• Published 30th Jul 2019
  • 442 Views, 0 Comments

Winter & Dagi - Sparkling blaze

Adagio was depressed,then Winter found her and they fell in love with each other,in this story you'll see their romantic life.

  • ...

Up and Down

Author's Note:

This chapter deals with a suicide attempt,read at your own risk!

Adagio's POV

One month had passed since Winter's death,the girls were still at the mental hospital.Since then I been having a weird vision in which Becca would been fainted I assume,but I drank or focused on Snow to forget it.

That is until one day...

I answered my phone. "Hello?

"Adagio I need you to get down here right now." Sunset told me from the other end of the call.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I can't tell you over the phone."When she told me that I knew it had to be worse then anything I was thinking.

"I'll be there as soon as I can." I got a babysitter for Snow and left.It didn't take me long to get there. Sunset met me as soon as I walked in the building, and she ushered me to a small room.

"Sunset what's wrong?" I asked her.

"Before I tell you, just know we found her in time, Becca is going to be ok."

"What do you mean you found her in time? What happened?"

"She...she tried to kill herself."

"What?!"So that's what the visions where about....I felt my eyes fill with tears...my baby..."C-can I see her?"

"Of course,but you have to calm down a bit first else she might panick."

We stayed in the room until I stopped crying.Then went to Becca's room in which she was sleeping peacefully for now.

I went over and passed the hand in her hair waking her up.

"Hi mom." She told me in a quiet voice. "Aunt Sunset already tell you?"

I nod not knowing what to say.

"I've never seen anyone use that much magic before. She's as strong as you. But she can only do so much so all I have to do is..."

"Rebecca, don't do anything like that again, please. I... can't lose you or your sisters."

"But mommy,I need to do it...It's the only way."

"The only way for what?"

"The only way I don't do that again."She was talking about her dad."So-so I have to."

I hug her.Then she seems completely out of it for a second.

"Becca?"She doesn't responds."Rebecca?"

She keeps on not responding,I don't wanna leave her alone but I need to call help.

"Sunset! You out there?"

Sunset walked in. "Something wrong?"

"She's stopped answering me. She... I'm afraid she'll try again if she's alone."

"I'll make sure she's not alone. I'll stay with her as often as I can. But I'll make sure it's nothing more serious."She then went on and checked Rebecca.I saw a brief worried look go through her face."I'll need some tests but she may be worse than I imagined she was when she was first diagnosed."


She went on and did various tests on Rebecca,and then returned.

"Adagio, could you come to the hallway with me please?"Sunset called me,her face told me this wasn't good.

I followed her to the hallway. "What is it?" I asked her.

"I don't know how to tell you." She started.

"Sunset just tell me."

"She's gotten a lot worse. Like I didn't think she would get this bad."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm going to have to keep her here for a long time. And to be honest I'm not sure what I can do for her."She sighed."You remember that when the girls were first diagnosed while Rebecca already knew how to talk,but she wouldn't talk to us,that is a part of her problem.Right now she's in a cataconic state.We will give her some meds to get her out of it.But Adagio,her brain developed far worser than her sister's,Winter's death was just a trigger."

"I-I..."In that moment all words escaped me,all my brain could think of is what happened the night the twins were born,I almost died and almost killed them with my drinking,w-was it my fault Becca was that way?

I don't know how long it took me to find my voice again but when I did. "Sunset.... it's my fault isn't it?"

"Adagio...I no it's."

"Don't lie to me! It's all my fault! All of it!"


"Aria and Sonata, Tify and Becca, Winter!"

Sunset reached out to me but I slapped her hand away.

"He should have let me... Why didn't just leave me? Everything would be better if he did."

"Dagi we both know why he saved you. And that things would be worse without you."

"Are you even listening to yourself? All I've ever done is hurt people."I was gonna breakdown again but I saw through the door Becca was returning to normal.I sighed."The only reason I'm gonna hang on is how they are right now."

I enter the room.She still seems out of it.


"Yeah,that's me baby."I hugged her."Your aunt Sunset told me you're gonna have to stay here for a bit more,so you need to be brave ok?"

She gave a yawn and nodded.I kissed her forehead.

"Now I'm gonna check on your sister,and go home okay?"

I pulled the covers over her and she ended up sleeping.

I went into the hallway again more calm now,then looked at Sunset:

"Please,tell me Tifany is better than her."

"She is, in fact I should be able to send her home soon. I just want to make sure this won't effect her."

"Can I see her?"

"Of course, just don't tell her about her sister. I want to be the one to tell her in case it triggers her."

"Alright I won't." Sunset led me to another room.

"Mom?" Tifany asked.

"Yeah it's me sweetie."

"Mom!" She ran over to me and hugged me."They don't let me see Becca...I...I...wanna go home mom..."

"Your aunt Sunset told me you will go home soon."I told her,omitting everything about her sister.

"I want to see Becca mom."

"You can't see her."

"Please mom."

I didn't knew what to tell her.

Fortunately Sunset followed me in.

"You can't see Becca. But I think it might be alright if you saw Snow. If you promise to be good." Sunset told her.

"Are you sure that's a good..." I started but was cut off.

"Can I?" Tify asked.

"It's up to your mom." Sunset told her.

"Can I mom?" Tifany asked me. Her and Sunset both looked at me.

"Yeah...I can go get her if you want." I said still not sure if it's a good idea.