• Published 30th Jul 2019
  • 445 Views, 0 Comments

Winter & Dagi - Sparkling blaze

Adagio was depressed,then Winter found her and they fell in love with each other,in this story you'll see their romantic life.

  • ...

She left

Adagio's POV

I lay there in bed listening to how quiet the house is. My mind is running through everything that's happened. I'm losing everyone and there's nothing I can do. After awhile I decided to get up and get me a drink, that's when I noticed the house was too quiet.

I run to Snow's room,she's not in bed,ok calm down,she wouldn't just leave would she?I run through all the rooms in my house,searching for her,that's when I remember oh yeah,Sunset is here,I go over to her,panicking already.

I wake her up.

"Sunset,Snow has left!!!I can't find her!"

"Are you sure she's gone?" She asked still half asleep.

"Yes. I won't have woken you up otherwise. We have to find her. She doesn't know anyone or even how to get anywhere." I lost her. I tell myself I've lost her too.

"Calm down,go change Adagio,I'm getting the keys to the car,we are searching for her but you are in no condition to drive."

I nod.

"And if we don't find her,we report she's missing ok?"She says.

Again I nod.

I get changed and got in the car with Sunset. She's right I need to calm down. We can still find her. "Where do you think she would go?" I asked Sunset.

"I don't know." She told me. But we'll find her."

We drive around looking for her. But we can't find any trace of her. Not knowing what else to do we go to the police station. We have to report her missing.

Sunset then drives me back home.Then leaves for work she's apparently really worried too.

I don't know what gives into me,I get all my drinks out,I start chugging them one for one.

A bottle soon turned into 10.I kept going until everything went black.Sunddely I felt someone shaking me.

"Adagio!Adagio!"I recognize the voice it's Sunset,but all I see it's a blur."Stupid me!I knew I shouldn't have left you alone!"She muttered to herself.

"Sun..." I try and talk but my tounge won't work. The yellow and reb blur keeps moving above me.

"Adagio!" Sunset yells at me.

I'm able to focus for a moment and see Sunset kneeling over me. "What happened?" I try to ask.

"You're going to the hospital. You're lucky I found you."

Everything then blacked out again.

Sunset's POV
She's fainted again,I hope the ambulance arrives soon.I knew I shouldn't have left her alone with everything that's happened,of course she was gonna do something stupid.

I kneel by her again and check her pulse,it's weak but it's there.

"You better not die,Adagio.If we find Snow,I don't want to tell her that."

The ambulance gets there. In what I know can't have been that long but also seeming to to take forever they load her into the ambulance. I followed behind them.

At the hospital they told me what I already knew, alcohol poisoning. They were working to remove all of it from her system, but with how much it was she might not wake up. And if she does this might have done some real damage to her.

Just great...Snow was missing and Adagio was in coma again.

I sigh.There was something even worse if we didn't find Snow alive,even if Adagio woke up it wouldn't matter.

I contact the police,no informations on finding Snow yet.