• Published 30th Jul 2019
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Winter & Dagi - Sparkling blaze

Adagio was depressed,then Winter found her and they fell in love with each other,in this story you'll see their romantic life.

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Tragedy Strikes(Part 2)

Adagio's POV

I'm standing outside Rebecca's room with Sunset. I never thought I'd have to do this.

That out of all the girls that something would happen to Tifany first. But what makes it even worse is that Snow is the one that did it.

"Staring at the door isn't going to make this easier."Sunset told me.

"I know." I told her. "I'm just not ready to do this."

"You never will be, but it needs done."

I sighed and entered Becca's room.
She immediately sees mine and her aunt's face and can tell something's wrong.

"What happened?"She asked.

I went close to and hugged her.

"Tifany died."I told her."Snow accidentaly killed her like you and your sister killed your father."

For a moment she blanked out. "What did you say? "She asked not believing.

"Tifany died. Snow lost control like you and your sister."

For another moment she was quiet, then she broke down like I've never seen her before. "Tifany can't be dead. She just can't be."

"I'm sorry,but she is baby."I said as I hugged her tighter.

Then both me and Sunset stood there a great amount of time with Rebecca just completely breaking down.

And then she just stopped,she didn't talk,moved,she was just sitting there staring at the wall.

"Becca?"I asked.

"She isn't listening."Sunset told me as she got closer."I'm gonna check her,and I'll stay with her tonight,just know Adagio be prepared for both her and Snow to get worse."

Sunset then started checking Rebecca.

"She needs her meds."She said as she got up."Now you should get home.While calling Dash so Snow wasn't alone was a good idea,Snow needs you Dagi.Don't worry about Becca I'll keep an eye on her."

"Thanks Sunset, and you're right I should. Let me know if anything changes." I left her room and went into the hallway. I still can't believe everything that's happened. I don't know if I can handle everything, but I need to be strong for my girls. I go home, when I walk in Dash is on the couch.

"How's Snow doing?" I asked.

"She's asleep right now, but she still wasn't saying anything."

I sighed.

"At least she's moving,Becca after we told her simply froze,she won't talk,won't move."I felt some tears coming, I held then."I'm really worried about her and Snow."

"But so what happen Snow just lost control?"Dash asked.

"Yeah.She haves what her sister had besides dementia."

"How bad?" Asked Dash.

"Bad,she knows what she did is wrong and she didn't want to. But she lost control. And what's going to make this worse is how Rebecca is going to blame Snow."

"Do you really think she'd do something?"

"I know she'll want to. But maybe the fact she's her little sister might stop her."No that was a lie,what I wanted to believe.
I knew what was going to take Becca away from me,I had seen it.

I just hope it didn't happen that soon.
Dash soon went away and in the next day,early in the morning I received an call from Sunset:

"Rebecca escaped again."

"How long has she been gone?" I asked her.

"I don't know for sure. Have any idea where she's going?"

"Only one please I can think she'll go."

"Do you really think she'll kill Snow?"

"I know she'll try."

I hear a commotion from Snow's room.

"I have to hang up."I tell Sunset.

"Alright anything tell me."She said.I hung up.

I ran to Snow's room.Both Snow and Becca were facing each other,both with the same out of control looks on their faces,I looked to Snow's arm it was already bleeding.

They were just waiting for each other to attack,not saying anything,moveless.

Becca then ran up and tried to stab Snow,Snow dodged,and hit her with her own knife,that I recognized it was Tifany's before,as was Becca's.Snow's hit again was critical,right in Becca's vital parts.Fainting her sister.

Snow's eyes darted as she got out of the trance and realized what she did.

"Mom?" She asked confused. "What happened?" She asked as her eyes fell on Rebecca. "Becca!" She dropped the knife and knelt by her sister. The blood was pooling around her already. Snow looked up at me desperately. "Mom we have to do something!"

"We'll call an...." I started to say but the words died out as my eyes fill with tears. I can't do this. Not again, not now. I knelt down too. This can't really be happening. I reached out and brushed Rebecca's hair out of her face. "Becca you need to wake up." I said softly.

It took a moment but she made a gasping cough and her eyes opened. "Mom? Is that you?"

I give her the best smile I can. "It's me sweetie."

She gave me her first real smile in a long time. "I love you."

"And I love you."

"Snow here?"

"I'm here. " Snow said as she got closer. "I'm sorry I didn't mean it I love...."

The rest of what she was going to say was cut off as Rebecca's hands shot out and went around Snow's throat. "I hate you. Just die."

But the last of Rebecca's strength gave out.

Snow started crying,completely breaking down,then she just got up and ran.
I wanted to breakdown,but I would have time to mourn Tifany and Rebecca later.I went after Snow.She was about to open the door.

I grabbed on to her shoulders.

"You're not going away!It's not your fault!"I said firmly,looking deeply at her blue eyes,she was still crying.I was too."You're not gonna leave me alone!You hear?"I hugged her."Please don't leave me alone."

She kept crying. "But mom I killed them both. How can I live with this?"

"This isn't your fault. You're sick like they were." I told her.

"Can aunt Sunset cure it?"

"She can help you control it."

"Like Tify and Becca did? Where I can still lose control and kill someone I love? If that's the best she can give me it's not worth it. Mom just let me go. I can end all this."

I held Snow tighter,and sitted her on the couch,I then locked the door.I don't know what came over me,but it would have to be enough to keep her home.

"Snow Dazzle Cloud!"I said,crying,as I grabbed her face,and looked deep intro her eyes,her exactly like her dad's eyes.Winter, what would you do if you were here?"Listen to me,I lost your aunts,I lost your dad,I lost your sisters,I'm not gonna lose you too,alright?Now I'm gonna call your aunt Sunset and we're going to her house,that's what we're gonna do."

"Mom..." Snow said.

"We're not discussing this." I told her I got my phone and called Sunset.

"Did you find her? She asked.

"I found her. And me and Snow are coming over."

"And Rebecca too right?"

"No just....just the two of us."

"I'm going to come get you."

"Don't forget your key, I locked the door."

"Adagio,what happened?"

"I'll tell you when you arrive.But I can't unlock the door,I'll tell you why when you're here too."

"Alright."She then hung up.

I went to the couch and sat by Snow's side,if she tried to run when Sunset arrived I'd stop her.

Sunset soon arrived,Snow tried to run throught the door I had to hold her.

I held Snow tight.

"What happened?" Sunset asked.

"I...I..." Snow started before breaking down again.

"Becca showed up." I said trying to keep my voice level.

"How bad did it go?" Sunset asked. I could tell she knew it was bad just not sure how bad.


"I killed her!" Snow shouted. "She attacked me and I killed her!"

"If she attacked you, it's not your fault." Sunset told her.

"I'm faster than she was. She was stronger than me but I was faster. I could have stopped her without killing her, but I lost control."Snow started breaking down."I lost control and I killed her,I didn't mean to!I wanna go away and stop myself from doing more damage but mom won't let me!"

"Well I'm not letting you either."Sunset said.

"But aunt Sunset-"

"Snow,it wasn't your fault.We can help you." Sunset told her.

"Like you helped Tify and Becca?"

"Every case is different. You might not be as bad. Tifany was able to control herself you might be able to too."

Snow then sunddely started looking really bad.

"You ok?"I asked her.Her face going pale.

"Yeah,yeah."She answered.

"Listen."Sunset said."You and your mom had a rough day,I'm gonna keep talking to your mom,but why don't you turn in earlier."

Snow nodded.I put a hand in her back and guided her to bed.

"Mom?"I heard she ask.

"Yes sweetie?"

"I love you."

"And I love you sweetie.It wasn't your fault, ok?"

She hugged me:

"I'm sorry."

"I know you are.Now go to sleep."I said as I gave her a kiss in the forehead and broke the hug.

I then left her room.When I arrived in the living room I couldn't hold myself anymore,I broke down like I hadn't in a long time,I cried like a small child.

Sunset hugged me tight. "Let it all out." She told me.

I held on to her as tight as I could. "I can't do this anymore. I'm just not strong enough."

"You're not going to lose her."

"Yes I will, just not now."

"She might still get better."

"I don't even know if she will..."

"What do you mean?"Sunset asked.

"She,she is gonna run away and not come back Sunset,I just don't know when.That's why I locked everything!That's why I was holding her so tight!So she didn't ran away!"

"Adagio,we will do everything we can so she doesn't."


"No buts,maybe you should turn in early too.I'll stay here,I'll stay in one of the twin's old rooms."

I wanted to have a drink first but Sunset was here so I couldn't,so I went to my room and turned in.