• Published 2nd Dec 2018
  • 1,908 Views, 229 Comments

Love's Lost Decade - Priceless911

Zeil, a changeling in love sets out on an incredible 10 year journey. Crossing blistering deserts, Frozen Mountain, treacherous forests, and unbelievable dangers. But is his journey merely an accident or was he fated to find what lies within him.

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Bk12/Ch1 The Final Trial

Book 12/Chapter 1
There Final Trials
(Year 6, Month 06, Day 16)

The herd of zebra and water buffalo cheered in excitement as they sat on the stands along the side of the Kiwinda Field. As they cheered, Chief Basarum and Chief Tanak sat in the observation tower as Chief Basarum smiled, “Well this is it… one more round and the winner takes all. I’d say you may have this one just like last year, but then again… I have confidence we can take this one from you.”
Chief Tanak smiled, “Perhaps… granted he follows the rules.”
Chief Basarum smiled, “He knows the rules and wouldn’t dare disrespect us by using magic in the final round.”
Chief Tanak nodded, “Good to know but I think magic is the least of his abilities, I'm curious of how he fairs against my water buffalo in skill and strategy.”
At that moment, one of the announcing giraffe called over the area, “Zebra, Buffalo, and all in between! We will now begin the final round of the second run! With the Hunters leading five to four, this will be the last chance for the Prey to tie up the game and bring us into a third day of the Kiwinda!”
The other giraffe added, “Or will the hunters make this round the last of this year’s Kiwinda by taking the point and winning the game! We shall see!”

The first announcing giraffe paused as the spectators cheered for a few seconds before continuing, “Now let the final round begin.”
As soon as that was called, the hut at the front of the Kiwinda grounds opened as a very large and powerful water buffalo exited the hut and trotted onto the field. Seeing the massive creature, Chief Tanak smiled, “Looks like they brought out Tiny for this run. Saving the toughest for last. This should prove interesting since your student has also yet to reveal himself for this run.”
Chief Basarum nodded, “Yes, and against a behemoth such as that, this will be a good challenge for him.”
As Tiny trotted out onto the field, he took a few seconds to pace along the exit to the hut as he observed the entirety of the field and carefully plot his course. Once he picked his path, the large water buffalo slowly made his way down the field as he cautiously trotted towards the finish. As he proceeded, it wasn’t long before a trapdoor popped open as a zebra warrior jumped out and lunged his plushy tipped spear with red chalk towards the buffalo who not only was able to dodge the attack, but he was also able to grab the shaft of the competition weapon and pick up the wielding zebra before tossing him over his head and slamming the smaller warrior on the ground as the impact alone was able to knock him unconscious.

With a little worry, Tiny checked the wounded zebra and felt relieved when he discovered that the warrior was only unconscious. When tiny looked up and back down the field however he and the observing spectators could only stare in surprise as Zeil opened and climbed out of the final trapdoor at the end of the run while wearing his now signature Southern Tribe dashiki and the Western Tribe ring on his arm. As Zeil readied his competition spear, Chief Tanak smiled, “Impressive, kind of bold to take Tiny on face to face. He must have a plan that can conquer kingdoms.”
Chief Basarum sighed, “Or he’s just winging it… let’s hope he doesn’t get himself killed in the process. If he took what I taught him to heart… he might not… might…”
The buffalo chief smiled, “You doubt him?”
Chief Basarum nodded, “You can lead a changeling to the stream and show him the proper way to drink, but that doesn’t mean he won't drown in the process.”

On the field, Tiny decided to call the bluff as he braced himself to charge while showing his intentions by scraping the ground with his dominant front hoof. Zeil showed no concern in the threat as Tiny proceeded to charge towards Zeil at full ramming speed. Seeing this Zeil smiled as he too began charging towards his opponent with no sign of worry in his decision. As the two rivals charged one another, Zeil readied and threw his pillow tipped spear as Tiny shifted his run slightly as the red chalk coated weapon grazed his shoulder leaving a thin line across his skin as one of the announcing giraffe called, “Wounding glance! No point!”
Since he already knew the graze wasn’t a kill, Tiny continued his charge as he smile while expecting Zeil to change his direction to avoid a collision. However, Zeil made no such attempt as he continued charging towards the large water buffalo with full intention of a head on collision. As the two neared each other, both charging creatures made no change in their actions as Tiny angled his head inward before flinging it upward and bashing his forehead against Zeil’s chest as the powerful water buffalo tossed Zeil aside like a ragdoll.

As Zeil flew almost ten feet from where he was hit, many to include both chiefs stood from their seats in worry as the airborne changeling hit the ground and rolled a number of feet to a sliding stop. With Zeil now lying motionless in his wake, nothing was left to make any attempt to stop the powerful water buffalo as Tiny crossed this finish on the end of the field before sliding to his own stop. Looking back to Zeil, Tiny smiled at his accomplishment until his smile faded as the announcer called, “Killing blow, Point hunters!”
Confused, Tiny looked to the announcers for a second till he started to feel a faint feeling on his neck as he rubbed his hoof along the side of his throat to find that there was a line of chalk along his neck in vital parts. After finding the chalk Tiny looked to Zeil as the stunned changeling struggled to pick himself up while revealing a broken spear blade in his hoof with the pillow like blade held like a dagger.

Surprised and relieved, Chief Basarum slumped back in his seat as Chief Tanak spoke with excitement, “NOW THAT WAS A RUN!!! Hiding that dagger on him like he did and using the split second from the impact to run the blade across his throat… Genius, pure genius… that is one heck of a student you trained Basarum. A few more like him and this victory in the Kiwinda will remain permanent. I’ve never seen a hunter so bold as to risk himself like that.”
Chief Basarum sighed in relief, “I for one would think the line between boldness and stupidity seems very faded in this instant… but I will admit, aside from the near heart attack, Mage Zeil proved to be quite the hunter. Kante would be proud to call him her teacher.”
Chief Tanak smiled, “Or brother.”
Chief Basarum nodded, “Yes… or brother.”
As that was said, Lady Zera reached the top of the tower stairs as Chief Tanak saw her and spoke, “Oh lady Zera, I didn’t expect to see you here. I hate to say it though, but you’re too late. The last run of the Kiwinda is over and it would seem that the hunters have taken victory this year.

Lady Zera smiled as she replied, “Sports don’t entertain me much, it’s difficult to enjoy it when you know who is going to win beforehand. But I digress… that is not why I'm here.”
Chief Basarum replied, “Oh? Then why did you come?”
Zera gave him a serious look as she replied, “Its time…”
She nodded, “A teacher must bid farewell to his student, and pass him on for his final trial, for darkness awaits a darkened fate.”
Chief Tanak asked, “You mean Mage Zeil must move on for his final trial… but, has he not finished his training?”
Chief Basarum nodded, “No… but all that remains from me, is the first spell of the tome and the test to follow.”
Lady Zera nodded as she pulled the tome from under her cloak and held it out, “I know… and now he can. The tome now recognizes him. So… its time.”

Back on the Kiwinda field, all spectators and participant stormed the field in celebration of the victory as Zeil struggled to approach Tiny, “That was a good run, any harder and I think you would have killed me with that hit.”
Tiny smiled, “I agree, and you with your hidden weapon. I never expected such a strategy, you truly are skilled Mage Zeil, would hesitate to face you were this a real hunt.”
Zeil held out his hoof, “As would I, though I'm grateful that should never happen. Either way, Good game.”
The mighty water buffalo smiled as he hoof bumped Zeil and replied, “And good victory, it’s well earned.”
the two smiled at one another’s sportsmanship as both Chief Tanak and Chief Basarum approached with Chief Tanak slamming his hoof against Zeil’s back knocking the changeling to the ground as he smiled, “Congratulations Mage Zeil, that wa- oh… sorry… I see you’re still wounded from your last run.”
Although Zeil was knocked to the ground, he still understood it was an accident as he struggled to pick himself back up as he replied, “No worries… just a few broken bones and some possible internal bleeding… nothing I can't trot off.”

Smiling at the joke, Chief Basarum spoke, “Well I suppose reckless acts befall reckless results. Sometimes pain is the best teacher.”
Zeil nodded as he replied, “I'll take that lesson to heart… let’s just hope I won't have to do it again in the next Kiwinda.”
Chief Basarum shook his head as his expression became serious, “That’s the thing… there won't be a next one… not for you at least.”
As that was said, Chief Basarum held out the Tome of the Mage as Zeil looked at it and spoke, “You want me to try to read it again? Didn’t we try that three days ago?”
Chief Basarum replied, “Lady Zera saw something… I would assume, your results will differ this time.”
With all the commotion of the spectators and participants congratulating each other around them, Zeil nodded, “Alright… but let’s take this elsewhere. You know… somewhere more discrete.”
Chief Basarum nodded, “I couldn’t agree more.” He looked to Chief Tanak, “I hope you will excuse me and my student, but we won't be attending the after party. You understand.”
Chief Tanak smiled, “Of course, Mage business and all. I and the other chiefs will expect a report should it improve.”
Chief Basarum smiled, “Yes, should it improve you will be notified.”

That said, Chief Basarum and Zeil left the area as they traveled into the northern tribe village, entered the main temple in the center and sealed themselves in the chief’s assembly room. In there, Chief Basarum laid the tome on the table as he spoke, “Now… turn to the first spell and see if you can read the text. Should it accept you… the text will become legible.”
Nodding, Zeil sat at the table as he flipped through the pages till he reached the first spell. As usual the page was filled with an assortment of circles, lines, and strange characters all of a language that barley looked legible let alone readable. But as he looked at the text, the symbol all started rearranging themselves and merging together to create text that he could read as Zeil spoke, “Looks like… I understand it this time…”
Chief Basarum nodded, “Good… now tell me the title, the spell type, and nothing more.”
Zeil looked at the title as he spoke, “It says… Light Entrapment… looks to be a combination potion and incantation spell. Seems… somewhat simple to make. The ingredients are all pretty standard.”

Chief Basarum smiled, “Perfect… then you are ready for your final test… well… from me anyways.”
Zeil was surprised, “Really?”
Chief Basarum nodded, “Yes… You have until noon tomorrow to make ready this spell. Then you will bring it to me in the outskirts of the village where blood roses meet the riverbed. Once we do that, I can grade the potion and we can test it… and you.”
“Wait… what do you mean by test it and me?”
Chief Basarum shook his head, “Never mind that… can you do it?”
Zeil glanced over the potions preparation as he nodded, “Yea… seems simple enough, I could have it before the end of today if I start now.”
Chief Basarum shook his head, “No need, just have it ready tomorrow. I’d rather you be rested after the Kiwinda. So just finish it quickly and relax. Inform my warriors of any ingredient you may need, and I'll see to it that they retrieve them for you… by the way… look at the last page… can you read what’s written?”

Zeil flipped the tome to the final page as he saw a number of the same strange symbols. As he looked through the page none of the symbols rearranged each other to become legible as he replied, “No… I can't.”
Chief Basarum thought to himself, “Hmm… I guess you won't be able to till after the spell.”
Zeil was confused, “What do you mean?”
Chief Basarum replied, “That page holds the names of every mage that came before you. Once one completes the first spell of the book, text will bleed into the page and add your name to the list. The last name there is Mage Magi, while the first name there is Mage Seraphim.”
Zeil was curious, “Oh, was he the first mage?”
Chief Basarum shook his head, “Actually… he was the second mage. See the second mage is the one who created the Tome of the Mage. His ability was to control inks and dyes. And with that, he created many spell books, as well as the tome you see before you. In fact the reason the text rearranges itself is because the magic within the tome is still under his control or so the stories claim. As for the first mage, his name is lost to time.”

Zeil looked at the book as he smiled, “Oh… that’s kind of interesting.”
Chief Basarum nodded his head, “After the final trial this page and the rest will become completely clear to you. And from there it will be time for you to start your last trial.”
Zeil nodded, “So, Mage Phalla controlled stone, Mage Magi could make his flesh harder, and Mage Seraphim could control ink and dyes… but… what about the first mage?”
Chief Basarum shook his head, “Complete this spell… and you will find out… remember. Noon tomorrow, I will be waiting.”
With nothing more to say, Chief Basarum left the room as Zeil looked at the list of ingredient on the page as he smiled, “Alright then… let’s get started… maybe Lady Zera will let me borrow her cauldron for a few hours… provided I explain why I can't tell her what I'm making.”

The rest of the day seemed to pass by quickly, Zeil managed to gather the ingredients he needed and then proceeded to create the spell’s potion without any difficulty. Although as he followed the instructions perfectly, the tome only revealed its preparation and how to cast it. At no point in any of the symbols on the rest of the page did the tome reveal what the spell would do, or what effect the potion would have on the user or its surrounding observers. All he knew, was that its effects would take hold of all who saw its casting. Either way, the potion was eventually finished as it revealed itself to be a black and somewhat milky potion that seems to be so deep in color that it felt like looking into an endless pit of darkness.

The next morning, Zeil collected the potion into a small glass flask and took it with him as he made his way to the outskirts of the Northern Tribe’s lands where he did see a riverbed and a large patch of blood roses with a large grassy field on the other side of the river. As he arrived at the secluded area, he saw both Chief Basarum and Lady Zera waiting for him as Zera smiled, “So he arrived, then I must take my leave.” She kissed her husband then patted his cheek, “Try not to kill him.”
Chief Basarum smiled and nodded as Lady Zera started to trot passed Zeil before speaking, “I'll have a saddlebag ready. Good luck Mage Zeil.”
Zeil could only give Zera a confused look as she smiled and left the area with no explanation to her words. Before Zeil could ask however, Chief Basarum spoke, “So… did you bring it?”
Zeil nodded as he approached the chief and held out the flask, “I did, it was simple enough but the tome wouldn’t say what it would do.”
Chief Basarum took the flask from him and backed away slightly before looking into the potion and speaking, “Interesting… I almost forgot how dark and deep this color was… like looking into a dark cave with no sign of its depth or end.”

Confused, that Chief Basarum backed away by a few paces, Zeil started to notice a few other things, such as a staff that sat on the ground next to where the chief backed away to, but before he could bring attention to it, the chief spoke again, “You mentioned yesterday that there was an incantation to the spell right?... do you remember what it was?”
Zeil nodded, “Yes, the incantation was; Lux Conssumet. Strange… maybe some language that was lost to time or something?”
Chief Basarum smiled, “It’s been a long time since I heard those words… and they make just as little since as they did then. But they do ring true.” He sat the flask on the ground at his hooves as he spoke with a serious and clear tone, “Lux Conssumet!

Just as that was said, Chief Basarum stomped down on the flask as the glass container shattered beneath his hoof. Just as that was done, something completely unworldly took place. Everything within view to include Chief Basarum, the surrounding setting, and even the sky seemed to be swallowed up by the flask as everything within Zeil’s sight immediately flew towards the shattering flask and vanished as all he could see around him was pitch black darkness. As this happened, felt completely confused and in a way afraid as he looked around, “What? What happened? Where am?”
As that was said, Chief Basarum’s voice seemed to echo from all directions as it spoke, “Tell me what you see?”
Zeil was confused as he continued looking around, “Chief? But… where are you? What’s happening.. I can't see anything.” He tried to look at his own hooves, “I can't even see myself… am… am I blind?”
Chief Basarum replied as Zeil could only imagine him nodded, “In a sense, yes… This potion absorbs the light surrounding everyone who sees its casting and prevents it from reaching your eyes along with that it distorts what you hear, so your ears can't direct you towards any outside sounds. Meaning… you and all who saw this spell being cast, are now blind. The term Lux Conssumet actually means Light consume, so it’s pretty straight forward.”

Zeil nodded as he understood, “Okay… so it’s a blinding spell. Makes sense… so… when will it wear off?”
Chief Basarum replied, “That’s just it… this potion… is permanent. If I wanted to, I could trot away right now, and you would be blind for the rest of your life… however there is a way to brake this curse.”
Zeil looked around, “Okay… I'm listening.”
Chief Basarum replied, “You have to make contact with me.”
Zeil nodded, “Make Contact… as in, I need to touch you to break this spell?”
“Yes… once your skin makes contact with the caster, your sight will return and all will be as it was.”
Zeil held out his hoof, “Alright, so take my hoof and we can be done with this.”
All of a sudden, Zeil felt a strike against his hoof that hurt him as he withdrew his limb as Chief Basarum chuckled, “It’s not that easy… don’t you remember? This is a test… your final test from me. All you have to do… is touch me and regain your sight. Or better yet… strike me.”

Zeil rubbed his hoof as he spoke, “Strike you? You mean you want me to fight you blind?”
Chief Basarum replied, “Yes… the Mage of Zebrica often treads the line between light and dark. So he must know how to defend himself within both light… and dark. If you can land a single blow against me and regain your sight, then you pass my trial. Otherwise, I'll have no choice but to leave you here blind to the world.”
Zeil objected, “You’re kidding right? You’re the chief of the Northern tribes. The warrior who took me down when I turned into a titan with a single swing, how am I supposed to beat you blind?”
Chief Basarum replied, “That is what you must figure out. Remember the purpose of my lessons. I have been teaching you to remember the qualities that you as Zeil hold, not the mage, but you in general. So… us that… and face me.”

Zeil replied, “So… this is a fight right? So if you hit me, you break the spell on your own.”
All of a sudden Zeil felt two strikes, one on the back of his front knee that caused him to bow down, then a second against the side of his face as the second impact knocked him to the ground. Unable to see his own hooves or the ground beneath him, Zeil struggled to pick himself up as he wiped away what he assumed was blood rolling down his chin as the chief replied, “It would, but then again I'm using a staff so my skin won't make contact… and it will hurt all the more.”
Even though his eyes didn’t work, that didn’t stop Zeil from panning his head around as he spoke, “Okay… so how am I supposed to win then. I can't see you, and your voice seems to be echoing from everywhere at once.”
Chief Basarum replied, “You already hold many advantaged… some that no other mage held before you. Focus on what they are, and ready yourself.”

After hearing this, Zeil immediately assumed his changeling senses would help, but as he started focusing on Chief Basarum’s aura, this only showed Zeil where he was, it didn’t show his stance, or movements. Sensing the chief was approaching from his right, Zeil looked in that direction and raised his hoof to block what he assumed would be a diagonal strike. However, the incoming attack didn’t come from the top right of his head like he assumed, instead it came in from the mid left as a horizontal swing slammed against Zeil’s unprotected face. Though this attack didn’t knock him to the ground, it still caused him to stumble back as chief Basarum spoke, “You can tell where I'm coming from… but your focusing on what you can do, not what you’ve learned. Think for a second… every mage before you had only one teacher… but if you remember clearly… you had more… many more. Remember their lessons, remember what you learned. Combine it all, focus, and above all, remind yourself who you are.”
Hearing this, Zeil realized what Basarum was saying. It’s true that all mages were trained by the enchanter of light, but summing it all up Zeil had many teachers. The Ibex master, the druid Cunningham, King Mathias, even Zecora. Many have taught him what he knows and even though most revolved around magic, they each held their own senses of the same subject.

Focusing Zeil started to think of Zecora’s and the Ibex Master’s lessons first as he closed his eyes and started focusing on both his changing abilities, and a state of peace as he started feeling the ground beneath him and was able to detect faint vibrations of where chief Basarum was standing as well as his hoof movement. Feeling them approach quickly, Zeil was able to sense an incoming attack as he quickly ducked under a horizontal swing from the staff before countering with a punch of his own. However Chief Basarum saw the attack as he jumped back and dodged the changelings counter entirely. As Chief Basarum gained some distance between him and his student, Zeil started focusing on more of what he learned, next he focused on what King Matias’s lessons next. Focusing on an elemental tactic of sensing airflow, Zeil started to sense movement to a more precise area making him now see the chief’s movements even more, and finally Zeil thought about Cunningham’s lessons as he remembered what ingredients he used in the potion, and started to actually smell some of the strong nectars he used to make the potion, which were still on the bottom of chief Basarum’s hoof, and now on parts of his staff. With the combination of vibration, airflow, aura, and scent surrounding him, Zeil with his eyes closed was able to picture his surroundings much more clear now. So much in fact that he could see chief Basarum approaching with yet another attack, this time from the front with a horizontal swing from the right.

Seeing the attack clearly Zeil raised his right hoof up as the staff was blocked by the outside of his forearm, continuing his action without any hesitation, Zeil wrapped his hoof around the staff locking it in place. With his weapon stopped, Chief Basarum started to jump back again, however before he could, Zeil reached out and placed his left hoof on his teachers shoulders as he smiled, “Got you.”
Slowly, Zeil’s sight returned as he realized he was looking at the serious expression of his teacher as the wise zebra smiled as he spoke, “That was… unexpected… seems, you truly do excel far faster than all the mages before you.”
Zeil smiled, “Well, I did have more than one teacher. Like you said.”
Chief Basarum smiled as he replied, “Good, and now that you finished all the training from me… you can start on your final trial.”
Zeil asked, “Final trial… you mean, the one that killed Mage Magi?”
Chief Basarum nodded, “The very same.”

Zeil braced himself for the answer as he asked, “What is the final trial?”
Chief Basarum hesitated as he gave a somewhat peaceful smiled, then he looked out over the river to the opposite side of the river and held his peaceful expression. Confused by his silence, Zeil looked across the river as he saw a peaceful green grass field that stretched far into the distance and the glistening waves that the grass made as the winds blew along them. As Zeil looked at the sight, he started to feel a sense of peace as Chief Basarum spoke, “Beautiful isn’t it? Sometimes we see something so common and routine, that we often forget to witness its beauty… this was my daughter’s favorite place. It’s only grass I would say, but she always called it the perfect combination of magic, nature, and beauty. The blood roses were the magic, the river, nature, and the field’s beauty. If this were a rainy day, she would have added that the rain means its being renewed… she always had a way of looking at things that… I miss.”

Feeling an emotion of disappointment in his teacher Zeil spoke, “If I may ask… what happened to Zee Zee? I know you don’t talk about how she died, and I'm sure you don’t want to stir bad memories, but I can't help but feel curious.”
Chief Basarum thought to himself then replied, “How she died?...” he smiled, “Ya know… if you complete our final task… I'll tell you.” He looked back to the field, “Your next task will be your last… you must seek out the home of the first mage.”
Zeil nodded, “Okay… where is it?”
The chief smiled, “That’s the trick… no zebra knows, the home of the first mage has only been seen by the Mages of Zebrica. And any who seek it without the tome accepting them, are killed by its guardians.”
Zeil was confused, “Guardians? So… how do I find it?”
Chief Basarum smiled, “Through his lessons.”
Zeil sighed in irritation, “Your enjoying these cryptic answers aren’t you?”

Chief Basarum smiled as he nodded, “Just listen to his tale… when a chief has a foal, it’s expected that the oracle of Zebrica will meet and bless the foal with a look into its future. A little less than a thousand years ago, a foal was born to the Western Tribe Chief, so as expected, the oracle sought out the young colt and looked into his future. But when she saw nothing, she felt concern. Chief Rafi, was recently killed, and his son’s passed their position as the Western Chief to another. So to see no future for the new chief was indeed worrisome. Luckily she decided to look into the Chief’s future instead, and when she saw the young colt flourish in life, she felt relieved, that is… until she foresaw a great darkness that would cast across all of Zebrica… a darkness created by the Chief’s own son.”
Chief Basarum looked back to the field as he continued, “Worried, the oracle pleaded with the chief, demanding he execute the foal before his future could come to pass. However, to ask a father to kill his own son isn’t an easy thing to command. That night, rather then doing as he was asked, the chief instead chose to banish himself and his son so that he can raise the colt away from the tribe. But since a tribe must have a chief, his wife instead chose that he would banish her instead so that she could raise the foal in the jungle.”
Zeil understood, “The foal… he is the first mage?”

Chief Basarum nodded as he continued, “Yes, and the young chief was raised in the jungle with his mother. There she taught him magic, how to defend himself, and she even taught him humility, enough in fact to not resent the tribes for their exile. The foal grew to be quite the stallion. But as all live age, all are meant to end. When sickness took the mage’s mother, he felt it was time to venture into the Western tribe to seek out his father. When the chief met his son for the first time in two decades he didn’t welcome him with open arms. The foal grew into the noblest of stallion, Humble, merciful, strong, and respectful… but no matter his good qualities, it couldn’t change our teachings. All zebra banished, are no longer welcomed in any tribes. In fact, if you become banished, it’s forbidden to speak of you, or even acknowledge your very existence, before or after your banishment. To the tribes, you now longer exist, and you never did. So the chief turned him away, and stated that he is no brother nor son to the tribe. And he and his mother, are better forgotten. A harsh statement from ones father, but the mage didn’t take it to heart, instead he honored his father’s words, and returned to his home to live in exile.”
Zeil was surprised, “Surprising, I'll be honest, I would have resented him for it. Probably would have done something worth being banished for.”

Chief Basarum smiled at the response as he continued, “True, but it was not the way of the first mage. But then, about five years following, a heavy drought pledged the land, this drought brought a dust that caused all of Zebrica to spiral out of control. Crops refused to grow, Insects that lived amongst these crops traveled causing the ecosystem to collapse, animals and zebra alike starved to death. Predators hungry from lack of prey sought out villages and cause a six year catastrophe of death and famine. Seeing this, the young mage visited the Western Tribe with a solution. Though he didn’t understand it, his mage ability was to control water to its smallest molecule, he offered to bring the rains back but like before, the chief ignored him entirely and demanded he leave. So taking the matter into his own hooves, the mage sought out the oracle of Zebrica. The old oracle has recently passed, and the new oracle was only managing to control her fortunes. And though she did know of her grandmother’s fortunes, she chose to ignore the warning, and to see to his decision personally. Mainly to bear witness to any good that could leave the humble stallion to a more respectable appearance. She along with the mage made their way out into the nearest ocean when the mage was able to cast a water spout so massive, that the water in the air neutralized the dust, amassed many storm clouds and brought rains to Zebrica. A darkness, which revitalized the very lands. Grateful, the five chiefs of Zebrica graciously thanked the mage, but by tradition, his banishment could not be renounced. However, that didn’t matter to the mage, for he had a vision. His mother had become his spiritual guide, and revealed that he was now the Mage of Zebrica as she was the first enchanter of light, the one to keep his light separate from his darkness. Furthermore, she even told him of the next mage of Zebrica and told him where and when to seek him out.”
Zeil nodded, “And so began the cycle of the mage.”

Chief Basarum nodded then looked to his student, “As time passed, the pieces fell into place, but of them all, only the important portions of the mage are continued. The fact that the tome must choose accept him, which is represented by the oracle in the story, and the banishment, that all mages accept. Which includes you, when all is said and done, you too will be banished from Zebrica.”
Zeil nodded, “That’s fine, my home lies elsewhere anyways.”
Chief Basarum smiled, “So it does.”
Chief Basarum looked to the river, “Follow the river north, till you see it swallowed by the earth and nature. Then, await the time when the earth tried to also swallow the sun. There, the guardians will meet you, then show you the rest of the way… should you be worthy that is. Otherwise they will devour you.”
Zeil felt confused, “River swallowed by the earth? And then swallowing the sun? What does any of that mean?”
Chief Basarum replied, “It doesn’t matter, that was how it was explained to Mage Magi, and so it is all I can tell you. If you are worthy, it will become clear.”
“And so it shall.”

Confused, Chief Basarum and Zeil turned to see Lady Zera approaching with a saddlebag and the tome of the mage as she spoke, “I’ve be been observing the tome and since your name, or what I only can assume is your name appeared on the final page, I'm guessing you passed your trial?”
Chief Basarum smiled, “Yes, in record time too. Took mage Magi three days to finish. So it was entertaining to see him blind for that long.”
Zeil was surprised as Lady Zera handed him his saddlebag, “Since the trial is finished, you now have the option of leaving to finish the final trial.”
Zeil was confused, “Option?”
Chief Basarum nodded, “Yes, you are finished with your training from me, but you aren’t the Mage of Zebrica until you finish your final trial. But the option is yours, you can leave now to finish it, or you can continue training until you think you’re ready. Till then, you are free to do as you please, but… remember once your finish your training you must leave Zebrica.”

Zeil nodded as he took the saddlebag and nodded, “I know… and I'm grateful for your training, but… Zecora is waiting on me, and I can’t leave her waiting any longer.”
Chief Basarum smiled, “Then go… and good luck to you on this trial.”
Lady zebra held up the tome, “We will keep hold of this until your return. Though I will certainly miss you until then. All the mages have shown us that the final trial is the most time consuming. Some have reportedly returned after a few years with one taking up to three decades to finish his trial.”
Zeil was surprised, “What? Is the final trial that difficult?”
Chief Basarum shrugged his shoulders, “That’s unknown to us. The fastest mage completed the trial in one year, but Mage Magi, never returned from his. I won't lie, I will be somewhat worried for your safety. In the time you have been here, I have seen things in a new light. I accept you here, and am willing to give other outsiders a chance. Furthermore, I believe in you, if you ever doubt yourself, just remember who you are. Remember what makes you, you.”

Lady Zera nodded, “And it’s that what make you better. It’s the reason you were chosen.”
Zeil smiled as he looked to the river and turned to follow it, “I will, and thank you again. Well time I go.”
The two smiled for a second as Zeil started trotting away. As he left, Lady Zera spoke to her husband, “You think he will be okay?”
Chief Basarum called, “Zeil?” The mage looked to him as he continued, “I said north! That would be the other way!”
Zeil looked the opposite way as he smiled, “Oh sorry, hard to tell directions being noon and all.”
As Zeil changed direction Chief Basarum sighed as he answered his wife, “I assume so… but that doesn’t mean I won't worry about it.”
She smiled, “Looks like he wasn’t the only one who learned from his training. Perhaps, he taught you a thing or two as well. I only hope it was enough.”
Chief Basarum smiled, “I will be fair to all outsiders now, I think I learned enough from our changeling friend.”
She shook her head, “I meant for Zeil… Mage Magi may have been somewhat impatient, but in the end he was a fierce warrior with an ability that could make him almost immortal in a fight. To think that the final trial was dangerous enough to kill him… it’s almost unthinkable.”
Chief Basarum nodded, “I agree, whatever waits Zeil in his trial. I only hope he is ready for it.”

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