• Published 11th Oct 2017
  • 3,431 Views, 321 Comments

Storm Vine - zalla661

Tempest Shadow returns to her village to help run her family's vineyard. Along the way she tries to make amends with her family and friends.

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Full Circle

Author's Note:

So here we are again! After a long hiatus... again.... I managed to get another chapter done for my lovely adoring fans! :trixieshiftright: Again I'm sorry this took so long to get out but I had my job to do and my art so I took a long break suddenly out of nowhere.

In any case, were close to the conclusion. Last time we saw Tempest fight off the Ursa Major who was her "old rival" who broke her horn. So now what will she do? Time to find out!

Fury roared inside Tempest Shadow.

All the years of hate, all the years of anguish, and self loathing, every fiber of her being was yelling at her. They commanded that she seeked retribution on the Ursa, and that nothing short of death would stop her. As she scanned the debris pile for any sign of her aunt she felt for a brief moment a feeling of sadness. It was quickly overpowered by her hate.

Her body shook violently and her vision went red with fury. Her heart raced and she ground her teeth together barring her long canines like a rabid dog. While the inner turmoil continued to build up like a massive pressure in Tempest, the Ursa leaned over to sniff the debris. No doubt looking for the pony inside it.

Using his nose the Ursa pushed a chunk of the house away and indeed revealed Berry Punch underneath. The older mare was cut and bruised darked hues than her fur. Before anything else could happen Tempest yelled out as loud as she could, “Get away from her, you big blue beast!”

Without thinking, Tempest charged the Ursa ramming her head into its front right paw. The sharp edges of her horn pierced the thick hide and dug itself deep into the cosmic bears paw. The impact gave Tempest a splitting headache, but she was to hyped up on adrenaline to care. Her anger swelled up and manifested itself as a powerful charge that erupted from her horn. It seared into the bears paw burning deep inside causing the Ursa great amounts of pain. The right most toes swelled up like a balloon only adding the the Ursas discomfort. Finally after a few seconds the toe burst releasing a large amount of glowing blue fluid which burned away form the intense magical discharge. The heat from Tempest's attack was so intense it immediately soldered the wound shut leaving a burnt nub where the toe once was on the Ursas paw.

The pain caused to the Ursa was enough to send it into a short retreat. It whimpered nursing it's injured paw. Tempest gave the bear no quarter. “Get back here you beast!” She yelled giving chase.
Again her horn powered up and just as before she ran up to the Usa. Only this time she stomped the ground activating her hip placed grappling hooks. She fired one at a nearby building and activated the winch that retracted the cord. Using this she propelled herself into the air. Once she gained enough momentum and height she tapped her armor plate to release the cord. A loud snap resonated from her armor as the cord whipped off to the side and her hip armor retracted to its original position.

Now in the air Tempest shifted her weight trying to align her hooves to the rooftop of the building she hooked to. LIke an agile cat she landed on her hooves. Able to use her momentum to keep running Tempest ran across the roof heading straight for the Ursa’s head.

The beast turned to see Tempest running towards him, but not enough time to react. Running towards him Tempest fired her last grappling hook into the scarred eye of the Ursa piercing the scarred flesh into the socket. Letting out a mighty roar the Ursa stood on his back legs flinging Tempest in the air. Spinning around in place Tempest was sent flying around in the air as she tried to draw herself in toe strike. However, she was too slow and instead was sent colliding into a stone wall of a nearby building. She quickly realized her plan had gone awry, but she had no time to do anything about it. Again the cord pulled her, and dragged her across the wall until she was flung around the side by the Ursa still spinning. Again she was sent flying into another stone wall. This one she left a sizable imprint on it, then she went for another ride. This repeated three times until she finally managed to release the cord from her left hip armor plate and went flying across the street. When she finally touched down her face was first to meet the ground. Her face dragged along the dirt road leaving a long trail behind her for several meters before she finally stopped. Her rump in the air fell unceremoniously to the ground with a clatter from all her armor, and she grunted rubbing her very sore head.

She lifted her head from the dirt, which was filled to completely with dirt and rock that her cheeks puffed out like a chipmunks. She spit the dirt and rocks out awhile her mane dangled over her face. Her mohawk lost if stiffness and the back portion was cut short altogether. She really liked her mane that way, but there was no use crying over it. After all she was too busy trying to not cry in pain over her aching body.

She rolled on her back feeling that familiar soreness overcome her once again. She was really putting her body through its paces. Now she may have pushed it too far. Her muscles burned as she tried with all her might to roll over on her back. It seemed to take everything she had to do just that. She stared at her adversary stumbled around until he tripped over a building and crushing it under his massive body. Tempest sorely hoped nobody was in it, but given how often Ursas frequency nearby she was sure there wasn’t.

Still she watched and was unable to move. Her prolonged battle with him left her body broken and injured beyond most. If it hadn’t been for her years of training and her armor she was sure it have been out of the fight long ago. She scoffed and made a mental note to see her armorer if she survived. And as the Ursa stood back up and turned slowly to face her, that seemed more a fleeting thought by the second. He snarled stomping forward and loomed over Tempest’s broken body. She struggled to move, but her body simply refused to budge. She was fatigued from injure, and magical exhaustion. A combo that has always proven to be a unicorns greatest adversary.

The Ursa snarled as blue blood oozed from his injured eye. Tempest made a scoff and grinned at him. “Heh, you simple beast,” She gasped. “Now we're even… *Cough!* Ugh, come on then, I don’t have all day.”

She barely managed to speak but through her pain she managed to say those few words to her rival. As if understanding and simply wanting to be rid of her, the Ursa opened his maw wide and roared. His hot breath stank of rot and his teeth were as yellow as Tempest remembered as a filly.
Suddenly she felt the bear bite down around her midsection. Her armor plates protected her to some degree, but the unprotected portions did nothing to stop the sharp teeth. She felt the teeth dig deep inside her gut and back as the ursa swung her around like a ragdoll and flung her across the sky. Tempest flew limply through the air and landed very close to her home only a stone's throw away from the pile where her aunt was partially buried.

She smiled thinking this was the end. She accepted that. At least she would be able to see her aunt soon enough. Knowing her parents, and Pinch would survive made her feel that much better. Her heart swelled knowing they’d live on and so would her friends. . . Even Trixie. She was happy that blue mare wasn’t here to see her like this. She knew she’d never hear the end of it.

“Fizzlepop! Fear not for the Great and Powerful Trixie and company are here to save you!! Rejoice!”

“Uuuuuggggghhhh… Why?” She asked to the heavens as if some greater power was conspiring to spite her at every turn. “Why, her of all ponies?”

Tempest groaned turning to face the azure mare standing over her. Close behind was Starlight Glimmer and Maud. Each looking rather confident, minus Maud who had her usual blank stare. However the grey mare did offer a small reassuring smile down to Tempst. This put the injured unicorn at ease as they charged the Ursa.

Starlight opened up with a powerful magical barrage of magical bursts that scattered from her horn all around her. These small balls of magical energy hovered momentarily the skyrocketed up in the air and fell down like rain on top of the Ursa’s head. Each impact left a small burst of violet energy explosions all around the Uras.

Once the barrage was done Trixie came in and threw a hoof full of smoke bombs that exploded into a dark cloud around the Uras eyes. Blinded the giant bear stumbled around, crashing into buildings in a rage.

Maud came up next punching her front hooves into a large jagged stone. Her hooves went a few inches deep in the rock which made Tempest turn her head. She watched as the earth pony mare lifted the rock overhead and aimed it like a javelin at the Ursa. Tempest felt her cheeks heat up at the show of might. That mare is something else. Standing on her back legs Maud put all her strength into pushing the rock full force sending it through the air. Like a professional lancer the sharp rock flew true and hit the target square in the forehead. The Ursa roared covering its face and fell over backwards on its back smashing a whole house completely.

With a moment of peace the three mares gathered around Tempest like a shield. Maud and Starlight stood side by side like two sentries, while Trixie leaned down to help Tempest. The azure unicorn gently lifted the injured mare making her sit upright enough to give her some water from a canteen she had under her cape.

“Here, drink this.”

Tempest nodded and took a sip of the water from the canteen. She felt the water work its magic over her dry throat.

“Thanks,” She said begrudgingly to her blue friend.

It was so odd to think that at a time like this, but Tempest couldn’t help but think. In some odd fashion this was Trixie’s redemption for her. Here she was facing the Ursa that crippled her all those years ago. Only this time she had Trixie, Maud and Starlight at her side. Somehow she felt things were looking up.

Tempest was shaking from her thoughts when the Ursa roared loudly. It rolled over on its side and stood up right. It used its paws to smash the broken pieces of the house it landed on to dust under its might and weight. The force shook the ground around him and Tempest felt a shiver go down her spine. Trixie tried to drag her away throwing more smoke bombs to cover her retreat. However, the Ursa saw the attack come. It lifted its massive paw to intercept the smoke bombs protecting his eyes.

The attack thwarted the cosmic bear swung its mighty paw towards the group. Maud quickly jumped up and stomped back on the ground. The ground under her cracked and split into a symmetrical circle shape which Starlight used her magic to lift. A huge chunk of earth was flung into the paw while simultaneously Starlight put up a protective barrier and braced herself for a huge impact.

The bears powerful paw shattered the earth to tiny pieces. It seemed to have little effect on the Ursas paw, and Starlight redoubled her power output into the shield barrier to help reinforce it. Tempest watched helplessly while Starlights barrier stopped the ursas attack. Its sharp claw tips piercing through the barrier, but still being repelled from the initial penetration. Trixie gently rested Tempest on the ground again and ran up to add her own magical power to the barrier. Maud stood by Tempest and allowed the two unicorns to do their thing.

Tempest felt a small ping of guilt in her heart after seeing the others charge in her place. Sure they were scared, but they acted so bravely. So fully drive and determination the likes she’d never seen until she met Princess Twilight Sparkle and her entourage.

Now, here lay Tempest at her most vulnerable hour, and her friends came to help her out when she needed it most. Not for fame, glory, or bragging rights, although Trixie might be the only exception, but Tempest dared not deny they could have run. They could have left her. Boysenberry could have abandoned her a second time, but she didn’t. No, Trixie stayed. She was no longer Boysenberry. Tempest looked up and saw the azure unicorn struggling to help Starlight hold up the barrier. The sharpe piercing claws dug deep through the barrier. Bit by bit, closer, and closer, they came to breaking through. Those menacing claws. Despite knowing that Trixie held true with Starlight repelling the ursa at all cost. Their bodies were layered in sweat and dirt. Trixie’s cape was now torn and messy, and Starlight was covered in dirt splotches all over her body. Even Maud was filthy, but that was more her own doing than the bears. It filled Tempest with an odd sense of joy knowing they were here for her. They were here for each other.

They were indeed true friends.

While deep in thought the world around her shattered like fragile glass. The barrier held up by Trixie and Starlight burst into magical fragments that disintegrated to magical dust around them. The paw that was held back came full force. Starlight managed to teleport away, but Trixie was struck full on. She screamed. Her side was torn by the sharp claws ripping through her flesh and cape. She grabbed hold of herself as if it would protect her from being further harmed, as she was flung through the air.

Starlight appeared right next to Maud who was running after her friend. The Ursa saw her and swung again at the grey pony. Maud tried to brace for it to soften the blow. But even she can’t stop a creature that size from its attack. When the paw collided with Maud’s arms she did manage to stop him for a brief second. But that success was fleeting when Maud was overpowered by the Ursa. It’s blue bleeding face contorted with rage as he roared pushing with all his might and sent Maud flying too. The poor grey mare landed very near Trixie who was limp and unmoving. Breathing but most likely unconscious.

Starlight steadfast as the ursa approached. It’s eyes fixated on Tempest. Deep down the broken unicorn knew what it wanted. He wanted to settle their score. Starlights horn began to glow brightly, but Tempest placed a hoof on her back and gently guided her away. The ursa loomed over them as a dark cloud began to form around the town. Tempest chuckled.

“Wow, it’s almost as if nature itself is telling me of your might, beast,” She said to the Ursa.

The cloud spread over the area quickly. It's dark smoldering brown color filled the sky and a loud boom was heard within. Both bear and unicorn started each other down. Neither blinked. Neither moved a muscle. A strong gust of wind blew through town causing Tempest’s short mane and tail to flutter in the wind. The Ursa bared his teeth. He stood up on his back legs bringing his front paws up intent to smash Tempest once and for all. Tempest lowered her body getting ready to side roll out of the way. Her horn charged up with what little strength she had left ready to finish this in one last attack. Maud was standing on the other side of the Ursa with Trixie laying on her back and made no effort to stand between them. She knew this wasn’t her fight anymore.

Time seemed to slow down as the Ursa’s paws descended down towards Tempest. She kept her eyes on the claws as they inched closer and closer. She had to wait until the time was right or she risked giving the bear enough time to readjust his attack to strike her after she moved. When the paws we're almost halfway down she tried to make her move. However her legs gave in and refused to move. She collapsed on her back legs barely standing with her two front ones. She struggled to stand let alone be able to move to dodge the attack. Starlight instinctively jumped in front of her ready to protect her friend from the bears attack.

Starlight erected another magical barrier. Immediately it cracked under the Ursa’s attack. the semi bubble barrier barely holding up against the attack. The Ursa then began a flurry of blows with both paws. Swinging left then right with each paw striking the barrier with a constant steady rhythm. Starlight could barely hold him back and Tempest found herself thinking about her life once again as she forced herself up on all four hooves. Each swipe from the Ursa against the barrier cracked it more and more. Starlights struggle was more evident with each blow as she seemed to crumple more and more each blow as if they were against her physically. Strike after strike, blow after blow, the barrier cracked until it finally shattered, and Starlight collapsed with a yelp. She fell at Tempest’s side her horn sizzling from magical burnout.

The Ursa raised his paw on strike again. This time he would finish it with one blow. In seconds Maud was at their side. She discarded Trixie on the ground quickly and stood on her back legs taking up an aggressive fighting pose. Her front legs were up like pillars and she waited until the ursa swung his paw down at them. Bringing her right leg back Maud punched straight into the blue furred paw with the force of a avalanche. The impact of these two forces sent a shockwave all around them, kicking up dust all around them. The impact stopped both praties dead in their tracks and Maud made a desperate struggle against the Ursas might arm. For several seconds Maud struggled against the paw, then slowly she began to lose the stalemate. The paw pushed her inch by inch and Tempest could see Maud was struggling and was about to lose. The claws loomed over them like sharp executioners ready to take all four of their lives for past crimes. Almost fitting considering what three of them had done in the past.

Funny. When life seems to go your way, it always seems to throw a curveball at you. Tempest thought to herself. She was ready to accept this fate. This was the end. No matter what she did or what she tried this struggle was probably going to be her last. She held Trixie in her arms glancing up at Maud and then back at Starlight who seem to be at a loss. She glanced up at Maud last. The mare exhumed strength. Raw unhindered, limitless it seemed. She was the strongest. Not because she could stop and ursa’s attack, or that she could literally break the earth with her bare hooves.


Tempest now knew what real strength was. It was this. The bonds that kept them together. What drew them together. The unbreakable red thread of destiny that binds the world together. Tempest Pulled Trixie and Starlight close to her chest. She leaned down to whisper into Trixie’s ear, “I forgive you, Boysenberry.”

If Trixie was able to hear her she gave no indication she did. She just lay there silent. Her own sign she was alive was the steady rising of her chest and the gentle beating of her heart. Maud panted and fell on her stomach in front of her friends. Her front legs were bruised dark purple and blue and she had deep cuts all over her. In the end the ursa came out on top.

Tempest managed to catch the collapsing Maud into her arms. Tempest braced the three mares around her. This was it there was no fight left in any of them. The Ursa had finally worn them down. Tempest sighed in resignation accepting this was their last stand. It gave her some comfort to know the town had been evacuated and escaped the Ursa. As the foul beast readied to finish them off there was a loud bang noise and the rattling of chains. In seconds the Ursa was bound in shins. His front paws were pierced by large grappling hook attached to chains that seemed to come from the clouds in four directions.

The bear glanced at his chains and roared tugging at them but was held in place. The chains pulled tightly against him in all direction keeping his paws in the air. Before Tempest could make sense of what was happening there was the loud sound of a horn blowing that echoed over the land. From the clouds she looked up and saw four airships slowly inch out from the clouds. Two were smaller airships from the Storm King armada she lead when she invaded Equestria. It was lead by two other ships she was familiar with. One long golden ship with a bow of a parrot belongs to those pirates she met when searching for Princess Twilight. The last was a larger ship to the Storm Kings fleet, her ship. It’s long surradded bow pierced through the clouds like a sword cutting through a dark beast and blew away a portion of the dark mass around them. It then dawned on her why the clouds looked so odd. It was the smoke exhaust from the airships. Each of the ship's bow grappling hooks held the Ursa in place as the retracted closing in on the beast who struggled against his captors.

She squinted at the lead ship, the Huracan, and saw a small familiar outline of a tiny creature she recognized anywhere. His tiny fat grey body and that annoying spike hair-do he had to imitate Tempest were hard to miss. Especially since he was leaning over the railing of the ship and waving to her.
