• Published 11th Oct 2017
  • 3,431 Views, 321 Comments

Storm Vine - zalla661

Tempest Shadow returns to her village to help run her family's vineyard. Along the way she tries to make amends with her family and friends.

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Family Forgivness

Author's Note:

Alright people here we are. The next chapter and we’ll finally get to see the parents. I know you guys and gals have been waiting for this moment, well it’s finally here. I hope you all enjoy this chapter and thanks again to my editors for all their help. One thing before you start reading, I have an established head cannon for Tempest on a few things. This chapter will address one of them. Hope its not a game breaker for you guys, but if it is tell me in the comments below I love reading your thoughts and opinions! :twilightsmile:

Other than that my friends, enjoy the show!

The calm before the storm.

The long used and famous phrase of a pony, or creature, who really knew what they were talking about. A phrase that often invoked images of utter destruction and fera into the hearts of ponies. Now, two ponies stood in fear of the snarling calm that was Tempest Shadow, about to release the storm onto them.

Tempest herself was in a blind fury ready to strike the ponies down. Her Aunt was screaming at her from the kitchen, but she didn’t hear her. The three pony staredown was tense. The two ponies dared not move, and Tempest had a look that dared them to try so she could vaporize them. As the seconds ticked away on a nearby clock Tempest felt herself relaxing a bit. Once she was sufficiently calmer, but still very rigid, she took a moment to look at the ponies.

It took her a moment, but she recognized them both.

There before her were her mother and father. Aged, yes, but it was them. Her mother a earth pony of lighter lime green fur and a bright pink short mane. At her side was a slightly taller orchid colored unicorn stallion. He had a small goatee and a slicked back salmon pink mane. Tempest noticed he was also wearing a business top and tie. Realizing who they were she stood up like a tempered Royal Guard Cadet being inspected. The two ponies realizing they were in no danger looked to the mare in front of them. They smiled seeing her broken horn. They looked happily at each other and hugged. The mare was suddenly on the verge of tears and the stallion faring no better. Suddenly then lunged forward and tackled Tempest to the ground.

The sounds of joyous laughter and cries filled the room as Berry Punch watched from the kitchen. Her daughter on her back they watched as Tempest struggled to break free from her mother and father’s iron tight grips.

“Oh, Fizzlepop! My sweet filly has come home!”
“Yes, she has! Oh, we’ve missed you so much!”

Tempest herself was trying to hide her emotions, and on the verge of failing miserably. Her mouth was strained between a grin and sneer, her eyes twitched from the contact, and her body felt tense as her ears flopped side to side like a teeter totter. She was really happy inside to see her parents, but she really did not like to be touched either. However, for the sake of family and keeping her mother and father happy for the moment she endured it. Her mother and father nuzzled her cheeks from both side of her face. She felt her cheeks burn and her sneer/grin went into a full blown frown. Regardless of her outward demeanor her parents continued to nuzzle her.

“Hey Mom, Dad. Can you please let me up?”

“Oh! Sorry sweetie,” Tempest’s mother said, leaping off her.

Her father followed suit. The two older ponies allowed the younger mare to get up. Tempest noticed a dust bunny had made its perch on her shoulder armor. With a flick of her wrist it flew off, and slowly fluttered uselessly to the ground. Tempest then proceeded to annihilate it under her hoof, smearing it across the ground under her boot.

Her parents watched as she scraped her hoof against the floor. They seemed worried, and this was not lost to Tempest. The younger mare brushed her leg with her for leg and tried to think of something to say. Come on stupid! Say something! Anything! She mentally scolded herself for being so rash. Why didn’t she think of something to say before hand? WHY!?

“Umm… how, was your trip?” Tempest asked.

“Oh, the um, trip?” Her mother asked, her brain still had not caught up.

She looked to her husband who wasn’t quite sure at first. For a moment longer there was silence until he realized Tempest was referring to his wife and his trip.

“Oh, it was nice. We took a world airship cruise to the Crystal Empire, and a few other places along the way!” He said.

Tempest felt her chest ache again. That same feeling reeling its ugly head once again to the forefront of her mind. That pesky feeling of regret once more made her question every choice she made in her life that led to this point. Again she felt like she shouldn’t be forgiven for what she’d done. Not just to ponies of Equestria, but also to her family. Of course this was also due to her own stubborn pride she had. She had an image to uphold. From her side Tempest saw her aunt and cousin walk up beside her.

Berry Pinch hopped off her mother’s back and ran to her older mare and stallion with cheerful glee..

“Auntie Chardonnay! Uncle Merlot Fritz!”

The filly came up to them. With a mighty leap Pinch was in the air and latched onto her uncle's broad chest like a cat. Merlot Fritz chuckled as he scrapped the filly off his chest. He then fled her in his massive arms and tossed her up in the air. Pinch squeal in delight, and flailed her arms, while giggling loudly.

“How’s my little niece doing!?” Merlot asked the filly.

“I’m good! Tee hee!”

Chardonnay, stepped forward and hugged Berry Punch. “It’s good to see you again, Sister.”

Berry Punch was more than happy to return her sister’s hug.

“You too. I’m glad your trip was without trouble.”

“I know right? So, when did you get home, little filly?” Chardonnay asked giving her daughter a glance.

“I, uh…”

Tempest lost all control of her mouth. Words wouldn’t form and she couldn’t think of anything to say. How should I approach this? Awkwardly blurt out ‘I’m sorry for being a selfish brat and running away?’ Or should I wait it out? Maybe I can just leave and- Her thought’s were interrupted when her aunt nudged her forward and into her mother’s chest. Tempest glared back at her aunt blushing. Berry Punch giggled and took her daughter from Merlot Fritz.

“Come along sweetie, your Aunt and Uncle need to talk to your cousin.”

“Aww, but I want to talk to aunt Chardonnay and uncle Fritz about the trip!” Pinch whinned.

“I know sweetie, but they haven’t seen Tempest in a long time. You see them all the time, so let them get to spend some time with her too.”

“Yes, momma,” The filly relented.

“That’s my little one,” Berry punch said placing the little pony on her back. “We’ll be in town. Take all the time you three need.”

Once the two ponies were gone, Tempest was left alone with her parents. After standing in silence a while longer Chardonnay suggested they relocate to the kitchen. Agreeing with his wife, Merlot herded his alienated daughter to the bar where he sat by her side. Chardonnay broke out a old dusty bottle of red wine and poured three glasses and distributed them. Once each glass was served Chardonnay and her husband raised their glasses in hoof.

“A toast, to the reuniting of our family!” Merlot offered.

Chardonnay nodded with a smile on her.

“I agree! Our baby is back and healthy as can be!” Chardonnay glanced over her daughter thoroughly. “Although I’m sad she hasn’t bared foals yet.”

Needless to say Tempest was shocked at what she heard. Hearing the words come from her mother's mouth nearly caused her to drop her own glass, and Merlot gave his instigating wife a stern glance over his glass.

“Honey, we talked about this. We agreed we’d only let her do that when she was ready. That includes talking about it.” He emphasized the last part with great stress; as if she wouldn’t get the hint.

“I know dear. I just wish to have grand foals before I get too old,” Chardonnay said sipping her wine.

Tempest blushed staring at her glass. Her father pat her back, his hoof clanking against her armor. She broke her agaze away from her glass and looked into his eyes. Worn and aged as they were they were the same eyes that made her feel safe and welcome as a filly. Her mother and father. They barely changed over the years. They looked the same, acted the same, the only exception being their timid nature around her now, but that was expected. At least they didn't start yelling at me when I first saw them. Tempest thought to herself as she sipped her wine.

The taste of a strong bitter flavor hit her tongue as the wine ran down her throat. It left a tingling sensation in her as she placed the glass down. Clicking her tongue, Tempest gave the glass a casual glance. She spun the glass, stirring the red wine within imaging a tiny boat sinking into the whirlpool of red.

“This is father’s, isn’t it?” She asked aloud.

“Yes, your father made it. He even named it after himself. We made it after you, well, after you left.” Chardonnay said quietly.

The older mare sipped her own glass while her husband downed his in one gulp. Once the glass was emptied he quickly brought it down to the bar counter. Of course he was careful not to break the glass as he gave his wife an embarrassed grin.

“Honey, can we please not talk about that?”

Tempest looked between her mother and father. Her curiosity peaked and she couldn’t resist the temptation to ask what had transpired after she left. Plus, that wine her father made was wonderful! She loved the tart flavor followed by the bitter aftertaste. Then again, she didn’t want to talk to her past, so why should she force others to? Do unto others as you would have them do to you. The sound of Twilight’s voice rang in her head, as Tempest thought about the purple princesses advice. If she didn’t want to talk about her past that was fine, so she should respect others privacy too. Of course, that was hard to do for her. As Commander Tempest, she was use to getting the answers she wanted on the fly. Be it through intimidation, or threat of violence Tempest always got the answers she sought. Once more she felt conflicted about her nature.

She wanted to know, but there was nothing at stake. Yet, it was hard for her not to revert to her old ways. She wanted to change for the better and not alienate her family after the first meeting. That being the case she decided to compromise. “Come now mother.” She turned to face her mother, giving her a relatively blank stare with her brows slightly furrowed.

“Give father a break. Besides if father doesn’t want to talk about how he messed up a barrel, being the senior winemaker, who are we to judge?” Tempest said to her mother.

Chardonnay glanced at her gawking husband and giggled.

“Yes, I guess you’re right. We’ll call it a, ‘happy accident’.”

Both mares laughed at Merlot’s expense. Both of them tapped their glasses together and drank the remains of their wine in one gulp. Both of them sighed contently, and set their glasses down. Merlot poured another round of glasses while grumbling to himself. He made sure to keep the bottle near him.

After the laughing died down everypony sipped their wines reveling in the wonderful company they long missed. Tempest herself felt very relaxed. More relaxed than she had been in years. She was happy seeing her parents again; and, she was even more delighted when she managed not to upset her parents like she feared. She truly thought of herself as being foolish. Ponies were very forgiving. Something she wished she possessed in full. Alas she was just learning to forgive. As her father finally recalled his tale of how he made his, “Merlot Wine” Tempest became lost in thought.


Something she was in serious short supply of. True she could easily forgiver her family that was a given. They were family and family stuck together through the thick of it. Being part of a family isn’t about being perfect, as much as it is about being able to get through the rough patches together. Tempest ran that line in her head. It was a line she memorised along with many things in her copy of Twilight’s Friendship Journal. As the words repeated in her mind she slowly pieced together an apology. It was a simple thing. She would say she’s sorry and that would be the end of it. Simple right? She glanced at her parents who were laughing at something her mother had said. She completely missed it. How many other happy moments had she lost because she wanted her magic back so badly? How many birthdays, family outings, and school plays she passed up? All for what? So she could have her horn back. To find her place among her kind? Would it really have made a difference? No. She thought. It would have made no difference. I should have bucked up ages ago. I won’t play the pity party game anymore!

Mentally prepared she took a deep breath and cleared her throat gathering her parents attentions.

“Mom, dad, I have something I want to say to you two,” She said, her voice shaking and cracking slightly.

Both her mother and father gave their undivided attention. They didn’t want to miss what she had to say. They held each other's hooves for comfort, as if they were expecting Tempest to blow up on them.

“I’m sorry!” Trying to get the words out Tempest didn’t realize she just yelled at the top of her lungs.

Blushing she turned away trying to hide her face from her parents. She expected them to say something belittling to her. When nothing was said she dared to look back at them, completely not expecting what she saw. Smiles. Genuine smiles on their faces. Not the fake plastered smiles and grins that his daggers and venom behind them like she expected from Capper, or pirates across the Badlands. Honestly, she knew better. Ponies were forgiving like that most of the time. Her parents most of all. So, why’d she expect any different? I’ve clearly had nothing but bad influences in my life, but it made me smarter to the ways of those who would take advantage of others. She reasoned. Mom and dad would never turn their backs on me.

“Mom, Dad, I was a brat. I ran away and I made some bad choices recently,” Just like that the words filled her mind and poured out like a flowing river, pure and untainted. “I hurt many ponies for selfish reasons. I’m sorry. I hurt you. I hurt Aunt Berry and I’m sorry. I want to come back home and become a vigneron. Maybe become a winemaker like both of you? So, can I come back?”

As expected Tempest was bombarded by her parents who rushed her into a group hug. Her father was first and had his arms around her completely and nuzzled her cheek. Her mother was behind her and like her father was nuzzling her other cheek. Embarrassed by the show of affection Tempest mumbled incoherently until a gently hoof touched her lips silencing her. The hoof belonged to her father who brushed his cheek against hers affectionately.

“Of course you can come back. My little girl,” He said.

“Yes, we’ve waited so long to have you back. We missed you, and of course we forgive you!” Her mother said.

“While we can’t speak for anypony else we do speak for family. We love you Fizzlepop,” Her father said joyfully.

“Thanks you,” Tempst replied brushing her face affectionately to her parents. “You have no idea what that means to me.”

For the next hour the three ponies stayed in a close embrace. Tempest told stories about what she’d done over the years, her trying to take over Equestria for the Storm King, the capture of the Princesses, everything. She left no detail out. Of course, her parents said that, it was all over and that if she deserved punishment the princesses would have done so. So, Tempest didn’t need to fear retribution. Her parents were very kind and understanding. They were so happy to get their little filly back that Chardonnay almost forgot to ask a very important question. The mare broke away and left go find a camera. Once she procured one she returned to find her husband arm wrestling Tempest, and lost. After announcing herself the victor tempest saw her mother and straightened herself out. Chardonnay giggled taking a picture of the two before setting the timer to take a group photo.

The clicking of the camera signaled the picture was taken Chardonnay looked at her daughter with eager eyes.

“So honey, what’s your cutie mark look like?”

Suddenly all the color and joy drained from Tempest as the question spiraled in her head. Her brain working overtime to catch up. Suddenly her father showed the same eagerness her mother showed, by hopping in his seat like a colt on Hearth Warming Eve.

“Yes! Show us your cutie mark!”

Bother her parents had sparkles in their eyes. It was heartbreaking. She didn’t know what to tell them. She wasn’t prepared for this. Once more her time away from home left her ignorant of the ways of ponies in her homeland. Cutie marks were an important thing for everypony. It was a sign of what made them special and what they had a knack for doing. Something that defined them. For Tempest she thought it would have to do with magic, but because of her condition she never once thought she’d get hers. So far that held true. She glanced at her armored flank then back to her parents. Eager to see it they waited with barely subdued patience for Tempst to show them. Then at last tempst sighed and slowly remove her armor from herself. As she did her parents were literally on the edges of their seats, and chardonnay was ready with the camera to photograph the cutie mark the minute Tempst showed it to them. However, as Tempest removed her rashguard the happiness in her parents eyes turned to disappointment, then to deep with worry.

Chardonnay was first to find her voice. “Sweetie, are you-”

“I can’t believe it.” Merlot muttered.

Tempest nodded silently and turned to show them. Her father and mother gasped as the saw nothing but dark orchid colored fur on her flank and nothing more.

“Sorry Mom, Dad. I’m a blank flank.”