• Published 30th Jul 2019
  • 444 Views, 0 Comments

Winter & Dagi - Sparkling blaze

Adagio was depressed,then Winter found her and they fell in love with each other,in this story you'll see their romantic life.

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Winter's funeral

Adagio's POV
I don't know if I can do this. I just don't, I'm finally going to have to say goodbye.

Tifany and Rebecca still don't believe he's gone. I'm scared how they will react. I take a deep breath and try and steady myself.

I have to be strong if not for me then fore the girls. I've been to too many funerals, they never get any easier. But at least this time I'm not alone.

Sunset was getting Tifany and Rebecca at the mental hospital so we could go,the doctors told us since they were in denial maybe seeing the truth would help...I sure hoped so.

I was currently getting ready,and thinking who I should call to babysit Snow.I still didn't feel safe letting the twins around her.

After thinking about I I decide to call and ask Dash. If Aria was still alive Dash would be helping out more then she is, and she has a way with kids.

"Hello?" I hear a voice at the other end of my phone.

"Hey.Dash, do you think you can babysit Snow for me? With how the twins are I don't want them to be around her alone."

"Of course. I'll be there soon." And true to her word she was there a few minutes later.

"How you holding up?" She asked me

"About as well as you think I would be." I told her.

"Yeah stupid question."

"Don't worry about it Dash..thanks again."

"So...How the girls doing?"She asked.
I sighed:

"Well Tifany and Rebecca besides being in denial aren't showing a lot of progress.Snow is doing well."

I hear Sunset honk.

"Well,I better get going."

I enter the car,Tifany and Rebecca are talking in the back,they seem happy to see each other.

"Hey mom, is dad going to meet us there or what?" Tifany asked me.

"We've been over this...he's." I try and tell her.

"Yeah and I keep telling you it can't be true."

I sigh,maybe actually seeing him will get them out of denial.

"Tify, look I know how to Pluft without a knife now."Rebecca then attempted tp grab her sister's neck.She was definetly worse.

I turn around and push her hands away from Tifany.

"Rebecca no."I tell her getting her to stop.

"Mom I'm just showing her how to do it. She might not always have a knife."

"Girls remember what we talked about? About what happens to people when you play Pluft?"Sunset asked them.

"But that'll only happen to regular people." Tifany told her.

"Yeah auntie."Said Rebecca."We're half-sirens and dad could take it."

Sunset sighs too.Both me and her knew further discussion was useless,we then arrive there.

"Sunset,can you handle them?"I ask her."I don't think I'm gonna bare be near them when they see Winter."

"Yeah I can stay with them. I'm worried about you too."

"Oh you don't need to.. " I can't even finish saying it. If she didn't worry about me now when would she? "I just..."

"You've been so worried about the girls you haven't taken care of yourself."

"Sunset trust me,it's better this way.If I didn't have the girls I'd probably be back to how I was before I met your brother."I say as we get the twins out of the car.

"No you wouldn't be.I wouldn't let you."

"I would probably shut myself off like last time."I knew taking care and worrying about my daughters was probably what was keeping me sane this time,because taking care of Aria and Sonata was what kept me sane when my parents died,the only difference is I didn't have to worry about the two of them being in a mental hospital like I am having Tify and Becca now.

We enter and Sunset goes distract the girls as I go say my final goodbye to Winter.

I walked over to the casket. I still can't beleive this is happening. Why couldn't I stop it? No...I can't do that to myself not here. I smiled down at him he looked so peaceful.

"I love you. And I miss you more then you know. I hope I made you as happy as you made me." I feel my eyes start to fill with tears. "I don't know what I'm going to do with Tify and Becca. But I'll help our girls." I lean down and kiss him for the final time. "I'll always love you."

As I get far from the casket Sunset gets close with Tify and Becca.The look on Tifany's face when she sees Winter and gets out of denial is the most heartbreaking thing I've ever seen.And she simply breaksdown.

Rebecca however seems to still be in denial,as she turns to her twin and tells her:

"Calm down Tify,daddy must be tired,that's why he's still asleep."

"No Becca you don't get it." Tifany told her. "We killed him. He... he's gone."

"There's no way we could have killed dad. No one is strong enough to kill us and dad is way stronger than us. He's just tired from having to take care of Snow."

Tifany in between her tears then turned to Sunset:

"Make her understand aunt Sunset."

Sunset sighed then kneeled by Rebecca:

"Becca,you remember what happens when you stab things?"

"Yeah,they bleed."

"Well,if you bleed too much you die."

What I saw then is something I will never forget. The look on her face as what Sunset told her sank in. For the first time realizing what she was doing to other people but more importantly what she had done to her dad.

"No!" She shouted as she pushed Sunset away. Then she ran to Winter's casket.

"Daddy I'm sorry. I..I didn't mean it." Tears started to fill her eyes. "Please come back. I'll never do it again....I'll never hurt Snow again. Just...just please..."

Anything else she was going to say saw drowned out by the sobs as she broke down. I've never seen her cry like that before and hope I never see it again.

Winter's funeral ended soon after that,and we had to leave the twins at the mental hospital before going home,now that the both of them were out of denial,they either were gonna take a turn for the worst or for the better.

But the fact Rebecca was still breaking down was a bit worrying.Tifany for now seem to have accepted more,she was upset but at the moment she was more worried about comforting her twin.

"It's going to be ok Becca."

"No it's not we killed him."

"He wouldn't want you to feel like this."

"But I deserve to feel like this."

I was really worried about her,Sunset seemed to be to.As we arrived at the mental hospital since Rebecca was still pretty panicked I decided to take her in while Sunset took in Tifany.

Although she stopped crying now she was now whispering to herself.

Her nurses and doctors soon took her into her room,I kissed her forehead and left.

Then when I found Sunset in the hospital's sidewalk I couldn't hold it in anymore,this situation,Winter dying,the twins,his funeral,it was all just too much.

I felt Sunset wrap her arms around me.

"Let it out." I hear her tell me. It takes me a while before I'm able to say anything.

"I can't do this." I tell her. "I'm just not strong enough."

"Yes you are. You're one of the strongest people I've ever known."

"Do you know how many times I've wanted to just give up since Aria and Sonata died? Winter wouldn't let me."

"Your girls need you, now more than ever."

"I know Sunset. But I also know you would take care of them." After that I feel Sunset let go of me and she takes a step away. I was hoping she would understand, I was expecting her to want me to go inside and talk. But the look she had was something different. Before I could do another I felt a fist make contact with my nose, the punch forcing me back so my back was against the side of the building.

"Do you really think you're the only one hurting right now?! That you're the only one that's lost someone?!" The look on her face softened as tears began to fill her eyes. "You're not the only person he's saved."


"When I first came into this world,his parents adopted me and then died,and then Flower died.Winter was my only family and the only thing that kept me going for a long time,Adagio,and now he is gone too.So don't you dare,don't you dare give up too!"Sunset then also started breaking down.

Without knowing what to do I simply hugged her,as both of us let our feelings out.

I don't know how long the two of us stood there crying, I guess it doesn't matter. But after awhile we finally got ourselves under control.

"We should go see how the girls are. They're going to need you." Sunset told me.

"And I'm going to need you." I tell her as we walked inside.