• Published 30th Jul 2019
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Winter & Dagi - Sparkling blaze

Adagio was depressed,then Winter found her and they fell in love with each other,in this story you'll see their romantic life.

  • ...

Re-meeting the girls

Adagio's POV
"I can't believe I let Sunset talk me into this." I tell myself as I get ready. I'm going to be going and seeing and hopefully getting to know her friends. There's no way this will work out.

Sure I might have been able to get along with them but that was because of Sonata and Aria. She would never admit it but Aria and Dash loved each other, and Sonata is well Sonata. I don't want to go...but I promised Winter I would.

Plus Sunset wanted the twins to meet, to my surprise,Pinkie's son,who'd thought she'd be the first one of them to have kids.

"Sunset,the girls ready?"I asked the Sunset who was getting the twins ready for me.

And with that we arrived in the place where me,my sisters,and the girls became friends:Sugarcube Corner.

It was weird being here after all that's happened.

"Hey."Sunset put a hand on my shoulder snapping me to reality."It'll be ok."She smiled.

"Y-Yeah,you're right."I answered uncertain."Let's get the girls out of the car and enter."

"Hey girls!" Pinkie shouted as we got inside.Man I forgot just how loud she can be.

"Hey." I said back and gave slight wave. "It's been awhile."

"It's been to long!" Dash told me as I sat down. "You know you don't have to be a stranger right?"


"But nothing you're not the only one that lost someone you know!"

She would have probably kept going but Futtershy put a hand on her shoulder.

"What she means is we're here for you if you ever need to talk or anything."

Dash was right tho,I was a coward for hiding...Even when I most needed help,and that would be what leaded Winter to get killed if the vision happened.

"No,she's right Shy.I'm sorry for hiding from you girls."I then proceeded to explain what happened in the past year inclunding being in coma twice,suffering from alcoholism,dating Sunset's brother,getting pregnant and getting engaged."Also,Dash I brought something from the old house."I handed one of Ari's music lyrics."She wrote it for you."

"She...she did?" Dash asked as she took it from me. After a few moments she spoke.

"Look I'm sorry...I just.." Dash started.

"She loved you too Dash." I tell her.

"Can I keep?"

"Of course."

"Ok..this has gotten really sad all of the sudden." Twilight said. "And this isn't why we're here."

"Yeah I know."I say."I just needed to clear this up.Anyways..."I get Tifany and Rebecca in my lap."These two are mine daughters Tifany and Rebecca."I then turn to Pinkie."So Sunset told me you had a kid too huh?That was unexpected."

"Ha ha yeah..he really wasn't planned." Pinkie tells me as she put a kid in her lap. "This is Mario."

"He's cute." I tell her."And about the same age as the girls."

"I really hope they can all be friends."

"Me too Pinkie,me too."I then saw Tify whispering something to Becca.Then turned to me.

"Mama,me and Becca wanna go play with Mario in the ground."She said innocently but I saw she and Rebecca had their knives,must've hidden them from Sunset.

"Okay."I tell them "But give the knives to auntie Sunset,you two know you shouldn't be even getting them from the cabinet much less carrying it around."

"But Mama-"Tify started.

"No buts." I tell her."Now gives your knifes to your auntie Sunset."

"Fine." They walked over and gave Sunset their knifes.

"I didn't know they had them." Sunset told me.

"They hide them." I told her. "They try and bring them everywhere."

"Whoa,whoa,whoa why do your girls carry knives around Dagi?"Dash asked.

"I don't know."I tell her as I watch the girls."They seem to think they are toys.That's not the worse problem about that tho."

"What is?"Rarity asked.

"At times they can get really violent,and worse act like don't show remorse,because of their problem."

"Do you really think it's a good idea to have them play with Mario?" Pinkie asked me.

"I'm sure he'll be alright." I tell her.

"Yeah we'll keep a close eye on them."Sunset tells her.

"Ok if you say so." Pinkie says.

"Don't worry Pinkie they never hurt anyone..."I say to her as I think to myself:yet.But I could see the girls where getting along with Mario.

That was when I heard the dreaded phrase come out of Tify's mouth:

"Hey Mario,wanna play PLUFT?"

Only to my surprise for her sister to stop her:

"No,him no,Tify."

"Why not Becca?"

"Cause he's nice."

Alright at least Becca wouldn't get violent,that's great she was usually more vicious.

Tify catch the knife from Sunset's lap and went to stab Mario but her sister held her:

"Him no!"

And afterwards Tifany almost fainted into her sister luckily Sunset was able to catch her tho.

"She ok?" I asked Sunset.

"I think so." Sunset told me. "Let's see how long it takes her to wake up."

After that I saw something I've never seen Becca walked over to Mario.

"You Safe." Becca told Mario as she gave him a hug.

I still don't know why she did that but hopefully it's a sign things are changing.

I turn to Pinkie:
"Sorry Pinkie,she's not usually like that with people.Anyways..."I sigh as I look at Tify."We better get her home."

"It's okay Dagi.Besides it seems like Mario and Becca got along."

I look at the sight of the two still playing.Becca was really getting along with him.

I go over to them:

"Becca we gotta go home,say bye-bye to Mario."

Rebecca then waved.

Before I left tho Rarity offered to make the clothes for the wedding and I reluctantly accepted it.

"You'll look wonderful in the dress I'll make you." She told me.

"I know I will." I tell her. "But are you sure you can?"

"Oh please what's the use of making clothes if I can't make them for my friends?"

"Alright I'll come by the shop sometime."
With that I got the girls and me and Sunset left.

"See that wasn't to bad." Sunset told me as we got back to the car.

"I know and it was nice to see them again. But I don't know, it also seems wrong."

"You can't keep blaming yourself for what happened."

"Easy for you to say that,you didn't see it all beforehand."I say and as the car goes I feel a bit nauseous.And another vision comes on,I believe later in the future:

A little blonde girl that looked a lot like Winter was in front of Tifany,who seemed to be in her late teens.Rebecca was nowhere to be seem.

The girl had a knife and by the look on her face was barely under control.

"I hate you Tifany!"She yelled,and went to stab her sister.

Tifany stopped the attack with an knife of her own laughing sadisticly.

"I was wondering how long you would keep control."She got closer.But that was a fool's errand,as she got close the little girl stabbed her and she soon fainted.The little girl's eyes darted and she realized what she had did.

"I'm sorry,big sis.I'm sorry."

"Dagi.... Adagio!" Sunset shouted at me and I was back in the car. "You ok? You spaced out there for a little bit."

"I...yeah, it's nothing." I tell her.

"What did you see?"

"I didn't see anything." Sunset just gave me a look that told me she knew better.

"Ok well I don't know what it meant."

"Adagio do I need to call Winter so he can ask you?"

"No! No, he worries about me enough. Ok ok, I saw a blond girl that looks like Winter stabbed Tifany."I started feeling even more nauseous."And she called Tifany big sis,but that can't be right?"

As I finish the phrase,I can't hold it in anymore and vomit.

"...Adagio are you late?"Sunset asked me.

"Yeah I am." I told her. "I'm also nauseous, and the only time that happens is when a siren is..."

"We're gonna get you a pregnancy test then we'll know for sure."

"This is happening just like I saw."

"But now you know everyone gets through it."

"No I don't. We both know what they do to Winter and I didn't see Becca at all in the vision."

I looked at the back of the car where the girls where both soundly asleep...I couldn't believe the future that was awaiting us.