• Published 2nd Dec 2018
  • 1,908 Views, 229 Comments

Love's Lost Decade - Priceless911

Zeil, a changeling in love sets out on an incredible 10 year journey. Crossing blistering deserts, Frozen Mountain, treacherous forests, and unbelievable dangers. But is his journey merely an accident or was he fated to find what lies within him.

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Bk9/Ch3 Tribal Law and the Second Debt

Book 9 / Chapter 3
Tribal law and the Second Debt
(Year 5, Month 6, Day 16)

The large water buffalo rushed up the field as the two zebra hunters closed in from both sides. As they neared their targets, one of the zebras jumped into the air in an attempt to bring the spear with its fake blade down onto the buffalo’s back. Seeing the incoming hunter, the water buffalo slowed his speed enough so that when the zebra came down it would be closer to his head then his back. As the airborne hunter saw this, he tried to aim his fake weapon for the Buffalo’s neck instead, however as he lunged the spear downward, the cleaver water buffalo shifted his head to his right side so the weapon would miss his neck and fall between his neck and his right horn. When this happened the water buffalo grabbed the spear’s shaft with his teeth and swung his head, body, and all completely around as he flung the attached hunter across his front and slamming him into the other hunter as the collision knocked both of them out of commition. With no slow in his speed, the water buffalo finished his spin and continued down the field as he crossed the finish without either of the hunter’s still pursuing him.

As the buffalo crossed the finish, the giraffe ref called across the field, “FINISH CROSSED!!! POINT PREY!!!”
With that the second giraffe called, “Round five has ended and so concludes the run with the prey leading the score of three to two. We will take a brief rest and continue with the second run with the water buffalo in the current lead.”
As the spectators in the stands cheered, Zeil, Kante and both chiefs watched from the tower as Chief Tanak Laughed, “Looks like we are making a comeback today! Better watch Basarum my prey are ready for you this time!”
Chief Basarum nodded as he replied, “We got you yesterday and we aren’t far behind today. So don’t count us off just yet.”
Curious Zeil asked, “I know the hunter’s won yesterday, so if the prey win today then what?”
Kante replied, “Then we have a day three.”
Basarum added, “It’s not often that the Kiwinda ends with a draw, but when that happens a third day is added as a tie breaker.”

Zeil nodded, “Oh I get it… this is actually kinda fun. I didn’t think I would like it this much.”
Kante added, “Yea and it’s a shame the oracle isn’t here to watch with us. Especially since she is the one who invited us to view the second day from the tower.”
Basarum sighed, “Something tells me that she tricked me into this… but I guess it isn’t so bad.”
Chief Tanak patted Basarum on his back, “Oh just admit it! He may be an outsider, but this Zeil guy isn’t as bad as the rest.”
The group laughed at the statement as the giraffe announcer called, “Attention all, the next run will begin shortly. All participants move to the starting position!”
As that was called the hunters and prey moved to their starting positions as the group in the tower looked down at the field.

As the Kiwinda seemed to start back up, something felt odd to Zeil. The excitement of the competition was apparent and the spectators all around the field were cheering in exhilaration, but amongst them was one soul that wasn’t excited at all. In fact, this out of place aura Zeil felt was close, and uneasy. Curious, Zeil turned his head slightly to the back of the tower expecting it to maybe be the warrior that stood guard at the top of the stairs, but it wasn’t the guard at all, instead it was a lone zebra who stood at the top of the stairs, high enough to see all who were in the tower, but low enough to hide all but his head. Since he didn’t know what the Stallion was doing Zeil decided to act casual and wait. He could tell off bat that the Zebra wasn’t from the same tribe as Chief Basarum. While most of the zebra in the Northern Tribes wore neckwear of green and brownish glass and bone beads, this stranger wore only white and black bone beads while he had a white chalk like markings that covered the striped on his face making his face seem pale at first glance. This also made his entire body seem much more white then the Northern Tribe zebra.

At first Zeil assumed this was just a spectator hoping to get a peek at the Kiwinda from up high, but as Zeil watched the zebra out the corner of his eye, he noticed that even as the first prey exited the hut and started his round, that the strange zebra’s eyes were only fixated on Chief Basarum. Feeling that this wasn’t a good sign, Zeil continued to observe the zebra without bringing attention to himself as he occasionally looked to the field to give a reaction as if he were paying attention to the competition. Shortly after the first round began, the strange zebra made his move as he climbed up the remaining number of steps and rushed passed the guard. As Zeil saw this he realized the zebra had a spear in his hoof and was going for Basarum as Zeil reacted, “LOOK OUT!!!”
As that was yelled all eyes went to Zeil then to the attacker who was already too close to Chief Basarum to do anything as the assassin lunged his spear towards the surprised chief.

Luckily with Zeil watching his actions from the start, the fast changeling was able to intercept the spear as he grabbed the weapon under the blade and moved it off its original course. Then using what he learned years prior, Zeil used his other hoof to punch the shaft below the blade as the blade broke free of attacker’s control. With his spear now just a staff, the attacker was unable to do anything as Zeil swung his hoof around hitting the assassin in the side of his face and causing him to stumble back a few feet. Reacting out of impulse Kante stepped between Chief Basarum and the attacker as the assassin stumbled back from the hit he just took. Stunned, the attacker regained his senses as the guard in the tower charged him as he called, “YOU STOP!!!”
As the warrior charged at the southern zebra, the skilled assassin dodged the blade as he grabbed the shaft and used it to fling the guard over his shoulder and over the edge of the tower. As he guard fell, the assassin watched him land in the stands amongst the cheering spectators as Chief Tanak took the opportunity to take one massive swing at the distracted killer as he punched the zebra in his face knocking him to the tower floor and laying him out with a single blow.

Now too stunned to stand, the assassin tried to pick himself up as Chief Tanak put the smaller creature in a headlock as he lifted the struggling zebra up before speaking, “Alright now calm yourself down… you lost so might as well stallion up and admit defeat!”
As the large buffalo held the smaller assassin in place Chief Basarum approached Zeil who was still holding the spear blade as he spoke, “Mr. Zeil, I'll take that thank you.”
Nodding, Zeil gave the spear blade to Chief Basarum as the zebra chief continued, “Look over the edge… tell me if my warrior is alright.”
As Zeil did just that, Chief Basarum approached the detained assassin as he spoke, “It was a good attempt at my life… but it was a complete failer. You’re from the Southern Tribes aren’t you! Why did you try to kill me?”

The assassin glared at Basarum in anger before spitting in his general direction. Seeing that Basarum sighed, “Fine don’t tell me… I already know anyways.”
As the assassin wore himself out trying to free himself, he soon stopped struggling as Chief Tanak spoke, “He tried to kill you Basarum. So… what should we do with him?”
Chief Basarum looked him in the eye as he replied, “That depends…” He looked to Zeil as he asked, “Well? Is my guard alright?”
As Zeil looked to the stands two stories down he could see the spectators gathered around the guard’s body trying to check his injuries. However Zeil didn’t have to notice the guard wasn’t moving as he looked back to the chief and replied, “His aura is gone… he is dead.”
Chief Basarum nodded, “Very well…” he looked back to Chief Tanak, “You heard him…”
Chief Tanak nodded, “Yes and I bear witness.”

With that Chief Basarum approached the restrained zebra as he spoke, “You have anything to say for yourself?”
The constricted zebra glared at Chief Basarum one last time before spitting again this time in the chief’s face as Basarum barely flinched at the unwanted action. Wiping the spit from his face Basarum smiled “That’s a no then…”
with that said, Basarum looked to Chief Tanak as the large buffalo used his free hoof to grab the assassin’s mane and lift his head high. Then without hesitation, Chief Basarum approached the restrained warrior and ran the spear blade across the attacker’s throat with one quick motion as the lethal cut quickly ended the assassin’s life. Shocked by what he had seen, Zeil gave Basarum a surprised look as Chief Tanak released the lifeless zebra and let him fall to the floor as he sighed, “There the deed is done.”

Confused Zeil asked, “W-what… why… why did you just kill him?”
Both Chiefs gave Zeil an emotionless look as Chief Basarum replied, “He made an attempt at my life and in turn killed another. Tribal law dictated an eye for an eye. He murdered my warrior without warrant and without mercy. So… the law dictated he must pay the price. A life for a life.”
Before Zeil could reply Chief Tanak spoke, “He is a warrior of the Southern Tribe… you know what this means.”
Chief Basarum nodded, “I do… Chief Muji tried to have me killed.”
Chief Tanak spoke, “Should we assemble the chief’s? Hold him responsible for this?”
Chief Basarum shook his head, “Why bother… all he will do is blame it on the actions of a rebellious tribe’s colt and make an excuse that the warrior was an exile or something of the sort. All I need is you to bear witness should he try to claim that I unjustly killed his assassin.”

Still stunned, Zeil looked to the dead assassin as Basarum spoke, “What’s wrong Zeil? Never seen a dead body before?”
Zeil shook his head as he replied, “I just… never thought the tribes laws were like this.”
Chief Basarum nodded, “In order to keep peace, we must make our laws a little strict. That way, most would think twice before braking them. If you steal from another tribe you must return the item and have something taken in return. Steal again and we take your hoof from you. It can be strict and in a since cruel… but it is how we do things in the tribe… further more… it looks like the tribe owes you yet another life debt. If not for your actions. This assassin would have succeeded in his attempt. Perhaps my wife was right about inviting you.”
“Am I ever wrong?”

At that moment all eyes looked to the steps of the tower as the oracle approached the group as Kante rushed to the oracle and spoke, “Lady Zera… a warrior tri-“
Calming the frantic filly down Zera patted Kante’s head as she replied, “Its alright little sister… I know what happened, and it happened as I saw it before.” She looked to the group as she spoke seriously, “A son of the south will bid to slay the father of the north. Though with the presence of a meddler from afar, the endeavor will be in vein.” She smiled playfully, “See, I saw this coming a mile away.”
Zeil was confused, “Wait… you knew this would happen?... why didn’t you say anything?”
Zera replied as she trotted to the body of the dead assassin, “It wouldn’t have changed anything… though I knew that if I didn’t suggest my husband in inviting you to attend, then you most likely wouldn’t have been here to save him.”
As she examined the body Basarum nodded, “True, if you didn’t suggest it, I wouldn’t have allowed him in this tower, and I would probably be dead right now.”

The mare looked over the corpse, “So he really is from the Southern Tribes… seems my would be brother-in-law is still holding a grudge.”
Zeil tried to stay on subject, “So… you used me as a body guard to protect the chief?”
Zera looked back to Zeil as she smiled playfully, “Yes I did… why?”
Surprised of how nonchalantly she answered, Zeil replied, “Well… I um…”
Lady Zera continued, “Don’t act as if you didn’t enjoy yourself. To be honest, this helped us both.”
Zeil was confused, “What do you mean, helped us both?”
Chief Basarum sighed in disappointment as he replied, “It means now, we owe you two debts… and… I suppose you’ve earned my temporary trust, despite my personal opinion of you.” He straitened his stance and spoke as a chief, “Zeil, twice you have come to the aid of my tribe, and twice you saved a life. Now that I have seen the type of changeling you are, I can trust you enough to hear your reason for your request. However, that doesn’t mean I will accept you as a brother here. In fact, the only reason I'm allowing this chance, is to pay back one of the two debt that our tribe owes you.”

Zera looked to her husband as she replied, “That seems heartless isn’t it? He did save your life, why not agree to listen to him and offer two payments? It’s only fair.”
Chief Basarum replied with distain, “It’s a curtesy that I'm even agreeing to meet with an outsider alone in the first place. I can't forgive them for Zee Zee, not even after being saved by one.”
Lady Zera sighed in disappointment as she replied, “Zee Zee is another matter entirely, I only think your being unreasonable. Esp-”
Both Zera and Chief Basarum looked to Zeil as he continued, “If that’s all it takes, then I accept. I never wanted you to be in debt to me to begin with, so this just make it easier than trying to think of something else I could want from the tribe.”
Taking the opportunity Chief Basarum nodded, “Very well… meet me at the temple steps in an hour’s time I will be there waiting. But if you are not there at that time. You will not get a second chance.”
Zeil nodded, “Alright, I'll be there then.”

Chief Basarum turned towards the tower’s stairs as he replied, “Very well, Bring with you whatever you see the need to convince me, you won't get this chance twice.” He looked at Chief Tanak, “Sorry to cut this short. I'll be sure to hear all about the results of the Kiwinda in the morning. Will you be leaving early tomorrow?”
Chief Tanak shook his head, “It was my intention, but if the games end with a third day I'll still be here. If anything I’ll still drop in to check on you before I leave tomorrow.”
Chief Basarum smiled, “Very well, I will see you tomorrow then.” He turned towards the stairs and started down before pausing as he looked back, “oh… and Sister Kante?”
The filly nodded, “Yes Chief?”
Chief Basarum replied, “Good job…”
Though none saw it, Chief Basarum gave a small half smile as he turned back to the steppes and preceded to leave the tower. Kante could only smile with pride in her recognition as Lady Zera sighed as she looked to Zeil, “I must apologies for my husband yet again. I was hoping he would seem more grateful for your actions Mr. Zeil. But I'm afraid his distrust in outsiders continues to cloud his manners.”

Zeil smiled as he waved his hoof dismissively, “Don’t worry about it lady oracle. It’s been a week so I'm used to it by now. But… can I ask, what is it that made him distrust outsiders? Something about a… Zee Zee?”
Zera’s expression sank as she replied, “Our daughter… what happened to her, well, she is no longer with us. And though they are only partially at fault, My husband puts full blame on all outsiders. Lets… not discuss this any further.”
Zeil felt he was leading towards a bad subject as she replied, “Oh… well… then that’s all I need to hear. I… am sorry for your loss.”
As Zeil said that, he felt a little confused by the oracle’s response, her emotions didn’t seem in anyway sad, but she still liked the sentiment as she smiled, “Thank you Zeil, I appreciate that.”
Chief Tanak nodded as he added, “I guess it’s true what they said about you Sir Zeil… you are a noble stallion worthy of the title.”

Zeil was confused, “Wait… how did you kn-“
“Sir Zeil?”
Chief Tanak looked to Kante as he replied to her response, “Yep, I'm surprised he didn’t mention it. Zeil here is a knight from a faraway land. Seems he made an impression on the city of Zebabwee when he arrived in Zebrica. Was referred to as Sir Zeil by Princess Skystar of the Hippogriff Kingdom.”
Zeil asked, “How did you hear about that?”
Zera smiled, “Chief Tanak is in charge of the Outer Tribes. In all there are about twenty tribes and five cities under his protection. He speaks for them and the ponies, buffalo, giraffe and gazelle that live amongst them.”
Chief Tanak rubbed his head in embarrassment, “Well I appoint the leaders of those tribes, but when speaking of national matters I represent the Outer Tribes as a whole.”
Zera looked to Zeil as she spoke, “You’re a knight in shining armor then? No wonder Zecora fell for you, never saw her for having a princess complex. Funny to think that the stranger treated as a peasant would actualy be a noble knight of Equestria.”

Chief Tanak was surprised as he replied, “Wait a sec? you mean to tell me that this outsider is in love with little Ze-“
Zera interrupted, “Yes, seems Zecora was wooed by Zeil here back in Equestria… and a knight to say the least.”
Zeil rubbed his head in embarrassment, “Well, I wasn’t a knight when we fell in love. And… I'm not a knight of Equestria.”
Chief Tanak nodded, “That’s right, you’re a knight of the Hippogriff Kingdom right? And that move you did… if I’m not wrong, that was a move learned only by masters of the Ibex temple in the Far East. For an outsider on Basarum’s bad side you sure do get around.”
Zeil rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment as he replied, “Well, it has been a long journey.”
Zera smiled, “And nearing its end I would suspect?”
Zeil shook his head, “Not until I return to Zecora. But I'm not going back till I learn magic from the chief.”

At that moment one of the giraffe who was announcing the competition looked into the tower as he spoke, “Um… excuse me, chief, lady oracle… I know that the attempted assassination caused a stall in the competition but, if you will allow it. We will hold a brief break to clean up the bodies before proceeding.”
Chief Tanak nodded as he replied, “Sounds good to me, Chief Basarum has a meeting to attend so he won't be here for the remainder of the competition.” He looked at Zeil, “Speaking of which, don’t you have to get ready?”
Zeil nodded, “I do actually, I need to get my saddlebag from the village. So I guess I'll see you tomorrow before you leave. I want to hear the score for today’s Kiwinda. I'm rooting for the prey.”
Chief Tanak Laughed out loud, “As am I, I'll be sure to remember the details on how we trump the rest of the event. That way we can celebrate properly.”
Zeil laughed, “I'll hold you too it then. Kante, stay with Chief Tanak.”
Kante nodded, “Of course Brother Zeil. I will do as I'm told.”

With that Zeil turned away and trotted down the stairs of the tower as Zera looked to Kante, “Well, well, you two have become close. And did I hear you call him brother? Better not let the chief hear you say that.”
Kante blushed slightly, “Well… he was the one who saved me from the jaguar. I feel like I owe him more than just my life. He has helped around the village and as far as we are all concerned he is a brother to the tribe.”
Zera nodded, “Yes, I know. I have seen his actions and recognize his assistance. Zeil has been a great help to the tribe and though my husband doesn’t see it. Or more accurately he refuses to acknowledge it. A strong warrior like him is sure to be a valuable asset to the tribe.”
Kante smiled, “I saw it the moment I met him. Brother Zeil is a skilled warrior with a lot of experience in fighting.”
Zera smiled sinisterly, “And I noticed, that you seem to be better experienced since he arrived as well.”
Chief Tanak smiled, “That’s right, as soon as the fighting started here in this tower, you stepped between the chief and the assassin without order, and unarmed at that.”
Blushing in embarrassment, Kante replied, “Well… it’s up to the tribe to protect the Chief, and brother Zeil says that even the weakest warriors can play a role in just that.”

Less than an hour later, Zeil approached the Temple in the center of the western tribe village wearing his cloak and saddlebag. As he approached, a guard stood waiting as he spoke, “Zeil… the chief has been expecting you… follow me.”
Zeil nodded, but was confused when the guard didn’t climb the stairs but instead started trotting along the base of the temple as he led Zeil to a small doorway on the side of the stone structure. After being led to that doorway, the guard gave Zeil a torch as he spoke, “Follow the stairs downward. The chief awaits you below. And be mindful, the chief doesn’t trust you in the slight, so watch how you speak to him.”
As Zeil took the torch he asked, “What about you? What do you think of me?”
The guard smiled, “Kante’s father was my best friend. She may be young, reckless and disobedient to the chief’s words, but she is a good filly, with a keen head on her shoulders, and a warrior’s heart. If she trusts you as much as she does, then it’s got to be for a good reason.”
Zeil smiled, “Thanks.”
The guard nodded back, “Thank you, for saving both Kante and the chief.”
That said, the guard took up his post to the side of the doorway as Zeil took the torch as he went down into the darkened depths of the seemingly ancient temple.

After reaching the bottom of the temple, Zeil found himself standing in a small room with a large table sitting in the center as Chief Basarum sat at the head of the table as he spoke, “Good, you mad it… Take a seat then we can get started.”
As Zeil sat down and placed the torch in a stand on the center of the table as he noticed a guard standing in the corner of the room. Ignoring this, Chief Basarum spoke, “Well, you wanted to tell me why you needed to learn magic from me… so… speak your peace.”
Zeil gestured to the guard as he spoke, “I told you I can't… not with him here.”
Chief Basarum gave Zeil a distrusting look, “You are sure then… I can't have a single warrior present…”
Zeil nodded, “None can hear what I have to say. Only you and me.”
Chief Basarum replied, “Is it really that important?”
Zeil reached into his saddlebag and pulled out the tome of the mage and replied, “It is… if you know what this is.”
As Zeil showed Basarum the tome, Chief Basarum’s eyes widened for a second before turning to his guard and speaking in anger, “Leave us…”

Although the lone guard wanted to ask why, he could tell that the chief seemed angry as he quickly trotted out of the room as fast as he could. After the guard was gone Chief Basarum narrowed his angry expression towards Zeil as he spoked, “You… where did you get this.”
Zeil could sense his anger plainly as he replied, “It was given to me.”
“By whom…”
Zeil replied as calmly as he could, “By the Mage of Zebrica.”
Chief Basarum replied just as Zeil’s sentence ended, “Liar… Magi… I mean the mage is dead. I know this for a fact.”
Zeil nodded, “He may be… but his successor wasn’t. He is the one who gave me this book.”
Chief Basarum replied in confusion and anger, “Successor… there is no such zebra. The mage died before he could complete his training. He wasn’t able to choose a successor.”

Zeil sighed as he continued to calmly reply, “Then who else could have given me this… and… Chosen me to become the next ma-”
Chief Basarum stood in anger as he yelled, “I REFUSE TO BELIEVE THAT! Magi is dead and I will not allow you to insult him further. Take this Fake and leave my village at once!”
Zeil stood up, “You’re going to kick me out, without even allowing me to explain?”
“I don’t need you too. The last Mage of Zebrica is dead! I know it myself because he was a good stallion!”
Zeil nodded, “So, you knew him?”
Chief Basarum sighed as he sat back down and replied, “The last mage was a stallion from the Southern Tribes named Magi. When he was chosen by the mage before him, he was told to come here and learn magic from my father. He was a good stallion who treated me like a little brother. At the time he was also betrothed to my wife. I often think he would have made a better husband then I. But… When he faced his final task… he never returned. The day he left, my wife the oracle was in tears… because she saw nothing of him when she looked into her own future. Meaning…. He had no future. Years later, when I was set to become chief for the Northern Tribes, she was betrothed to me and… the rest is history.” He stood back up and placed the tip of his hoof on the book as he continued, “So you see, this isn’t the Tome of the Mage and you a-”

Before he could finish, the text and symbols on the cover of the ancient book started shuffling themselves around as Chief Basarum took his hoof from the top of the book and stepped back, “What? It can't be…”
Seeing that the angry chief was now calm enough to listen, Zeil sat down as he replied, “It is… this is the real Tome of the Mage.”
Chief Basarum picked up the book and started shuffling through the pages, “But… it’s not possible… the tome is here… in this temple where it was left twenty years ago. How… I mean… where did you get this?”
Zeil sighed as he replied, “It was given to me by a cloaked zebra about two years ago. He claimed that he was the mage and… passed this onto me before using a spell to kill himself.”
After skimming through the pages Basarum looked at the final page in the book as he looked over the row of text that seemed to be arranged on the page as if it were a list. As he ran his hoof at the second from the last word he spike, “Magi… this is his name… I remember the day it appeared here signifying that he was ready to face the final trial… right after he left… and never returned. This next name… I can't read… only the mage can read these symbols.” He laid the book down on the table as he spoke, “Tell me… tell me everything. How you came across this book, who gave it to you and what happened that convinces you that he was the true mage of Zebrica.”
Although he was happy the chief was finally willing to listen to him, Zeil held back his smile as he started to tell the tale, “About two years ago, outside of the Wooden Pergola Forest… I came across an old Zebra with a terrifying aura.”

From there, Zeil told the story. He talked about the mage, his spells, Xemnes and the undead creatures that tried to kill him, he even told about the all three forbidden spells used to bring the creatures to life, to kill the creatures, and to kill both the one responsible for the disaster and himself. Zeil told the story to such detail that the chief could have easily placed himself in the very chapel that Xemnes died in and the danger that took place moments before the undead griffin turned to dust. As soon as Zeil finished telling the story he silenced himself as Chief Basarum paced his mind by lifting the cover of the leather book, letting it fall onto the first page and repeating the action as he spoke, “So… then what?”
Zeil replied, “That’s it… that’s the whole story.” he reached into his saddlebag and pulled out the letter from the mage as he handed it to the chief and spoke, “This is what he left me… and this is all the proof I feel I need to be convinced.”
Chief Basarum looked at the letter and read through it before laying it down and speaking, “And the picture… you said there was a picture of this stallion, Zecora and a filly… where is that?”
Zeil replied, “I buried it with him… it would be better proof, but I could tell that something that precious, would be better to rest with him. At least that what I would want.”
Chief Basarum sat back in his chair as he sighed, “I see…”

Zeil took a few seconds to let the chief process the information before speaking again, “So… that’s my reasoning. He says that you are the enchanter of light and that you must be the one to teach me.”
Chief Basarum thought to himself as he replied, “So it would seem, I'll be honest, I doubt that I am this enchanter that is spoken of in this letter, but then again. It is the previous mage who decides who the current enchanter of light is… and it is said that only the previous mage can choose him and no others to teach the next mage. But…”
Zeil sat with unease, “But?”
Chief Basarum stood up as he replied, “This will take a matter far higher then myself to decide. So in the meantime.” He looked at the doorway and yelled, “GAURDS!”
As that was said three warriors entered the chamber as one spoke, “What is if chief? Is the outsider posing a problem?”
The guards gave Zeil an untrusting look as Chief Basarum approached them and replied, “Never mind that, a situation of importance has presented itself.” He pointed at the first guard, “You get a runner and have him depart at once to the other tribes! All chiefs from the south, east, and western tribes need to come here at once. I'm calling an emergency Assembly of the Chiefs.”
The guard was shocked, “You’re assembling the chiefs? Should they ask, what should I say is the reason?”
Chief Basarum replied, “All you should say is that it is a future matter of all our tribes. The rest will be explained upon their arrival.”
The warrior nodded, “Understood chief, I'll send a runner at once.”
“Send three, I want this assembly to take place in the morning.”
The warrior turned to the door, “Understood chief I'll do as told at once.”

After that guard was gone Chief Basarum turned to the next, “You, go to the Kiwinda and inform Chief Tanak of this meeting. Tell him it’s about Zeil and I'll expect him here in the morning as well as his representatives of all races.”
The Guard nodded as he too turned to leave, “Yes Chief at once.”
Then the Zebrican chief looked to the last guard as he spoke, “And you…” he turned to Zeil and pointed, “Subdue him at once!”
Zeil was shocked by what he heard but before he could respond, the warrior tackled Zeil to the ground and held him in place as Zeil spoke, “What? Chief what are you doing?”
Chief Rafi spoke with a serious tone, “Until we have our meeting tomorrow, you will be restrained and held in the temple. Whether your story is true or not, you still spoke of the mage and all three of the most forbidden spells in existence. You will be held in a cell until we decide what to do with you. If the other tribes consider you truthful, then I will release you and teach you as you request. But if you are lying… then you will be condemned to death. And trust me… no amount of debt will be able to spare you of the crime you just committed.” He looked to the guard, ‘Take him away! But leave the book!”
Knowing that struggling would only make things worse, Zeil decided to do as he was told as the guard dragged him away and placed him in a cell further into the temple’s ancient corridor.

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