• Published 31st Oct 2011
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The Magick of Friendship: Spark of Something New - Harmony Spirit

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Ch05: Over Curricular Activity

Another day of college was down, and the studious purple unicorn mare made her way to her little dorm, to get started on her lessons. She made it home, and opened the door, finding Pinkie Pie there. Usually she was out and about, but she was rummaging through some cloths, and making hasty work of finding what it was she was after.

Twilight paid little attention too it, she was always on the move, and was near equally up to one of her little games. So she toss her bag on the bed, after a quick greeting to her roommate, and she followed soon after the bag.

She laid on the bed, and pulled out a book, and wasted no time getting into the chapter. Off hoof, she asked. "Do you ever relax?" The other just simple said "Nope" Pinkie was now into a uniform, something like an older style soda shop. Short sleeve shirt, of a light colour, simple pants, and an apron laid over it, of a deeper blue colour. It read "Sugar Cube Corner" Finished with a little square paper hat.

"So what are you up too, today?" She asked, after she heard the rustling calmed a bit.

Pinkie gave another short and quick answer of "Work"

Twilight noticed the shortness, something unlike the pink one's normal self. "Work?" She asked, dropping the book down enough to look at her, as she was about out the door.

"Yeppers. Gotta go! Bye!"

"Hm..." Twilight put her book down, and sat alone in her room. She did so for a few moments, some how not feeling very much like studying. She was so use to the other mare being around when she studied, she now found it hard to focus without the little distraction.

She retrieved her Bay-B, and started to look for something else to do. She first called up Rarity, but she replied. "Sorry dear, but we are very busy today. Swanheart needs me"

"One down..." She thought, trying next Fluttershy, but she was not answering, so usually meant she was doing something animal related. She tried Rainbow Dash, but she was doing her practices, and she knew that Applejack was busy too. Apple Cider's was always busy after school. She nearly thought to call Harmony, but he was more than likely, asleep, being a Night student.

"I use to love this, but now I do not know what to do with myself..." She thought, putting her device down, and laying back. "Maybe I should look into after school things?"

The Magick of Friendship Chapter 5
Over Curricular Activity

Pinkie Pie made her way into the shop, an older style Bakery, and soda shop. It was lined with candies, and sweets of all kinds, and a simple counter with clear sight to the spread of fountains, with just about every kind of drink on tap, at least ones not requiring i.d. to drink. They had all kinds of things, even mixes, where one could get a malt, or Egg Creams. Mr. and Mrs. Cake were happily in the past with their shop, and many younger, and older ponies alike, were just as happy here. Pinkie was in paradise.

She had taken the job; one, out of passion for the candies she enjoyed, and the vast uses of the bakery for her parties. Two, for the need of her college course. She had a clear vision of her future, and it was to be the owner of her own company that provided entertainment, and joy. She was a real party pony, and this would ensure she could continue that life, and spread it through out Equestria. Driven by that, she also had a great business sense.

This was the first day, toward a life time of her dream. This was the start of her true education in the field of working the business. She would start out doing what any pony would at the job, but she would learn everything it took to keep a place going, by working her way up to the top. She giggled at a mental image of her ruling the world, with sugar and baked goods.


Rarity rushed about the designer shop Dressing Diamonds, owned by her friend, and mentor Swanheart. Today was busy, as some visitors had come, and wanted to get into the latest fashions, by the still great designer.

Swanheart was well known, and once was at the top of the game, and every pony knew he was still the best, even if he gave it all up to come to this little town, and run a little simple shop.

His young protege, was not always the pony of fashion she was now. He often would watch her work, thinking back to the times not so long ago that he found her. When a little Unicorn, who had not a friend in the world, who felt like an unloved child, bumped into him. She was carrying a little folder, and some pages fell free. As he helped her pick them up, he saw the designs she had made. From there, was a friendship bloomed, and a little filly, changed from an outcast, to a beautiful soul, that all would grow to love and admire.

She had all his passion, and far more talent then he would admit he ever had. She did not need shaping, just direction, and in a few short years, she was his right hoof mare. She knew him better than any, and he knew her likewise. He admitted, if he was not so far into his life, he would court the young, rising star. He knew she felt very much the same, but they were pleased with their relationship as is. She needed some pony who could keep up with her, and despite his still youthful appearance, he could not fake his slowed trots so easily.

She had protested going to school, since she knew the business, and learned everything any could hope to know from him. He insisted, that she needed more then just that. He warned her, that even if at the time, your passion seemed set, that one day, you may wish to change it. He had nothing but the fashion and designs, and now, when that no longer fulfilled his heart, he had nothing more to turn to.

She entered late, but she was in college for him, and for her own good. She would learn more of her love, but she would also have a fall back into other studies, and one day, it may become useful. She trusted Swanheart, more than she may trust any soul. He was surely looking out for her, and would do anything to help her achieve her dream, to be the designer that would shape the world's views.


Fluttershy spent her days, free of college needs and duties, out in the world of flora and fauna. She helped all over Ponyville, those whom had animal friends, and were in need. She was connected to them, far more then any other pony could be. She was learning her doctrine, and was going to help every little creature she could. The studies went farther, into even the more advanced races, she could easily go from veteran, to Doctor. Biological studies of species from around the world.

Now, she was taking care of her own little animal friends. Some days she just needed to get away, and relax. In her home, a simple little cottage outside the town, unfortunately close to Everfree Forest, was just the place. Animals started to move toward this place, for she always took care of them. The dangers of the Forest, never seem to be as near as they really were. If karma was anything, hers shielded her from the risks of being so near this place.

Here, was nothing of the modern world, save a few little things that living in this age required, such as power to her home. she only used it for her Bay-B, and a little radio. She was very in tuned with nature, and knew much of the little things that could be used to keep life well.

Her parents help her with college funds, for they too respect the world they live in, and their little girl's dreams, and want her to be happy doing what she loves. She uses her work through college, and aid at the veterinary office to keep her little home with the needs of life. Fortunately, many of the ponies, have some love for the feral creatures that share their country. So repayment is easy through her skillful services.

With her education, would come more opportunities to spread her care. She would one day, be able to heal the world... if not just her animal friends, but anything that needed it.


Rainbow Dash rocketed through the sky, followed closely by her oldest friend, Gilda, the Gryphon. She was uncommon in these lands of ponies, for not so long ago, the world of Ponies was stuck in two wars. One from the Gryphon Empire, and since then, it's been hard for them to feel welcome here in Equestria. Gilda, however, remains, all because of her friend Dash.

The untameable Pegasus, has a dream, one not share by Gilda, but at least respected. She hopes to become a Wonder Bolt, and wow the world with her skills. She would have long since joined their training camp, but they require a college education. So Dash finds herself in a situation of being forced to learn a trade, all for a dream. With out much interest, Dash did not know what to choose to major in. So she is pretty much just learning bits of everything, with a very hectic path, she made more work for herself.

She and Gilda just manage to get by, and only they know why Gilda is even going at all. She has less reason to be there, but that is a secret of their own. Even though last year, both pretty much messed around, Dash had to struggle to pass, and Gilda seemed to have no trouble. Still only a low grade, but she passed. Dash still jokes with her, calling her the "Closet Egghead" If these two will make it through another year, much less to graduation, no pony knows. All that is known, is that Dash will one day stun the world with her skill. Till then, they fly through the air. Pulling stunts, and maneuvers, all trying to out do each other. A game they play to better each other.


Applejack, a pony who enjoys the simplicity of life. Her family has been on the same course of generations. Farmers, cultivators of the world around them, shaping it into a land fertile and rich of life. All Equestria owes thanks to the needs of their lives, to this family, more so than any other. The young pony, who very nearly runs the family shop, second only to her Brother, is the very pride of what it is to be an Apple.

She came out of high school, already doing what she wanted, and had nothing else to yearn for, than to be exactly where she was. She loves her work, and is filled with pride for her duties to the family.

She worries about her younger sister, who is not so driven. She works hard, and does what ever is needed, but little Apple Bloom seems to be seeking something else in her life.

She has yet to find her mark in this world, and so she may very well grow into something other then the mare expected of her, and nearly every colt and filly to ever be born into the line.

Applejack will love her sister, no matter what, but is very worried about her future. Even at times like this, when Apple Cider's is full to it's rafters, with hungry ponies and creatures, she takes a moment to look at her sister. Her fears of her falling far from the tree, like the one that brought Temptation and Candy Apple into the world did, are soon washed away. She sees the determination and focus of the little filly. She could rule the world, if she put her mind to it. In a way, Applejack is glade she isn't so set into the life expected for her. She never regrets being where she is now, but AJ grew up feeling she had little choice, if she did not want to be the Apple she is now, or not. She would try not to force such onto her sister.


The next day, Pinkie Pie came home, later than usual. Twilight should have been there, but she was gone. It did not really alarm her, she was probably at AJ's.

So she just jumped into bed, and snuggled her pillow. She was not due at the Sugar Cube Corner today, as it was a part time job she started for her course in Busyness Management. Pinkie had big dreams of running her own place, and knew what it took, she just needed all the proper papers and credits to go along with it. So she took up Mr. and Mrs Cake’s offer to work at their store. She really enjoyed the place, being overly addicted to sweets, and her cheery attitude was a plus for customers.

She rolled over, and looked at the ceiling, and thought to her self. "What to do?" She freed up her week before hoof, to be open to work any days, but now she was at a loss.

She noticed a note on the desk, and rolled off the bed, falling to the floor, and popping up by the desk. Resting her chin onto it, as she read the message.

-Dear Pinkie Pie

To let you know, I've started to work at the library, and will not be home till late. So do not freak out, and send out a search party... again... I just needed something to do with myself, when every pony else seems too. I will see you tonight.

--Twilight Sparkle

Pinkie fell back to the floor, and laid there. "Hmm, sounds like she felt left out... alone... DESPERATE!" she spoke out loud. She rolled around, thinking. "Poor Twilight, we neglected her, and now she's reached out, and got a job..."

She popped up, and stood in the middle of the room. "I know! I'll rally the troops!"

She pulled out her Bay-B, and called up Rarity, she had nearly every pony in her books, more so now with the ones she found from Twilight's and from the party she had that second night for her new friend.

"Hey!" She called out, when the other mare picked up.

"Oh my, what is it?" She was alarmed by the shout, and annoyed by it equally. Pinkie told her about Twilight's job. "Oh.. well that's nice... I suppose..." She wasn't too sure why she was being told.

"You know what this means?"

"Not... really dear"

Pinkie sighed. "She felt abandoned, and now needs to find something to keep her happy. We were too busy for her, she needed us, and we failed her."

"I don't think it's that serious... But that is interesting. She called me yesterday, and was asking about spending time together. I was busy with the shop"

"See see? I have my job now, you have your's, Applejack has her's, Fluttershy is busy most the time, and Rainbow Dash is all ways zip zip, zoooooom! Woo Woo WOOO! We need to make time for her!"

Rarity was starting to see the logic, and that made her shiver a bit, understanding what Pinkie was getting at. "I guess we all could make something work"

"Good, I'm gonna get the others in on it, we'll make sure she never feels abandoned!"

She made good on it, and called up all those in Ponyville that were close to Twilight.


A fresh week started, and Twilight was unaware of what had gone on in the last on. She came to Apple Cider's, and went in finding it about as busy as any after noon. She sat in her spot, and awaited the appearance of Applejack, but when she came, she did not from the back, but through the fount door, dressed in her off duty cloths. Partly rolled up, faded blue jeans, long sleeved flannel, that was rolled half up her arm, an old vest, and her tan cowboy hat. She sat across from Twilight, and smiled. "Howdy"

"Uh, Hi... not working.. today?" The very idea of her friend taking a day off, was hard to imagine, she was here nearly every day, and those days she was not, she was at the farm.

"Na, took some time, so I could spend it with y'all. We don't hang out much, beyond this old place. Heard y'all were working now"

"Yeah, started to work at the Ponyville Grand Library. Keeps me busy, but not fully in yet. I had a trail week, and going to find out if they will keep me around" She laughed at her next thought. "Guess being the Queen's student, is not enough"

Applejack laughed too, and after she went on. "So, what are y'all gonna do till then? I'm up for anything, been some time since I let myself have some fun" She relaxed into the seat a bit.

"I was going to just come here, as I normally do, then head to the dorm and study"

"Shoot Twi, need some fun in your life" She shot up, and grabbed her arm. "C'mon, let's go have some fun"

She was pulled along, and quickly grabbed her bag. "Well, I was a bit hungry"

"Y'all eat here all the time, lets go see some of the other eats around Ponyville"

The two went out the door, and did not get far, before Rainbow Dash came swooping in.

"Hey, what's up?

"Was about to take Twilight out on a day of fun"

Dash floated there, a bit surprised. "What? Without me? I am the pony who, if some pony's talent was fun, they'd have me on their butt! I'd have it, but my talent is being awesome, so kick ass thunder bolt" She started to pull her pants down to show it.

Twilight stopped her. "That is ok! Do not need to show it"

Mid pull, she looked at her funny. "Just my butt dude, nothing we ain't seen"

"I have seen enough, rumps, for a good while, thanks..." In truth, she had only seen a few, but images of Harmony Spirit naked, popped in her head, causing her to shutter in embarrassment.

Dash stuck her tongue out, blowing a raspberry. "What ever, Canterlot prude"

"Hey now, she just ain't so use to the flow of things here" Applejack defended.

"She's been here for how long? What she gonna do in the summer, when it's so hot that most of us go naked?"

"Y'all go naked, most of us try to keep it respectable. Ain't nothing wrong with the pony body, but not all folks around here are so warm to the idea" Dash made a open close motion with her hand, and mocked AJ soundlessly, with her mouth, tongue hanging out. "Why you!"

Twilight felt her hunger grow, and knew these two could go on for some time. "I am... gonna go find some food then..." She backed up, as they clearly did not hear her, and she headed toward another place she had seen before that was a quick little place.

She would not get far when ran into Pinkie Pie. "Oh, uh hi..." She was nervous, cause she knew that Pinkie would try drawing her into talking, and she was getting too hungry to last much longer.

She hugged to her. "Hiya! I was looking for you!"


"Yep, I wanted to see if you wanted to do something today?"

It was not so uncommon that she would run into each of her friends, but when three were seeking her out, she started to sense something was up.

"Well, I was--" She stopped, when she saw Rarity coming. "No, she could not be..."

Pinkie turned to look, seeing Rarity, who had spotted them both, and was now galloping up to them "Twilight, dear, I was looking for you"

Twilight's eye twitched.

"Oooo, Twitchy eye, that means..." She was cut off, when Rarity caught up. "Oh Twilight, I was wondering if you'd mind coming by. I'd like to do some designs with you, and to, as they say 'hang out'"

"Well... You see..."

"Pardon me?" She heard from behind, and turned seeing Fluttershy. "I see you are a bit busy, but if you would like too, when you have time of course... If you liked some company, I'm free"

Twilight receded into her mind. "Did I win some money? No, Ponvillians does not really care about money... is it something in the stars? What was my horoscope today? Expect all your friends to want you to starve to death?"

"Hey Sparks?!" Rainbow Dash called.

"Oh Mare, they are done fighting..." She said in her mind.

Soon, she was surrounded by her five closest friends, and they were all going on about things they would like to do, or spending some time with her. All this, and her hunger, she could not take it.

"Oh my MARE! I need space!" Her horn shined, and she teleported. Leaving the group looking around for her.

Twilight appeared in the middle of the library, and looked around. A few faces turned to the bright flash, but otherwise paid no mind. She calmed herself, and sighed. "At least, I will be safe here" She spoke softly, and to her self any ways.

She put a hand to her stomach, and winced, as it gurgled. "Oh... novas" she muttered, she was worse off now, then before. Magick took much effort, even simple spells, and that took energy, and she was running so very low.

She moved to one of the tables, and sat down, laying her top half, on the table. She thought to herself. "I could hide here, but I can not eat in here... why are all the ponies so interested in me now? What in the world, did I do to become mare popularity?"

She sighed again, followed by a grumble from her gut. "I am glad my friends like me, but this is simply too weird"

After a moment, trying to pull from her reserves, she moved to sit up. she spotted Pinkie coming around a book case. "Oh no..." she thought, getting an image in her head of "Pinkie Pie + Library = Mayhem!!!"

She made a move to dash out, but she was too drawn out, and collapsed.

"Woah there, Twi" She heard Applejack's voice, then something slide under her, and soon gravity seem to loosen.

She looked weakly at Aj, as she carried her out of the Library, saying "Have mercy..."


The girls all came together, and talked to Twilight, over dinner. She was ravenous, and clearly showed it when she ate. They went over the whole thing, about how Pinkie Pie mistook the note as a cry for help, and how they all tried too hard, to fix their neglect of her.

She reassured them, she felt nothing of the sort, that she just realized, every pony had something in their life, but her. She was not seeking attention, just more from her time here. She loves to read, as any pony knew, and she loves to share knowledge, so this was a great place to do both. She never felt abandoned by her friends.

They accepted it, and made sure that they would try to make more time for her, and she promised to keep them in the know, so Pinkie did not take it the wrong way... again.