• Published 31st Oct 2011
  • 5,222 Views, 92 Comments

The Magick of Friendship: Spark of Something New - Harmony Spirit

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Ch15: Lost in the storm, and the things found there

Winter set in at its normal time. After what happened in Everfree only a hoof-full of days ago, Twilight was a bit sick of snow already. She did not take to the cold very well, and found it hard to move around with the amount that was coming in. It was one of the few times she wished she was back in Canterlot. She imagined that it just took some getting use too, but even the ponies that lived through several winters in Ponyville found it just as annoying.

The violet Unicorn was still out of school, thanks to the problems she had with Gilda, and now that the winter break was on she had even longer to wait till she could resume what she enjoyed most.

Twilight took on more time at the Library, which was happy to have more of her. She brought order to the library, it had not seen in ages. Even found books thought long lost. Spike would come by at times to help her out, and let her know what was going on. They did not share any classes together, but they did take many of the same courses.

Normally, the mare would check the weather too see what was going to happen today. She found a "new" book, and was too excited by it to remember her routine. Had she known, she would have stayed home as many of the others did.

The Magick of Friendship Chapter 15: Lost in the storm, and the things found there

After a good night's sleep, Twilight shot out of bed when she was aware enough to realize she was awake. She quickly made ready for the day, so she could get in some reading before she was due to work. Keese was still asleep, hanging from a shelf by her bed.

After an hour, she noticed that her roommate was still asleep. She went over and tried to wake the pink mare, who rolled off the bed and was not even phased by the fall.

"Pinkie?" Twilight called. "Pinkie?" She attempted again. "PINKIE?!" She shouted, and this finally stirred the pony. Keese snapped awake by the call, and looked around. He realized what was happening, and with a shrugged, went back to sleep.

With a quick yawn, Pinkie shot up and looked around. "What did I miss?"

"Class, if you do not hurry"

The other thought about the words. "Oh! I'm not going today, you silly"

"Me silly? I would trade places with you, if I could" She sighed, grabbing her book and getting her things ready to leave.

"Where are you going?"

Twilight paused, and looked over at her. "Work, you know I'm doing more hours at the Library"

"Today?" Pinkie looked confused by it.

"Yes, of course. A little snow is annoying, but not stopping me" She was dressing up into her warmest cloths. She did not really have much before she came here, but luckily she was dear friends with the most talented designer in Equestria. Making a sweater, or warmer cloths was foal's play for Rarity. "I'll see you later Pinkie Pie, take care of Keese" She scooped up her bag, and trotted out.

"Later? More like way later" Pinkie said, getting back into bed. "She must be brave, to go out when a storm is coming. Faces an Ursa Major, and evil magick, and she now is taking on a Blizzard" She shook her head. "Calls me silly"


Twilight made it to the Library, it was very quiet, the streets on the way had very few souls. She imagined today would be a good day to tackle the Third Wing; she was systematically working each of the areas. She kept a list of books missing, since she figured some where other parts of the library. It could be appalling to her, especially when she found a fiction novel in the Reference section.

She noticed after an hour or two, not a single pony had shown up, not even the other employees. She just shrugged it off. Gave her more time to work, and not have to stop. It took her a week to get the first area of the Library cleaned up, it was not so bad. The second took much longer, even more, if she was still in school. With no interruptions, she vowed to get this one done in a day. It was better than the second, but not by much.

It was getting past time for lunch, so she decided to break for a bit and get something quick. She moved back to the main area, and thought about it. "I'm the only pony here, who will watch the Library?"

After a mental debate and the growling in her stomach chiming in, she decided to just leave a sign. It was pretty dead today, so she hoped it would stay that way till she got back.

She went to the door and tried to open it, but it would not move. She double checked the locks and made another attempt, but nothing. She even made sure she was supposed to push not pull, but nothing explained the problem.

Rubbing some of the frost off the window, all she saw was white. "Weird..." She muttered. Then attempted a teleportation, but she found herself in the middle of a snow bank outside where it should have been steps. She quickly reversed, and reappeared inside, taking some snow with her. "Oh no!" She quickly started to clean it up.

After she finished, she sat at the front desk and thought. "What is going on?" She pulled out her Bay-B, and looked up the weather feed.

"Snow is in full swing today, the Weather Pegasi are the only ones out today in Ponyville's biggest snow storm in a few years. Not even our own Ditzy Doo would be out in this one. This was an automated message from Knows News, as I am, like you all should be, at home"

After the message, she noticed the single was very weak. It would be lucky to make any calls. She closed the device, and leaned back in her chair. "Oh great... The one time I forget to check the weather..." She dropped the device onto the desk, and rubbed her head. "This is a lesson, if I was going to write about this one I'd say: Dear Queen Celestia, I learned today; never forget to check the weather during the winter"

She thought it over, as her stomach grumbled at her foalishness. "I guess that is why Pinkie did not go out... She could have told me!" She was angry for a short time, but she shook her head. "No, was not her fault..."

Twilight gave thought to more teleporting, but she was too far from home and she recalled her teacher’s warnings. “Weather can affect spells” She did not know much of the area around here, so chances were she would only end up in more snow. Given her hunger, it was too risky to be porting all over in the snow.

She looked at the daisies in a vase next to the desk lamp, and they started to look like a Five-star meal.

"Dear Queen Celestia, Always bring snacks too..."

Getting up and decided to go back to work, hoping it would get her mind off it all.


"She what?!" Applejack shouted through the Bay-B's receiver, onto Pinkie's speaker.

"What? I thought she was just being tough. After all she's been through this year, a little snow as she called it, isn't a big deal"

"Y'all are more crazy than I knew! Letting a friend out into this!"

Pinkie thought about it. "I did try to warn her, but she was just so insistent"

The other mare sighed, was audible through the phone connections. Their phones barely had any signal, but stronger than it was deeper into Ponyville. "Sorry, it's just shocking to think she'd be so crazy to go out in this storm. She ain't from around these parts, and doesn't know what our storms are like"

She nodded, even though Applejack couldn't see it. "It's ok, I'm worried too, but what can we do? We can't get out there, any more then she can"

There was a silence, before Applejack spoke again. "I'll get her out"

"Might want to bring some food, she doesn't take any with her to work. Probably starving"

In the farm house, Applejack was already getting herself ready to attempt the weather. Apple Bloom and Big Macintosh looked at her. It was her brother to speak first. "Y'all cannot be serious. No one pony can handle this weather"

She shot a look at him, and stormed up to him. He was taller by a good margin, but details like that never stopped her. "That a fact? Y'all doubting my abilities?"

"Just say'n, this is mighty large fer y'all to take on. I think Twilight can manage one night in the Library"

She jabbed her finger into his chest. He was not effect too much by it, given his build, but it was meant to drive her passion. "A friend of mine is stuck out in this, and y'all want me to stay here and twiddle my hooves? I'll get to her and I'll save her, and I'll do it alone!"

She stomped past, and grabbed a bag she had set up with needs.

"Big sis, common, y'all can't do this alone. What if y'all get stuck out there too?" Apple Bloom said, being genuine in her concern.

Applejack stopped, and sighed. "Look, I ain't gonna sit by and let that poor mare starve for who knows how long, till some of this here snow is cleared away" She turned. "Trust your ol sister Applejack, I ain't let'n no snow stop me from getting to her"

Her words had a passion that showed more than her concern for a friend. It showed them that if she was ever set on something that she could be talked out of, this was definitely not one of those times.

The two of them stayed back to watch over things at the home, and Granny Smith. As Applejack pushed open the front door. She used all her might to force it, luckily the open fields allowed the snow to spread more so their home was not so buried as the town.

At first, the travel was easy. For one use to doing so each year, but when she reached the town line where the homes, shops, and buildings huddled together, the snow here were like mountains.

She pushed through, but could not get far. She moved back to where she started, and looked around. "Ah Ha!" She shouted, spotting a snow plow not too far away.

Quickly she went to it. It was a simple machine, designed to allow the pushing to be increased greatly so that one pony could move snow banks. It was not meant for such a large job, but Applejack was not a city pony. She worked the fields, and pushed machines that most ponies could not.

After she strapped into it, planted her hooves, and started to push the machine. It rolled slowly, but picked up speed as she moved toward the large bank. "Y'all gonna wish y'all stayed in them clouds" She taunted, and rammed the snow bank. It caused a violent jerk, and she would have flown out of the machine if she was not strapped in. "Tar Nation!"

She made a dent, but it was not much. She tried to push it, but the snow did not yield. So she backed it up and made another running start, but it ended up the same.

Angrily, she got herself out of it, stormed up to the mound, and punched it. Her first sank fast, and she nearly toppled into it. "Blasted thing! I can punch through it, but not plow?”

After some more searching, she found a shovel and started at it again making a tunnel toward the library. She knew Ponyville, nearly as well as her own orchard. Even with the snow, she knew the way to the place her friend was stuck.

The effort was great. Digging a path, making sure she did not get a cave in, and allowing her some opening behind in case she needed to get out. Her frosted breath came fast hard and heavy, as she dug through. She did not allow herself to rest, as she wanted to get there as soon as she could. "Gonna get y'all out Twi" She told herself, to keep her drive.

It took her a couple hours and she was nearing the Library, and well past her limit. She stopped a moment, and propped herself on the shovel. She took in many breaths; the cold was bitter to her lungs and started to hurt to breathe, nearly as much as it did to even move.

She coughed a couple times and nearly fell over, but her stubbornness was not going to allow her to stop here. With a fire in her eyes, she stood up and started at it again. Gritting her teeth, and ignoring all the signals her mind was receiving on the subject of the anguish she was in.

Visions began to take her mind, ones from a time long ago. Rainbow Dash and Applejack had been out in a storm like this. They were too foalish to listen to the warnings, and were both trapped in a cave.

Applejack could tell Rainbow was getting sick, and knew she could not stay out in the cold. So she did much like she did now, and dug her way through the snow. She carried her friend on her back, and nearly crawled through the landscape till she found a house. It was the first time she met Fluttershy, and was the first time she had ever pushed her body to the point that she was so sick and weak after. Her family and friends wondered if she would make it.

She pushed the memory away, as this was not the time to be thinking of her. Had she not been in so much pain and focused on the task at hoof, she might have considered the irony. Here she was; doing much as she did back then, for the same pony that was part of the reason her and Rainbow Dash were no longer friends. It was not Twilight's fault, but had she not become so important to Applejack, maybe she would not have lost a longtime friendship. All because the other pony had chosen to side with her own longtime friend, rather than see that the one in question, was the root problem.

She shook her head, still thinking about the last couple months. "Ain't got time to waste on this" She thought, as she pushed on.


Twilight slumped over a stack of books, looking weak and tried. She was past the point of hunger, where she was almost sick to even think of food. She was well worn from all her work and she did not realize that teleporting would drain so much out of her. It was a simple spell, and she had performed it countless times. Harmony used it more than trotting, and he never seemed so worn out by it. Again she recalled the warning about weather effecting magick, maybe it caused her to use more effort than she planned. She had little choice, and now here she was.

"I really should have just conserved my energy" She thought, was beginning to miss Keese. He might absorb magick, but she found he could also offer some in a tight spot. It would have been nourishing since she was so tied to magick, would have help fight off some of her fatigue.

She heard a loud thud, as it echo through the library. She put it off as one of her hastily stacked books falling over. But she heard more noises following it, and then the same loud thud. The second time she recognized it, as the large doors shutting. She never heard it so clearly, especially in the third wing, but pony bodies did muffle the sound some.

After a moment she shifted and moved off the stack she was on, and made her way toward the front of the building. It took longer than she wanted it too, but she managed to get to the front and looked toward the door. It was still closed, but she noticed the bits of snow melting do to the heat off the candles. She looked down, and gasped. Applejack was sprawled out on the floor, looking almost dead covered in snow and a puddle forming around her.

Twilight had no idea where the energy came from, but she darted to the other pony and rolled her over. She was alive, but very worn out. She quickly moved her away from the snow, and even started to strip off the warmer, but soaked cloths she had on. She stopped at the under cloths, luckily for her own shame they were dry.

After some struggling, she managed to get the Earth pony to the fireplace. It was meant for ambiance so it was rarely used, but it also was far enough from the books that it was technically safe. With some logs still in it, she summoned enough of her reserved magick to spark a fire. With nothing else, Twilight used herself to blanket Applejack and keep her warm.

Eternity seemed to go by, as Twilight feared for her friend. Seemed like endless waiting before a soft snort escaped the sleeping pony. She started to stir, and Twilight laid her down over her lap.

Applejack slowly opened her eyes and in the haze, saw a face she knew but not the one she expected. The blue coat, and spiked wild mane, coloured like her name. "R...Rainbow... Dash?" She asked weakly. When the other, who was leaning over straightened a bit, she realized that the face she saw was only a memory. From when she was saved those years ago, in a situation that was too similar for her, and she started to tear up.

"Applejack, what is wrong? It is me, Twilight Sparkle" She tried to get through, but the pony was too lost in the past.

"Damn that mare..." She muttered, and after a few moments she wiped her eyes and saw Twilight. She shot up, but it was too much on her and she nearly fell forward. The other grabbed her before she did, and held onto her. "Land sakes... head rush"

"You ok AJ?"

She looked over, and weakly nodded. She was not too sure she was ok, but she shown enough weakness for today, as she barely made it here in her crazy rescue attempt. "I'm fine" With a pause, she rubbed her head and went on. "Y'all ok Twi?"

"Me? I have been in here all day. How in all Equestria did you get here? The news feed said it was crazy to be out, even for Pegasi"

Applejack spotted her bag, and reached for it. "T'was nothin' I've taken on worse..." she pulled it close, and opened it. "Besides, I needed to make sure my favorite customer was taken care of" She was getting back into her old self, and pulled out some little containers. "Hope y'all are hungry, cause soups on"

Twilight cried at the sight of food. It was not much, just simple little things the other could carry, but like the flowers on the desk earlier that were looking like fine dining. This was a Queen's Feast.

She had not intended too, but after the insistence Applejack ate with Twilight. It was meant for the other alone, but she had to admit she needed it nearly as bad. Maybe more, but she would not go that far.

They stayed near the fire, nearly cuddling as they restored their strength. Applejack was explaining what she went through, not in so much detail, only the little things. She did not want to make it look like some grand rescue, when in fact; she nearly killed herself to get here. Twilight could sense she was down playing her actions, but did not care. She was not alone now, and she was fed.

They both fell asleep, lying tightly together as they rested after a long day of hardships.


The morning came, and a sliver of light made through the windows as the sun was coming up. Twilight was on top of Applejack, curled up on her. The orange mare awoke first, seeing the sight and she smiled at the other. Her ears pulled back, a bit embraced. She was not a very gentle type, but she recalled her mother brushing her mane, and the feeling it gave her. So she decided to try it on Twilight. With a few tries, she found the pace and pattern and had her fingers brushing the purple mane. It was a bit messy at first, but as she worked it resumed some of the keep Twilight usually had.

Applejack found it odd how she enjoyed this, laying on the hard floor but feeling so comfortable with the pony on her. She had the image in her head, of that little pony toy she found, of how she had to fix its hair too. She tired to stop from a laugh, but her chest heaved with a quick snicker causing the other to shift.

She stopped her combing, and hoped she did not wake her. After a few seconds, she found she did. "Mmm... don't stop..." Twilight softly said, nuzzling in the others chest. So Applejack obeyed, and resumed playing with the mane.

Twilight was fully awake after a couple minutes, and was staring straight ahead at the burnt out fireplace. She did not really see it, her mind was more on the fact she never felt so happy. It seemed so long ago now; she just came to this town, and met all the ponies she now called friends. Applejack, she always felt so close too, but neither felt sure of their feelings. After last night, she was sure of herself, but was a bit afraid to ask if the other did too.

"Twi?" Applejack asked, going over similar thoughts. Twilight looked up to her. "Y'all... hungry?" She avoided the question she wanted to ask. "I think we have a bit left, kinda went pig-like on it last night"

Twilight moved her head back down and tightened her hold on Applejack, causing her to wonder about the Unicorn. "Y'all ok?"

She sat up, and Applejack did likewise. They were side by side, as the orange pony looked with concern at her. "Applejack..." Twilight started. "You... remember how we...we were waiting to..." She was having more trouble in talking now, than she ever did.
Applejack put her fore hoof gently onto Twilight's far cheek, and convinced her to look at her. "AJ, I..." She started to say, but was cut off when her friend moved in for a kiss. It was short and a bit surprising, but the best thing Twilight had ever felt. When the other pulled back, Twilight was left a bit wide eyed still in shock at the feelings it sent through her.

Applejack smiled weakly, ears back in a mixture of her feelings, and worry she might have moved too soon. "Sorry Twi... I just-" She was cut off when Twilight repeated the action and kissed her back, but neither pulled back or hesitated.


Most the day went by before any pony came to the Library to help get the two out. Big Macintosh had gathered some of the ponies he usually called on when it was time for Winter Wrap-up, and together they made a path to the Library. They did not bother to clear the streets, for the snow was still coming and was more too come. Thanks to Ditzy, the blizzard was on hold till Twilight and Applejack were safely home. Was a good thing Pinkie knew the odd Pegasus, for she sent the message out quickly.

He made his way into the building, and saw them sitting by the fireplace. "Hey?" He called. "Y'all ok?"

Applejack looked over, and nodded.

He came closer, and noticed the mess. Containers and some of Applejack's cloths she wore into the storm, and a couple other pieces. He decided not to dwell on it. "So y'all ready to git?"

His sister stood first, and helped Twilight up. Together they nodded to him, and the three started to pick up the mess.

"I think..." Big Mac started, stopping himself from picking up something. "I'll let y'all have this one"

Twilight picked it up and hooved the undergarment to Applejack, both of them in a bit of a blush. "Ooops" Was all she could get out.

"Not gonna ask"

After they picked it all up, they moved to the door and headed out into the cold. Applejack and Big Mac had something to wear, but Twilight's little hoodie, and what little she brought in yesterday, was not enough for the cold of today.

Applejack kept close to her, and used her body to blanket her. "Will always take care of y'all Miss Twilight" She said, with a bit of a laugh in her tone.

"That is mighty neighborly" Twilight said back, giggling a bit.

"Took y'all long enough" Big Mac said as they all trotted along, the others had already gone, putting back the machinery they used. Making sure nothing would be buried and of no use, come the next snow.

"Suppose, I have y'all's blessings in the matter?" Applejack asked, looking over to her big brother.

"Eeyep" He gave her a big smile. "Maybe she'll tame y'all a bit, and stop y'all from crazy stunts like last night" His words were true, but he was not scolding her. He would have done the same for her, or Apple Bloom.