) and Pinkie Pie…who’s sleeping bag was suspended from the ceiling. Even though she wouldn’t normally awaken her friends, especially after what must have been an incredibly rough night. She had only one question on her mind.

“WHERE’S FLUTTERSHY!” she shouted awakening the other…and just about everyone else on her floor of the hospital.

“I’m here Dash.” Fluttershy said meekly as she rolled into the room. She was in a wheel chair with bandages on her wings and around her forehead. “I’m sorry that I worried you. I was just sitting outside and checking on the other ponies to make sure they didn’t need help.”

“That’s fine Miss Shy but that is our job and you really should rest after all you did.” Nurse Redheart said as she walked by Fluttershy holding a tray of food for Rainbow and her guests. Fluttershy just looked down at her hooves embarrassed.

“That’s saying something. Fluttershy? How were you able to fly so fast and break up the storm?” Rainbow asked, relieved to see her friend okay but more than a little curious about her heroic action during the storm.

“Um, well, you see.”

“Yeah that was super-de-duper Fluttershy! That storm was mondo scary and magna bad and mega awful and then Swipe, Swoosh and SHAZAM it was gone with this big sparkly wind and the pegasi told us where you were and we were like scarred, but I knew you were fine and then we found you on the ground with Rainbow and the other ponies said they you broke up the storm and then_” Pinkie continued to jabber as she began to tangle her hooves in the straps that held her sleeping bag.

“Is that true darling? From what we heard, you were flying faster than any pony had ever seen you fly.”

“Ha, knew ya had it in ya somewhere sugarcube. Just needed a natural disaster to bring it out.”

“That wasn’t natural.” Twilight said in cold tone of seriousness. “That storm was too big to be a wild storm from the Everfree Forest. There we’re also multiple storms all across Equestria.” She then levitated several copies of the Daily Trot to all the ponies in the room. They were filled with pictures and articles about the bizarre weather the night prior. “The only way a storm could get so far spread and uniform, it would have had to be produced in Cloudsdale in the weather factories.”

“It says here that Firefly is going to make speech just outside of the town hall at noon.” Instinctively they all turn their gaze to the clock noticing that it was indeed time for the broadcast and they turned on the radio to listen in.

“No, there is no credence to any those disgusting rumors about the Rainbow Factory. Seriously where would you get such a crazy idea like that? Now I know we’re upset over the damage the recent storm has caused.”

“Eeyup!” Big Mac angered.

“There’s a tree in the center of the school house!” Cheerilee shouted!

“My house has rocks in it!” Bon Bon screeched!

“Look everypony just calm down. I have called up the heads of the weather factory in Cloudsdale. And I have an audience with chief weather councilor Storm Breeze!” Firefly said with crack of thunder heard in background. “Derpy! Get that thundercloud outta here!”

“I’m sorry.” A meek voice said.

“It’s alright Ditzy. I’m sorry shouting. As I was saying, Storm Breeze has asked me and the heads of other Weather Patrol Teams from all across Equestria to discuss this recent crisis in Cloudsdale. I’m to leave immediately.”

“And we thank you Firefly for your valiant service to our community. Ponyville says goodbye sir.” Mayor Mare said.

“What did I tell you about calling me sir?” Firefly shouted after Twilight turned the radio into the off position.

“Well it’s good to know that somepony is taking action in finding out what is responsible for all this rubbish weather.” Said Rarity.

“We’ll Rainbow Ah guess we should get going. Mah cousin Braeburn and several ponies from Applelossa are on the way here after it got hit by that storm.” Applejack said as she raced out of the hospital room with the others, save for Fluttershy who waited in the room with Rainbow Dash.

“Um, uh sorry Dash. I’ll visit you tomorrow. I need to go. Check on my animals. No doubt they are scared after all that thunder and lighting. Uh, bye!” She said as she rolled out the door with her wheelchair. Rainbow let out a heavy sigh from being trapped a hospital bed. She then glanced over to her fellow bedridden guest.

“So, you ever hear the one about the Griffon and unicorn?”

A crowd of ponies disembarked from the train. They were obviously shaken by the events they had experienced in Applelossa. Four ponies eagerly await the arrival of one overly excited member of the Apple family. Upon spying him getting off the train platform, Applejack gallops towards him and wraps him in an bone breaking embrace.

“Well howdy Braeburn, and welcome to PONNYYYVILLLLE!!!” Her greeting was met with a pained grunt from her cousin. “Er, um sorry Brae!” she apologized.

“Its all right cuz. Just some minor bruises and a few broken ribs.”

“Braeburn darling, how ever did you get in such bad sorts. Surely you and your country folk were hardy enough to weather that terrible storm.” Rarity said as she began to compulsively straighten his mane and dust off his coat.

“Oh we weathered the storm. It was something far worse than any old storm that razed Applelossa to the ground.”

“Oh Braeburn. I’m so sorry. You worked so hard to build that town from the dust up.” Twilight added. “What could have done such a thing.”

“What…that’s a good question? It started a week ago. There was this huge landslide after a particularly long rain season. We had been experiencing bizarre weather for weeks before last night super storm. After that the buffalo tribe came into town saying that they were afraid some kind of creature roaming around the desert. Now it ain’t uncommon for some kind of monster to be out there in the wilderness, but usually the hardened warriors of the buffalo are able to handle their own battles…but this was something else.

Over time we began to hear bizarre sounds coming from over the horizon. A kind of roar that sent shivers down our spines. They seemed to grow louder as the storms grew in severity. Then we noticed huge trenches dug in around the ground leading into what Ah can only call a huge burrow. Then it happened…whatever this creature was…ate our apples…all of them…trees and all.

Then last night the storm came. The winds ripped shingles off of building and the thunder boomed loud enough break windows. But we survived long enough to see the end of it…that’s when IT revealed itself. Its body was black as Nightmare Moon, it was big enough to eclipse the moonlight, its horn was curved, jagged and its eyes red and glowing. It unleashed its evil howl and then began its attack. Crashing through building, tying up ponies and buffalo in a sticky web like substance and then from its eyes it unleashed fire and destruction that destroyed everything else. We could nothing hurt. Ah nearly broke mah flank trying to buck through its armored hide. We narrowly escaped the creature but whatever it was just watched as our town burned to the ground.” Braeburn concluded eyes tearing up, his body leaning heavily on a equally bandaged Little Strongheart.

“That was a terrible story Burny. I know what will fix this…REFUGEE PARTY!” Pinkie shouted and bounced off into the distance in order to make preparations.

“That seems just awful cousin. Twi you ever heard of such a critter like that.”

“I can’t say that I have. Braeburn if you had to give your best comparison of what this creature looked like what you say?” The yellow stallion remained silent, thinking through all the creatures he knew of seeking one that could match the evil of the beast he had watched destroy his town.

“A giant caterpillar!”

Despite being told to take it easy after her strenuous activity the night before. Fluttershy raced back to her cottage at the edge of the Everfree forest in order to make sure everything was alright. Though everything was thoroughly soaked, the cottage seemed in good nick despite the heavy beating it no doubt took. She then began to check on all her many animal friends. Starting out with her pet Angel, who was fine just perturbed that he hadn’t been fed yet, all way down the fish in the pond. All seemed fine having found shelter from the storm and were safe and sound.

But something in the air had Fluttershy feeling uneasy. It washed over her as she felt a gust of wind blow against her, carrying a sound over her ears. She turned her head to face the wind to better hear the song it sung and instinctively began to follow it, abandoning her unnecessary wheelchair,…deep into the Everfree Forrest.

As her small form was swallowed up by the tall and ancient trees of this haunted wood, she could help but feel fear, yet this song the same one that rung in her ears the previous night gave her a boost of courage that encouraged her reluctant legs to carry her deeper and deeper into the forest.

After a half an hour she stopped both out of being snapped out of her musical trance but also by the sight before. Hundreds of Thousands of Butterflies, the same ones who she watched the previous day danced in a shaft of sunlight in tune with the mysterious song that had summoned her. It seemed to echo in this temple of trees. But what had really caught her vision was what lay at the bottom of pillar of light. Laid softly on a cradle of leaves was a turquoise egg, about the size of her head, with blue rings. It softly rocked as if the creature within could hear the song and was being roused into life. Her natural maternal instincts kicking Fluttershy immediately took watch over the egg, despite having no idea what could be within.

After an hour the song had only grown in volume and so too had the eggs movements. She could sense that the creature was about to burst forth and embrace the world for the first time…which was always a favorite moment for her.

The egg suddenly erupted, scaring the yellow pegasus pony for she still did not know what could have been in such a large egg. She quickly shielded herself from sight behind her long pink mane and curled her body into a fetal position. She held this stance until she began to hear a light cooing coming from the newly born creature. As she peeked from out of her pink man her blue eyes were met by ones of pure cerulean. They locked into each before they explored each other. The creature was large larvas, maybe a big caterpillar, brown in color save for its enormous cerulean blue eyes that pierced the darkness of the woods. Fluttershy gently nuzzled the new born creature, a welcoming gesture she bestowed all newborns in her care.

When suddenly she was struck by a piercing head ache. She fell to her knees as she began to lose consciousness from the intense pain coming from her forehead. As her eyes began to flutter shut, she watched as the larva begin to crawl towards her.

Well wouldn’t you say that was an egg-citing third chapter…crickets…please review and thanks for reading.