• Published 11th Oct 2017
  • 3,430 Views, 321 Comments

Storm Vine - zalla661

Tempest Shadow returns to her village to help run her family's vineyard. Along the way she tries to make amends with her family and friends.

  • ...

Bright Future Forthward

Princess Twilight was sitting on her throne looking over the crystal Cutie Map. She was taking some personal time to catch up on some reading after taking care of Cozy Glow’s uprising and her students took some very much needed vacation time. She was relaxing on a cushy pillow on her throne reading the latest entry to the famed Daring Do series titled: Daring Do and the Golden Chicken. While reading she basked in the silence allowing herself to be drawn into the wonderful action adventure story, when suddenly a light blue magic fire swirled in through the window above her.

The fire swirled around leading towards her until it came within a hoofs reach in distance. Then it curled into itself into a small smokey ball before turning into a rolled up scroll. Twilight looked down at the curious scroll, she hadn’t been expecting anything from anyone as far as she could remember. Putting her book carefully down after book marking it, because one should never bend a page in a book, she took the scroll with her magic and examined it. No royal seal so it wasn’t from another of her fellow Princesses, so who could it have been from?

Opening the scroll she examined its contents. She smiled reading it and realized it was from Tempest Shadow. She’d finally responded to her inquires about becoming a Royal Guard for her. Tempest Shadow had accepted the role of Captain in the Royal Guard along with former Captain Celaeno. While unexpected, Twilight was more than happy to accept the late captain as another of her guards. The anthro parrot female had proven more than once her loyalty to friends and comrades when helping against the Storm King. It was a surprise to Twilight however that Tempest and Celaeno were close enough for Tempest to ask such a request of her, but she’d talk to the mare about it when she arrived.

Once she read her letter she rolled it back up and placed it neatly beside her book at went back to reading. She had plenty of time before Tempest and Celaeno arrived. They were going to travel on foot to get back which would take probably a month she guessed based on how long it took Starlight to get there. No doubt they’d stop to see the sights too. Still, Twilight made a note to begin preparation immediately after she finished reading one more chapter. There was so much to do and it would take some time to make all the necessary preparations for Tempest and Celaeno’s arrival but it was important to greet her new guards with a warm welcome.

“Oh, Clappy! Get Spike and Starlight, we have new guards coming soon!” Twilight yelled from the map room.

Silence followed for a few seconds and Twilight continued reading like usual even as a gruff voice called back from somewhere in the castle. “Yes, your majesty!”

A series of barely audible mumbles came from the pony as heavy hoofsteps echoed in the halls. Twilight giggled and flipped a page in her book with her magic shaking her head. “Oh, Clappy. Someday you’ll appreciate the nickname.”

Meanwhile Tempest was busy packing her things in her room when a gentle rapping came from the door. “Who is it?” She asked placing some of her dolls in a knapsack and slinging it over her back. She was now in her armor with a black cloak over her when she turned to address whoever was at the door.

She opened the door to find Berry Pinch sitting with a dumb smile on her face.There was nothing but mischief on Pinch’s face and it made Tempest wary of her intentions.

“Hey there, kiddo. What’s going on? Come to say goodbye?” Tempest asked leaning towards the filly.

Pinch only smiled and shook her head, but Tempest could tell something was off. Pinch was in a giddy/fidgety mood. Her body twitched like she was on a sugar rush, her tail twitched left to right, and she kept looking around as if expecting something to happen. Tempest opened the door more and opened her mouth to speak, but before she got a word out a bucket of water fell atop her head leaving her drenched. Pinch’s giggles echoed in the bucket as Tempest slowly closed her mouth and grinned under the bucket.

“Oh? You want to play games huh?” She asked tauntingly. “Then you better run runt! Or I’ll catch you and let you meet the tickle monster again!”

“EEEK! NO NOT THE TICKLE MONSTER!” Pinch screamed scurrying away.

Tempest giggled and gave chase. She chased Berry Pinch around the house. Celaeno was giggling watching the full grown mare act like a rowdy foal chasing her niece around the living room. The filly squealed as she hopped over the couch, table, and eventually ran into a corner forcing herself to stop. Tempest stood between the filly and her escape closing in on her with a huge grin on her face giving no room for Pinch to escape.

“No place to run now, runt!” She said playfully.

Little Pinch gasped squatting down like a cat, hopping from side to side to try and throw Tempest off so she could run past. Tempest knew this trick very well. Combined with her nieces body language she knew she’d try to feint her to the left and charge to the right. She counted the seconds as Pinch hopped back and forth.


Pinch hopped left.


Pinch hopped back to the right.


Then she bolted left full sprint. The charge came so sudden that Tempest had no time to react as Pinch bolted right past her in a small mulberry blur. Tempest gasped glancing back behind her seeing Pinch run up to Celaeno and get scooped up by her strong talon hands. Smiling up at Celaeno she was cradled like a foal in her arms and reached up getting a fist bump from Celaeno with her hoof.

“Nice work, kiddo!” Celaeno said proud of the filly’s escape.

“I know right? I didn’t think Tempest would fall for it!” Pinch replied happily.

Celaeno chuckled glancing back at Tempest who was pouting at them from the corner.

“Oh, don’t be so grumpy, Tempest,” Celaeno said to her comfortingly. “You can’t catch them all!”

Celaeno gave a playful swing of her tail feathers making Tempest blush.

“Yeah, give me until tonight and you’ll change your tune!” Tempest said walking back to stand beside her.

Celaeno blushed at the implications of that statement as the words swam in her mind forming a series of scenarios that could unfold from them tonight. The fun was over and all three of them were ready to call it a night. It was well past Pinch’s bedtime and Berry Punch was now entering the room to take her daughter to bed. However Pinch gave her mother a sad pout and turned to hug Tempest and refused to let go.

“Pinch! Sweetie it’s time for bed!” Berry Punch called to her daughter.

“I don’t wanna,” Pinch pouted with ahuff. “If I go to bed then Tempest and Celaeno will leave!”

Suddenly the room had a heavy feel to it. The adults knew the filly was upset and why but they knew this conversation was most likely to come up. Thus Berry Punch took it upon herself to comfort her daughter. She walked up and sat next to Tempest this caused the filly to bury her face into her cousin’s chest more. The smell of her wet fur and armor filled her nose as Pinch tried hard not to let go despite the weird smell Tempest gave.

“Now, little one, I know you’re upset,” The older mare said rubbing the fillies back. “But you know this isn’t going to be the last time we’ll see Tempest or Celaeno right?”

Tempest nodded silently rubbing her little cousin’s mane back while her mother rubbed her back. Pinch sniffled and peeked a puffy red eye out at her mother.

“Really?” She asked almost desperately.

Berry Punch giggled kindly and nuzzled her daughter in the back of her head.

“Yes, my little berry,” She said. “You see, Tempest and Celaeno are moving to Ponyville. You’ll be able to see them all the time now!”

The filly gasped looking up at her cousin in surprise. “Really?!”

“Yes, little one,” Tempest said kindly. “I’ll be working in Ponyville so I’ll be living here too. You can come visit me anytime and I’ll come visit sometimes too.”

Berry Pinch looked up at Celaeno who for the most part was silently watching, not wanting to ruin the moment. Pinch then broke away from Tempest and tackled the former pirate’s good leg and hugged it.

“Will you live there too, Celaeno?” She asked hopefully.

“Of course I will! I have to keep an eye on Tempest after all!” Celaeno chirped.

Pinch giggled and leaned up closer to Celaeno. “To make sure she doesn’t try to take over Ponyville?”

Everyone in the room laughed at Tempest Shadows expense, and all the unicorn could do was snort indignantly and give a flat stare at everyone, particallary Celaeno. She winked at her unicorn lover and gave her a cheeky smile. Tempest replied with a snort and stuck her nose up trying to put on her tough face.

“I haven’t even left home, and I barely finished packing and already I’m regretting this,” Tempest said flatly.

After the laughter died down Pinch was herded by her mother upstairs, but not before giving both Celeano and Tempest one last hug each. She made them promise to come visit when she got back. Berry Punch then stepped forward and hugged Tempest.

“Auntie, I’m so glad you managed to turn your life around. You have a great filly,” Tempest said kindly nuzzling her aunt.

Berry Punch smiled nuzzling her niece back in the cheek. “And you have come a long way and grow into such a strong independent mare, Fizzlepop. Just don’t run away again? You have a family that loves you and we’ll help with anything we can. I love you my, little grape vine.”

Tempest nodded pulling away from the mare. “I love you too, Auntie.”

Berry Punch then addressed Celeano with a stern gaze making her stand firmly in place. “If anything happens or I find out you upset my little grape vine, so help me Celeano-”

“Auntie! It’s bad enough mom and dad did that!” Tempest scolded the mare.

Berry Punch playfully pouted. “But Fizzlepop, as the adult it’s my right to say such things!”

Tempest groaned pushing her aunt towards the stair with Pinch in tow. “Don’t you have a foal to put to bed?! Good night, Pinch!”

“Goodnight Tempest!” Pinch called back from up the stairs.

Once the mother and child were away Chardonnay and Merlot came to see their daughter off as Pinch was taken to bed by her mother. Merlot had a huge bundle of wine bottled in cloth on his back and Chardonnay was carrying a basket of food no doubt. Tempest smiled knowing they meant well, but Tempest and Clean agreed to travel light and this severely hindered the travel light part. None the less they took the gifts with a smile and praise.

“Wow, Mom and Dad, you two didn’t have to do this,” Tempest said unbundling the wine while Celaeno looked in the basket.

The wine was her father’s best aged wine he had, Scottard Greenland 87’. Tempest knew this was from his personal stash that he never opened unless something special happened or a yearly celebration such as birthdays or the Summer Sun Celebration. In the basket was some of Chardonnay’s best cooked foods. Plenty to feed both of them for a two way trip to Ponyville.

“Geez Mom, this is too much,” Tempest said looking over the contents. “And Dad, are you sure you want to give this to us?”

Both parents smiled at their daughter while hugging her. Tempest was startled by the sudden hug but smiled and quickly hugged them back. She nuzzled each parent in the cheek and giving them each a kiss. Merlot ruffled her mane and Chardonnay began to tear up. Tempest quickly took hold of her mother with Merlot who was rubbing his wife's back trying to calm her down.

“Mom, what are you crying for? Tempest asked clearly worried. “Are you hurt?”

Soft gasps and sniffles came from her mother who couldn't seem to form words at this point. The mare was trying to hold back her tears but it was clear to everyone there that she was saddened to see her filly go again. In her broken state, Merlot took it upon himself to answer in her stead.

“Your mother’s fine dear, she’s just worried you’ll disappear for years again,” He said softly. “But you will come back, right kiddo?”

“Of course I’ll come back! I have my family back and I will never give you guys up for anything!” Tempest said hugging her parents firmly.

That pesky feeling of guilt began to rise in her heart once more, and Tempest found herself torn yet again. She had to remind herself that this wasn’t goodbye. It didn’t help that she still felt she was betraying her parents by leaving again so suddenly. She knew it was silly to think so but she didn’t want them to feel she was abandoning them. Thankfully they seemed to sense her distress and both smiled despite feeling sad to see their daughter go.

They both nuzzled her, and held her tightly in their arms. Chardonnay giggled and tried to smile through the tears. Merlot also smiled kissing his daughter on the forehead and pressed his nose against the base of Tempest Shadow’s horn accidently tickling her in the process. She giggled at the ticklish sensation and nuzzled both of them back. All the while Celaneo made herself scarce and slipped out of the room with all the supplies and prepared to leave once they were done.

After what felt like thirty minutes they three ponies managed to tear themselves away from each other after not wanting to let go. BUt they did and it was very hard for all involved but the promise of meeting again gave them strength to let go once more. Tempest smiled at her parents walking into the next room where Celaeno was waiting with a large backpack and a set of saddlebags for Tempest.

“Ready to go?” She asked Celaneo who helped put the saddlebags on her.

“Yeah. Ready and willing. How far are we going exactly?” Celaeno asked.

“About three maybe five days travel East. We could take a train part way, that’ll cover most of the trip. Then we’d be in Ponyville in about two days time,” Tempest said pulling a strap tightening it around her waist.

Celaeno tugged at the saddlebags making sure they were well secured before standing up. She then gave a playful swat to Tempest’s side making the mare gasp. Tempest glared up at Celaeno who whistles innocently while Chardonnay and Merlot said their final goodbyes as they walked them to the door.

“So, you two WILL come back during holidays right?” Merlot asked the two soon to be travelers.

Tempest groaned and turned to face her father trying to put on a smile. “Yes dad, I’ll be back for the holidays.”

To her surprise both her father and mother laughed at that making her look back in bewilderment. She didn’t get what they found so funny, and it was quite jarring for her. Her father wiped a tear away with his hoof and then proceeded to clarify his meaning.

“I meant BOTH of you, kiddo. We want both of you to come back,” He said.

Chardonnay nodded in agreement taking hold of her husbands front leg with hers. “Yes, we would be honored if you’d come back too Celaneo. Just keep my baby out of trouble is all i ask.”

“Mom,” Tempest groaned looking away from embarrassment.

Celaeno for her part gave a wide smile and a thumbs up gesture while ruffled Tempest’s mane. A quick shake of her hand made Celaeno’s hand reel back as Tempest stormed out of the house.

“I make no promises, but I'll look out for her,” Celaeno said bowing to the parents once more. “Farewell and I hope we meet again soon. You’ve both been very kind to me. Thank you for accepting me.”

“It was our pleasure,” Chardonnay said bowing back.

“Have a safe trip you two! Write to us once in a while!” Merlot called as Celaeno turned to catch up to Tempest.

The two waved goodbye once more and Tempest took a moment to take in the sights around her before continuing on. She looked at her families garden and farm as they walked and took in the smell of the fresh air around her. It was very calming to breath such fresh air compared to the smoggy air she was use to in the Badlands and it was a compounded by the fact she had made so many wonderful memories here since her return. Truly she had a place in this world, weather on the farm with family, as a guard for Princess Twilight, or on an epic adventure with Celaeno, she knew she’d have a place to call home. With friends and loved ones all around nothing was going to hold her back from finding her destiny.

They walked through town taking the scenic route through the vineyard. Their walked went uninterrupted since most of the towns ponies were turned in for the night. The moonlight once again painted a beautiful sheen of light over every surface from the building the the hills of grass. The cool air and starry sky made it an artistic masterpiece that both Tempest and Celaeno could take in and appreciate.

Overall it was a lovely town and Tempest couldn’t figure why she left it in the first place. She shook her head low wondering how dumb she was as a filly, mentally scolding herself for running away from home when clearly she was missed. Celaeno noticed the mare suddenly slowed down her pace and slowed her walking to stay side by side with Tempest. She realized Tempest had a sad look on her face and leaned down to get eye level with Tempest.

“Hey there, what’s going on down there? Why you look so sad? Miss your parents already?” She asked patting Tempest on the back gently.

“No, I just realized how foolish I was as a filly running away from home. I should have stayed,” Tempest said solemnly.

To the mares surprise Celaeno took a big leap forward and landed right in front of her prath. This forced Tempest to stop walking and backpedal one step to prevent herself from falling over. Celaeno leaned down and reached with one claw to boop Tempest in the nose making her go cross eyed. The maree shook her head and swatted the claw away with a surprised yelp.

“Hey! What’s your deal?!”

“Feeling better?” Celaeno asked with a grin.

Tempest stared up at Celaneo for a moment before she managed to shake off her shock. She smiled and jumped up trying to wrap her arms around Celaeno, but the taller female managed to leap to the side leaving Tempest’s surprise hug unsuccessful. The two playfully chased one another through the town. Celano ran and lepated over a short stone wall, her shadow dancing at her feet over every surface it moved over thanks to the moonlight above. Tempest followed close leaping over the same wall with little effort and snorted at Celaeno.

“Is that your best diversion you could muster? Surely you can do better!” She called from behind.

Celaeno looked behind her and got a cheeky grin. She then turned down an alleyway saying for Tempest to try and catch her. As Tempest turned into the dark alley she caught a glimpse of Celaeno wall jumping to the roof. She watched Celaneo jump off the surface of the wall back towards the roof of the building right next to it. She reached out with a clawed hand and grabbed the ledge of the roof and pulled herself up with one swift motion. Tempest smirked feeling a rush chasing after someone so elusive.

She mimicked Celeano’s motions leaping from wall to wall before vaulting herself onto the roof. When she managed to get to the top, Celaneo was on the corner edge of the roof overlooking the town square slowly clapping her claws together. Tempest stared at her in awe, she looked amazing in the moonlight.

There she was standing on the edge with her taloned feet close together posed perfectly upright with her claws clapping. Her body highlighted by the moon behind her was like a poster shot for a ninja movie, it made her look menacing and yet beautiful at the sametime. Behind her the view of the town square and the surrounding mountains painted a perfect picture to compliment Celaeno and it set Tempest’s heart aflutter. Celaeno slowly walked over towards the stunned mare making sure to sway her hips as she did. Tempest starved at her curvy figure as she approached.

“Enjoying the view?” Celaeno asked playfully, caressing Tempest’s cheek.

Tempest couldn’t get a word out so she just huffed and nodded. She tried to pry her eyes away but Celeanon held her in place and sat beside her. She then pulled the mare into a hug, setting Tempest between her legs. Tempest relented allowing herself to be held despite feeling quite embarrassed by her position.

Celaeno giggled as she ran her fingers through Tempest’s shorter mane and scratching behind her ears. She then leaned and started to nip at the mare’s right ear, this sudden action caused Tempest to gasp and fall to escape. With a wild leap she was free from Celaenos grasp with furious red blush on her cheeks as she glared back at her lover.

“You realized I’m gonna cook your butt someday for this right?” Tempest threatened.

Celaeno laughed almost losing balance on the sloped roof in the process. She quickly caught herself before losing her footing as she rolled on her side and stood up wiping her bottom.

“Yeah, but it means I’ll see you in the bedroom eventually and I’m more than happy for that,” She hinted suggestively.

Tempest sighed and leaped off the roof with Celeano following.

“Yeah, but for now let’s get to the first rest stop. I want to sleep in a safe place before it get too late,” Tempest said.

“Then why not stay until morning?” Celaeno asked.

Tempest didn’t respond as she just spun around and quickly stood on her hind legs to lean up and press her lips against Celaeno’s beak, kissing her. Celaeno responded by grabbing the mare and lifting her up, pressing back into the passionate kiss. After they held for a few moments, Cleaneo pulled Tempest away to hold the mare at eye level with her. She smiled and Tempest curled her lip and nuzzled her before being put back on the ground. In that moment, Celaneo knew the mare’s intentions. This was her way of having a romantic stroll under the moonlight without having to actually say it.

She felt oddly proud of this roundabout way for Tempest to ask her on a date. The two continued to walk through the town under the moonlight towards their next destination, this time without any playing. They walked off into the distance, their shadows lingering behind them as they crossed over a large grass hill that overlooks the town. Tempest took one last glance over her hometown, feeling a sense of relief that it would be there when she returned and that she would be welcomed with open arms. With Celaneo at her side there was nothing in this world she would want more than that.

“Come on, we have a long journey ahead of us,” Tempest said turning to leave.

“Yes, and one we will journey together,” Celaeno said following beside her mare under the protection of the moons guiding light.

Adventure awaited them and they and they knew this was the start of an amazing life for the both of them. They knew it wouldn’t be perfect, life often throws hardship at you when you least expect it. But they knew life was worth facing all its trials, and is made all the more bearable when you have someone faithful by your side to help you when you need it most. They had each other and that was good enough for them.

Author's Note:

And that's all for now folks! Did you enjoy the story? I know I did. Took over a year to make but I think it came out very well in the end. Sequel in the making so stay tuned for more wacky adventures with Tempest and Celeano! Don't forget to leave your thoughts in the comments! Until then read, rate, love, and tolerate all!

Comments ( 12 )

Then you're in luck because I'm already in the planning stages for the next one!:scootangel:

Family's* in the short description.

Thank you for that. ^^ I completely missed that.

It’s been beautiful I hope and wish that you do more of tempest

:yay: woohoo, more Pinch is planned I hope :p

There defiantly will be. Pinch is too cute to pass up!:scootangel:

Truth! Then I'm 1000% hyped for the sequel now! :yay:

Also it's spelled "definitely", not "defiantly". Sorry XP

Very nice. Glad to see a satisfying conclusion.

I'm glad you enjoyed it. ^^ It was a lot of fun to write. :rainbowdetermined2:

LOL, I missed a typo. :rainbowlaugh: Yeah, My editor doesn't go over my notes unfortunately. Don't worry, Pinch will still be there. And it'll be funny and cute all around!

Thanks and not really, Berrys sister is Tempest's mom in this. ^^

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