• Published 30th Jul 2019
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Winter & Dagi - Sparkling blaze

Adagio was depressed,then Winter found her and they fell in love with each other,in this story you'll see their romantic life.

  • ...

The twins birth

Winter's POV

I came into her room and found Adagio on the floor.

"Dagi, you ok?" I ask her as I check on her. She doesn't move but she is breathing.

"Get her off the floor." Sunset tells me. So I pick her up and put her on the bed.Sunset checks her.

"She's not in good shape. Call her an ambulance, I'll stay with her."

I ran downstairs and called an ambulance.

Soon the ambulance came.I had to go to work,but I was really worried about Adagio and didn't want to leave her alone.

"Sunset can you stay with her while I go to work?"

"Of course I can." Sunset told me.

"Thanks It's just I'm worried about her...and the twins..and..."

"Winter she's going to be ok." She told me as she pulled me into a hug."Now get going."

I left as the ambulance was puling up.

Sunset POV

After Winter left. I knelt down by Adagio again.

"You hear what I said? You're going to be ok. You better not turn me into a liar."

The paramedics came in and started checking her and asking me what happened.

"We found her this way,but she is suicidal and has a historic with alcohol,and also she's pregnant."

The paramedics loaded her up in the back of the ambulance. They told me with how bad she was it would be best for me not to ride in the back of the ambulance. So I followed in my car.

It was awhile before I could go back and see her. When I did I almost wish I hadn't there were wires and tubes everywhere. I asked the doctor how she was.

They told me her and the twins were in really bad shape just like I thought,and worse yet if Adagio's twins health state didn't go up by the next 3 hours.They woud have to rush her into induced labor.

The twins would be early if they had to. But they are half siren so they might be alright. But I hope it doesn't come to that. The doctor leaves leaving me alone with Adagio.

"I know you're scared of what the twins will do to Winter. But have you stopped to think what losing them would do to him? Or what losing you would do to him?" I know she's still passed out but I know deep down she can tell what I'm saying to her.

I see her finally starting to wake up.Looking around still confused.

"Adagio,how you feeling?"I ask her.

"Bad,where's Winter?"She asks.

"At work,worried sick about you.Do you have any idea of what you could have done?!"

"Yeah I know what I could have done. What do you think I was trying to do?"

"If you weren't in the hospital right now I'd beat the hell out of you right now. If you ever try something like that again."

"You'll what kill me?" She deadpanned at me.

"No I'll save you myself. I never told you what Sonata did did I?"


"She taught me some healing magic when I told her I wanted to be a doctor."

She then laughed a bit to herself and rolled her eyes.

"Of course she would."She stopped and seemed scared for a bit,probably having one of her visions then sighed."Sunset,you have mind reading powers,right?"


"You'll only get why I did that when I see what I see."She said."Here."

She put out one of her arms.I reach out and grab her arm and the vision runs through my head.

"I... Is that what's going to happen? They'll kill him?"

"Yeah, and most likely our other daughter too. Do you understand why I have to do this now?"

"Do you really think I'm going to let you?"

"You want to save your brother right?"

"Not if I have to kill my nieces to do it."I sigh."I'll help you keeping this kids safe and sane,Adagio.Because I know and you know too you don't wanna hurt them anymore than I do."

"You're right."She sighs."I already love them,but it's hard when I know something like that is gonna happen."

I go over and hug her.

"Don't worry I'll help you,Winter and them no matter what it takes."

"Thanks." She tells me as she hugs me back. "How bad are they after what I did?"

"Really bad they'll probably have to induce labor in a few hours to save them."

That's when Adagio's eyes widened:

"Sunset,I think I may have played part in my vision without realizing."

"What do you mean?"

"You realize the twins in the vision didn't act for lack of a word...normal,right?"


"I think it might have been because of what I done."

It was then I realized that what she said may be right.

"That depends on what this does, if anything. You don't know if this did anything."

The look Adagio gave me told me she knew better:

"Ok that's what nurse Sunset had to say. What does Sunset my best friend and future sister-in-law think?"

"That she's going to do anything she can to help her family."

"Thanks Sunset.Can you call your brother?"She smiled to herself."If I know him he only went to work cause you told him to go."

"You're right."I said while I dialed Winter's cellphone."Hello,Winter?"

"Hey Sunset,are Dagi and the twins ok?"

"I'll let Adagio tell you."I put the phone on the speaker.

"Hey love." She said. "Before you ask I'm ok. I feel like crap but I'm ok."

"How about the girls?" He asked.

"They're not doing so good. But they're still with us."She answered."And it might not take us too long to see them."

"I'm on my way."

"Okay,be careful."

I hung up,and realized it had been 3 hours,the doctor was already there on the door to induce Adagio's labor.

"See you after I have the babies?"She asked.

"Yeah me and Winter will be here after you have them."