• Published 11th Oct 2017
  • 3,430 Views, 321 Comments

Storm Vine - zalla661

Tempest Shadow returns to her village to help run her family's vineyard. Along the way she tries to make amends with her family and friends.

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Storm and Shield

Author's Note:

Hey there my lovely readers and viewers alike!

Wait-what's this? A note at the beginning?! What madness is this!?! Zalla never does notes at the beginning anymore! Okay, well that's not true. I do a lot but this time it was because I wanted to say I am surprised at how much you all love this story. I know it changed halfway through but anyone who knows me knows I love to do that from time to time. :rainbowlaugh:

But I also am happy with the positive reception I got for Tempest as a character and of course little Berry Pinch! And thanks to all the commentators who give me their thoughts and feedback. You guys/gals are awesome! Now, on to the next chapter! It's time to make a decision! Also I'm surprised no one noticed last chapter... Oh well! Onward!

It was Nightmare Night, and all the foals were out and about gathering treats with friends and family. Celebrating life on this dark night with only the light of the moon to shine upon the land. The moonlight gave a eerie ambience that everyone could appreciate even after the Ursa attack. On this night Tempest was sitting on the couch with Celaeno looking out through the window at the moonlit landscape.

The light of the moon shone brightly mixed with beautiful blues and black shadows like a Pisscatto painting. The light reflecting off objects only added a sense of depth to the world around them and made it that much more beautiful. Tempest couldn’t help but admire what Princess Luna must do to make the nights so beautiful. That is assuming she controlled all aspects of the night. Even if she didn’t it was still a beautiful night and Tempest was happily sharing it with Celaeno and three bottles of fine red wine and homemade biscotti. The light shined through the window like a stage light on a main character in a theater would and was truly a nice feeling.

Celaeno was laying sideways on the couch with her vest and pants still on but her hat was sitting on the table out of reach. She was semi holding Tempest on her lap with a glass of wine in one hand and the mare in a the other. Tempest held her glass between her hooves with half a biscotti in her mouth, and was slowly began eating it by taking little nibbles at it.The mare stretched her legs taking care not to drop her glass. She pushed her head back into her soft feathery pillow getting as comfy as possible. Once satisfied she gobbled the last of her biscotti and sipped her wine enjoying the mix of flavors in her mouth.

“Comfy now?” Celaeno asked patting the mares head.

“Hmmmmm, yes I am,” Tempest replied with a pur in her voice.

“Good, I am too.”

The two watched as a group of fillies ran past the house with their parents right behind them. One was dressed as a witch, a knight, and the last one was a pirate. Tempest snickered and pointed at the pirate dressed filly and all Celaeno did was glare at her. “We don’t even look like that.” She said with a huff, but Tempest calmed her down with a gentle nuzzle to her cheek. Celaeno sighed wrapping her arms around Tempest's neck allowing herself to let loose since no one was around.

The exchange only lasted a few seconds before both felt too embarrassed to continue. Both separated from the hug but remained in their positions on the couch. After a few minutes of silence Celaeno picked up a biscotti and broke it in two, giving onto Tempest and keeping the other for herself.

“Thanks,” Tempest said taking the broken treat in her mouth.

“No problem,” Celaeno said taking a bite. “So, what’s this holiday supposed to celebrate? It seems like just a random excuse to give kids candy and dress silly.”

“Hmm? Oh, you don’t know?” Tempest asked genuinely surprised.

Celaeno shrugged accidently pushing her chest out almost knocking Tempest off the couch.

“Sorry, but I’ve never heard of the Holiday,” Celaeno said.

Tempest readjusted herself after slipping off the couch. Once she was back in place she leaned her head back into her feather pillow and rested again she began to explain the whole origin of Nightmare Night.

“So, to start you should know that the Sun and Moon rise and lower because of two Princesses in Equestria. Princess Celestia rules the day and rises the Sun. At night Princess Luna rules and raises the Moon. Simple?” Celaeno nodded and allowed her to continue. “Well, long ago before any of us were born Luna lead a rebellion against Celestia. To save the world from eternal darkness, Celestia sealed Luna away in the moon where she waited for over one thousand years for the stars to align and aid her escape.”

“Then she escaped a few years ago from her moon prison and tried to take over Equestria. Turns out she was possessed by some powerful force that turned her evil or something,” Tempest said, tapping her chin wondering if it was true. “Then a few years ago the ‘Elements of Harmony’ were used by six ponies who free Princess Luna from a dark spirit that inhabited her body. Thus Luna once again became Princess of the Night alongside her sister, Princess Celestia.”

Tempest took a minute to take a break and sip some of her wine. Celaeno waited patiently for her to finish drinking and took a minute to down some of her own wine as well. After a quick swig Tempest was ready to start talking again from where she left off.

“That’s how I learned about the Elements of Harmony. They weren’t exactly subtle. Plus everyone in Equestria knew them in one form or another.” Tempest sighed shaking her head with a great sense of disappointment in her voice. “Could they not see that by revealing themselves as heroes they were putting themselves in danger?”

At this moment Tempest felt another wave of shame come over her. The shame she felt when she realized she betrayed the ponies of Equestria for her own selfish desires. She betrayed everything ponies stood for that day. It was as Princess Twilight said, ‘Friendship didn’t fail me, I failed friendship.’ The words rang in Tempest Shadow’s mind over and over like a sinister bell tolling for her sins. She could see parallels between her and Princess Luna. Both thought they lost something that made them who they were.

Princess Luna lost her subjects to her sister and jealousy overcame her. Tempest lost her horn and thought she had no place in pony society. It made her feel sick in her stomach to think of the things she did before. Sure all was forgiven but deep down she still felt a small sense of guilt for her acts. Her thoughts went back to Princess Twilight’s proposal to become a personal guard. Perhaps in a way that was a form of atonement. What better punishment for the one who threatened the Princess of Friendship but to become her personal guard as punishment?

“Hey, you alright?”

Celaeno’s voice startled Tempest out of her thoughts. She nearly dropped her wine but managed to catch it with her hooves. She turned her neck to look at Celaeno who had a worried look on her. “You alright? Didn’t mean to scare you.” She said petting the unicorn's mane.

“It’s fine,” Tempest said looking away to hide her blush. “I was just thinking.”

“Do you want to talk about it now?” Celaeno asked again.

Tempest was starting to get irritated. She didn’t want to talk about her problems with Celaeno, yet the bird brain insisted on establishing that dialogue. She was about to refute when she caught noticed a worried look on Celaeno. The sadden almost depressed look on her almost broke Tempest in one go. She never thought the brave former pirate would show such emotional weakness in her life. Then again she knew her better than that.

Out of everyone she met Celaeno was the one creature she would trust with her life. If that was true then why was she so hesitant to tell her about the job proposal? She had no reason to fear telling her right? Taking some time to think about it Tempest indeed concluded she had nothing to gain from keeping this all bottled up. Who knows? Perhaps by talking it out with Celaeno she might even be able to come to a decision so Princess Twilight could finally get her answer.

Taking one last long gulp to finish her glass of wine Tempest swallowed it all in one go. With her glass now empty she quickly placed it on the table with such speed Celaneo almost thought the mare threw the glass across the room. Free from holding the glass Tempest leaned back without reservations. “I got offered a job,” She said rather bluntly out of the blue.

Celaeno blinked dumbly not sure what to make of what was said. To her something as simple as getting a job didn’t make someone you knew act so strangely. Their previous conversation now forgotten Celaeno took the initiative to gather herself and pursue this topic before Tempest changed her mind about talking.

“So, what kind of job are you talking about here?” She asked the unicorn on her lap. “Like… a job in town? On the farm? A teacher maybe?”

The response Celaeno got wasn’t what she expected. Tempest just stared and smiled then she said, “No, Princess Twilight asked if I wanted to become her personal guard.”

“Oh, well dang it Tempest,” she said rubbing her forehead.


Celaeno shook her head taking another sip of her wine. Noticing she was low, and the fact she may need more in this conversation, she took a moment to refill her glass to the brim. She then placed the glass aside and glared down at Tempest holding her under her front legs like a child would a stuffed toy. With her captive in arms she waited to hear what Tempest had to say before continuing on. Taking the hint the unicorn continued.

“I was given a letter from the Princess herself from my mother. It offered me a position as her personal royal guard, but I'm not sure if I’m ready or worthy of it,” Tempest said in great discomfort.

The mare fidgeted in Celaeno’s arms. Scooting back and pressed her head back and looked up at Celaeno, her nose almost touching her chin. Celaeno just smiled back down at her and pressed her beak to Tempest’s nose and gently rubbing it.

“I think you’re more than worthy. If the Princess seems to think so then you got nothing to be worried about,” Celaeno said. “Why were you so worried about that?”

Tempest didn’t answer right away. She didn’t want to answer. She knew she was being foolish after hearing Celaeno say it, she knew in her mind it was silly, but she couldn’t help feel like she still wasn’t worthy. She wished she could dispel these thoughts and move on with her life. As if sensing her fears, Celaeno took her arms and held Tempest Shadow’s hooves in her hands. She squeezed them gently and once more pushed her beak into the mares nose calming her.

“You are worthy Tempest,” She said almost scoldingly. “You helped save your hometown, you made so many friends, helped work your families vineyard, and saved a lot of lives. What pony or creature in their right mind would deny that?”

“But, what I did in the past-”

“Is in the past, and THAT’S final.” Celaeno firmly squeezed the mares hooves. “And don’t let me catch you saying or thinking otherwise.”

Tempest felt her heart flutter at her words. They were said with such conviction and absolutely no doubt or hesitation. It was at this moment Tempest knew Celaeno’s words were 100% genuine. It put her mind at ease hearing her say those words and made Tempest lose most of the self doubt she held onto. It was still there, but had nowhere near to the hold on her it did before.

Both of them were silent then with smiles they leaned in and deeply nozzled each other. Tempest rolled over and laid her chest against Celaneo who released her hooves. The unicorn rubbed the soft feathers with her hooves and pressed her head under Celaneo’s chin like a cat would to its owner.

With a girly chuckle Tempest asked, “Celaeno, why are you so awesome?”

Celaeno shrugged and placed her hands on Tempest Shadow's back. “Because I have an awesome marefriend who doesn’t know what to do with herself. Thus it makes me look far better than I am.”

“Oh? I’m your marefriend now am I?” Tempest said playfully nuzzling Celaeno.

What she got in response was a firm grip on her flank and a gentle but firm cheek to cheek nuzzle.

“Why not? We’ve played this dance for so long no, Tempest,” Canelo said sounding a bit sad. “Why not make it official? You like me and I sure as heck like you. Right?”

Tempest took the moment of doubt in Celaena's voice to play with her. She pretended to look like she was thinking, mumbling to herself as if the thought never crossed her mind. Celaeno blushed deep red almost fuming that Tempest never noticed her advances before. Then she noticed the cheeky grin Tempest was giving her and with a playful swat to the nose Tempest and Celaeno shared a heartfelt laughter together.

“You’re so mean!”

“Yeah, but you’re not mad, and you know it!” Tempest rebutted. “Besides, I’ve always known. I was just biding my time waiting for you to say it first.”

Blushing again Celaeno was happy to see this playful side of Tempest she’d only seen glimpses of in the past. When she worked for the Storm King it was all work and strict professionalism for both of them. They never talked about their feelings before for one another, but it didn’t have to be said. They just knew what the other was thinking. Even though it annoyed her to some degree Celaeno wasn’t that upset being the one to confess to Tempest first.

“Yeah, I know. I think you should take the job Tempest,” Celaeno said holding Tempest closer. “And anywhere you go, I’ll go with you.”

Now it was Tempest's turn to blush. She’d heard such words before but to hear them from someone she cared for meant the world to her. Perhaps this was jumping the gun a little, but as her mother wholly points out every possible time she wasn’t getting younger. And happiness may only come once for her, so Tempest wasn’t taking chances with this one. She took a leap of faith in that moment. Tempest leaned up and pressed her lips to Celaeno’s cheek giving her a gentle kiss.

Both were now red with embarrassment as Tempest pulled away hiding herself in Celaeno's feathery fluffy chest. “This is so humiliating,” Tempest said in a muffled voice from her hiding spot. “I blame you for this.”

“You know you love me,” Celaeno jested.

Tempest peeked from her hiding spot and smiled at Celaeno kissing her neck. “Yeah, I sure do.”

Tempest then looked over towards the glass of wine and filled it then levitated the full glass with a bright blue sparkling surge of magic over it and raised it to toast with Celaeno’s glass. The two glasses tapped sending out a harmonious resonance as they drank together.

The two drank more wine and ate the remaining biscotti until there was only one left. Tempest lifted the last one with a powerful surge of magic and brought it over to her mouth and gripped it with her teeth. With the biscotti in her mouth she leaned up offering it to Celaeno who didn’t know what to do reached down and bit the bread stick in half eating her half, before she noticed Tempest was frowning at her with her half still in her mouth and giggling it up and down. Celaeno immediately knew what the mare wanted of her.

Slowly and carefully Celaeno leaned inward. Her neck craned down with a show of great flexibility as she opened her beak and bit down on the end of the half eatten biscotti. She looked straight into Tempest's eyes which had a predatory hunger behind them. Then without a word both began to slowly inch closer and closer eating their ends of the biscotti awaiting the moment they would meet at the center. It was a blissful moment for both of them two former renegades with nothing to lose now ready to lovingly embrace one another on this wonderful night.

*Click FLASH!*

In an instant the moment was gone. Celaeno barely had time to register in her mind what had happened when a bright flash blinded her, Tempest let out a shriek, and was off like a shot after her mother all within the blink of an eye. She bet that broke her record. She turned to lay on the back of the couch and watched mother and daughter chase each other around the house fussing over the camera. Celaeno had to admit that she like Chardonnay despite being a bit pushy, she was a kind mare who just wanted her daughter to be happy. Celaeno was sure of it but the camera flashing was good sign that she was giving her approval in a way. Then again unlike her daughter, Chardonnay wasn’t hard to get an answer form.

Sitting back down Celaeno flexed her hand and took her glass and drank under the blue moonlit night until Tempest rejoined her a few minutes later.