• Published 31st Oct 2011
  • 5,221 Views, 92 Comments

The Magick of Friendship: Spark of Something New - Harmony Spirit

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Ch09: Hit and Miss-Spell

Autumn was mid way, and the month was nearly over. The Last two days of the month, and first of the next, were all dedicated to celebrations. The first day was when the ponies came together, and had their Day of Remembrance. It lasted all three days, but it was the first that was truly for the memories of those lost. It was not unique to Ponyville, but here had many kinds of citizens, and so it was a bigger celebration than most other parts of Equestria. One of the few nights, that both day and night citizens mingled. Ponies, Dragons, Gargoyles, and many others.

The undead though, seem to stay away. Some would be honored this night, but they felt it was not appropriate for them to be there.

The second day, would be when the celebrations were truly started. Various parties, and occasions, held for the passed, and for the hard workers of Ponyville. Most of Equestria did the latter farther into the next month, but that was more a gathering of families, than a true testament to those who harvest the foods and needs of the ponies.

The Final night, one of the towns or cities of Equestria held a show, one so grand, that it drew crowds from all over and the various lands beyond. This year, Ponyville hosted it. They had several acts, who all would "wow" the crowd, and show off the talents of the locals of Ponyville. This year, one act would be preformed by the self named "Great and Powerful Trixie" Though off stage she was not too liked, on stage, her shows were something to witness.

The Magick of Friendship Chapter 9
Hit and Miss-Spell

As with tradition, the creatures of Equestria, came from all over. The Day of Remembrance was into it's second day, and the parties and gatherings were being held. No part of Ponyville, or much of Equestria, was not out and enjoying themselves. Even the Queens were visiting the biggest celebrations, and made their way to Ponyville.

It was a brief stay, but Celestia, made sure to spend some time with her student.

She was already well into a conversation with Twilight, as they trotted along. "I see it has been eventful here" The radiant Queen spoke.

"Oh yes, it has. I have had so much fun being here, I can not thank you enough for getting me out into the world" Twilight said, all excited, and nearly beaming with her own light.

Queen Luna looked about, as she following them at a distance. She was still not so much for conversation, she did not know Twilight all that well, and the ponies here even less. She enjoyed the time out, but felt timid with so many faces after so many life times away.

Where the Queens went, creatures of all kinds took notice, and made their respects. She wished that her own student was here, but Harmony Spirit was back home, watching over the Castle with Star Shadows. Both could hoof themselves in the duties, but this day was all celebration. So not much was need, but tending to the Sun and Moon.

She sighed, as she trotted along. Looking up from the ground, looking at the two, Student and Master, enjoying each others company, and it only made her wish her own was here more.

"Excuse me?" A little voice came, and Luna stopped, and looked down. A small pony, very young indeed, was standing there.

"Hello little one" She knelt down, so she was closer. Luna was not as tall as her sister, but she was more so than most ponies, and to a little foal, she was a giant.

"I just... wanted to say..." The little one was very nervous, and had trouble speaking, but Luna tried to show she was not gonna bite, with a gentle smile. It seemed to work, and the little filly eased, and hugged her. "Thank you, for visiting us, and bringing such beautiful nights to Ponyville"

As quickly as she came, she galloped off, leaving Luna a bit surprised, but equally happy. She did not get to hear that often, and it really made her feel better.

She stood back up, and looked over, seeing her sister and Twilight looking at her, smiling each. She flicked her ears back in embarrassment, and tried not to show it. "I uh..." She nervously fixed her hair.

"It is always a pleasure to hear from those you watch over, that they appreciate it" Celestia said, in her caring manner. Luna just nodded, smiling, trying to hide it.

It was short, but it was a nice visit, both Queens, and Twilight had a good time, but the two Royal Sisters had to be off to the next town. It was a good act, for them to show they did not lock themselves away from those who looked up to them. Events like this, were just such times they should be out and about.

As they left, Twilight returned to her dorm, to get ready for Rarity's party. Knowing Applejack was going to be there, made her happier. She would go either way, but she wanted to see her friends all together, getting along.

She made her way to the shop, she noticed several of the other ponies and creatures of Ponyville. They were making their own way to their parties, and just having their fun around town. This day, the last of the month, was one that also had the little fillies and colts, gathering candies, and masquerading as things other then themselves. The ritual, was something from another land, based on an old tradition. Twilight did not know it, but it was at least fun for the younger ones.

She was at Dressing Diamonds, and noticed how it looked nothing like a store, but more of a smaller hall. Decorated to befit all the kinds of celebrations, even the idol and friend of Rarity, Swanheart, was done up to match. He was giving out the candies, and greeting the guest. "Hello, Miss Twilight, Rarity is in the back. Applejack had arrived a bit ago, and she is trying to help her with the custom dress" He could not help but laugh, Twilight found it hard to imagine her friend dressed up, and giggled too.

"Thank you" She dipped her head, and went in.

Looking around, she saw some faces she knew, but there were more she did not. Many of those who came from all over, from Rarity's invitations.

She went to the back of the shop, where Rarity's studio was. She heard the sounds of struggles, and peered inside.

"Blast it! Why do I gotta wear that thing?! Can't hardly breath" She heard Applejack first, and Rarity soon after. "Because, it is a corset, and it allows the body to fit into the dress I made for you, now hush, and suck it up!"

"Tar nation!" She weezed, as Twilight trotted in.

"Well, I never thought I would see this" She laughed.

Applejack glared at her, trying to breath through her constricted diaphragm.

"She is such a big foal, Rainbow Dash didn't complain nearly as much" Rarity stated, helping the Earth pony into the dress. It was earth tones, and looked like it may have been suitable to wear in the fields of the pony's farm. It was rather suiting for her, all be it more fancy than she would like. The sleeves were long, but rolled up, in a way that added to the style. The Skirt, was flowing, but not flashy, just enough to look good, but also be practical. The buttons were custom, to be little apples, and she even had a hat, much like her old one, but dresser, and still fresh with colour, with a fancy belt around crown, it too had an Apple, that was much like her cutie mark. The Brim had little designs etched into it. She had her usual loose braid, tightened, and even her tail was likewise. The mane that hung in front of her face, was curled and came down over a bit more.

"This is the only time, I'm getting fancy..." She muttered. "I can hardly breath"

Rarity waved her off. "Big Filly"

Twilight laughed a bit at the two. "You two are so funny"

They both looked at her, after staring each other down. "How so?" The asked together.

"Oh, nothing" Not long ago, they had nothing in common, and for a time, were even at odds, but here they looked like old friends. Rarity once said that they just did not mix, but this moment seemed to be more then enough to prove otherwise.

The three came out into the main hall, each in their dresses. Twilight's was something looking royal, with dark tones, and little glimmering stones, like stars, and gave off a feel of magick. A two piece, with the long flowing skirt, and a top that closed up from neckline to the waist, but went on going down and back around the skirt. It also had a hood, since it was some Twilight seem to have in most her styles, also added to the sorcerer robe style. The center of the bust was sown into the fabric, the style of her cutie mark.

Rarity's was silky, and flowed like water off her form. It was sleeveless, and top half had all the right lines and support to accentuate herself. It was tastefully so, but any looking, would find themselves looking twice, to get a full view. Made to be subtle, but still draw attention. Not so much to steal the show, but just to make sure none, especially her clients, forget that she was a just as lovely, and appealing, as her designs. Maybe a night for honouring others, but did not hurt to still advertise for the future. She had her hair much as she always did, but bond the end of it, in the back, was clasped by a Diamond clip, and was slung over her shoulder.

Rainbow Dash was over at one of the tables, messing with the food. She was dressed in something of simple colours, her mane and tail had enough colour, that a dress could easily be overwhelming to the eye. It was not as dressy as all the other styles, something streamline, and flattering. It was a shorter skirted dress, and sleeveless, and low cut neckline. Not so much as advertising as Rarity, but more to keep an active pony, cool. Her mane was tamed, and clipped toward the bottom. She wore a necklace, of a three coloured thunderbolt.

Dash was busy chatting with some other Pegasus, who was dressed in a uniform. An air force pony. Despite both their fancy styles, neither seemed to be very classy. Laughing, and eating while talking, and making a bit of a mess.

Rarity spotted Fluttershy over in a corner, looking to be trying to hide. She was dressed up too, much more Earthy looking than any pony else. Even Applejack's looked more city compared. Rarity used plants as inspiration, and it was more covering than the others as well. Some of the flowers, there were little butterflies. "Oh, hello" Fluttershy said, as the hostess came over.

"Why are you over here? You look great"

"I just.. don't do well in groups" She seem to shrink a bit.

Rarity put an hoof on her shoulder. "Come on, tonight is a night to enjoy yourself, not hide a way" She moved behind her, and pushed her into the crowd. Fluttershy struggled to get back into the corner, but Rarity was too insistent.

"Here!" She said, pushing her up to another pony. A tall Earth pony, who was dressed almost like shy Pegasus. "This is May Flower, one of the Royal gardeners. And this is Fluttershy, Ponyville's own little animal and planet expert"

"Oh my..." Fluttershy muttered.

"Hello" He smiled.

Twilight was over with Applejack, watching Rarity playing match maker with the timid pony. "Poor Fluttershy" Twilight laughed softly.

Applejack looked over at them, then back at Twilight. "Y'all don't look near as uncomfortable in your dresses as I am" She had been looking at all the others in the party. "That Rarity put me in this blasted thing, to get back at me"

"She did not, it is a normal part of dresses. Pretty much ever mare has to where one" She looked around, to make sure no pony was looking at her. She undid a couple buttons, and showed her own. Applejack looked at it, and nodded. "It is not easy to be pretty"

The Orange mare looked ahead. "Ain't that the turth. Why any pony goes through this, is well beyond my mind"

"Go through what?" Pinkie popped up behind them, causing them both to jump.

"Land sakes! Do y'all gotta do that?"

"Do what?" Another voice said, causing them to jump again, as Ditzy Doo stood there.

Twilight tried to get her breath. Pinkie and Ditzy looked alike, wearing what seemed like what dress and uniform had, if they had children. The Pink mare, was in something like her current job. An older fashion soda shop uniform, but made into a flowing dress. The grey Pegasus, was in a dark coloured uniform, something like a postal courier. Two of the strangest ponies in Ponyville, and most dedicated to their jobs. Was fitting they were dressed so. They also seem to be the only ones of Ponyville, that did not show off their Cutie Mark in their dresses.

"What were you two talking about?" Ditzy asked, coming over by Pinkie.

"Corsets" Applejack said bitterly.

"Oh? How come?" Pinky asked.

Twilight looked at her. "Cause, Applejack does not like wearing them"

"Really?" Pinky thought. "I don't have to" She said, not so much to brag, just putting it out there.

"You don't?" Applejack asked. "Why she get a way with it?"

Pinky pulled up her front, showing her thin build. "Wouldn't do much" Ditsy nodded too, tapping her own stomach. "Me either"

"Of course..." Twilight said, with a hint of jealousy.

"Suppose, with that crop of energy y'all have, it's no wonder you ain't got nothing extra" Applejack said, not so jealous as Twilight, only thinking she wished she was so lucky to avoid this torture device.

The party went on, and went pretty well. All of Rarities friends and clients were enjoying themselves. It was a complete success, even if Applejack kept complaining about the corset. Rarity found it funny, she was so uncomfortable in a corset, as Rarity herself would have been in the fields of the farm.

Took some time, but the gathering broke up, and all the ponies went home, or to their temporary residence for the holiday. The month was now over, but one day was left to the Day of Remembrance.


The third day of celebration came, and Ponyville was filled to its boarders with creatures from all over. This year was the one that the little town was host to the main attractions of the final day. The two Queens returned, now as guests for the grand show, and did not socialize as they would any other time. It was a time for the acts, not for the Royal Sisters. This time, Harmony Spirit, Luna's own student, was in attendance. Star Shadows had, remained behind to tend the day. He was not one for social gatherings, so he did not mind at all.

For the first time, since she left Canterlot, Twilight was in her student robes, and sat with her mentor, as the shows went on. Her friends, had spots close to them, and watched on as the acts preformed.

Local, and ponies from all over Equestria, were putting on shows. Magick acts, finest of the land. Daring stunts, and many kinds of performance. It was nearly a Talent show, for the variety of acts. Bands, and DJs, were aiding the acts, and putting on their own shows. One such, as Vinyl Scratch, or DJ Pon-3, as most called her. A White Unicorn, who's talent for spinning, really fed the moments for the performers, and herself.

As the day grew on, it was nearing the time for the shows to come to an end. One final act was to perform, an act of magick, but one the was promised to be greater than any other seen.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie!" The voice called out, one from the pony's own mouth. She took the stage, with no shame, and lacking no pride. This was moments she shined like no other, this was her element, to grab the crowd, and keep them entranced.

She called up simple tricks, to draw them into her act, all a ploy to lull them into comfort, before she unleashed her greatest spell.

Twilight, and few others who had to deal with her normally, had to admit, she was a show pony like few others, and she did have talent to back up her arrogance. Though they felt that it was unfortunate, since it justified her.

"Now, my enthralled audience, I shale do, what few even dare to dream!" She stood in the spot light, she was far brighter, and needed nothing to draw attention. She was all that any pony thought of at the moment. "In this land of Equestria, are things, that even mighty dragons would think twice about challenging, but I, The Great and Powerful Trixie, can do things no other can. I can battle and tame the dreaded Ursa Major!" A collective gasp came from the audience, few muttered among themselves over the claim, and more were in doubt of such things.

She smirked, and looked out at them, in a wide gaze. "I see you all are skeptical... well, I guessed such. It is hard to take it straight from the pony's mouth, but words are cheap..." She lifted her arms, horn aglow, and the stage was gone, and behind her, was a large cage, holding a beast that cause many to panic, and cry out in terror. A large bear shaped creature, wicked claws, each longer than a house, and teeth of equal intensity. The creature seemed unreal, for it looked to be made up of Night sky. Even Celestia and Luna looked on in shock. Either could stand against such a creature, but it was not easy. Here, this little unicorn, claimed she could do it, and would seem, with little effort.

"Behold, the creature we all... well, excluding myself, Fear!" She snapped her fingers, and the cage was gone like the stage, but the monster remained. This renewed the fear in the audience, and she turned to them. "Calm yourselves, for this is no danger!"

She turned to the creature, that was looking around, seeming to assess the situation, and it then looked at the crowd. Letting out a roar, one that shock not only physically, but the very soul.

"Down creature! You are mine to command, and I command you cease this noise!"

It looked at her, and then let our another roar, but she did not show fear. She stood against it, and summoned her magicks, and sent the beast back. It skidded, and looked a bit shocked and dazed.

"I am the Great and Powerful Trixie! I caught you once, and I will defeat you again!"

It returned to its ferocity, and started toward her, but she again, pushed it back.

The gathering, looked on, as a small pony, battled a creature that was the size of the elder dragons. They were mixed between fear and elation, for the show they witnessed.

"My Queen?" Twilight turned to her mentor. "What do you think we should do?"

She sat there, watching them battle, and waited a moment, thinking of her answer. "I do not think we should interfere. Not yet" she sensed something, and was not giving out what it was.

"She put up a decent fight, against me," Harmony started. "Might have more power the either of us has seen"

"Now!" Trixie called out. "I will imprison you again!" With a motion, she was alight in her magick, and soon the Ursa was too. "Yield beast!" She shouted, and a cage formed around it. It stood in the large construct, and looked around.

Trixie landed, and turned a way, back toward the audience. "See, I have done it again! It is my-" She was cut off, as the beast roared, and the cage shattered. "What?!"

With a quick turn, she tried to summon the spell again, but the beast batted her away. She flew a bit, and crashed into a near building. The audience began to panic, and make for any where but here.

Celestia, and Luna looked on, with their students and their friends, still near. "We have to stop-" Twilight began, but Celestia moved before them, and did nothing else.

The creature began to rampage, and strike at the buildings.

Trixie stood up, looking nothing like an arrogant unicorn, but a defeated warrior after a long battle. "How could this fail?" She said to herself. "How?"

With renewed energy, she summoned more of herself, and struck at the beast again. "YIELD!!!" But it did not, and kept destroying.

Twilight did not want to wait for Trixie to finish, no way this was part of her act, since she was no longer even looking all powerful.

She rushed past and charged into the battle, her horn now alight, and she summoned her own magicks to strike the beast. These were more effective, and caught its attention, signified, by a roar.

She did not back down, and unleashed more spells on it. Fire, lights, summoning things to strike it. The whole was working, as it was looking to be wearing on the onslaught.

It collapsed, but clearly not finished. Twilight took the moment to get her breath. As she was, she noticed something strange. She learned about these creatures once, and something about this one seemed wrong.

She studied it close, looking it over, and saw something wrong in the constellations that made up it's body. "This is not an Ursa.. not a real one" She looked at Trixie, after her thoughts, and realized the truth. It was a powerful spell, one she had never been able to pull off, at such a scale. This was an illusion, a temporary trick, to create something solid, and nearly real, but it was just a spell, that could be undone.

She refocused her magicks, and recalled the matrix of the spell work, to reverse it, she hoped that Trixie did not change the spell, or she would not be able to break it down.

The false Ursa rose and resumed its attack, moving toward Twilight, who stood there, horn aglow, but eyes closed. It neared her, and raised its paw to strike her. As it racked the sky, closing on her, Trixie actually cried "Look out!" The paw would never reach, as it dissolved before it could finish the path. The whole beast followed after, and it was over in an instant.

Twilight opened her eyes briefly, before collapsing to the ground. "Thank the Stars..." She muttered, as she was soon swarmed by many of those who were still by, mostly the ponies and creatures who made Ponyville their home. They made way for the Queens, and those who were close by them. Twilight was now in a circle of her friends and loved ones, as they made sure she had space. Applejack and Harmony were closest, propping her up.

As she recovered, the other turned their attention to Trixie, who was still in shock.

They surrounded her, after the trouble she caused, they were all justifiably angry with her. She backed up, but had no place to go. She was against the building that her own spell had flung her against.

"You terror!" One shouted. "You are going to pay for this!" Another said. "If not for Twilight, we could all be out on our rears, with no homes. We could have been killed"

Twilight recovered enough, to watch as the other unicorn was gripped in fear. The others looked almost bloodthirsty with rage. The Arrogant magick pony, looked like a child now. She had no pride, or arrogance, only fear and shame. The Great and Powerful Trixie, looked meek and sorrowful.

Trixie may be a pain, but she was not trying to hurt anypony, and Twilight knew that deep inside, she also knows how a spell can go astray in an instant. Something started to burn in her, seeing her like this, one of the few ponies that shares in her unique gift of magick. She was now in trouble, even if it was self caused.

Twilight regained her energy, and charged through the crowd, and stood between them and Trixie. Who looked at her oddly, wondering what the violet unicorn had planned. The Crowd was equally confused by the act as well.

They are started up, shouting and calling names out. "STOP!" Twilight shouted. A Silence fell, and all eyes looked surprised toward her.

"How can you all be so cruel?" She began. "Can you not see how scared she is, and how sorry she is? She has been a pain in the flank for everypony, but she has never gone out of her way to hurt anypony" She looked over the crowd.

"But look at what she's done!"

"I know that there are few Unicorns in this town, fewer who can summon magick as her or I. So you ponies do not know what it is like to try to control magick, especially on that scale of ours. One small mistake, could change a simple spell, into a disaster"

They all seem to calm a bit, a couple others seem to agree with her. She could not tell if they were locals, or some of the visitors. She did not really care, she just wanted to turn the crowd.

Twilight turned to Trixie, who still could not make sense of her sudden defense. "You are not without blame Trixie. You and I, we are both blessed with Magick as our special ability. That means we have to control our spells. You are a show off, and try to be too flashy. You need to focus more on-"

"What ever" She snapped. "I messed up, no need to go on" She looked past Twilight at the crowd, and glared. "I will do better next time, and I will be more... careful... I guess" She brushed past Twilight, looking more angry than sorry now.

Twilight watched her go, after she made it a few tails, a flash of light, and she was gone.


Twilight was helping the others clean up the mess, tempers had cooled, and the ponies just wanted to put it all behind them. No pony really said anything, so the only sounds was the cleaning. Even some of those not of the town, were cleaning.

The last day of Remembrance, and it was one to remember indeed.

After it was done, Twilight trotted home. She was tired from everything, and needed a long rest. She paused a moment, thinking she heard something. She shrugged it off, and continued on.

She heard it again, and stopped. "Hello?"

Something moved in the shadows, of one of the allies. "You should be happy" Trixie said, coming into the light. "You are the student of Queen Celestia, a great magick user” She paused a brief moment. “Plus the whole town thinks you are a hero. Such glory"

"I did not do it for glory. I do not use my magick to show off, or to get fame" Twilight said, with a hint of annoyance.

Trixie scoffed. "Well lucky you, you don't have too" She trotted past Twilight, and stopped.

"It has been a long day, can you be a pest later?" The violet mare, was not in much a mood, after everything, the other seemed to learn nothing. "Seriously, after all this, you are-"

"Didn't come here to pester you Twilight Sparkle. I came to say... Thanks..."

She looked surprised. "What?"

"I messed up, and it would have been really bad if you hadn't been there. Being a good show pony, means always doing your best in the spot light. I push myself, and well... I failed today" She looked to the sky, looking at the stars. "Funny, when a star shines, it's light is taken for granted, but when it falls, everypony makes a fuss" She sighed. "But that is the way of those who are made into stars"

She looked different now, she was not at all like herself, or a side any had seen. "You ok Trixie?"

"I'm fine" She started to trot away.

She watched her go, she felt funny. Twilight was use to Trixie being in her face, but never seen her so deep in thought. She wanted to follow her, and try to get more, but she felt it best to just leave it be for now. Maybe one day, she would break the unicorn's shell, and see what was inside her mind.