• Published 11th Oct 2017
  • 3,431 Views, 321 Comments

Storm Vine - zalla661

Tempest Shadow returns to her village to help run her family's vineyard. Along the way she tries to make amends with her family and friends.

  • ...

Intertwining Bond

Author's Note:

Hey howdy everyone!

I would first like to say thanks to all of you for reading and hope you’re enjoying this little story. Second Thanks for all the comments, I love hearing what people think of my stories. That being said I want to thank Solitare for editing the chapter for me before its release.

I’m sure he’s annoyed by all the errors it was filled with initially. So thanks for that Solitare!

One last thing before you start, I’ll have music in links to set a tone of the scenes sometimes. If you guys like them let me know otherwise I’ll keep doing them as the story continues on.

Other than that enjoy the new chapter!

It was a dawn of a new day in Equestria. The skies were clear and the sun's rays shined over the horizon stirring ponies from their beds, and leading others to their dwelling to rest. Birds sang pleasantly and all manner of creatures big and small stirred at the warmth of the sun with a few exceptions. One of these being a small village at the edge of the frontier of Equestria.

It was here that nature fend for itself. Pegasi and unicorns barely tended to the weather and left it alone, Thus the storm from the previous night was slowly clearing up. It was about eight o’clock in the morning and though the sun didn’t shine directly over the little village, it did light up the dark grey sky to a much lighter grey. The warm air was slowly pushing the clouds away, and today the pegasi of the little village helped removed the clouds from the sky.

In a small home at the edge of the town Tempest Shadow lay in her bed sleeping soundly. The mare snorted softly barely making a sound. Suddenly her internal clock kicked in and her eyes shot wide open, With a mighty yawn and a over head stretch of her arms Tempest sparked her horn as she loosened her joints. After stretching her arms out the mare shook her head to rid herself of the worst of her bed head. She then leaned forward rubbing her tired eyes. She hadn’t felt this well rested in a long time, Though the Storm Kings airship were powerful they didn’t have very comfortable cots. In fact Tempest recalled the cots being metal that one laid on. With the call of battle at a moment's notice they were also forced to wear bulky armor to bed.

Tempest had long forgotten how nice it was to have a soft bed, warm blankets, and no sharp edges of her armor dig into her neck as she slept.

She felt better than she had in years. looking around she realized that she had no idea where she was. This wasn’t her ship the Huracan, A moment later she remembered she’d returned home and was in her old room. Shaking her head to try and fully wake herself Tempest threw the blankets off herself and leaped out of the bed landing with a mighty heroic pose that shook the room and everything in it. The moment was ruined by two loud screams and their owners running upstairs screaming. Tempest rolled her eyes and mentally prepared herself for what was to come.

Suddenly the door burst open and Berry Punch came scrambling in, The poor mare was tangled in what Tempest figured was once a apron and a chef hat. Yet, somehow Berry had her back legs tied up, a chef hat on her tail, and there was a spatula lodged in her left ear and a tiny flame burned on her bangs. Despite all this the mare looked worried as she scrambled into the room and immediately looked over Tempest inch by inch for any new injuries.

“Fizzlepop! Are You alright!? I heard a loud bang and I thought you might have been hurt! Oh, if your parents came home to find you injured I’d never hear the end of it!”

“I’m sure you wouldn’t,” Tempest said dryly.

“-you should be more careful Fizzlepop! Now, come along I have breakfast ready,” Berry Punch said cheerfully after seeing Tempest wasn’t hurt. “I made you favorite!”

That got the younger unicorns attention. She quirked her brow glancing over her shoulder to her aunt.

“Is it strawberry apple waffles?” Tempest asked.

“Indeed! Your favorite with your mother’s secret grape jam!”

As if trying to tempt Tempest, Berry Punch reached behind her and pulled out a small mason jar. It was filled with a dark substance that was most definitely jam. It had a label that had a symbol of a grapevine with three grapes hanging on the end. One green, one violet, and one maroon one. Tempest’s swallowed hard staring at the jar. Inside was the best substance she’d ever known, even more than zap-apple jam, and that was no slouch either.

“Well, I can’t say no to that. Lead the way.”

Berry smiled at her niece. Berry tossed the jar up in the air and caught it with the tip of her nose. Tempest started with her jaw dropped as her aunt expertly skipped out the door without coming even close to dropping the jar of jam goodness.

“Guess you’re still as carefree as ever,” Tempest said, shaking her head.

“Hurry before Berry Pinch eats all your breakfast too!”

Tempest cracked a smile at her aunt's attempt to bait her. It won’t work this time. She thought. When she was younger her aunt use to entice her out of bed with similar threats so she’d hurry along. She remembered once her aunt told her that breakfast stealing breezies would come to steal the honey she had on her pancakes once. Of course being young and naive Tempest believed her aunt back then, and she would hurry to get up and practically inhale her breakfast. Tempest couldn't help shake her head at how foolish she was as a foal.

“Such simple times.”

After a quick brush of her mane Tempest left to head off for her breakfast. Stopping at the doorway she stood at attention. Her legs went straight and her back rigid, and she held her head high and puffed her chest. Then she waited. Nothing happened. Annoyed she glanced back and yelled, “Grubber! What’s taking so lon-”

She paused as her neck craned to look behind her hoping to find the fat little hedgehog behind her. When he wasn’t there Tempest looked around herself for him. Then it dawned on her he wasn’t here. She’d left him back with the others at the Friendship Festival, It was so unusually quiet without him around. She’d gotten so use to him being around that it felt odd for him not to be annoying her. Then she realized the irony in that thought.

“Ugh, even when he’s not around he managed to annoy me,” She grumbled walking out of the room. “Well played Grubber. Well played.”

A minute later Tempest emerged in the dining room. It was a quaint little area with a simple long table to seat six ponies, eight if you didn’t mind touching shoulders with somepony else. To the right of the table was a wall with a family portrait of distant relatives. Alone at the table was the little filly from the previous night waiting patiently with a cup of grape juice, when the the filly eyed Tempest with a scared look in her eyes. That was when Tempest realized the filly was most likely looking at her horn. The left lead to the kitchen and a small bar where several bottles of wine were placed in a fancy stand. Ignoring the filly she walked to the kitchens edge and sat at the bar, and watched her aunt cook. Berry Punch was in the kitchen cooking pancakes, eggs, hay bacon, and sourdough toast.

The food smelled great to Tempest. She sniffed the air taking in the aroma of the sourdough and hay bacon. Oh, did she love hay bacon and sourdough bread toasted with a bit of jam on the side. Then she noticed a slight bitter smell in the air. She turned her head and noticed a open bottle of wine next to the stove and a empty, but used, glass. Giving the glass a critical eye Tempest turned to the filly who was staring at her again.

When the filly noticed she shied away from Tempest Shadow’s critical glare, and sipped her juice. Berry Punch watched the silent interaction take place and she turned off the stove flipping the last of the pancakes into a large stack. She took them and set them on the table along with the hay bacon and toast. The last thing she brought was the eggs and the jar of jam. Tempest watched from the bar as the filly began to bounce in her seat when the jam appeared before her. She was wide eyed and eager to dig in it seemed. Tempest couldn’t help but crack a smile at the filly. When Berry Punch sat down next to the filly she gazed up at Tempest and smiled at her. She then reached for a chair and patted the seat. The older unicorn sat on her bar stool unsure if she wanted to sit so close to the mare and filly.

The truth was she felt uncomfortable around them. For years she grew up south of the Badlands. For years she learned harsh lessons about mistrusting others, and protecting what you had from thieves. She glanced down at herself instinctively and mentally scolded herself for leaving her armor upstairs. She didn't want to lose that, it was her only protection she had aside from her fractured horn. As the thoughts plagued her mind she felt a soreness at the base of her horn. With her hooves she rubedb the sore spot trying to ease the growing tension in her head. She then felt two hooves gently touch her shoulders followed by her Aunts soft voice.

“Fizzlepop? Are you alright? Does your horn hurt?” Berry asked.

Tempest sighed gently removing the mare's hooves from her shoulders. Without answering the unicorn walked to the chair next to where her Aunt was sitting a moment ago and silently sat down. Tempest slouched over the table resting her arms on the surface, and Berry Punch chuckled lightly and sat between the mare and filly. Berry served everypony's plates before her own, making sure to give Tempest a good amount of food. When the plates were served Tempest slouched over her plate, as if protecting it, and scooped her food in her mouth with a spoon. Berry Punch glared at her niece for her poor etiquette. Tempest didn’t get the hint. A few moments later the Berry Punch got up from her seat, and walked into the kitchen returning with a rolled up newspaper, Berry Pinch hid under the table as if fearing she’d get swatted by the paper. Berry Punch walked over to Tempest with the rolled up newspaper and patted it in her hoof trying to get Tempest's attention.

The soft patting of the paper on hooves did indeed get Tempest Shadow’s attention. With a mouth full of pancakes, stuffed like a chipmunk, the unicorn slowly glanced up at Berry Punch who was giving her a stern glare. Tempest chewed slowly and swallowed.

Berry tapped the mares arms with the paper.

“That’s bad manners Fizzlepop. Arms off the table. We don’t eat like savages in this house.” Berry Punch warned her.

Tempest said nothing. Instead she straightened her back, put one hoof on her lap, and held the spoon with the other. Satisfied, Berry Punch sat down again and placed the newspaper on the table as a warning. She then started to eat her own food slowly, and with small bites, as if she was telling Tempest how to eat through her own actions. The three ponies resumed eating in silence until Tempest suddenly reached past Berry for the jam. In an instant the paper ws in Berry’s hoof and flew straight down on Tempest's wrist with a snap. Tempest flinched and pulled back her hoof. Now sporting a big red spot where the paper struck her, she glared menacingly at her Aunt who only glared back at her, rolled paper in hoof.

“We don’t boardercross reach in this house either, Fizzlepop,” Berry Punch warned her niece.

Tempest grumbled and rubbed her sore wrist. A strange feeling filled her chest. It wasn’t anger, or at least she didn’t think it was. It felt more embarrassing than anything else, but not quite to shame status. Tempest nodded to her Aunt, lowering her head slightly to hide her embarrassment.

“Would you please pass the jar of jam?”

“Of course,” Berry replied dropping the paper on the table, and then sliding the jar over.

Tempest reached for the jar of jam and took hold of it. When she pulled however, Berry was still gripping it, and was giving her a stern glance.

“What? I asked didn’t I?” Tempest replied in a snippy manner.

Berry nodded then turned to face Tempest with a soft smile.

“And what do we say when somepony gives you something you asked for?” Berry asked.

“Uh… Thank you?” Tempest replied, as if she was unsure.

Hearing the answer made Berry gave a big smile as she released the jam jar. Taking it Tempest undid the lid and set it to the side, the smell of the jam almost instantly hit her nostrils. She had a powerful sense of smell, one that could rival even the best bloodhounds. How was she, Commander Tempest Shadow, the harbinger of destruction for the Storm King reduced to this? She couldn’t even get a jar of jam without being scolded by her Aunt, and she allowed it to happen? Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Tempest mused to herself. No, I asked Princess Twilight to help me, and she said I need to get past this. I need to move on. That means, I need to change.

Taking a butter knife Tempest smothered her sourdough toast with a thick layer of soft sweet jam. After which she placed the last of her hay bacon on it, then the eggs, and sandwiched them with another jam covered piece of toast. After sealing the jar again she slid it over towards her Aunt. Then she took the monstrosity of a sandwich she made and was about to chomp a huge bite from it. A stern cough from Berry Punch stopped her in her tracks. Her mouth wide open Tempest turned her eyes looking at her aunt who had her arms crossed and was tapping her forearm like a parent preparing to scold their child. Seriously? What is this, a prison!?

Taking the hint Tempest closed her mouth slightly and took a petite bite of the sandwich. This seemed to please Berry Punch who nodded approvingly. Tempest breathed a sigh of relief and ate without any more interruptions. When breakfast was done Tempest was in the kitchen doing the dishes. Her Aunt insisted she just relax, but Tempest wouldn’t hear it. She allowed her Aunt to start working on tending to the vineyard while she took care of the dishes. After which she would join her Aunt. reluctantly Berry Punch agreed and went ahead leaving Berry Pinch with Tempest.

As Tempest washed the dishes the filly was watching her intently. It made Tempest feel uneasy being watched from behind like this. Every time this behavior was allowed to happen she would be either mugged or attacked without warning. Not that she minded sometimes, she was more than capable of handling anything that tried to mess with her. She was a powerful unicorn, but she was skilled in hoof to hoof combat. There was not much she couldn't handle, and she had yet to lose a fight with anypony or anything. Save for the Ursa Minor that shattered her horn. Her thoughts dwelled on that fateful day. The day she thought she lost everything that defined her. The day she lost her magic. Then she thought about her so called, friends. The traitorous, backstabbing, degenerate, spineless cowards who left her to rot at the mercy of that horrendous beast that almost ended her life, and what for? A damn ball. Deep in her mind she thought of evil things she could do to torment them. Knowing their personal weaknesses and how to exploit them to her mercy, and make them crumbled and grovel under her hooves. Yes, she could do cruel things to them, and she wouldn’t even have to touch them. Wait. . . No, that’s bad. She thought worryingly

“Princess Twilight said I need to change. That was the old Tempest Shadow. I am the new me,” She said under her breath.

She turned to put the last plate in a strainer when she noticed Berry Pinch was right next to her. The pint sized filly was on her back leg looking curiously at Tempest. More specifically her horn. Feeling somewhat self conscious Tempest turned away from the filly never taking her eye off her. Berry Pinch followed the mare with her gaze. The two walked out of the kitchen, and Tempest made her way back to her room. Berry Pinch followed her like a lost puppy. Growing aggravated by the annoyingly persistent filly Tempest rounded on her at the threshold of her room and glared down at her.

“What!? Can I help you or are you just going to follow me around all day?”

Berry Pinch tilted her head slightly but didn't even flinch. That earned a modicum of respect from the mare. This filly had her wits about her, a rare trait in ponies from what she observed. Afterall when she invaded the Friendship Festival, Princess Luna boldly claimed she was one and thousands of them. All for naught when Tempest's few troops appeared and the ponies cowered at their might. This filly though was different.

“What happened to your horn, miss?”

Okay, all respect gained was just lost.

“What?” Tempest asked contemptuously.

“Mom said I shouldn’t bother you, but I was curious. What happened to your horn?” Berry Pinch asked.

Tempest snorted turning away from Berry Pinch.

“No. It’s not okay. I don’t want to talk about it, and if your mother told you not to bother me, then please don’t bother me.”

Tempest tried hard not to raise her voice. No matter how annoyed she was with Berry Pinch, she also knew foals were curious things. She was one once too. So she couldn’t fault them for that. That didn’t mean she liked it.

She walked into her room to find her armor and rashguard were clean and against the wall in a nice pile. Her rashguard was clean and smelled vaguely of citrus. Tempest frowned at her rashguard, she then noticed a tiny note attached to it with a smiley face on it. Tempest unfolded the tiny paper and saw it was a note from her Aunt.

“Dear Fizzlepop,

I was cleaning the room while you were doing the dishes. I went ahead and cleaned your bodysuit. I could smell it from the hall! I recommend you do something with those boots too. They smell just as bad! : (

Seriously Fizzlepop, when did you last clean your things? A lady shouldn’t be smelly all the time! Well, either way I cleaned it for you and put some powder in your boots to help prevent athlete's hoof. Gotta protect yourself! When you are ready please meet me in the west fields. Please bring Berry Pinch with you, and be careful with her. She a crafty one!

Love, Aunt Sherry”

Tempest crumpled the paper and threw it across the room. It bounced harmlessly off the wall and into the wastebasket. With a snort Tempest reluctantly put on her rashguard. The strong smell of citrus burned her eyes and nose. She hated it. Especially lemons. It did however smell better than the musky sweaty smell she’d suffered through since she last washed the thing. Suddenly she didn’t feel so annoyed with the lemon smell. She’d smelt worse before and compared to the lemon smell she now possessed it was a lot better. She’d have to remind her Aunt once again that she doesn’t like lemons or lemon scented things. Anything would be preferable.

Tempest thought about it for a minute before she started putting on her armor again. She knew she wouldn't need it, it just felt right. After spending a few minutes putting the armor back on, she put her armored boots on and she gave herself a once look over in the mirror. Satisfied she left the room to find Berry Pinch petting her tail slightly down the hall just before the stairs with a sad look on her face. As Tempest approached her heavy clanking hooves caught Barry Pinch’s attention. She stopped stroking her tail and glanced up at Tempest expectantly.

“Come along,” She said in a soft tone. “You mother wants us to meet her.”

“Oh? Where are we going?” Berry Pinch asked.

“We’re going to the west fields to do some work.”

Berry Pinch's eyes widen with joy hearing this.

“OH! I’ve always wondered what the fields were like! I never get to go into them!”

Tempest tried to hold back a chuckle at the filly’s excitement. Never had she heard somepony hold a vineyard with such excitement.

“It is quite a sight. You’ll like it I’m sure,” Tempest said walking down the stairs.

As the two ponies left the house Tempest made sure to lock the door. The morning air was still humid from the previous night's storm. Tempest took a deep breath to smell the fresh air around her. It brought a smile to her face to smell such clean air once again. She spent much of her life in the airships for the Storm King. Those ships were a lung clogging hazard to anything organic. Tempest recalled Grubber once said, “Even a cockroach would have trouble breathing this air.” She chuckled at the thought of Grubber possibly being right.

Feeling refreshed she nodded and glanced down at Berry Pinch. The unicorn filly was staring at her with curious eyes. So young. So naive. It almost brought another smile to her face, but Tempest shook it off. She didn’t want to appear too soft to the filly. She had her pride after all. Taking wide strides Tempest went around the house to one of the gardens to the side. Berry Pinch watched as Tempest walked up to a long vine that had hundreds of bright blue grapes on the vines.

Tempest touched one, pulling it closer to her with her armored hoof. She sniffed deeply taking in the scent of the grapes. Sour, fresh like morning dew, and firm to the touch. Tempest then wiped it with her tail, turning the bright blue grape to a dark almost black color. She then bit one off and chewed it thoughtfully for a few seconds. Then Tempest spit the grape out to the side making sure not to get it on the vines.

“Not quite ready,” She said.

Berry Pinch stared at the spot where Tempest spit the grape and wondered why she did that. Before she could ask the older mare was already walking along heading towards the back where the main part of the vineyard laid. Tempest lead Berry Pinch through the maze of vines, grapes, and leaves. The unicorn filly was told never to go into them alone and now she understood why. There were so many plants and grapes it would be easy for her to get lost. Even when she followed Tempest it was hard to not lose sight of her. The filly suddenly had a greater respect for her mother for telling her not to go alone anymore,the journey was well worth it.

As Tempest led the filly into a clearing what she saw amazed her. They were now behind the house about thirty yards away, and were now overlooking a large hillside. Grapevines snaked along its surface covering every inch in lush rows of green. The skies were clear and the sun was now overhead whining its brilliant rays over the vineyard. The lush green, the damp smell of the morning dew, it all came together with a great view that made Berry Pinch gasp with excitement.

“Wow! It’s so amazing here! There’s so many vines!” Berry Pinch hopped in place excitedly.

Tempest chuckled lightly covering her mouth with a hoof.

“Yes, indeed it is quite a sight.”

Berry Pinch hopped around Tempest once then stopped right in front of the mare and asked, “How many grapes are there?”

Tempest looked over the entirety of the vineyard. It was massive, but nowhere near the largest. In fact Tempest’s family owned a very small vineyard over. On average a small vineyard was around 45 to 49 acres. Her family vineyard was only 35 acres. Considered very small by most standards, but it made her proud to see it all once again.

“A lot.”

Berry Pinch eyed the grape filled fields with focused scrutiny. It was as if she wanted to count all the grapes in sight. A gentle nudge from Tempest brought her back to reality and the two ponies continued to walked onward.

Through the rows, and rows, of vines they went. Once again Berry Pinch was having a difficult time keeping up with Tempest. Thankfully despite being so small, Berry pinch was able to find Tempest easily due to her distinct color in contrast to the green scenery. Tempest slowed down a few times to allow the filly to catch up with her. As they made their way through Tempest lost sight of Berry Pinch. Sighing the mare looked at her immediate surroundings. Pinch was nowhere to be seen. Twitching her ear Tempest listened for and trace of the filly. There were many sounds all around her. Some of the wind whistling over the hills, the rustling of the leaves, and the birds chirping in the air. She couldn’t trust her sense of smell in this grape infested environment, so she had to rely on her eyesight and hearing. A short fit of giggles betrayed Barry Pinches location to Tempest.

A smile crept onto her lips as she circled around pretending to not hear her.

“Oh, where could that filly be?” She asked, feigning ignorance.

Tempest heard another giggle. She followed the sound with pinpoint accuracy. Then she noticed a tiny tuft of fur light desire among the green foliage. Grinning like a predator Tempest circled around to the next row of grape vines. Slinking low to the ground Tempest made her way to the tiny colored turf where she found Berry Pinch giggling to herself and waiting to ambush her when she came through. The filly was so fixated on her plan she didn’t realize her quarry had snuck up behind her. Closer and closer Tempest crept until she was but inches away from Berry Pinch. An almost childlike wonder filled the mare’s heart and giddily she yelled, “Boo!”

Berry Pinch screamed falling on her back. Her tiny hooves flailed in the air wildly as Tempest let out a hearty laugh. Berry Pinch puffed her cheeks at the mare, blushing with embarrassment.

“No fair! You cheated!” She said playfully at Tempest.

“Oh? I cheated did I?” Tempest asked looking at the sky with mock wonder in her eyes. “Huh, I didn’t know sneaking up on unsuspecting fillies was cheating.”

“Tee, hee, well, I guess it’s not technically cheating,” Berry said smiling.

Tempest pushed the filly over with her muzzle. Berry giggled as she felt her tummy being tickled as she was rolled over.

“Come along now. We’re late,” Tempest said.

She picked the filly up by the nape of the neck and put Berry Pinch on her back. The rest of the way Tempest carried the filly on her back until they found Berry Punch hedging some of the grapevines of dead leaves. The older mare heard the rustling of the vines behind her. She put the shears in her mouth down and smiled seeing Berry pinch riding on Tempest's back. Seeing her mother the filly got excited and accidentally fell off Tempest and landed on her side on the ground. Quickly she got up and ran to her mother leaning up against her chest and nuzzling her. Berry Punch hugged her daughter and ruffled her mane.

Tempest couldn’t help but smile at the genuine warm scene before her. In all her years she had long forgotten what it was like to feel genuinely happy. Here with her Aunt again and even Berry Pinch it made her feel good. It reminded her of her own foal hood, The times when she too gave into such acts of happiness. She missed those days, but they were long gone. She was Commander Tempest now, and she had no time to be happy. At least, she that’s what she once thought.

Now, things seem so different to her. So foreign. Yet, at the same time things feel so familiar it was like she never left. Her aunt Berry Punch had barely changed, aside from having her foal. The town was pretty much the same. The vineyards grew in size a bit, but aside from a few new faces here and there it was pretty much the same.

Tempest felt nostalgic thinking about what life would have in store for her in the near future. She would see her parents soon. That was enough to bring a greater amount of joy to her, but also fear. Would they be mad at her for running away? Happy that she was back? Would they remember her? Oh, of course they’d remember their own daughter! She mentally scolded herself for even thinking such a thing. If her drunk Aunt could remember her after all these years surely her mother and father would. It was a no brainer, and if her Aunt Berry Punch was happy to see her so would her parents. She was sure of it.

Then something happened. Something truly awful. The one thing she hated above all else. A truly horifying sight to her and the laughter of others. Her aunt had walked up to her and in her deep thought she didn’t hear her Aunt calling to her with Berry Pinch on her back. With a cheeky grin Berry Punch whispered to her daughter and then reached for Tempest with her hoof. That was when it happened. The hoof came into full contact with her muzzle with “Boop!” from her aunt. The simple act sent a powerful shiver throughout Tempest making her giggle, her legs became limp, and her head rushed as she collapsed in a fit of giggles.

As quickly as the sensation overcame her it was gone. This followed by one of the most baneful glares she could muster through her burning red cheeks. Berry Punch and Pinch both smiled at Tempest who tried very had to look as mad and intimidating as possible to hide her embarrassment. Her aunt saw right through it.

“Now, Fizzlepop, if you keep frowning like that your face will get stuck like that,” Berry Punch warned her, and nuzzled Pinch again. Tempest was unable to hold onto her glare after seeing the smiles on the others. Pinch’s giggles and smile were enough to warm Tempest’s heart a bit. She was still mad she got booped, but she was willing to overlook it this time. Getting up she dusted herself off and walked briskly past her Aunt. Berry Pinch leaped on her back as she passed by grabbing around Tempest’s neck and nuzzling her.

“Don’t cause Fizzlepop any trouble Pinch. We have work to do now. Playtime is over, okay?”

“Yes, mom,” Berry Pinch said hopping off the mare.

Tempest and Berry punch walked over to a set of large baskets and took on each, placing one on their backs each.

“Do you remember what to do, Fizzlepop?” Berry Punch asked the younger mare.

“Yes, Auntie. Trim the dead leaves, bad fruits, and always check the leave for bugs and parasites,” Tempest replied.

Berry Punch smiled and nodded to her niece.

“Good, we’ll start with the west field here and move to the eastern end,” Berry punch instructed. “If we’re lucky we should be done by noon. Just in time for lunch.”

“What about me mom? What should I do?”

Both mares look down at Berry Pinch. The filly looked eager to help. Berry Punch grinned at Tempest who looked away suddenly.

“I’ve never heard Pinch so eager to help before. Did you show her something Fizzlepop?” Berry Punch asked, knowingly to Tempest.

Tempest glared at her Aunt. “My name is Tempest Shadow, and yes, I showed her the view from the yard, and I’m still mad at you for ‘booping’ me without my consent.”

“Oh, you’re adorable! It’s like you’re going through your rebellious teenage years!” Berry laughed.

“Stop labeling me!” Tempest growled, sparking her horn.

Berry Punch laughed as she bolted and Tempest chased down her annoying Aunt. Berry Pinch watched in bewilderment as two adults ran around like foals. Eventually, Tempest found her aunts laughing infectious and soon found herself laughing with joy as she gave chase to her immature acting Aunt. The older mare weaved in and out of the vines to evade her niece. Eventually Tempest used her military skills and outsmarted her aunt and tackled her to the ground. Berry Pinch giggled and jumped on top of them helping Tempest pin her down.

“Y-you monster! You turned my own child against me! I’m no longer loved!” Berry Punch said, with an exaggerated mock cry.

“Hehe, mommy, you’d make Rarity proud with that performance!” Berry Pinch stated.

“Yes, indeed I would, darling!”

After her bad imitation of the overly animated fashionista the three ponies rolled over laughing. Their legs and arms intertwined together as they rolled over laughing. Tempest eventually found Pinch on her chest and her Aunt was resting next to her. Their chores forgotten, the three laid there basking in the sun and enjoying the company of one another. Tempest even found herself enjoying this.

Perhaps, there’s more to this family thing than I originally thought. Why did I ever run away from this? Tempest wondered to herself. In the end she couldn’t come up with an answer to her self imposed question. In the end though it didn’t matter. She was home again, and this time she wasn’t going anywhere.

“It truly is great to be home.” Tempest said.