• Published 2nd Dec 2018
  • 1,908 Views, 229 Comments

Love's Lost Decade - Priceless911

Zeil, a changeling in love sets out on an incredible 10 year journey. Crossing blistering deserts, Frozen Mountain, treacherous forests, and unbelievable dangers. But is his journey merely an accident or was he fated to find what lies within him.

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Bk12/Ch2 Home of the Banished And Crime of the Titan

Book 12/Chapter 2
Home of the Banished And Crime of the Titan
(Year 6, Month 06, Day 19)

Zeil traveled up the river as the sun hung overhead making the savanna moderately hot. As he pressed on in his second day of travel, the river which was heading north took a turn and started leading east entering a lush jungle allowing Zeil to travel in the shade for once. As he continued, Chief Basarum’s words echoed in his head as he mumbled, “Follow the river north till the earth and nature swallows it… Been over a day now so I got to be close."
As Zeil continued up the river for a little while longer, he soon came to an area where the river seemed to run into a dark and low cave. As Zeil saw the water run into the underwater cave Zeil trotted around the caves entrance to see that the river ended there, while jungle brush grew both on top and behind the cave which spanned as far as he could see into the thicket of vines and trees. As he look passed the end of the river, Zeil mumbled, “Swallowed by the earth and nature… this has to be the place.” He looked up, “the tree canopies are open over the river, so when the sun starts setting it should be visible on the water’s surface making it look like the un is also being swallowed. So… I guess I need to wait here till sunset for the guardian to ari-“

At that moment, Zeil noticed an aura in the jungle around him as he mumbled, “I'm being watched… a feline… leopards?”
Trying to act like he didn’t sense it, Zeil put his saddlebag on the ground, opened it up and took out some food preparing tools as he, mumbled, “Two… right now anyway… and they are… afraid. Enough to not do anything hostile, but… with this much fear… why are they watching me so closely?”
Just as that was said, the two auras started distancing themselves further from Zeil until he could barely sense them as he sighed in relief, “Okay… so whatever they wanted they must have either gotten it or given up. For now, I'll just make me something to eat and rest until sunset.”
Doing just that, Zeil prepared him a meal and took the time to refill his water canteens.

Later, As the sun started setting Zeil was resting next to the falls till he felt something that worried him as he acted like he couldn’t sense them, “They’re back… and they brought friends…” he stood and looked in all directions as he counted, “Three… six… nine… ten, eleven, Twelve… no fifteen? It’s not a single pride… it’s multiple…”
One second later, three of the surrounding leopards stepped out of the brush above the river’s cave as one gave a loud meow which signaled all the others to reveal themselves. As the leopards stepped out of the jungle, Zeil was able to see clearly now that even if he tried, there was no escaping the surrounding predators. As Zeil readied himself for what would obviously be a fight to the death, he paused when one of the surrounding auras seemed familiar as he looked to an empty patch of trees as three more leopards exited the jungle with the center leopard obviously being the leader. As Zeil looked onto the leading predator, he recognized it immediately as the same pride leader that both attacked Kante over a year ago, and who watched him leave the Northern Tribes when he went to see Somnambula in Duet. Not to mention that this one was feeling only a slight bit of caution, as the rest of the surrounding leopards were terrified, despite their growling expressions.

As Zeil stared into the eyes of the predator, Zeil started to realize something as he stopped standing at the ready and spoke respectfully, “You’re the guardian… aren’t you? You aren’t here for a fight… you’re hear to judge me.”
The lead leopard didn’t respond, instead he just stood his ground as the rest of the leopards started hissing in fear. After a few seconds of the obvious threats, the lead leopards gave a loud demanding meow as the surrounding leopards both stopped hissing and stood with a more relaxed stance. After that was done, the leader looked to Zeil for a few more seconds then turned away and started walking into the forest. As Zeil saw this he felt as if the creature wanted him to follow, so Zeil picked up his saddlebag and put the hood on his cloak up as he followed the guardian towards their next destination. As he followed, sunset came and went, then more time passed until soon the sky began brightening up to the dawn of the next morning. Tired from following the leading leopard through the jungle all night, Zeil watched their path lead to a large moss covered cave as the leopard stopped in front of the entrance and gave Zeil an emotionless stare.

As Zeil approached the cave he started to notice that the structure wasn’t really a cave after all, it was a hollowed out tree that was crafted into a home, similar to Zecora’s only slightly smaller and with a thick layer of moss and vines growing on the surface. As Zeil noticed the home he looked to the leopard who only stared at him for another few second before turning away and running into the jungle with little concern in its emotions. Once the leopard was gone, Zeil approached the entrance to the home as he looked inside with caution. Inside the furniture had been completely removed however in the center of the single room home was a large assortment of pillows all gathered in one place. And when Zeil looked to the center of the pile of pillows, Zeil saw something that concerned him. On the pillows sat the corps of a lone zebra who sat in a meditative pose who apparently died many years ago. As Zeil circled the corpse Zeil immediately noticed the Southern Tribe dashiki, the western tribe ring on his dominant arm, and an eastern tribe dagger in a sheath on his side as Zeil immediacy knew who he was looking at, “Mage Magi… so… you did die here.”
Seeing the emotionless expression on his face Zeil continued, “Seems it was painless, did he die in meditation… or was it who he saw in the state.”

Looking around Zeil spoke, “well, I guess I have to do the same here, but I can’t leave him like this.”
Doing what he felt was right, Zeil went outside and found an area where the ground was soft before proceeding to dig a grave for the fallen mage. Hours later, after Mage Muji was buried, Zeil placed his dashiki on a large stone he used as a tombstone then carved as best as he could the fallen mage’s name into the stone. After the previous mage was laid to rest, Zeil went inside the small hut placed all his belongings into his saddlebag excluding only the items given to him by the chiefs of Zebrica. After he sat the saddlebag aside, Zeil sat in the center of the pile of pillows as he positioned himself in a meditative pose and mumbled, “I’m not sure what comes next, but all I can assume is my next step is to face the darkness in me. So… lets hope this is right.”
Giving a bracing sigh Zeil sat in his meditative position as he closed his eyes and immediate fell into a meditative trance.

As soon as he entered the trance, Zeil opened his eyes to find himself in a place that he had never seen before. Zeil stood at the edge of a massive lake that was completely surrounded by vast green fields of grass with snow covered mountains in the distance. With the reflections of the clear blue sky and mountains clearly seen on the lake Zeil looked around in amazement as he mumbled, “This place… its beautiful… but why is it so… familiar?”
Curious, Zeil observed his surroundings closely until he noticed something small that was centered in the middle of the vast lake. Curious Zeil tried to look closer, but as he did his hooves slipped down the lake bed as he fell to the water’s surface. However as he met the water’s edge, Zeil hooves didn’t splash into the water instead they landed on the surface and stopped as if the water itself was a solid floor. Confused Zeil looked at his hooves and could see the water and everything under its surface, while he stood completely stationary on top of it. Understanding that this was a world created in a trance, Zeil assumed this was the way it was here as he looked back to the object in the center of the lake and started trotting towards it. at first the object seemed like a dark stallion sitting in a boat on the center of the lake but as he drew closer, he found that it wasn’t a boat at all, it was a stone protruding from the lake’s center and the stallion sitting on it was a changeling in his parasitic form, the same appearance that Zeil once held.

Immediately knowing who he was, Zeil continued approaching as he could look at the water beneath him and see strange structures beneath the water’s surface. Ignoring the structures, Zeil continued until he was close enough to the familiar changeling as the creature with his back to Zeil spoke, “It’s been a while Zeil… a lot has happened since last we met.”
The changeling stood and turned to him as Zeil replied, “Lucifer... I presume?”
The changeling nodded, “You presume right… since we last met, you were finally chosen, I'll be it… self-chosen. You faced a kingdom of the past, strangely enough one of my greatest failures. You saved a few kingdoms, and witnessed the end of the world despite how brief it was. You were knighted, saved one princess, guarded another. Coerced with highland clans, pirates, warring tribes, and even became a teacher while being taught yourself. Quite the life you’ve lived, and all within a decade. You should feel somewhat privileged. I have seen many lives before yours but only a fraction to have experienced as much as you.”

Zeil didn’t respond, instead he only gave the titan an unamused look as Lucifer nodded, “Ah… so your still upset over that little vow thing aren’t you?”
Zeil replied, “You murdered Chief Muji.”
“It was discrete.”
“Literally hundreds saw it…”
“You gave him plenty of warning.”
“His Tribe needed him.”
“How so?... a tribe is only as stable as its own Chief. If Muji had lived he would only have driven them all to ruin. If anything you should consider that an important lesson. A mage must maintain balance even at the cost of life. If you went to the Southern tribes now, I'm sure many would thank you for what I did.”

Zeil stepped closer and replied, “And what about your attempt to harm his tribe? What good would it have done to destroy all of them? Or for that matter the Eastern Tribes along with them? What would have happened should Chief Basarum’s attempt to knock you unconscious failed? Would you have seen all the tribes’ attempts to stop you as an imbalance? Would you have destroyed them all?”
Lucifer nodded, “Yes… that’s exactly right. Because you weren’t strong enough.”
The titan replied, “It is the task of the mage to keep balance, not just in the world but in himself. I am darkness, you are light. You must balance us both to make good and bad decision and yet you failed. When Kante died, you just gave up. If not for me, the chief would have killed you then and there, but I acted first. My actions saved your life, and helped end the war without further bloodshed.”
Zeil shook his head, “There could have been no blood shed!”
“Unlikely… you know as well as I that in the presence of the mage there is always bloodshed. Especially a weak mage who can't even keep his own balance.”

Zeil was unsure, “What are you saying?”
Lucifer smiled, “Don’t play coy with me… you know exactly what I'm saying… How many have died in your wake? How many bodies did you leave behind despite the fact that you yourself killed none of them?”
The changeling disguised titan reached down from the stone he was standing on and tapped the water’s surface as the rippling water revealed images of those lost in Zeil’s travels. Supersonic, The Ibex Sensei, all present on Angela’s Peak, Xemnes from the Wooden Pergola Forest, King Mathias, General Arnold, Chief Muji, and last… Kante. As Zeil stepped back and looked at all the faces of those who died in his journey, He couldn’t help but feel somewhat at fault as he denied it, “I had nothing to do with any of them.”
Lucifer chuckled, “Are you sure about that? The mage is the presence of balance, but when unbalanced and untrained he only brings his original side… being light… so as all know, with light, comes darkness to balance. And though not all these souls were considered friend, death is the ultimate form of darkness.”

Zeil tried to defend himself as he replied, “Darkness or not, their deaths wasn’t my fault.”
Lucifer raised his hoof over the water as the tome of the mage seemed to arise from the depths until it hovered between the two, “Say what you want… but I have plenty of reason to believe in my own words. However, more comes into the presence of this tome.”
Lucifer then swung his hoof to the side causing the tome to open leaving every page to tear from the spine and begin orbiting around him. With the pages orbiting in a steady pace the titan spoke, “Every spell, hex, and curse within this tome was never written, these spells once seen appear within the tome. Once decided that these spells shouldn’t exist the mage sees to their removal from the world, and the tome writes them in order to be known only by the mage, so that if needed, he alone can use them to maintain balance. But these spells can only be decided of this, when witnessed by the mage himself.”
Zeil replied, “Okay that makes sense, so a spell unless witnessed won't appear in the tome… what’s that got to do with me?”

Nodding the Lucifer replied, “It has more to do with me… as it is a memory of my life… as well as yours. The memory that created the first and most forbidden spell within this tome.”
As that was said, the sky started flashing in a strange light as Zeil looked up to see that the sun was flying from one horizon to the next with great speed, only it wasn’t traveling like normal, it was going in reverse. With the sun passing by into the past, the next event to take place was the stone Lucifer was standing on slowly started to rise from the water, as Zeil realized that the waters in the lake were receding. As the water lowered, structures in the lake slowly rose to the surface as year of wear started to disappear on the titans pedestal until Zeil could see clearly that it wasn’t a large boulder, it was a pillar, one of many from the rising structures that reveled themselves from the depths of a sunken city. As the waters lowered till the bottom of the lake was revealed, grass and trees started to appear for a short while, until the unweathering of the structures around it revealed stone roads causing the toppled pillars to resettle into their original places and buildings became more new as a city rose around them. Amazed that a massive city was hidden under a lake Zeil looked around at first in wonder, but then in confusion as he noticed that many days had passed without a single resident roaming the streets.

As Zeil looked around the Lucifer waved his hoof once more bringing the orbiting pages back to the books cover before letting it close and dissolve into smoke. With that the titan spoke, “May I welcome you mage Zeil… to city of Petra… once the center of one of the most promising civilizations in the world. A race that most titans believed would become dominant if we were ever to pass on to the next world, a race that no longer exists.”
Slowly the reversing time started to slow as the whipping sun slowed enough to easily differentiate day from night. Then as if it had happened in an instant, the city streets were filled with roaming residents. A race that Zeil hadn’t seen before but recognized easily from his dreams. An anthropomorphic race with a rough thick flesh, sharp claws on its feet and hands, horns on its head, backwards knees on its legs and large bat like wings on its back. As Zeil looked at the creatures he spoke, “Demons? But I thought they only existed in Tartarus?”
The titan nodded, “They do… but they only existed there after I was banished to that place. This is a different race, one created by another… the same race I modeled demons after… Gargoyles.”
Zeil watched the resident as time slowed its reverse to a complete stop, then began moving forward at a normal pace, “Gargoyles, I’ve heard of them… but I thought they were only a myth?”
Lucifer nodded, “They were… But all myths have a sense of truth to them.”
Feeling there was more to that statement, Zeil looked to the titan, however before he could say anything, the changeling formed Lucifer vanished into thin air, as Zeil noticed a commotion approaching from up the street he were standing on as he saw many of the residents clearing a path and bowing to the party that was approaching.

Curious, Zeil looked up the road as he saw four creatures making their way down the street through the bowing crowds. One on the far end was a gargoyle with glasses who looked to be some sort of envoy. Next to him was a tall dragoness who Zeil could recognize as one of the titans. Next to the dragoness, was Lucifer in his titan form while walking next to him was a reformed changeling queen who could only be suspected as an envoy for her own titan. As the party walked closer, the Dragoness spoke to her envoy, “The kingdom looks to be prosperous as ever… complements to Queen Isabella for her efforts.”
The gargoyle bowed slightly in his walk, “You flatter us Milady. To have the titan Infernus complement our home is truly an honor.”
Infernus looked to Lucifer, “and what about you Lucifer? Do you like the kingdom thus far?”
Lucifer nodded, “I admit it is impressive… and if you say this is the kingdom most prevalent to lead my second attempt, then I'll take your word for it.”
The gargoyle was curious, “If I may Lord Lucifer… what is this second attempt you speak of?”
The Changeling Queen spoke, “That is a titan concern, not yours, it is a matter to be discussed with your que-”
Lucifer interrupted, “Mind your manners Queen Sera, we are guests.”
The changeling Queen bowed, “Forgive me Lord Lucifer.”

Lucifer replied to the gargoyle, “I will convers with your queen first… then we can discuss it further should she accept.”
Infernus spoke, “On that subject… what became of King Matthias? There were rumors that he lost his senses in his final years?”
Lucifer shook his head, “Though his claims of what became of Lilith seemed odd, so too do the relics of this worlds creation. If what he claims is true and a relic caused a great calamity, then I hope he found peace with its resolve. Even now after a century since his final breath.”
Infernus chuckled, “According to his claim his resolve was the work of a changeling knight. Laughable if I would say.”
The Changeling queen gave her a nasty look as she saw this and spoke, “Sorry… I meant no offence. I only meant that he didn’t seem in his right mind upon his… return.”
Lucifer shook his head, “King Matthias went through a great deal after Lilith fell. Five years of imprisonment before I destroyed and dissolved the Minotaur Kingdom. If his claim to see his kingdom fight in the same war multiple times is true, then it only adds to the troubles he has faced. I for one can't say I believe it myself, but, as long as he found peace. It shouldn’t matter whether it’s true or not.”
The Changeling Queen spoke, “And I'll thank this changeling knight to grant him this peace, weather he be real or figurative.”

Suddenly the setting changed into a massive throne room as Zeil looked around in confusion to the sudden change in scenery. As he looked around, he noticed the same party in the front of the throne room as they stood before a gargoyle queen who stood next to her throne. As they stood there, the queen bowed in respect as she spoke, “To have the great titans Lucifer and Infernus come to my kingdom… tis truly an honor milord and lady.”
Infernus nodded, “The honor is ours Queen Isabella however, this visit is of business not leisure.”
The Queen was curious as Lucifer spoke, “Infernus informs me that of all her creations, you hold the most promise in knowledge, skill, and reliability. Is this true?”
The queen smiled, “You flatter me milord. But in the risk of sounding boastful, we do have the greatest in the scientific community of all races. Even over the unicorn of the pony races.”

Lucifer nodded, “I come to discuss my attempt to unite the races in harmony. Though the incident that claimed the city of Lilith was terrible, I feel it’s time we look towards a second attempt to unite the races in a new kingdom. And since your race shows the most promise, I would like your race to both attend and lead this kingdom.”
Isabella was surprised, “Lilith? You are speaking of the kingdom of mixed pony races that fell almost two centuries ago?”
Lucifer nodded, “The same… I nearly drove the Minotaur to extinction after their betrayal and now that I look into it. Choosing races created by one titan could have been my folly. The ponies have always been more of a peaceful race as seen by their king and queen, but if I had stronger races mixed in from all titans, it could have ended differently. So now I will reattempt a new Lilith, this time with the strongest and most superior races from all titans. I have chosen Changelings from my own, Alicorn from the ponies, Hippogriff from the Leviathan, The wolves from Raiden, and from Infernus… I have determined that, your race would be best selected, as both residents, and as the rulers. Provided you choose a suitable monarch to rule this kingdom.”
The queen thought about the subject as she replied, “I’ll happily accept… however, I have a request. If I may?”
The queen gave a somewhat bashful but cute smile as Lucifer nodded, “You may…”
She spoke, “If I were to choose a successor and abdicate my throne here, would it be possible for the ruler of this new kingdom to be myself? And… in that regard, would I be able to work with… you… to make proper preparations of course.”
Sensing her attempts at flattery Lucifer smiled, “In my eyes, I see no fault in the decision.” He looked to the dragoness, “What about you? Will you allow her to abdicate her throne for this task?”
Infernus nodded as she replied, “It is no objection of mine to deny a ruler from my races to abdicate her own throne willingly. So if that’s what she wants, let it be.”

Queen Isabella smiled as she bowed, “Then I humbly accept this task. Please inform me of what I must do and I'll see it done.”
Lucifer nodded, “First we must establish a place for the new kingdom, then a name. In the mean time I would advise you to take note of the races that will be gathered and to learn more about them. As ruler it will be your task to know your subject. Their strengths, weaknesses, skills, and customs. Knowing these will insure that you maintain not only peace between the races, but how to rule them justly and fairly.”
The queen thought to herself, “I shall have my scholars begin this task at once. As for the location and name, I may need assistance in this. My race have chosen to remain in only one place, so our knowledge of territory and others is quite limited.”
Lucifer nodded, “I assure you, I will be working closely on the subject. After all you may be ruling the kingdom, but I have full charge of this new nation and its purpose.”
The queen smiled in a flirting manner, “I look forward to working with you milord. With you close, I'm sure this new kingdom will far surpass your expectations.”

Lucifer couldn’t help but smile at the charming queen as Infernus and the changeling queen noticed this as Infernus spoke, “Then we shall take our leave. Thank you for taking the time to see us your majesty.”
Isabella bowed, “it is I who should thank you for this most gracious of opportunities. I look forward to this honorable task.”
As the two titans and their envoys turned to leave the kingdom, Infernus waited till they were out of the throne room before speaking, “She is… quite enthusiastic, isn’t she?”
Lucifer replied, “As she said, this is an important opportunity.”
Infernus nodded, “Ah hum… and the fact that she was flirting had nothing to do with it.”
Lucifer played dumb, “That’s so… I didn’t notice.”
The changeling queen sighed, “Sure you didn’t my lord.”
Lucifer gave her an annoyed look as Infernus replied, “Though there is no rule against it… I will remind you that she is mortal. If love is in your sight… then it will be short lived.”

Lucifer sighed in hopelessness as he replied, “I will admit she has charm… but I'm not one to fall in love.”
Infernus nodded, “I see… I recall the Eden king saying the same. Mere decades before marrying the Queen.”
Lucifer replied with a skeptic glance, “What are you saying?”
Infernus replied, “I’m merely pointing out, that we all are capable of falling in love. But be warned love with a mortal is painful… not just because we will outlive them… but because there are many follies to being mortal.”
With nothing more to say on the subject Infernus walked away with a faster peace leaving both Lucifer and his envoy behind as Zeil watched her and spoke, “A warning… somehow I suspect you didn’t heed it… did you?”
Lucifer’s voice echoed from out of nowhere as it replied, “No… I was too much of a fool to see it in time.”
The surroundings went dark as he continued “Over the next few years, I spent time with Queen Isabella… we looked into locations, landscapes, and laws in governing the new kingdom. Since she was tasked with finding out information on the other races, I held no surprise when she made new discoveries in my absence, such as alicorn being able to use magic with a broken horn while under intense stress. Or how changelings with severed limbs and wings wouldn’t be able to function if they change into creatures with those same missing limbs. To me these discoveries were nothing more than her completing what I tasked her with… and as time passed, my attraction to her grew until I actually fell in love, for which she returned my love. But then the day came when I was truly reminded of the folly of being mortal.”

As that was said, the surrounding changed once again, this time to a familiar setting as Zeil saw Lucifer standing on a balcony overlooking the city. As he stood there, Queen Isabella entered the room as she smiled, “Apologies my love, I had some royal matters to attend to. I hope you did not wait long.”
As she approached, Lucifer turned to her as she held out her hand to him as he took it and smiled, “Of course my love, you say you wanted to show me something… lead the way.”
As the two started out of the room and through the corridor, Lucifer spoke, “By the way, I noticed a large number of citizens gathering in the square? Is there a celebration about to take place?”
She smiled, “Yes, I'm going to announce the first few families who will be traveling with me to the new kingdom. That and… if you’ve finally decided, will you be announcing the name of this new kingdom?”
Lucifer nodded, “Yes… I’ve decided to call this kingdom, Tartarus.”
She thought to herself as she replied, “Tartarus… interesting name. But I feel it will be a name that will soon be known by all.” She looked further down the hall as she spoke, “All of my scholars have finished their studies and now I feel that I will be able to rule the new kingdom far better than Lilith.”

Lucifer shook his head, “It was not the ruler of Lilith that led to its downfall, it was my ignorance to see what my Minotaur had become. They grew greedy and deceitful, that’s why I destroyed their kingdom.”
She asked, “But what of the survivors?”
He replied, “They grew greedy, but… the difference between greed and evil are two separate factors. So I denied them the right of a kingdom, but allowed them the right to live. But only because they kept Lilith’s king alive afterword’s. Part of me wonders if I should have removed them entirely. Should the situation arise a second time… perhaps I will.”
As the two approached a library door, and entered as the queen approached a lone book on the table and picked it up, “Here, this is a collection of all the research that my scholars have gathered.” She looked over the books cover, “It has taken a lot of work, but I feel tha- oh?” She paused and looked at the top edged of the pages, “There is a stain here… well this is unacceptable.”
After flipping through the pages to confirm that the stain was visible on all pages she handed the book to Lucifer and spoke, “No matter, we will talk with my scholars before we proceed to the square. Better yet, let us retrieve the original notes first. I believe they are down in the research chambers.”

Leaving the library, Queen Isabella walked towards a stairway that lead down to the ground level as Lucifer followed in curiosity. As he followed, Lucifer decided to open the book to see what was inside, the stain on the corner was a reddish brown and was present on every page but it didn’t seem to bother him as he looked through the research. On every page showed something about one of the other races that told all about their anatomy. The first few pages showed the average wingspan of the avian races as well as lift and how they maneuver in flight, the next was a series of basic spells that even the most unskilled alicorn can produce. Following into the changeling’s abilities to transform, and the wolves’ keen senses. As the stairs ended at the ground floor, the two preceded to a portion of the castle that Lucifer had never been to before as he looked through the pages and spoke, “This is remarkable research, I'm sure your scholars worked tirelessly on attaining this knowledge.”
Queen Isabella smiled, “They worked as hard as I did. I decided to assist in gathering this information personaly, and if not for the residents we collected, we wouldn’t have been this successful in gathering this knowledge.”
Lucifer was impressed, “Really? I suppose information such as this wouldn’t be as simple without volunteer for firsthand knowledge.”

As they looked further to the corridor, Queen Isabella led them to a small narrow spiral staircase that led further down underneath the castle. As Zeil saw this, a dark and foreboding feeling went through his body as Lucifer’s echoing voice spoke, “I will never forget this stairway… even to this day this place haunts my darkest memories… it will forever remain in my mind… as well as yours.”
As that was said, Queen Isabella and Lucifer went down the stairway as Lucifer continued looking through the book as Queen Isabella added, “In fact we had support from the entire populous of my kingdom, some chose to scout out citizens for research while others provided resources for my scholars. Thanks to them, we were able to gather at least over a hundred residents of all races to assist in this research.”

As Lucifer flipped through the pages, he soon came to a page that he felt uneasy about. The image showed in perfect detail, the anatomy of a hippogriff body. Everything from the blood vessels, bones, nervous system, even the reproductive system was hand drawn with perfect detail… the type of detail only found from one with firsthand knowledge and visuals. Confused Lucifer started to ask, however before he could say a single word, a thick and heavy scent filled the air of the stairwell as they continue deeper into the castles underground… a smell, of iron, blood, and rot. With the heavy smell, Lucifer covered his nose as he spoke, “These sketches… how did your scholars get them in such… detail?”
Before he could answer, Lucifer’s eyes met with the stain that was on the book as he immediately recognized it as blood. Seeing this, Lucifer felt a deep pit in his stomach as Queen Isabella smiled and replied with casual tone, “Oh… we have our ways, my scholars and I works effortlessly on making sure they were in prefect detail.”

As that was said, the two reached the bottom of the stairway as they entered a room that caused, Lucifer and Zeil both to stop in complete shock and horror. The room was an obvious torcher chamber, complete with many different kinds of torcher devices, blood stained chains, bars, gurneys, and small medical trays with fragments of bone, teeth and other skeletal remains. Lucifer was speechless as he stood at the doorway to the torcher chamber as Queen Isabella approached a nearby gurney and picked up a small cluster of papers, “Here, these are the original drawings. Luckily they are free of stains to- oh, never mind seems these are in worse shape then what you hold.” She giggled as she placed the papers back down, “My mistake, I hope what you hold is suitable enough.”
She turned to Lucifer and smiled without remorse or a sense of guilt for the room’s setting as Lucifer replied, “Did… did your scholars… dissect the subjects?”
She nodded, “Not just my scholars, the entire kingdom assisted. Many doctors from the hospital did some of the work, a few subjects gave us information of where to find more to study, even the local pharmacy provided medications and sedatives to lower their activity during experiments. Together, my kingdom united to bring you everything we discovered in that very book you hold.”

Horrified by her casual tone, Lucifer looked back down to the book and turned a page as he saw an alicorn’s anatomy on the next page, along with foal and elderly additions, “Foals?”
She nodded, “Yes, we wanted to ensure that some traits attained through age were also documented. That’s how we discovered what spells all alicorn naturally know and what is learned with age.”
Uneasy Lucifer asked, “How… how many subjects did you say you collected?”
She thought to herself as she replied, “Hard to say… some were collected in groups… or at least the ones with families were. Accurately… I would say about a hundred of each race. But it is probably twice that.”
Lucifer asked, “A hundred?”
Hearing concern in his tone, Isabella spoke, “Don’t worry my love, we only gathered residents from the outskirts of their kingdoms. Outcasts, travelers, any who had no direct impact on the kingdom’s economy or civilization. Basically any who wouldn’t be missed?”
Trying to take his mind off of it, Lucifer kept his eyes glued to the book, however as he turned the page one last time, that’s when his mind truly snapped.

On the next page, was the anatomy of changelings, reformed workers, drones, and queens. When he saw this his uneasy expression faded until he held no expression what so ever, “and you say… your entire kingdom had a part in this?”
She nodded, “Of course… As you said, I must learn as much as I can to rule these races as proficiently as possible. I think with this knowledge, Tartarus will become the envy of the entire world.”
Lucifer asked, “Does Infernus know about this?”
She smiled, “Why should she? As far as I'm concerned, we did this to serve you.”
He nodded, “I see.”

Sensing a strangely neutral tone in his expression, Isabella asked, “My love? Are you alright?”
Lucifer closed the book as he spoke, “Seeing this… only proves that my next course will be the best one for all of us.”
She was confused, “Course?”
At that moment a guard entered the room, “Your majesty, the subject have gathered and are awaiting instruction in the square.”
Lucifer looked to the guard and answered for her, “Good, then we shall see to them.” He looked back at Isabella, “As he said, your subjects await. Let us see them, and… allow me to speak to them. I have something important to tell them about the new kingdom.”
Queen Isabella felt a little worried as she replied, “Yes… of course. As you wish my love.”
Nothing more to say, Lucifer left the room without any expression while Queen Isabella couldn’t help but feel uneasy with his sudden change in attitude as she followed.

Then the setting quickly changed once again as Zeil found himself standing on a large stage that was obviously used for executions, but currently was decorated as a place for major announcements. As Zeil looked at the gargoyle citizens that completely surrounded the stage, he could only marvel at the crowd as Queen Isabella stepped to the podium and called, “Subjects and residents of all Petra, I stand before you today with not just news, but a blessing. The Titan Lucifer stands before you to christen this momentous occasion, for he has finally chosen a name for the Kingdom that we have all worked so tirelessly to build. A kingdom of which he has named, Tartarus. Now hear him, for he wishes to say a few words.” She turned to Lucifer, “My lord?”
Lucifer nodded as Queen Isabella stepped away from the podium and allowed him to stand before the kingdom. As he looked over the faces of gargoyles all with pride and hopeful expressions, he could only give an emotionless glance as he spoke, “Gargoyle Race… your ruler has shown me the fruits of your labor. She has shown me just how far you are willing to go to see this kingdom a success and to see its rule far into the future. And after seeing just how far you will go, I have come to the decision that Tartarus, the city which was meant to unite the races… will never be.”

As that was said, the entire crowd of gargoyles gave him a confused look as he continued, “The races cannot live in peace. Even when ruled by one who would be seen as the dominant of all races… your mortality, selfishness, and lack of empathy only prove your feelings of superiority over all who are different from you. So… rather than granting you a kingdom to rule, I shall grant you something more.”
With that said, Lucifer raised his arm high as a large amount of black magic started accumulating in his palm as he spoke, “Gaze upon the results of your efforts.”
With fast movements, Lucifer closed his hand around the ball of magic lowered his arm and swung it as the gathered magic sifted out of his hand and flew through the observing crowed as everyone watching covered their face in reflex to the flying wave of black magic. After the magic crossed threw them and vanished, the crowed opened their eyes and looked around in confusion as the area was filled with a foreboding silence.

Confused the crowed of observing gargoyles looked at one another as they tried to spot the results of the magic. However as one of the gargoyles looked around he looked at his arm then brought it up and swatted it as if it had an insect on it. Then he repeated the action as he started swatting at other parts if his body before screaming in fear, “SPIDERS! They are on me! GET THEM OFF!!!”
After that, another looked at his arm in horror as he spoke, “My skin… it’s… IT’S FALLING OFF! I'm MELTING!!!”
One by one the crowed of gargoyles started screaming in fear as they each called a different reason for screaming as Queen Isabella and her guards stared in confusion at the panic that the crowed was experiencing. As they watched in worry, Lucifer looked to the royal guards as he spoke, “What are you waiting for?… see to them!”
Taking it as an order, the guards nodded as one replied, “Y-yes my lord!”
As the royal guards left the stage to calm the panicking crowed, Isabella spoke in confusion, “My love… what is happening? What did you do?”
Lucifer replied as he looked at the chaos before him, “I showed them what happens when faced with your greatest fears… naturally, panic is the first reaction… but if they would take the time to see the illusion. Then the pain they feel would stop. Sadly… mortals are incapable of such things. For their fear of death is always apparent.”
She shook her head, “But… why are they feeling this pain at all? Why would you do this? I thought you cared about us? About me?”

Lucifer turned around a gently caressed her Isabella’s cheek with his palm as he spoke, “Isabella… my love, I do care about you. Through all this time with you, I have grown fond of you… which I never thought possible with any mortal.” She smiled as she placed her hand on his as he continued, “It came fare enough that I felt I could give all the light in my heart to you. With you… I am balanced.”
Slowly the thumb on Lucifer’s hand crossed over her chin, “However…”
Almost immediate, Lucifer pushed his hand up until his palm was against her throat as he squeezed her neck and lifted her in the air while strangling her with one hand. Struggling Isabella grabbed his arm as Lucifer spoke in anger, “You crossed a line… You and your race showed such promise… but what you lack completely… is empathy. And no kingdom can rule without such a commodity. Your subjects see their greatest fear, and feel their greatest pain, simply because they failed to see the pain and suffering that they emitted upon those who died for you’re so called… Research…”

Queen Isabella started clawing at his arm in an effort to free herself, but the titan’s powerful grip and strength proved too much as she then chose to reach with her dominant hand in an attempt to claw at his face. But this too proved useless as his reach was far greater then hers. Sadly her struggling only tightened the titan’s grip as the claws on his fingers started cutting into her skin deep enough to cause miner bleeding, but still lightly enough that the only thing threatening her life was his powerful grip. Paying it no mind, Lucifer continued, “Although… I should actually thank you my love… you proved something that Infernus tried to explain to me before… that you are mortal. And it is this mortality that proves to be your ultimate flaw. Since your life is temporary, you strive to make its existence as important as possible. This being a ruling position in a newly founded kingdom commition by a titan. You wanted your name immortalized but you were willing to overlook those beneath you to claim such a prize. Well now you will be immortalized… as the last queen of your race.”
With that said, the queen’s struggling slowly subsided as her grip on his arm slowly faded until her arms fell to her side as her body went limp. Seeing that her life was now fading, Lucifer kept his grip tight for a few second more before dropping her to the ground and looking upon her lifeless body, “Now…” he raised his arm again, “Do not fade from this world just yet… I still have use of your soul.”

With no concern for the corpse in front of him, Lucifer raised his hand over her body as a faint aura of light seeped frim her mouth as it collected into a ball in the palm of his hand. With the queen’s soul literally in the palm of his hand, Lucifer looked at the aura and spoke, “Such a frail soul… for such a heartless act. It’s only fitting that it too should be heartless in its final use.”
With the queen’s blood still on his claws Lucifer bent his fingers inward so that the tips of his claws would enter the soul, as the blood dissolved turning the soul into a red ball of magic. Seeing this Lucifer spoke, “As Titan of Balance… I command thee, bring forth a spell of extinction upon this land. Cast thee and all thyn race to ash, and never allow thee existence. As Titan I command, complete this Curse… Spiritual Extinction.”
With rapid movements, Lucifer thrusted his hand upward as the red ball of magic flew unto the sky and vanished in clouds above before exploding in a red flash then vanishing without a trace. As he looked at the now empty sky, Lucifer sighed, “It’s done… now to wait ti-“
Confused, Lucifer looked to the end of the stage as he saw a battered and bruised royal guard standing there with injuries sustained by trying to calm the panicking crowed. Seeing this, Lucifer looked into the riot that was breaking out between the guards and citizens as the royal guard called, “WHY!?!... Why did you do this? Why murder our queen? Why curse us to this nightmare? All we did, we did to see your dream a reality! You curse us for that? Why!?!”
Lucifer turned to the guard as he replied without an expression, “A titan doesn’t need to answer to the like of a mortal peon. But if you truly curse me in response, then make the remainder of your life worthy. Face me!” He pointed his arm and extended his hand vertically towards the guard, “Charge and kill me, if you feel so distraught.”

Seeing that the titan was serious in his invitation caused the guard to look into the chaos around him before looking back, bearing his spear, and charging with a war cry of one truly desperate. As the royal guard neared his stationary target he closed his eyes in desperation as he trusted his spear forward and felt his weapon imbedding itself into its target. Confused that no retaliation came, the guard opened his eyes only to be shocked with the sight. The spear’s blade had pierced Lucifer’s extended hand, crossed over his elbow then embedded into the titan shoulder as Lucifer only stood stationary with a cringed expression as he tried to bear the pain. Shocked by his actions, the guard released his spear and backed away as he spoke, “What… what have I done?”
Lucifer grabbed the spear with his unpierced hand and pulled the blade from his shoulder, then through the hole in his palm as he tossed the weapon aside and replied, “You did your kind proud. Sadly… your fate is sealed. Farewell brave warrior, you will be the last of your kind that I will ever see again.”
Confused the guard looked into the riot taking place as the actions of all gargoyle citizens and guards slowed down as many started falling to the ground as their bodies slowly dissolved into ash. As this happened, the noise and screams echoing throughout the city started to subside as one by one, every gargoyle dissolved leaving nothing behind.

Shocked and horrified, the guard looked to his arm as it too started to dissolve across his body leaving his armor to fall to the ground empty. In a matter of seconds, all noise, all life and every gargoyle in the vicinity and throughout the entire kingdom vanished into ash as all their lives ended all at once. Now completely alone, Lucifer looked over the now empty streets as he spoke, “and so… my light ends. And with it… my darkness spreads.”
With that said, the image fades as Zeil spoke, “You… you killed them all?”
The echoed voice of Lucifer didn’t respond, as the setting returned with the titan form Lucifer standing on a small island at sea with the king and queen alicorn standing in front of him, next to them Infernus also stood, while towering over all three was a massive sea serpent that had his head low enough to convers, that Zeil could only recognize as the titan Leviathan. With five of the six titans present, Infernus spoke in rage, “HOW DARE YOU!!! I SHOULD KILL YOU FOR THIS!!!”
Lucifer nodded as he spoke with remorse, “And it would be in your right to do so.”
As that was said, the Queen Alicorn spoke, “Calm yourself Infernus, though I agree that what he did is unforgivable, we cannot resort to murder. None should claim the life of a titan, not even a fellow titan.”
Infernus looked to the queen, “Where is Raiden? Why isn’t he here to help pass judgment?”
The massive leviathan looked down to the smaller titans as he replied, “Raiden agree’s with Lucifer’s actions. He clams that he refuses to pass judgment on a crime that he sees as justified.”
The king alicorn spoke, “Justified or not he broke one of our rules regarding the mortal races. We should only create life with a purpose for its existence, if nessisary we can remove a race should they prove unworthy, and in no circumstance should we ever remove a race created by another. This third rule was deliberately broken by Lucifer and so judgment must be passed. We must maintain order… even amongst ourselves.”
Infernus raised her dragon like claws as she spoke, “As I said… We should gut him where he stands!”
The queen replied, “I will not allow it. Enough blood has been spilled, and I will not bear witness to more.”
Infernus replied as she glared at Lucifer, “Then look away.”
The leviathan spoke, “Calm yourself Infernus… there must be another punishment worthy of this crime.”

The King thought to himself before speaking, “The unicorn race have discovered an interesting realm… it sits aside this, and yet somehow… underground. Perhaps, rather than execution, we may permanently banish him to this realm.”
The queen nodded, “Seems fitting… but… to banish him alone. Shouldn’t it always be within our duty to rule? A titan mush always have subjects.”
The leviathan nodded, “Your creations… have they established law and order… perhaps, it would be better that this new prison for Lucifer can be shared by those who’s crimes are too severe for their civilizations. I know of a few within the hippogriff kingdom that are set to be imprisoned for the remainder of their lives. Supposed this new realm is a better setting for such criminals.”
“And I shall rule them…”
All titans looked to Lucifer as he continued in his statement, “If I am to continue to rule and be imprisoned at the same time… then I will rule over a realm of prisoners. If nessisary I may even create a new race to assist… but only for that realm.”
The Queen spoke, “Lucifer… know that by accepting this, there will be no freedom for you. This realm with be your final home. Only with death can you ever be set free.”

Lucifer nodded as he replied, “We all have a role do we not? The King and Queen alicorn, to raise and lower the sun and moon, Infernus, to rule the magma and lands. Raiden, to rule the sky and forests, Leviathan, to rule the seas and ice. Then there is me… to maintain balance of light and darkness in this world. But now… I have no light to bear, so to leave me amongst the mortals will only bring darkness and misery to this world. It should be fitting that I be imprisoned where I can do no harm to innocents.”
Infernus sighed in anger as she replied, “I still say we should slay you and be done with it… but since the four of you vote on this new prison place… then who am I to argue with the majority.”
The Queen nodded, “It’s settled then… however there is one more matter to discuss… That spell.”
The King nodded, “Agreed, Lucifer… the spell you’re created, this… Spiritual Extinction… since it is now clear that such magic can exist, then if knowledge of its existence gets out, then it’s possible that one or many races may try to recreate it. And though it won't be easy we know that mortals can be determined enough to recreate spells that even a titan with our vast power can find challenging.”
Lucifer nodded, “Agreed, but what did you have in mind to keep it secret?”

Infernus thought to herself before replying, “Sadly…I can think of only one option… we cover it up. We make it so that this spell and its victims didn’t exist. Meaning… we have to remove the Gargoyles from existence both literally and historically.”
The king nodded, “Yes, I will order a recall of all history books and have them removed. This means that all the gargoyles research and scriptures must be destroyed… including the tome that started this whole mess.”
The Queen replied, “If we remove them from text, it will only take a few generations to have them removed permanently… but what about the city? It still stands untouched correct? To have an empty city of culture stand will invite many to study the ruins and possibly discover its paste and history, to include its fall.”
The Leviathan sighed in disappointment, “Then there is only one option to prevent this… complete and total segregation of the races.”
The king nodded, “Agreed, we will issue a new order. All races must reside in towns, cities and settlements of their own race. None shall live on territory owned by another races’ titan, and new settlement must be approved by their ruling titan. As for Lucifer’s creations… they will be free to govern themselves so long as they reside only in Lucifer’s established territory. That includes the minotaurs who’s kingdom no longer exists. They must reside in settlements in Lucifer’s former territory.”

Lucifer sighed in disappointment as he replied, “Then… it is true, in my goal to see races living together in peace and harmony… I only succeeded in separating them further.”
Infernus replied with a cold tone, “It’s only fitting is it not? We wouldn’t want word of your spell getting out. Though we still have to claim that you committed an atrocity that caused you to fall from grace, so if anything, you besmirched the name of the titans… well done Lucifer, way to see our creations question their faith.”
Ignoring the cold tone, Lucifer kept his silence as The Queen spoke, “It’s all for the best… this new power goes beyond forbidden after all. So now… all we need to do is establish a name for this new realm. If we are to announce it as a punishment then we must give it a proper n-“
All eyes went to Lucifer as he continued with conviction, “The name of this prison of which I rule… is Tartarus. A place of misery, pain, and torment. May the titans grant mercy to all casted there, for I Lucifer, will offer no such mercy?”
The king nodded “Very well, then Tartarus, it shall be.”

As that was said, the visions slowly changed until Zeil found himself standing in a large open field with blood roses growing all around him. With little attention on the setting, Zeil spoke, “So… that’s how it happened. The start of Tartarus, your crime, and even the creation of Spiritual Extinction… but… why did you show me this?”
The changeling disguised titan appeared and paced thorough the blood roses as he expertly stepped through without touching them and replied, “Only two living beings in existence know this truth… The Leviathan, the world’s last living titan… and you… the could-be Mage of Zebrica.”
“Could be?”
The titan nodded, “To be the mage, you must understand this final lesson… then face your final trial. Then, and only then will I ever accept you as the true Mage of Zebrica.”
Zeil nodded, “Okay my final trial… which is?”
The changeling stopped pacing and faced Zeil as he spoke, “Do you remember what I said last time we spoke? About what I would do next we meet?”

Zeil thought to himself as he replied, “It’s been a very long time… to be honest, I don’t remember every detail.”
A vine of black liquid rose from the ground next to the changeling as it weaved then hardened into a spear as he replied, “I said… that the next time we saw each other… we would face each other again. Only this time… I would seek to take your life.”
With the spear hardened, the changeling griped the weapon and swung it across his body as the fast moving blade severed a number of blood roses in front of him, leaving the stems to start bleeding as he smiled, “Since then… Nothing has changed. Now… Face your final trial. If you are the mage, then you will face and defeat me… but if you aren’t… then you die here. Understand?”
Zeil braced his hooves as he replied, “If this is what I have to do… then so be it. Give me my weapon so I can begin.”
The smile on Lucifer’s face faded as he replied, “So… you’ve yet to learn you’re most important lesson then haven’t you.”
Zeil gave him a confused look as the changeling disguised titan sighed, “Pity… but it’s too late to turn you away now.”
Zeil was at a loss as more liquid rose next to him as it too hardened into a spear as the changeling spoke, “Take your weapon mage Zeil… and let’s hope that unlike the last mage… you will survive your final task.”

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