• Published 31st Oct 2011
  • 5,225 Views, 92 Comments

The Magick of Friendship: Spark of Something New - Harmony Spirit

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Ch17: Friends for the Holidays

Any reason to celebrate is all the reason needed for ponies to do so, and none more so than Pinkie Pie. For the winter holidays, she is Ponyville's best source of cheer. The time to join in the gathering of friends and family was nearing, as is the year's end. Where autumn had the days to remember those past, winter would be for those still with us. As Pinkie loved to shout when the first day begins, at the start of the New Year. "Let the old year's troubles stay in the past, and new friends and fun be found in this year!"

The Magick of Friendship chapter 17: Friends for the Holidays

Though close, the year was not done yet, and Pinkie Pie had much to set up. She used this time, to market herself and set up parties for those all over Ponyville. Normally, she would have her friend Ditzy Doo to help her. With the many letters and so much mail around this time, from ponies far and wide, which could not make it to their families, the wild eyed Pegasus was busy with her own duties.

She did find help from Twilight and Keese, with Fluttershy and Playful Paws lending their hooves too. Spike also came to help. He did it more for Twilight, he was becoming like an assistant to her, when he was not spending time with Apple Bloom.

As they were out and about, the others had their own duties. Applejack, Big Macintosh, Apple Bloom, and Granny Smith, were making ready the farm for the Apple Family. It would be a time for them to return to the homestead, and join together as a family. Applejack even invited Adams Apple and Candy Apple, but they felt it was better to stay away. Not many in the family took to them any more then Applejack usually did, or use too.

Rarity was planning a small family get together. Herself, and Sweetie Belle, would be entertaining her parents. She would also have Swanheart join them, his family was near the Dragon boards, and in these seasons could not be so far from the shop.

Twilight wished to go back to Canterlot and see her parents and Queen Celestia, but for Celestia, she had much to do with the coming ceremonies. Her parents were also away for the seasons.

She decided to join Pinkie and her family, at the biggest party in Ponyville. It was a gathering for those with no place to really be, or wanted to do more than just sit at home. Twilight would join Applejack, but a gathering like that was best to keep to family. Maybe one day she would be a part of it.

Fluttershy and Playful Paws decided to stay home, and share their first holidays together. The Pegasus liked to keep things simple and quiet any ways, and Playful just loved to be around her. They would get a visit from some of their friends later in the day.

Rainbow Dash and Gilda did not seem to care about any of it, they stayed to themselves and pretty much avoided any pony. With how busy every pony was, none took notice of their absence.


Most the parties were set, so Pinkie took a break from them and welcomed her parents and sisters. Twilight had joined her later, and was talking with them about Pinkie's past.

"It is so hard to believe" Twilight said.

"Oh yeah, our little Pinkamena was not always a party pony" Her father said, sipping from a coffee cup. "Cannot tell you, how much joy it brought us seeing her smile like she did that first time. In those times, being happy was not something easily found"

Twilight gave a nod, as her mother started. "Was the first time since Granny Pie past, that any of us truly smiled" She turned to Pinkie. "You have much of her spirit"

"Aw, mom..." Pinkie giggled.

"It is a very unique experience, being her roommate" Twilight laughed. "I was not very social growing up. Not till I moved here for collage. I had no friends, but made many fast, and Pinkie is definitely one of the best I have"

Her father nodded. "It is good to hear she is doing well, thank you Miss Sparkle" her mother mirrored his feelings.

Learning of Pinkie's past was shocking, seeing what kind of pony she was, but she figured was why she was so happy. If Twilight had grown up a rock farmer with so little to be hopeful for, she would cling to happiness and never let it go. In a way, Twilight does that with her friends.

After some games and fun, the Pies headed for bed. Was not so late, but after a long travel they needed some rest. Pinkie had to start getting some more celebrations ready, and Twilight decided to head home for a bit.

On her way, she thought about her friends more. She wished she could spend more time with them in this season, they were like family. Rarity called her a sister. She decided to see if she had some time for her.

She moved through town, Rarity’s was nearly on the other side of the town than Pinkie and so Twilight would need to travel through. She was not surprised to find it was not very busy as it usually was. Some creatures had left already because of the winter, others more recently to be back home. Not all shared in this holiday in their lands, but since living here, they found it enjoyable or made their own take on it.

Passing Apple Cider's she saw the rarely used closed sign hanging off the door; it was so uncommon there was not even a place to properly hang it.

Out ahead, there was a large wagon and two ponies pulling it. Twilight moved closer, and recognized Big Mac, and soon saw the shape of Applejack's hat.

"Afternoon" Twilight called out.

They turned and looked. "Howdy" The stallion greeted.

"Howdo Sugar cube?" Applejack said, adding a wink.

They stopped, and the mare took off the yoke and embraced the unicorn with a kiss to finish.

"What are you two up too?" Twilight asked, after they broke their hug.

"Supplies. Apple Cider's gonna be down for a bit, and with all them ponies acome'n, gonna need some stuff. Nice thing own'n a diner; extra pots, and kitchen stuff for the mouths, and plenty of chairs for them flanks"

Twilight nodded, and looked at the wagon. "You need help? That looks heavy"

Applejack took a mocking pose of defense. "Y'all say'n I can't hoof it?"

"Do have your brother with you" She smiled.

Applejack snorted, still not really mad or being truly stubborn as she would any pony else. "I could do it myself, but two makes it go faster"

Big Mac rolled his eyes.

"I saw that" She spun her head around, glaring at him.

"A'course y’all did"

"Know?" She started, looking back at Twilight. "Y'all can still join us. Y'all are nearly family"

Twilight shook her head. "No, that is fine. Might be a bit soon for me to get to know the whole family" She laughed nervously.

"Ok Twi, but if'n you change yer mind"

"Do not worry, if'n I do, I will let you know" She smiled.

With another kiss, they parted and Twilight went onward toward Rarity.

The hour was later than she had realized, but she was almost there. Looking up to the sky, it was then she saw that it was getting dark. "I wonder if I should still go?" She paused and noticed something, a bright colour in the clouds. "That... Rainbow Dash? I have not seen her for a while"

She stopped, and thought. "Wonder what she is...” She paused for her coming pun with a giggle. “Up too?"

After a moment she cast a spell on herself self, seemingly doing nothing, but Twilight teleported to the cloud bank.

"Shit!" Rainbow Dash called out, not expecting the sudden appearance of Twilight. "How did you get up here?"


Dash stood up, and looked at her. "How are you standing up here?"

"Cloud Walker, a spell made so Ponies can stand on clouds and move around like Pegasus. I suppose I could have given myself wings, but that would take a lot of magick and a couple Crimson Steer energy drinks" She laughed a bit, but the other pony did not get it. She coughed her way out of the laugh. "So, what are you doing?" She avoided explaining the energy drink’s slogan.

With a sigh, Rainbow Dash lied back down. "Nothin'"

"No plans for the Holidays?"

"Just me and G, hang'n"

Twilight moved a bit closer. "Not going to visit your family?"

Dash winced at that, but shrugged it off for an answer. She could sense something more, but felt it was not right to push it. "What about Gilda? Does she have any plans?"

The other mare rolled, and closed her eyes. "No. We're just going to spend it like we always do. Drunk, and alone"

Gilda flew in and spotted Twilight in the clouds with Dash, she slowed and hid out of sight. "What is she doing up here?" She asked herself. She did not harbor bad feelings any more, but she was not easy around her just yet.

"Why not join Pinkie and myself? We're having a big party, and her parents are coming. Be good for Gilda too. Be the first time since the whole thing, which we really hung out. Maybe she and I can start getting along"

"Not sure she'd be interested either"

"Give it a chance Rainbow Dash, I bet she would make a ton of new friends. I did when Pinkie did that party for me"

The Pegasus looked at her. "That party WAS for you, this one isn't for G. I know you mean well, but common Sparks"

"I do not see the problem. She opened up to me, and I gave her a chance. With you there, your friends will welcome her"

She scoffed. "Please; G is one of those things about me, most my friends don't like. I don't care what any pony says, she's not a bad bird. Just moody, and protective. Gave her a bad rep, and not many ponies are too forgiving like you"

Twilight looked beaten, and gave a sign to match. "At least think about it, talk to her about it. I will vouch for her, and I am sure Pinkie will just enjoy having another body in her party"

Dash gave a sigh of her own. "Maybe" Was all she said.

"I should go, I am not sure how long this Cloud Walker spell lasts"

"Ha, hard to imagine you don't know about a spell" She paused, and caught on. Was Twilight finding a polite way to leave. She obviously realized that the Pegasus was not in the mood for company. "I'll see you around Twilight," She rolled back to look at her. "Glad we're back to being friends"

"Me too" Twilight smiled, and teleported.

Shortly after she left, Gilda "showed up"

"Hey Dash, looking rested" She mocked, landing on the clouds and walking slowly toward the pony.

"You know me"

"Anything happen when I was gone?" She hid her knowledge of the conversation that had just gone on.

She looked at her, studying her. She was wondering why she would ask that, she should have known better since nothing was really going on in the sky. "Nope"

Gilda knew she was lying, she heard most of what they talked about, but didn't press it. "Thought so, sleeping all the time ain't gonna get much action"

She sat down near Dash and let herself fall back on top of her, causing the mare to let out a groan as all air rushed out of her. "Damn it G!"

The gryphon rested her head on her friend's stomach. "Well, if you're gonna be a lump in the cloud, might as well make use of ya"

Dash reached down, and plucked a feather. "Ow! Ass"


Gilda rolled off and Dash tackled her, pinning her down. "Ha. Part lion? A little lion cub?"

The griffin pushed her off, and pinned her down. "Who's laughing now? I've seen Mini ponies put up better fights"

Dash struggled and started them both rolling, till they fell off the cloud. They did not have much time to stop their fall, and crashed to the ground laughing.

"Ow, my ribs" The Pegasus said, still laughing. "Think I broke one" She coughed.

Gilda sat up, and looked the other over. "You ok?"

Dash tried to sit up, but felt a sharp pain. "Ow, shit... something is broke"

The gryphon was not sure what to do, she never really took any lessons in medical but she knew enough. If it hurt to move, then best not too.

She spotted a pony, and rushed over to him. He saw her coming at him, and panicked. "Oh mare!" He started to gallop, but Gilda grabbed him.

"Dude, get some help!"

"What?" He looked at her, not seeing any danger from her eyes, only concern.

"My friend is hurt, go get a doctor... please?" He nodded, and galloped off.

She returned to Rainbow's side, and did not leave.

"This isn't a big deal, just need a moment... ack" She rubbed her side. Gilda looked over her, looking scared. Dash remembered that look from long ago. "G, I'm not going let a little pain get me, stop worrying"

She tried not to look so concerned, but it didn't work.


"But why?" Twilight asked the front desk at the Ponyville hospital.

"I'm sorry, but only relatives can see her right now. Visiting hours are currently over, besides."

"But... Can I at least know how she is? What happened?"

The mare behind the desk shook her head slowly. "I am sorry, but information like that is only available to family members"

Twilight sighed, and trotted a way taking a seat in the lobby. "What is wrong with this place? What would it hurt to have me see her?" Twilight sat for a while, not really paying any mind to time.

"Y'all best let me up there!" She snapped out of her daze, and looked over to see Applejack shouting at the mare at the desk.

"Miss please, only family can see her, and currently the visiting hou-" The other was not having that. "I don't care what's open or closed, she is damn near a sister ta me and I wanna see her!"

"If you do not calm yourself, I'll be forced to call security"

“The Queen’s own guard ain’t stop’n me, I'm seeing my friend!"

"AJ" Twilight said, putting her hand on her shoulder.

The Mare spun, and looked at her, first with fire, then turning to concern. "Twi..." They hugged, and Twilight trotted her back to the seats.

"Ain't fair... I've known that mare fer a good part of my life, she's as much my sister as Apple Bloom" She slammed her fist on the armrest.

"I know, I want to see her too, I want to know what happened. I just heard she fell, and had a sharp pain in her side"

"I need to know what is wrong, I can't just sit here, and think of all this mess" Applejack said, looking down at the floor.

"I am sure it is just a busted rib, something small. Little things can hurt"

"And waiting, and not knowing... kills"

They sat there for a while, neither saying anything. Twilight looked at the clock a few times, but Applejack just watched the floor. "I just got her back... I can't lose her again" Both of them shared the same thought.

A figure moved behind them, and stopped. "Oh good, you got the messages" Gilda said.

Twilight looked back to see her. "You sent them?"

She looked as bad as they did, but she seemed to have more will to move around and talk. "Yeah, I figured you two should be first to know"

She took a seat next to the unicorn; for the first time, not looking uneasy to be around them. Her concern was higher than her stigma. "...When she hit the ground she seemed fine, but after a couple seconds, she had pains and couldn't move"

Applejack snapped back to reality, after hearing Gilda's story of the event. "Damn it!" She grabbed Gilda's collar. "Why didn't y'all get hurt, why Dash!" She stared into the Gryphon's eyes, with fire and misplaced rage. She only got concern and shame back.

"I wish it was..." Gilda said getting teary eyed. This made the Earth pony relax her grip and lean back, losing all her rage. "I don't want to lose her, any more than you two"

Applejack studied her eyes, and saw a reflection of her own worries. With no warning, she pulled Gilda into a hug and the two held tight as they let their tears out.

Twilight watched them, and wiped her eyes. "Please be ok Dash" she muttered, looking a way.


Gilda managed to convince the receptionist; that she was related to Rainbow Dash, saying she was adopted into the family. She had some pictures that showed her with the family, at a very early age. Twilight wanted to ask about the ponies in the picture, but knew now was not the time.

After a few minutes she returned, and let the others know what was going on. "She has a broken rib. It was pressing into her lung, why she was coughing, and hurt so much. She should be out of surgery, and fine" She smiled at the last part and the other two mirrored it.

"Land sakes, that's a load off. Good thing y'all are family" Applejack said, patting the gryphon's shoulder.

"How soon can we see her?" Twilight asked.

"They said I can see her as soon as she is out, but visitors have to wait till morning" She sighed. "I think I can get them to let one of you go instead, I think she'd like to see one of you more than me..."

Twilight was going to say something, but Applejack spoke first. "No, you go. She's said it a many times that y'all are very important to her. She needs y'all more than either of us"

Gilda looked at her surprised by her words, and deeply moved. She fought back the urge to cry, and nodded.

As if sensing her uncertainty over Applejack's sudden change of heart toward the gryphon, the orange mare put a hand on the others shoulder. "Look, we have a mighty lot of bad crop between us. I ain't gonna lie, I still not too sure on y'all. After all the years, can y'all really blame me?" Gilda shook her head. "But one thing we share is our love of that head strong stubborn mare. If'n it was a race, I'd say I lost long before I started, when it came to being her closest friend. Maybe I come second, but not the point” She paused a moment. “I saw y'all in your raw moment and it showed me, yer not all bad. Maybe after all this, we can sit down and make some peace"

Gilda was unsure. She just never felt very safe around ponies, but Twilight had proven she was not after her and Applejack was one of the few as dear to Rainbow Dash, as Gilda was. After some thought, she nodded. "Sounds... cool. We should, for Dash"

Applejack nodded. "And for us too, never hurts to have more friends"

She was again taken aback, growing up with ponies looking at her like a monster. She never imagined any would want anything to do with her, besides Rainbow Dash. She now stood before two, who both expressed that they would be willing to see past the monster she allowed herself to become and offer her friendship.

"What are y'all wait'n for?" Applejack grabbed her, and started moving her toward the doors to the recovery rooms. "Go make sure she is ok, for all of us. Countin' on y'all Gilda"

"Ok, ok, I'm going!" She mocked her usual harsh ton, but the smile was a giveaway. She went on through the doors, and Applejack stood on the other side for a time till Twilight came up to her.

"Sorry Twi. I know y'all must want to go see her, but I felt she needed Gilda. I think she needed to be with Dash too"

Twilight hugged her from behind. "You just beat me too it AJ"

The Earth mare put a hand onto Twilight's arm around her. "I never imagined I'd do anything like that. I hate... hated... her once... Seeing her so destroyed, with none of that cocky attitude, or rudeness... after all I seen of that bird..."

"I understand... believe me, and it was not the first time I have seen one of those in Ponyville who seems to have nothing good to them, show a side that makes you wonder if there is something more there"

"Who else?" Applejack turned her head a bit, but could not really get Twilight in full view.

She took a moment before answering. "Remember Trixie?"

"Who could forget?"

"I do not wish to speculate, but I have seen a glimpse of a side she keeps hidden"

"First Gilda, and now Trixie? Makes y'all wonder about every pony, what if ponies like Pinkie ain't so nice? Maybe she is some evil mastermind, or has some dark past?"

Twilight laughed at the idea of Pinkie being evil. Applejack join in, not being entirely serious.


It took a few days but Rainbow Dash came out fine, bragging that she had ribs removed, and so she'd be lighter and faster. She even had a race with Gilda, as soon as she had the chance. Everypony was glade she had not changed, and she would not be slowed down.

Gilda started to go back to being distant and cold, but she was not as mean or rude as she was before. She was not just yet ready to start spending time with the ponies, like they were old friends. She did share some time with Applejack, but it was not all that frequent.

The holidays neared their end, with only the Year's End Celebration to go. Pinkie's family had gone back home, as many others did, it was often a time for the Town's ponies to gather and celebrate the year past and bring in the next.

Though it was all Pinkie's planning, it was the Mayor's duty to host the occasion.

She was gracefully aged; mane a silvery grey, and reading glasses that hung partly down her nose, with beads going down and around her neck. She was dressed in a suit of violet, simple but still one of Rarity's fine works.

"Mares, and Stallions," She started, standing before the whole of Ponyville. "And our many, many species who call our beautiful town of Ponyville ‘home’" Given the verity of creatures who live here, this would have gone on till the next Year's End if she named each. "After a wonderful year of trails, scandals, new faces, and many wonderful times, personal, or public, most brought to us by our talented Pinkie Pie. We have come to the end of it, as our glorious Queen of Night ascends the Moon higher into the Midnight hour; we prepare to welcome the New Year. We shale watch as the Last Moon sets, and the First Sun arises. We take this time to let old grudges and petty problems, be forgotten. Allow new loves and friendships in their place. Enjoy the goods of the Past Year, and look forward to the ones from the coming"

She drew forth a letter. "I have grand news as well. As we all know, the Cities and Towns of Equestria all are competing for special blessings from the Queens. It may be a friendly competition; one cannot help being excited when you learn that our fair town has been blessed as 'Most Diverse, and Welcoming Town or City in Equestria'" The crowd cheered out, it was no small term. Since the end of the Wars, and the forming of the United Races, for Lasting Peace and Prosperity; Equestria, one of the founding lands, has striven to ever be a country of just that, A Land of Peace and Prosperity for all to share in.

Being a Diverse and Welcoming town, meant that Ponyville was the capitol of the ideals. It was a title that came and went, but few had held onto it as long as Ponyville or won it as many times. Every time it was a joyous occasion for the ponies and creature that made it home.

"From her own words," The Mayor started again. "Ponyville has always maintained a high level of good will, and caring. The souls of this town have provided many things for all Equestria, from the talented trades and skillful supplies such as foods and goods, to the volunteers and citizens who go out of their way to make our Land a better place for Ponies and our Neighbors. With their noble motto 'Where some pony is always willing to lend a helping hoof' Ponyville has also received high praise from my dearest student, who I sent there to gain an education that cannot be taught in class, but learned from living in a place that will build character, teach good will, and show what it means to be a pony of Equestria. A town that truly shows all of the signs of our lost, but not absent Elements of Harmony; of Honesty, Loyalty, Kindness, Charity, and Laughter. I give my highest Blessings to this Town, and its citizens - Queen Celestia"

After the words of the Queen, and a small speech about the coming year, the citizens began to celebrate the Year's End.

Rainbow Dash dragged Gilda along. "Common!"

"No, I don't belong here!" She protested.

"You belong, as much as any pony"

"Yeah, pony..."

Dash kept tugging, but paused at her retort. "You know what I mean! Besides, AJ and Sparks will want to see you here"

Gilda hesitated in a comeback. "Maybe, but no one else"

"Give... it... a... ...TRY!" She pushed Gilda, and she stumbled into another pony.

"Damn it Dash..." She crashed to the ground, and picked herself up after a moment.

She lifted her head, and came face to face with a pink pony. "Hi!" She said. She was smiling, both with her mouth and her eyes. Her ears were perked forward in a way, that if they had any way too, this is how they'd smile too.

"Uh... Hello..." She said a bit uneasy, she knew of Pinkie Pie and was not so sure she was ready to deal with a pony like her.

"Come on, let's get you up" She held out her hoof, after a moment Gilda took it and allowed her to help her up. She did not need the help, but Dash was watching her and she wanted to make the effort.

She dusted herself off, when she was back up standing. "Thanks"


"That's the name" She said, in a bit of an uncaring tone.

Rainbow Dash came over, and out her arm around Gilda. "G, this is Pinkie Pie, I think you know her. she's a bit crazy, but can be some fun... Hey, remember when we replaced Pierce's Balloons with lead ones?!" Shad asked excitedly.

"YEAH! He couldn't pop 'em... Till her used his magick" She laughed, and Dash joined in. Gilda tried too, but came out weak.

"Oh, right... uh Pierce, he's this Unicorn that goes around poking things. Usually popping balloons, and putting wholes in things. Doesn't do anything bad, but it's pretty weird and annoying. Pinkie and I thought it would be funny to use some Lead Balloons she bought, and see if we could pull one over on him... Didn't work too well"

"Ok... guess had to be there" Gilda said.

"Yo G, hang here with Pinkie, gonna find some drinks. Otta be some good stuff around" Dash said, and rushed off.

Gilda watched her go, and then turned back to Pinkie.

"So..." Pinkie started, looking a bit nervous.

"Yeah?" Gilda studied her.

"Uh... What's it like being a Gryphon?"

She looked at the pony with an annoyed expression. "That's a stupid question. I don't know what it's like to be anything else"

"Oh right... Well... What do you like to do?"

"Writing a book?"

"You like writing? I never would have guessed"

The gryphon sighed. "No, that was a sarcastic question..."

"I wasn't asking sarcastic" Pinkie looked at her funny

"I meant me"

"I know, you said you are writing a book, right? Or would it be left? Can you write a book right? Wouldn't that be redundant?"

Gilda stood there looking at her for a moment, and then started to laugh.

"What? The right book, or writing right? That are you writing? or Lefting? Mmm, if you are left hooved, would you be lefting? Maybe Wlefting, since you add a 'w' to right"

Gilda laughed harder, causing Pinkie to start laughing too.

"You know Gilda?" Pinkie asked, after they stopped laughing. She looked at her quizzically. "I heard a lot of things about you, and how mean you were. I've seen it first hoof too"

"Yeah?" She started to get defensive.

"But I think it was all a mistake. You seem like a good gryphon. Though never met another gryphon, but as far as I'm concerned, means gryphons are good"

She looked at her, then turned her head a bit, fixing the feathers hung over her brow. "Thanks Pinkie... no idea what the means to hear"

Pinkie hugged her, but Gilda hesitated. After a moment, maybe seeing no end till she did or because she truly wanted too, she hugged back. "You know, I've heard about you from Dash"

"Yeah?!" She was excited.

"She said you were a bit weird, but a fun pony to know"

Pinkie grinned. "I am!"

"Yes you are" Gilda laughed. "Also seem to hide a deeper insight. You act silly, but really you know what you are doing"

"Oh?" She seemed to be confused, but also hiding something.

"Yeah, maybe you are weird, but seems like a front"

Pinkie looked serious, and smiled knowingly. "For such a tough girl, you seem pretty insightful too"

Gilda shrugged. "I know stuff, doesn't mean I have to act like a total snob or lord it over everyone else"

"Hehe, you know, that's how I feel. I like being seen as a weirdo, than some smarty"

"No fun being a nerd" Gilda laughed, with Pinkie joining in.

"Twilight not included" Pinkie added, and Gilda nodded in agreement. “So what gave it away?”

“Body language and your eyes,” She started. “Could tell you were trying to get me to loosen up, and relax”

“At least it worked” She smiled. "Say, when is your birthday? Or... hatchday? You hatch?"

"Yeah, I was hatched. Why are you asking?"

She pulled out her Bay-B, and pulled up a date book program. "Because, I have nearly every pony... er... one's in here. I try to do something for everybody in Ponyville. Some are harder than others. Each month, I post in school who all have one coming. I usually also have the first week of the next month"

"Sounds cool, though I'm outta school for a while" Gilda was feeling an odd connection with this mare, and it was nice.

Rainbow Dash came back, as they were still talking. "Yo, ain't got nothing around here stronger than mouthwash. Freak'n public celebration" She came up to them. "Pinkie, next year we need a private party so we can have some good drinks"

"Punch is good... but not punches... They hurt"

"You are so Random, Pinkie Pie"

Gilda smiled, and Pinkie smiled with her. Rainbow Dash did not really know what they shared, but she smiled with them. Dash was happy seeing her oldest and dearest friend getting along with some of her other friends.

It was the start of a new year, and things were looking up already. The assembled creatures gathered in the Center of town, awaiting the sign of Moon to shine out the light of the final moment of the year.

They all called out, as the seconds neared the Midnight hour. 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1... And as the last number was chanted, the Moon turned a new colour, and cast out a bright rainbow of lights, lighting the night.

All over Equestria, cries went out, as the New Year began. Friends, lovers, strangers, and all kinds, joined together for one purpose; the welcoming in of a New Year.


Queen Luna stood at her Alter for this special ceremony arms raised. Beside her was her student, Harmony Spirit. On her other side was the Midnight blue Alicorn, with a mane of shadows, dressed in dark robes, like a cultist. His haunted Moon yellow eyes looked onto the sight of the real Moon. He wore no smile, but in his eyes they seemed to reflect his deeply buried joy. So in love was he, with the night and everything it brought.

Queen Luna lowered her arms and turned, looking at her student then to Star Shadows. "Another wonderful year is on its way" She said.

"Welcomed with arms wide open" Harmony said.

Star Shadows stayed silent, just watching the sky.

"You know, if you would like too,” Luna began. “Next year, you can do it as you had before, Star. I know how you enjoyed your duties in my absence"

He turned, and shook his head. "As I am no longer Star Light, nor am I at liberty to enjoy the duties he once performed"

"You worry too much. In a short time I was welcomed back, and you were too. You redeemed yourself, and I welcome your assistance. It is a new year. One of them, you should allow yourself to let go of your mistakes. It is what we celebrate this for. Ponies and creatures of all kinds come together, to forgive and forget” When it seemed he still did not accept her words, she went on. “Old hates and rivalries undone, and friendships forged. Allow yourself to be open to all options, even if you do not agree with others choices or opinions, if you are open minded and kind, you will find yourself with a whole new world of enjoyment"

He nodded, but with little enthusiasm. "I was nothing till your Sister gave me all that I was, and I betrayed her..."

"Let's not dwell on our pasts," Harmony started. "We all have dark sides. Make peace, and smile. I've done it, Luna has done it, and I'm sure there are those out there who have too. This year, will be a great year, if we all let ourselves enjoy it!"


Gilda was with Dash but surrounded by her friends, and their friends. She allowed herself to smile, and enjoy this night. Did not matter if it was only for tonight, she felt she had some friends. Especially with the pink mare, who seem to stick close to her the rest of the night.