• Published 2nd Dec 2018
  • 1,908 Views, 229 Comments

Love's Lost Decade - Priceless911

Zeil, a changeling in love sets out on an incredible 10 year journey. Crossing blistering deserts, Frozen Mountain, treacherous forests, and unbelievable dangers. But is his journey merely an accident or was he fated to find what lies within him.

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BK8/Ch5 The Future Mage of Zebrica

Book 8 / Chapter 5
The Future Mage of Zebrica
(Year 5, Month 6, Day 4)

A cold wind blew as Zeil traveled up the darkening pathway that seemed to weave through the thick forest. As he pressed on, he started to recognize the path as he mumbled, “Wait… is this?”
Excited, Zeil started running up the trail as fast as he could as the trail became more and more familiar with each passing step. As he continued it wasn’t long till he approached the end of the trail which led to a high cliff that overlooked the surrounding forest. Seeing Canterlot in the distance Zeil smiled, “It is… I’m back… I’m ho-”
Before he could finish, Zeil paused as he looked to the edge of the cliff to see something he wasn’t expecting. Standing at the very edge of the cliff was a silhouette cascaded in shadow by the twilight of the setting sun. Though the twilight made it too hard to see the mare clearly, Zeil immediately know who it was as he spoke, “Zecora.”
With the apparition looking out at the distant city, Zeil braced himself as he started to speak to the mare, “Zecora? I’m he-”
Before he could finish, Zeil realized something that froze him in place. As he spoke to the silhouette, he realized that the zebra he was speaking to didn’t share the aura she was supposed to have. The mare instead held an aura of an earth pony… and to make it worse, the emotions she was feeling was one that was familiar to Zeil… one of unbearable pain and suffering. As he felt this, Zeil could only think of one place he felt this exact aura… from the undead griffin at the Wooden Pergola Forest.

As Zeil looked at the mare closer, the twilight of the setting sun faded into night as the stripes on the zebra started to become more noticeable and along with those stripes, Zeil could see deep cuts and wounds on her as he took as step back in fear, “N-no… not here… not her… this… this can’t be happening.”
Hearing him, Zecora slowly turned her head to look at Zeil out the corner of her glowing ruby red eyes as this only confirmed his greatest fear, “But… we stopped them. We stopped this… this can’t be true…”
As that was mumbled the undead mare turned to Zeil as she charged while bearing her teeth like a vicious animal. Seeing the mare he loved charging at him with murderous intent, Zeil shook his head in disbelief, “No I… I came all this way… and… I still lo-”
Before he could finish, Zecora approached him as she immediately jerked his head to the side before digging her teeth into his neck as Zeil immediately opened his eyes and sat up in his hammock while breathing deeply in a cold sweat.

With his heart racing, Zeil looked through the room of beds, hammocks, and sleeping sailors as he tried to calm his deep breathing from the terrifying nightmare he had just awoken from. With the creaking of the Bloody Tide the only sounds herd amongst the lifeless crew, Zeil decided to clear his mind as he climbed out of his hammock and made his way through the crew’s quarters and up to the higher decks. As Zeil reached the main deck of the Bloody Tide, the few sailors working the night shift looked his way for a brief moment, however as they saw who it was, they each went back to work as they tightened cargo lines, swabbed the deck, and looked out to sea for any threats or obstacles on their course. With attention on him fleeting, Zeil trotted to the starboard rails as he looked out to the darkness of the night and mumbled, “It was only a dream… she is fine… she’s safe… she has to be.” He turned to the center of the ship and began pacing, “That’s right… the mage killed those things at the forest. None of them got away.” After a few steps, Zeil turned back to the railing as he continued his pace and chuckled, “Maybe I’m just stressed. This is the first time I’ve been on any form of transportation since my journey began so maybe this is just my mind trying to get used to the peace if travel. Why else would I have a dream of her being in danger? I just need t-”
“Who’s in danger?”

At that moment, Zeil looked up and saw a set of green nocturnal eyes glowing as they looked in his direction as the unexpected surprised caused him to jump back, “Whoa!”
After jumping back in surprise, Zeil realized that the eyes he was looking at were Silver’s as the cloaked bat pony hung upside-down from a Jacob’s ladder as she mumbled, “Oh, sorry did I scare you?”
Zeil looked up to where she was hanging from as he spoke, “Silver? What are you doing here? And… how are you doing that?”
Still hanging upside-down, Silver replied, “Well… I’m a bat pony… and… I’m a bat pony. Remember? I got the night shift.”
Realizing how silly his question was, he nodded, “Oh…”
Silver replied, “So… what was that you were saying about a dream? Of somepony in danger?”
Zeil nodded, “Yea… well… it’s a little personal.”
Silver nodded, “Okay… it wasn’t Daring then was it?”
Zeil shook his head, “N-no…”
Silver smiled, “Oh, I don’t care then.”
Zeil gave her a dull look, “Wow… thanks for the advice… really moving.”

At that moment a voice called over the deck, “Sir Zeil?”
Confused Zeil looked towards the captain’s cabin as he saw Captain Sail standing outside his room as he spoke, “A word if you please?”
That said, Captain Sail entered his cabin and left the door open as Silver shrugged her shoulders, “Well, I guess the captain wants to speak with you… good luck with that.”
Without letting Zeil reply, Silver pulled herself back up to the Jacob’s ladder as she climbed into the rigging to continue her work. Confused, Zeil preceded to trot to Captain Sail’s cabin as he entered the room and closed the door behind him. As soon as Zeil was in the room he looked to Captain Sail who was trotting around his desk as Zeil spoke, “Yes captain? You needed to see me?”
Captain Sail sat at his desk and smiled, “Aye… I was doing some late work when I heard ya yell on deck and since I didn’t get the chance to tell you today, I thought now is as good as any.”
Zeil was curious, “Tell me what?”
Captain Sail smiled, “I want to thank you personally for your actions during the fight yesterday.”
Zeil smiled as he nodded, “The princess was in danger, I only did my job to protect her and the ship.”
Captain Sail shook his head, “I ain’t talking ‘bout that lad, I’m talking about how you disregarded your own safety and jumped into a rough sea to save Miss Do.”
“I saw Daring in trouble, so… I saved her. I think she would have done the same if I were in the same boat… no pun intended.”

Captain Sail smiled as he replied, “Aye… either way… you have my thanks, and should you ever need it. You are owed a debt from Captain Sail.”
Zeil shook his head, “That’s not nessisary captain, as I said I on-“
The captain Shook his head, “That’s not negotiable lad, Captain Sail is a stallion of honor, and no matter the situation, he pays his debts should it be needed. After all, Miss Do is family to my quartermaster and one of few whom I also consider family.”
Zeil nodded, “Well… thanks I’ll remember that later.”
Captain Sail nodded, “And I’ll remember how you gently shot her down today.”
Zeil’s felt a little embarrassed as he replied, “Oh… she told you that?”
Captain Sail shook his head, “She didn’t have to lad, I may be an old sea captain, but even I know a mare’s heart, or her expression when it’s broken. You should count yourself lucky, if she had broken out in tears, I probably would have tossed ya into the sea.”
As that was said, Captain Sail chuckled as if it were a joke even though Zeil would take this as a serious comment, before replying with a fake smiled, “Right… well… I tried my best to let her down easy.”
Captain Sail nodded, “Of course ya did lad, it’s obvious where your loyalty lies. It’s in that lass waitin’ for ya in Equestria ain’t it?

Zeil nodded as he continued the discussion with a less than enthusiastic reply, “Yes it is…”
Seeing this Captain Sail decided to reply with a question, “And how is Miss Zecora? Farin’ well is she, since she was able to woo a stallion of your caliber.”
Zeil smiled, “Well sh- wait… how do you know Zeco-”
Captain Sail chuckled, “How do ya think the lass got to Equestria to begin with? Quite the distance for a mare to swim aye?”
Captain Sail continued to laugh as Zeil replied, “So… you took her to Equestria?”
Captain Sail nodded, “Aye I did… ‘bout ten, fifteen years ago. She was an interesting lass. So motivated to step into the unknown. Said something about fulfilling an ancestor’s whim. But since zebra are always of a mystic sort, I felt it best to ask as few questions as needed. Her ferry was paid for, so no need to question it. Either way, she was a delight to have aboard. Her rhymes made sea shanties much more entertainin’.”
Zeil smiled as he nodded, “Yea… I can see that.”
Still questioning Captain Sail spoke, “So… we know that one course of yours is to Equestria back to your lass… but, what is your other. Where else do you intend to go?”

Zeil gave Captain Sail a curious look as the captain continued, “I told ya lad, I know you intend to go to more than one place… so why not tell me? It be your business, but it might be a concern if it’s questioning your return to a mare like Miss Zecora.”
Zeil didn’t want to reply at first, but since the nightmare was still on his mind, he replied, “I want to go back to Zecora… if… if I go anywhere else, it will feel like I’m betraying her. And… I’ve been on this ship long enough to know your opinion on betrayal.”
Captain Sail smiled, “It’s not betrayal I don’t like lad… it’s a lack of loyalty. For one to pledge themselves to a decision then to turn a blind eye to their pledge when dealt with something as feeble as personal safety… that is what I dislike. Then again… there is a difference between being traitorous and being disloyal. Sometimes the most loyal action… is in a since… treason.”
Zeil shook his head in confusion, “I… don’t follow?”
Captain Sail nodded as he sighed, “You recall what Arnold said to me before I… did him in? About Siren?”

Zeil nodded as he used caution in his reply, “Yea… he said something about… you killing her? I didn’t want to bring it up because it’s obvious that it’s a memory you’d rather forget.”
Captain Sail nodded, “Aye… and its true. In the end… it was my order that ended her life. I sank her with her own ship. So in a since, I did betray her. But… what most don’t know that I did that because I was loyal. I was loyal to my father’s memory, and to her last request. She was injured and we all knew she wouldn’t be able to hold on till we reached port, so… by her order… I killed her.”
Zeil looked down in sadness as he replied, “I guess that’s loyalty… in its truest form.”
Captain Sail nodded, “So with my loyalty, I stayed true to my decision. But where prey tell is your loyalty straying you to? Where is it that your mind tried to drag you too that your heart refuses to go?”
Zeil sighed to brace himself as he replied, “Zebrica… I was told… to find some zebra there before I go back to Equestria.”
Captain Sail could only chuckles as he replied, “Is that right? Interesting… and this one who told you to do this… who is he? Or would it be better to keep that to yourself?”
Zeil didn’t reply instead he looked down in disappointment as Captain Sail nodded, “Ah… to yourself… fair enough.”

Captain Sail stood from his desk and looked into the darkness out the window behind him as he mumbled to himself, “Zebrica… hmm…” he turned back, “Lad… might I ask, are you a believer of fate?”
Zeil was confused, “Fate?”
Captain Sail nodded, “Aye… fate… When Daring told us the story of how she met ya, she said that you awoke in the ruins of a city after being trapped there for a year. I find it funny, that on the same day at the same time that Miss Do happened to be investigating said city you happened to return from your little trip through time. And to add to it, she just so happened to know of a ship traveling to the same place you are going. Then as you board said ship that very vessel captained by a somewhat charming stallion such as myself happened to be on its way not only to the place ya want to go… but also a place that if I should say, Fate seems to be guiding you. Seems quite the coincidence to be happening within this short of time frame since even one hour after returning from that ruined city would have set ya on a completely different path.”

Zeil didn’t reply, instead he only stood in deep thought as Captain Sail sighed as he spoke, “S’pose… fate is funny like that… One day, it may seem as if you have full control on your present and future… then… it pulls the fog over your horizon and leads ya forcefully in a course you didn’t expect… nor want.”
Curious Zeil could sense a deepening sadness come over Captain Sail as he replied, “You’re talking about Siren… right?”
Captain Sail nodded as he gazed over the chest containing the hippogriff relic in the corner of the room as he replied, “Siren… was Iron Hoof…The very pirate that killed my father and drove me to piracy.”
Zeil was surprised, “She killed your father?”
Captain Sail shook his head, “Well… no… that was her father, she just inherited the title once he was done in by a mutineer who wanted the title for himself. Afterword’s, I help her kill that mutineer, then the title became hers. And so… as Siren said herself… I was the one meant to kill her. As if fate had it planed from the very start. And to add insult to injury, Siren was charged with an important task. One that she carried out to her dying day.” He looked at the chest in the corner of the room, “To protect that blasted relic.”
Zeil looked over at the chest, “You mean… the one in that chest?”
Captain Sail nodded, “Aye… the very one. Seems fate is cruel like that… it’s been over twenty years since I even laid eyes on that wretched thing. The last time was the day I killed Siren, and yet… here it is… as if to mock me. And still I accepted it here. Rather than tossing it overboard like I’ve wanted to do since I was told what it was… I tolerate it simply because I feel fate requires me to do so.” Captain Sail looks at Zeil with a curious gaze, “I wonder… will you see what fate requires of you? And if so? Will you follow its lead… or fight it to the bitter end?”

Once again, Zeil’s silence was his only answer as Captain Sail saw his reaction and nodded, “S’pose… it’s a little late for trivial trivia aye?”
Taking this as a dismissal, Zeil replied, “Right… well… I’ll leave you to it then Captain. Good night.”
As Zeil turned to the cabin doors and opened them to leave Captain Sail spoke up, “Take this advice lad… Fate isn’t something to trifle with… whether you believe it or not… what is meant to happen will happen. Just… be careful… and remember. Loyalty doesn’t always mean taking the most loyal path. Zecora knows this… and as long as you know what path you should take, she will meet you at its end. Sooner… or later.”
Though Zeil didn’t reply, he still nodded in understanding as he left the room, closed the cabin door behind him and preceded below deck to get some rest.

The next morning, Zeil woke to a crash on the deck above as he heard Pinpoint yelling, “Be easy with that ya darn fool! That cargo is fragile!”
After being woken by the crash, Zeil sat up in his hammock and looked around to see that the crew’s quarters were completely empty. Confused as to why he wasn’t woken earlier, Zeil put on his cloak and trotted up to the higher deck as he saw a number of sailors working to carful guide crates through the cargo hatches on the main deck and move them to the pier with the port crane. As the cargo was being moved, Captain Sail was standing next to a dock worker as Zeil approached while the captain was speaking, “It’s all here and unharmed. If ya feel you should look through it, be my guest.”
The zebra harbormaster replied, “No need captain, if history has proven anything it’s that you’re a sailor of your word. The herbalists of the Western Tribes will make good use of these ingredients. Thanks to you these the medicines they make will help many zebra.”
Captain Sail nodded as he replied, “Good to hear, if they need help exporting their supply cross the sea, just say the word. It’s always a pleasure to help the zebra of this nation.”

Nodding in agreement, the local zebra trotted down the gangplank to the dock as Captain Sail saw Zeil approaching as he smiled, “Well good morning to ya Sir Zeil, if your wonderin’, I told the crew to let ya sleep in a bit since I held you up last night.”
Zeil nodded, “Um… thanks… but… didn’t you need any help unloading the cargo?”
Captain Sail shook his head, “Your job is to protect the princess lad, no need to worry yourself over my crew’s work. By the way… I’ll thank ya to keep our discussion last night between us. Your business be your own after all.”
Zeil nodded, “Right… thanks for the advice by the way.”
Captain Sail nodded, “Aye… No worries lad, but ya might want to make your decision quickly. Once the cargo is offloaded, we intent to make way.”
With no concern in hearing a reply, Captain Sail trotted away as Zeil tried to reply, “But… I already made my dec-”

As Zeil tried to reply he was interrupted as Daring Do trotted behind him and pat him on his back, “Sir Zeil, bout time you got up… and… your still here… that’s… that’s great.”
Noticing her change in tone, Zeil gave Daring a confused look, “Doesn’t sound great… by that tone, I’d say you were disappointed.”
Daring waved her hoof in defense, “Oh no, no, I was just thinking that after you and the captain had your little powwow last night, I’d though he would have changed your mind. That all.”
Zeil gave her a suspicious look, “What? How do you know abo-“
As he asked his question, his answer came to him in the form of a bat pony as Silver approached, “Morning Zeil, sleep well?”
Zeil gave her a dulled look, “Silver… did you tell Daring about what happened last night?”
Silver looked at Daring do the back at Zeil as she replied, “What? When the captain of a ship called you in his quarters by name it’s not like I’m going to keep that to myself. Besides the conversation didn’t sound that important to me.”

Zeil was now annoyed, “Wait… you mean you listened in too?”
Silver shrugged her shoulders, “The night shift is boring. You can’t blame me for centering my attention onto the only interesting event of the whole night.”
Zeil sighed in irritation as he rubbed his head while replying, “Okay… what did you hear?”
Silver replied, “Nothing much really, something about how Captain Sail knows Zecora, something to do with you wanting to go to both Zebrica and Equestria, and then… something involving fate? I didn’t catch much on that though, Captain Sail wasn’t speaking very loud on that subject so I couldn’t hear much through the doors.”
Zeil continued giving Silver an unamused look as Daring spoke up, “Either way… even after speaking with Captain Sail, your choosing to go back to Equestria? What about… fate?”
Zeil was surprised, “Really? I didn’t think an archeologist would believe in fate.”

Daring shook her head, “I may be and archeologist but… well…” she sighed, “I’ve been in many tombs and with all my studies of ancient languages, many of those tombs had stories of those buried there. Some simple, some tragic, but all stories tell of how fate led the tombs resident to either an honorable death or a tragic story. At times, I wonder if fate had this plan for them. And… if somepony had told them of their fate before… would they have changed it, if given the opportunity. I just thought you were given that same opportunity, so…”
Zeil shook his head, “Daring, I told you I have to get back to Zecora… there isn’t an-”
Before he could finish, Captain Sail trotted back up the gangplank as he called, “All ashore that’s goin’ ashore! Make ready lads, bout time we set our course for Equestria!” the captain looked to Zeil, “Hope ya made your choice lad… it’s now or never.”

With that Captain Sail trotted off towards the aftcastle as Daring spoke before following, “Zeil… just… don’t make any decisions you’ll regret. That’s all I’m saying.”
As Daring trotted away, Zeil sighed in irritation as Silver gave him a confused look, “I don’t know what’s going on, and it isn’t my business. But… it sounds like you have a tough decision to make.”
Zeil rubbed his head as he looked at the sailors who were raising the gangplank as he replied, “I already made my decision… I can’t stay here… if I do, it’s no better then turning my back on Zecora. Fate or not. I can’t betray her like that.”
Silver thought to herself for a second as Pinpoint called over the ship, “Prepare to cast off! Lower main sail and take her out slow!”
As that was called Silver looked at Pinpoint then back to Zeil as she saw him leaning on the rails watching with a depressed expression as the Bloody Tide slowly listed away from the pier. Seeing this Silver sighed as she leaned against the rail next to him and spoke, “You know… I had to make this choice before. Growing up, I always thought my mother was dead. And the day I discovered that she wasn’t… she asked me to take up the reaper’s scythe and lead an army of assassins who protected the kingdom under the shadow of the crown. She said it was my fate… but… I decided that it wasn’t for me and… left.”

Though he heard her clearly Zeil didn’t reply as she spoke with a depressed tone, “After that… my brother discovered where The Cutter’s hideout was… and killed my mother with an army of bat ponies all with the intent of taking over the cutters and preparing a coup-d’état on the kingdom in the name of us bat ponies. After that… I had no choice but to take up her scythe and fight back. I killed him, but not after losing my mother and endangering my friends. Back then, we bat ponies were second class citizens and I was afraid his actions would put us even lower on the totem pole… but it was in fact the opposite. It was my actions that finally broke the barrier between the surface ponies and the bat ponies.” She smiled, “In a way… it was my fate to finally make Equestria equal for all ponies… as it was meant to be from the very start.”
Zeil nodded as the end of the pier passed by as he replied, “So… that was your fate?”
Silver smiled, “Who knows… but if anything… I can definitely say that the world is a better place for it. Isn’t that what we want for those we love?” She turned to trot away then paused, “Oh… and how’s that for advice? More moving then last night right?”
Knowing she won, Silver smiled as she continued trotting away from Zeil as a few more seconds passed before Zeil hung his head and sighed, “Fine… if a friend, an assassin, and a ship captain says so… then who am I to challenge fate.” He looked back up, “Guess this has to be done then.”

As that was said, Zeil stepped away from the railing of the ship and started sprinting from where he was as he rushed down the ship railing towards the back of the ship. With haste, Zeil sprinted passed Daring and Captain Sail as the two smiled as he passed. Nodding back, Zeil continued his full-fledged sprint as he neared the steps to the upper deck and immediately angled his sprint towards the portside railing before using all the momentum he had to jump from the Bloody Tide towards the pier below. As the airborne changeling flew through the air, Zeil could only brace himself before crashing onto the end of the pier and rolling a few feet, stopping himself just as his hind hooved were thrown from the very end of the pier leaving him hanging there over the water below. As Zeil hung from the end of the pier, a few dockworkers rushed to him as they helped him up with the harbormaster speaking, “Are you daft or somthin’ ya could have killed yourself.”
Zeil chuckled at the concerned zebra as he replied, “Sorry… last minute change of plan, turns out I needed to be here after all.”
The dockworker nodded, “Well… looks like you’re here now brother, so… Welcome to Zebrica. I hope you didn’t forget anything aboard the Bloody Tide.”

As that was said, Zeil immediately felt nervous as he looked at the cloak covering his body as he mumbled, “No… my saddlebag… the Tome of the Ma-“
Before he could finish, Zeil felt a slight gust of wind as he turned around and saw both Jim and Princess Skystar hovering just off the pier as Jim held up Zeil’s saddlebag and spoke, “Sir Zeil, I think your forgot something.”
That said, the male hippogriff tossed the saddlebag to Zeil as he caught it and smiled, “Thanks, how di-“
Princess Skystar smiled, “You can thank Captain Sail. He told us that you may leave without packing your things so we decided to it for you just in case.”
Zeil nodded as he smiled, “He really is the best captain in the sea isn’t he?”
Jim nodded, “He is the best sailor there is… sea or sky. Speaking of which, he wanted me to let you know that even if you stay, he intends on getting you to Equestria whether it be now, or later. So if you ever need a ride, just mention his name at any shady bar in any port. He says that if there is a sailor worth their brass in that place, they owe him a debt, and they will gladly ferry you back to your loved one.”
Zeil smiled as he replied, “thanks… tell him I’ll take him up on that offer.”
Jim nodded as he reached out and took Princess Skystar’s talon, “Oh and… thanks again Sir Zeil, for everything. Your advice, helped us both out.”
Princess Skystar added, “You are a friend to the Hippogriff Kingdoms and if you ever need anything, let me know. I can put in a good word with mom.”
Zeil smiled, “So you two figured it out then?”
The two lovers looked at each other as Jim nodded, “We figured out enough. Till then, we will just enjoy our time together. After all, it is the respectable advice from a noble knight.”
Zeil nodded, “I think you two will be fine. Vary rarely do I see a couple who connect as well as you two.”

As the two hippogriff turned to fly back to the sailing Bloody Tide, Jim nodded, “Thanks, we will keep that in mind.”
As they flew away Zeil called, “And tell Daring and Silver thanks for me too!”
The two hippogriff nodded as they flew back to the Bloody Tide leaving Zeil to stand and watch the ship and its crew shrink slowly in the distance.”
As the ship left the dockworker asked, “So brother… Sir Zeil is your name? You’re not hurt are you from that tumble you took?”
Zeil turned to the dock worker as he shook his head, “Oh… no I’m fine. A little sore, but I’ll get over it.”
The harbormaster nodded, “Good… so… is there anything you need brother Zeil?”
Zeil checked his saddlebag to see that the Mage’s book was there before putting it on and replying, “Yes… do you know where I can buy a map? I need to begin traveling to the Northern Tribes of Zebrica.”

Back on the Bloody Tide, Captain Sail, Daring Do, Pinpoint and Silver were watching the port from the upper deck as Daring Do spoke, “Looks like Sir Zeil didn’t defy fate after all.”
Captain Sail nodded, “Aye… if I were to quote him, he betrayed Zecora. But… I’m sure she will find it in her heart to forgive him.”
Silver smiled in a joking manner, “you gonna fodder him when you see him again Captain?”
Captain Sail replied, “I only fodder those who betray their loyalty… Perhaps this is a betrayal that I can look passed… just this once.”
Silver chucked at his words before looking at Daring, “You okay Dazzy?”
Daring nodded, “I’m a little disappointed, I don’t know if I’ll ever find a stallion like that again.”
Silver smiled as she leaned against her, “Ya know… if ya don’t, then maybe it’s a mare you’re looking for… right?”
Daring smiled as she shook her head, “If I were looking for a mare, then I found one. But I don’t think Dash is into mares.”
Silver gave her a confused look, “Wait… seriously?”
As the two turned and trotted away from the aft railings bickering at the joke Daring Do just made, Pinpoint and Captain Sail continued watching the port list away as Pinpoint smiled, “The lad finally plotted his own course. Good for him.”
Captain Sail nodded, “True… but I wonder… will they be safe seas… or are there rough waters ahead for our changeling friend.”

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