• Published 2nd Dec 2018
  • 1,908 Views, 229 Comments

Love's Lost Decade - Priceless911

Zeil, a changeling in love sets out on an incredible 10 year journey. Crossing blistering deserts, Frozen Mountain, treacherous forests, and unbelievable dangers. But is his journey merely an accident or was he fated to find what lies within him.

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Bk5/Ch3 Redeeming Past Sins

Book 5/Chapter 3
Redeeming Past Sins

Year 03, Month 05, Day 14

Using a small knife that was amongst his new supplies, Zeil scooped out the paste-like potion from the bottom of the caldron as he placed it into a small plastic container. After filling the container, Zeil placed a small lid over the spell he made, as he smiled and looked at the substance, “There… now to put it on the princess’s forehead… somehow.”
Zeil preceded to place the small container in his saddlebag as he started to close his bag and prepare to leave the room. However before he finished getting ready, his attention was taken from his task as a loud boom was heard outside as Zeil’s attention was drawn towards the balcony doors to a thunderstorm outside. Looking at the heavy rain falling outside, Zeil stepped away from his bag as he approached the balcony doors and watched as the rainfall made it difficult to see through the glass doors.

As he watched the rainfall, Zeil felt strangely compelled to push the doors open as the cool and humid air filled the room as Zeil looked into the haze outside. With the heavy rain falling and the situation taking place in this kingdom, Zeil felt slightly depressed as his mind was filled with memories of Zecora, The cave he confessed in, and their kiss that took place over three years ago. As Zeil thought about this, the homesick changeling seemed to lose himself as he soon realized he had taken a few stepped into the rain and was looking into the sky as the rain fell onto his face and body. As Zeil felt the rain dripping from his mane, his thoughts of nostalgia seemed to take a turn for the worst as negative questions filled his mind leaving him to mumbled, “Will… will she be there when I get back? After all this time… will she remember me? Would she even give me a chance to speak after disappearing for so long? And even if she did… would she accept me… as me?...”

All of a sudden, Zeil heard a voice from the balcony doorway, “Mr. Zeil… are you okay?”
After hearing that, Zeil looked to the door to see Reiner standing at the door with a confused expression on his face. Feeling a little awkward about standing in the rain, Zeil turned to the door and trotted back into the room as he replied, “No… I’m fine… just… thinking.”
Reiner smiled, “About Zecra?”
Zeil nodded as he replied, “It’s Zecora… but yea. Is it that obvious?”
Reiner smiled, “Yea… I often ask myself the same question… about… if the princess will accept me if her memories actually returned. Or… did she even like me back then before her accident.”
Zeil didn’t think that Reiner heard his questions to himself but either way he replied, “Even if she didn’t back then, I’m sure by now, she would at least give you a chance.”

Both Zeil and Reiner thought about the statement for a few seconds before Reiner replied with an annoyed sigh, “Wow… we really are somewhat alike aren’t we?”
Zeil smiled with embarrassment, “I guess we are…”
Reiner smiled, “Ya know, if this Zecora is as special as you say… then I don’t think those questions should matter to you. Maybe, you should just ask her yourself when you get there. How do you plan to hit a target, if you never take a shot?”
Zeil nodded as he replied, “Sure… I guess you’re right.” He realized something, “Wait… why are you here? Did the princess wake up safely?”
Reiner nodded as he replied, “Oh right, she woke up last night without any problems so there was no need to worry. I’m actually here because she wanted to see you personally.”
Zeil was curious as he approached his saddlebag and pulled out a towel, “Me? Any idea what for?”

Reiner’s expression seemed to become unsure as he replied, “No… not really, but… She is in the throne room waiting so… I’m here to escort you there.”
Zeil felt his shift in emotions as he finished drying himself off then returned the towel to his saddlebag while asking, “Are… are you alright? Did something happen?”
Reiner shook his head as he replied, “Well… no, but… I can’t help but feel that… something is wrong. Like something bad is about to happen.”
Zeil put on his saddlebag and cloak as he replied, “Just know… that we are friends. And I’m here to help.”

Feeling the comment came out of nowhere, Reiner asked, “What was that?”
Zeil replied, “Nothing…” He took one last look at the room for anything that belonged to him as he replied, “Well that’s everything.”
Reiner looked around the room, “You packed all your stuff, are you leaving now?”
Zeil nodded, “Yes, I was actually going to say goodbye to you two first, but since you came to get me, I can just leave after we meet with the princess.”
With that said, the two left the room and started down the corridor towards the throne room. Not long after the two could see the throne room doors on their path as Reiner spoke, “There that’s where she is waiting for you… since you’re leaving I just want to tell you, thanks for the vote of confidence.”
Zeil was confused as he and Reiner approached the massive doors, “Confidence?”
Reiner nodded, “Hearing your story, and what you’re willing to go through for the mare you love? Makes me want to work harder with helping the princess. She needs more confidence herself, and I think that if she can find that confidence, she can truly be the greatest queen this kingdom has ever had.”
Zeil smiled, “I wouldn’t doubt that one bit… but remember something… She needs you more then you know.”

Reiner could only give Zeil a confused look, but before he could ask about Zeil’s statement, the two guards standing at the entrance pushed the large double doors open to reveal a massive throne room behind them. As the two traversed the throne room, Zeil felt a little surprised, as anypony would expect the throne room was large with a small number of marble pillars holding the high ceiling above. But this throne room carried the same majesty as Canterlot’s, to include large stained glass windows lining the side of the room and a long red carpet leading from the large doors to an alter which held two thrones. One empty since the kingdom currently had no king, and the other with Princess Mira sitting in wait as she watched both her guest and her captain enter the room. As the two entered, Zeil chose a place that was a reasonable distance from the princess as Zeil stopped there leaving Reiner to step to the princess’s side as he turned and waited for Princess Blossom to address her changeling guest.

As Zeil stood before the princess, he immediately felt that this visit wasn’t good as the princess gave him a fake smile before standing and speaking, “Mr. Zeil, first I would like to apologies for the burden placed on you yesterday. Had I known that my… condition was still a problem, I would have spared you the trouble and would have avoided the situation entirely.”
As Zeil stood ready, he started to feel the aura of royal guards hiding behind the marble pillars as he ignored the obvious trap and played along, “You shouldn’t apologies for your handicap your majesty. Whether we are of royal or peasant blood, we are all still mortal.”
Princess Blossom’s anger seemed to increase with that comment as she did all she could to hide it while replying, “If you can… please refrain from using that specific word… That is a word that my mother used quite often, a swear upon my ears, so I will not condone that word in my presence.”

Zeil replied with a less then apologetic tone, “My apologies your majesty, though on that subject… I want to ask you personally… How did the queen die?”
All of a sudden the room seemed to overflow with tension as Reiner sensed it and felt concerned. However before he could say anything to address it, Princess Blossom replied with a dark tone, “Upon her return from abandoning her kingdom in its time of need, my mother Queen Rose had sadly fallen ill with tuberculosis and not long after… passed away in her sleep.”
Zeil smiled as he could feel her anger build, “Did she?”
The princess glared at Zeil as she replied, “She did… why? Do you doubt this claim?”
Zeil nodded, “I do actually.”
Princess Blossom replied while holding back her anger, “Sorry, but I’m not here to please the doubt of one who refuses to show himself to me.”
Zeil gave her an annoyed look, “Show myself?”
Princess Blossom nodded, “Yes… Since you’ve arrived, I have only gazed upon your disguise. I’ve yet to see your true changeling form… so that leaves me to wonder… Are you truly a reformed changeling… or are you the parasite.”

Zeil smiled with a smudge tone, “Sounds like an insinuation to me… your majesty? What exactly are your trying to accuse me of?”
Fed up with his disrespectful tone, Princess Blossom called, “Guards?”
At that moment, the royal guard’s hiding behind the pillars stepped out from their hiding spots and surrounded Zeil as they pointed spears at the changeling guest. Seeing this, Reiner looked to Princess Blossom with concern, “What? Your majesty? What’s going on?”
Princess Blossom replied, “Captain… I have reason to believe that Mr. Zeil is not who he claims to be… and thereby, I am placing him under arrest under suspicion of conspiring against the crown.”
Reiner was surprised, “Wh-what?”
Zeil replied, “Now that is one heck of an accusation your majesty. Do you happen to have any proof of this theory?”
Princess Blossom nodded, “Since you asked… I do. The day we met you spoke with blatant disrespect towards me, and I chose to overlook it… but recently, Captain Reiner has informed me that you’ve been asking very serious questions about the kingdom. Then last night you purchased a very potent poison from a local ingredients store. And now, I believe you may use such a poison to threaten or harm myself in order to gain control of the crown. After all, wasn’t it you who said that my weakness would attract the attention of those willing to take advantage of my crown?”

Although Zeil knew what she was talking about he still played dumb as he replied, “Poison?... I don’t know what you’re talking about?”
Princess Blossom replied, “I’m speaking of course, of the Moon Weed.”
Zeil smiled as he nodded, “Ah… now I see… so is that’s how you killed her?”
Hearing his tone sent Princess Blossom into a rage as she held back her anger and looked to Reiner, “Captain Reiner…”
Reiner was conflicted, He had thought he found a friend in their changeling guest, and still did, but knowing his duty came first, Reiner spoke, “Guards, Take this traitor to the dungeon. We will hold a trial in a few days to determine his guilt and sentencing.”

Zeil wasn’t surprised by Reiner’s reaction, as he held his serious expression leaving one of the surrounding royal guards raised his spear and approached Zeil from behind to apprehend him. However as the royal guard reached out and touched his shoulder, Zeil grabbed his arm and kicked with his hind hoof as the guard took the full force of Zeil’s kick to his face leaving the impact completely tossed the guard back causing him to both loose his weapon and his consciousness. As the guard was thrown away from Zeil, the quick changeling turned as he grabbed the falling spear then continued his turn till he was facing the princess again as he pointed his weapon at the cursed princess as she stared at his actions in shock. Pointing his weapon at the lone monarch Zeil spoke, “I don’t intend on going anywhere… not till I do, what must be done.”
Surprised and now afraid, Princess Blossom took a step back in worry as Reiner gave the next order, “Guards! Arrest him! Don’t let him get away!”

At that moment, the remaining three guards charged Zeil as two tried to swing their spears horizontally at him from both his left and right side at the same time. Seeing the incoming attacks, Zeil raised his spear up to his left as the left guard’s weapon hit and was blocked by the attack. Then with the Right guards spear nearing its target, Zeil swung his body under the left guard’s blocked spear making his hind legs face the left guard as he kicked back hitting the guard in his face as the left guard fell to the ground with the shock of the kick and the right guard’s weapon being blocked by Zeil’s vertical spear. With one guard blocked, one guard downed, and another fast approaching, Zeil lunged forward to the blocked guard as he bashed his head against the guard’s face, neutralizing him just in time to ready his weapon for the last guard in the area. With his weapon ready, the remaining guard decided to thrust the spear towards Zeil as the skilled and accurate changeling held the spear horizontally in front of him as he used the wooden shaft to block the tip of the razor sharp spear

However as the spear tip hit the wooden shaft, the wood on the weapon started splitting as Zeil quickly pushed the weapon down towards the ground as the tip of the guard’s weapon lanced through the wooden shaft far enough to get lodged, but not enough to split the spear all the way through. Seeing his weapon wedged, the guard tried to withdraw his attack, but with Zeil pinning his pierced weapon on the ground, the spear didn’t budge as Zeil took the opportunity to stomp down on the guard’s weapon just below the blade as the metal blade was broken free of the wooden spear shaft causing the guard to stumble backwards while caring his now bladeless spear. With the guard’s stumbling, Zeil took this diversion to swing his spear around as he slammed the shaft against the guard’s face as the split wood shattered and flew apart with the attack leaving the last guard to fall to the ground unconscious, and his now free spear blade to slide across the marble floor till it hit the bottom step of the throne room’s alter.

Now with part of the shattered staff still in his hoof, Zeil tossed the broken weapon aside as he looked to the princess, picked up the last guard’s bladeless spear staff and spoke, “This ends now.”
Terrified Princess Blossom took another step back as Zeil darted towards her with his staff ready. Reacting out of impulse, Reiner drew his swords and charged at Zeil as he swung his sword leaving Zeil to swing the staff as the two weapons locked both fighters in place. As the two were locked, Reiner spoke, “Why are you doing this? I trusted you! You and I were alike… Was it all just a lie? What do you want!?!”
Glaring back, Zeil replied, “To stop this kingdom from falling to darkness. I have to get to the princess, to save her from herself.”
Reiner held him back as he replied, “What? What are you talking about?”
Zeil glared into his eyes, “The Princess is broken… you said so yourself, but she can be fixed. I just need to get to her to do so. Everything I told you was true, Zecora, Equestria, Shining Armor’s curse… Everything. So what reason would I have to want to do anything to hurt your princess? Why would I even try, when I don’t intend to stay another day in this kingdom? Reiner you said yourself, that you would do anything for the princess… then let me help her. You’ve seen it haven’t you? She isn’t the mare you fell in love with. Right now, she is somepony different. So let me pass, and I’ll bring back her true self.”

Reiner was completely confused as he tried to decide while still holding Zeil back, “I… how… what makes you so sure?”
Zeil shook his head as he sighed in disappointment, “I know this curse as if I had casted it myself. It corrupts emotions, you’ve seen it too… Is she really who you think she is right now?”
Reiner didn’t reply, instead he tried to understand what was going on as, Zeil saw his hesitation and continued, “She needs you now, more than she ever did before… Are you going to let her fall again? Or will you stand by her side like you promised.”
As Reiner heard these words, he could only think for one more second before sighing with his decision and loosening his grip on his weapon allowing Zeil to push passed him to continue his charge towards Princess Blossom. Seeing Zeil quickly approaching, Princess Blossom tried to back up more until she found herself completely against her throne as Zeil tossed his staff to the side, pulled the small container from his cloak and jumped in the air as high as he could. While in the air, Zeil opened the container, scooped as much of the paste like potion into his hoof as he could, then tossed the container aside just as he landed in front of the royal unicorn as she started to plea, “N-no, s-sto-”

Before she could finish her plea, Zeil swung his hoof as his hoof glanced across her forehead before hitting her horn as the impact threw her head to the side, leaving the paste on her skin. With the princess’s head thrown to the side, and Zeil finished with his goal, the room went deftly silent as Reiner, and Zeil looked to the princess as she held her head to the side looking away from the two. As the room’s silence lingered, Zeil took a step back from Princess Blossom as he mumbled, “Did… did it work?”
Slowly the princess turned her head back to look at Zeil, however as soon as their eyes met, Princess Blossoms eyes started glowing brightly as she raised her head up and gave a loud scream as if she were being attacked from inside. As her scream echoed through the throne room, a magical explosion emanated from her horn as a shockwave hit Zeil and tossed the unsuspecting changeling across the room as he colligated with Reiner leaving both he and the guard captain to fall to the ground.

Shortly after, the shockwave was soon followed by a powerful purple whirlwind that started spiraling around the princess as the powerful forces of the sudden cyclone caused the stain glass windows to shatter inward as Zeil and Reiner shielded their faces from the falling glass. Shielding their eyes from the debris, Zeil and Reiner picked themselves up as they looked through the spiraling vortex that had now engulfed the head of the throne room. As the two looked at the vortex they could barely see Princess Blossom amongst the winds as she hovered over the ground with her mane standing on end from the winds. Confused, Reiner yelled over the sound of the wind, “Zeil! What happened? What did you do?”
With the sound of the winds overshadowing his words, Zeil replied as loud as he could, “I don’t know! This didn’t happen last time!”
Rained was surprised, “Last time? What are you talking about?”

Looking at the princess through the winds Zeil replied, “The curse has been festering in her for too long! Her emotions are running ramped. Fear, sorrow, anger, joy… and pain, she is feeling all emotions all at once! If this keeps up, she will burn out, and… I don’t know what will happen then, but there is no good scenario that will come from this!”
Reiner was even more confused, “Curse? What are you talking ab-”
At that moment both throne at the head of the throne room were picked up by the winds and tossed around before hitting pillars causing them to shatter into splinters. After shielding themselves from the new debris, Zeil looked to Reiner and spoke, “I’ll explain later! Right now she needs you!”
Reiner was confused, “What?”
Zeil replied, “She is missing memories that were forcibly removed by magic. Right now I think her emotions are trying to fill that void with everything at once and it’s causing her to relapse! But if you tell her the story, the true story as you told me, then whatever emotion she felt that day will fill that void and her magic should stabilize!”

Reiner replied with worry in his tone, “So… I just tell her the truth, and she will be fine? How are you so sure?”
Zeil shrugged his shoulders, “I’m not! But it’s the only option we have! I’ll warn you though… whatever emotion she felt that day will fill that void… so if it wasn’t that significant to her in the least. Then that’s what she will feel. Are you sure you want to go with that? Knowing it could change your relationship forever?”
Reiner looked at the princess in the vortex again as he nodded, “As long as she is safe… I don’t care if it is with or without me… I can’t lose her, not like this.”
Zeil nodded, “Then you know what to do… Go to her, tell her the truth, and force her to remember.”
Still unsure about the whole situation that they suddenly found themselves in, Reiner took one large bracing sigh before charging towards the princess as fast as he could while fighting the winds that spiraled around her.

As Reiner approached the wall of the spiraling wind, the determined guard pushed himself through the magic induced winds before finding out something surprising. Though Princess Blossom was hovering in the air with her main standing straight up as if to be altered by the wind, inside the vortex there was no wind at all. In fact it was similar to the eye of a hurricane as Reiner rushed to the princess and called, “Princess Blossom!”
With her eyes open and glowing too brightly to see any pupils, Princess Blossom spoke slowly as if she were possessed, “Who’s there… What is that voice?”
Reiner replied, “Princess! It’s me! Captain Reiner! I’m here to save you!”
She replied with no change in her expression, or tone, “Save… what save?... I… I don’t know what’s happening… I feel… afraid… angry… happy… but most… confused… what… what is happening… what happened when…”

All of a sudden the purple spiraling magic surrounding them turned black, as it blotted out all light in the vortex leaving the two to vanish from Zeil’s sight. As soon as they vanished, Zeil called, “Reiner! What happened? Can you hear me?”
As Zeil looked to the large black vortex, a few guard’s rushed into the room as they looked to Zeil leaving the leader to call, “What happened? Where are Princess Blossom and Captain Reiner?”
Zeil replied, “In the portal! Reiner is saving the princess, all we can do is stay back till he is finished!” Zeil looked back at the portal as he mumbled, “Come on Reiner.”

Inside the black vortex, Reiner tried to look around as the light was blotted out entirely, leaving it impossible to see the princess in front of him or anything around him. As he looked around in confusion, he started to hear the princess’s voice, “I… I can’t remember… I can’t remember what happened… that day.”
With her voice echoing, Reiner couldn’t tell where she was as he called, “That day?... you mean, in the cherry grove?”
“Cherry… grove?...”
At that moment, something strange happened. As Reiner looked thought the dark void, cherry pedals started falling from out of nowhere as Reiner looked up to see as one fell against his muzzle causing him to flinch. With that reaction Reiner brushed away the pedal but as he opened his eyes to look around, the surprised guard found himself standing in a vast cherry orchard. Looking around, He mumbled, "I… I know this place…”
“Excuse me?...”
At that moment, Reiner turned around to see a familiar filly standing in front of him as he started to speak, “P-prin-”

Before he could finish his statement, Reiner stopped when he realized his voice didn’t sound like it did before, in fact it sounded as he did when he was a young colt. As he placed his hoof against his throat, Reiner realized that he himself had changed into the very same foal he was the day he met that same filly that stood in front of him. In fact as he pieced together what was happening, he realized that it was as if he were reliving that very day. The cherry grove around him, his age and lack of armor, and the beautiful princess that stood before him. As the filly princess looked at him, she noticed his silence as she spoke, “Um… what’s wrong?”
Reiner decided what he needed to do to help the princess as he started reenacting from memory as he replied, “Oh, um… My name is Reiner… Reiner Grove. And… can I ask your name? I never seen you around here before.”
The young princess raised her head and spoke as if she were trying to speak properly, “Um… My name is Princess Blossom of Spring Haven. It’s very nice to meet you Mr Grove.”

Remembering this only made Reiner smile, It was as if he were reliving that very day, the way she tried to act all proper, the cherry blossoms falling on her as she tried not to flinch with each one that hit her face, in all accounts, it was cute. Reiner replied with the very same reaction he gave all those years ago, “Mr? You don’t have to call me that. Actually if you’re a princess, then since my father owns this orchard, then I guess I’m a Prince. So… you can call me that.”
The young princess giggled as she replied, “Alright… Prince Reiner. Then I guess that’s what I’ll call you.”
And from there, Reiner started replaying the same role he played back then, as he did his best to act out the day exactly as it had progressed all those years ago.

Outside the portal, the magic continued spiraling around the large black pillar as the swirling winds started causing the ceiling rafters to shift as small amounts of debris fell from the top of the room and joined the swirling winds. As this happened, Zeil did his best to hold himself steady as he looked to the shredding ceiling and mumbled, “If this keeps up any further the roof will come crashing down on top of us.”
Seeing the potential danger, Zeil looked to the unconscious guards on the ground as he instructed the arriving soldiers, “We need to get them out of here! The ceiling could come down on us any minute.”
One of the guards replied, “But what about the princess and the captain! Their safety comes first!”
Zeil replied, “Princess Blossom will be safe as long as she is with Reiner. We need to worry about the support of the throne room! We can’t help them if we are crushed under the ceiling.”

Understanding the situation, the guard called to his soldiers, “Get those troops out of here! And stay near the doorway.”
The guards nodded as they and Zeil helped get the unconscious soldiers out of the crumbling throne room. Shortly after evacuating the last soldier, the spiraling winds tore through the roof of the throne room as the lead guard spoke, “What’s happening, what can we do to stop this?”
Zeil replied, “All we can do is wait… If Reiner succeeds, the princess and he should return and this magic will subside.”
Another guard asked, “And if he fails? What then?”
Zeil shook his head, “We can’t think about that. We should have confidence that Reiner will pull through this unharmed. Knowing how much he cares for the princess, we can only have faith.”

Though time outside the vortex was normal, inside time seemed to move much faster as, the young Reiner and Princess Blossom’s reenacted day of play started to come to its end. Seeing dusk approaching the young princess looked to the sky and spoke, “Uh oh… it’s almost sunset. I better get back or mother will be furious.”
Dreading what was coming next, Reiner spoke, “Wait… Before you go… I want to show you something.”
The young princess gave him a curious look, “What is it Prince Reiner?”
Reiner tried to smile through his anxiety as he replied, “There… is a special place that I like to go to at this time of day... w-would you like to see it? It’s not very far from here.”
Princess Blossom thought to herself, “I don’t know…”
Reiner shook his head, “It’s not that far, it should only take a few minutes. Please… I promise you will like it.”

Reiner gave her a hopeful look as she smiled at his expression before replying, “Well… if it will only take a few minutes then… I’m sure mother won’t be too angry with me… so, lead the way Prince Reiner.”
Reiner smiled as he turned to the trail and led the princess to the largest tree in the grove. On their path, Reiner felt conflicted, He knew that this day had to go exactly the way it did all those years ago if he wanted to save the princess with little change in her emotional state, but to do this… he would have to let her reenact the same accident that he still felt responsible for after all these years. He would have to let her fall from the tallest branch in the cherry tree, then fall beside her after failing to protect her. As soon as they arrived, Princess Blossom stood under the tree and looked as far up as she could as she marveled at the large cherry tree, “Whoa… I didn’t know cherry trees could grow so big.”
Reiner replied as he did back then, “Yea, this tree is a tart cherry tree. They can grow reeealy tall… and that’s not the best part.”
Princess Blossom gave him a curious look, “Really? What’s the best part?”
Reiner tried to give a fake smile as he replied, “Well… I’ll show you when we get to the top. C’mon.”

Though his mind was telling him it was a bad idea, Reiner started climbing as he watched as Princess Blossom started climbing behind him. With his mind caught in his objective, he wasn’t paying attention to the princess as he heard a faint yelp of worry as Reiner stopped climbing to look down. As he looked at the filly below him, he saw Princess Blossom with her arms wrapped around a branch as she cringed her eyes close in worry, “I… I can’t go any higher… it’s… it’s too high.”
Reiner replied as he did back then, “It’s only a little higher you don’t have to be so scared.”

Princess Blossom opened her eyes as she tried to act brave, “I’m not scared I… I…” she looked down, but when she saw the height she closed her eyes and hugged the branch tighter as she continued, “I… I just can’t go any higher… if I fall… I’ll…”
Though his words were truthful at the time, this time they were a lie as he replied, “You won’t fall, I promise.”
Princess Blossom opened her eyes as she replied, “But… what if I do?”
Seeing the worry in her eyes reminded Reiner of how concerned he felt as he sighed and held out his hoof to her, “It’s aright princess… here take my hoof. And we can go up together.”
The young princess looked at his hoof, “But… but…”

Reiner smiled with confidence as he replied, “It’s aright… As long as I’m by your side, I will never let my princess fall.”
Though Reiner spoke with every word he had said that day, this time he noticed exactly how much his words affected her, as the young princess looked into his eyes with hope before replying as she reached out and took his hoof, “Aright… I trust you… my prince.”
As the two made eye contact, Reiner became even more conflicted with what he was going to do as he started climbing up the tree with Princess Blossom’s hoof in his as they both climbed higher until they made it to the place where Reiner was going to show her the scenery.

As soon as they reached the top, Reiner helped the princess onto the same branch as last time as he stood on the branch beside her before looking out over the orchard as he spoke, “Remember the best part I mentioned before… look out there.”
At that moment, the young princess looked out over the orchard as her breath was taken away as she saw the most beautiful sight she had ever seen. Out in the cherry grove, all the pink pedals on the cherry trees glowed a bright combination of pink, red and orange as the amber dusk sky mixed with the pink pedals to create a sight as if the large orchard were perfectly placed rows of torches flickering in the wind over the large fields. As the two looked over the orchard, Reiner spoke as he did back then, “I always liked this view, sometimes I wish the tree’s glowed like this at night. I bet it would look amazing.”

The princess smiled as she started to look at Reiner to reply however, as she did, the event that Reiner had been dreading happened, as the branch beneath her hooves broke causing the young princess to fall. Though he had already made his decision, Reiner immediately changed his mind as he quickly turned towards the falling princess and dove towards her. Since he was expecting it this time, Reiner was able to catch the princess in midair as he quickly rolled over placing himself between Princess Blossom and the ground as he held her close as she spoke in shock, “P-Prince Reiner?”
Reiner held her close as he spoke softly, “I can’t… I can’t let this happen… not again… not now that I know I can change it. Princess…” He held her tighter, “I care about you Princess Blossom. Back then and now… I want nothing more than to see you happy. And if it means risking my life for you to enjoy the cherry blossoms… then so be it. Because… I love you, and I always will.”
As he held her close the princess started to speak, “Rei-”
Before she could finish, the two foals had reached the end of their fall as the two hit the ground after falling from over twenty feet in the air.

Back in the throne room, the howling winds and flying debris seemed to slow down as the large spiraling pillar of wind and darkness slowly faded until all debris fell to the ground. As soon as the magical tornado vanished, rain began falling into the large gaping hole in the ceiling as Zeil and the observing royal guards entered the destroyed throne room to find Reiner and Princess Blossom holding each other at the head of the throne room amongst the falling rain. Worried, Zeil and the rest of the guards rushed to the couple’s side as the lead guard called, “Captain Reiner? Princess Blossom? Are you all right?”
Slowly the two struggled to pick themselves up as Princess Blossom started to speak, “R-Reiner… I… I remember now… I remember everything. That day… in the cherry grove, I remember it all.” She looked at Reiner, “You… you tried to save me… but failed… then… then…” tears began rolling down her face, “I’m responsible… it was my fault for being there… after I fell… you were blamed… your father was executed… it’s my fault he died… it’s my fault everything bad happened to you that day… it’s my fault… you hate spring.” She started crying, “It’s all my fa-”

Reiner smiled as he reached towards her face and wiped away her tears, “It’s all right… I got over that a long time ago. It wasn’t your fault all that happened, it was your mother. She did it… she caused all the problems from then on. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
Princess Blossom shook her head, “No… that’s not true… I… I… I killed her.” She looked down in shame, “I murdered my own mother in cold blood… just… just like she would. I’m no different than her… I… I don’t deserve to be your princess… I don’t even deserve your kindness.”
Reiner shook his head, “Princess… I… I know…” The princess gave him a shocked look as he continued, “The doctor and I examined Queen Rose after her passing and… we discovered her cause of death. It was poison… from the Moon Weed plant.”
Princess Blossom was surprised, “What?... but… why didn’t you say anything.”
Reiner replied, “We knew you were the only one who made contact with her during her illness, so we knew you had to be responsible. And since the queen was a tyrant, we felt it would be better if the kingdom believed her illness killed her, and nothing else.”

Zeil approached and replied, “The Moon weed may kill silently with sleep then death, but it’s easy to identify since it leaves its victim’s pupils to turn white like a full moon, hence the moon weed.”
As Princess Blossom and Reiner looked at Zeil, Reiner remembered something, “Wait a second… Zeil… What exactly happened to us back there? What was all that wind and magic?”
Zeil smiled in embarrassment, “Right… well, that was a curse… a weak one… but a curse none-the-less.”
“Weak?... WEAK!?! Just look at this place! The throne room is destroyed and both the princess and I were nearly killed! You better start explaining!!!”
Zeil waved downward as he tried to calm Reiner down, “Easy now… no need to shout, I’d be happy to explain.” He looked at Princess Blossom, “Princess, you said you remember everything now right? What is the very next memory you had after you fell out of the tree?”
Princess Blossom thought to herself, “Well, I awoke after a day and found myself in the castle infirmary.”

Reiner was confused, “A day? But… the queen said you were unconscious for a number of months.”
Zeil nodded, “Let me guess… after you woke up, you told your mother about Reiner. Using mainly positive words to describe your day with him right?”
Princess Blossom was confused as she replied, “Yes… but… how did you?...”
Zeil replied with a quote, “Should the next in line Prince or Princess to the throne meet a favorable suiter prior to the age of marriage, a betrothal decree will then be established. Upon which, a date will be set on the eighteenth birthday of the eldest in the couple for both a royal wedding and coronation to establish both as the new king and Queen of Spring Haven, with no required consent from the parents of the suiter or the rising heir. Then, by law of decree, the new heir will usurp the throne and take place as King or Queen despite the ruling of the reigning monarch.”
Reiner was confused, “What?”
Zeil reached into his saddlebag and pulled out the book with the royal law as he replied, “It’s all right here… in short, all you two had to do when you met was say that you two were in love, and the queen can kiss her throne goodbye as soon as one of you turned eighteen. However… should one of you forget the other then…”

Zeil gave them a moment to figure it out as Reiner replied with a shocked expression, “Then… a marriage wouldn’t be set… and the queen could ensure her long reign.”
Zeil nodded, “Exactly… Sometime after the princess woke, the queen realized that Princess Blossom could hold some feelings for you, and because of that, she was worried you would take her throne from her. So, she decided to cast a spell to remove you from her memories, one that would repeat itself every time you were reminded of him.”
Princess Blossom replied, “And… that’s what caused this?”
Zeil shook his head, “Well yes and no… a ponies mind is like a rope. It’s made up of many strands that can be twisted, tied and pulled all day without any problems, but if you tamper with it, say cut a few strands in its weave, then it will slowly fray with the strain of regular activities. Usually this would take only a few days to cause severe emotional damage, but since the queen’s spell was only very slight memory removal, it took a number of years to take full effect.”

Reiner remembered something, “Like that issue you faced in Equestria with that guard. What was his name?... Shining something?”
Zeil nodded, “Exactly, because I’ve notices the shift in emotions caused by this particular curse, I was able to identify it when I sensed it in Princess Blossom.” He looked at Princess Blossom, “Then, I noticed that the spell she casted kept reactivating every time your feelings for Reiner returned. Which was why you fainted at the cherry grove. The spell had to hit you hard to stop those memories from returning and it took a toll on your consciousness.”
Princess Blossom was confused, “So… you say my emotions shifted? That doesn’t seem so bad.”
Zeil shook his head, “Wrong, many don’t know that the difference between worry and suicidal despair isn’t that far off. The same can be said about annoyed, and murderous rage. Unstable emotions can be very dangerous to somepony or their family, but put a crown on that… and it can be deadly for an entire nation.”

Reiner thought to himself as he replied, “Well, that would explain why you seemed so unsure of yourself all the time… it could have been just your worry overreacting right?”
Zeil nodded, “That is true. Your meekness was probably caused by your fear to discourage your subjects’ approval.”
The princess replied with slight relief, “Then… my action to kill my mother was influence by this curse as well?”
Zeil shook his head, “Sadly… no… it may have helped you in your decision, however to poison somepony with a moon weed takes time and research. All of which would have been enough for your emotions to stabilize and make you change your mind. Sad to say… the decision to murder your mother was your own, and that alone is what allowed you to carry it out.”
Princess Blossom looked down in disappointment, “Then… I truly am like her…”

Zeil smiled as he shook his head, “Now I didn’t say that… You didn’t kill her for your own selfish needs or just to be queen. You killed her because you care for your subjects. I’ve only been here a few days, but in that time, I’ve noticed that everything you’ve done was for your subject’s wellbeing. You truly care for this kingdom and its residents. Since the queen was so heartless to them all, you decided to do what was best for them, buy removing her from the equation sort-of-speak.”
Reiner replied with a distrusting tone, “I don’t like the way you said that… speaking of which… what do you plan to do with this information now that you know the truth?”
Zeil smiled, “Monarchs kill each other all the time… I think I can forget I know this little truth on my own. It isn’t my business anyways… It’s not my kingdom.”
The guard’s in the room saluted as the lead guard spoke, “We didn’t hear it if you didn’t your majesty. We are loyal to the princess, and nopony else.”

Zeil smiled but before he could reply to their action, a loud boom was heard echoing through the throne room from the hole in the roof as Zeil looked at the storm that was now raining into the room and smiled. Though Zeil didn’t say anything, he didn’t have to as Reiner smiled and spoke, “Ah… so… now that the curse is lifted, it’s time for you to continue on your journey.”
Zeil smiled as he looked back at Reiner and nodded, “Since all is well now, I guess it is.”
Princess Blossom spoke in surprise, “What? Leave? Already? But… But…”
Zeil chuckled as he replied, “I would have left yesterday if not for your curse. I felt that since I knew what it was and how to fix it, it was best for me to deal with that first. Now… I really don’t have any reason to stay.”
Princess Blossom felt disappointed, “but… we owe you so much… and now we ca-”
Princess Blossom was silenced when Reiner put his hoof on her shoulder, shook his head, and smiled, “He has his own journey to finish princess. He can’t waste any more time here, when there isn’t any real reason to stay.”

Understanding his explanation, Princess Blossom smiled as Reiner approached her and stood beside her as he spoke, “Though I do agree, we owe you a lot Zeil… if there is anything we can do to help, just say the word.”
Zeil looked at the ruined throne room around them before replying, “Actually… we should probably call us even.”
Princess Blossom giggled as she replied, “Collateral damage aside, there has to be something we can do to at least try to make it up to yo- oh!”
Princess Blossom looked at Reiner as she spoke, “Captain? Do you still have that payment on you?”
Reiner remembered as he nodded, “Wait… your right.”
Reiner reached into his armor and pulled out a small pouch of coins as he handed it to Zeil and spoke, “This is payment for the supplies you purchased, it isn’t much but will you at least take this with you?”

Zeil looked at the pouch as he replied, “Sure… but… there is also one more thing you both can do for me.”
Princess Blossom smiled, “Yes? What is it?”
Zeil looked at her and smiled, “Princess… Take care of your subjects… become the queen this kingdom should have had before you.” He looked at Reiner, “And Captain… watch over your princess… you she needs you…”
Now more than ever.”
Zeil smiled at Reiner’s finish to his sentence as Zeil replied, “Exactly.”
Reiner held his hoof out as he replied, “Thanks Zeil… for everything. When you get to Equestria, feel free to send us a letter. It will be nice to make the journey to visit a new kingdom… if anything… we can call it a chance to make an alliance.” He looked at Princess Blossom, “Right your majesty?”

Princess Blossom smiled and nodded as Zeil hoof-bumped Reiner’s extended hoof before replying, “Sure… and I’ll introduce you to Zecora personally.”
With that said, Zeil looked at Princess Blossom as he bowed slightly, “Your majesty… thank you for allowing me to stay, and… I misjudged you. A princess who can keep her emotions in control to keep her subjects happy, especially for as long as you have… is far stronger then I could possibly imagine.”
Princess Blossom smiled as she nodded, “Thank you for your kind words and your assistance Mr. Zeil. I hope we can meet again someday.”
Zeil smiled as he rose from his bow and trotted away from the two, “Well… thanks for everything. Good bye.”
As Zeil trotted towards the exit, Princess Blossom and Reiner watched Zeil approach the doors to leave the destroyed throne room before Princess Blossom called, “Wait… one more thing? How did you know I killed my mother if you didn’t see the body?”
Zeil smiled as he turned around and spoke “It was just a hunch… for the happiness of my subjects, I’d do the same.”

With nothing more to say, Zeil turned back to his path, put his hood up on his cloak and exited the throne room as Princess Blossom and Reiner stood side by side as the princess spoke, “A changeling who doesn’t steal love, who know how to use magic, and who will go out of his way to help an unknown princess from a kingdom that isn’t even his own. This world truly is amazing isn’t it? I only hope he succeeds in reaching his goal.”
Reiner nodded as he replied, “He will… he and I are a lot alike, and if I were him… then nothing would stop me.”
Princess Blossom smiled, “I’m glad… thanks to him, I can be a more forward princess who rules with both kindness, and still hold the courage to fight off any who would take advantage of that kindness. Speaking of which…”

She looked at one of the other guard’s, “Since the throne room is in disarray, we will be holding the ceremony in the city cathedral. Pass along the news and make curtain the kingdom knows that it will be this evening prior to sunset.”
The guard bowed and left to follow his orders as Reiner replied in confusion, “Ceremony?”
Princess Blossom smiled, “Of course… how else would you become King of Spring Haven.”
Reiner was shocked, “K-King!?!”
Princess Blossom smiled as she trotted away and spoke, “I think I’m going to enjoy being more forward with my actions. Hmm… King and Queen Reiner Blossom…” She blushed, “I see only a bright future for Spring Haven.”

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