• Published 11th Oct 2017
  • 3,430 Views, 321 Comments

Storm Vine - zalla661

Tempest Shadow returns to her village to help run her family's vineyard. Along the way she tries to make amends with her family and friends.

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Shield and Sword

Author's Note:

So, here we are fans! the second to last chapter! It's been a fun run but I want everyone opinion after you read the chapter. Here are some of my thoughts on the story as I progressed so far.

I had an ending in mind, but as I went along I wanted to do three different things that eventually got back down to two. Essentially Tempest had two choices, as I'm sure you're all aware by now, so I want to know if you liked the story enough that you want a sequel to whatever decision I make for it in the end, and what would you want Tempest to do personally? Lett me know your thoughts down in the comments! Other than that enjoy the read!

The next few hours for Tempest were some of the most stressful and enlightening hours she felt in a long time. She somehow relearned to use her magic to a very basic degree, often with explosive results. Then the constant harassment from her mother and scolding her father gave her mother was beginning to annoy her. Top it all that she knew Celaeno was responsible for this, albeit indirectly, she was constantly fighting the urge to zap her from time to time.

Celaeno was scarce most of the conversation feeling Tempest might actually try to zap her. Everytime she would peer into the kitchen area Tempest would glare from the corner of her eye and her horn would spark to life with threatening intentions. Each time it made her feel small and Celaeno would slink away to avoid the wrathful mares glare. After Tempest’s father managed to pry his wife away from their child and took her outside to calm down, Tempest was left with Berry Punch and Celaeno, who still refused to enter the kitchen out of fear of swift lightning retribution.

Berry Punch watched the exchange go on for several minutes while she continued to make breakfast in Merlot's place. After what felt like the hundredth time of Tempest glaring at Celaeno, Berry Punch gave her a swift glare of her own. Tempest sighed slumping in her seat in a non threatening manner. This opening gave Celaeno a chance to slink into the kitchen without the fear of being attacked mercilessly. Taking a seat next ot Tempest, Celaeno made eye contact with the angry mare. Tempest huffed looking away and stared outside the window, but subtly moved closer to Celaeno.

Berry Punch giggled watching from the corner of her eye as Tempest made the move. She kept a watchful gaze on them as she finished making breakfast. Once breakfast was made everyone joined together at the table to eat and talk. Celaeno took her place next to Tempest with Berry punch and Pinch across from them and Merlot and his wife sat across from opposite ends. It was a simple meal with pancakes, haybacon, eggs, and toast, and of course more wine and juice for the little one. Breakfast went without incident and after it everyone helped clear the table and clean.

Once all that was done Tempest promptly dragged Celaeno upstairs into her room, shut and locked the door. Tempest then scurried to her desk that was too small for her and rolled the chair out for Celaeno. The parrot female sat down while Tempest planted herself on the floor near her pile of plush toys. Celaeno glanced between the mountain of toys and Tempest who was wearing her under armour suit with her armor off to the side of the toys.

The look on Celaneo’s face must have been quite confused because Tempest felt the need to clear up that her toys were from her younger years. Celaeno already knew she was on a short leash as it was and said nothing. She did however have to suppress a giggled and hide it behind fake cough to not get caught. Once this was all said and done Tempest used her magic to levitate Princess Twilight’s scroll over and offered it to Celaeno. When she took the scroll from Tempests magical grasp there was magical residue that left a small charge to the scroll. Upon contact with the scroll Celaeno experienced a tiny shock, like the kind one would have from rubbing balloons all over their body, or wools socks on a carpet.
Cleaneo shook her hand from the sudden shock nearly dropping the scroll in the process. Tempest immediately rushed over and took Celeano’s clawed hand in her hooves.

“Oh, I’m sorry Celaeno!” She said, looking over Celaeno’s claw. “Does it hurt?”

Tempest looked closely at her hand rubbing her hoof around Celaeno’s palm. Celaeno blushed feeling Tempest give her a gentle inspection, and the prospect this was indirect form of holding hands in a way. To put the mares mind at ease Celaeno cupped the pony’s hooves in her hands holding them firmly and pressing her head against Tempest’s, while taking care not to poke her eye out over the broken horn.

“Don’t worry Tempest. I’m fine. It was just a little shock, that’s all,” She said kindly to her worried marefriend. “See, I’m fine.”

“Are you sure?” Tempest asked, worry clear in her tone.

“Yes, I’m fine. Now what’s this?”

Celaeno hoping to shift the mares attention away from the shock she caused her took the scroll and began to unroll it. Tempest shifted close, snuggling up beside Celaeno to rest her head on her shoulder as the scroll unrolled.

“It’s a letter from Princess twilight asking me to become the leader of her personal guard. I was wondering what you thought about it, and if you could give me your opinion on it?” She asked her parrot girlfriend. “I’ve waited a while to answer, but I wanted this to be a decision we both made.”

Celaeno smiled knowingly at that.

“I’m glad you thought that far ahead, but does that mean you always knew I liked you?” Celaeno asked jokingly.

Tempest scoffed turning her nose up. “That should go without saying.”

“Well, joking aside why don’t you want to do this?” Celaeno asked waving the scroll at Tempest. “Isn’t this considered a great honor to ponies? Being appointed by royalty?”

“Well, yes but that would be true for anyone in the world,” Tempest stated flatly.

Celaeno rolled up the scroll and gave it back to Tempest. The unicorn took the scroll and placed it in a hidden pocket in her rashguard, before leaning her head into Celaeno’s chin rubbing the underside of it with her muzzle.

“Do you think I’d make a good guard?” She asked.

“Yes, I think you’d make an excellent guard,” Celaeno answered immediately. “You’re confident, strong, brave, and have a strong sense of loyalty. I think you’d be perfect for it.”

It was nice to hear these words from Celaeno. It put Tempest at ease to some degree knowing that someone had absolute confidence in her for this. However if Celaeno was one thing it was perceptive, and she knew Tempest better than she knew herself at times. Now would be one such time. Taking her hands Celeano wrapped them around Tempest’s waist and pulled her onto her lap and nuzzled her from behind. She rubbed her beak against the ponies ear and whispered gently to her in their embrace.

“So, why don’t you feel like you’re worthy of this?”

Tempest sighed shifting her weight to turn sideways and curl up in Celaeno’s arms. Once she was comfy she pushed the parrot down and used her as a makeshift bed, and resting her chin on Celaeno’s shoulder.

“I don’t feel like I’ve done anything to deserve it. Honestly I did so much wrong to Princess Twilight and Equestria in general that I’m surprised she even let me off the hook without any repercussions. I admit I wish I knew her reasoning for that,” Tempest said in a low tone.

Here she was again feeling worried over something she was sure was nothing. Perhaps her mother was right, she worried about things way too much. If that wasn’t enough proof the next thing Celaeno said was the metaphorical straw that broke the camel's back on the subject.

“Well, I think you’re worried about being tied down aren’t you?,” Celaeno asked calmly.

Tempest gave the question some thought while she held onto Celaeno’s arms with hers.

“What do you think I should do?” Tempest asked.

Now the mare had two main reasons for asking this question. It was true that part of her wanted to become a guard, but part of her didn’t want to become tied to one particular place. It was the same reason she didn’t want to stay nor leave home. She missed her family and the time she spent with them has been an experience she’d never want to give up. Time with her mother, father, aunt, and niece too. She didn’t want to leave them, or not see them for long periods of time.

However she was sure she’d be able to spend time with her family and Celaeno if she asked. However she knew she didn’t want to be seperate from Celaeno if possible. SO she was trying to see if Celaeno would give her a hint with her answer that might help with her decision.

Celaeno cracked a smile and pet Tempest’s mane once more before answering, “I’d like to stay together, but truth is I’ll do whatever you want. I will go wherever you chose.”

Tempest smiled at that. It made her heart flutter to hear someone say that to her. No one in a long time said that to her outside her family, and hearing Celaeno say it made her feel that much greater. As they lay together the unicorn thought long and hard on what she wanted from her life, and then thinking of all the things she’d done, the places she traveled, the creatures she met, she decided there was one place she truly wanted to be.


“Hmm? What is it, hon?” Celaeno looked down at the smaller unicorn in her arms.

“Can you take a letter for me? I’m ready to give my answer to the Princess,” Tempest stated.

Celeano smiled nodding and got up to go fetch a quill, ink, and parchment. She practically skipped out of the room and left Tempest alone on the couch. The search didn’t take long Once she found all the items she promptly returned and sat back on the couch. Tempest took no time to leap back into her lover’s lap like a pet would and sat down.

“So, why not write eit yourself?” Celeano asked inking the quill. “Can;t you write with your magic or is it too hard?”

Tempest shook her head. “Nah, I might just set the quill and parchment on fire with it after holding it for a whole letter.”

“That didn’t happen with the grape you threw at me,” Celaeno stated rubbing Tempest’s nose with the soft feathery end.

“Achoo! You knock that off! And I didn’t hold the grape long enough for it to catch fire,” She said swatting the quill away, but Celaeno continued to poke the bear. “If you don’t stop I swear Celaeno…”

The parrot female chuckled lightly waving her hands in a surrender motion and took the quil away from Tempest’s nose. After settling down from antagonizing Tempest Celaneo readied the quill, making sure to keep the inkwell in arms reach when needed.

“Ready,” She said doing a few practice motions with her wrist.

Tempest took a long deep breath and held it for ten seconds. She then exhaled and put on a soft smile knowing what she had to do. She was ready to start a new beginning and it would all begin with this letter.

“Dear Princess Twilight-”