• Published 2nd Dec 2018
  • 1,908 Views, 229 Comments

Love's Lost Decade - Priceless911

Zeil, a changeling in love sets out on an incredible 10 year journey. Crossing blistering deserts, Frozen Mountain, treacherous forests, and unbelievable dangers. But is his journey merely an accident or was he fated to find what lies within him.

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Bk12/Ch3 Balanced

Book 12/Chapter 3
(Year ??, Month ??, Day ??)

Lucifer in Zeil’s former changeling appearance, stood across the large blood rose patch wielding a black wood spear as Zeil stood about fifty feet away with his spear still standing on end next to him. As he reached for the weapon provided, Lucifer gave one last warning, “Like last time… as soon as you take your weapon… we will begin, and I won't stop until your dead.”
Zeil nodded, “One year of training under Chief Basarum, and more so with other teachers… I'm more than ready.”
Lucifer replied as he stood at the ready, “You’re a fool if you think that… but… you chose to come here all the same. Take your weapon… it’s time we end this.”
As Zeil reached for the weapon, he remembered that as soon as he touched it last time, his opponent wasted no time in his first charge so this time as soon as Zeil grabbed the spear, he readied himself as he shifted to a defensive stance.

As soon as Zeil grabbed the spear and set his stance, Lucifer charged at full speed as the changeling form made it easy for him to close the distance with haste. With his training Zeil was able to see the fast changeling’s actions better than last time, however his movements were still too much for him as Lucifer closed the distance and started the fight with an attempt at a killing strike. Barely able to keep up, Zeil raised his spear deflecting it slightly as the trust was forced to the right of Zeil’s neck leaving a cut in what could have been a killing blow. As soon as he realized he was still outmatched, Zeil jumped back to gain distance from his opponent, however, Lucifer lunged with him and spun his body with his Jump bringing the shaft of his spear against Zeil’s side with a powerful swing. With the hit breaking his balance, Zeil landed with a stumble before looking back to Lucifer just in time to see a second swing as the fast attack struck Zeil across his face knocking him to the ground as he crushed a few blood roses in his fall.

Trying to move quickly Zeil stood up but before he could gain any stance at all, Lucifer with no distance between them, thrusted his spear under Zeil’s hooves as he flung his weapon upwards with the shaft of his weapon picking Zeil up and throwing him over his shoulder. But before Zeil could hit the ground behind him, Lucifer reared up his hind hooves and kicked will all his power as he hit Zeil’s chest throwing him across the area with his head faced down to the ground. Landing head first into a long painful roll, Zeil tumbled across thirty feet of blood roses as a long red gash was left behind in the snow white field as if the very earth had a deep red cut on it. When Zeil’s stopped rolling he struggled to pick himself up but as he did he felt and intense pain in his chest as he realized that that last kick had broken a few ribs. Releasing his weapon in pain and struggling to stand, Zeil glared at his changeling opponent as Lucifer started to approach slowly, “What’s the matter Zeil… I thought you said… You were more than ready!!!
With emphasis on his words, Lucifer charged again. Seeing this, Zeil quickly looked around for his spear, but before he could secure his weapon, Lucifer had already closed the distance as he flipped his spear so that the blade was facing away and thrusted the back of his weapon into Zeil’s chest. As the impact cased Zeil to gasp, Lucifer punched upwards with his left hoof throwing Zeil into the air as Lucifer grabbed Zeil by his airborne hind hoof and flung him back onto the ground slamming him against the blood roses, then proceeded to spin and fling Zeil a few more feet across the field creating a second gash in the already bleeding field.

With Zeil too weak to stand Lucifer approached, “You think any amount of training will make you stronger than me? You don’t get it do you…” He stuck his weapon into the ground as he picked up Zeil’s head with one hoof and punched him in his face, “I am a part of you…” he punched again, “Every Spell,” then again, “Every skill,” again “Every discovery,” again, “Everything you learned,” then again “I learned with you!”
With one last swing, Lucifer punched Zeil’s face downward as he released his head allowing it to slam against the ground with final punch. Stunned, battered, and bruised, Zeil could only lay against the ground as Lucifer stood over him, “The difference between you and I though… you learned all within your lifetime… I learned through multiple. Mage Nero the first mage, Mage Seraphim, Mage Phalla, and many more… I lived their lives as well as yours and through all that, I remember everything. Their skills, their knowledge, even their follies. I know everything they know, and that goes double for you.”

Zeil tried to respond, but as he did, he realized it was difficult to move his jaw so all he could do was drain his energy in lifting his head which only turned to a brief cough of blood before falling back down in exhaustion. Lucifer sighed, “Unfortunately… there is only one thing about you I don’t know… the one answer to the question that many have asked you… but you have brushed away so carelessly. What will you do when you return to Equestria?”
Zeil on the ground turned his head to look at Lucifer as the titan continued, “Yes I know many have asked and your only answer was, to tell Zecora the truth… but then what next? We both know what will happen if she accepts you… but what about if she turns you away? What will you do then?”
Zeil wanted to reply but with his body already too worn to move, he could only lay and listen as Lucifer continued, “Will you happily leave and never return to Equestria? Will you resent her, and act on anger? Will you resent the ponies, for casting you away? Will you, with knowledge on the subject bring pain, misery, and extinction upon the pony race without remorse?”

Lucifer paced around him as Zeil tried to follow with his eyes as the titan continued, “Then… there is that picture… the problem with it that has been on your mind ever since you first saw it… The photo of the last mage, Zecora, and that little problem that torments you so… the filly.”
Lucifer completely circled Zeil and continued pacing, “You know the truth… you know it as well as I and despite how much you know… you continue to deny it. You choose to believe that that happy family in that photo is your family. That that Stallion the husband is you, that loving wife is really Zecora, and that cute little filly is your daughter, the product of a happy reunion between you, an outcaste changeling, and her, the zebra enchantress of the Everfree Forest.”
He stopped pacing as he looked down to Zeil, “But we know better… don’t we?”

Lucifer kneeled down over Zeil as he spoke, “We both know, that no matter how much you want it to be true, no matter how hard you wish, no matter what you or Zecora can both believe with all the hope in your hearts… that there is one little flaw in this plan. Now… say it.”
Zeil laid his head down, and hesitated as tears started building in his eyes, “We… I-I… can't…”
“You can't what? Speak up?… What can't you do?… What can't any changeling do? The thing that I, the creator of the changeling race specifically encoded to your kind that make it so impossible… Say it…”
With a tear rolling down his face Zeil struggled to get his words out, “Changelings… can't… reproduce… with other races.”
Lucifer nodded, “Exactly… if she were a changeling queen, it would be another story but with a zebra… offspring are an impossibility. Changelings can change everything about themselves, their shape, their voice, their height, strength, you can even rearrange your own organs and blood color so that you can be treated by a doctor of any race in perfect disguise… but no matter what you do, changelings cannot reproduce with other races. I know because I made that feature personally to prevent fear that a swarm was trying to breed another race out of existence. But you… you clung to the lie and hoped that that photo was truth. That you and Zecora could be happy and have the family of your dreams. Sadly… consider this a wakeup call. The mage who chose you, is a zebra. You felt it with your changeling senses and yet you overlook that truth. Weather he is truly you… has yet to be seen, but from what I see… you and he… are two different beings entirely.”
“Y-your… wrong…”

Lucifer rose up and took a step back till he was standing next to his embedded spear as he replied, “What was that?”
Zeil with every ounce of strength he had, picked himself up as he spoke with as much authority as he could muster, “I don’t know how… but the filly in that photo… is my blood. That mare… my wife… and no matter what you say will change that. I don’t know what I will do if Zecora turns me away, but if I truly am your light, then I'll be optimistic and say that she loves me as much as I love her… and if that is true… She won't turn me away.”
With emphasis in his last word, Zeil tried one last act of desperation as he charged at Lucifer with all the strength his body had left. However with no weapon, a broken rib, and all other wounds he had endured, his movements were much slower than normal as Lucifer waited for a split second before pulling his spear from the ground, turning the blade sideways and swinging his weapon as he timed it perfectly to bash the side of the blade against Zeil’s face as the blade’s tip left a deep cut along his cheek.

With the attack stopping and stunning Zeil, Lucifer proceeded to reach out and grab Zeil by his mane as he spun around and tossed him into the air. Then with no delay in his actions, Lucifer readied his spear and threw it with deadly accuracy as the airborne projectile closed in and stabbed into Zeil’s gut as the now impaled changeling fell to the ground leaving yet another scar on the blood rose field. Now impaled, Zeil laid with no strength left as the blood from his wounds, mixed with the blood from the blood roses around him. As Lucifer slowly approached, Zeil had no strength to even lift his head as he shifted his eyes to the approaching titan who could only look upon him pity, “So that’s it then… of all you went through… this is how your story ends.”
Lucifer rolled Zeil onto his back before grabbing his spear and pulling it out from Zeil’s body as the defeated changeling didn’t even have the strength to scream in pain. All he could do was cringe and gasp before laying back as Lucifer raised his spear over Zeil’s head as he spoke, “Such a pity… for a while, I actually believed you would be the first changeling mage in history… sadly… I was mistaken. If you have the strength to say them… now would be the time to speak your last words.”

Although Zeil did want to say something, it was no use, his body was completely drained. He had an impalement wound in his gut, he had multiple broken ribs, a deep cut on his face and neck and part of him even thought his jaw was broken since he didn’t even have the strength to open his mouth. Since there was nothing more he could do, Zeil could only glare at Lucifer in anger. Seeing this, Lucifer nodded, “Very well… Goodbye mage Zeil. If it’s any consolation… I was rooting for you to the very end.”
As Lucifer raised his spear up with the blade aiming for Zeil’s neck, Zeil could only close his eyes in acceptance. But before anything else could happen, Zeil heard a voice, “So… you’re throwing in the towel?”
Confused, Zeil opened his eyes to find himself standing before Chief Rafi as he realized all his wounds were gone. Confused, he spoke, “What?”
Chief Rafi repeated, “Your giving up… didn’t think I would ever see that day. Especially after that whole Dark Alicorn fiasco. I assumed you could handle anything.”
Standing before Chief Rafi, Zeil spoke, “I can't win… all the training I did, he is still stronger them me.”

All of a sudden a second incredibly familiar voice spoke next as he chuckled, “Never thought I would see the day that my big brother drone would call it quits.”
Shocked by the voice, Zeil turned around to see Supersonic standing in place with a confident smiled on his face. Stunned Zeil spoke, “S-sonic?”
Supersonic smiled, “You’ve toppled literal kingdoms before Equestria… and you going to quit while fighting your alter ego? Maybe I finally surpassed you after all, though event with me saying it, I would find it hard to believe.”
Zeil shook his head, “Sonic, even I have my limits. I tried to be the strong dependable brother since it’s what you needed to stand out amongst the rest of the workers. But this opponent… he is too much even for me.”

Another familiar voice spoke from behind, “Is he? Or are you indecisive of what you truly hold? Once we lose sight within ourselves then, and only then, are we truly lost.”
Zeil turned to see the Ibex Sensei standing there as he spoke, “Sensei?”
The Ibex smiled, “Good to see you master Zeil… and I mean that literally. To actually see you… you’re taller than I expected.”
Disregarding the statement Zeil replied, “How am I supposed to win Sensei? Against one so powerful.”
The Sensei sighed, “In many cases, we must choose the fights to fight, and on occasion, fight those we don’t choose. If I say this fight is meaningless, I choose to ignore your fate. And what sort of sensei would I be to do so. I cannot choose how to fight this fight… that choice, must reside in you.”
Confused Zeil replied, “I don’t understand… this fight isn’t my choice. And even then I can't win, I'm literally fighting a titan. A god basically.”

Another voice spoke up, “Too right, this is a tough nut to crack, but I think a bloke as tough as you can conquer this mountain without a hitch. After all, ya beat worse when we were with ya.”
Immediately recognizing the voice, Zeil turned again, this time looking at Hotham, Everest, Kiloman, and Pike from Angela’s Peak. Seeing them, Zeil replied to Hotham’s statement, “Angel wasn’t a titan, and… I lost against her remember.”
Pike shook his head, “We ain’t talkin about Angel… We are talkin about Angela’s Peak, that mountain was treacherous and it claimed all four of us… but you of all survived.”
Still in denial, Zeil shook his head, “That’s not the point. I lost that fight too… even if I made it to the peak, I didn’t make it back alone. Angel saw mercy on me and brought me back.”
Kiloman smiled, “And why do you think that is? We all challenged that mountain, but when she saw our fate, she chose to end us mercifully.”
Everest spoke next, “Take it from me… we all hold qualities that others can't see on the outside. She saw something in you that she sparred. What could that quality be I wonder?”
Zeil started thinking to himself, “I… I don’t even know anymore.”

Another familiar voice spoke, “Maybe, she, as well as all of us just saw hope looking at you. I'll be honest, when I saved you in Lilith, part of it was just seeing the wrong and stepping in, but another part of it was that… of all those trapped in that forsaken kingdom. There was just a natural light to you… something that… needed to be trusted.”
Zeil turned to the new voice to see King Matthias standing there as he replied, “I’ve been told I was light for a long time… but… I never believe it. If you only knew my past before Zecora… then you would know Light isn’t what I am. I'm… nothing.”
King Mathias gave him a dull look, “Really? You came to my kingdom, saved my subjects, and even saved me and all of those souls from endless torment, and you still have the nerve to call yourself nothing? You are light Sir Zeil… even if you don’t believe so. The lives of over a thousand souls would attest to that.”

One last voice spoke as the young filly approached, “I would say so to…”
At that moment, Zeil turned to see Kante standing there as she spoke with authority, “You saved me, and I aim to return the favor. As my teacher, it’s time for you to take a test of your own… What was the purpose of the enchanter of light?”
Zeil replied, “To teach me to be the mage.”
“Wrong! What is the purpose of the enchanter of light!?!”
Zeil thought to himself before replying, “To remind me of my light side… so I could harness my dark side… right?”
She smiled, “Good… now with that in mind, do you remember the three things needed to defeat your opponent…”

Zeil looked to Kante who stood with a pleasant smile as she continued, “To defeat your opponent, you have to know three things right? Know your Surroundings, Know your opponent, and know yourself. The problem here is, your ignoring all three. You don’t seem to know any of those.”
Zeil shook his head, “What? But I-”
She interrupted, “Think clearly Mage Zeil… who is your opponent?”
Zeil nodded, “Lucifer…”
She shook her head, “Wrong… think like a Mage, Who is your opponent… Where are you fighting right now… and… Who are you?”
Seeing the determination in her eyes, Zeil thought to himself for a brief moment before it all became clear to him, “That’s it…”
She smiled, “Good… now take up your spear… and Fight!”

Almost immediately, all of Zeil’s wounds and pain had returned as he found himself laying at the mercy of Lucifer’s spear. Then as Lucifer dropped his spear blade to end Zeil’s life, a loud metal chime was heard as Lucifer’s eyes widened when he saw the tip of his blade being blocked by the shaft of a golden spear in Zeil’s hoof. Standing in amazement, Lucifer could only look into Zeil’s eyes as his pupils shifted to center on him as Zeil spoke, “That’s it… That’s the lesson…”
As that was said a massive shockwave emitted from Zeil’s body as the powerful force pushed Lucifer a couple of feet away causing him to land on his hooves and slide across the ground making the first scare in the field caused by his body.
Surprised, Lucifer watched as Zeil used the newly formed golden spear to pick himself up from the ground, as every wound on his body slowly closed and healed until Zeil looked just as he did at the start of the battle. Smiling Lucifer spoke, “So… you finally got it don’t you… you finally know the lesson.”

As soon as that was said, Lucifer swung his spear upwards as he deflected a golden spear that was tossed at him from Zeil’s own hoof. Though his attack was blocked, Zeil could only smile as he stood strait and replied, “Yes… you are my darkness, I am your Light, and where we are is my mind owned and controlled by us together. Last time we fought here, I stalled you when I thought about the fireflies in Equestria. So I figured it out… Just like last time, this world will bend to the whim of whoever holds the will to take control. And now that I know this…”
Zeil held out his hoof as golden liquid seeped from the ground beneath him, weaved itself into a sharpened golden spear before hardening in place just as the black spear in Lucifer’s hoof did before. With his new weapon his hoof, Zeil finished his sentence, “I will win this fight.”
Lucifer smiled as he began his charge, “WE WILL SEE ABOUT THAT!!!”

Lucifer charged at Zeil with the same speed as he held before, however, this time Zeil could both see his actions, and could move fast enough to block them as Lucifer attacked with a string of slashes, thrusts and parrying as he tried everything he could to strike at Zeil’s vital parts, however Zeil succeeded in blocking and deflecting every attempt as he watched Lucifer’s actions closely, looking for an opening. As Lucifer attacked he spoke, “Takes more than strength of will to be the mage! Much More! Do you know what you lack yet? DO YOU!!!”
As he yelled those last words, Lucifer thrusted his spear one last time As Zeil thrusted his spear at the exact same time with deadly precision and accuracy. As both spear blade’s were thrusted Lucifer’s spear was blocked, But Zeil’s hit its mark as the very tips of both blades collided with such force that Lucifer’s blade cracked slightly as gold liquid from the tip of Zeil’s blade surged into the cracks with such force and speed, that Lucifer’s blade exploded out as shards of sharp metal scattered in all directions as the metal shards bounced off of Zeil without any damage. Lucifer however quickly covered his throat and eyes as the metal shards peppered his body with such power that they imbedded deep into his skin with some even cutting into his face as the following shockwave from the exploding spear’s blade threw the titan back as he hit the ground and rolled through the blood roses in pain.

After that was done, Zeil with his weapon still hoof and no wounds on his body, slowly approached the fallen titan as Lucifer laid on the ground coughing up blood from the shards of metal that pierced his chest and lungs. Now with Lucifer too weak to stand, the wounded changeling smiled, “Well… done… your mind was strong enough to destroy my weapon, and to stop me from healing myself… looks like you were strong enough after all.” He rolled over on his back, “Now… finish this fight… and end me. Vanquish your darkness, and finish your trial Mage Zeil.”
Zeil stepped closer till he was standing over Lucifer as he held his spear over his head and spoke with no emotion, “You granted me a chance to say my last words… so I'll grant the same… speak your peace.”
Lucifer smiled as he closed his eyes, “I’ve said all I can say… the rest… is up to you.”
With the spear over Lucifer’s head Zeil nodded, “Good… then we are done here.”
That said, Zeil thrusted the spear downward with deadly accuracy as he buried the blade where he intended, then released the spear leaving it to stand in place.

After a brief moment of silence Zeil spoke with a cleaver smile, “You didn’t think I was that naive… did you.”
Surprised, Lucifer opened his eyes to see that the blade was dug into the ground next to his head as Zeil stepped back and spoke, “You are my darkness… I am your light. If I kill you… I vanquish my darkness, but then I remain unbalanced. That isn’t the will of the Mage of Zebrica.”
As Zeil stepped back, Lucifer’s wounds healed as he picked himself up from the ground as he smiled, “Then… that’s your answer? You choose to end your final trial with that?”
Zeil nodded, “I do…”
Lucifer chuckled as he replied, “Then congratulations Sir Zeil, Master Zeil, whatever title you want to call yourself… You are the first Changeling Mage of Zebrica.”
Zeil nodded, “Considering what I went through, it was tempting to just kill you and be done, but I remembered something. I remembered that, in all this, I was reminded of a few things. To have a strong will, to remember my light, and to know that even if I don’t like the outcome, I must strive for balance.”
Lucifer nodded, “Yes, and that includes within yourself. Funny, I’ve never seen any mage discover that lesson during the final trial.”

As Zeil stood, the surroundings once again changed back to the massive clear lake that was once a civilization. As the two stood on the water’s surface in the center of the lake, Lucifer looked out towards the mountains as he smiled, “It is a shame that such pain took place at a setting as beautiful as this. Despite the bad memories, I always loved this place. The clear sky and mountains reflecting themselves on the water, the vast lake so calm and tranquil. it’s hard to believe a civilization died just below its surface. Or that the same civilization murdered over a thousand innocent souls.”
Zeil looked at the scenery as he nodded, “It’s truly horrible that… so many suffer for a pointless cause.”
Lucifer nodded, “It didn’t start pointless, but the means did not justify the end.”

As they looked at the sight, Zeil asked, “Do you regret it?”
Lucifer shook his head, “My darkness says no… but you are my light, so answer…” He looked to Zeil, “Do I?”
Although the question seemed odd to ask, Zeil could feel the answer as if it was a part of him as he replied, “No… what you did, you did for the good of what could have been a great kingdom. But… you still feel you over reacted and wish that rather than destroying the entire race, that you could have only killed the queen instead. Despite the fact that… you truly loved her… even now many centuries later.”
Lucifer smiled, “Then you truly embraced your darkness… good. Now, to make it official.”
Lucifer turned to him as he spoke, “Stand ready Mage Zeil… this will feel odd at first, but I promise it will make sense in the end.”
Confused, Zeil stood in front of Lucifer as the Titan placed his hoof onto the surface of the water in front of him as a ripple in the water’s surface started spreading outward from where he was standing. As the water’s reflected mountains became distorted the Tome of the Mage rose from the depths as the pages once again tore from the book and began orbiting Lucifer. Then with the first page leading the rest, the string of flying pages broke away from Lucifer as they instead began orbiting Zeil.

With the ring of pages flowing around Zeil, he started to feel a strange sensation as the pages started emitting a bluish glow. Shortly after the glowing pages combusted into a blue flame before dissolving into a bluish light that stopped orbiting Zeil and started flowing into his eyes. Immediately Zeil was bombarded with visions of spells, skills, and knowledge, as well as faces. Friends, Families, enemies and even lovers seemed to fill his mind until the visions faded with the last of the flowing light as it entered Zeil’s eyes and vanished into his pupils. As soon as the light vanished, Zeil fell to the water’s surface as he laid exhausted for a few seconds before picking himself up and speaking, “I… I could see it every spell in the tome and what it did… and not just that. I could see them… their lives, all of them. The memories and experiences of… every mage to hold this very tome. And also…” He looked to Lucifer, “Your’s…”
Lucifer nodded, “To be the mage means you must know all about the past mages. Their skills, their knowledge, their accomplishments, and their failures. Knowing everything about the past mage means that now, you are the greatest mage of all, and when the next mage takes your place, he will be even greater, since, he will know all about you in addition with the rest. With the knowledge shared by every mage, you will have all you need and more to hold the tittle responsibly and proficiently. I hope, you hold it well.”

With his mind sifting through what he just learned, as he spoke, “I don’t see, Mage Mugi… I'm guessing… since he failed in his final trial. His memories were never recorded?”
Lucifer nodded, “Yes… Mage Mugi wasn’t a weak mage if you should know. In fact he defeated me in only three moves… but… in his final move. He impaled me… and killed me.”
Zeil was surprised, “He killed you?”
Lucifer nodded, “In order to leave this world and return to Zebrica, you will require focus from your whole self. Your light, and darkness. In his haste he took my life, and with it, sealing his fate to forever be trapped here. If he were whole, not only could he return to the real world, his body could also sustain itself in stasis till his return. But without his darkness to balance his mind, that was impossible. All he could do, was sit her in his mental prison, until his body finely failed on him. Though painless as it was for him, being imprisoned here was worse than death in my eyes. To sit and ponder your last mistake for almost a decade… I couldn’t imagine a worse fate.”
Zeil nodded, “I see.”

Trying to change the mood of the moment, Lucifer smiled, “Anyways, since you now know all you need to return as the Mage of Zebrica, it is time you return to your body… but first, if you want to say your final goodbyes now is the time.”
Zeil was confused, “Goodbyes?”
Lucifer pointed behind him as Zeil turned to see a number of familiar faces. Supersonic, King Matthias, Kante, and Chief Rafi stood smiling at Zeil as Chief Rafi spoke, “The Rest passed on but, we wanted to see you off… one last time.”
Zeil was confused, “Last time?”
Supersonic trotted to his brother and brohoofed him as he spoke with a smile, “It’s time for us to go, we saw you through your last trial, so it’s time for us to move on… It was good to see you again big brother Zeil. I hope Zecora welcomes you back with open arms.”
Zeil smiled at his brother, “If it’s time for you to move on… then… I hope we can see each other again someday.”
Supersonic smiled, “Better later then sooner. Till then, I'll leave it to our little sister to keep me company.”
Kante shrugged her shoulders as she replied, “Well if this Supersonic character is also your brother, then I guess he is mine too. Just, don’t be shocked if I say Zeil is my favorite.”

Zeil could only chuckle at Kante’s words as King Matthias spoke next, “You did well Sir Zeil… I'm happy to call you my greatest knight… as well as by best friend.”
Zeil nodded before replying, “You gave me a spell in your letter… is that the same one to turn your wife into an alicorn?”
He nodded as Zeil started to ask, “Will it-“
His question was stopped when Matthias held up his hoof and interrupted, “There is only one way to find out… but you will have plenty of time for that later, I think for now… you should return home. To the mare you love.”
Zeil nodded, “Of course, thank you f-“

Before he could finish, Zeil was interrupted when Kante rush to him and hugged him as hard as she could as she spoke, “Brother Zeil… thank you for everything. I'll, I'll miss you.”
With tears building in her eyes, Zeil hugged her back as he replied, “You saved me once before… now I'm in your debt for two lives.”
She shook her head, “How about, we call it even.”
Zeil smiled, “I’d like that.”
That said Kante stopped hugging him as she wiped away her tears and spoke with authority, “Brother Zeil… Mage Zeil… may good fortune smile upon you.”
Zeil nodded as he replied, “And upon you… Sister Kante.”
Kante backed away until she was next to King Matthias as the king spoke, “Goodbye Sir Zeil. I wish you luck in returning to your beloved.”
Zeil could only smile, as King Matthias, Supersonic, and Kante disappeared all at once as if it were in a blink of an eye.

With his friends all passed on, Zeil looked to Chief Rafi as he spoke, “So… This is it… isn’t it? This is truly the last time we will speak?”
Chief Rafi nodded, “Yes, I’ve seen you though most of your journey, but… its time I pass on too. A spiritual guide is only useful should he have one to guide, but from here on,” He gestured towards Lucifer, “Your other self will be here to help you. A good trade is I say so myself, a chief for a titan?”
Zeil nodded as he replied, “Then… I guess this is goodbye.”
Chief Rafi nodded, “It is… Be sure to watch over my youngest sister. Though she is quite skilled in magic, Zecora still needs you by her side.”
Zeil nodded, “Then I'll do everything I can to protect her.”
Chief Rafi nodded, “I know you will… May good fortune smile upon you Mage Zeil of the Black Sand.”
Zeil nodded, “And upon you, Chief Jumb Rafi of the Western Tribe.”

As that was said, Chief Rafi vanished for the very last time, as Lucifer approached and spoke, “Now that that is done… its time you return to the Northern Tribe… Are you ready?”
Zeil nodded as he replied, “First… to finally answer your question from earlier… If… if I return to Equestria… and Zecora turns me away?”
Lucifer was intrigued, “Yes?”
Zeil continued, “If she turns me away… I'll happily accept it, and return here… to the mage’s home…”
Lucifer was curious, “You will live in exile?”
Zeil nodded, “Though it wasn’t in my control, I did leave here… and I’ve taken over six years trying to get back to her. So if she is to hate and despise me for that… then I'll balance it by leaving her to live her life, without me.”
Lucifer smiled, “That’s an interesting way to look at it… though… I would look at it defiantly.”
Zeil gave him an intrigued look as Lucifer repeated an earlier statement, “I’d say that if she truly loved you as much as you love her, then she would never turn you away. After all that is an optimistic way of looking at it… right? But then, there is the filly from that photo…”
Zeil smiled, “I have an idea about that, currently it’s only in theory, but… if it works… then that problem is already solved.”
Lucifer nodded “Then I'll leave that decision in your hooves.” He held out his hoof, “Ready?”
Zeil reached out and placed his hoof against Lucifer’s as he replied, “Ready.”
As that was said, a blinding light was seen overshadowing them both as Lucifer’s voice spoke, “Then let us return as one… The Mage of Zebrica.”

As the bright light shined, Zeil squinted his eyes as he realized the light was the sun shining in through a hole in the ceiling of the old wooden shelter. As Zeil turned to shield his eyes from the sun, he quickly realized that his hooves couldn’t move as he looked down to see tree vines had grown into the hut and across his body as he mumbled, “What… vines, are these my- no these are natural grown vines from outside. I guess, six month is enough for them to grow over me.”
Struggling to free himself, Zeil pulled and tugged at the vines until he was finally able to break free from the meditative state that they held him in. After breaking free, Zeil stretched his hooves as he looked at his surroundings. The hut didn’t change much since he started his meditation aside from the vines that had grown down from the ceiling and covered him. With the temperature still warm Zeil spoke, “I guess… I may have been gone longer then six months this time… a year maybe… it seems the seasons didn’t change at all. Trotting to his saddlebag, he looked through his things as he took all the food out and tossed it aside, “Rotten… I assumed it would be… lucky I packed a corn seed for this… one rapidly grown stalk will give me enough food to return to the Northern Tribe.”
Doing as he said, Zeil trotted outside and used the one corn carnal he had along with a rapid growing potion and grew the seed high enough to get a few ears of corn from it. After placing the new food in his bag, Zeil put on his cloak paid the last respects to Mage Magi’s grave then set out for the Northern Tribes.

The very next day back in the Northern Tribes, Chief Basarum was being led through the tribe as Zera skipped along happily, “This way husband, I need you to wait right over here.”
Annoyed by her unusually giddy attitude, Chief Basarum asked, “Zera what is the meaning of this?”
Zera gave him an annoyed look, “Must I have a reason to enjoy some quality time with my husband?”
Chief Basarum gave her a suspicious look, “What are you up to?”
Zera sighed, “I'm only trying to get you out of the temple. You’ve worked so hard lately, and I want you to understand that there is more to the tribe then just running it.”
Chief Basarum looked through the village at the working zebra as he nodded, “I suppose there is… my apologies, thing have been quite busy since the trade route to Spring Haven was established.”
As the two arrived at the very edge of the village, Zera paused as she spoke, “Well… here should be fine. Wait right here.”
Chief Basarum was confused, “Wait… for what?”
She smiled, “You’ll see… I'll be right back.”

Leaving him confused, Zera trotted back into the village as Chief Basarum watched her leave, “Why is she so excited today?... perhaps she saw something in this peaceful day.” He sat down as he looked through the village then panned his eyes to the sky, “I suppose it is quite peaceful isn’t it? The sky is partly cloudy with a beautiful sunshine, the tribe is working peacefully… it’s as if… all is in perfect harmony.”
“Or balance…”
After hearing the statement, Chief Basarum turned to the voice, “I couldn’t have said it better my se-…”
he paused when he saw who spoke, “M-Mage Zeil?”
Zeil put the hood on his cloak down as he spoke, its good to see you Chief, I'm sure it’s been a while.”
Chief Basarum nodded, “Yes it has… I can assume since you’re here… you finished your final trial?”
Zeil nodded as Chief Basarum continued, “Then… Welcome back… Mage Zeil. I’d say stay a while but… I'm sure you kn-”

Before Chief Basarum could finish his sentence, Zeil was surprised as Zera rushed in and hugged Zeil as she spoke, “Mage Zeil! It’s great to see you… I was worried the vision I had this morning was too good to be true. Yet here you stand alive and well.”
Zeil patted her on the back as he replied, “Of course I am… and I'll let you know that… I found Mage Magi.”
Chief Basarum spoke, “I see… so, was he?...”
Zera stopped hugging Zeil as he nodded, “I'm afraid so… he passed a long time ago. I properly laid him to rest.”
Chief Basarum nodded, “Then it’s good that you found him. You are one of few that I can fully trust to lay him to rest respectfully.”
Zera nodded, “Yes but enough about that… how have you been? Was the final trial as hard as it seemed?… Why not stay for dinner, You look skinny have you been eating well these past three years?”
Zeil smiled as he replied, “I'm fine I’ve been meditating fo- Wait… Three years?”

Surprised, Zeil looked to Chief Basarum as he nodded, “Yes… Slightly more actually, but yes its been over three years since you left.”
Zeil sat down in shock as he spoke, “I knew a lot of time passed, I was thinking a year at most, but… three?”
Lady Zera nodded, “Yes, well… perhaps not to dwell too hard on it. By the way… I decided to make this for you.”
Lady Zera held out a saddlebag as Zeil took it and looked inside as she spoke, “It has a few potions you may need as well as some ingredients, food, and the Tome of the Mage… the one we received from Mage Magi, not the one you brought us.”
Chief Basarum nodded, “That tome will stay here with us. Since you will eventually bring the tome back in the past, we should keep the one from the future so that it can be passed to the next mage.”
Rather than taking the saddlebag, Zeil just sat it down and transferred some things over to the bag he was already wearing as he nodded, “Sound understandable, just be sure to keep it safe till then.”

Chief Basarum nodded as he replied, “Yes well… there is something we must do now… now that, you are back and… that you are the mage.”
Zeil looked at Chief Basarum as the chief stood with authority, “Mage Zeil, since you have completed your final trial, you are now recognized and respected as the Mage of Zebrica. And as the mage, you are hereby Banished from the Northern Tribes and all tribes of Zebrica. Though your name, title, and position will always be respected and recognized amongst the tribe, you cannot be permitted to live amongst us in fear that your balance will shift one way, or the other. Should you need to return to maintain balance, you will be welcomed and herd. But only if your duties as mage require it. Do you understand these restrictions?”
Zeil nodded, “Chief Basarum, I hear and recognize your words. And I agree, it is time I leave the tribe.”
Lady Zera spoke, “Just so you know… though you leave the tribe, you will always be recognized as a brother here, even if we should deny your existence to others. After all… you are off to see a sister are you not?... Zecora?”
Zeil nodded, “I am…”
Chief Basarum spoke, “Then hurry colt, she waiting there for you.”

Zeil looked to Chief Basarum and smiled, “I will… thank you Chief Basarum. For everything.”
Lady Zera hugged him one last time as she spoke, “When you see Zecora… tell her we are happy she found her own path.”
Zeil hugged her back as he nodded, “I will, thank you Lady Zera,”
Lady Zera stopped hugging him as she spoke with a serious tone, “Head north until you reach the Storm kingdom. There you will meet with a familiar face who will see you safe passage to Equestria. Also, I hear the kingdom is imbalanced, and your presence alone will be enough to fix it… so long as you try to be patient while there.
Zeil gave her a curious look as he asked, “Did you see that in my future?”
She shook her head, “I did not, as you know I cannot see the future of the Mage of Zebrica… but… like many in the Northern Tribes, I have a spiritual guide myself… and by the way, he thanks you for laying him to rest.”
Knowing who she meant, Zeil smiled, “It was a pleasure, to help a fellow mage.” He put the hood up on his cloak “Chief Basarum, Lady Zera, thank you both, and may good fortune smile upon you.”
Chief Basarum nodded, “And upon you too, Mage Zeil.”

That said, Zeil smiled as he turned away and started trotting out of the village. As he left Lady Zera stepped to her husband side as they watched him leave as Zera smiled, “It was good to see him again… even if it was brief.”
Chief Basarum nodded, “Oh, I forgot… I told him that when he finished the final trial, I would tell him how Zee Zee… um Died.
Zera looked to her husband and smiled, “Died? He still believes that?”
He chuckled, “I guess so… but… it doesn’t matter now. He will find out the truth eventually.”
She smiled as she leaned against him, “So… are you sure about him?”
Chief Basarum gave her a funny look, “Sure? I guess it wouldn’t matter since he finished his trials and already became the Mage.”
She shook her head, “Not that… I'm talking about… Are your sure about him… and our daughter?”

Chief Basarum looked back to the leaving mage who was just leaving view as he replied, “My little Zee Zee… she’s all grown up now.” He sighed, “I’m still trying to forgive the outside world for convincing her to stay and not return home like I wanted… but… if she will be there, with someone like him?... then I can look passed it. Besides, how much he has risked crossing the world and facing all the trials and tabulation of becoming the mage… all for Zecora? Makes me proud to call him my future son in law.”
Lady Zera smiled as she turned away and started trotting into the village, “I couldn’t agree more. Also, I for one am ready to meet my future granddaughter.”
Chief Basarum nodded, “Yes I- wait… what?”
On the horizon, Zeil trotted north as he smiled, “I'm coming home Zecora, and this time… I won't let anything stop me.”

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